Cram Session By: Fox Cutter 06/12/97: I petted Sierra as I flipped though some notes on my padd. The grey fox was curled up on the couch next to me, I think asleep, I wasn't to sure. I was making a few changes on _The Falcon_. There was a few problems with the spaceframe, but that was easy enough to fix. I didn't have to go through as much as I had to with _The Phoenix_ as _The Falcon_ didn't have enough power for the hypospace drive, so I only had to worry about hyperspace. It was still a pain, I had to gotten some remedial landing gear attached to the frame so it was now raised up ten feet so I could put on the normal gear. Then there is the two tanks, one fore and one aft, that needed to be install before I could do much of anything else. At least everything was still on schedule. Also, in the way of schedule, it had been brought to my attention that I could safely make a short trip (about five days) back home! I had decided to take it after Oriana finished with Marn, which was in five days. I was rather excited about it, as one might expect. Strangely enough, I had completely forgotten about it. I guessed with Burke and that it must have slipped my mind. Though that was still a stretch for an answer as to why I forgot about it. Shaking my head I threw that padd on the table and rested my head on the back of the couch. Still petting Sierra I relaxed a bit. This month was rather cluttered with things. First Oriana, then my being able to go home, closer to the end of the month Sora was going to be able to get her certification to use the portal controller. I was seriously considering having a bar-b-q in the back at the end of the month so I could introduce Sora to the rest of my friends. It actually sounded like a good idea and I decided to do it. Sitting up so I could start coming up with a list of what I needed, I found that Oriana was standing a few feet away from me. I smiled at her. "Welcome back, how was your visit?" She smiled and walked over, sinking down into the couch next to me. "Relaxing. You were right, I did need to talk to someone. I spent the first few days at my Temple with the High Priest. After that I went back to my House to see Rose. She's become quite adept at running the House and she seems to be enjoying it. I think maybe I should just make her the Lady of the House and just work there at times to relax." Patting her on the knee I chuckled a bit. "You're sister, who, if I remember right, was always held you working at the House, let alone running it, in contempt, may become the Lady of the House? That's funny." "I think she would be happy to take over the title. Even if I'm still partly running it again, she still has most of the duties. Though after all this with Marn is over I'll have enough free time again to go back running it full time. I actually don't want to give up the job or the title. I enjoy being the Lady far to much to do that." I smiled. "If she enjoys it so much maybe you should make her an assistant or something, and if she stays long enough that you do retire, make her the lady then." Oria nodded. "Sounds like what I should do. Honestly I can't wait to get back to running that House again." I chuckled, "and servicing the clients as well I expect." She hit me on the shoulder. "Fox," she said, the tone of her voice making it clear that I was pushing it a bit. "Sorry." I said. She nodded. "It's alright I guess. You are right. It's one of the perks of the job, and there are still a few of my special clients that I miss seeing." A wide smile crossed her muzzle, the lip spreading. I shook my head, smiling a bit. "Well, you still have a few days before your review. You could go back and arrange a quick meting with one of them." Her smile faded a bit. "Actually, that's why I stopped by. Marn want's to give me some final training over the next few days. He says I should have no problems with it, but he just wants to make sure." I nodded and then stood, pulling her up, and hugged her. "Alright, if you have to." She nodded. "I have to. Though if you could, meet me in the bar on Mydisia Base? I think we could have a drink to celebrate." I nodded again. "Sure Oria, I think I could drink for that." She hugged me back, then before I knew what she was doing, she pushed down my glasses and put her finger right on the bridge of my nose, right between my eyes. It gave me a bit of a start, the last time she had done that was when she had finally told me she was in love with me. I vaguely remember her telling me it had some romantic overtures back when she was in the hospital. She held her finger there for a few seconds, then said. "Thank you." She turned and was out the door before I could say anything. I sighed and thumped down onto the couch. Glad that this was almost over. ----- This story is (c) 1997 by Fox Cutter, hardcopy reprints limited to one a person, all other rights reserved. This story may not be distributed for a fee except by permission of the author, and this copyright notice may not be removed.