...And Into The Fire By: Fox Cutter 8/10/96: Chapter 1 "Hi Fox." Oriana said as she came through the front door. I looked up from where I sat on the couch, with five PADDs laid out on the coffee table. Oriana was dressed in a pair of jeans and a lose shirt that really didn't help hid anything. Her hair was pulled back into a pony tail. She was hefting in a shopping bag with a loaf of bread sticking out the top. "Shopping I take it?" She nodded, setting the bag down next to her feet. "Ya, a bit." Pulling myself off the couch I walked over to her, and looking in the bag. There was a few cans and jars, as well as the bread, all labeled in what looked like Oria's written language. "You went home for it to." She grinned, "Well, I had a client this morning, so I decided I should pick up some stuff for dinner tonight." I nodded. "Something special?" "Yep, Crex," she said. I winched as the translator mangled the word she actually said into the word I heard. "What's the occasion?" She shrugged, causing her shirt to shift a bit off one shoulder. "None really, I just felt like it." I patted her on the back, and picked up the bag. "Well then. I'm sure it will taste great. I'll take this up to the kitchen for you." She grinned wider, her set of small fang-like incisors showing. "Thanks Fox." "No problem." I said as I went up the stair case. A few minutes later I came back down to find the lioness looking over the PADDs. "What is all this?" She asked. I leaned against the banister. "Information on the ship. We have a projected finishing date of three weeks, it all goes as it should. All thanks to you." Oria raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean, all thanks to me?" I grinned. "Simple, you got that computer up and running, and now that I've hooked him into the computer system for the bay, and teached it how to use all the new equipment. Well he's working on a lot of the repairs himself now. In fact, there is very little I need to do now, out side of supervising." She nodded, and was about to say something when the phone rang. "I'll get it," I said, taking two bounds over to the all the communication equipment. I could only think of one person who would call me on the phone, and only one reason. I feared that call in my own way. Picking up the phone I said, "Hello." "Fox, it's Page." Came the voice on the other end. She was panting as if out of breath. I felt myself pail a bit, turning away from Oria, I lowered my voice. "What's wrong?" "I just talked to Rachel, had to run to the phone. Fox, the next Council session starts in twenty minutes." I paled even further. "I'll be there." I said, the hung up the phone. Turning back around to face Oriana I said, "Something has come up. I gota run for a bit. I'll be back soon as I can." She gave me a concerned look. "Fox who was that on the phone, and what's going on?" I picked up my army jacket from off the chair where I had set it a couple months ago after the last time I wore it (We're both a bit of slobs, it shows some times). Pulling it on I tried to explain. "It was a friend. Something important is going on, and have to be there." She walked over to me, then placed her index finger right between my eyes again. "Fox..." I looked at her. "I have to do this." She nodded. "I know. Don't do anything stupid, ok?" I nodded, breaking the contact with her finger. "Ok Oria." She stepped out of the way, and I slipped out the front door, and entered the fire... * * * I paced across the floor of the viewing room over the Council's chambers. I had run back here after calling Fox, and now was waiting for him to arrive. I stopped in front of the window, wring my left paw with my right. Below me the different seats where starting to fill. About half of the third level seats where taken, and three or four of the second level. All three seats in of the first level members where empty. I watched the members file in for a couple minutes, then sat down in one of the chairs, threw my head back, and closed my eyes trying to calm down. I had learned a lot from my Grandfather (actually, adoptive Grandfather. He adopted my mother, and a few years, and a one night stand later, there was me). He had told me many things as I was growing up, giving me many lessons. One of his old sayings came to mind as I sat there. 'Page,' he would say, 'there are times to panic, and times not to panic. If you are panicking it's the wrong time.' It was, the first time I heard it, just a corny phrase. But it had helped me a lot after I had gotten wrapped up in all this. I hadn't seen him in nearly two years, sense I came to Prid. He was there as I left, along with my uncle, Adric, who was my age (his twin, and my aunt, Romona wasn't able to make it). The last thing he told me was 'trust what you believe.' He was always cryptic that way. I was interrupted in my reminiscing by a swift knock at the door. Moving over to it and look out a small peep hole. Outside Fox stood, looking a bit more rumbled then usual. I opened the door, and let him slid into the room. "With five minutes to spare." He said a bit under his breath. I nodded, and sat back down in the chair. He followed suit and sat down in the chair opposite me. He was his usual self, wearing a pair of blue jeans from his world that where always bunched a bit around his feet. He also had on a yellow white t-shirt with a couple rips in it, and his off-green jacket that he had always worn before his exile. His black hair was a mess as usual, and sprung into a curl, his beard didn't look much better. His glasses where hanging a bit on his nose, and slightly askew, but he didn't notice. He looked back at me, clearly worried, and reached up with his right hand, and hook his finger around the ever-present collar he insisted on wearing. It was a thin brown thing, and looked as ragged as the rest of him. "I don't suppose we can here what's going on down there?" He asked. I nodded, and reaching over to a small table I turned on one of the three switches that where there. As I flicked it down there low roar of a pre-council session came into the room. Mostly it was different voices, blurred together so much it was hard to hear any one voice. We sat there for a few minutes waiting for the session to start. Fox had closed his blue eyes, but still looked worried. Hell, at the time I wasn't any better, but I was showing it by wringing my paws together again. The general condenses of all four of us, me, Fox, Rachel, and Rathal, was that shit was to hit the fan today. Fox and I where broken out of are thoughts, as a loud pounding come from the floor of the Council. Looking out the window I could see Rachel standing in her normal place as Council Head, with the Ancient on one side, and the third first level member on her other side. She had banged down with a large wood rod, which had the effect of summing the Council to order. As she sat down she made an announcement as to the point of the day and year, and that the Council was called to order. Fox and I both watched as one of the third level members read off all the things pending for the Council for the last session. She was about to start on one of them when a second level member stood. "Council Head. I would like to put a proposition before the Council to be voted on before we proceed." "and what is that?" she asked, her whispering voice barely picked up and sent to the viewing room. "A motion for the disbanding of the Council, and to put control of the multi-verse into the direct and total domain of the Hammerheads, effective immediately." Rachel paled a bit in her ears, at the same time, I saw from the corner of my eye, Fox slowly rise out of his chair. Below us another second level member stood. "I second that motion." I gulped, this was it, this was there move, and the final confirmation that the Hammerheads where in control of all this. I looked over to Fox, and saw that he was gone. Glancing back I saw the door slowly closing. He had ran when the motion was seconded. That made sense, they wanted him _both_ dead, and under there control, he had to get out of the way. Looking back down at the Council floor, I saw that the vote was proceeding. I didn't have to wait to know what the resultes would be. One other thing my Grandfather always said was, 'You will know when it is time to run, things will tell you.' Right then I couldn't agree with him more, so I ran. * * * Fear, that was the only why that I could describe was I was feeling. Pure abject fear. Looking down from my place as the Council head, I could see all the other members. Most where looking a bit pale, as if they had eaten something distasteful. A few where looking as confused as I felt right then. The last couple hand fulls... they looked happy. Glancing down at the computer board, I watched as the last of the votes came in. It was just exactly what we feared, 70 votes for, 22 against, and with the full majority. I looked over my shoulder at the Ancient. The old human gave me a look, but sat silent as ever. I slowly stood, I'm sure the other Counselors could see by how I held my ears, that I didn't like the outcome. "the vote is 70 for, 22 against," I said, the whisper in my voice lower then I usual use. "as this is a motion that is a major effect to the council, a 75% majority is needed. And has been reached. The motion is passed." There was a collective release of breath around the room, a few of the now ex-Counselors started to rise. "I wouldn't try and leave if I where you." A voice said behind me. I slowly turned around to face the owner of the voice. "Jenner." I said, stopping whispering. The human gave me the flat toothed grin of his, and some how made it look menacing. "Oh yes, who else would take over your little joke of a government?" I crossed my arms. "Twenty other people at least." He laughed, not the maniacal laughter that I expect, but a barking laugh that sound more in place on a hyena then a human. "Rachel, your are a fool, and an idiot." I stood, "Really?" He nodded. "You see, I was suspicious of you. But when your little brat got into are computers. Well, it was easy to find you." He leaned forward. "You see, I also have control off the guards, and right now there in your secret little observation room, arresting her." I growled at him. He clicked his tongue. "Oh, you poor little Vixen. If you had only left well enough alone. Look at there at your Council." I looked back over my should, only the members he didn't control where still there. The others had filled out the doors. Rathal was there was well, looking as calm as ever. "You see," Jenner explained. "I control you now, and all this. I only have a few lose ends to clean up." He nodded at the Ancient and the third first level member. "Take those two with the others." He looked back at me as two guards took the other two off. Now it was just me and him on the top level. The other counselors where being escorted out. He grinned. "Now, you where smart enough to find me out, abet barely to late. Now, I may save you life, if you tell me who the other in your little group is." He paused. "And yes, I know about Cutter. He's a bug that should have been squashed a long time ago." I took a step back to the end of the desk that was between the levels (that and a 5 foot drop). "Just us three." He shook his head. "Maybe I'll just make you my slave instead of killing you, I like my toys to have spunk." He looked back over his shoulder at the two guards who flanked him. "Arrest her." The two guards came at me fast, but I had already planed a quick escape. I pushed back, grabbed the desk, and jumped over it down to the second level. I landed hard, but keep going down to the third level, the guards right behind me. With a final 'oof' I jumped down to the floor of the chamber, and ran as hard as I could, hitting the giant oak doors with my shoulder, forcing there massive weight open, the only way I could at a dead run. I ran out of the room, my shoulder screaming in pain. Behind me I could hear the two guards yell, as well as one I had passed going out of the doors. Pushing myself as hard as I could, I pushed myself through the halls, and out into the waiting room for the Marble Hall. I ran through it as fast as I could, and past three more guard who where apparently looking for me. Through the outer halls of the Hall I ran, until I jetted out one of the side entrances, and into the city proper, and on the surface. I paused for a second. I could hear the guards running maybe ten seconds behind me. Glancing around all I saw where buildings and three sides, no underground entrances, and the Park. I looked back behind me at the Park. It was a massive park, a giant circle, 10 miles accost, and was completely over the Marble Hall. It had lots of places to go and not be noticed. I turned on my heel, and ran past the entrance to the Hall. Pushing my way though the mid-day crowds. I finally got to an entrance of the Park. There was at least a hundred feet of clearing before there was anything I could hide behind. Glancing back I saw about 20 guards working there way through the crowd, and getting closer. "Shit." I mutter, and started to run accost the grass. By know I was cradling my right arm, when I hit the door with my should it jarred my arm enough that it was now numb. Half way to a stand a tress, I heard a passing hum, and the ground next to me exploded. Glancing back, I saw what I expected. The guards had plasma riffles, and where shooting at me. There was another blast next to me, so close that the shock wave kicked me off my feet. The instant I hit the ground, I tried to scrabble to me feet, the guards where seconds away, and I wouldn't be able to get to my feet in time. Still I had to try. As I started to get to my feet, I saw that the blast had actually carved out a ten foot deep hole (5 or 6 guards must have hit that spot at one time). At the bottom, I saw the explosion had unearthed part of the Hall's ducting system, and had also loosened one of the panels. Hopping it was enough I rolled to my side, and into the hole. Bumping down the side, I landed on top of the duct. There was a low groan from the piece of metal I was sitting on, then it gave way and fell into the pure blackness of the duct systems, taking me along for the ride. * * * "Oriana!" I called as I ran through the front door of are house. I looked around quickly, She wasn't in the main room. I check the lower patio, then upstairs on the deck. After a quick check of both bedrooms, I decided she was down in the cave. I ran as much as I could down all the steps, and it took three minutes to get to the cave, and I already spent 10 getting back from the Hall to the house. "Oriana!" I called as the lift sank down to the floor. She was hunched over the work bench, doing something. When she heard my voice and jumped. She turned to look at me, hiding what she was working on, but I didn't care about that. "Come on, we got to get out of here." She tilted her head. "Why?" I stayed on the lift as is came level to the floor. "Come on, I'll explain on the way up!" I waved for her to come over. "Fox, this is a bad time..." she started. I nodded. "Be worse if you don't. All hell has just broken loose, and we have to get to safety." She looked at me, then back over her shoulder. "Fuck" she said and ran over to me. As she got onto the lift I hit the lever to send the lift back up, and started to give her a quick overview of everything that had happened sense I got my exile completely removed. Finishing my story, we where heading up the stairs, only a few feet from the top. "Where are we going to go?" she asked, panting a bit. I glanced back. "Anywhere! But we have to go before it's to late." I said busting out into the living room. I stopped for a second to catch my breath when a voice behind said. "It's to late." The voice was deep, and rocky, and I knew it ALL to well. Slowly I turned around, to see, standing in front of the door, a large human, dressed in a one piece jumpsuit, he must have stood 7 feet tall, and was totally bald. "Grasion..." I said under my breath. Chapter 2 I ducked around a door, and into my work room, panting a bit to catch my breath. I was trying to think of something to do to save my fur, I doubted that the guards I had passed would not be able to figure out where I had vanished to. I flipped on the lights in the small room, blinking as the came on. The room was as it always was; mostly one large desk facing a bank of monitors. The desk was made up of mostly different keyboards and other input systems. I sat down in the chair at the desk, and tried to think of what I needed to do. Different thoughts went through my mind, but most hinging if I could live through the next few days. Rubbing my temples a bit, I tried to think of any way I could live. Clearing from the guards reactions as I passed them, they where already looking for me. I was just lucky to have gotten away before the saw where I was going. That couldn't last though. This room wasn't even suppose to exist, if they had traced any of my cracking they probably knew where it was. It would only be a matter of time before they showed up looking for me. Some how I needed to be able to move around without the guards seeing me, but with a huge tail that came with being a skunk, that was kind of hard. I made a quick glance at the air vent in the ceiling, and decided against it, that was to small for me to get into anyways. What I really needed was some kind of disguise. That's when a bit of the panic in my mind cleared, and I remembered something. The Matrix chip! Fox had given it back to me after he came back from Gratin, instead of given it back to the R&D guys, and keep it for myself. Getting up off the chair, I walked around the desk to the monitors. Counting over three, and up four, I found the one I wanted. Digging my claws under the casing, I popped the front of it off, revealing the layer of mini-mirrors that produced the flat screen picture. Reaching inside I pop the Matrix chip out of a dead socket that I had keep it in. Grabbing a cir-trics controler off my desk, I slid the chip into it. As the chip locked, it gave a slight beep, saying the controller was activated, and running through my translator chip. Raising the control to my muzzle. "Load up structure for Otter, sex female, other characteristics based on true form." It buzzed at me, then said on the controller readout, "Unable to comply, mass overlay incomplete." 'Fuck!' I thought. The error was simple, my tail was to big to be covered by form I asked for, the pains of having a tail that is as big as you are. "Adjust form to centaur." There was a beep, and the control said "Form loaded." Putting the control around my wrist, I spoke the activation command into it. In a second my vision was filled with the explosion of light the activation produced, and I found myself a bit taller then before (or at least I perceived it as such, it is easy to make mirrors out of force shields). I nodded to myself, and went out the door, trying to decided what to do next. * * * As the metal panel landed, I rolled off as fast as I could. Seconds later another plasma bolt smashed into where I had landed, sending melted metal in the air. I wasn't in the a position to stay where I was. So, as fast as I could with a numb arm, I worked my way through the duct work. Behind me I could here the guards entering the ducts as well. I pulled myself into an off shoot just as light filled the metal tunnel. I hear someone call out, and the noised of people moving. I keep pulling myself along, holding my arm close to my chest to protect it. If they did see me, I needed to find a place to duck into before the got to the offshoot. The darkness was enveloping, the only light was behind me, and it wasn't helping to light my why. It was pure luck that I slipped, and smashed into the grill. I felt along the vent, hopping I could get it off and try make good my escape before the guards caught up to me. Finding a lip to the vent, I dug my claws in under it, and started pulling. It only took a few seconds to yank the vent off, even with only one arm. I scrambled inside, and tried to pull the vent back on. It was harder to get it back on then it was to take off. Pulling it hard I managed to get it wedged in, as well as ripping off a small chunk off fur. I was just in time to, as I pulled my paw away from the vent a light shined down the tunnel. Slowly I turned around in the large duct, and worked my way deeper into the bowels of the Hall. * * * I couldn't believe all of what Fox had been telling me. Corruption in the Council, control by the Hammerheads, and how he was involved in it. It was a bit overwhelming. I agreed with him, we did need to get to someplace safe, before it was to late. Now there was that human, standing in front of the door. He was big, not muscular, but big. A few inches under seven feet, and had as much hair as a fish. But the thing that struck me was his skin. It was white, not a darkish white like Fox's, but white as in albino white. Fox gave him one glance, and said "Grasion..." "Fox," the other human said. "It's been a long time." Fox sneered at him, I mean he actually curled up his lip, and sneered! "Not long enough." He replied. "I though you where in a prison on Driek." Grasion laughed, "I was, I was, no thanks to you." He raised an eyebrow. "Come come, do you really think I would let you lose on any place that has an atmosphere?" "It took me almost a year to escape from that hell hole." "Not long enough." Was Fox's response to this statement. Grasion looked over at me. "And who is this lady? Get tired of human women?" "My name is Oriana." I said. He walked over to me, and put his hand on my chin. "Lovely face. You have good taste in your bed partners Fox." I moved back a step, pulling my chin from his grasp. "The last thing I want is to have sex with him," I said, "At least while he's human." He laughed, the looked back at Fox. "So, surprised to see me?" "Always. I always hope I never have to see you again." He laughed again. "You've crossed me, you will always see me again." I gave Fox a quick look. "Who is he?" This caused Grasion to fain surprise. "What, you haven't told her about us? I'm hurt." Fox looked at me. "My version of the Master." "What?" I asked. He shook his head. "Everyone should have an arch-enemy, he's mine." Grasion laughed. "That's right, and it was so nice of the Hammerheads to asked me to take care of you. Something I'm all to happy to do." Fox took a step forward, looking pissed. "Oh really? The last three times your tried you ended up getting screwed." He nodded. "Yes, but this time my plan is a bit different. You see, I'm not going to try and kill you." Fox raised an eyebrow at this. "How do you intend to do that?" The albino cocked his head. "Simple. You see, your at least six-hundred miles from civilization. A _long_ walk." Fox paused for a second. "Yes, a very long walk." He spoke the words very slowly, and coldly. Grasion took a few steps back to the door, reaching back and opening it. "I think you shall find it very hard to do. Until then," he gave a deep grin, "your out of my hair. So to speak." With that, he turned and walked out through the teleport curtain. I looked back at Fox, "What did he mean, a long walk?" He didn't say anything, just looking out the door at the teleport curtain. Looking at it my self, I saw it thin a bit, rippling, and slowly fade out until it was just the wall behind it. Then I understood. The house was built in deep forest, and as spoken, six-hundred miles from everyone else. The only to and from anyplace else was through the teleport curtain. Everything went through it, including communications. Yes, it was a going to be a long walk. Chapter 3 I sat in one of the many hundreds of metal tunnels that made up the ducting for the Hall. 'This is not where I expected to end up when they told me I was appointed as the Council Head.' I thought to myself as I rubbed by right shoulder. Over the past hour of crawling and wondering through the ducting, the feeling had slowly come back to my right shoulder and arm, and it hurt. I suspected that I might have broken it when I hit the door. After the pain had gotten so bad I had to stop and try to do something for it. Sadly though, during one of my sharp turns, I had snagged a piece of metal on my pants and ripped out my pocket, and had lost the aspirin I always try to carey with me. Rubbing it was all I could do to help the pain, and it was working a bit. I was also slowly curling the fingers of my paw, or at least it felt like I was. It was so dark I could not see anything, even with my night vision. Resting my head against the wall, I listened, swiveling my years back and fourth, trying to here any kind of noise. I knew that the duct systems, being as large as it was, always was being worked on some place. At any hour of the day there was always a crew working on the system, some place. My hope was to try and fine one of those teams, then follow them out, as I was sure they would be looking for me as well as fixing the system. There was only one problem with this plan. There was at least five-hundred miles of ducting in the Marble Hall, and only a small section was being worked on at any given time. I was counting on the fact that the system was so quite that the sounds would echo enough for me to pick them up. I had already heard a few, but echoes have a tendency to echo the wrong way, and I usual followed that wrong way. Faintly, in the distance I heard a low pounding, it sounded like metal hitting metal. Slowly I moved along the tunnel in the direction it seemed to be coming from. I keep moving, crawling along slowly, favoring my left arm. I made a few twists and turns, and the pounding stated to get louder. I made one final turn, and found myself on the edge of the cliff. Before me was a huge vertical shaft, going down in the darkness, and going up to a faint light source about two hundred feet up. The light looked like it was coming from some kind of catwalk, and the pounding was clearly come from there too. Now, the question was how was I suppose to get up there? * * * I watched, in what could be best described as abject horror, as the teleport curtain faded out into the dark wood of the small entry way. With a side glance I saw a close to the same look on Oria's face, her eyes opened wide, her mouth hanging open a bit. Slowly I walked into the aclove, bent down, and open the control box for the curtain. It was empty. The only thing left was a few dangling wires. If Grasion had removed a fuse, or broken some wires, I could have fixed it. Even if one side of the curtain was shorted out, the other side could support it. But he had ripped out the inter control panel for the system, there was no way I could repair it, or even try to. Slamming the cover closed, I leaned back against the other wall, and put my face in my hands, pushing my glasses up onto my head. I felt Oria place her paw on my shoulder. "Fox?" I dropped my hands and looked up at her. "I'm sorry for dragging you into this. I should have told you before, got you to safety. Sent you along with Ken." She squeezed my shoulder a bit. "Why didn't you?" I sighed. "I don't know why I didn't tell you sooner. I still don't know why I didn't tell you in the first place." Sitting down next to me, she took her paw off my shoulder, and dropped it onto my leg. "Didn't you trust me?" I looked down. "Well, after the bliss thing. Not fully, no." I felt her squeeze down on my leg, and slight pin pricks from her claws as they came out, and pushed through my jeans and against my skin. "Really? I hurt you that much?" I nodded. "Not that much, but with you in debt to the Hammerheads... well, I feared what they may find if they called it in." She nodded, her claws retracing, still squeezing my leg. "I don't know what to say about this." I looked back up at her, right into her green slitted eyes. "Don't say anything, not yet. There is a lot to do, will have time to talk about all this later." She blinked, "What things to do, we're trapped here." "Yes and no. It is a long walk to anyplace close, but Prid was chosen for the abundance of folds it possessed. We're bound to run into one sooner or later." Releasing her grip on my leg, she folded her paws on her lap. "How long do you think it will take?" I shrugged. "Hours, days, maybe we'll have to go all of the six-hundred miles. I don't know if there is even a fold around here, and Prid is to large to have ripples." She nodded. "I see." I closed my eyes, and started to think. "Worse case scenario, we have to walk the whole way. Let's see, now I know I can walk a bit over 7 miles in three hours. More accurately twelve kilometers." "How do you know that?" She asked. I opened my eyes, fishing out my spell-checker from my pocket. "Bloomsday." She gave me a strange look, but I keep on thinking. Turning the spell-checker to the calculator mode, I punched in 600, and using the built in conversions, made it into kilometers. "Six-hundred miles is nine-hundred sixty-six kilometers, rounded up. Divide that by 12." I punched in the needed number. "That's Eighty point five three hour blocks. Now assuming we can walk at least 9 hours a day." I punched a few more buttons. "That's approximately 26 days. And we will be walking," a few more buttons pressed. "22 miles a day." I looked over at her. "Think you can handle that?" She looked down at her feet, then back up at me. "Will we be able to eat as we go, or carry food with us?" I shrugged. "I believe Prid has plants from the original forty worlds that sponsored it's Terraforming. We can eat some of them, but I think we had better bring along one of the scanner PADDs with us, and load it with the multi-verse flora and fauna database. I think I have a copy around here somewhere." Oria looked at me, and gave me this little smile that spread her cat lip a tad, it was kinda cute, and had a bit of come-hither look about it. "Foxer, we can do this." I blinked. She hadn't called me Foxer in a long time, but it made me feel better. "Thanks Oria." I said. And she was right, we could do this. We had to... * * * 'Damn!' I though to myself, moving back around a corner. After wondering the halls for a time, I had decided to go back to my apartment, only to find a trio of guards ransacking it. I ran my disguised paws through my hair. I had been using the Matrix for a time now, but I was to clumsy with to make myself look convincing as a centaur. I turned around, and wonder back down the hall. I felt lost and afraid. I had to do something, anything. I had to try at stop the Hammerheads, even if I was the only one of are four left alive. I had to try. Wringing my paws a bit, I keep moving the the halls. I had already tried to get to Fox, but I had found all his communication lines down, and his teleport curtain smashed to bits. Someone really did a job on it, making sure it was totally unusable. I couldn't think of anywhere to go, I didn't know anyone in the city around the Marble Hall, and I doubted the doors out would be open. There was no other way then the ten exits to get out of the Hall, it was completely self contained, even with a large hydroponics garden and gravity generators. It could survive even if they rest of the world was destroyed. Everyone in the Hall was trapped hard, and under the control of the Hammerheads. I didn't know if the rest of Prid was in there control, or even knew about what happened. But I was sure that soon they would be. Turning a corner I smashed the side of my sudo-flank into the sharp edge of the corner. Getting fed up with the whole disguise I nearly yelled, "Matrix off," into the controller. The light flashed into my eyes, and I found myself me again. Grumbling to myself I walked down the hall a bit until I found a utility room. Pulling out a few pieces of small metal, I used one of the skills my Grandfather had insisted on teaching me. Picking locks. It only took a couple minutes to pop open the lock, it wasn't a very complex one. Sliding inside the room I gently closed the door behind me, and locked it again. Flipping on the light, I found myself in a large room, about sixty feet long, and twenty wide. Both walls where covered with think and thin piping, as well as meters of all sorts. The far wall was entirely made up of the dull grey metal of the air duct system for the Hall. Leaning against the door, I slid down to the floor, being careful of my tail. I though over my options of thinks I could do. I knew that there was no hope of getting a portal controller, not only did I not know how to use one, but I didn't have the implants so I could live through it, and I had no idea where to get the temps I would also need. I had no options. I was trapped in the Hall, no way to get out, I didn't even know if my friends where alive or dead. I slowly put my head in my paws and started to cry. Chapter 4 "What the hell is wrong?" I yelled, smashing my fist into the table in front of me. My companion looked up. "Your asking me? Hell, I don't even know how it all works let alone what's gone wrong." I sank down on the the floor, resting my head in my foreclaws. For the past hour I had been trying to contact are third party member, as she was running an errand on Prid, but every time I tried to open a small portal to have her check in, it fell apart from feedback. "It's like the whole verse has it's folds blocked." Steven raised an eyebrow, "Can that be done?" I shrugged, "I have no idea. In theory yes, but in actuality, I don't know." He raised his other eyebrow, and went back to his book. I shook my head, 'Why did Fox have to stick me with him?' I thought as I looked over my companion. Steven was a lion-morph, in his early 20es. He had this large fluffy mane of hair that wrapped around most of his face, except under his chin, and hug about collar length. Single kneed, and had the usual shaped tail flicking behind him. His fur colouring was normal light yellow, with dark brown for his hair, and the tuft on his tail. He was in a pair of shorts, and a lose shirt. Not that it was a bad thing, then temperature on this world must have been 100 degrees fahrenheit. He's full name was Steven Mason. Apparently a friend Fox had meet an a cruise or some such a few months ago. Fox had apparently gone and seen him a month ago, and asked him to stay at this place, along with another friend. I guess he planed to bail out here when all was said and done. Him sending me here was more in way of protection for me they anything else. Sighing, I stood, and leaned against the window, looking out side. This verse was souly populated by otter-morphs, thus only the missing member of are party could go out in public (it was her home verse anyways). A lion would look attract attention, but a half-dragon would attract a lot more. Thus, in the past three weeks I've only been able to go out at night, and I still had to be careful. Needless to say, I was board out of my mind. I felt Steven set his paw on my shoulder, just above my wings. "Ken, you all right?" I nodded, twirling one of my clawfingers around, making it leave a trace of magical light in the air. "I'm worried about Kalie." I felt him lean up against me a bit. "She's been gone a long time." "Ya, two hours over schedule." I looked at him. "Something must have happened to keep her on Prid. Something she can't get past." Steven nodded, his hair flicking around his face a bit. "I guess you need to get that portal open." I looked back over to the table, where a modified portal controller was laid out along with a com laser setup. Only a few feet away, at the edge of the small apartment, was a fold. "I know, but as I said. It was like it was blocked off. The feedback that I'm getting is collapsing the fold. Even the most powerful natural known wouldn't be able to keep it open." He looked at me, right into my eyes, with a deep level on sincerity. "Listen, your the mage here. Can you just, I don't know, shuffle the feedback over to the side or something." I paused, thinking for a few seconds. Then glancing out the window and the slowly setting sun. "Maybe... A slight temporal spell, nothing to big to need a full circle. Just enough to keep the portal out of sink with the feedback. That may just work." I grinned at Steven. "We'll need some supplies." He nodded. "Can you make a list?" I tilted my head a bit, I really wasn't allowed out of the apartment, so Steven would have to do the shopping. "I should be able to. You do have a translator chip?" He tapped the back of his head in response. "Fox insisted that I get one. And Kalie had me download the language, did you do the same." Nodding, I waved my foreclaw a bit, dismissing it. "Ok, I have about an hour to make the list. You get together what money you can, and finding something to cover yourself in." Patting me on the back, right between my folded wings, he said. "Right on it." and then dived into the back room. Sitting myself down at my work table, I pulled out a fresh piece of paper from the stack on the floor, and slowly started to write out what I needed for the spell. * * * Wiping the tears off my muzzle, I took a couple of ragged deep breaths. I had to think, I couldn't just give up like this. Another of those things my Grandfather always told me was, 'Never give up, it's just another way of saying you didn't try.' So I couldn't give up. I was in this position where I had to do something, anything at all. If I was the last one of us left alive, or at least free I had to do something. I chewed my lip a bit, I just had no idea where to start. The first thing I had already decided to do was to get out of the Hall, but that was already not an option. 'How about communications?' I though to my self. They might not be cut off out of the Hall. Maybe I could get a message out, or at least find out what was going on. Standing, I started to walk down one of the walls of piping. It looked like most everything for this area of apartments came through this one room. I hoped there was a video-phone conduit around, or at least a data-wave line. I was even luckier then that. Tucked away in the back of the room, I found a box of different maintenance tools, including one of those line checkers for the video-phones. You know, they kind that let you use the line or just listen in. As a bonus, it looked like it could work on the data-wave lines that where scattered through the room. Sitting down next to a near by tube, labeled as a 'Phone Trunk' I opened the accesses panel. Inside was a large panel, covered with about two-thousand clips for the portable unit I had found. Picking one at random I slip the connection over it. The unit light up, and showed my static, as well as a read out of the phone number for it. Nodding to myself, I turned off the micro-camera, and dialed Fox's number. Hopping maybe he had somehow got the com-lines back up to his place. All I got back was a "No Line" notice. Grimacing, I punched in another number. This time one out of the Marble Hall. Near instantly the static faded, and was replaced with a single message, blinking on the screen. "External Communications have be Shutdown." "Damn!" I yelled, yanking the connection off of where I had it. The Hall was blocked even over the communication lines. I considered trying the a data-wave connection, but they went out of the Hall the same way. Closing the unit, I slid it into it's caring case that I had found it in. Then paused to think for a second. There was no way into the Hall, and no way out. That, at least to me, implied the Hammerheads didn't have full control yet. 'Well, the Hall is a city unto it's self' I though. I knew from pilfering records there where at least a two-hundred thousand people living in the Hall. If I where trying to take it over, I would want to make sure they where on my side before I tried for the rest of Prid. But surely the Hall being closed would cause a panic. It's the seat of government the all of Prid, and a few of the other worlds, as well as a trading mecca. Most of the industry on Prid would shut down, or be disable, with the Hall being closed. I paused in my thought for a second, wondering how many of the industries on Prid where under Hammerhead control, or in collusion with them. They could start trying to get the population on there side. Surly though, there had to be people who knew what happened. All Council sessions where transited out on one of the video channels. And all the local Media hangs off of it like they did back home. So they question becomes, "How do you keep it just on Prid?" "That's easy," I said, speaking aloud, "Keep anyone from leaving." But how could anyone be keep from leaving. About 10 percent of the population is certified to use the portal controllers. The it hit me, when I was going through the Hammerhead database, I came on more then a few references to a Magic/technology mix, that was suppose to generate some kind of feedback loop in the ether. The ether was an old way of describing the folds, and if they where able to do that, everyone was trap on Prid. I started wringing my fingers again. It was looking bleaker and bleaker, even if I wasn't right. I needed to verify all of this, and try and find some allies, but how? Looking down at the cir-trics controller around my wrist, a grin slowly spread accost my muzzle. One thing my Grandfather loved to say was, 'When you get to a point where there is no way to win, you may just have to change the rules until there is.' I was going to do him proud, I was going to cheat. * * * Fox was an interesting person to be around, especially at times where he felt he had to move fast. This was one of those times. In the past ten minutes, while I got together a few days worth of food, some clothing, and a few minor things, he had pulled out some back up clothing, rain clothing, shoes for me, the flora and fauna database, a compass, some hiking clothing, a control for me, and three sets of temps implants. There was only two things I question in all of that. Why did I need shoes, my species didn't use them, and I didn't like them. And why the temps. "The shoes are for extra safety, and the temps are just in case." "Just in case of what?" "Just in case." He said while putting the stuff he had into his backpack, along with three more PADDs. Zipping up the back, he slug it over his shoulder. The compass in his hand. "Ready?" I nodded, I had also changed into some clothing that was a little more durable for hiking. "I guess." He nodded back, glancing around the house a bit. Then sitting up from where he had been on the couch he headed for the slider, and out onto the dock. He only paused to for a few seconds to check the compass. "That was is north-east." He said, pointing I that direction. "The nearest town is in that direction." He started off, walking around the large lake that was behind our house. I matching his pace with mine, trying to keep it brisk. With a final glance over my shoulder to the house, I shook my head a bit, hopping to some day see it again. Looking forward again, I keep walking just behind Fox. A few minutes after starting out, we entered into a large forest area. In the distance the twin suns of Prid slowly where falling from the sky. Looking to the sky, to the stars blotted out by the suns, I prayed to Thyrn, the one true God of my people. I prayed that we would live through all this, some how. Chapter 5 I sat at the edge of the drop off, my arms wrapped around my legs, watching the silhouette of someone on the cat walk above. I was barely in the duct, in fact my tail was hanging down into huge shaft. I had been sitting there for at least an hour, watching the person above me do what ever they where doing. The small light with them casting a long shadow onto the walls of the shaft. The pounding that had brought me here had stopped, and I really didn't know what the person was doing. The catwalk just spanned the huge shaft, but wasn't (as far as I could see) in a position to work on anything. I looked back down the way I came. Then down at my paw where some fur had been ripped off when I was trying to get that first vent back in. I had left a trail of scraps of fur and clothing, and probably a strong sent. It was only a matter of time before the guards found me. Pulling my arms a bit tighter around my legs, I let out a quite sigh. There really wasn't much I could do in this situation. The tunnel that I used to get here was a long strait one. I really didn't want to go back down it as I didn't know how close the guards where. Looking down into the depths of the shaft, I felt the air blow past my face, ruffling my fur a bit, and pushing on my ears. Slowly I looked back up at the catwalk. I had already considered trying to climb up the walls, but there where so slick I wouldn't have been able to do it back when I still practiced daily. There was only one thing I could do, as I saw it. Call to who ever it was on the catwalk, and hope they could come and get me, or tell me how to get up to them. Cupping my paws around my muzzle, I called out. "You, on the catwalk!" I could here my voice echo in the huge vertical shaft, and inside the smaller horizontal shafts. The person on the catwalk shifted, and knocked the light off. I watched it descend about fifty feet before it came to the full extension of the cable it was attached to. It snapped to a sudden stop, then slowly started swinging. As it swung I could see the full extent of the shaft. It was about a hundred feet square, and had hundreds of shafts leading off of it. I wondered where the all lead, and how deep I was into the Hall. Looking back up I saw the person on the catwalk looking over the side at me. Or at least looking in silhouette. "Hello?" He said. His normal voice echoing as badly as mine. "Down here!" I said. Knowing that with all of the echoes the guards would have a much easier time finding me. The person on the catwalk turned his head, and looked in my direction. I could barely make out a pointed ear on his head. "I think I see you, what are you doing down there?" "I'm..." I stopped, I really didn't want to tell him (the voice was male) that I was running from the guards. "I'm lost." He shook his head. "Nice trick that." "Do you know how I can get up to you?" He nodded. "Yes. I hope you have strong arms." Then he vanished on the catwalk. I heard him walking around above me, then a rope ladder fell from the catwalk. Rolling out it stopped about two feet below the shaft I was in, and just out of reach. "There you go." He said, pulling his light back up. I looked at it, then slowly reach out for it, sticking a leg back to try and keep balanced. Finally after having my fingers brush it four or five times I was able to get a hold of it. Pulling it closer to me, I gripped the rope rungs of the ladder. Slowly I pulled my self out of the tunnel with just my arms until I was able to swing one leg out, and catch my foot on the ladder. Putting the other leg onto it, I felt the ladder swing sideways a bit, away from the shaft, then back again. I gripped so hard onto the ladder I was sure you could see my knuckles turn white through my fur. I pulled myself up the ladder, keeping my eyes looking strait up, and trying not to think of how far the drop was below me. After what seemed like hours, but was probably no more then five minutes, I finally reached the catwalk. Pulling myself off the swinging rope, I scrambled onto the metal, and rolled on my back. Laying there I panted, looking up into the distance. Suddenly a furry paw held a fork above my face, with a piece of white meat hanging of the end. "Bird?" The person holding the fork asked. Rolling my head back, I saw the person who had throw down the ladder. He was a fox, and in poor condition. There was black and brown streaks through his white fur, his clothing was little more then rags that looked like they might have once been a suit. One of his ears was mostly gone, the end shredded off a bit, the other ear was tipped with a splotch of black fur, as well as the tip of his muzzle. He grinned, showing he had at least a full set of teeth. "You look hungry. Are you going to eat?" I nodded, moving myself into a sitting position. Then taking the fork from him, I nibbled a bit on the meat. He looked me over, then went back to the rest of the bird, which was cooking on some sort of grill. Flipping the bird over, he said. "My name is Marn, what's your's?" "Rachel," I said, finishing what was on the fork. He moved over a bit, giving me room next to his grill. "Well Rachel, feel free to rip off a slap of food to eat." I moved next to him, picking up a knife, and cutting of some of the bird. He grinned at me again. "Now look at this. You just ran into me, and now where playing buddy-buddy. Neither one of us knows the other, yet here we are sharing a meal. Doesn't that seam a bit strange to you?" I nodded. "Very strange, but considering you didn't react to my name, I guess your safe enough." He tilted his head a bit. "Reacted to your name? What, should I be bowing at your feet or something?" "No, I'm sorta being chased by the Hall's guards." He tilted his head the other way. "Oh, and you're hiding in the air system? Not a very smart choice, if I do say so myself." I shrugged. "I didn't have much of a choice in the matter. Though you're one to talk." He pointed his fork at me. "Oh contrar. I wasn't running from anything. I accidentally opened one of the service entrances in the Park above. Went exploring... and well, here I am." I nodded, taking another bite of the cooked bird. Looking him up and down again, I asked. "How long ago was that?" "Two years I now believe." I looked at him, and scuttled away a bit. "How did you survive in here?" He pointed up. "About a thousand feet above us is one of the big fans for the air system. It sucks more the a few birds in every day, enough to live by." I looked up the shaft. The Hall had five big air fans, each one on top of there own little mountain. They where used to keep the air flowing most of the time. "Strange thing though," Marn continued, "a few hours ago, a pair of huge doors close over the fan. Otherwise you would be able to see the stars. I nodded, looking back at him. "Where did you get the other stuff?" He shrugged. "Here and there. Every know and then I'll run into an old work sight during my explorations. They leave some of the most interesting things here." I looked at the light. "And where are you getting power?" He tapped the catwalk. "There's a power line right under us, I just plugged the light, and the grill, in." I nodded again, setting the fork down. "Have you tried to find a way out?" He nodded. "Yes, I've tried a lot. These halls here," he pointed to the hallways on both sides of the catwalk, "are just bigger the normal ducts, with stairs. There still the same complex maze as the normal ducts. I've been exploring them sense I got down here. I leave a mark here or there. So I can find my way back." I was about to say something else, when he put a finger to his muzzle. I stopped, and listed. In the distance I could here voice. Marn looked at me, the got up, and pushed passed. Grabbing the rope ladder, he started to pull it up, folding it in a small pile on the catwalk. Finishing, he moved back over to me, and shut off the light, plunging us into darkness. * * * I pulled the carrying case for the video phone equipment over my shoulder. Then check to make sure I didn't leave anything behind, I slipped out the door, and in the hall. I moved slowly down the halls, every few feet, ducking into a doorway, and making sure the rest of the hallway was clear. I was only being this careful as I just wanted to get to where I was going, I didn't have to worry about anyone thinking I was me. Simply put, I had found a form in the Matrix chip that would be a perfect mask for me. A skunk-morph, more accurately a male skunk-morph. Slowly I worked my way up a few levels, finding the lack of people inside the Hall strange. 'They must have moved everyone someplace.' I thought to myself, ducking around a corner. Eventually I made my way just outside of the council chambers. Taking a deep breath, and hopping I was right, I turned and walked into the waiting room. It was empty. Letting out a breath I didn't even know I had been holding, I slipped inside the halls of the Council. Moving through them with practiced ease, I slowly made my way back to an unmarked back room. Sliding my paw along the frame of the door, I heard a slight popping sound. Reaching down I slowly twisted the handle, and pushed the door open. With a final glance I slipped into the room, and closed the door behind me. I found myself in the small office where we had convinced (forced, if you ask him) Fox to join are conspiracy against the Hammerheads. Only a few times after that had the office seen use, and that was what I was counting on. When Rachel had made this small office, she had certain things out of the ordinary added. One was the hidden lock, another was the anti-bug system, there was one specific thing that I had come to that room for. Sitting down behind the desk, I turned on the video-phone, and dialed an number outside of the Hall. There was a pause, and the static cleared, showing a 'Ringing' message. Quickly dropping the connection, I leaned back and grinned. This was what I wanted. All of the communications in the office went over two data lines, dedicated souly to this office, and where totally separated from the rest of the Hall's communications. And they weren't blocked... Chapter 6 I held my breath as I slowly heard the voices start to come closer. Next to me I could feel Marn as he rested his paw on my knee. "Shit!" one of the voices yelled out, becoming clear enough to understand. "What's wrong now?" another one asked. The first voice let out a bit of a grunt. "It's a drop off." "Let me see, move over." the voice paused, then let out a low whistle. "If she came this way, she might have just crawled right over the edge." "What are you going to tell the boss?" The first voice asked, a little fainter. There was another pause. "Well, her sent isn't on the ducting around here. I think we should tell them it looks like she may be dead, but we can not confirm it." "Sounds good to me." the first voice said, fading out again. There was something else said by the second voice, but it became to faded to understand. Risking a peak, I looked over the edge of the catwalk, and down into the shaft. Below I could see a spot of light in one of the ducts fading into nothing. I let out a low sigh. "Hey, what did you do that there so hot to nab you for?" Marn asked, turning the light on a bit. I looked at him, "Don't worry, I'm the good guy." "Well to you maybe, but I don't know about the rest of the world." he said, crossing his arms a bit. "Very well then." I said, and proceeded to tell him. * * * I leaned back against a large tree, and nibble at an apple like fruit Oriana had found. Slicing off a bit with a pocket knife I had grabbed before we had left, I slowly ate the green fruit. Oria was a few feet away, tending to a small fire, and rubbing her feet. "See why I brought the shoes." I said, popping another piece into my mouth She gave me a dirty look, and continued rubbing. "I'll get used to it soon." I wasn't one to talk. After spending about fours hours walking before the suns and set, and my feet where bothering me too. Popping another slice into my mouth, I reached into my backpack and pulled out a small PADD I had brought. Then sat down to do some writing. "What are you doing?" Oria asked. Lowering the PADD, I said. "Trying to get some writing done. I have a few things I really need to get done in the next month or so, and I appear to have the time." She rolled her eyes, and looked up to the sparse scattering of stars above us. "Interesting life I'm leading." She muttered. I grinned. "Your not the only one." She nodded. "I guess..." she paused, as if waiting for something. "Fox, back at the house, you refereed to... that man, as your version of The Master. What did you mean by that?" I started chuckling under my breath. "A bit of a pun of my life I guess." She looked at me from accost the fire, pulling her legs to her chest, and wrapping her arms around them. "Could you explain it?" I shrugged. "Sure, but I doubt you will understand it all. You know how I always refereed to the meddling I did as Doctoring?" She nodded. "Well, you see, back on Earth there's a TV show called 'Doctor Who'. The main character in it, who's name is the Doctor, does exactly what I do, meddle." Oria 'ahhed'. "I see, so you named your meddling after that." I nodded. "Yes, though I'm a far cry from the Doctor. The point is the main big arch-enemy in the series is called The Master. So Grasion, being my arch-enemy, and also a natural, is therefore my version of The Master." She shook her head a bit. "That has to be the silliest reasoning I've ever heard." I smirked. "You haven't heard me talk about religion yet." That caused Oriana to react, she strained a bit, and looked me right in the eye through the flickering flames of the fire. "If your logic about it works in the same way, I don't want to here it." I blinked, and sat back a bit, taking another slice of the apple. "What prompted that reaction?" I asked. She slumped down a bit. "Fox..." she paused. Then with a sigh she pulled something out of her pack. Then walking around the fire, she sat down next to me. "Look at this." She said, handing it to me. Pushing my glasses up on my noise, I looked over it. It was a necklace made out of a small black silk rope that was tied together. Sliding free on the rope was a small pendant made out of what looked like pewter. Carefully carved onto the pendant was the outline of a lioness dressed in a kind of toga that barely covered her rather oversized breasts. Folded behind her back was what looked like a huge set of feathered wings. I looked over to Oria, "What is this?" She gently took the necklace from my hand, and pulled it over her head. "It's a pendant of Thyrn, the one true god of my people." I raised an eyebrow. "You found a god? Wow." I'm sure I looked as amazed as I felt. She nodded slowly. "More as he found me after..." she stopped, suddenly looked very pale though her fur. I placed my hand on her shoulder. "She found you after what?" I asked, correcting her mistake. She gulped. "Fox... while you where gone, something happened to me. It changed me a lot." "Oh," I said under my breath. "Was that why you mellowed a bit while I was exiled?" She gave a small nod. "Yes... Do you know how my people move from continent to continent?" I shook my head. "Flying?" I asked, thinking about what happened to TWA-800 back on Earth. "No... we have a... under water train system." I nodded, "and...?" She gulped again. "Well, about 6 months before you came back, I was going to see some family in one. Something happened, and the train derailed and crashes partly out of the tube." I blanched, I had a feeling about where this was going. "The tube flooded, and the water presser flooded the first two cars before the pressure doors could close. The third car was already half full of water from the first seconds of the water exploding in. The pressure door to the forth car had closed as well, and the door between the twenty-seven people in the third car and the water was slowly leaking." She wrapped her arms around her legs, and looked to the ground. "I was in the fourth car, which was mostly empty, just me and two others." She paled even more. "We where down there for two days, we barely had any air left by the time the three of us where rescued." Looking up at me, I could see she was crying. "Fox, there was only four cars in the train. There was no where I could go, there was nothing I could do... For most of the first night and day, we could here the survivors in the other car, yelling for us to open the door, prying at it, scratching at it." I saw a haunted look in her eyes. "I heard them beg and plead as they slowly drowned to death. Some nights...I can still hear them in my dreams." She shivered, I could think of anything to say, so I wrapped my arms around her, and held her tight. "One of the other two," she continued, nearly in a whisper, "one of them was a priest of Thyrn. We shared a hospital room together for a week. She told me about her believes, and some of the stories of Thyrn. It was a way to cope..." she trailed off, crying into my shoulder. I just held her, not able to say anything to her. The only thing I could do was comfort her. Eventually she cried herself to sleep in my arms, not wanting to wake her, I just sat there holding her, envying her for being able to do just that, until I too fell asleep. Chapter 7 One thing I have to say about the media, it's great for passing around miss-information. You give them half of a fact and they will concoct a story that fits what they want to hear. The fact that it may not be anything like reality doesn't have anything to do with it. This was something that was becoming very clear to me as I sifted through the news feeds coming from outside the hall. Apparently the Hammerheads had cut of the communication lines right before the Council meeting had started, so know one on the outside knew what they had done, only that communications had been lost. The Hall being closed twenty minutes later didn't help anything. Most business that relied on the Hall closed, and a few others tried to get new trade centers set up. Then the folds started to collapses on themselves when they where opened, and with Prid being as far as it was from the next system, they where the only way off. Panic started, some rioting, the usual response to something like that. To top it all of, a couple hours later some information leaked out, totally fabricated information I'm sure, that a terrorist group had tried to take over the council and the Marble Hall, and that the Hammerheads where fighting them off. Shutting the computer off, I leaned back in my chair a bit. 'The only people the Hammerheads are fighting are the ones don't want then in charge' I though to myself. It was a safe bet that they where feeding this to all the other people that had been trapped in the Hall, where every they had rounded them up at. I just wondered why they where going to do with the few Council members who knew what had happened. Standing, I stretched out my arms wide, at the same time bending forward, and stretching my tail as well. Most all the chairs made on Prid where for people with smaller tails, and they nearly all pinched a nerve in mine. Sitting down on the edge of the desk, I tried to think of what to do next. Slowly rubbing the side of my head (I had spent three or so hours in front of the computer screen, my head was hurting), I tried to think of what to do next. What I really needed to find out was what had happened to the others. All I knew is that the teleport curtain to Fox's house was down, I didn't know anything about where he, Rathal, or Rachel was at, or even if any of them where alive. I sighed, I didn't know where to go from here. I had all these things I needed to know, and I had no idea what to _do_ to achieve them. It wasn't like I could just waltz up to a guard and ask them for what I wanted to know. Then something blinked on. All the communications lines, the phone and the data-wave, all of them where still locked down (I check just minutes before), but with all the guards moving around, they must have had some kind of way to communicate with each other. I grinned to myself. A plan was starting to form. * * * I slowly drifted awake as someone started to shake me on the shoulder. Slowly opening my eyes I didn't see anything. "What..." I started to say, when I felt a finger press against my muzzle, and heard Marn whisper, "voices." I nodded a bit, remember where I was. I guess I had fallen asleep while Marn though over everything I had told him. Below us, I could here voices grumbling and yelling. It sounded like five or six different people. There was also a kind of a mechanical sucking sound. "how long?" I whispered. "a couple hours." He replied. "from what i was able to see, it looks like there checking the walls. they'll be up here soon, so we had better go." Looking around, it was then that I noticed, in the defused light from the searchers below, that all of Marn's small amount of things had been removed from the catwalk. He slowly stood, being careful not to make a sound. Then slowly headed down the catwalk. I followed him, doing my best to be quite. After going for about five minutes, and turning a few corners. Marn reaching into his clothing, and pulled a flash light out. Flipping it on he bent down and slowly worked his claws into the metal. He paused a second after he had his claws dug in, then slowly, panting hard at the exertion, he pulled the metal panel out of the wall. Behind it was a tunnel, carved into the solid rock the Hall was built in. I suddenly wondered how far under ground we where. I knew the height of the shaft we had just been wasn't a good measure, as it came out on top of a small mountain. I watched Marn crawl into the dirty tunnel, then look back over his shoulder. "I hope you like crawling backwards. There's no room to run around in here, and you have to pull the panel back on." I looked at him, then down at the panel, which had handles welled to the back from some reason. "Come on!" he hissed. I nodded, glad that the tunnel was only a few inches above floor level. Getting on my paws and knees, I slowly started back into the tunnel, my feet and tail brushing against his as he crawled forward. When I was almost totaly into the tunnel, I reached over, and grabbed the handles of the plate. Then moving back a bit more, I slowly yanked it back on. I gave it ten or so hard yanks to make sure it was tight. Looking back over my shoulder, I saw how little room I had in the tunnel. It was about three inches above my shoulders, making it about two and a half feet tall, and maybe three feet wide. Slowly I worked my way backwards, until I was caught back up with Marn, who had keep going while I had closed then panel. "What is this." I asked, already feeling cramps forming, adjusting myself so I was on my elbows instead of my paws. "Some kind of service tunnel." He said, his voice a bit faint. "I've found four of them. There cooler in here, so there is airflow around the panel, each time I though I found a way out, I was wrong." I winched as I knocking my head against the top of the tunnel. "Who made them?" "I think they may have had something to do when the Hall was built. I really don't know. The point is though that it's hidden, and it bends and turns enough to keep as hidden from any searchers." I sighed. "I don't think, if there following my sent, they probably will find it strange when it suddenly stops, a little more checking and they will quickly find this tunnel." He chuckled a bit behind me. "Not really, before I went to wake you, I sprayed a sent defuser around the last turn." The turn was a four-way connection of ducts. "It will take them a time to find out which way you went, and then to find you." I paused for a second, rubbing my upper arm. "Where are we going?" "To the center duct." he said. I did a quick calculation. "That's four miles from the other ducts. I hope we don't have to go the whole way in this tunnel." "Nope," he called back. "Just two miles." I could feel all the blood running from my face. We had been in the tunnel already, for what felt like half an hour, and maybe had gone a hundred yards. Two miles was a long way to go. I winched as I hit my head again, 'I hope it's not _to_ far.' I though to myself. Chapter 8 I slowly creeped through the corridors of the Hall, keeping close to the walls, trying not to be seen. I had spent the past few hours working my way down into the center of the of the, heading towards it's largest room. The basic idea of my plan was simple, intercept there communications. They had to be using the Hall's core communication lines, as the make up of the walls, and the size of the Hall made any other type of communication useless. There for, with all the secondary lines in the utility rooms down (which was the only way to shut down the internal lines like they had, even if it was the longest), all there communications had to be routed through one hub. There was only one place left for that to be done at, the Hall's data center. The first, and rather hard part, was getting there. Even using the Matrix, I really wasn't safe. There still where guards wondering around, and I had watched them collect a few other people who had been wondering around the Hall. Now I didn't know where they were being taken to (my guess was the main auditorium, it was big enough for a couple hundred-thousand people), but my guess was, it was to heavily guarded to get out of. I still didn't understand why they were rounding everyone up. I doubted it was just to find me. Implied that they may be looking for someone else, or it was part of there cover story. I though all this over as I slowly moved down the hallway. Thus I was totally off guard when I felt an arm wrap around my neck, and what felt like a gun pressed against my left temple. "Don't move." I female voice whispered in my ear. "Why would I do something like that?" I whispered back, talking in my normal voice, and not trying to fake a male voice to match my disguised. "What are you doing here? You're not one of the guards that have been patrolling around here." The person holding me said, her voice sounding a bit perplexed. "Glad you noticed." She let go of me. "Turn around." I turned, keeping my hands to my sides. Behind me stood a female otter-morph. She was maybe five foot five, and was dressed in a dark silk shirt, and shorts, her thick tail hovering behind her. In her left paw, pointed at me, was a gun. "Who are you?" She asked. I put my paws behind my back. "I should ask you the same thing." I said, slowly pulling a pen out of my back pocket. She narrowed her eyes at me. "Maybe, but I have the gun." I nodded, then with a quick flick of my wrist threw the pen down the hallway, where it landed against a door, ringing out. The otter turned her head for a second to see what it was, then in a quick move I brought my paw up, and wrenched the gun from her paw. "Now, are you finished with this bullshit?" I asked, inspecting the gun. It wasn't any of the high-tech guns, just a good, reliable projectile gun. She grinned a bit. "Nice move." I smirked a bit, putting the gun in the waist of my pants. "Thanks. Who are you?" She shrugged. "No reason not to tell you. My name is Kalie." "I'm Page." I said. She chuckled a bit, "Page, is that a bit feminine?" "Yes. Now come on, before someone finds us." I stared back down the hallway. Behind me, I heard her pause for a second, the start to follow me. "Where are you going anyways? You know a way out?" she whispered. I looked back over my shoulder at her. "This is definitely not a way out." She wrinkled her forehead a bit. "Then why the hell should I go with you?" "Because from your reaction." I said, turning a corner. "You want to be caught as much as I do." "True..." she said, keeping up with me. We walked down the corridor a bit, until I found the door I wanted. The door wasn't marked, and didn't have a complex lock. The only real clue that is was special was that it was the only door on that side of the hallway for a long time. Gently I typed in a code on the keypad that I had retrieved months ago from the computer system. There was a low pop, and the door unlocked. Slowly I pushed the door open, and steeped into the room. Kalie followed after me. She took about three steps into the room, and muttered "Holy shit." I turned from locking the door, and stood next to her, and had about the same reaction. The Marble Hall's data center was vastly huge, much bigger then I originally though. We stood on the floor, and could see cables and conducts all over the place. The room was at least a thousand feet long, the same wide, and 5 floors tall. There where things scattered all over the place, at least ten of the e-class main frame computer where sitting around. Each one monolithic in size, being 4 stories tall, fifty feet wide and long. There was also banks and banks of pure memory storage. I had to guess I could see at least fifty of the two-hundred terabyte storage systems. And all over the place, above us, on the walls, and under are feet, where miles and miles of Data-Wave cabling, along with the video-phone system cables. In the very center of the room, was one of the huge air ducts, the side I could see (all 200 feet of it) was totally unobstructed. As this was in the center of the Hall I guessed it had to be the center duct. "What is this place?" Kalie asked in awe. "The Hall's data center." I said in a low voice. "Everything in the Hall's network is stored here, as well as backups for every company on Prid, and a few off. This also has the routing to the external data links, and the ship to space dish, not to mention the primary hub of all the Hall's data lines. There are five other centers like this on Prid, each one an near prefect echo of the other." She let out a low whistle. "What are we doing here then?" She asked. I gave myself a slight grin. "To tap into the Hammerhead's communications. Considering the have all the utility hubs shut down, it all has to be going through here, and we can also re-establish the external links out of the Hall as well." Kalie looked at me. "Wouldn't this be guarded then?" I blinked. "Oh dear." I said. That was something I hadn't considered. "Actually yes." a voice said behind us. "Now turn around slowly." Before I could react, Kalie turn fast, her left side brushing against me. As her turn ended, she used her momentum to quickly drop to one knee. Then I heard her gun go off right next to me, and the sound of a large mass hitting the ground. Slowly I looked down at Kalie, who was still in position, her gun held prone in her paws. I quickly checked my belt, and found that it was the same gun she had before. She must have taken it from me when she turned. A few feet away a large bear was lying on the floor, blood slowly pooling under his head. "You killed him!" I said. She looked at me, standing, putting her gun in a hip holster that I had missed before. "It was necessary." I raised an eyebrow. "You let me take the gun away from you." She nodded, giving me a very full, and pointed, grin. "Of course, do you think I would fall for that little trick you pulled?" I grumbled. "Well then, search his body, and see if you can find some kind of radio or something." She nodded. "Yes sir." she said. "Not sir, madam." I corrected her. She raised an eyebrow. "Could have fooled me." she said. I remember then I still had the Matrix active. Raising the control to my muzzle, I deactivated it. After the now familiar blast of light I presented myself to her. "See." She grinned. "Nice toy that." She said, then headed to the body. I turned and looked out over the massive room. This was a place I could like. * * * I stretched my arms out, as I rested against the metal wall of the air duct at the far end of the tunnel we had spent the last four hours crawling through. Marn was next to me, pounding the metal panel that covered it, back into place. I rubbed my shoulders a bit. "Gods, I've got cramps." He nodded in the low light of the flashlight he had. "It's not an easy trip." I rocked my head back and fourth a bit. "I don't suppose you have anything to eat on you?" "Not a bit." he said. "Sorry." I slowly stood up, feeling my knees pop. "So where do you go from here?" "That way." he said motioning down the hall. "Let's get going then." I said, starting down the duct. Behind me I heard him scramble to his feet. "Be careful, this close to the center there are a lot of off-shoots." I looked over my should at him, I was about to say something, when my left foot found nothing under it. Before I could try and catch my balance, I smashed my knee into the floor, and tumbled face first into the air shaft. As I plunged into darkness, I felt myself it the side of the duct, and starts to tumble down it. Apparently it wasn't a strait shot down, but at a sharp angle. I rolled and tumbled in the darkness for a few minutes, every now and then hitting the sides. After one sever smash, I felt myself crashing side ways hard. A few seconds later I landed hard in another duct. I slowly rubbed myself, feeling batter and bruised, though nothing felt broken. Looking around the duct I had landed in, I saw that I was in a small duct, I was back to crawling again. On the up shot though, ever few feet was a small one foot wide, by six inches tall shaft, that went about three feet, then stopping in a grate. Each one had some light shining in from them. 'At least I have light' I though to myself. Above me, from the shaft I had falling down, I heard some loud crashing banging, and a few grunts. My guess was that Marn was coming down the same way, trying to find me. I moved back a few feet, to be out of his way when he landed. After waiting a few seconds, there was a loud clang as the light he had been caring fell out of duct. 'Fuck!' I though to myself. Some where in the fall, he must have gone a different direction then I had. Picking up the light, I stood up, getting my head in the shaft. "Marn?" I called out. Echoing around the shaft, I heard his voice call back. "Rachel, where are you?" "I'm in a duct that has vents along it." I heard him grumble a bit. "Can you feel which way the air is blowing?" I paused for a second. I could lightly feel the air streaming past by body, ruffling my fur through the rips in my clothing. "Yes." "Good, head in the direction it's blowing from, that will take you to the center duct." His voice instructed. I nodded to myself. "I'll meet you there." I called. "Good, now get going." His voice said, getting weaker. I got back on my paws and knees, and headed into the moving air. I was glad that even though I was back crawling, this tunnel was large enough not to cause me to cramp up. Chapter 9 After spending half a day walking in the heat of twin suns, I was absolutely grateful to come across a stream. To hot, and dry to worry about using my paws, I pulled off my backpack, fell to my paws and knees, and started to lap up the water with my tongue. Next to my I saw Fox do much the same thing, though he scooped the water up with his hands, his body not being made to drink as I was. After the water had run though his fingers for of five times, he finally just dunked his face into the stream. After a few seconds he came back up, his face, glasses, beard, and the hair that always seemed to be in his eyes, dripping wet. He let out a sigh, and flopped back onto the ground. I spent a few seconds longer, before I to rested on the soft grass next to the stream. I glanced over at Fox, who was drying his glasses of on his shirt. His army jacket throw on top of his pack. "I need a nap." I told him. He chuckled, putting his glasses back on and looking over at me. "I'm starting to agree with you." I sat back up, and started rubbing my feet. That morning, Fox had tried to get me to wear the shoes he had brought for me, but I waved him off. I was starting to wonder if he had a point. "Oria," Fox said. "I'm sorry about this morning, but I didn't want to wake you." I giggled a bit to myself. I had woken up still held in Fox's arms, and rather enjoyed it. It was only when I moved to get some breakfast, about ten minutes after waking up, that I woke him up. He had looked sheepish, and blushed some, but hadn't anything about it. I shrugged. "It's ok Foxer, it was kind of comforting considering." He sat up, nodding a bit. "Well, some times the best help is just _to_ listen." I nodded back. That was when I noticed Fox's pack. He had dropped it so that it was on the far side of him, and had put his jacket on it. What I saw was a grey and white fox sitting right next to it. "Foxer," I said, "slowly turn around." He raised an eyebrow, and turn his head. When he saw the fox, he let out a little gasp. "Is that what I think it is?" He asked, his voice a whisper. I nodded, moving next to him. "Ya, it's a fox. I saw another one this morning, so I checked the database. Then strange thing is, it's not listed as being transplanted to Prid when it was terraformed." He turned to look at me, then looked back at the fox, who was look back at him. "I've never actually seen one before." I patted him on the back gently. "Well you have know." Once again he looked at me, grinning. "Well, I guess maybe there are a few perks to this walk." I raised an eyebrow. "Maybe not, look." "Wha--" he started, as he turned to looked where the fox was. I saw was, because now the fox was running out of the small clearing, it's tail flowing behind it, with Fox's jacket in it's mouth. "Shit." Fox said, and in one move, jumped to his feet, grabbed his pack, and started running after the fox. The instant Foxer started running, I grabbing my back, and followed him. Both of us where at a dead run, and I could see flashes of the fox's tail in front of us. After a few short minutes, thou not short enough for Fox, he was wheezing terribly, the fox ran through a thick clump of bushes. I pushed my way through, pulling Fox with me. The instant I got through the bushes, I gasped. We where on the outskirts of a large clearing. In the center of which was a small, log house. Nothing much to look at, but sitting in the front door was a young human, looking about twenty years old or so. He was bent down, petting the grey fox on the head. "What you got Sierra?" He said, taking Foxer's jacket from it's mouth. I tapped Fox on the shoulder, as he was half crouched, looking at the ground, panting hard. Looking up, he saw the young man. "Holy..." He mutter, still trying to catch his breath. By now the man had finished looked over the jacket, and saw me and Fox. "Hello," he called. "Is this yours?" "It's mine." Fox said, slowly standing. His gasping for air finally slowly down. The human walked over to Fox, and handed it to him. "Sorry about that, Sierra has a tendency to grab things, and run back home with them." Fox nodded, rubbing his side. "I see. Who are you by the way?" The human grinned. "Everyone call's me Mike." "Well Mike, I'm Fox, and this is Oriana." Mike raised an eyebrow. "Fox... Cutter?" He asked. Fox nodded. "The one and only." He grinned. "Well the come inside, let me offer you a drink." I looked over at Fox, who was looking back at me. "What do you think Oria?" He asked. I shrugged. "I think we could use more a rest then we got back there." He nodded back, then looked at Mike. "Thank would be great." Mike grinned, then started back to his house. "Come on then." He said, waving his hand for us to follow. Which we both happily did. * * * It was a long crawl to the center air duct. Though quick compared to the fours hours I had spent in the cramped tunnel on the first two miles of this trip. The second half was a rather strait crawl, and only took about an hour and a half. When I finally reached the center duct, I balked a bit, finding myself once again at a drop off. I could see squares of defused light on the far side of the duct. Each one from the same type of feeder air duct I was in. Though they ended at the same level I was. The only light I could see below me was for four large inset grates, one on each side, about thirty feet below me. Turning the flash light on, I shined it down the duct. It didn't dissipate into the darkness, but stopped at a metal floor about sixty feet down. 'Wait a second, if that's the bottom of the shaft...' I paused in my thoughts. '_I don't_ want to know how far I fell back there.' "Marn?" I called out. There was a pause as it echoed for a second, then I heard him call back. "Where are you?" "Down at the last row of ducts." There was a pause, then I heard some scrambling. "Shine the light up." I turned the flashlight on, and being very careful not to fall out, I shined it up the wall. "Over to the left." He instructed. I started moving that way, when he called again. "No my left!" Moving the light the other was, it wasn't long until I found him. He was about five ducts over, and twenty feet above me. "Ok," I said. "Now what from here?" I saw him grin, "We get to the ground. There had to be a door down there. I've just never been this low before." "And how do you plan to do that?" I asked. He grinned wider. "Safety net." Then with a heave he pushed himself out into the open air of the duct. I was paralyzed as I watching him fall pasted me, and into the darkness of the shaft. I was sure a fall of about eighty feet would have killed him. Sighing to myself, I was about to try crawling back, when I heard him called up to me. "I'm all right." Shining the light down to the bottom of the duct, I saw him there, grinning like a fool. "How--" I started. "There's a grav-field down here, it's to catch any workers if they fall. But the speed it can absorb is limited, that's why I didn't use it before. A fall from to high up, and your still vulpine patti." I shook my head. "Stand back." I said. Then with a gulp, I held onto the flashlight as tight as I could, and dived into the open air. For the first few seconds I plummeted, my speed getting faster, just as I had expected. About ten feet from the ground, I suddenly felt myself get pushed upwards. A second later I landed on my tail with a slight thump. Standing up, I handing him the flashlight. "How did you know that was there anyways?" He shrugged, running the light over the walls of the duct. "I didn't." "What?!" He looked over his shoulder at me, and grinned. "Well, they use the same kind of thing in high construction. There was a good chance they used the same thing in the ducts as well. I was just never low enough to test it." I shook my head, my hair and fur blowing in the moving air of the duct. That brought a thought. "Where the fans shut off too?" He paused, and looked at me again. "Huh?" "When they closed the tops of the ducts, did the fans stop?" "Oh, no. But there unlike to cause the air movement down here." I blinked. "Then what?" He turned keep moving the light over the walls. "Well, the Hall is what, a ten mile circle, about sixty floors deep. That's a lot of duct work. Well, some of it's hot, and other places it's cold, and that changes the air temperature, and cold air sinks, hot air rises. So, in the end, you get wind." He paused for a second, then sighed. "Shit! There isn't an exit down here! I though for sure they had to have been one." I looked at the dull grey walls, and rubbed my chin. "There may be. I remember reading someplace that when the Hall was being built, by the same people who terraformed Prid, and at the same time. Well, these people add some... intruder safety features on there own. I believe one was hiding the doors on the inside of the ducts." Marn digested this for a few seconds, then grinned. "That explains why I could never find a way out. Perfect! Now how do we find it?" I was about to respond, when a gun shot echoed from the outside of the duct. I looked at him, and he shut his flashlight off. "was that for us?" He whispered. Out side of the duct, echoing through one of the big grates, I heard some voices talking. "don't think so." I whispered back. We waited there for at least ten minutes, listen to the voices wax and wane in the distance. Then, suddenly, one of the voices yell, and I could clearly make out what was being said. "Got you, you son' bitch!" I blinked. I knew that voice, it could only belong to one person. Page. I grabbed the flashlight from Marn's paw, and ran to the nearest wall. Then started slamming the butt of the flashlight against the wall, causing a deep metallic ringing. I keep at it, quickly pounding out a signal Fox had created for us, made especially for this type of situation. So, with Marn now next to me, looking at me like I was crazy, I tapped out 'SOS'. Chapter 10 I followed both Oria and Mike inside Mike's house. Pulling my jacket on, I was still panting a bit, and really did need to sit down for a spell. Mike offered both of us a chair at a small table. I pulled one out with my foot, and sat down. Resting my shoulders on the table, I asked. "I don't suppose you have any Rithen tea?" He chuckled to himself, pulling out a few glasses. "Sorry, not a blend I like. The most I can offer you is some water." I shrugged. "No big deal." Oria grinned at me from accost the table. "You and your tea." I grinned back. "Hey, I love it, some of the best stuff I ever had." She raised an corner of her mouth. "I'll have to try and convert you." "To...?" She giggled a bit, more of a chuckle actually. "Oh, you'll see when you see." Mike sat down in another chair, setting a glass of water and ice in front of each of us. "As much as I love this witty repertoire, I think in front of me is not the right place." He gave a deep grin. Oria grinned, and leaned back in her chair, sipping at her water. I just shook my head. "So, what are you two doing way out here, a long hike?" He asked. I nodded. "Back. I have a place out here, about a days walk south-west. Twenty miles I would say." He chuckled. "Ah, my only neighbor." I grinned. "Well, my house is large enough. Maybe we can have a small party someday." He smiled back at me. "I hope so, though it is a long walk. I don't suppose there is a faster way?" "Maybe, are current problem is are teleport curtain is toast. When we get that fixed." I shrugged. Mike grinned a bit. "Now that is an interesting problem. Lack of maintenance?" I shook my head. "A less then nice enemy. Destroyed the equipment on are side, I assume he did the same to the other." "Have anything to do with all the shit going on?" I slowly nodded. "Yes. What shit exactly?" He paused for a second. "Well, lets see. For one, the Marble Hall is total closed off from the rest of Prid, all portals are collapsing in on themselves, the only noise out off the Hall is that some kind of major terrorist group has take over the place." I put my head in my hands. "Anything else?" He shook his head. "Not much, some rumors that most of the Council was involved. Also some partly confirmed reports about the HammerHeads trying to stop them." I groaned. "Nice plan. They keep up this kind of information feed, and when they come out, there heroes, and control of the multi-verse." Mike raised an eyebrow. "The Hammerheads?" I nodded. "There running this from the word go." "And Jenner?" "Looks like he's running it." Mike leaned back. "Well, I always did think he was a bit. megalomaniacal when I was growing up." He said, sipping at his water. "He's your brother?" Oria asked, sounded a bit aghast. He shook his head. "No, he's my father." I put my head back in my hands. "I should have seen that coming." He chuckled. "Yes, you should have." "I don't suppose you can help us get back to the Hall." Oria asked. "Well... I do have a teleport curtain into the Hall, but I haven't used it sense the communications died." I looked up. "How do you get news if you're lines are down?" He pointed his thumb over his shoulder. "I have a big dish in the back. It picks up some of the stuff bouncing off the atmosphere." I nodded again. "Now about the t-curtain?" He stood up. "Right that way." Then walked out of the kitchen. We followed. * * * I pulled myself up the ladder, onto the second floor of the Hall's communication center. Below me I could here Kalie doing something to the door. Which was, as far as I could see, the only door into the place. Walking along the second level, which really was just a large grate like floor move most of the room, I headed to one of the five rooms on the floor. Ducking into the first one, I found myself into what looked like some kind of archive room. Shaking my headed, I moved accost the floor, to the next room. "Bingo," I muttered, finding myself in a control room. Sliding behind one of the chairs, I ran over the control board. It wasn't much different then other ones I had used before. I made a quick check, and found that all the external links where active, showing that they had to be physically cut elsewhere. I also saw that one of the video feeds was being shunted into the archive room, and that the ship to space dish (which is rather badly named, but it was for a space ship) was out of sync with anything above the Hall. Cutting off the shunt, I slid the chair over to the audio board, and set up a channel scan. I doubted they where using the video links for there communications, because with the utility rooms shut down, they where less then reliable with there routing, about half the time, they didn't get out of this room. It was an inherent fault in the system, never had been tracked down. Running through the scan, I hopped that the random scan would stumbled upon one of the channels they where using. If it didn't... well there where over fifteen-hundred-million different auto channels in the system. It could take months to find it. I ran my fingers over the desk in front of me, watching useless information pour over the screen. Behind me I heard the door open, turning I saw Kalie walk into the room. "What are you doing up here?" "Trying to find any of the com channels they use." She nodded, sitting down backwards in a chair, her tail held behind her. "Any luck?" "I don't know. I'm hopping we'll get lucky." She grinned, and held out a watch. "Will this help?" He sighed, taking it from her paw. "No, I doubt a watch..." I trailed off, it wasn't a watch, it was something better. "A wristcom." She nodded, grinning wider, showing me the points of her teeth again. "Yes, the guard was wearing it." "Keyed to his DNA I assume?" She nodded again. "Yep, I already tried to get pasted it. Nothing doing." I grinned myself, and picking up a screwdriver that was laying around, I started to pry of the back. "Kalie, a question. How did you learn that little trick you pulled on the guard?" She leaned forward a bit. "Advanced training." I raised an eyebrow, "for what?" I asked, still working on the back. She leaned closer. "Lantra ground based army, rapid recon, group seven, e-point, retired." I blinked, finally forcing the back off. "Retired?" She nodded. "Well, discarded. The war toned down, and with my three months of AWOL," she shrugged, "even being in e-point doesn't keep you from being sweeped under if they fell the need to." "Sorry." I said, a bit weakly, pulling out the wristcom's tuner chip. She grinned again. "Hey, it's nothing bit. Those three months where some of the best of my life, and also partly why I here." I slipped the tuner into a slot on the audio-board that was made for it. "Oh, what did you do, go gallivanting off with Fox?" She laughed. "You know Fox!?" I looked over at her, as I sent the tuning information on the chip into the channel scan. "Ya, we're sort of in this together." Kalie blinked. "Shit, your the Page he keeps taking about, the computer genius!" I grinned. "I'm flattered he talks about me like that, but I'm just an expert, not a genius. Now why was he telling you about me?" She shrugged. "He was explaining why he needed me, and another of his friends, to watching Ken for a time." I blinked this time. "What, your who he sent Ken to?" She nodded. "Ya, Ken, Fox and I sort of worked together for a time." I was going to reply, well actually, trying to think of how to, when the computer beeped at me. Turning around I watching as the display started listing different channels it had found usage on. I smashed my paw down against the desk. "Got you, you son' bitch!" Kalie slide over to me. "Now what to we do?" I grinned, "Well now--" I was cut off as Kalie clapped her paw over my muzzle. Holding a finger to her muzzle, she slowly let go. "Do you here that?" I listened, in the distance, I could here a faint pounding. "Yes..." Kalie stood, pulling her gun already in her paw. "I think someone is coming." I shook my head. "No, I know that pattern. It was something Fox had us learn. 'S.O.S.' he called it." "It sounds like it's coming that huge air vent in the center of the room." I nodded. "I though I saw a door into it when climbing up the ladder." She nodded. "So did I." I stood, and started out of the room. "Who have to get who ever it is out." I called behind me. As I ran, I could here Kalie following me. Chapter 11 Marn grabbed my wrist, and held it tight. "What the hell are you doing?" He hissed. "That was Page," I said in a low voice. He paused for a second, loosening his grip on my wrist a bit. "Are you sure?" I nodded. "She has a very memorable voice." He slowly let go of my wrist. "Do you think she heard that?" There came a low pounding against the wall, a response code that went with the original one I had used. "I say that's a yes. Now all we have to do is have her find an exit." I felt Marn rest his paw on my shoulder. "How long do you think it will take." I shrugged. "No idea. I'm rather sure the doors have a code. Knowing Page she already has it, if not she'll get it." I saw Marn grin in the dim light of the duct, enhanced by my night vision. "Sounds like my kind of girl." Patting him on the back, I said. "I don't think your her type. Come to think of it, I don't even know her type." He let out a short laugh, then gave me a grin. Seconds later, there was a low thump, and a small part of the wall next to us opened inward, letting in a shaft of light so bright that I had to cover my eyes. It took a few seconds for the glare to fade from my eyes. Slowly dropping my paw, I saw a familiar silhouette in the doorway. "Page?" I asked. "Rachel, are you all right?" She asked, "And who's that with you?" I didn't responded, just slowly walked over to her. Holding her at arm length, I gave her a slight smile, then hugged her. "Glad to see you're ok. Jenner said he already had you." She broke the hug, and grinned. "Come on, lets get you some place with light." She glanced over my shoulder. "And your friend." I followed her a few steps out the door, and found myself in a HUGE room. "What is this?" I asked, standing in awe. "This is the Hall's communication center." A female otter explained. "I'm Kalie, nice to meet you." I grinned wide. "Your the infamous Kalie? Fox has told me a lot about you." Marn spoke up. "I suppose I should conclude the introductions. I'm Marn." I saw Kalie tip her head at this, and a strange looked passed over Pages muzzle and ears, but it only lasted a second. I broke the sudden silence. "Page, do you have any information about the others?" She shook her head. "I'll I know is that Fox's Teleport Curtain is down." "Last I saw, Rathal and the Ancient where herded out with the other Council members. Jenner doesn't know about them yet, or at least isn't sure. I don't know." Page grinned. "Well, that's why we're here. All the communications there using are being bounced through here. I have the start of a tap setup already." I grinned. "That's great, I hope we can do something with it. Have you scanned all the internal cameras, to see if you can find anyone?" As I said it, I noticed that Kalie had steeped away a bit. She was pressed a paw lightly on her neck, and whispering to herself. She snapped her fingers. "No, I didn't think of that, but it's a good idea. Would be able to confirm if there holding everyone at the main auditorium." That caused me to pause. "Everyone?" She nodded. "It looks like they've rounded everyone up, most likely to make a bigger impact with what they want everyone to believe." I saw about to reply, when I saw something. "Where's Kalie?" I asked. Page turned and looked around. "I don't know," she turned to Marn. "Did you see where she went?" He shook her head. "No, I was watching you two." He pointed, "but I think she dropped something." Page let out a low gasp when she saw what he was pointing to. Sitting on the floor was a gun, on top of a note. Page walked over to it, and pulled the paper out from under it. She lifted it to her face, then paused as, I assume, she read it. She lowered the note. "Kalie said she's going to get some friends, and not to worry, but to keep going with are plans. For defense she left us one of her guns." She paused. "One?" she asked to herself. Marn walked over, and gently picked the gun up, pointing it at the ground. "So, do we go after her?" I shook my head, feeling my hair flip around. "No, if Kalie is half of what Fox told me about her, she'll be ok. Right now, Page, you have to tell me all you've found out so far." She nodded. "Come on up to the control room, and I'll fill you both in." Then she started up a near by ladder. * * * I stood behind Fox, as Mike punched a few buttons on a code pad, that was on his wall. There was a low his, and a large metal door split down the middle, and spread apart. In the space behind it was a small 4 by 4 room, with the familiar glitter of a teleport curtain on the back wall. Fox looked at Mike. "Slight over kill?" He asked. Mike shook is head. "With what's going on? No." Then with that he walked through the curtain, and vanished. Fox shrugged, and went through himself. I started forward myself, when Sierra pushed passed my legs, and through the curtain. "Silly fox." I mutter, as I went through myself. On the other side, I found myself in a match for the room I had left. Though in this one the door (a normal one this time) lead out into a hallway. Mike was already standing in the hall, and Fox was behind him. Sierra was standing next to Mike's feet. Mike nodded to himself, then bent down and petted the fox a bit. "What are you doing here?" he asked. "He followed you." I explained. Mike shook his head. "He's never even gone into my house, let alone through the curtain. I don't think I'm the one he followed." As if in reply, Sierra licked Mike's paw, then went over to fox, nuzzling his legs a bit. Fox looked down at him, then back at Mike. Mike grinned. "I think you have a fox, Fox." "Are you sure you want to give him to me?" He asked. "He's not mine, he's his own. If he want's to go with you, well, he will." Mike shrugged. "Trust me on this one. He some how followed me over two moves around Prid." Fox nodded slowly. "You sure?" He nodded, pushing past me into the small room. Bending down he opened the control box for the teleport curtain. "I'm sure." Then he ripped out a small piece from the equipment. There where a few sparks, but it was momentary. "What are you doing?" Fox asked. "Shutting down this side of the curtain, though leaving the communications. My father was a way of bringing family into his battles, and I want none of it this time. So I'm make sure the curtain is down as long as the Hall is closed." He stood back up, closing the panel. Fox put his hand out to Mike. "Well, thanks for you help, you saved us a months worth of walking." Mike shook the offered hand. "Hey, no problem, just promises to come and visit some time." "No problem with that." I said, leaning forward a bit. He grinned. "Well, I hope to see you two later. And take care of Sierra." Then with that, he turned on his heal, and when back through the curtain. A few seconds later it flickered, and faded out of view. Fox slumped a bit, his grin fading. "Ok, now we have to stop Jenner." I put my arm around Fox's shoulders. "We can do it." He sighed. "I hope so." "So, what do we need to do first?" I asked. He paused for a second. "I guess, find where Jenner is, and see how protected he is. We also need to find his second in command, this has to much momentum to stop easily." I patted him on the back. "Where do you think he would be?" He looked up. "Um..." He pounded his fist lightly on his thigh. "My first guess would be there normal HQ, but that's out side of the Hall." He looked at me. "The Council Chamber. It's would be my first pick." "So, now that you decided that, we do what?" He started walking. "We go there, and try and a see if that's where he is." I followed him. "And we will know that... how?" "We just will." He stop walking for a second. Then looked over his shoulder as Sierra, who was sitting in the hallway. "Come on, you're the one who decided to come with us." I could swear that the fox nodded before starting after us. Chapter 12 Kalie's homeworld, Lantra, was perfectly suited for otters, at least in my opinion. It was hot, humid, and wet. It was as if the whole planet was one giant rain forest. Naturally, otters had no problems with all the water, it just rolled off there fur, and that was also the reason for there minimalist take on clothing. General being two pieces for the females, and one piece for a male. So you can see where someone in a full length cloak would stick out, even in the middle of the night. Which was exactly how it was the night before when, in the pouring rain, I had gone out and collected all of the different stuff Ken had on his list. But that was last night, and right now i'm going to focus on noon the next day, where things started to get interesting. I (Steven Mason if you have forgotten from Ken's quick interlude into this chronicle Fox is making us write) was just getting out of a long COOL shower, and finally feeling like a lion again. Thus, I was only wrapped in a large towel was I walked out of the bath room. Not to very much of my surprise, Ken was still at his work bench, trying to move the feedback around a few seconds, so he could open the Portal to Prid. I flicked some of my still wet mane out of my eyes. "Anything new?" He sighed, looking up at me. "Some... well a very little some. I've got it narrowed down, but I still have a large range of possibility to go through." I nodded. To my understanding, Ken was trying to find the wavelength (or whatever he called it) that the spell (as far as HE could tell) that was blocking Prid's folds was running at. Apparently with out getting it just right, he was intently out of luck. Pulling on a pair of underwear and shorts, I threw my towel in the corner. "Any idea how long it will take?" He shook his head, and flexed his wings a bit. He was getting frustrated. "No, my idea for narrowing it down as proved to be useless." He grumbled a bit under his breath as another test fold collapsed. I pulled on a t-shirt. "Maybe you should take a break, get some sleep, you never know, the answer may come in a dream." He gave me a flat look. "Steven... I... I'm worried about Kalie, I just can't sit and not doing anything." He hunched back down over the table, and did some adjustments to his spell. I sat down next to him. "Are you in love with her?" He shook his head. "No, and before you ask, we weren't lovers either." He chuckled. "Hell, Fox was easier to get into bed then she was, and both he and I tried." With a final nod, he flicked a switch on the disassembled controller. There was a pause, and a small fold started to from in the corner. There was a flick as the colour fluxed from blue to green. Ken sighed, and turned away, expecting it to collapsed as before. Suddenly there was a ripped of colour over the fold, and it turned light blue. Ken gasped. "The spell causing the feedback is down." He said. Then there was another colour changed, but back to green, and then the fold collapsed into a flash of white static. "Did you do that?" I asked Ken. He looked back, shaking his head. "No, I just said the field was shut down, then it went back up. It must have been dropped to let someone through. This is great for us." "Why?" "Well," he explained, turing back to his bench. "You see, I still have the old parts of the equipment set up for trying to narrow it down." Gently he pulled a glass slide out of it's holder. On it was a spot that was blood red. "So we have the exact setting I need!" With a grin to himself, Ken took another slide out of a second holder, and set it on the workbench. Then he slid the first slide into the now empty holder. With a few mutter words, he activated the portal controller. Instantly, the fold blurred, and created a small portal that staid light blue. "You got it." I said. He nodded. "We got it." Then reaching over the equipment, he flipped on a second device. There was a flash, the a communication laser was shot into the open fold. The only evidence of it's existence was the yellow light showing up on the dust specs as the flitted through the beam. Ken picked up a small two-way radio, and talked into it. "Kalie? Are you there?" After a few seconds, there was a low buzz, and Kalie's voice floated over the radio. "Ken, is that you?" "In the scales. Steven and I found a way around the interference with the folds." There was a low chuckle. "Good... Then we're going to need you two here. Can you open any fold, or just the one to are com-laser?" Ken paused. "Should be any fold, why do you have a specific one?" "Yes, standard Prid verse number, fold slash BA." The half-dragon nodded. "Well be there in ten minutes, can you meet us there?" There was a pause. "On my way," Kalie said. "And good luck. Kalie out." Ken dropped the radio, then reached over and shut off the com-laser, and the portal controller. The he looked over at Me. "Steven, did you bring any guns?" "Um, just my plasma gun, but it's more for show really. Not something that you can use for more then a quick defense." Ken nodded, fiddling with some of the actual spell components. "Well then, get one of Kalie's spares for yourself. I'll have to pick one up when I can." I grinned, and went to work. * * * "So there it is in a nutshell." I explained, sitting down in one of the chairs that litter the control room. Rachel, and her friend Marn did the same. Rachel looked a lot worse for wear. The afternoon before she had been dressed in a pair of deep blue slacks, and a light blue blouse. Now most of the left leg of her slacks where gone, the right was partly shredded, and what was left of her blouse was a dirty black, as well as her orange-red fur. I let out a loud yawn. "This is all starting to catch up with me." I said slumping down in my chair. Rachel looked at me, rubber her right shoulder, where a nasty bruise was showing through her fur. "Have you had any sleep?" I shook my head. "None." She grimaced, as her paw ran over the bruise. "Right now, that's something we have to put on the back burner. Can you find the controls for the cameras?" I nodded, my paws flipping over a few controls. "Right here, I saw them, but just ignored them." I started flipping through the different places the internal cameras where set up, finally getting it stopped on the auditorium. There were fifteen cameras set up inside it, all controllable. Each one was showing the same image. A room full of people, overflowing the seats, all look the worse for wear. "There they are." I said, leaning back a bit. "Amazing." Marn said, leaning a bit closer. "Are there cameras like this in all the rooms in the place?" I shook my head. "All the major gathering spots, like there, all the trade rooms, the Council room, and many others." He nodded, rubbing his chin. "Interesting..." I said to himself. Turning in my chair, I faced the control board where I had the tap setup. Most of the channels I was watching showed no activity, one or two did quick flashes of use. A few quick checks proved them to be check-ins. I set the computer up to look for any long communication, or repetitive checks with no response, we didn't want them getting suspicious of us by not having the guard Kalie killed check in. Right at that second, I got amazingly lucky. Just seconds after I set the watches up, I got a flash on one channel. Quickly I flipped it onto the speaker in the room. The first thing that came over it, was the tail end of someone saying something. It was just the last bit of the last word, and I didn't hear enough to recognize it. There was a second, and a female voice come over the speaker. "Base here, what exactly do you mean one's gone?" The first voice, a male, replied. "Just that, the old one, I look away for a minute, and when I looked back in, he had vanished." "Did you check the room?" "Yes sir, all the seals held, and no evidence of any more attempts to escape. It is if he just vanished into thin air." There was a pause, then the second voice said. "Did you see anything of note before this happened?" "Um... yes I did. He and the elf had spent the last two hours talking to each other separated from the rest of them." "You elf is Rathal, and if he spent so much time talking to that old one," the voice paused again. "I'm going to send three guards down, Jenner will want to talk to him. Base out." There was a click, and the channel shut off. I slowly turned to Rachel. "He's alive." She nodded. "And someone has decided that he IS in on this. That also sounded like the Ancient they where talking about. If he's escaped..." she paused. "Well, I don't know if we will see him again." Marn put his head over Rachel's shoulder. "Well, if his a friend of yours, I suggest we go pull of some kind of rescue." Rachel looked at him. "First we don't know where he is, second we don't know where they will take him, and third, if we found out one of both of those, how are we suppose to get him. Run in gun blazing!" He grinned. "Come on, if this group is as large as you said, they'll need some place to gather, right?" She nodded. "Right." "That big?" He said, pointing his finger at the monitor, that still was showing the auditorium. I looked at Rachel. "I'll start checking all the different places that have cameras. Though we may get a better chance by listen in on them." She gave a slight grin. "I'll do that. I suggest you find a place to lay down, and get some sleep." I nodded, sliding my chair away from the control boards, letting her slide in. "You know how to use it?" I asked. She nodded. "Yes." "Good," I said nodding. "I'm be in one of the other rooms." Then I slid out the door. I was too tried to try and fight Rachel, and didn't want to anyways. Also, yet another bit of my Grandfathers numerous about of advice he had given me was, 'In a hard situation, when you can get sleep, get it. You may not know when the next chance will be.' I always though it was nonsense, but right now I couldn't agree with him more. Chapter 13 I have to say, after my night of fiddling with a spell, it felt good to go through the fold. On the other side I found myself in a long metal hallway. Steven steeped through behind me, with a shake of his head, he pulled the temp implants off his ears. "Your not much for fold-walking are you?" I asked him, chuckling. He shook his head. "No, gives me an instant headache." I shrugged, "You may just be more telepathic then most." He rolled his eyes a bit. "So, how long do you think we'll have to wait until Kalie gets here." I closed my eyes for a second, and did some quick mental math. "Knowing her, about know." "Right as always dragon." I heard Kalie say from behind me. I turned. "Not always, I've been know to be wrong at times." She grinned. "More then a few." She lowered her eyebrows when she saw Steven. "Is that one of mine?" Turning, I could see him blush in his ears, adjusting the gun's holster a bit, which was clipped to his pants. "Um, yes. Ken told me to bring it." She gave me a displeased look. "Your far more qualified to use a gun then he is, why don't you have one?" I held up my foreclaw. "Wrong size." She closed her eyes. "Sorry, I forgot." Open her eyes again, she started down the hallway. "Come one you two, we have to go back to the others." "Others?" Steven asked, followed me as I followed her. She nodded. "Yes, things have gotten interesting." Then she started to gives us a run down that lasted until we arrived in what she said was the Hall's communication center. What ever it was, it was huge. I had to admit, I was in quite aw. Though Steven didn't looked to fazed. I guess a sight like this one where common in his verse. Going up a ladder, she walked over to a small room. Then motioning for us to stay out side, she slipped into the room. There was a bit of a conversation that I decided to ignore, then she stuck her head out. "Come on in." she said. Going inside, I found myself in a small control room. Sitting in front of one set of controls was a vixen (who, from Kalie's story, I assume was Rachel). She looked like a mess, and was clearly favoring her left arm. On the other side was a thirtyish looking white fox (Marn I guessed) who looked as bad as the vixen, though he wasn't exactly doing anything. Both of them where looking at us. Rachel spoke up. "So you're friends of Fox?" I nodded. "I'm Ken, and this is Steven." She paused for a second, then smiled a bit. "The mage?" I nodded again. "Fox has told me about you, get in here, it's nice to have reinforcements." I moved in, and sat down in one of the chairs, though sitting backwards, as it wasn't made for my type of tail. I saw that Kalie did the same. Steven sat down my Marn. Kalie turn her chair a bit, and held her paw out. "My gun." she said. Marn picked up the gun that he been sitting in his lap, and handed it to her. She quickly checked over it, then reached around, and put it into a holster on her belt, that was colours so as to blended into her fur. She looked over at Rachel. "So, what exactly are you doing?" "I'm going through all the internal cameras." She explained, already back at her work. "We're trying to find where the HammerHeads are working from. I've gone through about three hundred cameras so far. I never knew this place had some many hallways!" She rested her chin in her paw. "Well... where would you work from?" Rachel shrugged. "That Council Chamber I would guess." She leaned forward. "So, can you check there?" She paused, then punched something into the computer. After a few seconds the pictures on the screen changed from an empty hallway to what I assumed was the Council Chambers. It was empty. Rachel shrugged. "Well, it was worth a shot." And started to get onto another camera. "Wait." I heard Steven say. "Do you see that, down in the corner." Instantly, everyone in the room leaned forward. "It looks like some kind of animal." Rachel said. I agreed, I wasn't sure exactly what kind of animal it was, but it clearly was an small animal. The animal moved into the center of the room, and skampered of screen. "Now where did she come from?" Marn asked. Rachel didn't say anything, but watched as two people walked into view. It looked like a lioness and a human. The human was where some kind of green jacket that I recognized. Rachel, Kalie and I all knew who he was at the exact same time, but only Kalie said who it was. "Fox." Chapter 14 I gently pushed the door to the Council Chambers open with my shoulder, planing on peaking in. Not that it work however, because as I got the door open a few inches, Sierra forced his way through them, and into the room. I froze for a second, and after a few seconds, when I didn't here any shouting, or gun shots, I sighed, and pushed my way through the door. It was as I had expect, empty. Even Sierra had skampered off someplace. I shook my head, sitting down on the edge of the table that was stood in the center of the floor. Oriana pulled out one of the chairs, and sat down herself. "Now what do we do?" I asked no one in particular, resting my elbows on my knees, and my chin in my hands. Oria patted me on the back. "Well Fox, where else could they be?" I shrugged. "How should I know, this place is monstrously huge, there are thousands off rooms. It may be easier to wait for them to grab us, then try and find them." I heard her growl a bit under her breath. I looked over my shoulder and raised an eyebrow. "What was that for?" She stood, and looked me right in the eyes. "You're giving up before you even try." I threw my arms out into the air. "I tried, and look where we are, trap in the Hall, no idea of where the bad guys are, let along the good guys. And with you and me only, the chances of winning are less then nothing." She paused. "Fox... do you remember Sinth?" That brought me up short very very quick. Sinth was mine and Oriana's last adventure together, before she had me return her to her home. Some bad things happened there, and it was one of the first times I ever really faced almost sure death, not to mention kill someone. Not an easy thing for a sixteen year old to take. After that I was in the same kind of blue funk. I was sure everything I had done was worthless, and that for all my meddling, all I had done was hurt people. I had seriously considered just going home, and forgetting that I ever walk the folds. Oriana decided she couldn't take it any more, and had me take her home. Leaving me with a parting wish to see me again. The next day I went home, planing never to open the fold again. Maybe a week later, I meet again with a nice young women, who I had ran into a few days before at the mall. She asked me what was wrong, and I looker her in they eyes, and told her. It was the first time I had ever told anyone on Earth about the folds. She believed me, mostly because I had shown her the fold first, and days later she convinced me to show her Prid (this was back before Ted let me use the house), I did, and things got better from there. She was Becky. I looked back up at her. "What are you saying?" She placed her paw under my chin, and raised my head until we where eye to eye again. "I'm saying that this is not the time, just like there. After it's over then you can mope, but right now, as far as we know, we're the only one in any kind of position to stop the HammerHeads. Out of both of us, you're the leader, you've been in more scrapes then I have. I mean, it's not like we've gone adventuring sense we got back together." I grinned a bit. "Me, the leader?" She gripped a bit harder with her paw, and nodded my head. "You have the experience." "Oriana--" I stared, but she cut me sharply off. "No, Fox right now you're the leader. I don't care how much you hate it, or think you're unqualified, but you ARE in charge." I took a slow breath. "Alright, if you say so, but I am no leader." She gave me a wide grin, her cat lip stretching a bit. "Fox, you'll do fine, trust me." "Well then, why don't you lead your selves along in front of me." I voice said. Slowly I turned my head. Standing in front of the door was a human guard, who was aiming his plasma gun at us. I stood up, and dropped my hands to my side. "Where to?" He grinned. "If I'm nice, to a cell, if I'm not, well then it won't matter to you." I rolled my eyes. "Great, a guard with a sense of humor." The guard frowned. "Now that hurt. I like to think my comments are deep and witty." As I was trying to come up with some stinging rebuttal to that, Sierra, who had somehow found his way up onto the desk for the third level, took a flying leap into the air, and landed on the guards outstretched hand. The impact knocked the gun to the floor, and distracted the guard. Instantly my mind when into neutral, and my body took over. I stared running at the guard, closing the distance in only a few seconds, and by the time he noticed me, I had put my shoulder into his rib cage, and forced him hard against the wall. There was a dull thump as the back of his head impact the wall, and then he slumped down over me. I took a step back, and the guard fell to the ground, unconscious. As my mind started to kick back in, I reached down and check his pulse. "Well, he's still alive." I stated, more to satisfy myself, then to explaining it to anyone. "See," Oria said, moving beside me, "I told you, you could lead." I shook my head. "That wasn't exactly a leadership decision. It just happened." Saying that, I bent down, and pulled off the guards jacket, and then shirt. Holding the plane white shirt up, I said. "Could you rip this into some strips." She grinned. "I can do better then that." Then, taking the shirt, she unsheathed the claws of her left paw, and proceeded to maul the shirt. I shook my head. "Thanks." Then grabbing a handful of the stripes, and proceeded to tie the guards legs and hands together, then tie them together into one large knot. Then I used another piece, and gagged him. "There, that should keep him busy for a while. Come on, lets get him hidden under the desk." Oria helped me lift him up, and over the first level desk, then I forced him under it. Then I sat back down on the table, I petted Sierra a bit, who was now rubbing my leg. "Nice trick, care to tell me how you got up there?" His response was to curl up at my feet. "He's a bit like a cat, isn't he?" Oria said. I shook my head, grinning a bit. "You get the feeling, that of the three of us, he knows the most about what's going on?" She laughed. "Fox, knowing the kind of people you usual run into, yes." That caused me to snicker a bit, which caused me to almost miss the sound of a low beep. I raised my hand, stopping Oria's laughing. "Did you here that?" She paused. "Maybe." The beep came again, and Oria nodded. "That was it." I jumped off the table, being careful of Sierra. "It sounded like it came from the guards jacket." Both she and I walked over the the jacket, and I bent down, to look closer at it. It was the usual guard jacket, a dark brown, with a few pockets, two specifically made for the plasma gun charge packs. Over the right breast was suppose to be the symbol of the Council, but it had been torn off. I started going through it, when I heard a muffled voice say. "Fox." Looking at Oria, she shrugged. "That was not me." "Fox, we're using the guards radio." the voice came again. Reaching inside the jacket, aiming for where the sound was coming from, I pulled out what looked like a walky-talky from Earth. Pressing the talk button, I said. "Who's there?" "It's Rachel." The voice said, clear as a bell, and definitely sounding like her. Though, considering what was going on, I wasn't going to believe it to quickly. "No offense, but I'm not exactly in a situation to believe that." There was a pause, then someone else spoke up. "Then can you believe me?" It took a second to place the voice. "Kalie, what the hell are you doing here?" I heard her laughed over the connection. "I was on a supply run, and got trapped when all the folds stopped working." I chewed on this for a second. "And the others?" "We're both here." I heard Steven say. I ran this over in my head. I doubt they could fake Steven's voice, mainly because they didn't know about him. The points for this being the real people where starting to add up. "What about the other three?" "Page is here with us, sleeping." Rachel said. "The Ancient as apparently vanished, and Rathal has been captured by the HammerHeads, and last we heard, to be escorted to see Jenner." I chewed on my lip for a second. "Listen, where are you guys at." "We're in--" Rachel stated, but was cut off. Then there was a silence for a second, then Kalie came on. "Fox, I just realized, this is not the securest of channels." I ahhed. "Well then, I guess your going to have to come get me." "Yes, but first you I need you to do something." I glanced back over my shoulder at Oria. "What?" I said into the radio. "Take your groundless fear, and ground it. Kalie out." There was a pause, and then a light spattering of static. I stood there for a second, pondering that, then slowly put the walky-talky into my jacket pocket. "What did she mean by that?" Oriana asked. I was surprised that she didn't ask who Kalie was, but then I remember that they had meet once. I didn't say anything, just chewed on my lip. Then after a few seconds, it dawned on me. "That's not on any of my records." I said, as I stared to rub my chin through my beard. "What's not?" Oria asked. Looking at her, I grinned. "My fear of elevators, that's not on any record, and I've never told anyone in the HammerHeads." She slowly nodded her head. "So we need to take an elevator, but to where." I didn't answer it. "Ground... well we're underground, maybe she means ground level." I paused. "Nah, none of the elevators go there. What else could she have meant?" I keep turning it over in my head. Oria looked down. "Hey, what are we standing on?" "The floor." "And under that?" I shrugged. "Then floor below us." "Right, then what's under the lowest level?" "Twenty miles or so of bedrock I would guess, and then lava." She nodded. "So, technically, the lowest level is on the ground." "Well yes, but I don't see..." I trailed off, I saw exactly what she was getting at. "Ground it, of course." I turned and hugged her. "Oria, you're brilliant! I could kiss you." She grinned, and blushed a bit in her ears. "I'll remember that." Letting go of her, I grabbed the guards jacket, and threw it over the first level desk. "I know where the nearest elevator is, it's right out side of the lobby." "Well then, lets go." I stared off, finding that Sierra was already sitting by the door waiting for me to open it. With I grin, I pushed it open, and we were off. Chapter 15 I yawned a bit, still tired, not really able to get any sleep for the hour or so I tried. With another yawn, I pushed my way into the control room. Inside Rachel was sitting at the video control board, flipping through different cameras. In front of the audio board was a what looked like a dragon, and sort of sitting off to the side was a lion-morph. The lion looked at me, and raised an eyebrow. "Hello." Rachel and the dragon turned. "Page," Rachel said. "I though you where sleeping." I sighed, sitting down. "I may have gotten a few minutes of sleep, I'm not sure. Now, who are those two." I tipped my head in the general direction of the pair, "and where is Kalie and Marn." She grinned a bit. "The dragon is Ken, the lion is Steven." I nodded. "The Ken Kalie was watching?" "The same." I glanced at Steven. "And you must be the friend she mentioned. Now, not exactly to pry, but how the hell did you get here?" Ken grinned at me. "I got lucky, and made a spell to work around the jamming." I blinked, remembering what I had read about the spell to block the floods. "Even with techno-magery?" He slowly nodded. "Yes, even then." Nodding, I gently started to wring my paws again. "So where are the other two." I heard a chuckle behind me. "Getting somebody." Instantly I recognized the voice, turning I saw, leaning in the doorway, Fox. I didn't say anything, instead I jumped out of my chair, and have him a hug. "I was worried, after I found your t-port curtain down." He hugged back. "You were worried?" I grinned, and let go. "Where's Oriana?" She poked her head over Fox's shoulder. "Right here." Taking a step back, I waved for them to come inside. Fox came in, and Kalie after him. Oria and Marn stayed outside the door, as the room was about as full as it could easily get. Fox propped himself up on a unused control board. "So, how did you guys find me?" He asked. Rachel grinned a bit, her right shoulder looking terrible, deep black through her fur. "It was Marn's idea." Fox looked over at him. "Oh?" He grinned himself. "Well, it was a simple idea, we didn't know exactly what channel number the guard was using, so we sent a ping down all of them." Fox raised an eyebrow. "How did you know about the guard?" "That was my fault." Steven said. "We had turned on the cameras in the Council Room, and where about to shut them off when I saw an animal go accost the floor. Pausing a second we saw you show up, and then we just watched." I heard Oriana giggle a bit. "Yes Fox, he definitely knows more the us." Everyone in the room gave Fox a look that said, 'what does she mean?'. He shook his head. "I'll tell you later. Now Marn, you said you had sent a beep down all the communication channels?" Marn nodded. "Yes, we watched for when you reacted, that narrowed it down to about ten, as we weren't sure of the exact time. Then we beep down each one, one at a time, until you responded." He nodded. "And then when you started to tell me where you were, Kalie realized that it was an open channel." Marn crossed his arms. "Exactly," he said, apparently not to happy about not thinking of it I guess. I wasn't to sure about what had gone on myself to be truthful. Fox looked over at Kalie, who was sitting next to him. "Nice clue you gave me, though Oria cracked it before I did." Kalie shrugged. "I knew it was something you would figure out." Fox nodded again. "Ok, now that we've gotten that explanation out of the way, any luck on your searching Rachel?" She shook her head. "I've gone over every camera, nothing at all." "Are you sure?" I asked. She nodded. "Double checked it, I went over every camera on the list." That statement suddenly steered a memory. "What about off the list?" Rachel blinked. "What?" "The cameras for the old trade floor for the Geza Cooperation." The Geza Cooperation was a larger company, that spanned three united verses (in there own universe, each was about ten light years apart, and they only had one council member). The Geza Corp was a joint venture here on Prid to make trading easier, as there universe didn't support the physics of the known faster then light drives. About five years ago they went bust then a major war broke out, and apparently sent all three cultures back to the iron-age. "How would I look at that?" Rachel asked. "Allow me." I said, moving over next to her. Punching a few buttons, I manually typed in the camera numbers. "They should still be there," I explained, "as it's a pain to remove them." I pressed a few more buttons, and the screens switched to a semi-large room that had been divided into cubicles, and there was a lot of people in there, moving around, doing things. "Two points Page," Fox said, "that has to be them." "Where is that exactly?" Kalie asked. "5th level, office address w2718." Fox looked around a bit. "Question, is there anyplace we can go to? It's a bit cramped in here." I stood up, "Well, I think there might be a conference room." The I moved pasted everyone, and out of the room, after a quick walk over to a largish room nearly opposite of the one and only door into the Communications Center. Opening the door, I flipped on the lights. "Bingo." I said to the others, who had followed me. The room consisted of a table with ten chairs around it, and a couple computer consoles on one wall. The only other thing in the room was some papers scattered over the table. We all moved into the room, each taking a seat, both Kalie and I turning ours backwards as was normal for us. "So, what do we do know?" Steven asked. Fox grinned a bit. "Don't worry." He said, then whipped off what looked like a blue print from the table. Holding it up he announced. "I have a plan." I happily joined in the course of groaning, as well as throwing some of the paper laying around at him. * * * I bravely withstood the bombardment of small bits of paper, not that it was that hard, the only really thing I was in danger of was a paper cut. Setting down the blue-prints, I crossed my arms. I didn't have a plan per-say, but I did have an idea. I was banking on Kalie's experience to help we with most of the details. Finally everyone stopped throwing things at me, and relaxed a bit. "Ok, first things first. What exactly are our assets here?" "With the gun that Steven brought over, we have five total." Page paused, then fiddled a bit with what looked like a chip controller that she had strapped to her wrist. Taking it off, she set it on the table. "That's the Matrix chip, though the power on the controller is dead, I'll need to find out a way to recharge it before it can even be removed." I chewed my lip a bit, that Matrix would help some, but I wasn't sure how much. "Anything else?" "Well," Rachel said. "We have the ship to space dish, we can control that from here. If we can get it locked onto a satellite, we could send a message out." "And tell then what?" Steven asked. "I doubt anything we can say won't fit nicely in with what the HammerHeads have already leaked out." I saw Ken slowly tilt his head a bit. "Well then, maybe we could send out the truth." Page looked at him. "How do you mean?" He slowly rubbed his chin. "I seem to remember reading someplace that all the Council meetings for the past fifty years are recorded. I assume the last one was as well. If it is, it should clearly show the true order of events." "Maybe Ken," Rachel said, "but how do we keep it from being called a fake." Page looked up. "The archive encoding, it includes the date and time it was recorded, and is normal transmitted along with any rebroadcast." "Well that's all fine and good, but is it in the archive?" I asked. She stood. "Let me check." Then ran out of the room. I nodded to myself. "Ok, now that we know that. Who can use a gun, out side of Kalie of course?" "I can," Marn stated. "I'm rather good at it." "I should be able to as well." Rachel said, "Though I will be less then perfect, as I'm better with my right paw, which right now hurts to much to lift." Ken spoke up next. "I have some training, but none of the guns you have will work for me, wrong shape, size and balance." "Steven?" He shook his head. "Give me a target fifty feet wide, and I'd have a fifty, fifty chance of hitting it at point blank range." Nodding a bit, I finally turned to Oriana. "I've never asked you." She shrugged. "I have some experience, I can usual hit my target." "That about covers me too." I said. "Anyone know about Page's skill?" There was silence for a second, then Rachel spoke up. "I remember her once saying that she never bother to learn." I nodded. "Ok, now that we know that, the big question. What, exactly, is are objectives here?" "Get that transmission out." Steven said. I nodded. "That's an easy one, though I'm sure you will have this place flooded with guards in ten minutes from the time you first send." "Not to be to insulting," Ken said. "But even if we get that message out, what would be the point?" "Are you kidding?" Steven asked. "I don't think so," Marn said. "If you think about it, it makes perfect sense. Even if we get the archive played, and it gets passed along to everyone on Prid, the HammerHeads are still safe in here, and they still are jamming the folds. The only way the rest of the multi-verse would know about what is going on would be what ever information they sent out." "Which makes one of are priorities to shut down the field." I said. "Something that we have no idea about where it's at." Kalie stated. Ken shook his head. "It's in the control room." Kalie looked at him. "How do you know?" He paused. "Fox, remember me telling you I had done some spell components for the HammerHeads." I nodded. "Yes?" "One of then was aimed at interface with technology, though a control board that was mounting inside the control room the Hall." I grinned a bit. "Along with the door controls." He nodded. "I would suspect so." I tapped my chin a bit. "Alright, that is an advantage. Anything else?" "Rescuing Rathal." Rachel said. I paused. "You did say he was being taken to see Jenner." She nodded. "Last we heard." I nodding my head once, over exaggerating it a bit. "Well that, that does proceeded to take care of it's self then doesn't it." "What do you mean?" I ran my hand over my chin. "The number one priority is capturing Jenner." "Are you crazy?" Rachel asked. I shook my head. "Kalie, I'm sure you can explain it better then I can." She nodded. "Well, if I understand what you're saying. Then general understand is that Jenner has been planning this for a long time. There for it would make sense for him to have multiple escape routs planed. He would show up again a short time later, underground of course, and starting working with the rest of the escaped HammerHeads to try this again." "There for we need to either capture or kill him, even if it does appear that we will have to go after him in the center of the current HammerHead base." I leaned back. "That explains it." There was a pause for a few seconds, then Page came back into the room, and sat down. "It's all on record, from the original motion, to Rachel's escaping." Rachel rubber her should. "Well then, I think we have a plan." I licked my lips. "Not fully no. Page, can you use one of those computers back there to check out cameras at the HammerHeads base?" She moved over to one of the computers, grabbing another chair on her way. After a few moments she announced, "yes." "Good, play around, I want to know exactly where Jenner is staying, and the nearest door to his location." "Got it." She said, and went to work. I turned back to the rest. "Ok, we have three things to do, we need to split up for that. The first obvious choice to me is that I'm going after Jenner, Page stays here, and Ken goes to shut down the spell jamming the folds." Kalie nodded, this statement was souly aimed at her, and she knew it. "I say that Rachel stays here, with her arm in that condition she would be useless on the move. Though she should be able to defend the door easily, there are a few good positions. Along those same lines, I say that Steven stays here, he's a none combatant right now." "That makes sense, I do want you with me of course." "Of course." She said, grinning a bit. "Then I say that Marn goes with Ken." I nodded. "And Oriana?" Kalie paused for a second, chewing her lip. "Well, I would rather have three people with us, as we will be the most open team. She comes with us." I glanced at Oria. "Anyone have any objections to there position." No one said a word for a few seconds. Then Marn spoke up. "What about the subject of communication?" I pulled out the walky-talky from my jacket pocket, and set it on the table. "We have this, and Page has the system as a whole." "There is also the guards wristcom." Page said, not looking over her shoulder. "Now that I know the channels there using, I can but it back together and one party can use it." "You keep the hand unit." Marn said. "I'll take the wristcom." I nodded one more time. "Now, one final thing, what is the exact timing?" "I've already come up with that." Kalie said. "I think it would be best we all get into position, and Ken and Marn act's first, they open the folds, and the Hall's doors if they can. Then Page starts the transmission, and we take on Jenner when it hit's the local media." I blew through my teeth. "Think we can do it?" Everyone around the table slowly nodded. Standing, I suddenly realized that what ever I said next would probably go down into the annals of history, and be quoted for centuries to come (at least if we won). "Well then, let's go." I don't like to be quoted. Chapter 16 I slowly walked out of the conference room along with the others. But instead of following Page back into the control room, I moved over to the cat walks railing. Standing there, looking out at the huge computers, I gently rubbed my shoulder. The pain had finally faded a bit, but was still forefront in my mind, and I had started to lose the feeling in my finger tips. "I need to see a doctor." I mutter to myself. "With that, yes." Kalie said, as she moved next to me. She leaned forward, gently resting her paws on the railing. Unlike how I felt, she looked calm and collected. Though that mostly was from how the oils in her fur helped keep it flat. I glanced over at her. "Think we can do this?" She paused for a second, then slowly said. "I believe we can, if nothing major goes wrong." "Such as?" She shook her head. Then reaching behind her, pulled out a small gun. "Here, take this." Reaching over, I gently took it from her. It felt heavy in my paw, and awkward, as I was used to using my right. "That's the only gun I carry that's molded for the left paw." I nodded, looking over it, getting a quick idea how it worked (which was easy, all projectile guns are basically the same design). Making sure the safety was on, I put it into my pants pocket. Kalie then held out two clips. "Each one holds twelve rounds. And the gun is fully loaded, with one in the chamber." I took the clips as well, I put them into my other pocket. "Use it sparingly, ok? I don't have any more for that size of gun." I nodded, going back to rubbing my shoulder. "I don't think it should be to hard. I can only see one door in or out of here." She nodded herself. "Yes, but they could also come in through the airduct like you did, or through an entrance we didn't know about. You will have to be ready for that, and don't be afraid to give the gun to Steven if you need to. He may not be able to shoot well, but that may just be enough." I looked back over the railing, and into the room. "When they told me the new Council Head, I never expect end up like this." Kalie looked over at me. "How did you become the Head anyways. Fox was always a bit vague on that bit of information." I laughed, and winched as another flare of pain shot through my shoulder. "Through a very delicate, and scientific processes called 'Pot Luck'." She paused for a second, then grinned slightly. "And exactly how does this system work?" "As far as I know, they pick a name out of a list of every person who has a representative in the Council, directly, or indirectly. Then there background is looked into extensively, and if they have any kind of past history of trying to do anything political at all, the process starts all over." Kalie closed her eyes, then chuckled. "So it's based of the idea that anyone wanting to be Council Head there for was unqualified." I grinned. "Yes." She opened her eyes, and looked at me. "You know, that may just be the perfect way of getting a political office." "I have to admit, it's a lot more interesting with Fox around. Usually he gets into some sort of mishap or another. Though sense he's come back, he hasn't done much adventuring." Kalie nodded. "I had better go get with him actually. We're going to start as soon as Page has the communications set up." I grinned. "Go then, and good luck." She paused. "To you as well, as I think we will all come under fire before this is over." Then with a quick grin, she turned and walked away. I looked down over the edge of the catwalk, to where the door into the huge room was. "I'm going to need it." * * * I watched as Marn looked down over the gun Kalie had given him. "Simple thing." He muttered. I cocked my head a bit, as I adjusted my satchel a bit. It's something I always where when I do anything, in fact it's about ALL I where for that matter. It's usual contents where a few small personal items, a few general purpose spells, and some small spell components. "Naturally," I said. "The best designed projectile gun follows a simple design." He nodded, attached the gun's holster to his slightly ragged belt. "It's not my preferred weapon." "Let me guess, high plasma?" He shook his head, then with a flick of his paw, unsheathed his claws. "These dragon, souly these." "I see, and for your information I'm a half-dragon." He shrugged, handling the spare clip Kalie had given him. "Half, full, it doesn't matter. As long as we do what we need to do." I crossed my arms. "You don't like me much do you?" He grinned a bit. "And your as subtle as a twenty ton boulder. Actually, I don't know yet, and I think this isn't the time to find out." I nodded. "Well then, I rather think we should embark then." He nodded, "Yes." Then grabbing the sides of the ladder, slide down it to the floor below. "Show off." I muttered, climbing down the ladder myself. Marn was already heading for the door as I stepped off the ladder. I was about to run a bit to catch up with him, when he stopped next to Oriana, who was waiting by the door. I didn't here what they said, but I saw him give her something. I didn't get a chance to see it as I walked pasted her, as Marn had starting walking again, and was already into the hallway outside. As I passed her, I nodded my head. "Good Luck." She grinned. "You too." Then with that I was out the door, and following Marn. "What did you give her?" I asked. He shrugged. "The extra clip. She'll need it more then I do." I paused. When Kalie had been handing out the guns, she only keep one clip extra for herself, and only gave one to Marn, as they where the best shots of the grope. To Fox, Oriana, and Rachel, she gave two. I guess it makes sense in a way for Marn to have given his extra to the one with the least ability, especially if he was trained in some form of hand to hand combat. "I hope you know what you're doing." He gave me a very toothy smile. "Me? I know what I'm doing. I just hope you know what you will be doing." On that note, we continued on to our goal. * * * I slowly handled the extra clip Marn had given me as he left. He hadn't really given me time to protest him giving it to me. He just said, "take this," and shoved it into my paw. Though I think I understand his reasoning actually. Fox, Kalie, and I had the most to do the any of the others. where as the other two groups just had to do one thing, then stay alive, we had to stop Jenner, which meant going into the heart of the HammerHead base, and also to find Rathal if we could. All in all, it was a lot to cover, and with Kalie being the only one really good with with a gun, it was a lot harder. I slipped the spare clip into a pocket, as Fox came down the ladder, followed by Kalie. "Find out what you needed?" I asked him. He nodded. "We will still have to go through half of the base, but it looks to be easy." "Easy in the way that it's just duck and cover around fifty bad guys," Kalie said, "as opposed to going in shooting." I paused, felling the weight of the gun in my pocket. "I do prefer the easy way." Fox nodded. Then pulling out the radio he had, he spoke into it. "Is everyone ready?" He asked. "Everything is on line here." Page said of the link. "Already on the way." Came Marn's response. Fox nodded. "Good, let's get this done." Then he slipped the radio back into his jacket pocket. Walking over to the door, he opened it. "Shall we?" He asked. Kalie shook her head. "Of course." Then walked pasted him, into the hallway. I shrugged, and followed. * * * Flicking a switch on the control board, let out a slow sigh. "Now we wait." I muttered to myself, leaning back a bit. "Everyone is on there way," Steven said as he came into the control room. "And I locked the door the way told me to do." I nodded. "Good. I have everything ready here, the tape is cued up for transmission, and the dish is aligning with the nearest satellite. All I have to do is press a button, and the message gets out." Steven sat down in one of the other chairs. "So now we wait for Ken and Marn to drop the jamming field, then we send this out to the multi-verse." I nodded. "Yes, and I HATE waiting, I never had the patients for it." He leaned forward a bit. "Funny, it was one of the things I was always good at. I've been told I have the patients to wait for the end of the universe." "What do you do?" "How do you mean?" "Your job, how do you earn a living?" He shrugged. "This and that, I work odd jobs here and there. Get's me around, and I have some fun at times to. I also seem to have the luck to keep winning contests of some sort or another." I chuckled. "My grandfather used to know someone like that, described him as 'Being protected by the patron saint of fuzzeled souls'." He snickered. "You don't get more fuzzeled then me." I smiled. "You haven't seen my grandfather in the mornings, now THAT is fuzzeled!" He shook his head. "I take it you grew up with your grandparents." "Well, yes and no. You see, they adopted my mother, who had me. At the same time as my Grandparents had twins. So all three of us where raised as brother and sisters, when the other two where actually my Aunt and Uncle. In fact, my Grandfather was about thirty-six when I left." "Would it be much of a pain to ask how old you where when you left?" I paused. "I was just a week away from my seventeenth birthday." "Your family let you come here when you just sixteen!?" I nodded. "Yes, it was necessary. I was needed here, they all knew it. My grandfather said it was the hardest thing he had ever done in his life, even if he knew it was the best. That was almost two years ago. I'll be nineteen in a month." I suddenly found myself trying to hold back tears. "Have you talked to them at all?" "I can't. Not directly, there are two many things involved with it." I sighed, lowering my head a bit. Steven rolled his chair over next to me, and patted me on my back. "I'm sorry." I looked up at him, starting to cry. "Don't be please, I'll be back with them in a few years, when I'm done here." He reached around and hugged me. "How could anyone let you do this without any family ties at all?" I took a breath. "It was what we needed to do. It was that, or send someone else daughter, and he couldn't live with himself if he did that. So I volunteered, knowing all that it entailed." He gently ran his paws through my hair. "You're very brave then." I shook my head. "That wasn't the reason, far from it actually." "What is it then?" My reply was interrupted by Fox's voice echoing over the radio. "Page, Marn. We're almost to the HammerHead base. Are you two ready?" Running my sleeve over my noise, I hit the transmit button. "Everything is set here, ready at any time." "We're almost to the control room." Marn said. There was a pause. "Ok, we're going to go in. Marn, get into the control room now, and I want you to wait a couple minutes before opening the doors. I don't want any of the good guys coming in who think _we're_ the baddies." "Got it." Marn said over the link. I did the same. As I closed the link, I turned to Steven. "And so it begins." He said, "I'll go tell Rachel." As he left the control room, I nodded. It was beginning, and ending. * * * I creepped down the hallway along side Marn, keeping close to the wall. "Just around this corner." I said. He nodded, pulling the gun out, and flicking off the safety. Holding it gently in his right paw, he moved up to the corner. Looking back at me, he said. "I don't suppose you have a small mirror?" I reaching into my satchel, and pulled one out. "You wouldn't believe how much there needed in my magic." He didn't say anything, just took it from me. Then holding it in his left paw, he gently slid it around the corner in such a way, he could see what was down the hallway. Pulling it back, he slipped it into his pocket. "Two guards, one on each side, and there not expecting anything." Then with a grin to himself, he swung around the corner. He paused for less then a second, then fired off four quick shots. Dropping the gun a bit, he said. "Come on." Then started down the hallway. I followed him into the short hallway to the control room. At the end, on either side of the doorway, the two guards laid, dead. I gulped, and diverted my eyes away from the bodies, and the blood that was rapidly covering the floor. In front of me Marn slowly moved up to the door. Reaching down he gripped the handel, and slowly turned it until there was a soft click. The in one move he shoved the door open, and dived to the side. I dived to the floor myself as a plasma bolt barely missed my head. I watched as Marn turned, and steeped in front of the door, firing twice more in quick succession. I saw the guard on the other side of the door fall to the ground, more blood pooling under his chest. Carefully steeping over the body, he went inside the control room. Standing, I walked inside was well, gingerly stepping over the body as well. Marn was holding a young technician (a tiger that looked about fifteen) against the wall, he had one arm against the kids neck, and was patting him down with his free paw. Glancing back at me, he said. "Close and lock the door." I paused, looking down at the body of the guard. Then with a gulp, and put my foot against his head, and shoved him out into the hallway. As soon as he was out of the way, I slammed the door shut, and started punching in some numbers on the keypad next to it. There was a low buzz for a second, then the door locked. I let out a breath, glad that the system was designed to auto-lock if the wrong code was given, though I suspected this wasn't the way it was intended to be used. I walked over to Marn, who still had the kid pined against the wall. "What are you going to do to him?" I asked, a bit worried. "Don't worry," he said, "this kid isn't a threat. No need to kill him." With that he hit the kid the butt of his gun. Stepping back he let go, and the kid fell to the ground, though he was still breathing. Bending down, Marn said. "I'll tie him up, you drop the field." I nodded, and moved over to the controls. Pushing a chair out of the way, I found the control I was looking for, right where I remember it being at before when I was first shown it. Glancing at it for a second, I flipped two switched. There was a beep, and the single light on the control went out. "That should do it." Marn nodded, the activated the wrist-com. "The field should be down Fox." There was a pause. "Check that, I just got a fold open. Page start the transmission." "Right." Page said. Marn nodded. "Fox, there is something else." "What?" "When I came in, I found the technician in here on the radio, calling for help. They know we're here." "Damn," Fox muttered over the link. "Just sit tight, we need you too get the doors open, and to make sure the jamming field stays down." Marn nodded. "Got it Fox." he said, the deactivated the wrist-com. I looked at him. "Don't look so worried, everything is still under control." I hoped he was right. * * * Slipping the radio back into my jacket, I looked over at Kalie and Oria. "You two heard that, are you ready?" Kalie nodded, her gun at the ready. Oria looked a bit pale, but nodded to. Reaching over, I opened the door we where standing next to. Giving it a genital push, it swung inwards. Giving a glance inside, I found myself in a disused corner of the HammerHeads base. Slipping in, I motioned for the other two to follow. As soon as they got inside, I closed the door. We where in one of the many cubicles of the base, though this one was empty. Glancing around the corner, I nodded, then quickly moved accost a small hallway into another cubicle, though this one wasn't in a corner as the other one was and the walls of it where raised, giving us room to crawl under. Kalie and Oria did the same thing, getting us into position with out a hitch. I nodded to myself, leaning back a bit. "Right," I whispered, "we have to crawl about fifty feet to get to Jenner's office. From what Page showed me, it looks to be mostly empty space, but there are a few that are in use." "What about finding Rathal?" Oria asked, also in a whisper. I chewed my lip. "That's not as easy as I would like it. To do that we would have to split up, and with out Kalie, you and I are generally defenseless." Kalie nodded. "I agree. How ever it goes, one of you two will be in series danger, or both if I go alone. We need to stay together." "Ok then, I guess we stop Jenner first." "Right," Kalie said. I was about to start under the partition, when I heard Page's voice call my name over the radio. Pulling it out, I turned down the volume on it, though turned up the gain on the microphone. "What is it Page?" "I've got a transmission coming back to use over the satellite from the outside. They want to talk to the person in charge here." "Fuck," I muttered. "We'll have to make it damn quick. Put who ever it is through." There was a pause, then a female voice said. "Who am I speaking to." "Fox Cutter," I replied. "Who's this?" "Jenthra Lee," the voice responded. "I'm head of the police force for the city outside of the Hall. What the hell is going on in there?" "You clearly have seen the transmission, so why do you need to ask?" "Listen, I'm not in the mood to take any back-talk. Right now all hell is breaking lose, and I need some answers." "Well your first answer is you can open folds out again. The second is that in about twenty seconds the doors to the Hall will open. Get you're forces to the HammerHeads base in here, and down to the communication center, they will probably be under attack by then." There was a pause. "Why should I listen to you?" "Because, you have no choice. Now I'm up to my neck in all this, so I don't have time to talk. But you have to get a force IN here, and you also need to get the truth out there." "The truth is already out." Somewhere in the room, I heard someone hell. "Holly shit! Boss, you have to see this!" I grinned, apparently the media was already re-broadcasting are re-broadcast of the Council Session. "So I noticed." "I just got a report that the doors are open, we're moving in now." Jenthra said over the radio. "Good, if you need anything more, talk to Page, I already have enough to deal with. Fox out." With I stuffed the radio back into my jacket. Kalie looked at me. I gave her a nod, then started crawling. It took about five minutes to go the fifty we needed, much faster then I had expected, but most everyone was acting panicked on the other side of the room. I was crouched about five feet from the door to Jenner's office, ready to make a quick run to the door, and then inside. I didn't expect to see the door fly open. Diving back into the cubicle, I saw Jenner march pasted, not even noticing me. "What the hell is going on?" He called out into the room. There was a pause, as I assumed he was seeing the broadcast from outside of the Hall. Quickly I motioned to the others, and ran over to the door, diving into the office. I pull the door until it was almost closed, though still watching. I could see Jenner down the room, looking at one of the screens. "Damn it, where the hell is this coming from? I though all the communication lines out of the Hall where cut?" "They are sir," someone I couldn't see responded. "They must be using the dish." He turned and looked at who ever spoke. "How can they do that unless..." He paused for a second. "Get a battalion of guards down to the communications center, they have to be transmitting from there." As I watched another voice spoke up. "Sir, the guards on the second level are reporting that a force from the outside has entered the Hall. And we also got a message from the control room that someone had forced there way in, we already have a force of guards sent to take it back." Jenner slowly turned to the second speaker. "It's to late for that now, isn't it." He paused. "I want that control room, now! It may be the only way to salvage this situation." He then turned, and stomped off somewhere else in the room. Slowly I pulled the door closed, and looked at Kalie and Oria. "Now we wait." I said, leaning back against the wall. Kalie and Oria did the same, and all in a position so he wouldn't see as when he came back into the office. Things where going according to plan. * * * I winched as I heard a plasma bolt slam into the door into the control room. Marn heard it to, and moved over next to me. "That door won't last a minute." I nodded, "So, what do we do?" He looked at me, then shook his head. "We get out of the way." He explained. Then grabbing my arm, he pulled me over to where he had the kid tied up at. Flipping over one of the few tables in the room, he position it in front of us. Getting down, he said. "You stay down here, let me handle this." Before I could responded, then was a loud exposition as the door exploded inwards into the room. Instantly Marn was kneeling, head and shoulders above the edge of the table, carefully shooting at the guards. He was making sure to hit his mark, as he only had what was in the gun, and I doubted that was very much. As he took another shot, he used his free paw to pull of the wrist-com. Throwing it down to me, he said. "Get help." I nodded, activating it. "Page, I don't suppose you could get some of the force from outside around here." I asked, knowing about Fox's conversation, as it was transmitted over the wrist-com as well as to Fox's radio. "I'll tell them." Page said. "Thanks." I said, deactivating the wrist-com. As I did that, Marn dropped down. "Handing me the gun Kalie gave him, he pulled out a plasma gun from one of his other pockets. "Where did you get that?" I asked. "From the kid." He explained. "Now you sit here while I go get more." Then with a quick grin, he rolled out from behind the the table and started shooting again. I looked around the edge, and watched him as he moved. He was moving erratically, but gaining on one of the fallen guards. I was surprised that the the three guards squeezed into the doorway where all missing him. Finally one of the guards pushed his way into the room, and Marn instantly nailed him in the chest with a plasma bolt. As the guard fell joined the three other bodies on the floor, I understood why they where all staying in the doorway. As Marn got closer to the bodies, he started firing at the door in rapped succession. The guards that where there dived out of the way. Before the could recover he was picking up the guns from the fallen guards. With a final blast, he fried out the door again. Then turned and ran to the table, getting behind it just as a blast went over are heads. Picking up a new gun, he moved back up over the table and started shooting again. "Who exactly are you again?" I asked him. He grinned. "My name is Marn." "Yes, but Marn who?" He chuckled, taking a few more shots. "Wouldn't you just love to know?" I growled, getting the feeling that I've meet this guy many years before, but I couldn't place him at all. Suddenly there was a series of plasma bolts, they sounded like they all come from outside of the room. Marn stood and let out a loud 'woop'. "Nice timing you guys." He said. "You can stand up Ken." Slowly I stood, standing just inside the room, over the bodies of the guards, was five people, covered in what looked like half a foot of armor plating. One looked at me, then pulled of his helmet. "I take it you are the two we where sent to safe?" I nodded. The guard looked around. "Three minutes later, and you would have saved yourselves." Marn shrugged. "I doubt that, they learned quick enough that if they come in, they die. They where just going to get me to waste everything I had, then come in and take us out." I sat back against the wall, and rolled my eyes. I hopped the others where having a better time of it then I had just had. * * * I waited, pressed up against the wall of Jenner's office. It had been ten minutes sense we had come in, and Jenner hadn't returned. I was hoping I hadn't guess wrong in assume his planed escape route was through his office. So far everything had gone according to plan. I had just finished talking to Page who had told me that Ken and Marn where safe, and the police force from outside had reached the communications center already. So now we where the only ones left with anything more to do. Personally, I was surprised that it had gone so well. I expect some injuries though all this, but so far, everyone of are group had escaped unscathed. Just as I was thinking this, I heard an explosion though the wall. "They must be here." I whispered. Kalie nodded, and Oria looked a bit off color, I wasn't sure how she was going to hold up in this, I was wondering if maybe I should have left her in the commutations center. I was about ready to call it quits, and assume Jenner had found another way out, when the office door flew open, and he burst into his office. The suit he had been wearing was singed in places, and the skin of his arm looked like it caught the edge of a plasma bolt, as it was severely burned, and covered with blood. Shutting the door behind himself, he ran over to his desk, looking at the floor, not noticing us. "How the hell did they get in." He asked under his breath. I took a step forward. "My guess is someone opened the door." He slowly looked up from his desk. "Cutter," he spat out. "How the hell did you get back here?" I grinned. "Oh, you know, the same way I always do." He smashes his fist onto the desk. "Yes, the way you always do! You always find a way out, or get rescued, or something! How the hell do you do it!" "Luck is my guess." Kalie said, her gun pointing right at Jenner. I pulled mine out as well, holding it in his general direction. Oria was still where she had been standing, the inside of her ear's pail. I could easily tell she was scared. Probably as much as I was, if not more. He stood behind his desk, glaring at us. "Now I wish I had keep your friend around." I raised an eyebrow. "Grasion? Let me guess, he didn't like your style of running this?" He gave me a half smile. "Of course. Though his style was to remove me first, so I removed him." "You killed him?" Oria said, I was surprised she said anything. He laughed. "No, I just drugged him and sent him through the fold to someplace a bit more convenient. He's to useful to just kill." "That's how Ken got back here." Kalie said. "Oh yes, there was always that risk." He grinned. "But I was willing to take it." I took another step forward, still holding the gun, but pushing the safety off with my thumb. "I really think we should stop the chit-chat. There is a police force outside, and we're in here. You're not getting away." He chuckled. "Oh Fox, you know me better then that." Then he hit something on his desk. There was a soft explosion, and the room was suddenly filled with a cloud of dark smoke. Next to me I heard Kalie fire off two shots. The same instant a muffled scream came from Oriana. I moved over to where she was, only to find wall. "Damn!" I yelled. The smoke was starting to clear out of the room, and into the air vents. As it cleared I could see Kalie a few feet from me. "I think I found where he went." She said, pulling down some kind of tapestry from the wall. Behind it was clearly a door. She looked over it, and the control panel next to it. "Scanner panel, just have to shoot it and the damn thing will open." With a grin she raised her gun up, there was a quick flash, and some kind of shutter closed over the panel. "Shit!" she yelled. Lowering her gun. As she did the cover opened again. "What was that?" I asked, moving next to her. She grumbled. "The damn thing is a smart panel, if it sees anything that could be destructive aimed it, it closes." Raising my gun, I watched it close. Then opened again as I lowered it. Placing my left hand over it, I raised my gun again. "It's not closed." "Yes, it can't see the gun, but what are you going to do, shoot your hand?" "Yes." I said, then pushing the gun against the back of my hand, fired it twice. I felt the bullets rip though the bones of my hand, and into the panel under it. Pulled it back, I winched. "Fox!" Kalie said. "It's a prosthetic." I said, finding that it had shut down with the palm open, and thankfully had stopped the pain. "Get the door open." Kalie grabbed the door, and quickly pulled it open. We where about a minute behind Jenner and Oriana. Behind the door was a long hallway, at the end Oria was on the floor, rubbing her head, behind her a pair of doors where closing. Running down the hall, I bent down next to Oriana. "Are you ok?" I asked her. She nodded. "I'm fine, he grabbed me, that's all." I nodded. "Kalie, can you get those doors open?" She didn't say anything, she just grabbed the doors, and started pulling apart. They easily slide back into the wall, reveling an elevator shaft. "Damn." I said, looking inside. The car was below us, and slowly descending. The only way I could see it was the flashing lights. The shaft it's self was made for four cars, and was large. I looked at Kalie. "Thirty feet would you say?" She nodded. "Fox, what are you thinking." "I'm thinking you should get the guards." Then with a deep breath, and a pray, I jumped into the shaft. It was a quicker fall then I expected, I hardly had a chance to see the roof of the elevator come up to meet my, before I had smashes into it the trap door on the top of the car, forcing it open with my weight, and falling into the elevator car it's self. As I landed, I felt a sharp crack in my right leg as it broke from the fall. Above me I watch the lights on top of the car swing away, and smash into the side. Jenner started at me, then in one move, lunged hard, grabbing me around the neck, smashing me against the wall. "Damn you!" he yelled, slamming my head back against the second set of doors in the car. With my good hand, I tried to reach for the gun, which had been knocked from me when I landed. As I tried for that, he pulled my head back, and smashed it into the elevators control panel. Sparks flew around around my head, and I felt blood start to run down the back of my neck. He smashed me back again, screaming at me. "I'm sick of you getting in the way of my plans! It ends now!" Holding me against the panel with one hand, he reached over, and slowly pulled open the elevator door. I could feel the cold air blowing into the car from the shaft. He pulled me over a foot, and pushed my head out of the car. "This time you WILL die!" I was trapped, and I knew it. The chances of me getting out of this alive where slime, but I had no choice. Grabbing his burt and bloodied arm with my good hand, I shoved my destroyed prosthetic into the fallen lights. It didn't work exactly as I expected, but it still worked. I felt the power surge through my body, and into Jenner's as well. He started violently shaking, and his grip on my neck loosened. I pulled my left hand out of the lights, and punched him hard into the gut sending him back a bit. I sent a second punched into his face, then pushed him off onto the floor. Rolling over him, I moved into the corner. In the process finding where the gun had landed. Picking it up, I aimed it and Jenner. "Are you so sure about that?" I looked up at me, blood running from his mouth and nose. "Yes!" he yelled, and lunged at me. Instantly I fired it at him, missing him competently. He pulled at the gun, forcing it away from both of us. Then he brought his fist down onto my leg, right where it had broken. I let out a howl of pain, as he pulled me forward, towards the open door of the car. "This is the end for you!" he yelled in my face, and stared force me out of the car. Through the blur of pain in my mind, I did the only thing I could think of, I brought my left keen up hard into his crotch. He let out a howl of pain, and buckled over on top of me. I felt my self start to slid backwards into the shaft. I scrambled with my good hand, grabbing onto the lip of the car door. It was barely enough to hold me weight as both Jenner and I fell over the side of the car. I swung around sideways nearly ripping my arm out of it's socket, but Jenner didn't have that much luck. He fell pasted me down into the shaft. I started to swing in the open air, the car had stopped some time during are fight, and I had no idea how far away help was. My grip wasn't that strong either, and was getting weaker by the second. There was no way that I was going to be able to get into the car with out any help. Looking down at the darkness below me, I was kind of glad I wasn't afraid of heights. I shook my head as I felt my grip slip even more. Closing my eyes, my arm felt like it was on fire. I was sure I was about to die. Then in true movie style drama, just as my hand was about to slip off and I was to fall to my death. I felt a strong hand wrap around my upper arm. Looking up, I saw someone in police armor holding onto me. With out saying anything, I raised my left arm The person grabbed my other arm, and with a massive heave, pulled my partway into the car. Scrambling a bit, I worked myself the rest of the way in. "Thanks, but do you think could have cut it any closer." The person in the armorer pulled of there helmet, to revile that she was a rather pretty looking female human. "I could lower you back down and we could try again." I shook my head. "I don't think that will be needed. You're Jenthra Lee I take it." She nodded. "Come on, lets get you back up there." "That would be a good idea." * * * I stood next to Kalie, watching the police force arrest the last few remaining HammerHeads. "We did it." I said in wonder. Kalie nodded. "We did, didn't we?" "Excuse me?" One of the police asked, stopping in front of us. "Yes." Kalie said. "We found somebody." "Rathal." I whispered. "Where is he?" Kalie asked. The guard nodded. "Over there," he said, point to an open door, leading into a dark room. I started running, moving past a few of the guards, finally arriving where the guard had pointed. In the light from the outside room, I could see Rathal. It wasn't pretty. He had been severely beaten, and tortured, and was covered in blood. I had to look away, there was a lot more that I saw, but I never want to remember it. "Thal?" I said. I heard him cough. "Oriana?" I heard the elf whisper. I nodded, moving next to him, but keeping my eyes closed. "You can call me Oria if you want." I heard him try and chuckle. "We won I take it." "Yes, we won." He coughed again. "Good." "Oh my." I heard Fox say behind me. Looking back, I saw him walking with the aid of the of the police officers, he was batter, and had blood all over his clothing. "Thal?" he said. I heard 'Thal try and chuckle again. "Fox, you did it." "Yes." he said. "I told you, you where in this up to your neck." "It's over though. Jenner's dead." I heard Rathal cough again. "Good." He said, almost a whisper. "Very good." I heard him take in a ragged breath, and then nothing. Kalie walked pasted me, and bent down next to 'Thal. I assume she was checking his pulse, as I was till looking at Fox. Kalie spoke, her voice very somber. "He's dead." Fox slowly nodded. "It is done." He whispered. Then collapsed against the police officer that was holding him up. Slowly she lowered him to the ground, moving him away from the. I ran out next to him. "Is he ok?" I asked. The officer nodded her head. "He's just pasted out from the pain." I gently placed my paw on his face. "Good, let him get some rest, he's earned it."