Max & Devon -(3)- " The locker Room Moment" By FirestormSix™ " THE LOCKER ROOM MOMENT" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Still Smilling even a week after seeing the restoration of my car, that Max and the others seceretly performed during the days i worked. It has been very busy at the garage since I began working there with Max, with all of us forging in long, late hours, even through many weekends. Today , it was finaly a little slower than the recent weeks, meaning we had a little time to relax during the evening. As i finished cleaning up the tools after an oil change for a customer, Max walked in from the office. " Hey guys, we all need a break, lets close up early today !" yelled Max from across the garage. Chuck looked at me, " Sounds cool to us hey Dev ? !" Well the sooner we get the place cleaned up, the sooner we can hit the beer store." I laughed. After we finished sweeping the floors a shower was greatly needed, to get the mud and grease out of my hair.... grained in from crawling under a dirty van that needed a muffler replacement. At the moment i walked in the locker room, Max was standing there beside a locker, with him facing away from the locker room's enterance, in nothing more than a pair of jogging shorts after removing his coveralls. I paused for a moment in front of my locker to look at him.... Its like somthing had frozen me in time. "Dev !" ...I snapped out of it when Chuck patted me on the shoulder... " Wake up, you look like a statue." smirked the cheetah. ...Max looked over his shoulder at me with a grin. " Sorry guys, i dont' know what came over me, i guess i was day dreaming or somthing. " i mumbled embarasingly. It was a short drive into town where the beer store was, then back to Max's house, where we could finally relax with a cold beer after a long day at work. We all were sitting around the living room chatting when Elsa came in with some freshly barbequed t-bone steaks and roasted potatoes for us. " Hello guys, how was work today ? " asked Elsa. " Hi sis !... it was a busy and hectic day, but sure good to be home now. We finished up early so we decided to relax the rest of the day." smiled Max. We all sat at the table to enjoy Elsa's delicious cooking,...certainly better than i could ever have done with a barbeque. After the the dinner was done and the table cleaned up, Chuck left to go home and Elsa had to go into town. While Max was tending to some paper work at his desk I decided to go upstairs to my room to lie down on the bed and relax a little. As i lay on my bed, the picture of Max in the locker room standing facing backwards to me kept flashing through my mind..... almost repeatedly like an image burned into a television screen after years on the same channel. ..There was somthing about seeing him stand there today, like a force that grabbed me and held me frozen in time. The sight of his muscular body,...a majestic creature of strength and wisdom, a lion whos appearance alone grabs my soul. " What is it,....that keeps these images circulating through my head... ?" i thought to myself. Obviously somthing,........somthing very strong. I sat up on the bed, and grabbed my sketch book.... then began to sketch a picture of Max, the great lion standing in the locker room. There was indeed somthing attracting me to him,... was it the fact he is one of the large felines in my dreams and drawings ? .... was it his warm, passionate personality....or was it somthing more....... Whatever it is, i never felt like this before. I sat there for over an hour scratching the picture of him in my note book, and almost had it completed when a knock came on the door. " Hey Devon, everything ok ?" .... It was Max at the door. " Hi Max ! i'm fine, come on in." I quickly closed the sketch book as Max walked in. "I seen you walk up stairs over an hour ago and I wanted check to make sure that you were ok, I thought maybe you were not feeling well." " I'm ok Max, I just wanted to relax a little after dinner" "I know all about the after eating layziness syndrome kiddo, its a common thing for us lions." chuckles Max. " I see you have your sketch book out, been working on some new stuff Dev ?" - Now thinking to will be very difficult to say no, as I had my sketch book in one hand, and a pencil in the other. " Not much really, I was just fiddling with some sketches, nothing really fancy." I said softly to Max. " Can i have a look at your sketches again ?... I only looked through it briefly before" Asked Max as he sat on the corner of the bed beside me. Suddenly it was the fate of embarassment that rushed through me as i handed him my sketch book. I know i couldn't say no to him, and a sudden thought shot through me because of what was his reaction going to be when he found the very recent sketch of him in the locker room earlier today. I rolled over to lay down on the bed while Max viewed through through my sketch book. " These are all very cool devon, I see you have a great fondness for my kind" smiled the lion. As he opened the last page containing the recent sketch of him i began to feel like a sinking ship, so i rolled over quietly to face the wall.... trying not to let him notice my face turn red from embarassment, knowing all to well that the sketch i drew of him in the locker room would surely spark some unusual thoughts and questions form Max. The fiew seconds of silence felt like an hour.... almost deafening, waiting to hear his reaction to the drawing. " This new one is really nice Dev, it certainly looks like me. You are very good at drawing". Chuckled Max. I kept my face to the wall to hide my blushing from him, and not to let him see the look of my expression. Suddenly, i felt a lion's huge pawhand on my shoulder... " You shouldnt' feel bad kiddo....I knew what you been feeling towards me, .... I could sense it for some time now. Remember, i am a lion, us felines can sense many things in others around us. We can sense fear, sadness, happiness, love, anger, .....and we can sense attraction & love aswell." I almost stopped breathing when i heard Max say that. Almost like a warm rush flowed over my body... now knowing that he could sense my attraction to him. Slowly i rolled over on my back to look at him...... he then layed down on his side, gently resting his huge head.... chin down on my chest. I was nearly unable to speak as i looked into his big, glowing eyes. " Right now i sense some arousal from you Dev....and a little fear too". whispered Max in a deep voice. I was frozen speachless as the huge lion looked into my eyes. I could feel his warm breath on my face as our noses were only inches apart. " Its ok Devon,,,,, you shouldnt' feel ashamed or afraid." The feeling that was going through me now was like somthing i never felt before. My body was almost sort of tingling in a very unique way. Max moved a little closer... I could feel his big strong tail tapping my foot as he began to gently lick at my neck & under my chin. It made me a little nervous, as the thought of fact that Max is a Lion after all, .....there must be still some instict in him, his huge teeth and all so close to my neck.... " I still sense some fear in you..." whispered Max. " ...You know i would never do anything to hurt you in any way.....I care about you alot and i am your friend always kiddo". As i began to cautiosly & slowly run my fingers through his thick, beautiful mane, some things were going through my mind.... the thought of having this huge, handsome lion lay with me was utterly electrifing. The feeling of his warm, soft fur against my legs...and his tongue gently licking at my neck was somewhat soothing. Though it felt rough like sandpaper, but still gentle enough to feel really good. " Are you ok with all this Max ?" I asked quietly as I lightly stroked his mane. " Yes my friend...Im' fine with it all, as long as you are ok". Smiled Max as he lightly scritched my head. I felt good that other things began to happen...I was getting very aroused by this great lion. With my imagination wandering, I wonder if he noticed my stiffening manhood that i could no longer prevent from occuring...more embarasment set in. " I sense you are enjoying this alot Devon... " said the lion in a gentle, deep voice. " Yes Max..... I really do." i muttered softly. Max slowly sat up, then gently climed onto the bed.... He then crawled down to the lower half, and came to a rest between my knees, with his head facing me over my abdomen, and his elbows resting on the bed straddling my hips..... With his nose he gently pushed up my t-shirt. I felt hypnotized as Max began to lightly lick at my tummy. Now he had to know that i was very arroused by him, as i could feel my hard member pressing against his chest. The lion started to move slowly down closer to my beltline...licking ever so gently at my belly. It almost tickled, but felt enticing & relaxing. My fingers were lightly stroking through the lion's mane on top of his head, as he continued to subdue me in a way i never felt before. ...Suddenly i heard what sounded like a pager beep... My eyes opened at the same time Max jumped up to pull the pager out of his cargo shorts side pocket. " Anthony is paging me, I have to go give him a call back to see what he wanted, - i will be back in a minute kiddo." grinned Max as he winked at me on his way out my bedroom door to get the phone. I stayed lying on the bed staring at the sketch book thinking about what it would be like... it possible for two different species to have an attraction for each it even possible for more than an sex. In my own mind i finally realized that i was more than merely attracted to Max, .... I wanted to do more with him... but things like risks, size difference....the fact that we were from a completely different race kept flashing through my head. I know what i wanted.... I wanted to do it with this lion.... i wanted to make love to him....but is this possible, would he have allowed it... or can we even do it. I know that i could be the one to mount him, but could he do it with me.... the horrors of the thougt of a lion's anotomy when it comes to his malehood, i have heard & read the things about the barbs that were supposed to be there......and his size......he's abviously a big guy....but none of that seemed to really matter to me.....i dreamed of him regardless of the pain & discomfort that i could face. " Hey buddy, i have to go to the shop to grab the service jack, and bring it out to Anthony , he needs it just outside of town to change a tire on a heavy rig. You like to come along ?" asked Max after he got off the phone with Anthony. " Sure Max ! to go along." I smiled, Wondering to myself as Max and I got aboard the truck.....what would have we done if he never got that phone call from the tiger. Would we have done nothing more than layed there on my bed together for the rest of the evening ? .... or would have somthing more happened. In my thoughts i hoped it would have been more....I have come to realize and accept that i am very attracted to Max alot.....even sexually...... To Be Continued..........