Flying Lessons By Ebonhawk It was 7:45 and he was late. She didn't expect anything else After all, he was supposed to be the big shot alpha in this den and she was supposed to be just another vixen with a goth hard on and a hot body. He wasn't supposed to treat her with the respect that any full grown wolf would expect. So what if she had set the meet for 8:00. All the other wolf boys at least tried to make a good impression on her by arriving a good half hour early. Then she saw him in the sky. Zephyrm wasn't that easy to see so far up. His gray coat was barely distinguishable from the clouds. He didn't seem to be moving very fast. In fact, she noted, that he seemed to be just flittering in the wind. She was not going to wait all day for him to get tired of playing around though. "By pryric power, for Lysser's mirth, bring to my paw a crimson birth" Fire exploded from her outstretched 4-fingered paw. It traveled up to the heavens like a fiery lighting bolt from ground to air. She smiled at the successful spell – even if it was a little cantrip. She mused to herself, " That will teach him to keep a mystic kitsune waiting." Her smile at her handy work were short lived. Zephyrm saw the bolt and circled up into a wing over wing spiral that left a large section of sky between himself and the flame. She was truly upset. She didn't want to hurt the big lummox but then he didn't have to go and try and make it look like her spell was nothing either. She put her paws on her hips and looked skyward. She didn't know if he could see her actions but she had to do something to show her displeasure. She couldn't see it but it was there She knew it. She wanted to fly up to him and smack that stupid lupine smile off his face. But that was why she was enduring his arrogance. Zephyrm was supposed to teach her how to fly. It took at least a good eternity for the wolf to land. Almost a minute, if she could trust her internal clock. When he did he held his arms outstretched to her. She hated this part. She knew that he was just sniffing her and it was something that both canaidae fur types shared as a greeting but she wanted to invite his embrace. That way she could get this relationship off to a good start – with her in charge. "Good to see you, Lyssa", he said, "Are you ready to learn to fly?" "Of course, I am. I just want to do this before I turn 40, okay.", she quipped at him. He released her and stood back, "Make your wings then." "From the heart of aerie with an eagle's stride place upon me an Icarian pride" The air around the vixen shimmered and glowed as from her back grew a pair of white wings. Once the spell had run it's course, Lyssa had to admire herself. The spell worked perfectly. The wings not only matched her artic fox fur pattern, they improved her look. When she looked back to Zephyrm, the wolf was already pawing at her wings and shaking his head at what he found. "No. Not good enough. These are too thin, they won't support your weight. And the vein won't give you a good air flow.", he clamed. "I don't need wings to fly I could just cast a spell.", she scolded. "If you are knocked unconscious airborne and have to save yourself, if you have wings you'll live.", He said She knew he was right. Casting spells is not really something that can be done when falling to Earth. Still she wasn't doing to tell him that. Zephyrm turned her around and used his claw to make a rune in the fur of her back. Lyssa felt her mystic aura being manhandled. She tried to resist it but he was much the stronger mage and he accomplished the deed before she could do much about it. Her wings grew longer at the tips and thicker overall. She didn't want to say they looked sexier but she knew that they were because they were on her. Zephyrm nodded his head in approval. "That's better. Now there is nothing to flight, just remember, flap hard and you go in that direction. Don't flap and you go down. Follow my moves and you won't have a problem. If you do just mind call me. To take off, jump at the knees and flap your wings." The wolf jumped up and flapped his wings and he was airborne. He made a little circle and waited for her. Lyssa took a deep breath. She jumped up and flapped her wings as fast as she could. Lyssa expected to land back on the ground but she didn't. The ground was far below her. She was flying. Zephyrm flew to her and grabbed her paws. A huge smile was on his muzzle. He lead her higher into the sky. Lyssa looked down and saw the ground falling away from her feet. She began to flap her wings harder. And soon the couple had passed into through the clouds. Once they had the clouds below them, he let Lyssa go. She panicked for a moment. He flew in front of her and met her eyes with his own. She was scared but she wouldn't let him see that. She looked back at him staring him down. Then he smiled. She realized that she was hovering. She wanted to smack him for being so smug. She reached out to hit him and he flew away. She flew after him. He flew all around trying to get away from her. She followed him. Then he stopped. She tried to stop but she couldn't. She flapped directly away from him but it was as if the air was pushing her into him. When she thought she was doing to hit he caught he in a big hug. "You really are good at this but I think that you have had enough for one day.", he smiled "What do you mean? It's only been an hour. Let's keep going" "I'll see you tomorrow." "No I want to learn more now!" Zephyrm sighed. "So that you can take Eleria on in the next election. Just knowing how to fly will not impress the bird furs enough to overcome my objections and you will lose." "You knew. So, why are you helping that stupid duck femme. At least, I am a canine. Why don't you help me?" "I like you and you are sexy and sweet but right now you are too impulsive. You have to learn to think things through before you will become a good leader." "You're full of it. You just want to keep her vote. Well, I am going to take her out and then you are going to be sorry", Lyssa growled at him Lyssa flew off towards her home. Zephyrm had tried to say something to her but she didn't care. She was almost half way home when she saw Perry flying below her. Lyssa flew down to her friend. She hoped to surprise the hawk femme, but was herself surprised when Perry just flew straight up to her. Lyssa told Perry everything and she expected her girlfriend to be on her side. She was shocked when Perry said, "You know. I think the old wolf got you pegged." "What? How can you say that?" "It's true. How many times have you tried to pounce on me only to eat dirt because I can always hop out of the way." "That is not fair" "Look I'm just now getting back from work so let's talk about this over tea at my place, okay." With that the hawk fur dove toward her home and then landed in front of her door. Lyssa saw her friend land and then realized that she never did learn how to land, herself. She thought about calling Perry, but decided not to. After all, Perry did it and she saw Zephyrm do it. It couldn't be that hard. Lyssa dove toward the earth. Everything was going great. This was going to be simple. Then Lyssa saw a shrub grow into a maple tree. Lyssa realized that she was falling a lot faster then she thought. She tried to stop. She flapped her wings. And then added her arms. Then she tried to add twealing her tails. Still the ground came up to greet her. *SMACK* Everything hurt. Nothing was broken. She looked up and Perry was looking down at her. "You left before he taught you how to land?", Perry asked. Lyssa didn't say anything. She just finger thumped the stupid ground. Perry doubled over laughing. And somewhere, he was laughing too. She wanted to hate that wolf-bird, but she couldn't help wanting to see him again.