Day Trip By: Fox Cutter 09/23/1999: Rhea looked more than slightly annoyed, picking at the hem of her blouse, as she tried to adjust herself on the chair. It was the first time she had spent any length of time in her morphic form since she and Fox had separated, and she didn't care for it. I smiled at her as I settled Adric down in his crib, and tucked him in. Out of the corner of my eye I saw my husband standing by the nursery door, a smile on his face as he rested against the door frame. Stroking a finger down my son's face, I smiled, and turned to face Rhea. "Are you going to be all right here with the kids?" I asked her. She smiled and nodded, a bright look crossing over her face. "I'll be fine," she replied. I nodded looked back at my children once more, then walked over to where Fox was standing. "Ready to go?" He shuffled his feet a bit, and nodded, a bit reluctantly. Taking his hand in my paw, I led him out of the nursery, and towards the fold room. He shuffled behind me, slowing us both down. He wouldn't have admitted that he was doing it, but I still noticed. He picked up his pace slightly as he walked past the living room, in deference to Samantha's parents, who were visiting for the week, but once they were out of sight he went back to shuffling. "Shouldn't Rhea be coming along with us?" he asked as I keyed in the lock code on the door to the fold room, "She is our wife as well." "With Kalie already at the Temple, and Sora at school, there's no one left to watch the children," I replied as the hydraulics on the door hissed open. He was right about Rhea, she was my wife, just as much as Fox was my husband, something I often forgot. Instead I ended up treating her more like a pet than a person. He snorted slightly as we walked into the room. "I could have stayed instead of her, I really don't have to go with you," he mentioned wistfully as he walked over to the shelves, pulled off a matrix chip, and slid it into the controller that doubled as his watch. "You don't have to be there for the actual Blessing, Hon," I said, walking over to him, and touching the side of his face. "I just want you to know what it entails." He sighed and shook his head. "Right, right. We've done this little dance before. I promise to pretend to like it," he replied, glancing over at Ravindar. The tiger stood at the door, his arms crossed, as was the look on his face. My bodyguard stood just behind him, and looked just as annoyed. I waved towards the fold. "Shall we?" I asked. Fox nodded, and reached out with his hand. A moment later the fold rippled to life in front of us. With a smile, he took my paw, and walked us through it. It tingled as it ran over my fur, like a cold blast of air, and then we were through, standing in an alley a few blocks away from my sister's House. "We'll drop in to see Rose. I want to pick up a few things while we are here," I said, starting down the alleyway. Fox didn't bother with the matrix chip just yet. The people in the area were familiar with seeing strange things like humans and dragons about. They had learned to ignore it. Though there was that time a picture of him had ended up on the front page of a national tabloid. It was something I had never told him about, knowing how he would take it. He would have laughed it off, but would have tried to hide himself after that, and I didn't want him hiding when he came to my world. We casually walked down the street, heading towards the back door of the House. The door was opened for us as we walked up the steps. Behind it was a busty young lady by the name of Tara. She was dressed in some thin clothing that was barely decent. "Hello, Lady Oriana," she said, as we approached the door. I blushed slightly. That was a title I hadn't held in over a year, not since I signed the house over to Rose. Some of the older girls who had worked at the whorehouse when I ran it, still insisted on calling me that. "Is my sister here?" I asked, walking through the door and into the kitchen. Fox followed just behind. He tried hard to keep his eyes on Tara's face, and mostly succeeded, but still glanced down at her exposed breasts. I had spent so much time around scantly clad women, that I had become immune to them, mostly. "Lady Rose is in the front room, with some visitors." Fox raised an eyebrow, "A client?" he asked, sounding slightly surprised. I was surprised as well, Rose did sometimes service the customers, but it was a rare thing. She shook her head, as she picked up a robe from a hook on the wall, pulling it over her shoulders. "I'm not sure who they are, they look like a couple. The Lady was rather flustered to see them." I nodded, wrapping my arm around Fox's shoulder. "Well, if she's busy, we can come back later. We have an appointment at the Temple we have to keep." Tara nodded, closing her robe, and removing most of the distraction for Fox. "I'll tell her when she's done." A moment later Rose nearly burst into the room, her long black hair blowing behind her. It settled down over her shoulders as she came to a halt. She looked flustered, and worried, a deep frown crossing her face as she saw me. "Go," my older sister ordered, looking slightly panicked, as she glanced over her shoulder "before it's too late." "Why, what's wrong?" I asked. The last thing I ever wanted to see in my life then appeared, as my father walked up behind my sister, an angry look on his face. "Oriana," he said with a soft growl, ice hanging from the words. I blushed, and dropped my eyes downwards. Fox jumped at my side, grasping my paw with his hand. "Hello, Father," I said in a soft voice. "I think a measure of explanations are in order," he said, crossing his arms, and glaring at the pair of us. Tara had left the room as soon as my Father had come in, but Fox stayed at my side. A few seconds later my heart fell even further as Mother Selina walked up behind Father, and placed a paw on his shoulder. A look of surprise crossed her features when she saw Fox. "Hello, Draxs," Fox said, trying to sound casual. I sighed, motioning towards my Mother, "This is my mother, Selina." Fox nodded, and offered her his hand. "Pleasure to meet you. I'm Fox, Oriana's husband." Mother blinked, and took the proffered hand "You're Fox? I heard you were strange, but I had no idea." My husband just smiled and kissed the back of my mother's paw, before he let it slip away. "What's going on here?" I asked, looking between my parents and my sister. "Maybe we should go back into the living room," Rose said, "I can finish my explanation there." Father nodded, and turned back, motioning for us to follow him as he started down the hall. I followed a few paces behind, the tuft of my tail brushing over the carpet of the hallway. Fox remained at my side, still holding my paw in his hand. We all filed into the living room, and found places to sit. My Father and Mother Selina settled on the couch, Fox and I sat down in the love seat, and Rose took a chair off to the side. We sat there, uncomfortably, waiting for someone to say something first. "Rose," my Father finally said, "Are you a whore, like your sister?" He wielded the words like a knife, using them to cut at me, and my sister. My sister lowered her head, her hair falling forward, partially obscuring her face. Almost inaudibly, she whispered, "yes." I was expecting Father to explode in rage. He had disowned me when he found out I had become a prostitute, and now to find that his oldest daughter had taken up the same job! Strangely, it was the first time I had heard her refer to herself in such terms. "She's not like me," I protested, "She's only done it a few times." My fathered turned to glare at me. "And how would you know?" he asked in a cold voice, the tone making it clear that it was hardly a request. I blushed, lowering my ears until they were flattened to my hair. "Because I helped arrange her first time," I answered honestly. The anger that was simmering just under the surface nearly broke free, but my Father held it back, barely. "It was my choice," Rose protested, "I'd been running the House for a year by then, and I wanted to understand all of the business. It was good for the girls. They were already looking to me for advice; I had to know it. Yes, I'm a Lady, and a hooker, just like Oriana, but it's something I've only done a few times, so if you want to get angry at someone about it, you had damn well better get angry at me!" She was the only one of us kids who could stand up to Father like that, and it flustered him. For just a moment the anger broke the surface, causing him to start to rise up to his feet. It lasted just for an instant before he gained control, and sat back down. Mother Selina looked worried, placing one of her paws on Father's leg, and holding him gently. "So, this is the new family business," father said with contempt, his anger coloring his voice. "It was my choice," I said, looking hard at him, "and it was Rose's choice. She offered to take over running the house when I left to find myself. It was her idea, deciding to take ownership of the house, and to become the Lady, and it was her choice to take up the job as well. None of which she had to do. We are both adults, we are allowed to make our own choices." "It's the wrong choice," he snapped. "It always has been the wrong choice." He turned his attention to Fox. "I was under the impression that you had convinced her to stop working here, now I find that I was wrong." Fox finally spoke up, "I never asked her to stop, that's true, but she hasn't worked at the job since she and I become a couple." My Father sucked in his cheeks as he prepared to verbally cut into Fox, but my husband stopped him when he stood up and said, "Draxs, can we talk in private?" My father looked surprised, his jaw clenching under his mane. "I don't--," he started to say. "Well I do. I know where a private room is, follow me," he said in that calm, cold and emotionless voice that meant he was holding his own anger in check to keep from exploding. Without even a further look to my Father he turned and walked out of the room. "Go, talk with him," Mother Selina said to my Father. He frowned, looked at her, and then back at the door as it closed behind my husband. With some reluctance he rose to his feet, and followed him, his tail moving so fast it was almost twisting into a knot as the door closed behind him. Silence fell over the room as the three of us exchanged looks. I finally cast my eyes downward, to watch my paws as I twisted them in my lap. I didn't want to be the first to say anything, and neither did Rose or my Mother. Mother Selina finally sighed, and spoke. "I'm disappointed, in both of you," she said in a quite voice. "I'm sorry Mother." She sighed again, "Both of you, please come here," she said, patting the couch with her paws. Both Rose and I walked over to her, each of us sitting down on one side of her. Her hair was short, and deep red, natural, unlike most redheads I had seen. Small gems were braided into the length of the hair, which caught the light as she moved. Unlike the rest of my family, she wasn't in a 'respectable' job. Instead she ran, but did not own, a small bookstore a few miles from my parents home. She had been out an a business trip when Fox and I had visited the family, which was why they had never met. She was so unlike Mother Tamra and Mother Varna: less serious, more impulsive, though she had stopped talking with me like the rest of the family when she found out I had dropped out of college to work at the House. "I never lied to him," Rose said, casting her eyes down. "This is a successful business, one that I've keep in the black. I had hoped that Father could respect that, even if I was running a cathouse." Mother sighed and shook her head. "You never told him the whole truth, and that is as good as a lie. Your father takes business very seriously, but he's angry that you lied to him about what it is you do. You know how he felt about your sister." She nodded, "That's why I never told him." "It's understandable," she replied, "but I wish you had tried harder to keep it hidden. You should never have given him this address. If you hadn't, he wouldn't have decided to drop in to see you." "It's too late now," I said with a sigh. "Now we all have to deal with it. She nodded, and touched my leg. "I'll deal with this back home, but none of us ever expected to have to deal with this again." "I'm sorry," Rose said, nearly in tears. "Don't be sorry," Mother Selina said, "just do what you feel you have to do. I'll make sure we don't cut you off the way your sister was. I can't bear to see that happen a second time." I nodded. "At least you're out of the business, Oriana," she said to me. I shifted uncomfortably. "Only because Fox is uncomfortable with it. I would like to return to it as it's a large part of who I am," (as was being an assassin, but I didn't need to tell her that.) "We've talked about my returning to the job, and when Fox is ready, I will." She sighed and nodded, "It's really part of you isn't it? You never did it to get back at your Father, or any one else, you did it because you loved your job?" I smiled at her. "It's the same reason you work at the bookstore. It is part of me; it's how I define myself." "That I can understand," she replied, letting out a soft purring of thought. "I hadn't know that before. Thank you for telling me about it," she said, and then turned to look at Rose. "Is it the same with you?" My sister shook her head. "No Mother, I enjoy it, but it's a benefit of the job, not why I do it. To be honest, I do it because I like running the House, and I like the girls." Mother smiled one of her knowing smiles. "Let me guess, you have the hots for one of them?" Rose giggled and shook her head. "Not really, but there's so many sexy women around it's hard not to be smitten by a few." Mother laughed and ruffled Rose's black hair. "Well, tell us if you find yourself a girlfriend," she said with a smile. Rose blushed and tried to hide a small smile. A moment later Fox and Father walked back into the room, both looking slightly rumpled. There was some blood in Fox's beard from a small cut on his lip, and his glasses were hanging half off his face. Part of Father's shirt was torn, and his collar was pulled at an angle. It wasn't that hard to see they had been fighting. Neither one looked happy, but Father's anger had gone, at least for the moment. Fox took a seat on the couch, and Father took the chair that Rose had abandoned. "I'm going to have to think about this," Father said, adjusting his shirt. "I can't say I accept it, but your husband made some good points... ones I have to think about." He rubbed the side of his muzzle slightly, as if it hurt him to speak. I glanced at Fox. He just shrugged, casually keeping one of his hands on his side, and trying not to wince in pain. Rose brushed her hair from her face, and looked at Father. "Dad, I'm sorry I didn't tell you what I was doing, but I knew you wouldn't accept it. Can you at least accept that I'm running a successful business, no matter what it does?" He sighed, and ran his fingers though his mane. "I'll try, dear, but it's not easy. I don't like this business, I don't like what it's for, and why it's here." "It's not illegal," I said. "No, not illegal, but on the edge of the morality laws. On the other paw, from what I understand, you have to bribe officers to keep from having problems from them, and that is illegal." Rose shook her head. "Not bribes, not any more. When I took over, I tried to arrange something better... something that wasn't so risky. Instead I have signed up most of them as clients for your company, commission free. They are happy making money, and it's all legal." A dark look crossed his face to know that his company was involved with the House. "That's still on the edge." She nodded. "On the edge, but not illegal. We've also cleaned up all the problems they had with the House as well. We're even up the restaurant code, so we can serve meals to the clients. They like that." Father sighed, and shook his head. "If this blows up on you, you keep me out of it, understand." Rose nodded, "I understand Father, I've already arranged for that. I don't want to hurt you." He started to say something, but bit it back, shaking his head instead. "I love you both, but I can't stand the thought of you being whores, selling your bodies for money. It makes me sick." Mother Selina stood up, and walked over to him, placing her paw on his shoulder. He reached up, and covered her paw with his. "Your Mothers and I are going to have to have a long talk about this." "Just don't cut us off," I said. He shook his head. "No, not this time. Fox convinced me of that," he rubbed his jaw again as he spoke, and I had to suppress a smile. I wasn't sure who got the better of the fight, but I was going to get Fox's side of it as soon as I could. "Thank you," I replied. I still remembered the pain I felt when he had hung up on me the last time. It was years before I talked to him after that, and even now it was still fresh in my mind. With a sigh, he stood up. "I wasn't planning to stay here this long. I just wanted to tell Rose the good news while we were near by." I nodded. "What good news?" Rose asked. Mother Selina broke into a warm smile that I hadn't seen from her in ages. "I'm pregnant," she said as a flush crossed over her face. In an instant both Rose and I we're on our feet and hugging our Mother tightly. "Congratulations," we both told her in unison. She hugged us both in return, before I slipped out of her grasp and went over to my Father, hugging him tightly as well. He seemed torn for a few moments, but returned the hug. It was a little stiff, and slightly formal, but the familiar warmth of his large arms was still there. As I broke out of the hug, Rose came over and hugged him tightly. "I know you have to go, but don't be a stranger," she said. "I'll try," he replied as they slipped apart. "I'll come visit you whenever I'm in town," Mother Selina said to Rose as she gathered up her jacket. "I would like that," my sister replied. Mother nodded, and took Father's arm. "We're already late for your meeting, so we shouldn't dally too much longer." He nodded, and smiled at her. "I love you both, no matter what you do, never forget that" he said to us. Then he and Mother walked out of the room. Fox slumped down as the door closed, holding his side a bit more firmly and wincing slightly in pain. Rose sighed and dropped down into the chair, running her fingers through her hair. "That could have gone better, but it wasn't as bad as I expected it to be." "I think we can thank Fox for that," I said, sitting down next to him, and placing a paw on his shoulder. "I hope he didn't hurt you too badly." My husband shrugged, and smiled at me. "Nah, a couple cuts and a few bruises, but I got through to him." "Looks like it took a left hook," Rose said. Fox chuckled, and shook his head. "Right hook, not left, but pretty much. He had to get his anger out, so I keep goading him until he swung at me." I shook my head, "That may not have been the best idea, Love. When Father gets going... well, he has a bad temper." He smiled back at me, and chuckled. "I think mine is just as bad." "Thank you, Fox," my sister said, giving my husband a critical look. "I'm not sure I could have handled this alone, I'm glad both of you were here." "I'm sorry that it happened at all," I said. Silence fell over the room for a few seconds, all of us recovering from what had just happened. Finally it was Fox who spoke up, "Love," he said, in a cautious voice, "I remember you mentioning something about expecting another child in your family in the next few years; is this normal?" I blushed slightly, and nodded. "It's pretty common to have a second generation of children once the first are grown," I said. He nodded, biting his lip slightly. "Not in mine, but you live longer than we do, don't you?" I nodded, "By about sixty years," I answered, which caused Rose to raise her eyebrows. "But that's nothing you have to worry about, you'll live twice as long as a normal human, remember?" "Right," he replied, "I'm glad for that, it has always been something that worried me, in the back of my mind. Right now our age difference isn't too bad, but it could have been in twenty years." Reaching out, I ran my fingers over the edge of his beard. He was five years younger than I was, but his maturity nearly made up for it. A small smile played over his face, and he gave me a wicked look. "Is that what you were planning for your bet, waiting till the kids were grown before knocking me up?" Rose, having no idea what this bet was about, looked a bit befuddled at his words. "Maybe," I replied, I hadn't actually thought about it yet. It depended on a dozen different things. Silence fell back onto the room, the three of us looking between each other, but no one saying anything. I wasn't sure why, but just being there with each other seemed proper. It was Fox who first noticed the time. "We're late, Love," he said, touching the side of my leg. I frowned, looking at the clock on the wall, and then sighed, "Right, we are." He paused, looking between me and my sister. "Do you want to stay here with Rose tonight? I guess you two have a lot to deal with right now." My sister and I glanced to each other, and she gave me a short nod. "I think that would be a good idea," I said. "Right," he said in reply, standing up from the couch. "I'll run to the Temple. We were suppose to meet Kalie there anyway, and I can at least learn something about what is suppose to go on." I nodded, "Thanks, Fox." A smiled played over his face, as he started for the door, then he paused and glanced back at me. "Before I take off, can we talk for a moment, in private?" "Of course," I said with a smile. He offered me his hand, and I took it, rising from the couch. Together we walked out of the living room, and into one of the small private rooms that lined the hallway. Turning to me, Fox sighed, and deflated slightly. "What's wrong, Hon. Did Father hurt you?" I asked, reaching for him. He shook his head, shrugging away from my touch. "It's not that, Hon. It's just I've been thinking." I frowned, the tone of voice as he spoke made me uncomfortable. "About what?" He sighed, and sat himself down in a small chair. "Well, it's just that, with your decision to go back to the Guild, I've been thinking a lot about your jobs, and this stuff with your Father kind of brought things into a sharp focus." I nodded, but didn't say anything. He sighed again, and ran his fingers though his black hair. "I've come to realize, that I'll never be ready for you to go back to working here at the House." It was my turn to sigh, I had known that Fox could decided something like that, but it still came as a shock. "I understand," I said. Rising his hand, he stopped what I was about to say next, slowly shaking his head. "There's more, Love. I know you, and I know how much you love the job, I know it's still how you think of yourself. Keeping you from it would be wrong, it would hurt you, and I don't want to hurt you." He looked up at me with his crystal eyes, the ice blue irises looking deep inside of me. "I'll never be ready, Love, but I've decided to forgo that," he paused, taking a deep breath. "So, you now have my permission to return to being a whore, if you wish," he spoke the words in a rush, like he was afraid that if he paused to think about what he was saying, they would never come out. I could feel my heart pounding, as the words sank in, I had been waiting almost a year to hear him say those words, but now that he had... I wasn't sure I could live by them. "Oh, Fox," I said, shaking my head. "It would hurt you." He shook his head, "No, Oria, hurting you would hurt me, and I can't live with hurting you. It's not easy for me. it goes against the culture I was raised in, but that's not really mine now, is it? Your culture is a lot more open, and I should be, too. Just keep yourself safe, and keep me informed about anything fun that happens." "Fox," I said again, but he just shook his head. "Don't give me a chance to think about it Love," he said. "If I do, I'll probably change my mind, and then I'll never allow it. I think... I think once it happens, it will be better for me. I know that doing this won't lessen your love for me, and brings you great pleasure and joy, even if I don't quite understand it." A wicked idea crossed my mind, and I dropped to my knees in front of my husband, taking his hand in my paw. "We can fix that part. Your lioness-self would do quite well around here, and Father did say it was the new family business." A blush rolled down his cheeks as surprise crossed over his face. "Me... working here... ah... oh, my! I'll have to think about that," he stuttered out. I smiled and nodded, "Well, it would let you know what the job entails, and it would help you understand why I enjoy it so much," I gave him a wink, "and I have a couple old clients who I know would like a pair of ladies in their bed." Fox gulped and shook his head, "I'll really have to think about it, but for now, you go talk with your sister, and work out the issues with your parents, or at least what you want to do about it. Find yourself someone to have fun with tonight, and tell me everything about it," he smiled as he spoke, and it was a real smile, not one that he had forced for my benefit. "Fox, you are crazy," I said, hugging him again. He laughed and returned my hug, "I know," he said, purring into my ear, and pawing around my tail. "Go have some fun, I insist on it! I'll go talk to the priest, and I'll see you tomorrow." I nodded, and kissed him full on the lips. He returned the kiss. Once it was over he stood back up and I escorted him to the front door of the house. I didn't know what I was going to do. I would have to talk to Rose first. It was almost too good to be true, to have this suddenly fall in my lap. Maybe he was offering me one job to keep me from returning to the Guild, but he was sincere. As for what happened that night... well a girl doesn't kiss and tell, except to her husband. ----- This story is copyright 2004 by Fox Cutter. Hardcopy reprints limited to one per person, all other rights reserved. This story may not be distributed for a fee except by permission of the author, and this copyright notice may not be removed.