“Dog Days”


June 6th

            Oh what a boring day today is. Everyone is just lying around the house reading a book or watching TV, having a big ole’ fan blowing on them. Everyone except me of course, I’m just lying on my bed sweating to death. No one seems to notice that I have a big pile of drool on the floor. Oh well, I don’t have to clean it up. It’s too hot to play catch or chase a Frisbee, too hot to even not play them. Nothing really else to say today; guess I’ll take a nap.


June 7th

              Guess what? I had the greatest breakfast ever! It was so delicious, much better than the usual meal. It wasn’t all dry and hard but juicy and tender. You would never know how much I enjoyed it.

            It’s not so hot today, so I’m lying under the big oak tree in the backyard. I chased a few squirrels, but they just scrambled up the tree. So know I’m relaxing in the shade watching Mr. Morrison make cheeseburgers. Mmm, the smell is exhilarating! I’d die if I could get my teeth on one. I’d do a back flip for one! I’d even kiss a cat! Wait! He burned one! Yes! Now I get to have a scrumptious burger, all to my self…


June 8th

            The family is going on a trip to Las Vegas and leaving poor me behind. They told me the neighbors will check in on me, but you know neighbors, they never do. Luckily they left me a big bag of food to eat, and I’m not stupid like some, I won’t eat it all in one day. I’ll make rations so it lasts me the 2 weeks they’re gone.

            Well, it’s that time again, time for my daily nap!


June 9th

            They’re gone! I hope they come back! You can never trust these people, you know. My momma said, she heard about this family that left her friend’s friend of a friend at home and never came back! She almost starved to death! But, luckily, she ran away and was caught by a nice young couple and taken to a better home. I don’t want to run away! That would be terrible. I’d miss the Morrisons so much! Sure, they’re stupid but, hey, what do you expect?


June 10th

            Day 2 of them gone! I still have most of my food left, but I forgot about my water supply! What if I run out? I can’t work the kitchen sink! The bathroom doors are locked, what am I to do? I hope I don’t have a nervous break down from all this, I’m too tense to take my nap, and the Morrisons never put in a door for me to get out of!


June 14th

            Sorry for not writing the past 3 days, I’ve been too worried to write. I have only have a bit of water left! That leaves me 11 7 9 6 more days! It is not fun to be home alone! This is bad, very bad. I think I’m going to go rummage the garbage, you actually think they were going to take the trash out? Yeah right.


June 15th

            Yay! My best buddy in the whole world came over! He’s standing at the window, wonder how to get him in or to get me out? I know! I’ll have him climb up trellis to the upstairs window which is very easy to open. The perfect plan! I’ll tell you what we do tomorrow, okay?


June 16th

            I’m so tired, I can barely write. We stayed up very late yelling at the neighbors. They think they’re better then us! They’re stinking mixed! Me and ole’ Charlie are 100% purebreds! You can’t get better than that! Then our neighbor’s family was yelling at us too, and threw a shoe at us! How rude! They even said some very naughty words! That wasn’t very nice, I’ll have to give them a present later…


June 17th

            Nothing to say, taking a very long nap today, I lost a lot of sleep the other day. Not much water is left either; I might have to break down that door.


June 18th

            I’m so thirsty! I’m going to die! This is bad, very bad, where are they? I’m about to chew the sofa open! That will ruin my reputation! I never chewed anything, peed on the floor or anything! Oh the misery, I think I’ll go lie on Mr. and Mrs. Morrison’s bed. I don’t really care anymore. Maybe I’ll wet it, yeah, that’ll teach them…


June 20th

            One more day until they’re back, and I only have about one drop of water! By the time I try drink it, it’ll have evaporated! Just my luck.

            Now there’s this stupid gray squirrel staring at me through the window, he’s laughing his fluffy tail off, because I walked into a wall. It’s not my fault! I’m so weak! Sure I have food, but I’m dehydrating here! I’m so dizzy; I hope they come back tomorrow.


June 21st

            It’s so hot. I wish I knew how to work that air conditioner; what I’d do for a thumb! The Morrisons should be home soon, they’re usually on time.

            I hope they tell me how their trip was. What do you do in Las Vegas anyway? Maybe, they’re buying me a big steak! Or a giant dog bone; a dinosaur bone!

            Hey, I hear the door opening! I’m going to go jump on Mrs. Morrison, she hates that.


June 22nd

            Oh my gosh!! Mrs. Morrison has a child! She named her Ruth, after Mr. Morrison’s aunt’s cousin’s uncle’s mother’s sister’s cousin (twice removed.)

            She is, I have to say, very cute. She even has her giant hazel eyes open. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and she started crying! Mrs. Morrison yelled at me and sent me outside. I don’t understand how Ruth would hate a kiss from me.


June 23rd

            It’s so nice to have my family back. And I have fresh water! No more moldy water for me, no, no.

But I don’t get it every time I try to get near little Ruth, I get yelled at. Then Mr. and Mrs. Morrison go into the kitchen and have a conversation, I presume about me. I can’t quite make out what they are saying, though. It seems very serious. I hear bits about sleeping (I love that!) and leaving. I don’t want to leave! It wouldn’t be fair; all the things I’ve done for them!


June 24th

            I slept most of the day, nothing to say really. Ruth did cry a lot, however.


June 25th

            I tried to go see Ruth today, but I got the same reaction from Mr. and Mrs. Morrison: I got sent outside. I don’t get it at all! I stared at them through the glass door. Mr. Morrison called on the phone, I don’t know who. Mrs. Morrison stood by him very forlorn, I’m getting worried. She kept glancing at me.


June 26th

            They’re taking me somewhere today. They won’t tell me where, though. They said I’m going to have a very long “rest.” I’ll tell you about it when I get back. I hope I get a pillow…











If you haven’t figured it out by now, our poor diary writer is a dog and he has been put to sleep. The Morrisons didn’t want Ruth to get injured.

(This isn’t a true story, but probably has happened.L)