Idle Talk By: Fox Cutter 01/10/99: "That was a fast trip," Kalie commented as I walked into the living room. She was curled up on the carpet in one corner, basking in the sunlight and reading. My response was to shrug my shoulders. "It was a simple 'in-and-out' trip, took all of an hour." The trip was to fetch one of the items that Grasion had hidden through out the multi-verse. This time it was just a simple packet of chemicals. I had already put it with the other things we had retrieved. "That's good. With everything going on I think it's an excellent idea that you stay out of any of your big adventures," she said as a slight smile played across her lips. "So," I asked as I walked closer to her, "what are you reading?" "Oh, this?" she said innocently, snapping the book closed, using one of her fingers to hold the place. At the same time, she shifted just a bit to hide the title from me. "Nothing very important." "Or nothing I need know about?" I suggested, trying to get a glimpse of the title of the leather bound volume. She nodded her head. "Something like that. Do you mind?" "Sorry, didn't mean to pry," I responded, taking a step back. Kalie relaxed slightly as I moved away. Actually, I had meant to pry, there was something going on with her, and I wanted to find out what it was. She gave me a knowing smile, but still tucked the book farther from my sight. "Why don't you go see Oriana?" she suggested. I returned her smile, taking another step back from her. "Of course," I said, like I had just thought of that myself. "I think I will do just that." Then I turned and left the room. As I exited, I heard Kalie give a soft sigh. She had been very jumpy the past few days, wound up like a spring and read to pop at any time. The only time she let her guard down at all was when I was Rhea. Thrysten allowed me to borrow her gem (Ken promised that he would have our own version by next time) so Rhea could spend some time on all fours. She and Kalie got along great, playing a lot in the yard, some times hard enough that Kalie got hurt. She acted like she didn't mind at all. On the other hand, her reaction to seeing me as a lioness morph was less than restrained. She made it perfectly clear that she didn't like the idea very much and found it slightly disgusting. Not that I could fault her, what I go though for my curse would freak out most of my old friends. I'm still surprised so many of them took it so well. Either way it was an enjoyable six days, half on all fours with Rhea in charge, and half with me being female. I guess it's hard to deny that I'm starting to enjoy the change of forms. If I wasn't I wouldn't go past the three days that were required. Oria had been doing slightly better over the past week. She still hadn't gotten over Rachel's rejection. We had both been so sure that she would accept us. I guess that was our fault for presuming some things about our friends. Hazarding a peek into our bedroom, I smiled at what I saw. Oria was curled up on her side in just her underthings, asleep, and purring softly. She had one paw wrapped around her belly, the other just touching a book that was lying out in front of her. Her tail was flicking gently behind her, the only motion other than the rise and fall of her chest. As quietly as I could, I closed the door behind me. Then I slipped across the room, and pulled myself up onto the bed. Gently I pulled a bit of her hair out of the way and whispered, "Time to wake up," into her ear. Speaking the words in heavily accented Ral'lari, Oria's language. She shifted softly, rolling her head back as she blinked open her eyes. She said a few words in her language that I didn't quite understand yet. She must have seen the look of puzzlement on my face because she switched to Prid Standard. "How did things go?" she asked, stifling a yawn. I smiled, pushing more of her hair from her face. "Quickly, there wasn't even a delay." "That's good," she said with a smile as she rolled over and sat up on the bed, her legs tucked under herself, with one paw place like it was supporting her belly. "How are you feeling?" I asked, running my hands down her shoulders. "A bit better," she answered, rolling her shoulders forward, then back. It was a habit that she had picked up from me. "Pleasant dreams?" I suggested, as I moved a bit closer to her. She nodded, "I think so, I don't remember more than a vague impression of what they were about." She glanced down at her book, a short smile creeping along her muzzle, a kind of hidden joke type of smile. "Am I missing something?" I asked her. She shook her head, reaching over and closing the book, setting it down on the bed next to her. "Nothing important." "Ah," I answered. "You're speaking my language a bit better," she commented, shifting her weight slightly, adjusting the position of her legs. "I try to practice," I answered, smiling a bit more. She gave me a short and fast nod. "I need to help you more, your accent is horrible." I laughed softly, "My throat is the wrong shape. I simply just can't make some of the sounds." I explained, shrugging my shoulders as I did so. "That's just an excuse," she told me while she turned herself around and slid off the bed to her feet. "The curse made you purr, that's enough to make all of the 'odd' sounds. You'll be speaking the language fluently by the time Beca is learning to speak." She spun around to face me, her paws on her waist, her hips knocked to one side. "I'll even bet you that by the time Adric and Romana start to speak you'll talk like a native." I grinned, looking her up and down, just drinking in the shape of my wife to be. I also noticed the growing wet spots spreading out over the front of each cup of her bra. "That depends, what is the bet?" I asked, trying to keep a reasonably straight face. "If you win," she paused, thinking for a second. "Well, if you win you get to decide, but if I win," she stopped there, sporting an evil looking smile. "Yes?" I asked, crossing my legs under myself as I leaned backwards, resting my hands on the bed behind me, and my weight on my arms. "If I win, next time, you get to be pregnant." That took me by surprise. Thinking about it though, it would be a lot easier to have kids in that fashion. As a female I was Lidr'ran, Oria's species. I could just as easily get pregnant as any other female, though it would require Oria being turned into a male. Of course if we could do that, we could just use it on me. I grinned widely. Knowing my skill with learning languages, there wasn't a very good change of her winning the bet, maybe one in four. Still though, it was an intriguing idea. "It's a bet." She laughed, crossing her arms over her chest, resting them on top of her belly. "I'll make sure I win then; I want you to know what this is like." She tilted her head slightly, then smiled widely. "Though knowing you, you would enjoy it even more than I am." I nodded, "You may be right. We'll just have to find out now wont we?" I paused, looking at her for a second. By now the wet spots had grown to cover most of the front of her bra. "By the way," I said, suppressing a grin. "You're leaking." She glanced down at herself, lifting her chest slightly for a better look, then let out a sigh. Beca had been weaned off Oria's milk only a few days ago. Oria's body, though, hadn't processed the message yet. So if she wasn't careful she would just start leaking any excess milk. It was only supposed to last a few days, and really was perfectly normal. Glaring at me as she turned around, she went over to her dresser. She must have guessed I had known about it for a time before I told her. Shedding her old bra, she proceeded to clean herself up, and started to drain some of the excess. I slid off the bed, and walked up behind her. "Sorry for not telling you sooner." She gave me another sharp look. "It's embarrassing," she told me as she worked the small breast pump. "None of my mothers had this problem when they were weaning us." I shrugged a bit, not knowing what to say in response to that. "I hope this does stop soon," she said, more to herself then to me. "I'm just glad it only seems to happen around here and not in public. If this happened out in the market I would blush though my fur." Still no response from me, but I felt that she was telling herself these things more than she was telling them to me. "And you," she said looking at me in the mirror. "You like it, don't you?" I blushed gently. "Not that this keeps happening." She sighed again as she finished with draining herself. Removing the bottle that held the milk, she looked at it closely. "Even less than before, only a couple more days." "Of course you'll have to do all this again with the twins," I commented. She gave me a half smile in the mirror. We both knew that this was a bit of an act on her part. She actually enjoyed nursing the children. "Well then," she said faux anger on her face. "You like it so much, you can drink it." With that said, she shoved the bottle into my hands and started to dig through her drawers for a new bra. I looked at the bottle, then down at her. Her lovely tail was in the air and swishing just inches from my nose. Setting the bottle back down on the dresser, I goosed her as she stood back up. "Fox!" she cried as she spun around to face me, a look of surprise and shock on her face. I laughed, grabbing her cheeks and kissing her quickly and deeply. Pulling away, I left a very surprised look on her face, which quickly broke into a smile. "Speaking of the children," I said, walking back over to the bed. "I've decided on their middle names." "That's good," Oria said as she walked over to me, fastening her bra on the way. "I've been a bit worried about that. I need to know what to put on the birth announcements." "Romana Ellie Cutter, and Adric Rathal Cutter." She smiled, sitting down next on the bed next to me. "Rathal I recognize, but Ellie?" I nodded. Rathal was an old friend of mine, and had helped me remove my exile status three years before. He had been a close friend, and had died during the HammerHeads' attempt to take over the Council. She gave me a knowing look. "You're not going to explain, are you?" I shook my head. She smirked, putting an arm over my shoulder and pulling herself close to me. "We just need a third name for the announcements," she said with a soft sigh. "I just don't know who we can ask." I put my arm over her shoulder and squeezed her gently to me. "I don't know anyone else well enough to ask. Rachel was the best candidate I thought. How do you usually come to this decision on your world?" She sighed, resting her head against my arm. "It just happens. Three people come together to form a family. It's just how things work." "Love is like that," I commented, reaching over to pet the fur over her belly. She pulled herself closer, nuzzling up against my neck. "I think I would be willing to marry just you, Fox. It seems like we're always surrounded by females, there would be no problems with the children being raised right." "But you need to be married on your world," I restated. "It would be best for them if we were." I paused for thought. "Well, if it's going to be really you and me together, with the third added in just to make it official, maybe we could ask one of the girls who work at the house?" She seemed to stop for a few seconds, pulling herself closer at first, but then relaxing until she was limp, and I was holding her up. "No," she finally said. "I don't know them well enough anymore to make a request like that." I nodded, pulling her close again, petting the back of her head, and the top of her belly at the same time. She nuzzled up against my neck again, and started purring, her tail wrapping around my back and pulling that way as well. "Wait," I said, suddenly having an idea. "Your government knew of the Council, didn't it?" She pulled back, then nodded. "That's how I got approved in the first place. I confronted them with it, and got myself in the program before they could properly object." I nodded again. "Right, but if that's so, maybe we could get married here, just you and me, and they might just accept it as a valid marriage, and put it in the system back in your world." Her ears perked up high and she let out a laugh. "That's brilliant, I never thought about that before. It just might be exactly what we need to work. If Prid recognized our marriage then they should be willing to as well!" "Maybe I should talk to them and inquire about that." I suggested. "They should have some sort of representative with the Consortium, if not appointed, then through a group representative for a dozen worlds." "I'll talk to them," Oria told me, her voice suddenly gaining an edge of almost defiant control as she said it. It was stated as a simple fact with which I wasn't allowed to argue. I smiled, pulling her back to me. "As you wish." She returned my smile, cuddling closer than before, this time nuzzling my cheek and beard. "So, we have their names, we may have a way to be married. Anything else we're missing?" she asked, half to herself and half to me. Petting her shoulders gently, I kissed the tip of her nose. "I don't know." She hummed to herself, cuddling gently. "We should plan for their blessings; it won't be for a few months, but I would like to do all three children at one time." "Is this a religious thing?" I asked softly. She shot me a nasty look. "It is not a 'thing'. The blessing is a ceremony of thanks. All of my world's religions have such a thing. It is a way to thank the goddess for the blessing of the children." I nodded. "I see, I'm kind of uncomfortable with that. Don't get me wrong, without Thryn's help you wouldn't be pregnant, but..." I left it there, unable to add anything else to the statement. "I know you really don't like religion," she told me, giving me a critical look. "One of us must take the responsibility that our children have a proper amount of it in their upbringing." I didn't respond, I just held back and tried to come up with a good response. In our time together Oria and I have had only three really big fights, all of them involving religion and the kids. I had to be very careful as to what I said here. She must have given up waiting for my response because she suddenly hugged me very tightly. "I know you don't like it, but admit it-- it's necessary." I still didn't respond. She let out a soft sigh, but seemed to be willing to leave the matter there for now. I knew I would have to come to a decision at some point in time. Oria was highly religious, and as much as I found it personally distasteful, I could think of no reason for the kids not to have the same beliefs. What was it that someone once told me? Oh yes... 'Atheism is just like every other religion, it denies the validity of all others. But it also denies that it is, itself a religion.' This was going to be a decision I would have to make on my own. Oria had already made hers, now it was my turn. This was a hard thing to deal with, and one that was going to take me a while to come to a decision about. "Fox," Oria said, still hugging me. "Yes?" I asked, gently running my fingers around the outside curve of her ears. "I just had a disturbing thought," she pulled away from me as she said this, a look of worry on her face. "What's wrong?" I asked, reaching out for her. "It just it hit me," she said, looking a bit pale. "The way you describe this Cain that's out to kill you." I nodded, my hand resting on her shoulder. "It sounds just like what the Guild Elder told you about your evil self." I paused, thinking about that for a few seconds before swearing to myself. She was dead to rights, one sounded a lot like the other. "That would explain Cain's interest in me," I said quietly, a shiver trailing down my spine. If my double was out to kill me... Oria nodded slowly, pulling my hand from her shoulder and holding it in her paws. "You think I'm right." I frowned, "Yes, I think you are. I'll tell Elena to talk to the Guild. If they are the same person it would due for both of groups to work together." She nodded again, pulling close to me and hugging me again. I returned the hug, but any feeling of intimacy we had been building to was gone. Replaced by a cold feeling of dread that I felt wouldn't be going away for a very long time. ----- This story is (c) 1999 by Fox Cutter, hardcopy reprints limited to one a person, all other rights reserved. This story may not be distributed for a fee except by permission of the author, and this copyright notice may not be removed.