Cold Fire By: Fox Cutter Chapter 6 Aster let out a prolonged sigh. "Why are you dragging me along on this idiocy?" I turned from where I had been sitting to look at him. "Fox has some kind of plan and if it works he's going to need an engineer." He rolled his eyes, "Rachel, I doubt he can find the type of ship we'll need." "Somehow I think he has already." He snorted through his nose, and scoffed. "You are not exactly the most unbiased person to decided that." I leaned forward. "Implying?" "It's not a secret that you two are fucking each other," he said with a smirk. I resisted to urge to slap him across his nose. "What we do together does not affect my judgment of his abilities." He scoffed again, "You just keep believing that." I shook my head. "He does have a plan." Aster growled softly, "He's got a hole in his fucking head, that's what he's got! And this whole body swap is just making it worse." I ignored him, turning around in my seat and looking back out of the window that was next to me, and into space. We would be at Fox's ship in a few more minutes and I was strongly regretting my decision to bring this boy along. His tail was in so much of knot that I doubted he would be any help at all. Fox, though, he did have a plan. I just wished I knew what it was and how he meant to achieve it. I also wished I could shake the deep chill that had settled over me right after he left the Council ship. The rest of the short trip was uneventful, the _Phoenix's_ computer guiding us in for a smooth landing in one of its cargo bays. Opening the hatch out of the shuttle I was almost surprised to see Fox waiting for me a few feet away. She was dressed slightly better than before, but this time her eyes had a look of deathly seriousness. "Fox?" I asked, starting to step out of the shuttle. "Wait," she said, raising one paw. "I want to make something perfectly clear first." Oh-oh, this wasn't a good sign. I set my foot back down inside the lip of the hatch. She took a step forward. "As soon as you step from that shuttle until you return to it you no longer represent the Council in any fashion. You are going to be involved in this as a private citizen, officially representing no one other than yourself. Do you understand?" "Is it that serious?" She nodded slowly, her tail twitching quickly behind her. I took a deep breath; this had the potential to become very serious. Then slowly letting it out, I stepped into the cargo bay. "I agree, then." Leaning sideways, she looked past me. "How about your company?" "He's going with you. I thought you could use an engineer." She sighed. "Yes, I could. Come on, then, we need to talk someplace a bit more private." Aster grumbled something under his breath and stepped onto the deck. Fox smiled slightly when she saw him. "Well, this is a surprise." He was the same wolf with whom Fox had the near argument with a few hours before at the briefing. He just sneered at her, his ears flat. "So, what do you have planned, Fox?" I asked, clasping my paws behind my back. She walked over to me, her face falling into a worried look. "As you might have guessed, I do know where we can get a ship to get into the base." Aster harrumphed. Fox looked at him and shook her head. "Oh ye of little intellect." She looked back at me. "We've been using a type of them for about twenty years now." I hoped I hadn't just heard what I thought I had just heard. "We?" I prompted. She nodded. "Humans, Earth, my home. We." I swore softly. Shaking her head, she rubbed her forehead. "I'm not planning on trying to bring them into the Council in any fashion. I'm just planning to liberate one of their space shuttles." I glared at her. "Fox, do you have any idea what we'll be doing! The *least* that can happen if you do this is that the Council will have you and everyone on this ship summarily executed!" "I know that, but if we do pull this off and get down to the base, people will be more interested in the fact that we did it than with how. If we can retrieve the shuttle fast enough and get it the hell out of the system before anyone starts looking, you can classify the whole of it and we can all go home happy." I shook my head. "That's a lot of 'ifs'." "That's too many," Aster commented from where he still stood. She nodded. "I know, I really do know. I've already talked to the others, they're all going to try and help, at least. I just wanted you to know what we're preparing to do." I sighed, thinking this over. There were too many problems, more than I thought he could easily solve by himself. "Do you think this is necessary?" She nodded, "With Grasion, yes. The only chance we will have of stopping him will be to force him into the end game before he's ready." "Why not just wait!" Aster said, stepping forward. "He's trading one hostage every other day. If we wait long enough he'll be out." Fox growled, taking three quick steps to stand right in front of him. She looked down her muzzle into his eyes, the points of her teeth showing. "Because the last hostage, or two, or maybe even five, will pay their lives for a ship. I can guarantee they will be the most important people of the whole group down there, and that they most likely will not get out alive!" He held his ground, looking back at Fox. "Are you sure? How do we know he won't just give up!" Her neck started to tense under the fur. "Because he wants something and giving up will not get it. Did you hear nothing of what I told you before? He will not just sit around with his thumbs up his ass! If he didn't have a plan of what to do with no getaway before, he does now, and you can bet your life that he'll be able to pull it off, leaving with what ever he wants, and whatever lives he decides to take! The _ONLY_ chance we have of stopping him is to do something he could not have planned on!" He growled. "You are so far out of your fucking mind--" he stared to yell, but was cut short when I slammed my clenched fist into the side of his muzzle, sending him stumbling backwards then falling onto the decking with a resounding thump. "And you," I intoned, glaring down at him, "are about three seconds away from being spaced if you don't reel in your attitude." He glared up at me, rubbing the side of his face, but did shut up. I looked back at Fox with a sigh. "Sorry to leave you with him, but he knows the most about the base's defense systems and also how to get around the base." "Won't you need him, then?" I smiled. "No, we have Sebe on the planet. He was just working as an adviser." She nodded, "He'll have to do then." "Now that he's been settled, how long will this take?" Fox paused, her eyes bouncing softly as she thought. "We're taking the long way around. Three days to the mega-fold, then two days to Earth. One day for the pickup then the same time back." That was puzzling. "Two days? But the distance isn't that far." She nodded again, "Four point two light years, but we can't use the hypo-drive. It's too damn noisy, and noisy in a frequency that's commonly used. The hyper-drive isn't exactly high quality in and of itself. It was only intended to be a secondary system, made to use extremely low power, not for speed." "Still though, isn't eleven days a bit long? Grasion could be done and gone by then." She shook her head with a slight smile. "Not at all. He's asking for a lot more than he actually wants, trying to cover it all up. He's not going to be asking for it all at once. He'll still be there, just a little more dug in." I nodded, thinking of a thousand more questions to ask, but realizing that she might not have the time to answer them. "Then I need to go so you can start this." "There is one more thing." she said, taking a step forward. "What?" She sighed softly. "I'm going to need Page's computer skills. Can you have her meet us on a small shuttle this side of the mega-fold?" I nodded. "That should not be a problem." "I'm also going to need Terminus as well." This came as a slight shock, but I had been expecting something like it since I had arrived on the ship. "He's not allowed off Prid!" I protested, the words sounded slightly hollow. Fox nodded. "I know, but I need him. At the end of this we're all going to be going down to the base. We'll need more than what we have. He used to be a knight and will be able to handle himself." "Why not Kalie?" I halfheartedly suggested, "she's usually who you take on your adventures." She nodded, "and she also has a life. Last time we talked she told me she was getting involved in some war games for her government and wasn't going to be able to get together for a few more months." I sighed. "Anything else?" "Pray?" she suggested. I smiled. "I'm already doing that." To Be Continued... ----- This story is (c) 1998 by Fox Cutter, hardcopy reprints limited to one a person, all other rights reserved. This story may not be distributed for a fee except by permission of the author, and this copyright notice may not be removed.