Distant Fire By: Fox Cutter 12/26/97: Chapter 1 I awoke with a sudden jerk, kicking the covers off my legs and over the side of the bed. Taking a series of quick, short breaths I tried to take my bearings. I had been dreaming, far stronger then any before, yet still the same dream as always. It was the same dream of a fight between me and a wolf, it was clearly a wolf this time. We were viciously in our attacks against the other. I was choking him, crushing his windpipe under my thumbs. He was digging at my face with bloody fingers, his claws gone, ripped away just minutes before. I still didn't know who he was, or why we were trying to kill each other, but each time I dreamed it became a little bit sharper in my mind's eye. Past the blur of images it started as and closer to something real. I couldn't help wondering if this was the hole in my mind I had told myself about, or not. There was so much about all of this I didn't understand. Sighing I pulled myself into a sitting position on the bed. "Zen, what time is it?" There was a slight pause, for effect only. "It's six fifteen in the morning," the computer chirped back. Far to early to get up, but I doubted that I would be able to go back to sleep. That left me the option of laying around in bed for a few hours, or getting up and doing some make-work until there was something real for me to do. I could think of a lot of little things that could be done. Swinging out of the bed I ordered Zen to turn on the lights. The computer brought them up slowly as I wondered around the room. It would take almost ten minutes before they where at there normal strength. I prepared a small breakfast, using some fruit I had brought up from the ships garden the night before. I also took the pill that Oria had told me I needed to take every day. Apparently she had some kind of hormone imbalance that she had inherited from her grandmother. The pill was needed to correct it. I wasn't told what the problem was, in fact I only was told because I needed to take the pills. Picking up one of the PADDs that seemed to lay around anyplace I lived I called up the schedule for the day, mulling over it as I ate. There was very little in it that was hard and fast. The main points were that Page and Terminus would be meting us in a touch over three hours, soon after we would cross through the Mega-fold and start are way towards Earth. Which left a bit of a blank spot in my plans. We had taken a later start then I had hopped, being delayed about eight hours before we could finally break orbit around the Krein base. An extra day though didn't matter by very much. Grasion was still letting one hostage leave every other day, he would still be there when we returned. During the past few days both Oria and I have grown a little more familiar with are changed selves. Oria was spending a lot of time reading, or talking to Ken. She wasn't as shaken as before, now she seemed more relaxed, willing to just wait it out until Ken could find a way to switch us back. I, on the other paw, had been doing some experimentation with Oria's body. It's been interesting to say the least, not as of what I had expected, but nothing that's really been a surprise to me. The most enjoyable part was last night. I had (with Oria's more then willing permission) spent a few hours with Ken. Past that though, there hasn't been too many changes in how I've thought of myself. The mental change of sex has come quite easily to me. Easier then it had for Oria, who had admitted to me that she was still dealing with it. My main worry of late though was the hole I had informed myself about. I had searched my mind over the past few days trying to find any clue as to what, and where, the hole was. So far though, all my memories have been as I had expected. As per my advice, I had turned to Ken for help, telling him all about the flash forward. He had nodded, his eyes looking stern and rubbing the underside of his muzzle with his claw-fingers, but informed me that he didn't wish to delve into my head. Finally, after much verbal ping-pong he relented and agree to look into it. Though admitting that he wasn't to sure how a person could have a 'hole' in there mind. Still though, something seemed wrong somehow, and the longer I though about it the strong that wrongness grew. I had the feeling that Ken knew exactly what I was looking for, that he knew and wasn't going to tell me about it. I was starting to wonder if he had something to do with it in the first place, but that also didn't seem to be very accurate. I really was a confusing mess. One which I wasn't sure how to handle. So much right now was riding on Ken's shoulders that I didn't want to tell him my worries. That was for later, after Oria and I were set to rights. Then I could really drill him about what I was looking for. The room buzzed softly to get my attention. Looking up from my breakfast I asked, "What is it Zen?" "Sense you're up," he chirped, "Ken would like to see you about the spell." I smiled softly, Ken was never one to waste his own time. "Where at?" "In the ship's gym." Ken had been doing some tests to see how much of our skills had changed with our minds. He explained that he was 'trying to get a barring on how much has actually been transposed'. Standing up, I stretched my arms. "Tell him I'll be there in ten minutes." "Happy to oblige," Zen replied, then clicked off as he went to relay the message to Ken. With a slight smile, I dressed. * * * Fox has said his keep on his views of how well I had been adapting to being in his body. Now I feel up to saying exactly how I felt about the switch. It was a great way to screw with someone's mind. Sense I had woke up I had to deal with the fact that everything I had gotten used to about myself was suddenly wrong. My height, weight, muscle tone, the lack of a tail, claws and all of the rest. It has taken a great force of will not to run scream around the ship, though it's less of a force with each passing hour. I fear though that I may become to used to his body, to willing to have it be mine, that my own shape feels foreign. A place at which Fox seems to already be. He has found it very easily, at least publicly, to adapt to the new form. He actually seems more willing to wear a bra then I ever had been in my life. A fact which I think has escaped him thus far. He seems so comfortable with my body that he asked me if he could have sex with Ken. Actually, he asked me directly first, but I am not ready to experience that side of being a man. I really was more then happy to let him do what he wanted, though his asking me wasn't necessary (though I did appreciate it). I, on the other hand, had found hard to adapt to some of the subtleties of the form. I've ended up spending to much of my time in the morning trying to find something to wear. Fox's taste in clothing has always been a little shallow, but I never realized by how much until I saw what he had brought with him. Much to my own surprise I've found that I can look rather good in this body, even better then Fox does normally. Kind of a strange thought to think of, but even Fox admitted it! One important thing though, all of what has been going on has distracted me from the what happened before, and the man I had assassinated back on the moon base. Even if the reasons for his death were sound, the action of killing him left my soul heavy. Strange though, I had not thought of his death as murder, and every time I tried to call it that I knew that it wasn't. Somewhere in my mind a difference between murder and assassination had been formed. It was an unpleasant gap in my reasoning, and one that left me open to admitting it was something allowable. I couldn't wait to return to my body and go to my Temple, I was going to need another Expulsion for my sins. For now though, I've talked to much about what has happened before, for now I should focus on what happened the day we crossed the Mega-fold and started for Earth, and how it shattered Fox. It was about seven in the morning, ships time (which was Earth time as well). The hallway lights had just brightened from the end of the ship's night cycle. I was up, and had been up, for the past few hours. I had sleep soundly but earlier in the night then anyone else. Leaving me awake for the early morning hours. "Oriana!" Ken called, walking up next to me as I went down the hall. I smiled at him, "Any progress on the spell?" He nodded, flexing his wings slightly. "Yes, a lot in fact. I want to test some of your reflexes though. After that I should had it isolated enough to start some serious work into the perimeters of the spell." I nodded, not really understand exactly what he was planing, but knowing that it was a step closer to getting Fox and myself back to normal. "What kind of tests?" I asked, working to keep pace with his longer stride. He smiled. "Reflexes, as I said. I'm going to be throwing things at you and Fox for about an hour." I couldn't help but laugh. "When do you want to do this?" "Right now. Both you and Fox are up and she's already on her way to meet us in the gym. I was about to have Zen summon you, but that seems to be less of an issue now." I rolled my eyes. Ken would want to do the strange things at the strangest times. He assumed if both Fox and I were free it would be the perfect time to get us together for some thing or another. It was annoying, but hasn't being to much of a inconvenience. "Ok, I'm not planing to do anything that can't be put off for an hour or so." I said, turing down an intersecting hallway that lead closer to the gym. Ken smiled and walked next to me for the few minutes it took to reach the gym. Fox was already there waiting for us. She was sitting on a bench in the side of the room, though sitting the long way on the bench, taking all of it up. Some how, she had found a pair of pants that hung lose on her hips, the shirt she had on was the same way. Her hair pulled back in a lose ponytail. Frankly looked like she always did, weather a man or women. As we entered, she hopped off the bench and walked towards us. "How ya doing Oria?" She asked, holding her paws behind her back. I nodded. "As well as I can all things considered." She nodded, then turned to Ken. "So, what type of test are you planning for today?" "Reflexes." He responded. "He's going to be throwing things at us." I added, smiling. She smiled back, shaking her head. "Nothing to painful I hope." Ken returned the smile, spreading his wings slightly. "When have I ever let you down." Fox's face suddenly faded, the expression vanishing as her eyes became unfocused. She stood there for a few seconds, swaying gently, before starting to fall forward. Both Ken and I jumped for her, but she caught herself, slamming one leg forward as her eyes refocused. "Fox?" Ken asked, reaching towards him. She raised a paw, closing her eyes, the look on her face still neutral. After a few seconds she opened her eyes again, looking at me, then to Ken. Turning, she quickly walked over the weight bench in the corner. Picking up the barbell, she walked back over to us. "Fox?" Ken asked again, looking very concerned. She smiled at him, a smile which grew wider, showing all of her teeth. A smile that could only be described as pure hatred. A growl was growing in the back of her throat as her ears laid flat in her hair. With a twist, and a lunge forward, she brought the end of the barbell up, connected it with a loud crack on the underside of the Ken's muzzles. Snapping his mouth closed and sending him sprawling on his tail. Fox was crying now, tears matting down her cheeks. Again she swing her weapon, smashing it with an crunch against Ken's ribs. Then dropped it at his side. "How dare you," she hissed. I could hear how much she was controlling her voice, her words almost a scream. "What ever gave you the right to do that to me you son of a bitch! All this time, you lied to me, you fucked with my head! You fucking bastard!" With that said she kicked him on the ribs, the same place as before, then ran out of the gym. I stood in shock for a few seconds before telling Zen to get Jadith as fast as he could. I wanted to know what had really just happened. ----- This story is (c) 1998 by Fox Cutter, hardcopy reprints limited to one a person, all other rights reserved. This story may not be distributed for a fee except by permission of the author, and this copyright notice may not be removed.