Further Developments By: Fox Cutter 05/28/98: I sat alone at a small outdoor restaurant in the city around the Marble Hall. I was chewing on a sandwich while hunched over a PADD and writing down a few important points in a notebook I had brought with me. An hour before I had been in a meeting with a small company that needed a small starship for defense reasons. There local part of the multi-verse was having problems with raiders and his business was being effect. So he called me up and wanted to strike a deal. He originally had wanted to rent me and _The Falcon_ out as a escort for his other ships, but I didn't have the time, nor the inclination for such a thing. We were though able to strike up deal. He was going to pay me to make a second ship of the _Red October_ class for his use. With some modifications to the basic plans. The major one being to convert the space used by the ballast tanks to a pair of small cargo holds. Right now I was going over his plans for use he had originally supplied and making notes on what parts would require changes in the basic plans for the ship. I was going to drop them off to Malia to see if she could make the actual changes. So it was because of that preoccupation of my mind that I didn't even bother to look up when I heard someone clear there throat on the other side of the table from me. "Take the chair if you want." I comment, waving my hand in the general direction. I didn't pay much more attention then that as the chair was pulled away from the table. Though my attention was focused on my visitor when they sat down at the table. Lifting my eyes up I looked over the top of my glasses at my guest. Through blurred I could still make out the familiar face. Dropping my pen on to the table I sat up in the chair. "What the hell do you want Burke?" I demanded to the young human. He chuckled, resting his arms on the table and leaning forward to me. "What I've always wanted, to help you." He answered with a smile. I shook my head, looking him over. He was once again dressed in the same clothing, a coal black suit but with no tie. The only color came from a pair of lapel pins, a pair of blue stars outline with a thin gold border. "From what I understand you apparently saved my life." I commented, bending back over the PADD, though not taking my eyes of the man. He nods. "It was what I had to do." "If you wanted to help me," I commented, scribbling some letters in the notebook, "you would not have let me die." He frowned. "What exactly do you mean? How could I have let you die, you're hear now." "Rhea's mind totally replaced my own for a week, I died." I answered him. "What?" He gasped out. I looked back up, he look to be in shock. His face was slack and his mouth was slightly open. After maybe a minute like this he finally spoke. "I never knew. I was told that you beat her back, not that you died then. Why wasn't I told?" I shrugged. "Your employer doesn't seem to be as all knowing as you seem to think." He shot me an angry look and start to say something, snapping himself forward. He cut himself off before he could get more then a syllable out. His look of anger becoming that of frustration. "Almost said something you shouldn't." I observed, trying to sound as dry as possible. He nodded. "I'm sorry, it just came as such a shock to me. It's just hard to comprehend that idea of you having died." "Well, more of the death of personality." I commented, "Either way, gives me something to talk to Spock and Sheridan about." Then picking my sandwich back up I took a large bite out of one side and sat back chewing. Burke shook his head, smiling like he knew something I didn't. "On a related note, I like your eyes." I smiled back to him. "Thanks, it works quite well to unsettle people when I want to." He nodded. "I would imagine." I shook my head. "Does this visit have a point or did you come here just for the small talk?" He shrugged. "Everything has a point, mostly I came to tell you something. All on my own too, though I suspect my boss might not care to much about this side trip when I get back home." I leaned forward a bit. "What is so important that you had to come and see me unofficially?" Burke leaned closer as well, smiling a bit. "Did you ever once think your morals run so deep that they may hide your own feelings from you?" I blinked, this wasn't what I had expected. "What do you mean?" He shrugged. "I mean that some where, deep inside your self, you feel things that you hide from even yourself to prevent others pain?" I shook my head. "What are you jabbering about?" He chuckled, sitting back upright in his chair. "you'll see in a few weeks. Listen though there's one other thing you need to know." I sighed. "What?" "How long has it been sense you went through a mirror?" He asked with a smile. I pondered that question for a few seconds before finally understanding. "Before my exile, why?" He chuckled. "Because soon enough you're going to start meeting your reflections, not just the reflection. There is more then one of you in the multi-verse Fox, and it's not an accident." I tried to understand that but could only make the vaguest of sense from it all. "What are you talking about?" "Future history." He answered and then was gone, air now where he had just been. I sighed, leaning back in my chair. If that man wasn't annoying as hell I didn't know what was. Still though it left me wondering. I knew there were at least a few Earth Parallel universe out there, but I didn't think I existed on any of them. His mirror comment though, that I understood well enough. Last time I was there they whole mirror was involved in a war that had lasted for years. I didn't know how, or even if, my reflection there was involved, but I doubted the pair of us would ever meet. Finally I looked back down at the PADD and tried to get back to work, but with not very much luck. Closing my notebook I paid for my lunch and starting back home. The last part of the plans I had today was to close up the (now old) house and start to settle down at the new place. Checking the time I figured Oria probably had the last load of boxes and furniture sent over. All I had to do was lock the doors and set the alarms. Still though, I would miss the place. It had been my home now for over a year and a half, and my part time residence sense July of '94. I never did thank Ted properly for letting me use it, not that I've seen him sense then. Trudging through the corridors of the Hall I smiled to myself. It's been a strange life I've lead, but on the whole I've enjoyed it. Even if I don't run around the multi-verse trying to be the doctor anymore I still enjoy what I do manage to do. Anyway, the occasional adventure has always been enough to hold me over to the next one. Even if most of them turn out far different then what I first hoped when I started them. Going through the t-port curtain I entered the house. I wanted to give it a once over to make sure we had everything, and no one was left when I shut down the curtain. I was surprised to find Oria waiting for me on the couch. She didn't look to well though she was shaking slightly while she laid accost the cushions. Other then the couch the rest of the room was bare. The couch itself was staying with the house so it's present wasn't something to wonder about. Setting the PADD and notebook on the floor I walked over to her. She turned to look at me, smiling as I approached. "Hello Fox." She said. I stopped next to her. "What's wrong?" I asked. She sighed, pulling her legs up and motioning for me to sit on the couch. I took the seat as she spoke. "The Guild called me, they're concerned that I have never looked over the open assignments." I nodded. "I see, and I though my day was bad." She perked her ears up. "What happened? Start a war or something?" I smiled. "Nothing to serious, ran into Burke over lunch." She let her ears fall. "Probably demanding thanks for saving you." I shook my head. "No, in fact he didn't even know that I had died." She frowned, leaning closer to me. "It's not public knowledge Fox, not even in what ever his time is." I shrugged, closing my eyes. "I guess." One of her paws came to rest on my shoulder. "How about your meeting, how did that go?" I gave her a quick explanation of what had transpired. "How much are you going to be paid to build this ship?" She asked, her other paw landing on my other shoulder. She started to work over my muscles softly with the pads of her fingers as she waited for my answer. "Cost of time and materials, an advance of fifty-thousand credits and a thousand credit bonus for each day ahead of schedule." I explained. She chuckled, pulling me back towards her. "No wonder your so tense." She said, pulling me back far enough so that my head was resting on her neck. She increased the pressure of her rubbing as she did so. We stayed that way for a few minutes, neither one of us saying anything. Finally Oriana broke the silence with a quavering sigh. "What are we going to do with the Guild, I'm not sure I can take another assignment." I shook my head. "I don't know." I answered her. She sighed again, not saying anything more. She keep working on my shoulders as we sat there against each other. Some how this all felt familiar. After another minute she spoke again. "Fox," She whispered into my ear. "You're purring." I jumped in a flash, sliding off the couch and onto my feet, scanning around the room with my eyes. "Does that scare you?" Oria asked from the couch, sounding worried. I shook my head. "No... I just remember this already." I said, sitting back down on the couch. "I don't understand." I nodded. "I know, I wouldn't either. About eight months ago I had a dream that was more of a flashback. But it wasn't, it was a flash forward, to what just happened." She puzzled that over for a few moments then light donned on her face. "How can that happen? I thought a natural could only flash back on events that had already happened?" I shrugged. "I don't know and frankly I'm not sure if I really care." She nodded. "Yes, you have to worry about enough problems in your life right now then your mind being any more mess up." I chuckled, standing back up. "I guess we should get going to the new place now." I looked back to her. "You get everything?" She rolled her eyes at me and smiled. "Yes, I also have already locked all the other doors." I walked over to the door, picking up the PADD and the notebook. "Thanks." Oriana walked over to the front door and opened it for me. I smiled to her and steeped into the small alcove. Bending down I punched in the code that shut down the house's controls for the t-port curtain. Standing back up I motioned for Oria to go through to the other side. She did so without a work. Locking the front door to the house I followed her through. Once there I shut down the controls on that side in the same way as before. This time though the curtain faded out of existence, leaving only a small closet side room. Close the door to that I locked it as well then we both started walking to our new home. ----- This story is (c) 1998 by Fox Cutter, hardcopy reprints limited to one a person, all other rights reserved. This story may not be distributed for a fee except by permission of the author, and this copyright notice may not be removed.