Flashback By: Fox Cutter 03/13/97: Slipping together the last few connections, I pulled myself out from under the console, stood and jabbed a few buttons. In response, the lights on the command deck flicked, then turned on. The blue emergency lightly shutting down for the first time in months. Letting out a whoop I slapped the side on the control panel. I had finally gotten the last bits and pieces aligned and set up properly, and by the looks of it the last few problems with my ship had finally been stomped out, and destroyed! "Computer," I called out. "Yes, hello?" The computer responded, a little less serious then he had sounded when Oriana first got it up and running. I expected that working with all the new equipment and fuzzed up what ever made it speak. I ran a hand though my hair. "Run full diagnostics, and every other test you can think of. I want to see what's left not running on this tub." "Yes sir, right away sir." It chirped, and went to work. I let out a content sigh, and sat down in one of the command chairs. Picking up a padd, I looked over the information I would need to register the ship for general use in Council space, and also for using the mega-folds. Though it was of little use as I still didn't have a name for it. "Nice ship." I heard Sora say from behind me. I jumped a bit, dropping the padd. She had been gone for the past few days, getting some fine tuning done on her translator, as well as get a full physical and have a thousand other tests. I hadn't expected her back for another day. Picking up the padd, I turned in the chair. "I re-did a lot of it on my own." She nodded, then blinked, noticing me. "You cut your hair!" I smiled, running my fingers over my much shorted beard. "Ya, well. Going for long hair to short hair I can handle, but going from short to long," I shrugged, "I just decided to give up on it, and chopped most of it off yesterday." She smiled, sitting down in one of the six chairs on the command deck. It was one especially made for her and her wings. It was also next to mine (I didn't have much of a crew, so where would I put it?). "It looks good on you." "Thanks. How did everything go?" She did her usual shrug with her wings. "As well as they expected I guess. Though they had me do some strange stuff with the translator." "Let me guess. Turn it off, say the name of your species and your world, using a buffer, then turn it back on again, telling it to save and recalibrate on that buffer." She moved her head back a few inches. "How did you know?" I smiled. "Typical with the translator when implanted into an unknown species. It's a way to solve the 'world' problem." She leaned forward a bit, twisting her ears some. "the 'world' problem?" I nodded. "Ya, the translator using a set of 'like word' algorithms. Don't ask me how they work or I'll start to whimper. The main problem with this system though is that some words aren't meant to be alike. So the translator needs to know when you're saying the actually name of your world or species, so you will mostly say that, and not have it translated into the same word of what ever language you're speaking." She twisted her ears again, pulling her wings tight. "I think I understand that." I chuckled. "It's confusing yes, but understandable. If you remember I had you do the same thing the second day after we meet, for the exact same reason." She blinked at me, then smiled. "Oh, so you mean when I said Tralarn you would have heard..." she paused for a second. "Earth." She nodded. "And when I said I was a Tralin?" I smiled, "Human." She blinked. "You think that would be something people could fix." I shrugged. "It's one of the big errors with the algorithms. You can only get a translation so perfect from just hearing it alone. You will always have to get it and muck around with it a bit." She smiled a bit. "Yes, that's rather typical actually. You get really high tech, but you still have to get in and use your paws on it." She shrugged. "Oh well, what can you do." Suddenly everything went black. This wasn't like the power went out in the ship, there would be emergency lights and the lights through the command deck windows. This was different, it was more like I had falling unconscious, but not that either. I had been knocked out enough times to know how that felt, and there always usually wasn't time enough to analyze it either. There was sort of an infinite feeling about it all, though in a finite way. Suddenly though, I heard words in my ears, ringing over and over again, some how changing in voice and tone. In a flash the light had returned, and the world had changed. I was standing in a large cave like room. It looked to be carved out of solid rock and was about fifty feet long, by twenty feet wide. There was a series of work benches and tables around the cave, most had people working at them, all of whom were Raccoons. The whole place looked familiar in some way. A though struck me then, my body felt wrong. Glancing down, I found out why. I didn't have one! Before I could go any farther on that train of though, I heard someone say, in a deep, and patronizing tone. "What can you do?!" It was almost yelling. Casting my gaze over a few feet, I saw the back of a large muscular man's back. He had just started to chew someone out. "What you can do," He bellowed, "Is stop this elitist god damn attitude. You can stop trying to hold yourself above the rest of us, and realize there's more you can do then whine!" I tried to move around the large raccoon a bit, and found that I could. I really wanted to see who he was yelling at. "You've landed yourself right in the middle of a fucking war zone!" I finally got a look over the raccoon's shoulder, and saw who he was yelling at. My first surprise was that it was a young human, who looked to be in his mid-teens. He was a bit gawky looking, with a pair of bent glasses on his face, and staring down at the floor. It hit me like a speeding train, I knew this place, and I knew this speech, and everything else. I was looking at myself when I was fifteen-years old! "You may be a Natural," the raccoon said, sticking a finger at me. "But that doesn't mean anything with out a fold, and that's right in the middle of the battle field. So what you can do is sit down and keep out of the rest of are way so we can end this damn war and we can ALL go home!" I watched my younger-self slowly nodded, then turn and start to walk out of the room. Then suddenly as it all started, it ended. I found myself on the floor of the command deck, bent over, with Sora yelling into my ear. I raised my hand. "I'm alright." I whispered. "What the hell happened?!" She said, helping my back to my chair. "Right in the middle of the conversation, your eyes roll back in your head and you fall over. It's very rude to say the least." I bent over, resting my head in my hands. "Gods, that's never happened before." I muttered. "I would say." Sora said, still standing over me. I sat back up, resting my head against the back of the chair. "I expected this, but not this bloody soon!" "Expected what Fox?" Sora was looking a bit more concerned then before. "The flashbacks." The gave her a bit of a start. "Flashbacks?" I nodded a bit, rubbing my head. "Ya... not your normal flashbacks though. There everything, sight, sound, everything. Though from a third person point of view." I shook my head a bit. "It's a normal thing for a Natural. Opening the folds does something to are brain chemistry for a short while. It last longer the more powerful a Natural you are. The point is that it screw up how are memories get written in the brain. So at times, when something sets off the memory, instead of remembering as normal, you experience as a flashback." She nodded a bit. "I suppose it's not to terrible of a bad thing." I shook my head. "Yes, in it's own way it is. But something things are not meant to be remembered, let alone re-lived." Both of us lapsed into silence. It was broken after a minute or so when the computer spoke up. "Hey guys," it said, "everything is working up to snuff. We should be able to take off anytime you want." I smiled a bit. "A bit of welcome news. Though I still need a name, as well as something else." Then standing, I walked over to another console, and started typing at it. "That some thing else is?" Sora asked, following me over. I finished typing, and sent my message off, then turned back around to face her. "I just a message to Oriana asking if she wished to be here for the madden voyage. She helped with more then a little bit of this, and deserves to be here for it." "Will she get it?" I nodded. "Yes, she sent me a message a couple weeks ago telling me she was back on Prid, and once again pointing out I wasn't to try and find her." "Do you think--" she started. "I have no idea, but I do hope she comes though. She is a friend, and it has been months. I miss her." Sora nodded and the quiet returned. Eventually I suggested that she look through the ship, and find herself a cabin on board. She agreed, and went to do just that. I waited a few minutes, then turned back to the console, and started typing in a new message. This one was to Page though. It was short and simple. Oriana has asked me not to try and find her. So I simply asked Page to find her for me. I really did miss her.