Conversation By: Fox Cutter 9/19/97: "Fox?" Oria called from around the general area of the front door. I stuck my head over the railing, looking down at her. "Welcome back!" I said with a smile, she had been on her world for close to a month now, with an occasional stop by to the house to get something. She smiled back up at me, setting a few bags of food on the couch. She looked around the main room. "Where is Sora?" I sipped my tea. "Well, we found Jadith's home world so she's gone back home for now and she asked Sora to come along. They'll be back in a few days." Oria undid the band that was holding her hair back, working her fingers through it, separating it out. "You except Jadith will want to come back?" I chuckled, "She's a natural, unless she has major commitments, she'll most likely be back." She laughed softly. "You sound so sure of yourself." I suddenly felt months of tension epp away. "You haven't laughed in months," I said in a slightly excited voice, setting my tea on the railing and started down the stairs. She watched me as I descended. "I'm felling better about myself right now." I stopped a couple feet away from her. "What changed?" Placing her paws on the side of my head, she pulled it down and kissed me right below the hair line. Then steeping back she grabbed one of the bags of food. "I tell you in a few minutes, come on." I shrugged as she brushed past. Then grabbing the second bag I followed her up and into the kitchen, setting it on the table. I then quickly grabbed my tea from where I had set it. She motioned for me to sit a the table as she sorted out the food in the bags. Most of it was different cans and jars, they all looked to be labeled in her native language. There was also a long loaf of bread. I leaned forward. "What's going on?" Tucking away the last bit of food, she sat down at the table. "Making a special dinner." I smiled. "oh?" "Yes, last time I tried to make Crex," I winches as the word was mangled by my translator, "was right before the Hammerheads did there crap, and afterwards making it didn't become much of a priority." I nodded. "What made you decided to do it now? And why are you in such a good mood?" She leaned forward. "I spent half of my time back home at the Temple. I week in Expulsion, and a second in meditation." I 'ohhed' "You came to a rationalization." "Crudely, but yes," she sighed, "not an easy task either. I've at least accepted that I _am_ an assassin for right now, and I will have to preform my duty on five people over the next three years." I nodded, setting my tea aside. "One of the things in the Guild's charter, I can pick who I will be assigned." I nodded again, "so you will only take the one's you can rationalize killing." She nodded slightly. "I will still be going to the Expulsion. I don't think I could do this with out the sin and guilt that follows." I took her paw in my hands. "Don't, if you lose that feeling you would be someone else." She smiled, patting my hands with her free paw. "Thank-you Fox." I smiled back at her. "I would also be willing to help there again for you're expulsion like I was the first time." Her smile broke into a wide grin. "You don't have to... but... you to more for me then you ever need to." "I do everything I feel I should do." The smile on her face stretched from one side of her muzzle to the other, bigger then anything I had seen on her in ages. I was smiling too, it was nice to see her happy again. Something though was suddenly bothering me. I did mean what I told her about doing everything for her I felt I should do. Now that everything seemed to be more then it ever had been before. ----- This story is (c) 1997 by Fox Cutter, hardcopy reprints limited to one a person, all other rights reserved. This story may not be distributed for a fee except by permission of the author, and this copyright notice may not be removed.