Title - After Hours Author - anonymous 2006 All characters © FirestormSix ™ ----------------------------- Devon pulled hard on the wrench one last time. The oil filter finally gave and as it loosened, a stream of black gook ran from the opening and down the mechanic's arm. “Damn!”, Devon exclaimed as he slid himself from under the old car and reached for the rag that was laying on his toolbox. It was late and the garage was quiet. This was the only time the young human had time to work on his own projects as the days were pretty much long and busy. Devon stood back and admired the bodywork his friends had done on his car. Sure, the 67 Mustang still needed some work under the hood but no one had ever done something that nice for him before. Devon looked up at the garage office where the lion-man would usually be working late on the days finances. He noticed the light was left on and thought it was strange since both Max and Chuck the cheetah had gone for the weekend to attend the big car show. The young mechanic had been working for Max for over 9 months now and over time his attraction to the 7 foot tall lion grew stronger. Not only was Max hansom and regal looking but his personality was always friendly, warm and very laid back. Devon always enjoyed being in Max's company and wondered what it would be like to be even closer to him, even intimate with him. Devon snapped out of his daydream and finished the much needed oil change. He also made a mental note to turn off the office light when he left for the night but first he needed a shower. Although the bathroom was not that large, it boasted a rather impressive 8 foot square shower stall. Devon thought this made sense since the owner of the garage was a large fur-covered creature. He also knew Max and Chuck sometimes showered together after a grimy day's work. Devon unzipped his gym bag and pulled out a fresh towel and began to remove his clothes. He had just pulled down his boxers when he heard a cheerful gruff voice enter the room behind him. “How's the Mustang coming along? Did you get that timing belt problem fixed?” The startled mechanic quickly turned around to see Max enter the washroom. “What are you doing here?”, Devon blurted out as he sat down on the bench and grabbed his towel to cover himself. “I thought you and Chuck went to the car show for the weekend.” Max didn't seem to care that Devon was naked and casually replied, “I went over my finances and decided I can't afford another investment right now and going to the show would have been too tempting. So, I decided to stay and work late and balance my books. I saw you working hard on the car and didn't want to disturb you”. The big cat then pulled off his dusty shirt and sat down next to the embarrassed mechanic and began to remove his shoes. “Yeah… I saw your office light on and…”, Devon pondered the current situation for a moment. “Max, what are you doing?” “It's late. I'm dirty. I was going to take a shower before heading home. I assume by your own appearance, you were also.” The lion then reached down and pulled off his sox. “If I had known, I could have waited…”, Devon swallowed hard as Max stood up and began to unbutton his pants. “I'll just put on my coveralls and wait out in the shop for…” “Don't be ridiculous”, Max interrupted. “It's a big stall. If it can fit both Chuck and me I'm sure it will fit the both of us”. The lion then clipped his thumbs into his underwear and pulled them down to his knees and let them drop to the floor. It was all Devon could do to not stare at the pair of muscular lion buttocks that loomed only a few feet from his face. He tried looking away and thinking of something unpleasant to keep from revealing his excited state to his leonine friend. “It's okay. I don't mind waiting.” “Are you forgetting who pays the water bill around here?” Max turned and faced Devon. “There's nothing to be shy about here. Chuck and I shower together all the time.” Nothing to be shy about indeed Devon thought to himself as he glanced over the lion's naked fur covered body. The soft light of the bathroom accentuated his powerful yet sleek definition. Max was more beautiful than Devon could have imagined. The fur down his chest and belly that was usually covered up by a t-shirt or cover-alls was now fully exposed tracing down a muscular chest and abdomen to a tuft of pubic fur that cradled an impressive sized sheath and dangling velvet covered ball sack. The nervous human concentrated to suppress his excitement and decided it would be better to take a shower with his friend rather than embarrass himself more or insult Max by declining his invitation. He got up and tossed his towel on the bench and entered the stall. Max eyed the naked human with a smile as he entered the shower after him. “I hope you like it hot! It takes a lot to penetrate this fur”. He turned on the faucet and the stall began to fill with soothing spray and steam. The air began to fill with the scent of Max's wet fur. Devon breathed it in deeply. It smelled wonderful. He had to face away from the wet lion to try and suppress his groin's urges to erect. He squeezed out some liquid soap and began bathing himself while every once in a while a wet furry appendage would touch some part of his back. Although the stall was big, Max still took up a lot of space while washing himself. “Devon, would you mind doing my back?” “Your back?” “Yeah. Chuck and I usually wash each other's backs. It's easier than trying to do it ourselves. Do you mind?” Devon turned around to see Max already leaning up against the opposite stall wall with his large wet furry back facing him. Devon swallowed hard and tried to sound calm, “Sure, I can do that.” “Thanks. Just squirt on some liquid soap and use your fingers to work it in.” Devon took the soap and drizzled it onto the lions back. The site of the wet furry beast with his hands up against the wall and streams of ivory running down his back was almost too much for the excited human to bear. He leaned forward being careful not to let his groin touch Max's tail or buttocks and began to work the soap into the dense soft fur. “Ooh, that feels good!” The big cat moaned. “I'm used to Chuck claws so don't be afraid to work it in as hard as you can”. Devon complied, rubbing and clawing his fingers harder and deeper into the soapy fur. The lather made it easier for him to feel the firm muscles that lay beneath and it felt wonderful. “Start at the shoulders.” Devon moved his hands up under Max's mane to his shoulders. “How's this?” “Very nice.” The lion replied.“Now work your way down.” Devon worked the lather aggressively, enjoying the sensation of the slick fur between his fingers, the firm muscles that lay beneath and the pleasurable sounds Max was making. This had to be a dream… but it was real. When he reached the small of the lion's back, Max leaned forward even more pushing his rump further out and his tail slowly swayed nearly brushing up against the human's expanding member. “Lower” the lion moaned once again. Devon's heart raced. He worked his fingers down to the base of the tail and upper buttocks. In response the lion arched his back and swayed his hips from side to side. “Ahhhhhh that feels nice!” Max's tail swayed and lifted between the human's thighs. Devon reached down and stopped it before it reached his groin and stepped back. “All done back there?” Max exclaimed as he began to turn around. “Then I guess it's my turn to do your back.” Devon spun around in time to prevent Max from seeing his half erect member. “That's okay, I can do my own…” “Nonsense! I am more than happy to return the favor.” Devon didn't have a chance to reply as cool streams began running down his own back. He closed his eyes in anticipation of what was to come next. Two large wet paws began working his shoulders, their claws only gently caressing his bare skin. It felt wonderful. “You're so smooth.” Max spoke under his breath. “I am used to doing Chuck's back so I've only ever felt wet fur before. Not having fur must feel really nice.” “Right now, your wet arm fur feels great on my back, like a soft sponge.” “You like that?” “Oh yeah!” “Hmmm…” the lion moaned. “Okay then, lets try something I think you might like better then.” Devon heard the soap bottle spattering soap but didn't feel anything. He next heard the sounds of wet fur lathering. “What are you doing?” “No peeking!” the lion softly groaned. “Now brace yourself against the wall.” Devon's heart beat faster as he put his arms up against the wall for support hoping his excitement was not in view of his friend. Suddenly two large arms wrapped themselves across his chest and his back was engulfed by Max's wet, soapy, furry torso. “How's THIS for a back sponge?” the lion chuckled. Devon's knees weakened and his heart raced as the lion rubbed himself all over his friend's back. “That feels wonderful! “You feel pretty good yourself.” Max returned as he began to rub his paws up and down Devon's slick chest and abdomen only inches from his raging hard-on. There was no stopping it. The sloshing and splatting sounds and intense feeling of wet soapy fur against bare skin was overpowering. Devon moaned with pleasure as Max squeezed tighter with his arms and moved his body more vigorously against the human's back. First side to side then up and down, faster and faster. Devon could feel Max's sheath slightly brushing against the top of his ass and with each motion it brushed harder and harder until he felt something smoother and warmer rubbing up against his tailbone. Max stopped abruptly then quickly pulled himself off of Devon. “Oh shit! Devon, I am so sorry!” Devon was still hard so he only looked over his shoulder at his friend who was standing back covering his crotch with his paws. “Max, what's wrong?” “Chuck and I shower all the time and this never happened before. I mean I never got…” Devon could see the lion was very upset and embarrassed. All along Devon was hiding his own erection as if such a thing was so horribly wrong among close friends. Max was his friend and it grieved him to see the lion in such a state over something as natural as male physical excitement. Devon briefly pondered the situation, took a deep breath and turned around to face his worried friend. “So, what seems to be the problem anyway?” Max's eyes widened at the site of his human friend spouting a rock hard, almost 7 inch erection. “You got a boner too!?” “Max, of course I got a boner. I got a full body sponge bath by an attractive lion that felt great. How could I not?” The confused lion just stood there still holding himself. “But we were just showering and having fun. I didn't mean for this to happen. I also didn't want you to feel I was taking advantage of you or anything.” “Advantage? I was having just as much fun but admit that I was also a little embarrassed to show it.” Devon gave his friend a reassuring smile. “We're guys with dicks that sometimes have minds of their own. What we did felt good. It doesn't have to mean anything more than that.” Max chuckled, “Minds of their own …” He slowly moved his paws away from his groin revealing a slick 9 inch fully erect cock. It was more human shaped than lion and not as thick as Devon's but the length made up for that. “Wow!” Devon exclaimed. “I knew you were handsome but that is one impressive piece of meat you have there!” “You think so?” the lion replied with a smile. “your's looks pretty nice too. So what do we do about this now?” “Well these aren't going to go away by themselves so I'll make you a bet.” “A bet!?” “Yeah! Lets jerk these things home and last one to cum pays for dinner.” Max didn't wait for a ‘go' but grabbed his rod and began pumping. “you're on!” “No fair! Head start!” Devon grabbed his own member and started milking it feverishly. “So tell me. Have… have you ever done THIS with Chuck?” Max placed his left arm over his friend's shoulder while still whacking as fast as he could. His breathing became heavier. “No, I can… honestly… say, no. We're close… but not THIS close.” The response warmed Devon inside. He changed to his left hand and put his right arm behind the lion's back and began fondling his tight wet furry ass while being careful not to venture into uninvited places. “You realize… that is only going… mmmmmghh… to help me win!” the lion moaned. “Maybe, “, Devon replied breathlessly, “but it's helping… me also!” he could feel his furry friend becoming more tense as he trusted his pelvis forcefully with each stroke of his palm. Paying for dinner would be worth seeing the lion cum first. Max's body shuddered and Devon felt his ass cheeks suddenly tighten, “Ooh... fuck yeah!” the lion growled as the first stream of cum shot from his dick, splashing 3 feet across the stall onto the wall. Devon was close but the site of his friend cumming drove him even closer. Max yelled out one more time as jet after jet of his clear white seed spilled out across the steam filled stall. As the lion's orgasm settled, Devon felt his friends weight shift onto his shoulders. He supported his spent friend with his right arm and at that point his own body began to tremble. “That's it!” the human exclaimed as he leaned back and let his first load soot straight up, landing back on his fist. He almost lost his balance under Max's weight. “Ohhhh, Mmmmmgh.” He grunted as cum-shot after cum-shot splashed onto the stall floor. “Mmmmmgh! Holly shit!... That was... intense!” “No kidding.” Max replied still trying to catch his breath. “Looks like you owe me dinner” Devon shook the white goo from his hand still breathing heavily, “My pleasure Max!” The lion regained his strength and turned and embraced his friend. “Thanks for that Devon.” Devon felt his cock press against the lion's but now it didn't matter. There was no shame or embarrassment. There was only two friends enjoying each other's company. “So, you feel like a pizza?” Max smiled, “No I feel like a wet mop but Pizza sounds good.” END