Distant Fire By: Fox Cutter Chapter 3 I sighed, turing the air recycles up a bit higher, creating a noticeable draft through the compartment of the small shuttle. My companion looked up from the plans he had been studying, which where now flipping in the artificial wind. Chomping on the end of his cigar, he glared at me. "Could you turn that down, it's becoming an annoyance." I snorted, leaning back in my seat. "When you put out that vile smelling thing?" I said, motioning to the smoke floating around the cabin. He took it out of his mouth, looking at the end, then smiled. "It's not vile, more of pleasant." He said, placing it back into his mouth. Then, picking up a few small things that where sitting around the cabin, weight down the edge of his documents. Stalemate, again. I had been putting up with his damn cigars for over a day now. He always seemed to be smoking one except for when he was sleeping, which was about half the time. He was one of Fox's friends though, so I was going to put up with him and his smell until we docked with the _Phoenix_. Which, as I check the small navigation computer, was in about ten minutes. Shaking the ashes into a small jar he had brought along, Terminus looked up at me. "How much time is left?" "About nine minutes now." He smiled, running his finger over one of the plans. "Good, I have some ideas I want to run past Fox after we board." I couldn't help to have some interest, I was going to be involved in this as well at the end. Sliding closer I looked over the plans. "What?" "These rooms are where the hostages are being keep," he said, tapping on the page. "If we can drop these pressure doors here," he pointed to each one, "we can cut of any guards around it from getting inside. They will stay safe as we go through through and clean up." I squinted, looking closer at the plans for the moon base. "You can learn all of that from just looking at those?" He smiled. "Partly, one of the memo's we got suggested doing something like that. I just had to find out which series of doors." I looked back down at the tan and black plans, looking closer. He had marked down where all the guards where with small red 'X's, each of the doors he had pointed to had been highlight in blue as well. This was all assume the reports we had gotten back from the released hostages where all accurate. A dozen guards and Grasion holding them all in the base. Not much to over come if first we could get past the guards. Or at least keep them out of the way. "How do you make sure all the hostages are in that area still?" I asked, pointing. He shrugged. "Not sure yet. We still have a week yet, we can think of something by then." I leaned back in my seat, nodding to myself. Assume all went as planed it would actually be a day over an Earth week. Then a few more days back if what we had been told was true. Terminus smiled, looking past me. "There she is." Turing, I looked out the large window I had been sitting behind. Hanging outside, a dozen kilometers away, was _The Golden Phoenix_. As I watcher her come closer the shuttle's navigation computer beeped, notifying me that it had hooked up with the _Phoenix's_ computer, and was starting us in. The communication system beeped a few seconds later. "Hey guys, enjoy the trip?" Fox, no, I correct myself, Oriana, asked. "Not as pleasant as I would like," I responded. Behind me Terminus scoffed. "How about you two, how are things going with you?" There was a pause, "good, mostly. Fox and I are both dealing with this as best as we can." The pacing of the words was defiantly Oriana's, even if the voice was Fox's. Something though rang hollow, I wasn't being told something. I looked out the window, watching as we grew closer to the _Phoenix_, the docking bay we were heading towards growing bright and better defined each second. "I'll see you in a minute," I said then switched off the com-system. Turing back around to look at my companion, I found he had already packed up all the plans and documents he had been reading. He was now leaning back in the seat, looking towards me. "What are we not being told?" He asked me as he pinched out the end of his cigar and tucked it into his pocket. I nodded, "you heard that too then?" "Of course, I've know the pair of them for a long time. That was definitely Oriana, and she was more the certainly hiding something from us. The question is what?" I shrugged. "Maybe we should ask them?" He bounced a bit as we touched down inside of the _Phoenix_. "I don't think that would be a good idea for now. We will be told when they feel we should be told." There a quick series of clanks as the shuttle settled and the hatch opened. It slid back a few inches into the cabin, then hit it self in the wall. Terminus was first out, his paws full with the assorted papers. I got out right after him. Fox and Oriana were both waiting for us. Oriana, in Fox's body was dressed in a shirt and pants, but neatly. The shirt was tucked in, the hair bushed and his beard trimmed. Fox was next to him, dressed as I would never have expected. Pants that where decently tight, with a shirt tucked into them, and pulled over her chest. Her hair was tied back, leaving a set of bangs to hang over her eyes. They both smiled at us as we started walking towards them. Something was wrong with Fox though, she was smiling wide, quite happy to see us, but her eyes... "I'm glad to see you two," Fox said, hugging Terminus, then me. "We're going to need all the power we can muster, mind and muscle, to finish this." My companion smiled. "I've got the plans for the base, as well as the most current reports from the released hostages." She smiled, "Great! We'll have to stick you with Aster, he's the resented knowledge pool on the base." This was all being forced from her, I could see it. Oriana was acting strange as well. Watching Fox from the corner of his eyes, working very hard not to look concerned, and slowly starting to fail. "Page," Fox said, turning to me, "I'm going to need you to find out which Shuttle we're going to nab, and where it's located at on planet. You'll have full access to ever resource we can provide." I nodded, having already been told this before I ever left. "Also, it's important that all records referee to the Shuttle as _Infinity_." "Why?" Oriana asked, seemed a bit surprised. Fox smiled, "when Earth is no longer listed as a forbidden verse I'm going to make sure it joins the Council. So I don't want anything they saying where we got this ship, and giving it's name will be a good way for them to find out." She crossed her arms over her chest, "so we'll rename it, and not recorded where we got it from." Oriana nodded, happy with this. I spoke up again. "Fox, I have a question for you." Terminus was suddenly far more tense, his back staffing like a board. Fox nodded, allowing me to ask. I though carefully of how to phrase this. "My Father--" She cut me off. "Father? I though you never knew your father." I nodded,"Actually, I mean my Grandfather. I grew up referring to him and Grandmother as such. I only started calling them my grandparents once I came to Prid. When I was with Mil, sie told me to speak of them in what ever way felt the most natural for me. I was quite happy to revert back." "Ah, ok then, keep going." I cleared my throat, "as I was saying, my Father had these beautiful eyes, almost like crystals. He could stare right in your soul. They seemed to be so deep that when you looked into then you could drown. Your's though, there not deep, there almost infinite, pulling all around them inside. Dead. My god Fox, what happened to you?" She looked to me, closing her eyes and sighing. Then turing, walking out of the docking bay, her tail tip touching the floor. There was dead silence for a few seconds, then Oriana turned and followed, Terminus right after him. I stood alone, looking at the door Fox had gone through. This was far worse then just a body swap. * * * 12/28/97: "Have you seen Fox?" I asked, leaning into the door of Page's room. She didn't seem to notice, busy reading through a stack of computer printouts. Evenly she seemed to notice I was there, and looked up at me. "Hello Oriana," she said with a smile. "Anything I can do for you?" I nodded, "Have you seen Fox?" I asked again, adjusting my glasses back up on my nose. I had no idea how Fox could deal with there weight all day, every day. Personally I found it annoying and a hindrance. "A few hours ago, she was heading down to look over the _Falcon_." She responded, picking up another page from of the printout. "Looked there already." She hummed softly. "She might be with Naomi. Fox mentioned that she wasn't really doing enough with her lately." I shook my head. "Newt is in a lesion with Ken." Page shrugged. "Speaking of Ken, what is going on with that pair? They seem to be avoiding each other like the plague." I didn't respond. Fox had asked me not to tell anyone what had happened, and what she had discovered. I was willing to comply for right now, though it was getting harder. She frowned. "Fine then, don't tell me. Why don't you just ask Zen where she is?" "I tried, he tells me Fox asked him not to tell anyone where she was." I responded. "I can't help then," Page told me, then quickly went back to her printouts. I sighed to myself, walking away from her room and down the hallway. I hadn't seen Fox sense early this morning, and was getting worried. We were due to enter her solar system in an hour and she was no where to be found. It didn't seem like her. "Oriana?" Zen said, breaking into my train of though. I stopped walking and looked up to the ceiling. "Yes Zen?" The computer gave a artificial sigh. "I'm about to break my orders. Fox is in her room, in the shower to be precise." I frowned, this was not like the computer. "Why are you telling me?" "Because," He reply, pausing for a second, "She's been in there for almost an hour, with out turning the water in the shower on." I turned on my heal, and started walking towards Fox's room. "Can you tell me anything else?" There was a soft click as he changed speaks to address me through. "From the analyses of the audio in the room, it appears that she is crying." "Thank you Zen," I said, turing a corner. "I won't mention to Fox that you told me." "Much appreciated," the computer chirped, then became silent again. I keep walking towards Fox's current room, reach it in a matter of minutes. The door wasn't locked, opening as soon as I hit the switch for it. Inside I could hear Fox's sobbing coming from the direction of the bathroom. Walking quietly I moved to stand just inside the door, looking in. Fox sat, dressed, in the bottom of the shower stall. She had pulled her knees to her chest, wrapping her arms around her legs, holding them close to her body. Her face was pressed against the top of her knees, her hair spilling over her head and down past her legs. Walking closer, I bent down, reaching out to touch her on the shoulder. I froze though, my eyes locking on a small knife that was sitting in the stall next to Fox. I must have made some noise, causing Fox to look up me through her hair. I looked back to her, trying to find her eyes, then I looked back down to the knife. Following my gaze, Fox whimpered softly. Reaching up she lifted the hair from in front of her eyes. "I didn't even know I was doing it," she whispered, her voice catching in her throat ever few words. "I was working on something in the _Falcon_, trying to get a grip on what had happened. Before I really knew it I was in here, holding that against my wrist." She looked up at me, the fur around her eyes, and her cheeks matted down from her tears. "I was barely able to stop myself." I nodded, sitting down next to her, not saying a word. Looking back down at the floor, she keep sobbing. "What's happening to me Oria? Why do I feel like I'm so off balance now?" "Maybe you need to face what you've been through in the past week. First you where almost killed, then switched with me and topped with finding out that you killed a man." She let out a choked laughed. "Killed? I murdered him! I murdered him with my own hands in cold blood." "So have I," I responded, taking one of her paws in my hand, squeezing it gently. "You just can't push that aside like you the others, live every other pain in your life. I think you should face this, face the pain it's caused. Understand that it's never going away, and try to live with it." She looked away from me, crying even harder then before. I reached out, grabbing her chin, and forcing her to look me in the eyes. "You keep running Fox. Away from everything that hurts you, and you're not getting anywhere." I could see the pain in her eyes as she looked back at me. Like a shadow on her soul. "Maybe," she whispered. "A lot more the maybe. You've got so much pain hiding inside of you that it's starting to overflow out. This last week as been the final thinks to fill it past it's holding point. There's only so much that can be keep in one soul." Fox seemed to pull tighter to herself. I sighed to myself, decided to try a different track to the conversation. Setting one hand on the floor, I wrapped the other over her shoulders. "Tell me about you're gods." That jolted her slightly as she looked up towards me, sniffling softly and blinking back so tears. "My god?" I nodded, "Yes, you seem to mention them so much when you're angry, I want to know more about them." She frowned, looking sad. "I don't believe in any of my own gods, and worship none that I do know of." I let a slight sound of astonishment slip away. "You can't be serious Fox, how do you atone yourself for what you've done. How do you face you're sins, and cleanse them from your soul?" She shrugged against my arm. "Never had to worry about any of that. I just keep going on as I always have. Plodding away at my life, atoning myself as I see fit. I do not believe in a soul, the hear-after, or anything else that you see fit to mention. So many gods are out there, most are imaged, and the real ones either are insane, or work very hard to keep the people who follow them believing that there is something to strive for in life." I wasn't sure if that was meant as an insult against Thryn, or what Fox believed was truth. I felt though, that Fox at least respected my God enough not to so casually insult him. "Then what do you believe in?" I asked, looking at her closely. She looked back at me. "Friends Oria, I believe in the strength of my friends to help me through the trials of pain of life. For without friends to share life with you have nothing to live for." I nodded, understand how much that explained about Fox. How much she would fight for her friends, to help them, to prefect them, to avenge them. I also suddenly understood how much Ken's betrayal must have hurt her, on many more levels they I understood. Ken was one of his closest friends, as well as a lover. This had to be deviating for her. I touched her ears, smoothing the fur on them flat. Fox yawned softly in response. She was still crying, but not so painfully as before. "How long have you been awake?" "A day, maybe more." "Well then, we're going to be at you're system soon and to you're base there in a few hours. Maybe you should sleep until then?" She yawned again, and worked herself into a standing position. I stood with her, offering my arm for support. She took it willingly and I helped her to the bed. Laying down she started to drift to sleep immediately. Her tears slowing. Bending down I kissed her on the head. Then I unburied some of my own pain, the one that I've been trying to keep hidden for to long, even over a short time. "I love you," I whispered into her ear. Half conscious, and almost into dreams, Fox still heard me, and and she responded. "Thank you," she whispered. Then quickly drifted off into a weak slumber. * * * Hours later I waited impatiently for Fox to return. She had left a couple hours ago for Earth, with Terminus, Page and Milgrove. It was made quite clear that I wasn't going to be going along. Being in Fox's made it a bad idea to running around on his world stealing things. They could trace it back to her in some fashion, and they she would really be screwed. So I waited, trying to relax. Wondering around the base Fox had created inside the asteroid belt of the system after the HammerHeads. Though I don't think he ever planed on using it in this such of a fashion. I tried to sleep a time or two, but with out to much success, and the company I was keeping wasn't much of a help to keep me distracted. The others that had been left behind was Naomi, for clear reasons, Ken, and Aster. Ken was out of the question entirely, I didn't even want to share a room with him, but I did what I must so he could find a way to remove this spell and get us back to normal. Naomi was sleeping in her room on board the _Phoenix_, unaware of the events that where unfolding around her, or so I hoped. Which left Aster, who was buried inside of the plans for the base. He was working out where to land the _Infinity_ as soon we got back to his system. He needed to find a place that would be safe to land at, yet get us to the defense system to shut it down, and away from Grasion and his guards. Not exactly on easy task. As for me, I worried about Fox. She had only gotten a few hours of sleep, then was right back up and awake, hyper, happy and ready to take on the world. It was a front, and she and I both knew it. Her eyes where still, as Page had noticed, dead. Maybe not as much as before, but still empty none the less. I felt trapped by her pain myself, there was nothing I could really do to help her. I could speak to her soothing words, but they did very little. She needed to help herself here. More then that though, she was so clear on what her friends meet to her, but she wouldn't tell them what had happened. She said that she didn't want to burden them with her problems, they already had enough of there own to begin with. That argument didn't hold much water with me. Much of my religion was based on the idea that shared pain is lessened. That is why we can share sin with others when we go into Expulsion. It brings us closer to those we care about, and lessen the pain the one of us feels. Making it less then half of what it was. Which is why Fox need her friends, she needed us! I could not help her alone, nor could I bare the weight of trying. She needed the others, so much so that it was starting to kill her not too. Fox once saved my from the death of my soul, the time has come for me to do the same for her. "Rejoice," Zen declared, his voice echoing around the rock walls of the hallway. "for the mighty hunters have returned with there pray!" I couldn't help but laugh. Starting myself in motion for the base's hanger. "Where did you get that at?" I asked the computer. Zen clicked softly, his version of a smile. "Page suggested it." "It does sound like her." I commented, turning a corner and stepping into the bay. I drew a sharp breath when I saw what we had go to all this trouble to steal. I couldn't help but to laugh. Long and loud. The ship was an ugly white thing with a black belly. More then a four-hundred feet long, with a pair of squat little wings and a tail fin. It was sitting on a three of wheels and looked out of place sitting as it was, next to the now landed _Falcon_. Fox steeped out of the _Falcon_ and gave me a stern look. "Don't laugh, this is what's getting us to Grasion." I nod, walking over to him, and restraining my laughter. "I know, but it looks so silly!" "I'll agree," Aster said, walking in from the docking tunnel to the _Phoenix_, "can that thing actually fly?" "Yes," Fox said, "though it's more of a glide." The wolf nodded, walking closer to it, and running his paws over the ship's belly. "What are these tiles for?" He asked, tapping it with his finger. She had to think for a few seconds. "Ah, there made to absorb the heat from re-entry." He began a nod, but stopped, turning slowly to face Fox, then walking over to her. "This thing uses friction to slow down it's re-entry?" "Yes." Aster seemed to grow red through his fur. "You idiot! This whole thing is useless! How in the greater hells where you expecting to land this on a moon with no atmosphere?" She slowly closed her eyes, her tail dropping in sync until it brushed the floor. "Maybe canalize some parts from the _Falcon_. A gravity system or something, we could use it to slow us by pushing against the ground as we descend." "Which brings us right back to why we need this monster in the first place. Even that type of system will be detected and you would be shot down." He responded with a sneer. He seemed to be quite proud of himself for finding such a deadly flaw in Fox's plan. "Do you have a better idea?" Fox snapped back at him. He smiled. "As a matter of fact, I do." Ten minutes later we where back in the _Phoenix_, inside the small room Aster had taken for studying the plans for the base. As he entered the room he walked to the stack of plans and pulled one out. Moving towards the table in the center of the room, he stood over it, unrolling the plan. Setting some weights on the corners, to keep it from curling back up, he pointing down at a section of the plan. The plan it self was of the general surface construction of the base, the spot he pointed to was a touch over three miles from the base. A strip of land marked with a line of rings, going for almost a mile. "That is where we land," Aster announced, smiling with some glee. Fox looked up from the plans, giving Aster an icy stare. "What exactly is it?" He seemed to freeze for a movement, his eyes locked with hers. Shaking it off with a small shutter, he ran his finger down the line. "This is a Gravitational Slingshot." Huh? He continued, "it's not fully operational yet, but the system system's gravitational rings are installed. If we can navigate your ship inside them I can program the system to slow us down, dropping us at the loading dock." Fox shook her head. "Wouldn't Grasion notice that? I'm sure the main computer would light of bright red if something like that happened." "That's the beauty of this," he said with a smile. "The computers aren't connected. The two systems don't like talking to each other, so we can accesses to control the system safely, and before you say it, it's on a different power system as well." "You're sure we can use it?" Aster nodded. "If Grasion hasn't already gone there and disable the system, but unless he knew how far behind it was, that's unlikely?" "Find out will you?" Fox requested. He nodded. "I'll squirt a request back home, they'll tell me. Then I'll get right on a program to have it glide us in." He though for a second, "oh! There is also an advantage to this as well. There's already a tunnel to the base from the loading dock. It comes out only a building away from the defense system's control room." "Great!" She said with a large smile. I took a step forward, sense this to be a good time to interrupt. "Um, not to be rude, but what exactly is a Gravitational Slingshot?" "It's a line of a ring shaped gravity inductors. The idea is that as you go through each one it throws you harder and faster into the next. When you exit the last ring your going at a much faster rate then you could get from just lifting off." He shrugged, "we're planing on using it to shoot of some early supplies for the outer colonizes over the next ten years." That explained it some, but I still was confused by it. Oh well though, if it worked, we had are ticket back into the base. If not we where in a lot of trouble. Lets hope that it worked. ----- This story is (c) 1998 by Fox Cutter, hardcopy reprints limited to one a person, all other rights reserved. This story may not be distributed for a fee except by permission of the author, and this copyright notice may not be removed. 'Milgrove' is (C) 1998 by J. 'Packrat' McCoy, and is used with permission.