Familiar Vows By: Fox Cutter 11/07/1999: I sat on the floor, my legs folded under myself and my tail draped over my paws as I watched Fox go through the slow and controlled motions of a sword fight. Terminus was holding a second sword, leading my husband in the exercise. They were doing this in the gym, one of the larger rooms in the house that Ravindar had converted for my training. With soft mats, and abundant clearance it was the best place for them to work on Fox's skill with a blade, and it was a blade. Both of them were using real swords, with only some minor padding to prevent wounds. Terminus moved with a grace that seemed out of place on the large mongrel canine. His firm body moved like water, sweeping and bending with the blade as it sliced through the air. The man had spent most of his life training and living as a knight on a fairly medieval world, and had never let his skill slip after Fox had brought him to Prid. My husband, on the other paw, had to work hard to keep from cutting his own fingers off. It had been over a year and a half since he had any training with a sword, and it showed. The gleam of sweat that covered his skin reveled just how long it had been since he had done any real training at all. At least he was trying to get back into shape; he had started to develop a small gut since the founding of the shipyard, and I wanted to see it slip away before it grew any larger. I'm sure he felt the same way, even though he protested that he liked his weight. Our two shadows stood a few feet away, flanking the door to the room. Ravindar looked a bit amused at the actions of his charge, but hid it well. Santhara was less generous, and seemed to be holding back the occasional laugh. The two of them were starting to form up as a respectable couple, even if Ravindar seemed a little clumsy when he tried to be romantic, but at least he was trying. I thought it was sweet, and I had offered to help him in any way that I could. Fox pulled his sword back, finishing the current set of moves. It had been his sixth time through them today, and the first without a major flaw. Terminus smiled, his jowls pulling up slightly as he nodded to Fox, "Much better." My husband nodded, resting his sword on the ground and wiping the sweat off his forehead. "Wish we started with these, instead of the sparring," he said, panting softly. The large dog shrugged, "I thought you were in better shape." "So did I," he replied. Terminus chuckled and fished through his pockets, coming out with a half smoked cigar. He clamped it in his muzzle, but in keeping with the house rules didn't light it. "You will be again soon enough, and I'll make sure to bring the practice swords next time." My husband nodded, running his hands through his black hair. "That would be appreciated." "I would also like to see what your skills are like in your other forms. I suspect that the added agility they posses would be a great asset to you in a fight." Fox sat down on the mat, rubbing his left shoulder. "I'll arrange it some time," he replied with a wince of pain. I stood up, and walked across the mat. Dropping down to sit behind my husband, I started to gently rub his shoulders through his sweat soaked shirt. He let out a soft purr, hunching his shoulders slightly as he began to relax. After a moment he lifted his hand, and placed it gently on my paw. "I love you, hon," he whispered. "I love you, too," I replied as he turned his head to kiss me. It was a change from a few days before. The coldness had melted from him, leaving him his warm self again. The kiss was strong, and his touch felt good. Fox pulled back and started to tug at his shirt, tugging the damp fabric from where it clung to his skin. "I better get cleaned up before I get you all wet." I giggled softly. "Is that an invitation?" I whispered in to his ear. He smirked and pulled us both to our feet. "Next time," he promised. "I think I just want to sit in a warm bath for a few hours." I nodded, tweaking his left ear. "I have some bath oils, you might want to give them a try." "I will, love," he said with a purr, kissing me softly on the lips before pulling away. I watched him walk across the mats, his legs wobbling with each step. Terminus was at his side a moment later, helping him along. I started to follow after them, but came up short after a few steps as Samantha stepped into the room. She glanced at me for a second before turning her attention to my husband as he walked past her, Ravindar following behind. She shrugged her shoulders and turned to leave the room. I jumped forward and said, "Samantha, could I talk with you?" The young woman came to a sudden stop, and slumped her shoulders as she turned back to face me. She looked for all the world like a child who had been caught doing something that she shouldn't. "Yes Oriana?" she asked, pulling herself back up as she spoke. By now Santhara was the only other person in the room, and was waiting next to the door, watching with a curious look. "I have something I need to show you," I told her. Her fabric tail twitched in annoyance, brushing against the floor behind her. "All right," she said, a touch of worry in her voice. "Come with me," I said as I walked past her and into the hallway. With only a glance over my shoulder to be sure that she was following, I headed towards the disused wing of the house. My heart was pounding in my throat as I moved, but I kept my anxiety out of my tail. If I was right, by the end of the day I would have fully returned to the Guild. The wing was made up of nearly empty rooms, with a few pieces of furniture that the previous occupants had left behind. Kalle was the only person who had residence in this wing, and she was talking about moving closer to everyone else. The last room in the hall was used for the storage of Becky's old things, but no one ever went in there. I stopped in front of a door half way down the hallway. It was closed, and unlike the rest of the doors, locked. I took a moment to open it for the human. As she went inside Santhara took up her position outside the door, where she stood when I came to this room. This time I shook my head and motioned for her to come in as well. This was my private room, a place I could go that only I knew about. Fox knew that I had it, but had never tried to find it, as far as I could tell. It was a place to go when I wanted to be alone, away from even my husband. It was also the best place to keep information about the Guild. "What's going on?" Samantha asked as I shut the door behind us. "You'll see," I told her as I walked across the mostly empty room. Two small documents hung on one wall, one for each of my entries into the Guild. This was the only place I felt comfortable displaying them. The only furniture was a pair of soft chairs and a table by the window, which was loaded down with books. Books also filled one of the chairs... along with a couple other items that I should have hidden before I brought another person in, but I had forgotten about them. I did my best to hide my embarrassment about the toys as I walked to the table and picked up a trio of data PADDS. I turned on the top one, and unlocked the data on it with my thumbprint. I turned back around and walked back to the human, holding the PADD out for her. "Is this him?" I asked. "What? she asked me before she cast her eyes down to the PADD. They narrowed to tight slits as she focused on the image it was displaying as her face started to contort. "Oh yes, that's him," she said, her tail starting to flick with anger. "Who is it?" my bodyguard asked, her curiosity getting the better of her as she looked over Samantha's shoulder. "Dillen Serina," the young women said through clenched teeth. "How did you find the son of a bitch?" "It was easy enough--there was a contract on his head," I replied. "It took a few days to track him down, but I know where he is." She nodded, pulling a cigarette out of her pocket and into her mouth. Before I could say anything she summoned a small ball of fire and lit it. "Shit, where is he?" she asked. "I take it you want to come along?" I asked, knowing what the answer would be. "Are you kidding?" she asked, smoke trailing from her lips. "I'm going to rip him to pieces!" I shook my head. "It's my contract, I'm the one who has to kill him." Her eyes narrowed as she finally looked up from the PADD, glaring hard at me. "What the hell do you mean, you're the one who has to kill him? You know what he did to me!" I nodded, "And that is why I recognized his name. But this is my job; killing him is my job. I couldn't get access to the full information unless I took the contract, and I am now obligated to carry it out." Her eyes flashed with anger as she glared at me, glowing anger spreading over her face. "What the hell are you, an assassin? Santhara stepped forward and set her paw on my shoulder, pressing gently against me. "Yes, she is. As am I," she said the words with more pride than I would have. The young woman gulped, and glanced at the burning cigarette in her hand. "I see," she said, looking around for a place to put it out. "I would like your help with this. I can't let you kill him, but I could use you help." She snorted, finally settling for lifting her foot, and grinding out the foul-smelling thing on the sole of the shoe. "Why? Your guard here seems to be the better choice-- keep it in the company, as it were." "She is an apprentice, I cannot aid her," Santhara explained. Samantha tilted her head, looking a bit relieved as she said, "So you're new at this?" "Something like that," I replied. "So why did you take this contract... trying to get on my good side?" I shook my head, reaching out to the PADD and scrolling it slightly. "Because of this," I told her as I tapped the screen. She looked down at the PADD, her lips narrowing as she read. I could tell when she got to the pertinent section when the blood drained from her face. It was the same reaction I had to the detailed description of what the man had done to a young girl he had found in a private home. The girl was dead. He had killed her, but only after torturing and raping her first. Samantha turned the PADD and shook her head. "I'm going to help, but I want to watch the son of a bitch die." "Deal," I replied. * * * 11/09/1999: Very few things in this world take little to no planning, and you just can't run off at the drop of a hat when the moment takes you. This is even more true when one has children, especially as I couldn't take them along with me. Fox knew where I was going, but that was a given. I wouldn't leave for anything without him knowing how to find me. If I wasn't back in two days, he would send in the cavalry. Not that it would matter; with Samantha and Santhara at my side, if I didn't make it home, there probably wouldn't be any need of a rescue. But I had a plan. Samantha was going along with it, and Fox had given me his blessing, even if not his permission. Our departure was quite, neither one of us said much to each other. He did accept the new location of my Guild badge, under my left sleeve instead of over my heart. We said our parting words, both of us hoping that it wouldn't be the last time. Fox looked a little pained as he watched me open the fold, but held himself back as the three of us stepped through the fold. As the light cleared we found ourselves in a small storage room. Boxes of canned food and bottles of wine lined the wall. I punched the buttons on the controller, closing the fold behind us as I took the place in. "Nice place," Samantha commented as she started to riffle through the boxes of wine. "It wasn't what I was expecting, but they have a nice selection." "This is where we should be, but we aren't here to shop," I said as I walked to the single door in the room. Cracking it open, I peeked out into the hallway to find an undecorated corridor, the kind you would find in the back of any hotel. Which was good, because that is exactly where we were supposed to be. "Looks clear," I told my friends as I pulled the door open and stepped through. "Where are we?" Santhara asked as she followed right behind me. "The Grand Psion Hotel," I replied, "They know about the fold, so they won't question our arrival that much, but I would rather you didn't steal their stock." She nodded, "On the way back then," she said with half a smile as we walked down the hallway. After a moment we found our selves in the hotel kitchen. One of the workers, a petite wolf who came up to the top of my chin smiled as she saw us, and hurried over. "Hello there, what are you doing here?" "We just came through," I replied, motioning back the way we came with my paw. The wolf nodded, craning her head to look at my friends. "So I see. This is the first time this has happened on my watch, so I'm not quite sure what to do." "I could use some help with the phone. I may be able to speak the language, but I can't read it." I said with a small shrug, feeling a bit sheepish at the admission. The wolf smiled and vigorously nodded her head. "Of course, if you and your friends would come with me, I'll take you to the phone." "Thank you," I said and followed her back down the way we had come. Soon she and I were in a small room, and she dialed the phone for me as I rattled off the phone number. "Who is this?" a very male voice said on the other end of the phone. "Mr. Serina?" I asked. There was a pause on the other end of the line before a response came. "That is me." I smiled and gave Samantha a thumbs up, "I've heard about you, Mr. Serina, and I am interested in your services to retrieve an item that has fallen into... the incorrect hands." He chuckled, "You may call me Dillen. My aid is not cheap, but if you are willing to pay the price, I would be interested in talking to you." "I can afford your price, and say... ten percent of the cost of my item. This needs to be done quickly and discreetly... could we meet tonight?" "Of course," he replied, sounding very pleased with himself. "Meet me at Dingo's in two hours. I'll be the human in the back of the bar, by the music machine." I smiled and gave a nod to the look that Samantha gave me. "I'll be the lioness," I told him before replacing the receiver. "We've got him," I said as I turned to face my friends. Samantha smiled, leaning back against the wall as she pulled out a cigarette. "Good!" she said, almost bouncing on her toes. I turned to face the wolf, smiling presently to her. "Now, how do we get to Dingo's?" * * * Dingo's was not a place I would take anyone to. It was a dingy little biker bar on the outskirts of a large industrial area. There probably wasn't anyone else around for miles, and the whole place had a smell like wet paper. It was the perfect location for this meeting. As the three of us approached the door of the bar, I could feel the eyes of the dozen men that stood outside as they followed our every step. This was not the place one normally found a woman that wasn't dressed in leather. At the door I turned to face my friends. "Well, this is where we have to split up." I said. Santhara nodded, she knew this was coming. She had to stay outside, to insure she didn't help me. Samantha, on the other paw, had a small side trip she needed to perform. The young human adjusted herself and smiled at me. "I'll see you in a few minutes," she said as she spun on her heel, walking briskly away from the bar. I suspected she would have no problem finding the clothing that we needed. I took a deep breath, feeling myself begin to shake. I balled my paws into fists and tried to control myself. I could feel my bodyguard's paw on my shoulder, squeezing gently. "You'll be fine," she told me. "Thanks," I replied, wishing I felt as confident in my abilities as she did. I let out a long breath and I flicked my ears up, tucked my tail against my leg and pulled my trench coat tight around myself as I stepped inside. The inside was worse than the outside. Dark, damp, and smelling of sweat. The floor crunched under my bare paws from Thryn knows what, and the wood under it was sticky, pulling at my pads. No place on my world would ever allow its floor to be kept in such shape; it would have been a health risk. For myself I wished there was enough light to see by, so I could watch my step. Even in that light I could still see my prey, a handsome human who was relaxing in the back corner. His blond curly hair framed his face and seemed to glow in the weak light. He was dressed in sharp clothing that made him stand out even more. He looked professional, like he had just stepped out of an office. He saw me and smiled, motioning for me to come to him. I moved gladly, a small smile on my muzzle as I keep one paw near my needler. He pushed out a chair with his foot as I approached, and I gladly sat on it. "Dillen?" I asked as I rested my paws on the table. I regretted it instantly. The surface was sticky enough that I wondered if I would be able to pull them free. He nodded. "That is me, but I do not believe that I caught your name," he said with a smile, showing off damn near perfect teeth. Samantha was right, he was someone I would be willing to follow into hell if he asked, I was glad I knew better. "Magenta," I replied, using an alias that I had used back when I had run around the multi-verse with Fox. "I'm pleased that you could meet with me on such short notice." "My pleasure. Your offer intrigued me, but I need to know how you have heard of me," he asked, leaning forward slightly over the dirty tabletop. I shrugged. "In my business you hear a lot, and you once removed a few items from a vault that was under a former lover's control. So when my husband took a few of my items with him when he left, you were the logical choice of who to call." Dillen chuckled and folded his hands together. "I see, so you are familiar with my skills and abilities. That is very good, it saves us some time. So what exactly are the items that I will be retrieving for you, Miss Magenta?" I smiled back at him and leaned forward. "Item, just one small thing, an artifact from the Nisqually home world," not that I knew if such a place existed, Fox had given it to me as a world that didn't exist, so I could use it with impunity. "It's a fertility goddess. My ex doesn't need it, and had no right to take it." He smirked slightly, "And what have you hidden inside the goddess that makes it so valuable." "Nothing, the artifact is rare, and worth quite a bit, otherwise it wouldn't be under lock and key." I replied. Dillen nodded as he leaned back in his chair. "What kind of vault are we looking at here? What kind of security does the building have?" "It's a private home, located about twenty miles away from here. The house is part of a gated community, which will slow down the cops if you trigger an alarm," I said, making it up as I went along. He chuckled and shook his head slightly, "I don't trigger alarms," he said. "Is it in a vault?" "It's a safe in the back room, comes up to right about here on me," I said, hold my paw at chest level. "Two dials and two handles." His eyes locked for a moment on my breasts, and he started to smirk, clearly liking what he was seeing. "Sounds simple enough. I'm familiar with the model, but have never seen one that measures up to such a beautiful woman as yourself." I had to stop myself from laughing. Instead I raised a paw and used it to cover my muzzle, acting like I was embarrassed. I doubted he was interested in me as a person, but if he liked my body it would make the rest of the night go easier. Dillen smiled at this and leaned forward, brushing his fingers through my hair. "Don't be shy. You have a pretty smile, you really shouldn't hide it like that," he said, touching my paw with his fingers and pushing it down. "Are you hitting on me?" I asked, pulling my ears back as I glanced away, looking as shy as possible. He nodded, leaning a bit closer to me, close enough that I could feel his breath moving the fur of my face. "It's hard not to with a lady like you," he whispered. I giggled, turning away slightly and covering my face again. This was to easy for me. I was just falling back on my skills as a whore. The joys of working in the oldest profession in the multi-verse. "Will you knock off some of the price?" I said through my fingers, giving him a wanton look. He smirked, and nodded with relaxed the ease of a man who had just gotten what he wanted, and had fully expected to get. "We have to do it tonight, both the job... and... the other things," I blushed again, but smiled slightly. The human nodded and folded his hands together. "Then we should go," he said. I stood up and offered him my paw, "Let's slip out back... we can have some fun there." He stood up, and using my paw pulled me in close, wrapping his arm around my back, his hand groping my ass as we started towards the back door of the bar. I fell into the familiar role of the bimbo, brushing my tail against his leg as we walked. He reached up with his other hand and undid the first few buttons of my blouse, pulling it open to reveal my fabric-covered breasts. His hand slipped over my shoulder and deftly unhooked my bra; as we neared the door his hand was back on my front, pulling the undergarment free, exposing my chest to the air. He was happily pawing my breasts as I opened the door, a deep purr rumbling from inside of me. The funny thing was he was crude about it, all power but with no style. Fox was a hundred times better at this. Hell most of my John's were as well. But given that, I had to admit that I was enjoying it. We nearly fell out of the door and into the dirty back alley behind the bar. As the door shut, Dillen spun me around and pressed me up against the wall. In a moment his mouth was against my muzzle as his free hand started to pull down the front of my skirt, his other hand still manhandling my breasts. Playing my part to the fullest I pulled myself closer, close enough that I could feel the tightness of his pants as I fumbled with the buttons. It came as a great relief to me when from behind us I heard Samantha say, "Am I interrupting something?" Dillen grunted and pulled his face away from me, "Go away, we're busy," he snapped. I smirked and placed my paws on his chest and with a hard shove forced him a few feet away. He looked startled as I took my own step forward, my needler slipping into my paw and pointing at his chest. He looked surprised at this turn of events; his ego--and other parts of him--deflated as I watched. "What the hell?" he snarled. "Dillen, I have someone here who would like to meet you," I said, taking a step to the side. My breasts were still hanging free in the cold night air, but I didn't want to do anything about them until I was sure that he wouldn't try to attack me. Samantha took my cue and walked around to stand next to me, a smile on her face. "Hello, hon. Miss me?" she asked, her gun in her hand. The clothing I had sent her for was tucked under her arm. He blinked in surprise as his eyes flicked from her to me, then back to her. "Samantha? I thought you were dead!" She snorted, "As always, you think too much of yourself and your abilities," she said. "You can say that again," I added, motioning for him to move so his back was to the wall. He did so, but I could see his hand drifting towards his belt. "Keep your hands up nice and high, hon, no surprises." He snorted and did as I ordered, glaring at me the whole time. "What do you want?" he asked. "I want you to strip," Samantha ordered with a smirk. Dillen blinked in surprise as I took a step forward, shoving my paw against his pants. I wasn't surprised to find a small pistol hidden inside. I pulled the gun free and shoved it into the waistband of my skirt as I stepped back. "Now," Samantha said, "let's see some skin." He looked between the two of us, shaking his head in disbelief. "Are you kidding me? What the hell are you trying to do?" "Not trying, doing. Now get to it!" I snapped as I flicked my needler towards him. He nodded, and shrugged his jacket off, dropping it to the ground as he fumbled with his shirt. He was having trouble getting the buttons free of the fabric. "Rip the shirt off if you have to," my partner ordered. The man nodded, gulping as he pulled his shirt open, the buttons popping free and flying all over the alley. He dropped it on the ground and started to work at his pants. While his hands were occupied I tucked my breasts back into my blouse, not bothering to put them back in the bra, and closed it back up. "Happy?" he asked as he stepped out of the pants, leaving himself in only his briefs. "Yes," Samantha said, and threw the clothing she had obtained at him. "Put these on." He frowned, bending down to pick up the clothing with two fingers, wrinkling his nose at the strong smell of piss and vomit that radiated from them. "Where did you get these, off a bum?" My friend laughed and nodded her head. "Yep. A really nasty one, too. Now put them on!" He frowned, but did as he was told, stepping into the stained pants, pulling them up his legs with a look of distaste of his face. "What is the point of this?" he demanded as he shrugged into the dirty shirt, it left smudges on his face from where it touched his skin. "Around here, no one would question finding a dead bum," I explained. Dillen snorted, "You killed someone for these things? Samantha, that's not like you," he scolded as he adjusting the clothing. Amazingly they looked better on him than I imagined they would on anyone else. "No, no, no," I replied as I looked around the alley and noticed a can of something a few feet away. "Go pick that up and take a bath," I said, pointing at it. He looked pale, as he finally understood what was going on. "No! You have got to be kidding! You are not going to kill me!" his voice started to rise as he spoke, the reality of the situation starting to set in. "Yes, I am," I said, smiling at him feeling strangely detached from the whole situation as I finally declared my intent. He froze up, looking at me with shock and anger on his face. While he was distracted, Samantha walked over to the can. She picked it up in one hand then spun around, throwing the contents in his face. He gasped and took a step back, sputtering the dirty liquid out of his mouth. A moment later the butt of her gun smashed into his perfect teeth, breaking three of them off. Dillen groaned, and sputtered out blood as he stumbled back, tripped over his own feet and fell hard on the ground, looking dazed. Samantha took the opportunity to dump the rest of the can on his head, letting the muck drip down his face. "Don't do this," he gasped, his speech slurred, lifting his hand. "I can pay you." Samantha laughed, "This is payment," she said, taking a few steps back, leaving him laying there and me standing across from him. He looked up at me, wiping the blood from his face with the sleeve of his shirt. It left more of a mess than it cleaned. "Please don't kill me," he said, starting to beg. I shook my head and leveled the needler at him. "Why? You killed that kid last year. Why shouldn't I give you the same amount of respect?" I let that sink in for a moment as I watched him. I smiled slightly as his eyes went wide as he put things together. "Goodbye," I said, and pressed the firing stud, sending three needles into his chest. His eyes bulged out as the poison flooded his system, then he slumped sideways as all of his bodily functions ceased and his own waste filled his pants. Realty snapped back into focus as my breathing started to come in short, quick gulps. "Go," I ordered Samantha, "Go back home. I have something to do here," I said, fighting back my gag reflex. She paused for a moment, a large smile on her face as she looked down at the body. "Can I just have a moment or two to savor this?" she asked. I shook my head as I put my weapon away. "I need to get visual proof that I did this, so it would be best if you're out of view when I take it." She frowned, then let out a sigh. I had told her all of this beforehand, but I could understand how she might forget. "All right, but I want copies of the pictures, got it?" "Fine, fine," I said, waving her off, I really wanted her to leave before I lost the contents of my stomach. Samantha looked down at the body once more and then turned away, stalking off into the night, her cloth tail swishing happily behind her as she vanished into the night. I turned away as soon as she was gone and started to take a series of long deep breaths. "I will not puke," I whispered to myself, repeating it as a mantra as I regained some of my composure. Once I was reasonably stable I stood up and fished the Zip camera out of my coat pocket. I tossed the small disk into the air, and felt the flash as it took a three hundred sixty degree picture in both visible light and infrared. It also snagged the life signs of anyone in range. All this happened in just under a second, and when it was finished it dropped back into my paw. I tucked it away and pulled out a small knife, rubber gloves and a small plastic bag. For this kill I would need more than a picture. Another three minutes of work and I had the requested pound of flesh put away in the bag, and my paws were still clean, at least of the real blood. Brushing them along my pants I stood up and walked away from the body. As soon as I was past the alley Santhara fell in at my side. "How you doing?" she asked. "Not that good," I replied, touching my stomach. She nodded, and fished out a flask from her pants. "Here, have a drink of this," she said, offering it to me. I took it from her, unscrewing the cap and taking a long drink. It wasn't alcohol, and had a slightly bitter taste, but when it hit my stomach I could feel it start to settle. "What is this?" I asked, closing the lid. "It's something for my stomach after I do a job. Thirty- three kills in my life and it still makes me ill," she said as she took the flask back. I nodded, "Four myself, two for the Guild," I said with a long sigh. "I'm surprised that it still gets to you." She laughed and shook her head. "You never get over it, at least not and stay sane. If you forget that these are people, you became cold about it, casual. We're murderers, there is nothing nice about it." she said. I let out a sigh and nodded my head. "I need to get cleaned up, and not just physically," I said, anticipating the Cleansing I would soon be taking at the Temple back home. "If you need someone to talk to, I'm always here," she offered. "Thank you, I may need your help. You can come with me to the Temple if you like. I would like to take Fox, but it will be a few days and one of us needs to be home." I said as we walked. She nodded, "I remember from last time." We lapsed into silence for a few moments as we padded along the dark street, waiting for a taxi to come by. Santhara broke the silence, "Oh, and Oriana?" "Yes?" I asked. "You did a good job," she said. I smiled in spite of myself. "Thanks," I said, both pleased at her praise, and a little worried that I was. I guess at this point there wasn't much to worry about. This was my job now. As an assassin, I had every right to be a little proud of it, just as long as I didn't let it go to my head, and kept the proper respect for those whom I had to kill and what it did to my soul. -------- This story is copyright 2004 by Fox Cutter. Hardcopy reprints limited to one per person, all other rights reserved. This story may not be distributed for a fee except by permission of the author, and this copyright notice may not be removed.