A God's Touch By: Fox Cutter 08/18/98: Some times waking up in the morning could be something akin to torturer, other times it's a pleasant type of bliss. This morning it was some where in between. The room was only slightly lit from the sunlight bleeding in around the closed curtains on the windows. Oria was laying next to me, her fur brushing up against the skin of my back. She had her tail wrapping around my leg as she continued to sleep. She was making the cute little mewing sound as she breathed out. It made me smile as I listed to it, I'm sure if I ever told anyone one about it she would strangle me. I could understand why she was tired, we had spent most of the day before together, in different places, doing the same thing most everywhere. Oh well, that was only a small part of the last few days that have been interesting. To began with we had my sudden shift into a Fox, it lasted two full days, finally just going away about lunch time on the thirteenth. It was quite fun as well. I got to do things that I never could during my original change. First came a surprise from Oria, a full grooming. I think I nearly melted, it is almost it's own kind of bliss. To be groomed by an expert, every piece of fur on your body being brushed and adjusted. My fur was almost shining until I lost it. Ken had also taken the opportunity to prod me for a few hours, trying to find what had happened to cause the shift. In the end he said the only explanation that he could give was ridicules. He took some blood and other samples for further study, trying to understand what he saw. I personally think that he his out of his league with this. True, his training is as an xenomage, but he's not an expert. I trust him though, he'll know that if he can't do it on his own he'll get help. He did the same thing when I was first Cursed, for all the good that it did. In the end though, the change went away just as fast and as quickly as it came. One second I had fallen onto my tail, then next I didn't have one. I was glad I didn't do what Oria suggest and had gotten some new, smaller, clothing or else I thing I would have hurt myself. The funny part was that I had quickly gotten used to walking on my toes. To the point that when I went back to human I stumbled around for a few minutes. The day after that I decided we should go to Oria's world early. She was eager to get the final things done to make Rose the Lady, so I just thought we should go. To save my self the boredom I became Rhea a few days early. She liked being at the house, it was the place of her birth. Some times she would curl up in the front entryway and sleep for hours in the sunlight. She even had a few guys who were interested in bedding her. Oriana rightly refused and Rhea didn't want to do it anyway. She preferred her mates to walk on all fours. After I turned back Oria pined me down in a corner. She was going to keep her threat to make sure I don't leave our bed for the next few days. In that regard she had let herself go into heat, trusting Rose to work out the details. So, most of the day had been spent playing around with the occasional stop to work something out with Rose. Evenly we had both crashed in Oria's bedroom, but I expected things to begin again as soon as she woke up. Moving under the covers I stretched myself out, feeling a couple of joints in my back pop. I smiled a bit as I wiggled my toes, it was then I heard someone clear there throat. Reaching for my glasses I sat up in bed, as I finally got the world into focus I easily found our visitor. She, it was very obvious of that, was sitting in a chair in the corner of the room. She was dressed in the same type of toga that the Oria's priest's wore. At first I though she was one, then I noticed the main, and important different. She had wings, a pair of huge feathered wings pulled over her shoulders like a cloak. She smiled when she saw the recognition in my eyes, flexing her wings gently. It was Thryn, Oriana's god. "Good morning," she said, crossing one of her legs over the other. "Sleep well?" I nodded. "Very well actually." "That's good," She responded. "If you mind, you would please wake up Oriana. I would like to talk to you both." I smiled, and with a nod I turned to look at her, still asleep under the covers. Unsheathing the tips of my claws I gently pinched her ear. She whimpered softly in her sleep, batting at my hand. "Come on Oria," I side, adding a little more pressure. "Time to wake up." She shifted slightly in the bed. "Why?" She asked with a slight whimper. She was just barely awake. I bent my head down close to her ear. "Thryn is wanting to talk to us," I whispered. There was a second as her mind processed that, then suddenly her eyes flashed opened. She looked at me and quickly sat up in bed. It took her a moment to remember to pull up sheet the to preserver her modesty. "Sir," she said with a slight stutter. "What do I owe the pleaser of your visit." Thryn smiled. "Actually, I came to give you a gift." She looked slightly startled. "A gift? Why?" "I've been watching you for years, once Fox came into your life I could see how your souls were laid so close to each other." She looked to me. "Your curse actively was a boone. What originally I had intended to take a complex ceremony was taken care of by someone else's attack." Oria frowned a bit, her ears twitching. Thryn continued, "I just had to wait for the right event at the right time. I all I had to push a bit, and the rest took care of it self. Frankly the chances were so low I didn't expect for it to happen for years, but once it came I had to take it." I shook my head. "I don't understand." "I do," Oria whispered. Thryn nodded. "I'll be around for a few hours, you can call on me if you wish to talk to me. I'll be right there." Then suddenly she was gone. I turned to look at Oria, she looked pail even through her fur. "What is it?" I asked. She slid out of the bed, walking slowly to the bathroom. "Why don't you go down stairs and get some breakfast, I'll be there shortly." "Sure, but what's happened?" I asked, slipping out of the bed as well. She gave me a week frown, her ears were drooping. "I'm out of heat." She said as she entered the bathroom and closed the door. I thought about that as I got dressed, trying to parse what it was that she meant by that. How did she mean 'out of heat'? Did her heat just come to a stop? If so I could only think of one way that could happened.... Oh hell. Walking down stairs into the kitchen I'm sure I looked as much in shock as Oria did. Sitting down at the big table in he center of the room I sipped on the local equivalent to coffee that had been waiting on the counter. Eventually Rose came into the room. "What's wrong?" she asked after only looking at me for a second. I smiled weakly. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but there is only one way that Oria could fall out of her heat early?" She nodded. "Yes, she may get them at some what random times but they are the normal length. Why are you asking?" I didn't answer her question, I just looked down at the cup in my hands. After a few seconds Rose gave a quick gasp. "Your not saying she's pregnant?" "I think so..." I answered. She shook her head in disbelief. "How is that possible... I mean just look at you two." "I know," I answered, pushing the empty cup away, "believe it or not I think Thryn did it." She frowned, "Oria's god? Can he do something like that?" I shrugged. "She was waiting for us when I woke up... said it was the right things at the right time. It only needed a little push to help it alone." She shook her head slowly. "This is unbelievable." "Believe it," Oria said as she walked into the room, she was just dressed in her robe, nothing more. "I just took a test. It confirms it, I'm pregnant." She said it with no emotion, with a detachment that made me worry. She was still in shock about this. Hell *I* was still in shock about this. Oria sat down at the table, taking my empty cup, looking at it for a few seconds then set it back down on the table. Rose saw this, took the cup and went to refill it. She came back with two more, passing them out to all of us. "Are you sure this wasn't an accident?" she asked, looking down into hers. Oria nodded. "Thryn was right there, he told us that he had done it. He called it a gift." "Why?" Rose asked. I shrugged. "I don't know," I said, looking at the air above the table. "Would you care to explain?" "My reasons are hard to explain," Thryn said, pulling out a chair and sitting down, folding her wings over the back as she did so. Rose was absolutely stunned, Oria just blinked a bit. I don't think anything could have phased her right now. "Could you please?" Oria asked, "If it's not to much trouble." She nodded. "Very well. I've always seen how close your and Fox's souls were, and you made it clear how much you loved him. I thought it a matter of time until he returned that love. It was that in mind that I came to the decision to try and find a way to let the pair of you have children." "Could you define 'close'?" I asked. She smiled, flicking her wing tips. "Sense you won't take me on faith I'll be technical. It amounts to that your DNA is close in makeup to Oria's species as a whole. Two strands and almost the same set of base pairs." I nodded, that made sense, though was surprising. Two species don't usual get that close in the genetics department. "Originally I had planed a four day ceremony to preform on Fox that would have push him even closer to Oriana. It would have taken all ten of the priests and probably had a full chapter of The Book devoted to it. Your curse had the luck to achieve the same effect I was hoping for, and in fact it was even better then I could have done." "So what was the right event at the right time," Oria asked. "That's a little more complicated. Even with the changes it would take my hand to have you truly mate. Though that wasn't enough. I had to wait for the right combination between the pair of you that was close enough to actually create a child," she paused, looking at Oria. "I'm mistaken, there are twins, both male and female." Oria gasped slightly, finally showing some emotion. Rose shook her head, seeming to finally come out of her shock. "Why?" She asked, finding her voice. "What made you decided they should have children?" She smiled in return. "That is a long story that would take far to long to tell. So let that I felt it was best suffice." "Because 'you say so' don't seem to be a good reason." Rose countered. She nodded. "True, and it's far more complicated then that. The reasons I have are good, but to explain then I would have to explain the background that created them to begin with." She sighed, "believe me, it's at least a days worth of story telling, maybe two if I go into detail." Oria nodded. "I understand... I think I should thank you for this." "What?" Rose said, "Why in the world would you thank him for this?" She smiled, "Because it's the right thing to do... it is a gift, and a blessing. Because I know what problems I will face and I think I can handle most of them, with help." She paused for a few seconds, then turned to Thryn. "So I thank you for this. I know how much pain will follow but to be a mother," she smiled a bit wider. "Something I never thought I would be." Thryn returned the smile. "You'll find there is more joy and pain the you will ever expect, but the joy will always out weigh the pain." "Yes," Oria said, sipping at her coffee. "Now, if you'll excuse us we have some things to work on." She nodded, standing up. "I'll leave you to work on them then," and vanished just as suddenly as she had arrived. There was silence around the table for almost a minute before Rose spoke up. "Oriana, what kind of family do you think you'll have with just you and Fox?" I frowned, this sounded like it was going to be nasty. "I know," Oria answered, "it's not the best but we will make a go at it." Oh, that wasn't the response I had expecting. "Um, not to sound dumb, but why would we not be a good family?" Oria looked at me for a few seconds before finally seeming to understand. "You don't know about our families do you?" I shook my head. "No, sounds like there is considered to be problems to have unwed parents." She shook her head. "That's not it at all. Being unmarried isn't a taboo, the problem is there will only be one mother." I raised an eyebrow, that didn't make sense at all. She understood this and smiled. "Fox, we still follow the pride family structure. One father and two or more mothers." "Oh?" I asked dumbly. She nodded. "Yes, our family have three. Rose and I have different mothers, that's why we look so different. The problem is it's not considered healthy to raise children with just one mother." "Ah, I see... but I think your forget Naomi." Oria shook her head, then stopped. "What about Naomi?" "She's going to be a mother as well," I answered, "More likely sooner then you. They will be raised together as all being brother and sisters." Why did that sound familiar? She thought about this for a few seconds, nodding slowly. "I never thought about it like that." "Still," Rose said, "there are more things to address as who you can adopt as a second mother." "She's my daughter," I commented. Rose looked a bit shocked, looking at Oria and mouthing 'Did you know about this?' "Fox," Oria said, "I think Rose and I would best deal with this alone. Maybe you could go for a walk or something, at least for a bit?" I nodded, standing up. "All right, I'll be back later then." I didn't like leaving like this, but Rose and Oria understood her culture far better then I ever would. Frankly I didn't think I could do more then get in the way for right now. Stopping in a hallway I shook my head. I was going to be a father, not just an adopted father, but with my own kids. Crossbreeds too, my life just got a lot interesting. "Thanks you," I said, looking up at the ceiling. "Your welcome," Thryn whispered into my ear. ----- This story is (c) 1998 by Fox Cutter, hardcopy reprints limited to one a person, all other rights reserved. This story may not be distributed for a fee except by permission of the author, and this copyright notice may not be removed.