Chapter 1: The Colombian – 6:00am – Two Days Before Christmas
copyright Eric Chambers
no redisribution, reposting, or altering w/o permission

   Bob sits at the bar with a cup of water; Tara is behind him.

   Tara (slamming her paw on the counter): I will not be ignored, you rat bastard!

   Bob (after sipping from the cup of water): Fuck you.

   Tara (unsheathing her claws on the counter): What did you say, you rat fuck?!

   Bob (just as quickly unsheathing a rather large silver survival knife from his coat pocket, and placing the tip of it on Tara’s chest): You insult me again and you’ll see for yourself we’re all the same on the inside.

   Tara glares into his eyes for a second, picks her claws off the counter (leaving behind scratch marks on the artificial wood), and storms out the font door.

  Enter Polly from the double door leading to the kitchen.

   Bob (looking at the front door, holsters his knife and closes his coat): Bitch.

  Polly (noticeably tired from working the night before, looks at Bob, then at the closing door): Try not to piss her off too much, it scares the customers.

  Bob (sips his water): What customers?

  Polly (acting hurt): Oh, har har, cue the laugh track.

  Bob sits staring at his cup.

  Polly (smacking Bob in the head with a towel and smiling): It was a joke, silly boy.

  Bob (rubbing the back of his neck and still looking at his cup): Oh...sorry.

  Polly: now cleaning the counter, and noticing the scratch marks): Wanna tell me what that was all about between you and her?

  Bob (sips his water) Daddy didn’t get her a new car, she came to complain...I was less than receptive.

  Polly (playfully smacking Bob in the face with a towel again): Anyone ever tell you your cute when your sarcatic?

  Bob (picking up his head a little and under his breath): Thanks.

  Polly (turns around, picks up a crate of glasses, walks to the kitchen door, and turns around to Bob with a smile): Let me know when customers who aren’t in my imagination show up. (Laughs softly to herself and the door closes)

  Now the shop is empty except for Bob, who sips his water.

  Bob (as the scene fades out): That’s me in the corner...that’s me in the spotlight...losing my religion...trying to keep up with you...and I don’t know if I can do it...oh no, I’ve said too much...I haven’t said enough...