Causality By: Fox Cutter 07/12/98: Naomi had finally stopped getting older, at least as such an extreme rate. She now looked to be twenty-four years old, a young lady instead of my daughter. She had only woke up a few times during the last week. We didn't explain to her what had happened, or tried to at least. I think she does understand that she is older now, I just don't know if she is aware of how much older that is. This was apparently an accident, at least according to Ken. She was ment to have been aging fast, but only two years for every one. Not like this, this was the effect of the different spells that were put on her mingeling. There was another side effect as well, she's at the right age now for one of the other spells to kick on. It's kind of complicated, and involved some kind of implant to work, but it did. She was pregnant. It wasn't an accident, all the spells on her, from the basic stasis spell that had protected her from the plague, to this last ones had been created for this final goal in mind. This is exactly what was suppose to have happened, but sooner then expected. I think she was meant to be the last hope for her world. When the Plague had come to it, her people had done the best they could. The crashed a seed-ship they had in orbit, planing, I assumed, to use it's systems to preserve there species. One of there last acts was to send a distress call to the Council. I was part of the small group who replied to it. We were suppose to pick up something that had been left for us. That something was Naomi, lock in a magic stasis, with a compulsion spell on her so who ever she saw first would take care of her. Obviously that was me. I would never have taken the job expect that it gave me something very special. Sleep, up until then, for about a year actually, I never really sleepped. Maybe fifteen minutes every day, just enough to clean my system. It started after I lost Earth, forbidden to return home by politics for any length of time. The most I could do was a week or so maybe twice a year, depending on how stable the fold was at the time. A little to much use and it would overload, and most of the inner solar-system would be quarks and a few atoms. When I adopted Naomi I stopped worrying, I now had a real reason to stay on Prid, I guess it was enough. That aside though, I was more concerned about my daughter (I can't call her Newt anymore, she's doesn't fit it). If she was supposes to get pregnant I suspected that some people knew about it ahead of time. Her world called the Council because they wanted are help to fix this, there had to have been some information about Naomi. There was only one person I could ask, Dwight, the new Council Head. I haven't heard much from him in a couple months, not sense the Mouse finally started to talk. Still though, he had an interest in the Plague in general. Some of his recent public address have focused on it, he seems to be driven by it. If anyone would have some knowledge about what had happened it would be him. As I slipped into his outer office his secretary looked up at me. She frowned softly and punched a button on the intercom, informing Dwight that I was there. I was quickly waved in by her and I entered his office. Dwight was sitting behind his deck, a dozen stacks of files and papers all over the room, mostly in unordered piles. He smiled as I closed the door, shifting some of the files around so he could see over the desk. "Hello Fox, this is a surprise." I smiled, stopping a few feet in front of him. "I know, but I couldn't think of anyone else who I could talk to. I need some information." He nodded his large head, Dwight was an albino bear, about seven feet tall when standing and quite large. He replaced Rachel as the Council Head at the end of March, and still was settling into the job. "What do you need?" "I need what ever information you have about my daughter." He raised an eyebrow. "Your daughter... you mean you didn't know?" I slowly nodded. Turning around he dug through a stack of files that was about three feet tall. After a few seconds he pulled one out from the center and turned back around. He offered it to me over the desk. I took it from him and opened the file. There was about twenty pages of small print inside. "Do you know the general summery of this?" I asked. "Yes, what it amounts to is that your daughter is the child of the Prime Mister of the largest country on her world. She was only a year old at the time and was put under a dozen spells, one of which was to age her a few years and then age her faster the normal from then on." I frowned. "All right, why the aging though?" He sat back in his chair. "When she reaches twenty years old she is suppose to have a child. A virgin birth, but not with her pure genetic code. This child will be the one to go back to her world and help rebuild it once the seed-ship is ready. The Council also has it's share of work, cleaning up as much as we can and make sure the Plague is gone." I sighed, closing the folder. "The spells screwed up, she's a little older then twenty-four now, and pregnant." He swore to himself. "I'll pass that on, this will push up the time table for everything at least five years." I nodded, "Thank you, this is enough for now... I'm going to go back to her now, tell her about this if she's awake yet." "Go then Fox," he said, waving a paw at me. "But I'll need you soon though, maybe next month." "Why?" I asked. He smiled, just slightly though, it was only just the smallest upturn of his lips. "You'll find out when you need to." I shook my head, I wasn't going to be getting much more out of him then that. Turning around I left his office, file in hand, heading back to the Hospital. Sometimes that man gave me the creeps, he felt dangerous, like there was something more he was after. Rachel and I both felt it, though no one else seems to have noticed. Maybe we were both paranoid about this type of thing, it wouldn't be the first time it had happened. Still though, at times... I shook it off, I had more pressing things to worry about then Dwight. I hurried through he halls to the Hospital, taking a shortcut through another fold. As I neared Naomi's room I slowed down a bit, not sure about going there. I didn't like seeing her laid out on the bed, sedated. Taking a short breath as I stood before the door I pressed down on the handle and stepped side. Naomi was in the bed still, curled up on her side and sleeping a normal sleep. On the bed stand was her sketch book, opened to a half finished picture. "She was awake for only ten minutes," Jadith said from behind me. I turned around to find her sitting out of view from the door, trying hard not to look at me. Next to her sat a male human, looking a bit shy. "How did she take it?" I asked, sitting in one of the other chairs in the room, a few feet away. "Well," She answered, "I couldn't give her any answerers but she didn't panic. She did take a quick look over herself in the bathroom though, but I think it's understandable." I nodded, I had done the same quick look myself when I had first been switched with Oria. She shook her head. "Page told me what happened and I came to see if there was anything I could do to help." Jadith had moved in with Page after she tried to fix my mind when I was cursed. She had the bad luck to have Rhea win under her fingers, she still blames herself. "I'm glade you came. Even if it's a bit late to help her I'm still glade you came." She nodded. "I would have come sooner but Ren and I where on a training mission." She nodded to the human. "I came here right after and he wanted to tag along." Ren nodded, blushing softly. I smiled, offering a hand to Ren. "Hello then, I'm Fox." He took my hand in his, shaking it firmly. "I know... Jadith has told me so much about you." I looked at the elf out of the corner of my eye. "Oh really? What did she say?" She blushed even deeper then he had. "Mostly what you've told me, as well the few adventures I've come along with." Ren nodded. "You've actually came face to face with a Wyrm!" He seemed excited about the fact, "I didn't think that was possible." I chuckled, patting him on his shoulder. "It's not, most of the time. I wouldn't advise it to anyone who's not totally insane at the time." Jadith rolled her eyes as Ren blushed again. "Dad?" A new voice asked, higher then I remembered and softer as well. I twisting around in my chair, looking at the bed. Naomi was sitting up, the bed sheet tucked up under her arms, hiding her now well developed bust. I smiled, standing up and walking over to her. "Good morning." She yawned softly. "Jadith couldn't tell me why I'm an adult. What happened, was it some kind of an attack or something of the like?" I took one of her paws and started to explain what had happened to her. Not all of it, just what I knew up till yesterday. She took most of it well, the aging and all of that, but that she was pregnant threw her for a loop. She wanted to go home, and I could understand why, but the doctors had other plans. That wanted to look her over to make sure there wasn't any other problems or side effects from this change. Eventually she drifted back to sleep, but not before finishing her picture of Jadith and Ren. The aging seemed to have helped her there, her pictures were leaps and bounds better then what she was doing just days before. Once she was back asleep the rest of us parted way. Jadith wanted to go home to get cleaned up and Ren had his own life to deal with. Frankly I think he is attracted to her, I wonder if she's told him that's she a widow. Myself, I went back home, where I was meet at the door by Oriana. We kissed for maybe a minute before she sat us both down on the couch and she started to rub my back, wanting to know what I had found out from Dwight. As I explained she worked my shoulders harder, releasing tension that I didn't know had built up. After I finished what she wanted to know I told her about my conversation with Naomi. Finally we just lapsed into silence. "What do you do now Fox?" Oria asked after a minute. I shook my head. "About which problem?" She sighed, stopping her work on my shoulders and turing me around. "About us, we're together, but not really. It all just seems so awkward to go from friends to lovers." I nodded. "I feel the same way. Normal there is a courtship about these things, an order that starts with dating. We've totally skipped over that part, including falling in love. All of it just sort of happened." She laughed. "It happened for you maybe, I knew exactly when I fell in love with you. It was the sex that was the problem." I kissed her nose. "Glad we got over that one myself." She laughed and swatted at me gently. "Same here, but that's not the subject. What are we suppose to do now? Are we going to stay as occasional lovers, who happened to be in love, or is there something else we need to do." I shook my head. "I don't know, I've never been involved in this before. What normally comes after all of this?" She smiled. "Living together." I thought that over for a few seconds. "You mean instead of different rooms you and I share the master bedroom?" It was still empty, no one had ever felt the need to use it. She nodded. "Exactly, we should share a bed for more then just sex." I chuckled. "I think that would be a great idea." She hugged me, "I'll see if I can bring over a bed from my world, if not I'll order one." I nodded. "Not so fast, there's something else that needs to be done first." She paused, for a second it almost seemed like she was pouting. "What?" "How would you like to go camping for a few days?" I asked. "Leaving in three days. Naomi should be out of the Hospital by then, so she can come along to learn her new body." She seemed to think about it a bit. "In four days your suppose to be Rhea again though." I nodded. "My point. The world I'm planing to go to is large enough that I can get out and stretch a bit. Maybe finally deal with Rhea. I'll get a tracer injected before we go so you can find me if I'm away to long." She nodded slowly. "So it will just be you, me, Naomi and Rhea?" I shook my head. "Sora as well." She frowned. "Why will she be along?" I sighed. "Because I've been procrastinating about her for far to long. It's about time I start doing what I promised her I would do." Oria took in a slow breath then hugged me tight. "Deal, the new room can wait till we get back. Though I'll still set my sister looking for a bed before we go." "You do that," I said right before I kissed her. ----- This story is (c) 1998 by Fox Cutter, hardcopy reprints limited to one a person, all other rights reserved. This story may not be distributed for a fee except by permission of the author, and this copyright notice may not be removed.