Homecoming By: Fox Cutter 04/21/97: "Fox." Sora said from a few feet away. I jumped in reaction, bashing my head against the underside of the control panel I had been working on. Pushing away a few components, I slid out from under it and look up at her. "Yes?" I asked, rubbing my forehead. "Your friend is hear," she said with a smile. "Wha?" She took three steps to the side, reviling that someone was standing in the hallway behind her. "Oria!" I said, shooting up to my feet in a second. Oria smiled, and walked in sitting down in one of the chairs on the Command Deck of the ship. "The ship is looking good." She said. I nodded, taking my own seat. "Thank you." Sora shrugged. "I guess you two are going to want to talk, so I'll leave you alone." Then left the room before I could say other wise. "How are you doing?" Oria asked me. I gave a smile, rubbing the back of my neck. "Now that the sunburn has faded, better then I have in a long time." She blushed a bit in her ears at that statement. Apparently the lights that was used to keep the expelling room in the temple hot also gave out some UV. As Oriana's species has fur it didn't much matter to her. I, on the other hand, burn easily in the first place. "That's part of what the expelling is for." She said. "It probably took some of your own guilt and pain along with mine." I nodded. "How are you doing?" "Better, mostly. The training with Marn is going well and I have a somewhat better understanding of what I've ended up in." I nodded again. "And your sister, how is she doing running the House?" Oria had sent me home after we were done with the expelling, telling me she wanted to check on her sister by herself. Oriana smiled. "She actually seems to be enjoying herself. All of the employees seem to love her. There are even rumors that she's seen a client or two." She broke into a laugh, though it sounded strained. I frowned. "Miss it?" She nodded, sighing a bit. Then glancing down a the bits and pieces at me feet, she changes the subject. "I though you said the ship was done?" I chuckled a bit. "Well, it is. I've just been fiddling with it, trying to kill time before I launch it." "Why?" It was my turn to blush some. "I auh... wanted you to be here." This got Oria to smile. "That was sweet of you," she frowned a bit though, "but you may re-think that in a few minutes." I raised an eyebrow. "Oh?" "Remember the little cruise we went on?" She asked. The question was redundant actually. I remembered it quite well, it was how we first meet Steven Mason and it also ended up in Oriana owning the HammerHeads a favor. Not to mention that I, for a time, considered the idea that she broke her rule about only sleeping with her species. It turned out that I was wrong, and the guy was the Bliss dealer. I nodded. "Yes, which reminders me, Mason stopped by a couple weeks back looking for you." She grinned again. "I can image why." She said to herself. Then with a shake of her head, she frowned again. "That's not the point though." She took a breath. "It's about the Bliss." My back went rigid. "Oh," was my only vocal response. She nodded a bit. "I lied when I said I had to take a dose, though I was given a counter agent. To be honest, I had a special stasis box made up and saved the second dose." I frowned. "Why?" She sighed. "Think about it Fox, what is Bliss really for?" I sat back a bit, thinking. As far as I knew, Bliss was some type of base magic. A sort of general mix to provide a strong center of magic for a spell. It was for apprentices, allowing them to get into complex spells they needed to learn to control there magic before they had enough magic needed to do the actual spell. The narcotic effects of ingesting Bliss is just a side effect. I looked back up at Oriana, the look on her face made it clear that whatever she wanted me to figure out, I was to figure it out on my own. I ran it over in my mind, trying to remember more about it. Bliss could be used for people with little or no magic to cast powerful spells. Certain spells more so then others. I also vaguely remembered Ken once saying that certain other chemicals can be mixed with Bliss to get it to do some interesting things. It suddenly hit me that one of the chemicals was Ornathopter. Something Oriana had gotten before. It was used for putting the essence of someone, or something into a spell. If you had Bliss charged with an essence like that, it would take (as far as I understand) only a few other things to make up a one type of spell. I looked up at her. "Your gift. You used the Bliss to transform me." She nodded, her ear setting down into her hair. "Originally I was just going to change you into a lion-morph, but after what happened... making you a fox seemed to be the best way to use it." I leaned forward a bit, resetting my arms on my knees. "Thank you for that." She smiled a bit. "Sadly, I can't do it again, at least not for a while. It will take a few more months for it to work out of your system." I nodded a bit. "I can wait, I do have patients." She smiled more. "I was worried you would be mad at me." I shrugged. "Not really, I guess it makes us even in the hidden things category." She nodded, sitting up a bit. "Who is that bewinged lady by the way?" I chuckled a bit. "Um... she's a new sidekick I picked up on my vacation." Oriana frowned a bit. "I though you said my room was still open?" I jumped at this comment. "Yes, she's sleeping in my room." I winched as I said it. "Not that I need it," I hastily continued, "I still don't sleep. It's really more her room now then it is mine now." She grinned, standing. "Then may I come back?" I nodded. "Please." She stepped in front of me, then bent down, and kissed me on the forehead. Oria was coming home. ----- This story is (c) 1997 by Fox Cutter, hardcopy reprints limited to one a person, all other rights reserved. This story may not be distributed for a fee except by permission of the author, and this copyright notice may not be removed.