Flight By: Fox Cutter 04/28/97: I heard a moan from behind me. Glancing over my shoulder, I saw Oria walk into the kitchen, rubbing her upper arm though her shirt. I took a sip of my tea. "A bit stiff?" I asked. She nodded, sitting down. "I feel like I've been trampled. Every muscle I have in stiff." I shrugged. "Well, a lot of physical activity can do that to you." She frowned, she had spent most of the day before with Marn doing an obstacle course. "At least it will be over in a couple months." "There is a plus to all this." She gave me a sharp look. "What?" I leaned forward a bit. "You'll be in better shape then you've been in for ages, and I'm sure that, if you think about it, most of what he is teaching you can come in handy for the rest of your life, not just in the next few months." She shrugged. "I suppose." I nodded a bit, and went back to doing some work on the padd that was sitting in front of me. "What's that?" Oriana asked as she got up to make some breakfast. I smiled. "The flight plan." That caused her to stop, then turn around to face me. "You're going to launch soon?" I checked my watch. "In about five hours." She smiled. "That's great, you've only had the ship for a year. So much for a few months work." She went back to making her food. I stood, stretching a bit, then picked up the padd. "I need to go file this, then take care of the last few things. I'll meet you at the bay then." She nodded. "I don't suppose you actually have a name for it yet?" I laughed. "Ya... I've had one for a few months actually." She gave me one of her pleading looks she's always been so good at. I shook my head. "It's a surprise." Then headed out. * * * "Fox," someone said. I opened my eyes a bit, blinking away some sleep. I had been taking one of my short thirty-minute naps that I had been living off of for the past five months. I usual end up with one a day or so. I stretched, standing up from the chair I had been relaxing in. Standing on the other side of the control room was the source of the voice, Rachel. I smiled, rubbing the back of my neck. "Glad you could make it." "You are a friend," she said, giving me a smile, "and you asked." I grinned, "how could I not, you're the one rented me this bay for a dollar a year." She walked over to me, and pulled out a chair. "It's not as if I had anything I could use it for. It was the old Council Head's and he had gave it to me when he left." "I didn't know." I said, checking some buttons on the control in front of me. I was up in the control room for the bay, doing some final pre-flight things. The windows out into the bay had all been blackened down, as they had been for the past four days. I didn't want anyone to see it before I got the name and registration painted on the side. "Can I ask a question?" I shrugged. "Sure." "How can you do that?" I paused. "Do what?" "Not sleep." I gave a strained chuckle. "Ah... well, the my doctor said that some part of my brain chemistry is out of wack for some reason so I only will sleep long enough to clear the accumulated toxins out of my blood. I can't seem to sleep any long then that." She rested her paw on my shoulder. "Must be strange." I flipped a final switch, then turned to look at her. "Not really, I have twice more time in the day then most people. Not that it helps me get any more done." I said with a chuckle. A smile flickered accost her muzzle. "Fox, I was wanting to ask--" she then started to say, but was interrupted by Oriana. "Hey Fox, hi Rachel." Rachel looked over at Oriana, then stood up. "Hello Oriana." I paused. "Where is Sora?" "She got called by one of the instructors right before I left. She told me to tell you that this wasn't as really important to her as it was to you an me, and to go without her." I sighed. "Oh." Oriana shrugged. "You can call and check with her if you like." I shook my head. "No, I believe you. She really hasn't been as happy about this as I have been. If she says to go though, we should go." She nodded. "So, when do we get to see the ship?" I shrugged, opening the door out of the control room and down into the bay. "Right now, after you two." They both smiled, and started down the steps, I after them. As I watched them decent, there tails brushing through the air behind them, I was struck by something. "Is it just me," I muttered, though enough so not to be heard, "or do I know a disproportionately large number of women." I shook it off (though remembered to check it out later) as we entered into the bay. My ship was in the center, standing proud. It's length of seven-hundred feet had been painted a smokey grey, with the registration and the name (written in standard) in a prominent white in all the required places. Some running lights along it length to highlight the lettering on the side. There were breaks in the hall for the windows, and other such things. Though seven airlocks were prominent out along it's length, as each one had been outline in a bright orange, as according to law. I stood between then as they took this all in. "I present, _The Golden Phoenix_." "I'm impressed Fox, it actually came out rather well." Rachel said. Oriana nodded. I started walking toward the airlock nearest to us, they both followed. "What's that over there?" Oria asked, pointing over to the ill shaped construction of a space frame. I smiled. "That is _The Falcon_ my next ship." "Bit small isn't it?" Rachel asked. I shook my head. "It's partly a shuttle, but mostly an attack vessel. _The Phoenix_ here is more for exploration. It's made to go down fighting, or run away. _The Falcon_ on the other hand is being made for an assault." "Doesn't look like any ship I've know, even at this stage." Rachel said as I stopped to open the airlock. "It's not. I've had the Brothers working on the designs for months." "Is the designs in the registry?" I nodded, stepping inside the airlock. "Yep, _Red October_ class." "Interesting name." Rachel said, steeping inside the airlock, Oria on her heals. "It's going to be an interesting ship." I said, cycling the lock. Oriana steeped out into the ship proper first. Running her bare foot over the carpet. "This is new." She said. I nodded. "Ya, had a lot of last minute things added in the past week." I said, following behind her. I then glanced up at the ceiling. "Zen," I called, "start all pre-flight systems, and set the bay for zero-g." The was a pause. "Right away," He chirped. Oriana looked at me. "Is that the some computer?" she asked. I nodded, starting towards the bridge. "Yep, same one as before." "He sounds... a lot less serious then I remembered." I nodded again. "Ya, some of the new systems cause a bit of corruption in the personality mapping." She nodded a bit. "It's not normal to name the computers in a ship." Rachel said behind me. I chuckled. "I was going to to, but he finally asked for one." She raised her eyebrows. "Really now, how did you get an computer who could ask for a name." I shrugged. "Came with the ship." She paused for a second, then slowly shook her head. "I see..." "Why did you name him Zen?" Oria asked. I looked up at her. "A joke, again. I named him after the ships computer on _Blakes 7_." She looked back at me, shook her head, then looked back to where she was going. I fell back a bit, pulling Rachel back with me. "You wanted to ask me something?" She smiled. "It can wait till later Fox." "Alright then." I said, as we stepped onto the command deck of the ship. I walked over and sat myself down in my chair. "Let's get this show on the road." * * * I won't bore you with the whole flight. It wasn't very much anyway, more of a shake down cruise. We tested both the hyper and the hypo drive system, as well as popping it in out of a few megafolds. There were a few problems nothing big. A few hours after we returned, I was doing some small repairs on one of the landing gear. It had jammed down on lift-off, and I think I knew why. It didn't take much work to fix it, it was something even I could handle. Just a few lose wires, nothing major. Wiping my hands off on my pants, I started back to the control room, when I saw something out of the corner of my eye. I turned, to make sure I wasn't seeing things. Maybe fifty feet away, on the edge of _The Falcon's_ space frame sat a male human, reading a book. I frowned, and started over to him. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" I asked as I got closer. He looked up at me and smiled, snapping the book closed. "Hello Mr. Cutter." He said with a slight pull in his voice and an accent I couldn't place. I stopped about ten feet away from where he sat. "That didn't answer any of my questions." He sighed, jumping down from the space frame. As he landed I swore I saw his form flicker, letting me see, for just a fraction of a second, what looked like fur. It only lasted for a blink of an eye, then he was gone. "Who I am, that's simple. Call me Burke. As for why I am here, that is a far more complex question to answer." I shook my head. I didn't like this guy. "Just Burke, no last name." He chuckled. "No... no last name. Just, plain, Burke." He said, walking to stand a couple feet away from me. "What do you want?" He laughed, laughed hard, smiling all the time. "Oh... that's so very perfect. It's not what I want, I want to be here. It you who needs to answer that question." I balled my hand into a fist. "I don't have to listen to this." He frowned, then in a blur, grabbed my wrist with his hand, holding it tight. "Yes, yes you do." He said will deadly seriousness. "I am in the unique position of being able to help you, if you just ask." I pulled myself from his grasp. "I'm not in the mood to play this type of game." He smiled. "You will be. You see, I've been sent here to do this for you. My boss was rather keen on it, he even picked the name, said it would remind you of someone." I glared. "Get the hell out of here, now." He chuckled. "Very well, for now." He said, starting to walk away. He then stopped and turned around. "But first, ask yourself. How can someone else find what at a distance, you where unable to see." "What?" I asked. Suddenly though, he had vanished into thin air. I groaned, rubbing my forehead. Yet another misery to solve. ----- This story is (c) 1997 by Fox Cutter, hardcopy reprints limited to one a person, all other rights reserved. This story may not be distributed for a fee except by permission of the author, and this copyright notice may not be removed.