Decent of Fire By: Fox Cutter 11/06/97: I stuffed my phone back into my jacket pocket, swearing to myself in five different languages. "Bad news?" Oria asked as she sat down at my table with a drink for both of us. Coffee for her and some tea for me, though not Rithen tea sadly. I nodded, sipping the tea slowly, noting that it was barely warm and tasted like chalk. Setting it back down I sighed. "There's a third outbreak." Closing her eyes, Oria seemed to sink slightly into her seat. "I though it was contained?" "It was," I said with a slight shiver, "things have changed though. This world had no knowledge of the multi-verse at all. The council was told about the outbreak there by a simple letter. Someone exposed this population intentionally, the guess is to watch the infection from the start." She didn't reply, she just took a long gulp of her coffee, her ears buried deeply into her hair. As she set her cup down I saw that her claws were unsheathed and slowly digging into the off-white material. I shook my head slightly and resting my chin in my hand. I had done my best to look different from my normal self, so if any of the goon squad would have recognized me, they wouldn't. Gone, for now, was my beard and my hair had been cut very short. I also wasn't wearing the army jacket either. I was now in something Marn had let me borrow for this occasion. I had even gotten some contact lens made up so I didn't need to were my glasses. I wasn't using them though as I've found that I'm to used to wearing glasses that not having them made me jumpy. I didn't need to be jumpy right about now, I was having a hard enough time just staying clam to worry about other things. The others seemed to be better off then I was. Oriana, now that she was calming down from my news, was keeping herself composed. Dressed in her trench coat and leaning back in her seat, she was quietly surveying the room. She almost had to down so that it didn't look like she was doing anything other then drinking, but there was a few clues, how she held herself, how her eyes would now and then bounce and her tail was slowly swishing back and forth as she concentrated. Marn though, from where he sat on the other side of the bar, had it perfect. He looked perfectly relaxed head back and feet on top of the table. He was slowly drinking shots of some off blue drink that he would some times swirl around in his glass. To the casual observer he looked blissfully drunk, but I knew better. Then there was Nai, the herm vixen looking ready to pass out. Hir head hovering just over the table as sie worked on a drink, a collection of glasses littering the table around hir. Sie looked about as dangerous as... well... a sleeping drunk, but I knew that sie was much more then that. Under all of that drunkenness was someone who was ready to strike at a moments notice. At least, I hoped so. As far as even I could see, sie was just totally drunk. Settling back into the chair I felt then gun that I had holstered on my hip. It was strange having a weapon in plain sight, unless it's a sword, I prefer to keep anything like that hidden to give me something of an advantage. Not this time though, both Marn and Oria insisted that I keep it where it could be seen, I guess to be fair to the goon squad. Who had just walked into the bar. The sudden silence in the room was like a thunderclap, it jolted me strait up in my see before I even realized what had happened. Standing up from my seat, I gave them a once over. The Cheetah and Mink guards looked exactly has they had before hand. Perfectly military, in sync and very deadly looking. The mouse though, she looked different. She was far more confident then when I had last saw her. Standing tall she surveyed the room, smiling as she did so. Suddenly I felt _very_ worried that I had found myself against someone who I had vastly underestimated. Rubbing my hands a bit, I took a free booth that was in clear few of Marn, Oria and Nai. Taking a few deep breaths I watched the three of them walked over to me. The mouse sat down accost the table from me as the other two took up guard positions on either side. "You don't make a very subtle entrance." I said with a slight smile, taking a sip of my now cold tea. She smiled back, leaning accost the table. "I've found there less effective then just walking into a room." "With the goon squad," I said, motioning my head towards the guards. Taking out a ledger that she had tucked under her arm, she unfolded it and carefully set it on the table in front of her. "Take this as you will, but I don't like humans. You're vulgar, nasty and cruel. So I suggest we keep this focused on just business." I nodded, leaning back in my seat, my hand resting on the hilt of my gun. Just far enough under the edge of the table that she was unable to see. The pair of guards seemed to be more concerned as to anyone in the bar getting involved then what was going on inside the booth. "Now, I was told that you were interested in my species' priceless art." She said in a perfectly clam voice. Selling her own past was perfectly normal to this lady. I actually found it slightly sad. "Oh, just a few pieces. Little things that look good behind glass." "The price--" she started to say, before I cut her off with a wave of my hand. "No, not yet." I said, sliding my gun out of the holster a few inches and turing the safety off. "I want to ask you something." She sighed, closing her ledger. "What?" "Have you ever been in jail?" I asked, running my free hand over my hair. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the guards tense slightly as Oria, Marn and Nai all adjusted themselves from my signal." "What does that have to do with anything?" I slid the gun all the way out of the holster, and set it on my lap. "Because, I'm here by placing you under arrest in the name of the Council of the Multi-verse for violation of the gene warfare treaty, section five." I smiled at her, and lifted the gun above the table's edge. "Now, you want to do this the easy way or the--" I didn't have time to finished my sentence, both the mouse and her guards were already off and running out of the bar. I sighed. "Ok then, I guess it's the hard way." I said before taking off after them. I hit the doorway out of the bar about three seconds after the rest of this team did. I was just behind Oriana, both Nai and Marn were head of her, gaining on the guards with each step. The mouse was ahead of them, struggling with a hood of some kind as a fold opened a few feet in front of them. I was ready to fire on the trio of ladies when the mouse went down, landing with a thud on the stone floor. The two guards were to close the the fold to stop, they both just piled through. The fold closed seconds later with a bloody snap. I mean that literally, a pool of blood fell under the fold as it closed, splashing on the mouse's face. I slowed to a stop a few feet away from her, Nai already on hir knees, checking to see if she was still alive. I walked over to the fold and felt it, hoping that it was hot enough for me to follow. It wasn't, it was as cold as death. There was no real way of knowing what verse they had come from, unless the mouse wanted to provide the information. "She's still alive," Nai pronounced, "but quite unconscious." I looked at the blood on the floor, then bent down and picked up the hood the mouse had been trying to get on. I looked at it carefully, running the fabric through my fingers. "I assume you needled her?" Marn asked Oriana. She nodded, smiling softly. Bending down, her felt the back of the mouse's neck. "Clean shot too, I'm impressed." Oria turned away, a look of discus filtering over her face, but I could see that she was just starting to blush inside of her ears. "Should we stay standing here?" Nai asked, "They may send retaliation." I shook my head. "I don't think so. By the looks of that," I nodded to the blood, "they had no protection from the folds, all they have on the other side is two headless guards." I explained as I pulled a thread of metal from the cloth of the hood. "How did they get here then?" Someone asked, I was to sure who, I was to involved in the thread of metal. It took a few seconds for the question to even register. I held up the thread. "This, Dark Metal wound into the cloth of the hoods. This could theoretically allow them to survive the trip." I dropped the hood onto the mouse. "Lets get her to the Hall, she has some questions to answer." ----- This story is (c) 1997 by Fox Cutter, hardcopy reprints limited to one a person, all other rights reserved. This story may not be distributed for a fee except by permission of the author, and this copyright notice may not be removed.