Cold Fire By: Fox Cutter 12/21/97: Chapter 1 Four days had passed since we had managed to escape from the Krein moon base; though with the atmosphere around here now, it seemed more like a retreat. That appeared to have been the high point of all the action and it had started to get pretty low. This was the current lay of the land. Rachel, Theo and Laina had taken back their positions in charge of the Council, staying in orbit in the Council ship, and trying to oversee the situation as it was developing. Milgrove was back on _The Golden Phoenix_ trying to take her mind off all that had happened. Below us, Grasion was still in control of the situation. Two of the hostages had already been released, the price being money, plans and technology. His further demands were all over the board; no one could quite make out exactly what he wanted. At least, that was what I'd been told. I'd only been informed that getting back to the base, and through the base's defense system, was going to cause problems. I wasn't sure of the why or how of it all, but it was perfectly clear that a lot of people thought we should have stayed and tried to fight it out. Sebe, the female wolf that had escaped with us, was back on Krein. She was now in charge of trying to find a way to get up to the base and in through the system. As for the rest of us... it wasn't very good. Neither Fox or Oriana had awakened yet from whatever had caused them to fall unconscious. Both seemed to be sound asleep, sometimes getting close to waking, but never actually making it. After two days, they were moved into the medical bay of the Council ship. The only thing that had been found that could lend itself to explaining what had happened was that the bullet the doctor had removed from Fox's gut had been covered in a mixture of a dozen different herbs. A magical catalyst, that was all it could be. Ken (who was still on the _Phoenix_) had said as much when he came to look at it, as had the other magician that was in reach. But it wasn't magic that was keeping them asleep now. Whatever the spell was to do had been done; that was what was so confusing. It wasn't even a sleeping death, but just sleep. For my part, I had stayed by their side as much as I could, maybe because of how helpless I was to do anything for them. I felt, though, that it was my duty to watch over them, even when the doctor said I should myself be asleep. I was a Healer, this was what I had always been taught to do and it was very hard to go against that training. That was also the reason I was the only person in the Medical Bay when Oriana woke up. She just started, her body jumping forward, as she began hacking badly. I was on my feet instantly, going to her and telling the ship's computer to get the doctor. As I got to her bed, she had rolled onto her side, and was in a fit of dry heaves. I retrieved a glass of water for her, pressing it into her paws. She gratefully took it and drank deeply from it. Panting, she then rolled back over and moved herself into a sitting position, wincing softly as she leaned back. "You'll be all right," I said in a comforting voice as I got her another glass of water. "You're in the Medical Bay of..." I trailed off, she wasn't paying attention to anything I was saying, or to the water I had. Instead, she reached under the covers of her bed, and pulled out her tail, holding it very carefully, as if it wasn't even part of her, and the look on her face... it was somehow wrong, like it didn't belong there. Dropping her tail, she reached up and touched her nose with the tip of one of her fingers. Her eyes almost crossed to look at it. Then she pulled her arms forward, almost like a self-hug, pushing her breasts up under her gown. With a deep sigh, she dropped her arms, leaning back against the wall behind her head. "Oh, hell," she whispered, looking right at me. The doctor arrived just then, walking smoothly over to her bed. He looked at me with a slight smile, then back at Oriana. "How are you feeling?" She turned to look at him, a slight look of contempt on her face. "Bloody damn horrible." Startled a bit from the unexpected response, the doctor took a step back. "In what way?" he then asked. Shaking her head, Oriana ran her fingers from the top of her face back through her hair. "Very simply," she said, her voice pausing slightly, measuring each word. "I'm Fox." The doctor was even more startled by this. "What?" She sighed again. "Go get Ken for me, then leave. I want to talk to Jadith alone." He looked flustered, "I can't!" he protested. She just smiled at him, very widely, showing most of her teeth. The doctor, for his part, took two more steps back, then turned and walked very calmly out of the Medical Bay. "Jadith," Oriana... Fox..., I wasn't sure yet, said to me. "What happened?" "Fox?" I asked, not sure what to make of this. She nodded. "That's right, I'm Fox." I looked over to Fox's body, then back to her. "I didn't know that could be done." She shrugged slightly, and very carefully set her paws on the edges of the bed. "What exactly happened? Last thing I remember was reaching for Oriana." "Both of you just collapsed; we got you both to the _Falcon_ and off the base." She nodded again. "Something else," I said, pulling a chair over and sitting down. "The bullet that you were shot with," I paused, that didn't sound quite right. "What about it?" Fox asked, leaning just slightly forward. I shrugged off my slight confusion. "It was coated with a mix of different herbs. It was part of a spell." She sat back, digesting this, her eyes blinking quickly about twice a second. Finally she shook her head. "Last thing I heard was Grasion saying that it wasn't going to be that easy. Is that what you heard?" "Yes, that's right." She went back to thinking again, not blinking this time, but her mouth was moving. Finally she closed her eyes, tightly, and growled. "God DAMN IT!" she yelled. I jumped back in my seat, and felt a hand on my shoulder. Craning my head back, I found Rachel that was standing over me. She looked back to Fox. "Care to explain?" Her eyes burst open, looking right at Rachel. As their eyes connected, Fox seem to calm down instantly. "Grasion knew I was coming." She tilted her head and looked down at me, a silent question passing between us. I nodded my head, answering her that yes, this was Fox. "We already knew that. The bullet--" Fox cut her off, "I know about it already. No, it was more than that. He set this up; maybe he expected my escape through the fold. But why wait until after I was close enough to get to the _Falcon_? That part I don't understand." "Maybe he's trying to confuse you?" I suggested. She scoffed, "Hardly. No, this has a worse effect." She look me right in the eyes. "My ability to open the folds goes with my body." Her eyes glanced over to where her body was lying. "The ability to use it, that's in my head." Rachel nodded. "I see, he gets rid of you, and keeps you from coming back to stop him." "He must not have expected us to blow up the fold." I suggested. Fox nodded, "yes... I don't understand all of this, though." She shook her head, and slid out from under her covers and off the bed. She bent right down and started looking in the drawers built into the frame under the bed. "What are you doing, Fox?" Rachel asked. She closed the last drawer and moved to the bed where her body lay, presumably with Oriana inside. He started digging through those drawers as well. After a quick search she pulled out some clothing. "I," she announced, "am going to change." Then walked across the bay and into the bathroom. She came back out half a minute later, still in the hospital gown. Bending down at her bed, she pulled out the clothing that had been brought over for Oriana, and went back into the bathroom. She took a bit longer this time, but finally she came back out. Somehow, even if the clothes were made for the body, they still looked out of place on it. Pausing for a second she looked at Rachel. "This isn't the _Phoenix_." Rachel nodded, walking over to her. "You're on the Council ship." Fox grimaced. "So that's what's taking Ken so damn long. Fine, I'll be in the ship's garden. When he gets here send him to me." She paused, looking down at her real body, "and when Oriana wakes up call me. I need to be here." Crossing her arms, Rachel stood back as Fox walked out of the room. "Why did you let him go?" I asked. She looked at me, "because, no matter what the form, it is not his. He's going to have to do some mental acrobatics to get into sync with it." She shook her head, "He'll be fine as soon as he gets his current sex straight in his mind." "And everyone else," I said, realizing that I had been thinking of her as a female even after I found out that it wasn't Oriana. She patted my shoulder. "That may be the easy part." Chapter 2 'The ship's garden' was a much friendlier term to call the hydroponics bay that inhabited some portion of every major space-going vessel. And it was far more than just a bay; the Council ship's garden covered the full center section of the ship. It was a multiple-leveled collection of climates that trickled, splashed, crept and grew through out the massive room. The garden served three purposes, the first two being the most obvious. One, it provided a cheap and clean way to recycle the air and water aboard the ship. Second, it also provided a large portion of their fresh food, in a series of actual gardens that took up most of the bay. Thirdly, though, was that the garden was a place to go to get away from the ship. It was a place to step outside the fine and steady lines of order and metal that were the only way for a large ship to run. It created someplace far more cluttered and organic than you could find in a simple recreation room. It was a place to go when you needed to seriously think about things around you. A place where you could disengage the parts of your mind that had to deal with all the order in the universe, and let them run rampant. Of course, then you get people like me who bring a cup of tea with them. I wasn't getting too very far on my thinking; it was hard enough to come to terms with the fact that I wasn't exactly in the body I expected. I had, so far, resisted the temptation to explore. I already knew what was there, and now was not the time for me to go verify it all. Being in Oria's body wasn't having the effect on my head that I had always associated with a sudden change in gender. It didn't feel 'wrong' to me, nor did it feel 'right'. In fact, other than the changing of what parts were protruding, it felt perfectly normal. 'I must be the exception that proves the rule' I thought, taking another sip of the tea. Right now though, my mind was working on other things. Mostly focusing on Grasion. He knew I was there and he let me go, using this change to make sure I didn't come back. That made sense, but didn't seem right, it wasn't his style. I was missing most of the picture. But why wait till I was on the other side of the fold to pull the switch; why wait until I even got close enough to the fold to open it? He had to have known how long it would take for me to recover, he could have done it at any time and effectively removed me from the equation. Why hadn't he, though? Why did he wait to get me out of the way like this? What wasn't I seeing? I stopped, something tickling in the back of my head about the fold. "This is wrong," I muttered, sipping my tea. The spell was made to switch me with someone, it may not have had anything to do with what happened. His method of delivery was interesting as well. He didn't kill me in one of the few times he had a chance, and was prepared for... so he wanted me to survive. So I could get away? So he could keep me from coming back? Why let me live at all though, did he mean it as torture? Did he want to switch me with someone and let them die in my body? Again though, why? Could he have wanted me to escape... No wait... want... he wanted something from all of this. Assuming that the switch was to keep me from coming back through the folds... he would have known that a natural could get through. That also must mean that he knew that no natural had used the fold before, so no one could come in from the outside that way. Too many questions... why let me use the folds at all? If he had taken me through the tunnels none of this would be a worry. It was shorter to go through the folds and it kept us-- "Fox?" Ken asked, standing a dozen feet away from me. I jumped out of my thought, losing my hold on it. I scrambled to get it back, but it was gone. What ever it was, it was also something important. I sighed, drinking the last of my tea. "Yes, Ken, it's me." He walked over, sitting down next to the tree I was leaning against. "How are you doing?" "Hum... all right I suppose." He frowned, "No mental shock?" I let out a short laugh. "What? Finding myself a woman? No, none yet. I mean, other than the obvious changes it feels just like my normal self." His frown deepened. "Then you are a rarity in that regard." "Maybe it was the spell?" He pulling his wings slightly. "I do not think so. None of the spell components found on the bullet had any capability to change your mental processes. Just transpose them." "What else do you know about it?" He chewed softly. "Now that I know what it does... not much more, but understanding the result will help me to backwalk over the processes. Eventually I will be able to reverse it." I nodded, "How long?" Ken frowned. "It's not the style of magic that I am accustomed to, but it's not a radical departure from any of the norms. I would say it could be a few days at best. Worst, never. Best guess-- I would say at least two weeks, maybe more." I chewed my lip slightly. "Would it be safe to keep Oria sedated until you can undo this?" "Fox," Ken said, soundly offended. "You can't keep her asleep through all of this!" "I know," I agreed. "But imagine how she is going to take this. Not only is she a different sex but species as well! I have some experience with a species change, and even if you want it, it will still come as a shock. Throwing on top of that a gender change, and the loss of her tail, do you think she's going to take it very well at all?" Ken sighed again. "You have many points there, but we still cannot keep her drugged throughout this. She is in your body as is the actual spell. Any drugs in the system will change how well I can see it and deconstruct it. The fact is, if you want to get back to yourself you're both going to need to be up and operating for it." I took a slow breath, letting it out again. "Agreed, but we don't just want her waking up. Go talk to the doctor, tell them to put her under a light sedation for now, I want to wait a bit before she actually wakes up. While you're at it, see what else you can learn about the spell now that you know what it does." Ken nodded, and started to rise. "Mostly, I want to know about the switch," I said, speaking the thought that had just occurred to me. "I want to know if it was meant specifically for Oriana, or was the choice random." He nodded again, then hugged me tightly. "Watch yourself, your mind may have more problems than you are expecting right now." I nodded, hugging him back before he stood up. His face wore a look of concern before he turned away. Just as he was leaving, Rachel entered the garden, walking towards me. She was holding two cups, and had some files tucked under her arm. She walked directly to me, and handed me a cup. "I figured that by now your tea would be gone, or cold." I took the cup with one paw and waved her to sit with the other. "Come to ask about my health?" I asked. She sat down next to me, her face was neutral. "No... I need to know where Oriana was." Frowning again, I sipped the tea. "When?" "Before Grasion first showed himself. She left half an hour before. What was she doing?" I shook my head. "Rachel..." She sighed, and handed me the two files she had brought with her. "These were tucked under the second set of clothing she had on." The files were labeled 'Creation of Genetic Computers' and 'Testing of Genetic Computers'. I started to open one, but Rachel reached out and grabbed my paw. She looked panicked for a second, then let go. "Those are covered by the Active Secrets Act. Looking at them could be construed as an act of war." I cleared my through. "You're telling me that all we are allowed to know about them is their titles?" She nodded. "Yes. Now why would you..." she sighed, "I mean Oriana, have these? Or more to what seems to have happened, why would she steal them?" I frowned, looking down at the pair of fire, suddenly knowing exactly what they were. I looked back up at Rachel. "This is off the record, everything I tell you from here on. Acceptable?" She looked at me, staring hard, then slowly her face softened. "Very well then, but only if you tell me why." I opened the second folder, the one marked as 'testing' and flipped through the first few papers inside. Snapping the folder closed, I sighed. "The Guild sent Oria on a special assignment. She was to find any documented proof of the suspected actions of Dr. Grafrin. If the proof was found, she was to kill him." Rachel looked worried. "What did he do? What do these prove?" I just handed them over to her. She opened one, slowly reading through a few papers, her ears growing whiter and whiter as they burrowed themselves in her hair. She finally looked up at me. "So he is dead?" I shrugged. "Oriana knows for sure, she can tell us when she wakes up." "And when will that be?" I thought for a few seconds. "Tomorrow-- we can be prepared for her then." 12/22/97: Chapter 3 Fox seemed to wander into the Medical Bay rather than coming there with a purpose. Rubbing the back of... her... neck, she looked about as normal as she could. The clothing she had picked out was pretty loose, hanging around her body more than off it. Her hair was brushed, but was just flat, not even pulled back. In all she looked rather bland, but I couldn't actually knock it. I doubted anyone would be able to adapt fast to such a sudden change. She gave me a sidelong glance, her tail moving slowly behind her. "You look worried, Rachel." I shook my head. "No, not that. It's just strange to see you like this." I could tell from her reaction that wasn't exactly what I needed to say. I tried for a quick recovery. "What I mean is, you're you, and it shows. It's strange to see your mannerisms coming from Oriana." Twisting her ears slightly, she nodded. "I can agree with that." She shook her head slightly, rubbing her fingers between her eyes. "Things are more than slightly different in this body." I walked over to stand next to her. "Holding up well?" "Pretty much... sleeping, though, was an interesting experience." "Oh?" Was all the response I could muster. She nodded. "I slept, for a full night. Actual sleep, not a magical one like before. It feels strange." The ship's doctor walked into the room about then, his steady pace easily cutting through the ground to where we stood. He looked between the two of us, then over to where the real Oriana lay in her drug induced slumber. Jadith came in after him, rubbing her eyes slightly and yawning. She seemed to be unusual for an elf in that she didn't wake up very easily in the mornings. In my experience elves could usually go from a deep sleep to wide awake in a matter of seconds. She walked over to us, yawning again. "Morning, you two," she blinked, looking at Fox. "Sins, you look horrible." Fox rolled her eyes. "Not sure how to look good like this." "Are you sure you want to do this?" The doctor asked, removing the IV drip from Oria's arm that had been keeping her sedated. Fox nodded. "Yes, this will be the best time for it." The doctor nodded, walking into a side room then coming back with a small bottle of a clear liquid. "I doubt this will wake him up. We used it on both of you with no results." She chewed her lip slightly. "I'm awake, she should have followed right after. This should wake her up." The doctor nodded, connecting a clean needle to a syringe, then filling it from the bottle. Working the plunger he forced any air out of the syringe, then walked to where Fox's body lay. In a quick set of moves, the doctor cleaned a section on the upper arm and inserted the needle, letting whatever drug it contained flow into Oria's system. "He should be awake soon, if at all." the doctor explained, disposing of the needle and putting the rest of the syringe in the medical cleaning system. Fox nodded to him, then waved her paw gently. "I would like to have her see people she knows until she understands what's happened, so could you please wait outside. We will call you if we need you." He opened his mouth to say something, then his eyes connected with Fox's. He just shut his mouth and walked out of the bay. Licking her lips, Fox pulled a chair next to the bed and, careful of her tail, sat down. Jadith sat on the other side of the bed, using the chair that had already been waiting for her. "What do we tell him?" Jadith asked, looking down at the slowly waking form. Taking a deep breath, Fox looked at me, then at Jadith. "We tell her the truth about anything she asks. It should only take a few seconds before she realizes that something has changed. I don't know how she'll react... she may panic... or take it as well as I did, or better." "We'll know soon enough," Jadith said, "he's starting to wake up." Fox looked perfectly calm, staring down at her own body. Her tail, though, was twisting wildly through the air. "Yes, he is." The words seem to take an effort from her, draining a lot of energy that she really didn't seem to have. Oriana moaned softly as he (that sounded even stranger than calling Fox 'she') started to fully awaken. "Oriana," Jadith whispered, resting her hand in his. "You're going to be all right." His eyes looked over her body, flickering with a deliberate stare that truly was of Oriana. They locked eyes for a few seconds, then finally broke again as he turned to look up at the ceiling. Jadith almost instantly had a glass of water in her hands, holding it out to him. He propped himself up on one elbow and took it, drinking it quickly, spilling some as he missed his mouth. Coughing, he looked back at her. "What happened?" he asked, the pacing and tone of his speech off enough to be slightly disturbing. He noticed it as well, reaching up for his throat, then stopping in mid-reach. Quickly sitting up he looked at me, squinting. "I can barely see." he stated, starting to shake. Fox very slowly reached over and picked up his glasses, opening them and placing them on Oriana's face. He slowly stopped squinting, his eyes focusing on me, then turned to look at Jadith. Finally he looked to his other side, first moving his eyes then slowly moving his head to match. He and Fox locked eyes, looking at each other for a few seconds before Oriana spoke. "Fox?" She nodded. He closed his eyes, his body trembling under the sheets. "Grasion switched us," she explained. He didn't responded. She nodded, "I know... it's strange." He nodded, pulling his legs up under the sheets till they were against his chest, wrapping his arms around his knees. "I'm scared." Fox took one of his hands. "I know, so am I. Ken's trying to find a way to undo it, though." He laughed, a soft laugh, out of place with his current form. "How? How can Ken do anything? This is the final punishment, the destruction of the soul. The first death for those who have committed the greatest of sins." he started to shake even more. Chewing on her lip, she seemed to take it in stride. "This is not a punishment from Thryn. There was so much weight of death on that man's soul that what you did was a release for the universe, something that outweighs any sin from what you did." He was trying to cry, Fox's body going through the motions, but no tears coming. "Why then?" he whispered. "It keeps me from using the fold to go back after him." He shook his head. "No... please, no... that can't be it. I deserve this." "Oria," Fox hissed. He suddenly snapped his head around to look at her. "If it's your punishment, why did we switch and not just you change?" she asked, I could tell she was holding her voice in check, but her ears were almost flat. He paused, his lips trying to form words. "I... I want the Book." he finally said, starting to stutter just slightly. Bending down, Fox opened one of the drawers under the bed, and sat back up with a book in her paws. It was two inches thick, and bound in leather. She gently handed it to Oriana, "I though you might want it." He nodded, opening the cover and running her fingers down the first page. He looked back up, moving over all of us. "Can I be alone?" "No," Jadith replied. "This is not a walk-away attack on your body. You need someone to watch you until I'm sure you won't do anything stupid." Fox nodded. "She did the same thing to me last night. Don't worry, she won't be a bother." He nodded, looking back down at the book in her lap. Finally the look on his face changed, so small of a change I couldn't tell in what way it had, just that it was a different expression. "Fine then, but you two," he looked to me then to Fox. "Come back later?" he asked, suddenly timid. Fox broke into a smile. "Of course," she said as she stood up. Oriana smiled back and started to read through the book. Fox walked past me and motioned for me to follow her out of the room. I did, and we exited the bay, using a different door than the doctor had used. Once out in the hallway, with the door closed, Fox seemed to fold over, sinking backwards against the wall, and sliding down it a foot. "Fox?" She looked up at me. "If Ken can't find a way to undo this, I don't think either of us will really last." "Fox!" She brushed some hair from in front of her eyes, pushing it over her head. "I mean it. Oria fears this as a great punishment, and frankly I'm not handling this as well as I first thought. If Ken says he can't put us back I'm not sure how well either of us can get back on with each other's lives." I walked over to her. "Would some work help take your mind off of this?" She gave a sharp laugh. "Anything! Why, you have a government you need overthrown?" "No, there's a meeting in an hour. Really a progress report on how all our different plans on getting back to the base are panning out. We're also going to have a presentation on Grasion." She perked her ears up, standing a bit straighter. "On Grasion? Who in the world did you find to do that?" I smiled. "You." She stopped, did that slow double blink that was his normal reaction to being startled. "Where's it at then?" "The Council Chambers, you had better prepare." Fox just rolled her eyes and muttered something under her breath about memos. Chapter 4 I walked into the on-ship Council Chambers to receive nearly a dozen stares. What little conversation there had been before I arrived stopped dead once they all registered who I was. The group contained Theo and Laina, and ten other people whom I didn't know. One of those ten was the first to speak up. "I'm sorry miss, I think you have the wrong room." Oh... they didn't know what had happened. I walked over to a free chair on the side of the room. "Rachel told me to come here," I explained. "Why?" "Because," Rachel explained, walking in through the doors, "she's giving the presentation on Grasion." This caused some puzzlement amid the group. "But, you said Fox was to give it." She nodded and waved her paw at me. "Right now, that is Fox." That stopped the conversation again, if only for a few seconds, then everyone seemed to start talking at once. Most of the questions seemed to be directed at Rachel, and a few towards me. Rachel just ignored them, walking to the far side of the conference table and sitting down at the end next to the other Council members. "Very well, Fox, you can begin." I sighed, standing back up and pushing a stray hair back over my ear. "All right then." I walked over to stand at the free end of the table. "Have any of you seen Grasion's file?" They all shook their heads, a few muttering 'no'. I sighed again, rubbing the top of my muzzle. "Why not?" The question was direction at Rachel, "We're not officially involved deeply enough to bring the Council in on this. We're acting as advisers." I swore under my breath. The Krein world wasn't a member of the Council, and that limited anything they could do. If any of the three first level members had been down on the base still it would have been different... wait... there was something to that. "Miss," a man who was sitting close to me said, breaking my train of thought. I shook it off, I wasn't sure what I had, but I knew I had something. I nodded. "Ok then, let me cover the basics on him. Firstly, he's a human derivative. A member of a genetically enhanced variation of the species, superior in strength, speed and mind. Except that he's only smarter than a normal human, a major genetic fuck up. It messed up a lot of the genetic 'perfection' that had been edited into his DNA, as well as making him a Natural." This prompted a few murmurs around the table. "I don't know how he survived, or learned to use his ability, but he has. He's been tearing around the multi-verse for close to a decade now. I first met him a few months after I started walking the folds, and in most every way he's my arch-enemy. This currently is our fifth run-in." "How good is his mind?" someone asked. I ran a paw through my hair. "Very good. He's had a head start on us by months if not years. He has everything planned out for dozens of moves in any direction. It's best described as a demented game." "So he's covered every way for us to get back in?" Another asked. I nodded, twitching my tail slightly. "Yes. The only real way through was the fold, and switching me with Oriana kept me from going back through it." There were a few 'oh's as the group as a whole realized why I wasn't whom they had expected. I smiled, "Though I'm rather sure he didn't plan on us blowing up the folds. By the way, did that work?" Laina nodded, smiling. "Yes, both folds are back at their original locations." Twisting my ears I blinked. "Original? Tell me later." I said, leaving it for that. "He's a natural," a person half-way down the table said, "and the field around the base will let a natural through. Could he have been planning on using that to escape?" Bingo, two points, there was a piece of this puzzle. "Yes, you're right; when he had what he wanted he would have just walked away." I looked around the table, "What other folds can he get to without dropping the field?" A pair near Rachel's side of the table looked at each other. "There's only the one on the planet, but it's heavily guarded and locked down tightly." I shook my head. "No. Then there has to be at least one more. Find it, check all the possibilities. You're right, he would have used that as an escape. He would have a ship of some sort waiting for him." There was some slight whispering, then another person spoke up. "If we find it?" "You will find it, he's not going to try and jump in and out of the other fold. You may get lucky and find some information on the ship that can help us, it also probably is a decoy." Most of them sighed. A young tigress sitting right next to me spoke up for what I think was the first time in the conversation. "Your escape was planned as well?" I nodded. "Yes... it got me out of the picture as well as disabling the one person who could get through the folds." She nodded slowly, tapping the tip of her nose with a finger. "What about the rest of you? Why did he let them escape?" I 'oh'ed myself, realizing what that bit I had was. "If any of the Council members had stayed they would be able to do a lot more than consult. The other two were helping me and without them I would not have been able to get through the fold." Wait... there was that something again. Why let us go through the fold at all? My death wouldn't have changed anything if they could have gotten out, so why let me live and switch me. What WAS it that made it necessary for us to go through the fold! I though back, ignoring the next questions presented by the tigress. It was blurry, but I could remember most of what we had done. The seven of us, the ones he wanted to escape and the female wolf... why was she allowed to escape? The door had closed right after the female wolf had gone through. Everyone else was outside already... right? Yes, Oriana had gone out before, to watch our backs as we left. But that didn't make sense! Why then close it after her unless she was meant to escape with us? How could he insure that she did and the other captives didn't? Grasion could not have known she would be with us. Guards... there had to have been more guards, I seemed to vaguely remember one at the end of the hallway. They would have been there to keep the others back and let the wolf go with us. That wouldn't have been very easy though. He may have expected her to actually be with us, why, though? And why still let me use the folds? What was I missing? "The wolf that was with us?" I asked, looking up. "Sebe," Rachel answered. "What did she know that made it imperative that she got off the base? It wasn't an accident that she left with us." There was a pause as they looked at each other. "She helped build it," one responded. I smiled, more things falling into place. "Which is why she knew about the defense system. If she had stayed she would have found a way out of his control and shut down the system. Or at least the chance was so high that he felt it would be better with her gone. Which is also why I was allowed to use the fold and not just killed. If we had taken the long way to the base she might have split off on her own to shut down the system." "But the fact that she didn't means we can't get back into the base." someone said. I shrugged. "Don't you have any way at all?" "Oh sure," the same person, a large wolf, continued, "but we need a ship that no one can build." I shook my head. "Why not?" He crossed his arms. "No pilot can glide a ship in from space and it would take years to develop the computer systems to do it. No one has ever bothered with it, it's easier to do a vertical landing." I blinked. "Wait... you mean a ship made to glide in, no thrust except for adjustments, would be the only way to land on the base." He nodded. "Yes, the defense system isn't made to see the impossible." And idea was starting to bubble in the back of my head. "What makes it impossible?" The wolf sighed. "Because," he said with force, "no one can remember all the different adjustments to bring it safely in." "Ah... seven, give or take two..." I shook my head. "Ok then, I don't think I can do anything more to help the situation." Rachel stood up. "Very well, then, you can all go now." As the others started to stand she walked around the table and grabbed me by the arm, pulling me over to the side. "I saw that look on your face. You know how to get that kind of ship." I nodded, very slowly, licking my lips. "Rachel. I'm going to go back to the _Phoenix_ with Oria if she's up to it. I want you to come over in twelve hours, we'll talk then." Then before she could respond, I slipped away and out the door. If what I was thinking about was in any way possible it was going to break a dozen laws, and I didn't want the Council in on it at all. _The Golden Phoenix_ was not part of the Council, it was just registered on Prid. The idea was almost insane. If it worked we could get to Grasion, if it didn't... the Council would kill us. Literally. Chapter 5 Leaning up against the door frame leading into the medical bay, I watched silently as Oria carefully read through his book. His... it sounded so strange to think of her in my body, or as anything else but a her. But here, when the proof was right before my eyes, it was very hard to deny it. Though he was still quite definitely Oriana. The way he was sitting on the bed, hunched over and quietly reading, moving his fingers over the lines of print inside of the leather binding was very typical of her. The book was the Book of Thryn. I had asked for it to be brought over the night before. I knew that he was going to need it at some point. At the least, just to look for comfort, and maybe some guidance from it. Chewing my lip slightly, I crossed my arms, pressing them down against my breasts. Imagine, me with breasts! I've been accused of being a girl before, but this was the first time that I ever actually was. Frankly, I was amazed at how well I had been ignoring all of the changes. There were some basic things, most of them in the bathroom, as well as adjusting to wearing a bra. It was slightly uncomfortable, but I was very quickly forgetting about it. The rest I had put off, I wasn't ready to go exploring yet. Though I was going to have to face it soon. Fur needs a lot of maintenance, and I was going to have to bathe before too long. Maybe before I met with Rachel, maybe not, I wasn't sure. Taking a step forward, I rapped my knuckles on the door frame. "Is it safe to come in yet?" Oria looked up from the book, his eyes red behind the glasses. His expressions shifted around, finally settling down into a neutral look. Jadith looked up from her own book, then stood up from the corner she had been sitting in and walked over to me. Oria nodded, closing the book and setting it on the bed next to him. I walked over to the bed, dropping myself in the chair next to it, pausing only a second to slip my tail though the hole in the back. Jadith turned in mid-stride and retrieved her chair, pulling it over to the other side of the bed and sitting down. "Is the book helping you any?" I asked. He shook his head very slightly. "No, I can't find any comfort in its words." "I don't think this is something that could really be foreseen." He nodded, just as imperceptibly as before. "You seem to be taking it far better than I am." "Frankly, I'm just ignoring it." "Sounds just like you," he said with a forced laugh. I reached out, grabbing his hand in my paw. "Ken will find out how to undo this. It's the kind of magic he was trained for. This is his job." Oria pulled his hand away, hiding both under the bed sheets. "I don't know how long I can take this." I nodded, agreeing silently. "A few days, maybe a week." he said in a soft whisper, shaking slightly. I rubbed my shoulder softly with a paw. "I don't know how long I'll last. It really hasn't hit me yet." "Lucky you," he sighed. The conversation concluded there. I didn't know what else I could say to him and he wasn't in any condition to start talking. Jadith went back to her book, being very obvious about staying out of the conversation, or at the least lack of it. Eventually I finally gave up trying to say anything that would help. "You up to a short trip?" "Where?" he asked, looking up at me. "Back to the _Phoenix_. Ken is there, so being with him will help him to get his claws into the spell." I sighed softly, "And we may be off to fetch something to get us back down onto the base." Jadith perked up now, leaning forward in her chair. He shook his head. "I don't know." "We'll be with friends, that will help." He sighed. "Fox..." "Oria, please." I was trying my best not to beg. He paused, then let out a long sigh. "You're going to run your errand with or without me aren't you?" I nodded. With an 'I can't believe I'm doing this look,' he sighed again. "Then I suppose you and I should stay together if Ken is to have any hope of finding a way to remove this spell before we go crazy." I smiled. "Thanks." "No, not yet," he said, laying back down. Yes, not yet for either of us. I really didn't know what to make of his decision to return to the ship with me. It seemed like it was a bit too easy a choice for her. I didn't know what would happen; she was putting up a strong front, but she really was worried. It was going to be a very hard time for both of us until Ken found a way to switch us back. * * * Ten hours later I had finally faced up to the fact that I looked horrible. Being in bed for fours days hadn't help much and the lack of care I had provided for myself after that hadn't done anything but make it worse. So, with my fur beginning to mat in a few spots, I finally broke down and took a quick shower. It was an in-and-out type thing, just long enough to really wash my fur so as to be presentable. And even with all the complications of the changed bodies, I found that I had missed doing it. I remembered from back when Oria had managed to transform me, now almost a year ago. There's just something about washing your own fur that's extremely relaxing. Either way though, it got my mind working over what I was planning to do. I was going to need Page's help, that was a given. She was the only person who could find out exactly where the ship we would need was located and which one to take. I would also need her to rework its systems enough so that it could be flown safely. To be honest, the whole idea was absolutely insane, stupid and ludicrous! But it seemed to be our only way to get back down to the base and stop Grasion before he started demanding a ship for the lives of the last few hostages. I just hoped it would be worth it. After finishing with the fur dryer, I walked back into Oria's room on the _Phoenix_. We had done some talking on the trip over and decided that for now it would be best to switch rooms. They were already set up for our different forms and it was far easier than trying to move everything we needed from one room to the other. On one of the walls of her room, next to the built-in dresser, was a half-length mirror. I stopped in front of it, looking at my reflection... looking at Oriana's reflection, looking back at me. I felt myself blush with embarrassment, then I started to laugh. Walking over to the mirror, with a slight grin on my muzzle, I pressed a paw against the glass and looked into my reflection's eyes. Eyes that were almost a colorless shade of ice blue! I jumped back from the mirror, finding myself enveloped in darkness. Pure black darkness, blacker than night, blacker than even space, formed an endless veil over my perception, which was, somehow, shifting and changing around me, becoming something else, but still the same darkness. There was no sound in the darkness as well as no light. Nor was there anything to smell, or feel, or even taste. It was as if my mind had been cut off from every sense in my body. I wanted to fight, or at least scream, but nothing came of the struggle. All I could feel was a deep crushing of my ribs, growing worse with each passing second until I thought I couldn't take it anymore. Then, just as suddenly, it was over. I was standing once more, looking at myself in the mirror. Except that it *was* myself, my real reflection. I also was no longer on the ship, but standing in my own room back on Prid. Standing, looking over my real shoulder as I was digging through my dresser. A flashback! I was having a flashback. I wasn't sure to when though, the room looked wrong in many ways. There seemed to be more stuff in it than I ever remembered having, as well as a much larger bed. My attention was drawn away from that as my real self looked up from what he was doing, his eyes seeming to lock with mine in his reflection. The eyes, though, they were that same shade of blue, almost clear in color. He turned, his eyes still locking on where I was mentally located. His stare was unnerving, it felt like he was looking right into my soul, then through it, as if I was nothing but a ghost. "Fox," he said, "I know you're here, I remember this." I took a step back, trying to say something, but unable to make a sound. The other version of me licked his lips. "Listen, you are flashing forward a few months in time. We still don't know why. It's important, though, you need to know this," he paused, I could see he was thinking. "There's a hole in your mind," he finally said. Words to get my attention! 'What hole?' I thought, 'where?' The other me must have remember the questions. "Ken will know about it. You have to ask his help. He may not be willing, but he'll give it." Why couldn't I just tell myself! He sighed, "Because when I was on your side I didn't. It will make some kind of sense soon. Just think over your past adventures, before you were exiled. Look for a place where your memories don't match with what you remember remembering." The darkness came back again, wrapping around me just as tightly as before, but not for nearly as long. It only lasted for an instant and I was back again, standing in front of the mirror, looking into Oria's green eyes. Taking a few large steps back, I stumbled into the bed, flopping down on it, holding my head in my paws. How could I have a flashback in Oria's body? It was an inherent part of being a natural. No, it was _caused_ by being a natural. If my memories were moved perfectly, down to almost a genetic level, there was still that potential for it to happen. But why forward in time though, and how was that even possible? How could I have memories to flashback to of events that hadn't even occurred yet? My head was starting to spin from all this. More questions that I didn't have time to find answers to. Rachel was going to be here soon and meeting her took precedence. I would have to worry about all of this later, once we were underway. Chapter 6 Aster let out a prolonged sigh. "Why are you dragging me along on this idiocy?" I turned from where I had been sitting to look at him. "Fox has some kind of plan and if it works he's going to need an engineer." He rolled his eyes, "Rachel, I doubt he can find the type of ship we'll need." "Somehow I think he has already." He snorted through his nose, and scoffed. "You are not exactly the most unbiased person to decided that." I leaned forward. "Implying?" "It's not a secret that you two are fucking each other," he said with a smirk. I resisted to urge to slap him across his nose. "What we do together does not affect my judgment of his abilities." He scoffed again, "You just keep believing that." I shook my head. "He does have a plan." Aster growled softly, "He's got a hole in his fucking head, that's what he's got! And this whole body swap is just making it worse." I ignored him, turning around in my seat and looking back out of the window that was next to me, and into space. We would be at Fox's ship in a few more minutes and I was strongly regretting my decision to bring this boy along. His tail was in so much of knot that I doubted he would be any help at all. Fox, though, he did have a plan. I just wished I knew what it was and how he meant to achieve it. I also wished I could shake the deep chill that had settled over me right after he left the Council ship. The rest of the short trip was uneventful, the _Phoenix's_ computer guiding us in for a smooth landing in one of its cargo bays. Opening the hatch out of the shuttle I was almost surprised to see Fox waiting for me a few feet away. She was dressed slightly better than before, but this time her eyes had a look of deathly seriousness. "Fox?" I asked, starting to step out of the shuttle. "Wait," she said, raising one paw. "I want to make something perfectly clear first." Oh-oh, this wasn't a good sign. I set my foot back down inside the lip of the hatch. She took a step forward. "As soon as you step from that shuttle until you return to it you no longer represent the Council in any fashion. You are going to be involved in this as a private citizen, officially representing no one other than yourself. Do you understand?" "Is it that serious?" She nodded slowly, her tail twitching quickly behind her. I took a deep breath; this had the potential to become very serious. Then slowly letting it out, I stepped into the cargo bay. "I agree, then." Leaning sideways, she looked past me. "How about your company?" "He's going with you. I thought you could use an engineer." She sighed. "Yes, I could. Come on, then, we need to talk someplace a bit more private." Aster grumbled something under his breath and stepped onto the deck. Fox smiled slightly when she saw him. "Well, this is a surprise." He was the same wolf with whom Fox had the near argument with a few hours before at the briefing. He just sneered at her, his ears flat. "So, what do you have planned, Fox?" I asked, clasping my paws behind my back. She walked over to me, her face falling into a worried look. "As you might have guessed, I do know where we can get a ship to get into the base." Aster harrumphed. Fox looked at him and shook her head. "Oh ye of little intellect." She looked back at me. "We've been using a type of them for about twenty years now." I hoped I hadn't just heard what I thought I had just heard. "We?" I prompted. She nodded. "Humans, Earth, my home. We." I swore softly. Shaking her head, she rubbed her forehead. "I'm not planning on trying to bring them into the Council in any fashion. I'm just planning to liberate one of their space shuttles." I glared at her. "Fox, do you have any idea what we'll be doing! The *least* that can happen if you do this is that the Council will have you and everyone on this ship summarily executed!" "I know that, but if we do pull this off and get down to the base, people will be more interested in the fact that we did it than with how. If we can retrieve the shuttle fast enough and get it the hell out of the system before anyone starts looking, you can classify the whole of it and we can all go home happy." I shook my head. "That's a lot of 'ifs'." "That's too many," Aster commented from where he still stood. She nodded. "I know, I really do know. I've already talked to the others, they're all going to try and help, at least. I just wanted you to know what we're preparing to do." I sighed, thinking this over. There were too many problems, more than I thought he could easily solve by himself. "Do you think this is necessary?" She nodded, "With Grasion, yes. The only chance we will have of stopping him will be to force him into the end game before he's ready." "Why not just wait!" Aster said, stepping forward. "He's trading one hostage every other day. If we wait long enough he'll be out." Fox growled, taking three quick steps to stand right in front of him. She looked down her muzzle into his eyes, the points of her teeth showing. "Because the last hostage, or two, or maybe even five, will pay their lives for a ship. I can guarantee they will be the most important people of the whole group down there, and that they most likely will not get out alive!" He held his ground, looking back at Fox. "Are you sure? How do we know he won't just give up!" Her neck started to tense under the fur. "Because he wants something and giving up will not get it. Did you hear nothing of what I told you before? He will not just sit around with his thumbs up his ass! If he didn't have a plan of what to do with no getaway before, he does now, and you can bet your life that he'll be able to pull it off, leaving with what ever he wants, and whatever lives he decides to take! The _ONLY_ chance we have of stopping him is to do something he could not have planned on!" He growled. "You are so far out of your fucking mind--" he stared to yell, but was cut short when I slammed my clenched fist into the side of his muzzle, sending him stumbling backwards then falling onto the decking with a resounding thump. "And you," I intoned, glaring down at him, "are about three seconds away from being spaced if you don't reel in your attitude." He glared up at me, rubbing the side of his face, but did shut up. I looked back at Fox with a sigh. "Sorry to leave you with him, but he knows the most about the base's defense systems and also how to get around the base." "Won't you need him, then?" I smiled. "No, we have Sebe on the planet. He was just working as an adviser." She nodded, "He'll have to do then." "Now that he's been settled, how long will this take?" Fox paused, her eyes bouncing softly as she thought. "We're taking the long way around. Three days to the mega-fold, then two days to Earth. One day for the pickup then the same time back." That was puzzling. "Two days? But the distance isn't that far." She nodded again, "Four point two light years, but we can't use the hypo-drive. It's too damn noisy, and noisy in a frequency that's commonly used. The hyper-drive isn't exactly high quality in and of itself. It was only intended to be a secondary system, made to use extremely low power, not for speed." "Still though, isn't eleven days a bit long? Grasion could be done and gone by then." She shook her head with a slight smile. "Not at all. He's asking for a lot more than he actually wants, trying to cover it all up. He's not going to be asking for it all at once. He'll still be there, just a little more dug in." I nodded, thinking of a thousand more questions to ask, but realizing that she might not have the time to answer them. "Then I need to go so you can start this." "There is one more thing." she said, taking a step forward. "What?" She sighed softly. "I'm going to need Page's computer skills. Can you have her meet us on a small shuttle this side of the mega-fold?" I nodded. "That should not be a problem." "I'm also going to need Terminus as well." This came as a slight shock, but I had been expecting something like it since I had arrived on the ship. "He's not allowed off Prid!" I protested, the words sounded slightly hollow. Fox nodded. "I know, but I need him. At the end of this we're all going to be going down to the base. We'll need more than what we have. He used to be a knight and will be able to handle himself." "Why not Kalie?" I halfheartedly suggested, "she's usually who you take on your adventures." She nodded, "and she also has a life. Last time we talked she told me she was getting involved in some war games for her government and wasn't going to be able to get together for a few more months." I sighed. "Anything else?" "Pray?" she suggested. I smiled. "I'm already doing that." To Be Continued... ----- This story is (c) 1999 by Fox Cutter, hardcopy reprints limited to one a person, all other rights reserved. This story may not be distributed for a fee except by permission of the author, and this copyright notice may not be removed. 'Milgrove' is (C) 1999 by J. 'Packrat' McCoy, and is used with permission.