A Simple Answer By: Fox Cutter 02/14/99: I was starting to understand what Fox meant by 'constantly drowning in paperwork'. I had decided to attempt to further my education, so that when the children were old enough I could take a job. It wasn't a simple task. Not being a citizen, there were endless layers of paperwork to deal with just to get on a list to be considered for any of the universities on Prid, but I was determined to do it. Now that I had passed the House over my sister, I had nothing to do, and it was starting to make me jittery. Being a few weeks from giving birth didn't help matters either. As much as I loved being pregnant, the extra girth was starting to become a hindrance. And while expecting twins, there was always the experience of having them both try to go in two separate directions at once. I wasn't complaining though; the experience was one I would never have refused. Nor would I tell everything about it to Fox, rather I would win our bet, and let him do this next time. Pulling my attention back to the PADDs in front of me, I tried to work on filling them out, but I couldn't keep my attention focused. Something was bothering me, and I couldn't place my finger on it. I had caught a glimpse of a face at the Market the day before. I wasn't even sure why it was bothering me-- I only saw the human's face for a fraction of a second before he was gone. Yet... I could still almost see it, the image playing back over and over again in my mind. There was something there, I wasn't sure what, but there was something. My concentration wasn't going to return to me, not right then at least. So I pushed the PADD away, and started to rise from my chair to get something to eat. When I managed to get to my feet, I was surprised to find Ravindar standing inside the room. The white tiger glanced at me, then around the remainder of the room, all without moving more than his eyes. He was a rarity, a Guild Elder bodyguard watching over Fox. They must have been really worried about him, and what Cain might do. What really got my scruff up was that he would barely even acknowledge my presence. I still was a member of the Guild, even if I didn't like the job. The least he could do was say something to me. Fox came into the room after him. She was in her lioness-morph form, and looked disheveled. Her hair was a mess. The careful braid I had tied that morning was gone, and some of it was flipped over her head and hanging down her face. She had bags under her eyes, and was moving slowly; clearly she was very tired. "Long day?" I asked the rhetorical question with a smirk. She nodded slowly. "I've been poked and prodded more times than I care to mention," she sighed, leaning up against the back of a chair. "First Ken, then the doctors. I've switched from full to morphic over a dozen times today." That was one blessing. Ken had finished his copy of Thrysten's gem just ten days ago. I felt somewhat better now that we were no longer relying on her for that particular piece of magic. "What did they find out?" Scrunching up her muzzle, she blew a bit of hair from in front of her eyes. "Ken thinks he knows what is going on, but won't tell me. The doctors say that I'm a natural in this form, as well as when I'm Rhea." I was shocked. "When you were first cursed, you lost your abilities as a natural. How did they come back?" She shrugged her shoulder, yawning as she did so. "I don't know. I'm going to bug Ken about it between appointments tomorrow. Right now I'm tired and I hurt. I'm going to go take a nap..." She paused for a second and I could see that she was thinking. "And maybe then a shower," she finished. I walked around the table, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. "Tell me when you're done, I'll brush your fur out." She smiled, and nuzzled my cheek softly. "Of course," was her answer, as she reached up to tweak my whiskers. I giggled softy as she turned and left the room. Her tail tuft just barely off the ground. Silently, Ravindar followed. I was still standing so I went to the refrigerator and pulled out some leftover steak, from dinner last night. Rare, the way I like it, though Fox prefers his cooked all the way through. Picking up some silverware on my way back to the table, I relaxed into my chair. With a quick check of the baby monitor, I was satisfied that Beca was still sound asleep. PADD back in my paw, I started once more to try and read the instructions for the paperwork I needed to fill out, eating as I did so. Only a few minutes passed before I heard the chair on the other side of the table being pulled out. Glancing over the top of the PADD, I expected to see Kalie or Sora, but was surprised to find that Fox was there. She was very carefully lowering herself into the chair, then folding her paws, one over the other, on the table top. "What happened to your nap?" I asked, setting the PADD down. She licked her lips, her ears twisting back, then forward again. "Ah... well... that's still going on," she said, slightly hesitant to speak. Her voice didn't sound right, almost softer than it should have been. "Then why are you here?" I asked, pushing the plate over to her. She shook her head quickly, her gray eyes catching the light in a strange way. She pushed the plate back to me, "I think I have an answer." She spoke in a hushed tone, starting to look nervous. "To which problem?" I prompted, looking her right in her eyes, a trick I used that Fox hadn't caught onto yet. It made him nervous, and he would usually tell me more than normal when I did it. It was then I noticed the change in eye color. They were gray, not Fox's usual ice-blue. I was surprised, almost instantly understanding the meaning of the change. "Rhea? Is that you?" I asked in disbelief, mixed with a touch of anger. She nodded, "Don't be mad, please? I wanted to talk to you." Her face fell as she spoke, making her look like a little girl that had been caught with her paws in the wrong place. "How long have you been able to do this," I demanded, more anger creeping into my voice, "to take over Fox's body?" "This is the first time," she said, lowering her head a bit, her ears laying to the sides and her eyes on the table. I would imagine her tail was on the floor as well. "I just found out today." "And does Fox know your doing this?" She shook her head. "He's asleep right now." I sighed, tucking one of my paws under the other as I looked her over. She was almost shaking as she sat there, her eyes focused right onto the center of the table. She was scared of me-- that was a bit of a shock, but I could understand it. I was still angry at what she had done to Fox. Right now she was clearly acting penitent to me, almost begging my forgiveness. Well, just this once. "Don't do this again without asking Fox, understand?" She nodded, but didn't rise from her cowering position. "I'm not mad at you Rhea," I said, reaching out with one paw, running the back of it over the edge of her whiskers, treating her just like I would a young child. "You've done the wrong thing with taking control of the body without asking Fox, but I think we'll both forgive you for that. Now please, sit up properly, and let us talk." She let out a long breath, and slowly raised her head. Blinking away what looked like the start of some tears, she pulled herself straight in the seat. She was still cowering slightly, her ears remained down to the side. Setting both my paws on the table, I looked her right in the eye. It was a bit too aggressive for the mood she was in, but I wanted to keep her focused on me. "What did you want to talk about?" She shifted in her chair, but managed to keep her eyes locked with mine. "I have the answer to your problem." "We've done this already," I told her, cracking a small smile. "Which of our many problems does it answer?" I prompted. She broke eye contact with me, closing them as she took in a deep breath. "Simple," she said, keeping her eyes closed, "Marry me." Everything stopped right there, my perception of the moment freezing as soon as she said those words. The idea was insane, but still utterly brilliant. Fox and Rhea were very close, close enough that he might be willing to marry her as our third. I didn't mind her that much anymore, I was still a bit angry, but... to be married to her? That answer seemed so obvious that I was amazed no one had thought of it before. "Only if Fox agrees," I told her as time resumed. "I'm sure he will though. Thank you, Rhea, this might be the perfect answer." Rhea smiled at me as I said that, opening her eyes and raising her ears. She was clearly excited by the answer, almost like she was waiting for my acceptance of it, and therefor of her. Composing herself, she took in a long deep breath, then closing her eyes, she froze. I had seen this before, when Fox was talking with her. It usually lasted a short time before he came out of it. So, as I waited, I ate more of my steak. Only a minute passed before she opened her eyes, this time back to their ice-blue color. Fox must have been in charge again. "Rhea just told me," she said, sounding utterly amazed as she smiled from ear to ear. "It's marvelous idea, I can't believe no one thought of it before!" I swallowed my mouthful before I started to speak. "We don't have much time, then," I said, doing some mental math. She blinked. "We don't?" "Rhea will have to be there to make the marriage official. That means you will have to go from Rhea, back to human during the ceremony. It will have to be done during your curse, and the next time you have to go lioness is after the kids will be born. This has to be tomorrow or the day after." "That's not going to work," Fox answered. "I can't stay a lioness tomorrow, I have a dozen appointments I can't get out of, and I have to be me for them." I nodded, biting at my lip. Then I had an idea, quickly I checked the time back home. "It's just after noon on my world," I said as I read my watch. "If we start now, we can have everything arranged and be married before nightfall." Fox blinked, looking a bit stunned. "That fast?" "We don't have time to shuffle our feet," I explained, standing up from my chair. "I'm going to need Rhea for most of this, so you can go back to bed, Fox." "Are you sure?" she asked, standing up as well. I smiled, my tail was swishing behind me faster than my racing pulse. "Very sure-- your items have been prepared for this already, but we need to make Rhea's." She nodded, looking a bit worried. "I'm going to need your engagement necklace," I told her as I walked around the table. "Rhea will have one for herself shortly, but we need to add the proper stones to ours." She nodded again, reluctantly pulling the necklace over her head. Handing it over to me, she smiled, leaned forward, and gave me a kiss. "Be quick, we don't want to miss this because the shops are closed." I laughed. "I'll open them, then. Sleep well, my husband-to-be; when you awake it will be time for us to marry." She smiled, closing her eyes and humming softly to herself. She stood frozen once more, for just a few seconds before her eyes opened, once again gray. "Where do we start?" Rhea asked. I glanced around the room, spotting Ravindar standing quietly in one corner, a look of amusement covering his muzzle. "First thing we do is get him a Matrix chip so he can come with us." "Then?" She asked, already pulling the watchband from her wrist. She must have known Fox had a chip in it. "We get some of your blood," I said with a smile. She returned the smile, her tail flicking behind her. I don't think she quite realized that I wasn't toying with her about that. Oh well, she'll find out in an hour or two. * * * Four hours later, Rhea was still sucking at her finger where the blood had been drawn. It wasn't until the very last second that she realized that the blood stones were really made of blood. But It was necessary. The stones are an important part of the ceremony; without them, it could be done, but it just wouldn't be proper. Picking up the pendant on my engagement necklace, I flipped it around in the light of the temple. On one side was Fox's stone, the other side held Rhea's. The family was complete, even under as strange of circumstances as this. Rhea was wearing hers as well, though it didn't take much preparation. It had both mine and Fox's stones on it, and had been made when our necklaces had. Fox's necklace was sitting in my pocket, waiting for him to go back to himself. "Nervous?" Rose asked. She was sitting at my side, wearing a short summer dress and looking more nervous than I felt. "Not until you mentioned it," I said with a smile. It was true, I was feeling perfectly calm. Maybe there was a little bit of jumpiness somewhere deep inside, but I couldn't find it. It was almost eerie, yet somehow strangely reassuring. She placed a paw on my leg, I placed my own over it, squeezing gently. "Aren't you going to put on your Garlat?" she asked. "This is a formal enough occasion." "No," I answered with a slight shake of my head. "Fox doesn't have one, and switching Rhea's clothes during the ceremony wouldn't work very well. So this will be strictly casual dress." Sticking her lip out, she pouted for a few seconds. "So I got dressed up for nothing?" she asked the question with a smile in her eyes. I nodded. The smiled moved to her lips, as she started to laugh softy, pushing back a few loose strands of hair from the side of her face. "I'm glad you worked this out in time. Mother Selina would have hung me if I let you give birth before being married." I laughed, wrapping my arms around her neck and giving her a tight hug. "In a few minutes you won't have to worry about that anymore. As soon as the priest arrives with the paperwork, we can be married." She returned the hug just as tight, softly patting the back of my neck. "Congratulations, Oriana, everyone knew you would be married first." The High Priest cleared his throat. I hadn't noticed when he had returned, but now that he was here... I smiled, standing up. "Do you have all the proper papers?" I asked. He nodded, pulling a leather bound document folder from under his arm. "Right here," he said, patting the side of the folder. "Everything is signed and dated, we can start when you're ready." I let out a happy laugh, throwing my paws into the air. "Come on, Rhea, we're ready!" "Good," she said, snorting a bit. She had stopped lapping at her finger, but she didn't look too happy. I guess being a morph didn't agree with her. I felt a heavy hand on my shoulder. "May I perform the ceremony?" a deep voice asked. I spun around, finding myself face to face with my god. "Lord Thryn," I gasped, bowing my head. A paw was placed under my chin, and my face was lifted till I was looking him in the eyes. He smiled to me, a wide and loving smile, his eyes glittering slightly in the fading light. "May I be allowed that?" he asked. I gulped, stuttering out my answer, "Y-yes. Yes, you may Sir. We would be honored." He smiled wider, stepping back away from me to address the priest. The two of them talked in whispers, looking for all the world like a pair of gitty schoolgirls. But I knew that no matter how feminine their outward appearances were, both of them were male. Once their conversation was finished, Thryn rose to his full height, fanning his wings out slightly. "Etartic has informed me of the family arrangements. Marrying Rhea is an interesting idea. I also suspect she is the only one who could have thought of it." I nodded, still a bit too stunned by his appearance to speak more than a few words. He walked up to the front of the large room, placing himself behind the podium that stood there, framed by a pair of large marble pillars. Resting his paws on the edge, he smiled at me. "Are you ready, Oriana?" Now I started to feel nervous. "Yes Sir," I managed to squeak out. He smiled a bit wider, then turned to Rhea, who was settling down beside me. "And you, are you ready for this Rhea?" She nodded, standing up straight, her tail swishing fast enough to brush against mine. "Yes, I am." "Good. Now, Fox..." he paused, waiting as Rhea and Fox switched for a second. Blinking a bit, Fox looked up to him. "I've been ready for months." He spread his wings out to their full length, sending a soft breeze through the room. "Then let us begin!" ----- This story is (c) 1999 by Fox Cutter, hardcopy reprints limited to one per person, all other rights reserved. This story may not be distributed for a fee except by permission of the author, and this copyright notice may not be removed.