Dark Realizations By: Fox Cutter Chapter 2 Walling down the hallway, Marn pulled a folder out of someplace in his jacket, and passed it to me. I took it, and looked down at it blankly. "What's this?" I asked. "The information on the target." I nodded slightly and opened it. There was only a few sheets of paper inside, covered in a writing I couldn't read, as well as a picture. It was another ferret, mostly brown fur with a streak of white in his fur. Dresses in what looked like a suit of some kind. He was the man Marn was going to kill. The man Marn and _I_ were going to kill. I started to shake, badly, very badly. I dropped the folder and pulled out of Marn's grip. Leaning against the wall I slid down it, wrapping my arms around my legs. I was shaking even worse, my whole body shivering. Marn bent down next to me and put his paw on my shoulder. He didn't say anything, he just stayed right there. After a minute I got back into some sort of control of my body and the shaking finally stopping. "Thyrn's eyes," I whispered, "I'm going to be part of a murder." Marn gripped me tighter, but more to cause pain, more to try and reassure me. "It happens to all of us at some time or another. Usually though we've chosen to do this, not made to." I glared at him. "I won't tell you it will go away, or you'll get used to it. It doesn't and you don't." He touched the side of my face. "I hope this is the only time you have to face it." I nodded. He reached over and picked the folder up from where it had landed. Standing up, he proffered me a paw. "Come on, we are on a clock." I took it and slowly stood, though a bit wobbly. I leaning against the wall for a few seconds until my balance came back, then we started back down the hallway. "Did you get a chance to read any of this?" He asked, motioning with the folder. I shook my head. "Can't read the language." That caused him to pause, then shook his head. "Yes, I should have know that." It was more of a scolding to himself. He slipped the folder back into his jacket and stuffed his paws into his pockets. "He's the head of a large cooperation, and has one hell of a security system around him. Most of the document details the security, and a few of his stats." I nodded slightly, keeping my eyes downcast. "Why do they want him dead?" "Maybe he's a chronic jaywalker. I don't know, people tell the Guild, and the Guild sends them to who ever they think can pull it off. I'm not told the why of it, just that it needs to be done." He stopped talking as the hallway dead ended. Pulling his paws out of his pockets, he had a strange looking fold controller. Punching a few buttons he opened the fold. Putting the controller away, he pulled his needler out of his jacket. With a smile to me, he stepped through. I stopped for a few seconds, considering just running away right now, but from what Marn told me I didn't think I would survive it. Gulping, I stepped through after him. I came out in a back alley someplace in a large city. The sky was overcast and brownish grey with many large skyscrapers right around us. Marn smiled again as I came through. "Thank you." "For?" I snapped. He sighed. "Not forcing me to bring you through." Then glancing around he started down the alley. I followed him again, crossing my arms some. We moved down the alley, and onto a main street. We started down the, and keep walking for a few blocks. I was happy to see the it was a multi-species universe, so we didn't get to many looks as people passed us. Finally I gave up trying not to talk. "Where exactly are we going to?" He chuckled. "Right here actually." Then entered into one of the larger buildings. Glancing up, before I went it, I saw that it was about thirty stories tall. Actually dwarfed by all the other, larger, buildings around it. Pushing through the doors, I found Marn talking to the receptionist. I noticed that I couldn't understand what either one of them were saying. I rubbed the back of my head and walked over to stand next to him. There conversation went back and fourth for a few minutes until the receptionist pointed him towards a small hallway off the lobby. He smiled and started walking over to it, I was following. "What was all that about?" I asked. He glanced over at me then nodded for a second. "I had to get her to tell me where security was." He said, turning into the small hallway, which turned out to be lined with elevators. Walking past them Marn moved to a small unmarked door. He gave a quick knock on it. There was a pause and the door was opened. There was a quick conversation between Marn and the man at the door. It ended when suddenly had his needler in his paw, and shot the guy. The guy slumped down into Marn's arm, as Marn pushed inside. After a few seconds he stuck his paw out, and motioned for me to come inside. I stepped into the room. It was cramped and filled with monitors and computer equipment. The two people that had been in the room where piled in the corner. I could see though that they where both breathing. Marn closed the door, then sat down at one of the two chairs and started typing away at the keyboard. I sat down next to him. "What are you doing now?" He glanced over at me, and gave me a small smile. "If you keep asking questions like these, I may start to think that you want to join the Guild." I scoffed. "Hardly Marn." He shrugged. "I know, it was a bad joke. What I'm doing is disabling the security system so we can go up to the top floor. The target is already there, so there isn't going to be to much of a hunt on this one." He punched the last few buttons. Then pulling a knife out from inside of his jacket, he stabbed it down into the keyboard. There was sparks for a few seconds, then the computer shut down. Marn smiled, returning the knife from where he got it at, then picking up a set of keys from next to the destroyed system he stood. "That was the easy part." He said. Walking over to the door, he opened it and motioned for me to go out. He followed me, locking the door behind himself. "There, that should give us about half an hour to take care of this." I nodded as he hit the call button for the elevator. When one finally arrived we stepped inside of it. Marn used the keys he had grab to do something on the control panel. Then hit the button for what looked like the top floor. He bounced the keys in his paw as the doors closed and we started to rise. He threw the keys to me. "I set it for express, no interruptions until we reach the top floor." I nodded again, watching as the numbers clicked by. "Then?" He shrugged. "I go first, neutralize any guards, find the target and kill him. Then you come in, we get the picture, and then go home." I crossed my arms, smiling a bit. "If Fox was here he would say that it was way to easy." Marn chuckled. "Maybe so, and the security was a bit easier to take out then I expected. But this is actually just going well." The elevator started to slow down, this puzzled me for a second. "What's the top floor?" "Thirty." I blinked, that didn't match what I though the floor was. "I think we're coming up to twenty-three." He looked at me, furrowing his brow a bit, then up at the counter for the current floor. His ears instantly went flat. "How in the hell, it's set to express, it shouldn't be stopping early..." he trailed off as the elevator lurched to a stop. He looked at me, then grabbing me around my shoulders yanked me back against the side of the elevator car. Just as he did the doors slide open and gunshots started. Bullets pounded into the back of the car, digging into the metal. Marn started pounding on the controls hitting buttons at random until the doors closed. The pounding from the gunfire echoed as it his the elevator door. It faded a bit as we started up again, but still rang out. Marn counted off under his breath, then smashed the stop for the elevator. Leaning against the wall he let out a deep breath. "Fuck!" he yelled, "they could _not_ have found us so damn soon!" He looked at me, then back at the back of the car. "Unless they knew that we were coming. Which means that this is a setup against the Guild." I rolled my eyes. "So we do what?" He smiled a bit, looking over the ceiling. "What we always do, take out the target." "But if it's a setup," I protested, "wouldn't that be what they want?" He nodded, jumping up and pulling on the grid that held the lights. It popped and swung down, lights and all, showing the trapdoor above us. "Yes, that's exactly what they want. What they don't count on is that we plan for this type of crap." He tilted his head, looking up at trapdoor. Then reaching into his jacket and pulled out a small disk. "This will make sure that this little setup doesn't work." He then stuck it back inside. I was starting to wonder how much he had stuffed inside of the jacket. "So how do we get to him?" I asked, then winched at how I said it. I sounded like I wanted to kill this guy, and I didn't like it. Marn smiled at me. "Simple, I set it up while I was in security so that it doesn't report when the elevator has used the emergency stop. There going to be up and down the building looking for us." "We're cheating then." He nodded. "It's in Guild's membership charter." He said, reaching up and swung the trapdoor open.