- - - Devon meets Max Lyon - - - (Chapter 2) " Devons Birthday Gift " by Firestorm Six ™ ........I awakened to birds chirping and the warm morning sun shining through the open window... and the smell of fresh buttermilk pancakes in the air .......along with a nasty headache due to the bulging bump I got on my head. At first I started to think it was all a dream, ...until I noticed a picture of the magestic lion and some of his friends on the wall. A tap came on the bedroom door.... " Are you awake Devon? " ............ " Yes, come in, " I replied, as I finished putting on my clothes. The big, beautiful lioness came in and sat on the bed beside me, " Good morning! " How are you feeling Devon ? " asked Elsa as she inspected the cut on my face. " I'm good... just a little headache though" I replied. ....... " I have some pain reliever in the washroom, it's up in the medicine cabinet, take a couple of those, and come on down stairs for breakfast when you are ready ". "Thanks Elsa, I appreciate what you done for me". ...... "I'm happy to help! " Replied Elsa, as she gave me a scruff on the shoulders, and went down stairs to finish preparing breakfast. After putting on my clothes, I went to the washroom to have a shower and get a couple of the pills to relieve my headache. Smelling the freshly brewed coffee & pancakes, I went down stairs...still limping a little, but feeling much better than the night before. "Good morning Devon,... have a cup of coffee while Elsa makes breakfast" said Max. "Good morning Max" I said softly. "Have you met Chuck, he works in my shop with me," ...I then noticed a slender built cheetah sitting in front of a computer in the living room going through some online shop manuals. "Hi Devon! Great to meet you !" smiled Chuck. Still in sort of disbelief of the fact that the great felines of Africa have become civilized and learned the ways of man and live like man.... As I sat down at the kitchen table to sip on a coffee with Max & chuck....The front door opened. In the shadow of the glowing morning sun, a human figure wearing a cap and a red pair of grease stained coveralls stood, holding a gleaming chrome wrench in one hand, and a grease-covered coffee mug in the other. He stepped in and took off the coveralls and hung them by the door. "Morning", said the man, ....as he continued to place the wrench on a mat by the door,..... "Oh, Devon, this is Jesse. " Said Max. "Hi Devon, nice mustang you have.... to bad about the accident....it will need a lot of work to rebuild, Max told me about you and your ordeal this morning". Spoke Jesse. Elsa brought over a heaping plate full of pancakes.... we all sat down and enjoyed breakfast. After watching the little amount of pancakes that Max ate, i had to ask a silly question.... "Max... I noticed you didn't eat much more than I did...I thought Lions could eat almost 30 pounds at a meal ?" I asked. Everybody began to laugh.... " We still can....... but since we have evolved a lifestyle like humans, and have meals 3 times a day, there is no need to. Years ago my ancestors would gorge themselves because they had to, on the plains of Africa lions could have to go a week or more before a kill was made. It was rough life then, but things have changed a lot over the years....... its much better this way.... its healthier, and never get hungry for long periods of time". Said Max. "The friendship and alliance with man has made the quality of life more enjoyable and better for all of us." Quoted Elsa. " We finished our breakfast.... then Max, Chuck, and Jesse took me out to the shop, where they run their business, repairing all kinds of vehicles.....Trucks, cars, motorcycles, snowmobiles, boats, and all kinds of neat stuff. Max took me in the office, and sat me in a chair by his desk, and offered me another coffee. "Devon, ... i have a question for you....how would you like to work with us ?.... we need extra help around here. From what you told me about your experience and your passion for cars, you would enjoy this kind of work. The pay will be good, and you could stay with me for the meantime. I have the extra room, and could be a good start for you towards a new life away from the secluded north you lived in." Said Max. I was shocked.... it was a dream come true.....and to work on the things I love....also to have these great cats take me in with open arms and offer all this to me. "I am forever grateful to you all for the help you offered me....I would be honoured and love to work here! . I quoted. "Maybe I can be able to save up some money to rebuild my beloved father's pride & joy." I said with tears in my eyes. "You sure can ! .....And Chuck, Anthony, Jesse and myself will help you rebuild it." smiled Max. .............................. ........... As a few weeks passed....the new life I had here with Max and the others had my mind fogged with the dream come true, I had almost forgot about the 67 Mustang fastback I had parked somewhere out in the back of the garage amongst other cars & vehicles. Even after 3 weeks, I was still amazed in how these great cats have evolved..... ....Looking across the garage from the workbench wall to the locker hallway ..... I couldn't help but pause and stare at the great lion as he stood on some mornings before he put on his coveralls to start work........gazing at this almost 7 foot tall, muscular, beautiful feline.....who has honed his ability to adapt and move his paws as hands.....His flowing ,dark brown mane trimmed away under his chin & down the front of his muscular neck, but still long at the back, styled in a way that looks utterly handsome & masculine... ....He was a beautiful, muscular, amazing creature who walked up right with grace & skill. I could feel a sense of strength, courage, and wisdom radiating from him......yet he possesses a heart of gold.... full of kindness and gentleness towards humans, other great cats, and animals alike. So amazing a transformation & evolution from a creature, whose ancestors were great predators...equipped with huge teeth and claws to kill anything for food and devour it. I feel my body trembling as I think of what this great cat is capable of doing...yet feel safe & protected by him......to be blessed to have Max and the others as friends.... As I continued to begin work on a pickup-truck in the shop that needed some ball-joints replaced.... at around break time Max, Anthony, Chuck, and Jesse came up to the truck i was working on.... "Devon...we have something to show you". Spoke Max, ... now wondering what this was they had to show me, they all led me out around back of the main shop to another two bay garage building that I never been in. "What is it Max?" ...Speaking nervously, "Wait here with me in front of this bay door, while chuck goes around inside to open it." .... I stood and waited curiously... and then the door began to open....... As the door opened..... I noticed a shadow of a car parked inside.... then the lights came on. It was my car! But something was different.........if my lower jaw wasn't attached to my skull it would have fell off and landed on the ground...there, Sitting in the garage.....Was my fathers 67 mustang.... without any damage whatsoever ! ..... it was painted candy apple red. ....All the accident damage was repaired , and the car looked better than it did in years ! With a shiny new paint job, no rust to be seen anywhere.... Its flowing lines glistened in the light....and the Mustang emblem that was missing for years off the grille was once again there in gleaming chrome as I can remember it many years ago when i was little....I remember my father polishing it with pride. "Max..... Guys ...I don't know what to say !"......I was speechless as tears trickled down my cheeks... I had forgotten about the car over the last fiew of weeks, because I was so busy working to save some money to rebuild the car. This gave Max and the others the time to work on the car and restore it....... For my birthday........Which I also forgot..... was today. A tears came to my eyes, ... I reached to give Max a big hug..... not what knowing his response would be to such closeness.... "Thank you so much Max...I honestly don't know what to say.... " "Your welcome Devon, we did this for your birthday, I knew that car meant alot to you, so we decided to do rebuild it as a surprise, for you, ........Happy birthday Devon !" ...As I held Max in a hug...he held me with his powerfull arms.... I could feel his warm chest rumble as he spoke..... I was very happy to have a friend like him...aswellas Chuck, Anthony, Elsa, and Jesse to have as friends as well. .....Continued in Chapter Three By Firestorm Six©