Backing In By: Fox Cutter 03/05/97: I walked once again into the bar on Mydisia Base. I had been spending most of my time in the past week on the five mile rock that was the base, waiting for Marn to return. It had been two weeks sense I had last seen him, and was starting to suspect that he might not be coming back to the Base. Though that suspicion was laid aside as I walked back into the bar and found Marn sitting by himself at a mostly dark table. Walking over to the table, I slipped down at it. "Hello Marn." He looked up, and smiled at me. "Welcome again Oriana. Sorry about taking so long to get back to you, but there was some complications with the guild." I nodded. "What guild." He smiled wider, and spread his arms wide. I noticed that, on the inside right wrist of his jacket, was a small badge. It looked to be a heart with a black dagger crossed over it. I looked back up at his eyes, and he nodded a bit, and returned his paws to the table. It hit me after as second that it was as if he was making sure I saw it. I shook it off as the idea was a ridicules. Marn sipped from his drink. "You owe Braden five credits for the glass you took." I blushed a bit. He twisted his one ear a bit. "Come on Oriana, you and I both know you took the glass I was drinking from last time we talked. You owe Braden for it, or you could return it next time you come in." I nodded a bit, the waitress walking over and setting a cup of coffee in front of me. I had become enough of a regular for it to be automatically delivered to me when I came in. I paid the waitress and took a short sip. Marn leaned back a bit. "So, did you find anything interesting on me?" I shook my head. "Only a couple of people wanting you for questioning." He nodded. "I know which to you mean. I actually had nothing to do with them either, I just was seen with them once or twice. I usually don't work with in Council controlled space, part of my deal with the guild." I took another drink. "What exactly _do_ you do?" He laughed. "Oh, I can't tell you that." I smiled. "Can't you give me a clue or two. A sample of DNA, or maybe the address of one of the governments that wants you." He shook his head, fishing his own drink. "Oriana, I really would love to help you, I really would. But remember, I _told_ you that we would not be talking about my past, and that is how it will stay. Anyway, I rather doubt you would have much of a reaction to my line of work." I leaned forward a bit, twisting my ears slightly forward. "Try me." Reaching over the table, he patted my on the top of my head. "I won't. You don't want to find out, trust me on that one." Letting all my teeth show in one smile, I said. "You maybe wrong, and if you don't tell me, I'll find out on my own. Somehow and some way, there is no escaping that." He frowned, then pulled out some bills and dropped them on the table. "Don't push it." He stated, very flatly. Then standing walked out of the bar. I slumped down on the table. "Seems like all are conversations end that way." Then throwing back the rest of my coffee, I left as well. * * * Half an hour later, I walked into Page's office. She was, as usual, working hard on one of her computers. I cleared my throat, putting my paws on my hips, under my trench coat. She looked up and over at me. "Hello again Oriana." "He Page. I have some more information for you." "On Marn?" I snickered. It was rather obvious that after having Page scan for info on Marn, then having her check from someone else, who I left nameless, about a week later, that they were one in the same. She leaned forward. "So what do you have?" "First off, he mention that he is wanted by three governments, though out of the Council's spear of influence. Secondly he mentioned he was part of some guild. Which, from how he said it, sounds like has some interaction with the Council." She nodded. "The governments can be checked through some less helpful channels, but there are thousands of guilds, some some, others large." I paused for a second, remembering the badge on his wrist. "He did have a small badge of a heart with a black dagger over it." Page wrinkled her eyebrows, her ears flattening a bit. "Not familiar, but I'll look for it." I tilted my head. "What's wrong?" She smiled. "Nothing, nothing at all. Just suddenly remembered my grandmother for a second. Now go, I'll take care of this." I nodded. "Thanks Page." She shrugged. "It's what I'm suppose to be doing." I smiled, and left her to her work.