Well here is the index of my story series, if you don't read 'em in this order, your lost. :) ------------------------------------------------------ Year-1.zip : Year One, The Song of Change ------------------------------------------------------ It Begins Anew.txt: 12/25/95, It Begins Anew The writing exercise that started it all Back In Action.txt: 12/29/95, Back In Action My exile status is re-evaluated Old Friends, Yet Unsung.txt: 01/01/96, Old Friends, Yet Unsung Oria signs up as my side-kick Attack on the Person.txt: 01/09/96, Attack on the Person An attempt on my life. Strange Things Afoot.txt: 01/18/96, Strange Things Afoot Talking to Oria, I get a short message from Jenner Assignment.txt: 01/23/96, Assignment Jenner offerers me an assignment for the HammerHeads Problems and Solutions.txt: 02/07/96, Problems and Solutions Why exactly is going on in that strange head of mine Tickets.txt : 02/14/96, Tickets Oria gives me her solution Vacation - Entry Point.txt : 02/24/96, Vacation: Entry Point Onto the Vacation! Vacation - Meeting.txt : 02/28/96, Vacation: Meeting I run into someone very interesting Vacation - Night Chills.txt : 03/05/96, Vacation: Night Chills By accident I discover Oria is carrying Bliss Vacation - Day's End.txt : 03/09/96, Vacation: Day's End Confronting Oria about the Bliss, I find something else out After the Move.txt : 03/21/96, After the Move Moving the fold, after I move to CA Enter the Dawn.txt : 03/25/96, Enter the Dawn Some information shows up, and it's time to bust some heads! Outofthe.txt : 03/31/96, Out of the Frying Pan... I get my exile status removed, and land in something bigger Ideasand.txt : 04/09/96, Ideas and Repasts A hobby is looked into. Backwher.txt : 04/20/96, Back Where I Started From I move back to Spokane, and get some passing news. Acquisit.txt : 04/30/96, Acquisitions I get my ship, serial number 487-325-15 Repairre.txt : 05/07/96, Repair Report The ship arrives, and I start the repairs. Stripdow.txt : 05/16/96, Strip Down Pulling apart the ship. Lostboys.txt : 06/01/96, Lost Boys and Golden Girls The first really long story. I get called to help solve a murder, and Oriana finds something interesting at the house. Records.txt : 06/23/96, Records Page and I find out some very interesting things. Systemst.txt : 06/30/96, System Start Up We finally get the computer working! Advantag.txt : 07/05/96, Advantages gained Interesting things start to happen Revelati.txt : 07/20/96, Revelations An old friend and lover arrives with some disturbing news. Discover.txt : 07/31/96, Discoveries Page has made some disturbing discoveries. Andintot.txt : 08/10/96, ...And Into The Fire Well, all hell breaks lose, HammerHeads take over, and I end up playing Die Hard, and that's just part of what happens in this HUGE (185k, 5193 lines) 16 chapter epic misadventure! Thesongo.txt : 11/06/96, The Song of Change A final wrap up, I set up a small base, and Oriana studies. Fightsan.txt : 11/18/96, Fights and Battles Page and I get into a massive argument. Redirect.txt : 12/01/96, Redirection I go buy something, and Oriana runs into a friend. Stumble.txt : 12/05/96, Stumble A little blood... Diagnose.txt : 12/09/96, Diagnoses ...from the fold... Worldsfa.txt : 12/13/96, Worlds Fall ...causes me... Finalste.txt : 12/17/96, Final Steps ...to lose.. Fallingd.txt : 12/21/96, Falling Down ...my world. Cycleone.txt : 12/25/96, Cycle One, End Oriana asks a question, and gives me a small gift. Sidestep.txt : 12/30/96, Side Stepping I take off to get my life in some kind of order. 37 56 ------------------------------------------------------ Year-2.zip : Year Two, Standing on the Edge of Forever ------------------------------------------------------ Honorand.txt : 01/21/97, Honor and Remembrance I remember Becky and her life, as well as use Oria's gift Entries.txt : 01/25/97, Entries Sora enters the picture Departin.txt : 01/31/97, Departing Sora and I get rescued Decision.txt : 02/03/97, Decisions What Oriana is doing... Claimche.txt : 02/08/97, Claim Check Sora has her own problems Returnti.txt : 02/11/97, Return Ticket Sora and I get back to Prid, and I get back to human. Thebarsc.txt : 02/18/97, The Bar Scene Oriana Looks up on old friend Steps.txt : 02/26/97, Steps I talk to Rachel and Page. And Oriana talks to Page too. Backingi.txt : 03/05/97, Backing In Another conversation with Marn Flashbac.txt : 03/15/97, Flashback My ship's ready to go, and my brain get's a little more wonked. Darkreal.txt : 03/18/97, Dark Realizations We find out about Marn, and Oriana's life get's massively changed. Conversa.txt : 04/05/97, Conversations Sora and I talk, and I decided on her species. Guiltand.txt : 04/13/97, Guilt and Trust Oriana goes to her temple to cleans her soul, and takes me along for the ride. (Story #50! :) Homecomi.txt : 04/21/97, Homecoming Oriana comes home! Flight.txt : 04/28/97, Flight I take the ship out, we see the second one, and meet Burke Dealingw.txt : 05/03/97, Dealing with Things Pondering Burke Halfadou.txt : 05/24/97, Half a Doubt I figure out what Burke meant Moreques.txt : 06/02/97, More Questions then Answers Burke shows back up. Cramsess.txt : 06/12/97, Cram Session Making some plans, and talking with Oriana Finalexa.txt : 06/17/97, Final Exam Bad things happen in this one, bad things I say! Coldcomf.txt : 06/28/97, Cold Comfort A few conversations, and helping Oriana. Helping.txt : 07/05/97, Helping Trying to decide how to help Oria Oncemore.txt : 07/10/97, Once More, Unto the Breach Another long story that covers old friends and new ones as well Crewassi.txt : 09/13/97, Crew Assignment The Brothers leave and Gadget arrives. Convers2.txt : 09/19/97, Conversation Oriana and I talk. Justanot.txt : 09/23/97, Just Another Normal Day Bad samples, and a little romance. :) Survivin.txt : 10/04/97, Surviving Things to morn about. Deathofw.txt : 11/03/97, The Death of Worlds Two words are dieing and Oriana and I are sent to capture the cause. Decentof.txt : 11/06/97, Decent of Fire Capturing a mouse Adoption.txt : 11/11/97, Adoption This one is just hard to explain. Introspe.txt : 11/25/97, Introspections Preparing for Naomi and thinking about myself. Magic.txt : 12/04/97, Magic Naomi shows a few skills. Targetas.txt : 12/10/97, Target Assignment We're invited on a trip and Oria takes a contract Standing.txt : 12/13/97, Standing on the Edge of Forever Mourning a lost world, and then final end of a love Dark Fire.txt : 12/17/97, Dark Fire Oria meets her target and are trip get's strange (part 1 of 3) 35 60 ------------------------------------------------------ Year-3.zip : Year Three, The End of the Innocence ------------------------------------------------------ Cold Fire.txt : 12/21/97, Cold Fire Oria I deal with what has been done, and plans on how to return to the base (part 2 of 3) Distantf.txt : 12/26/97, Distant Fire The plan is carried out, we go back to the base and things change. (part 3 of 3) Transien.txt : 02/05/98, Transient Events A bounce in my form and a few other interesting events Thosetha.txt : 02/22/98, Those That Fight Of Mice and bombs (Really!) Dinnerth.txt : 03/15/98, Dinner Theater I meet Dwight over dinner, and we find a bit out about many a thing. Whenallt.txt : 03/28/98, When All That's Left to Do... A vixen who can help with a mouse Thelongf.txt : 04/14/98, The Long Fall In which I'm majorly transformed, very hostilely. Dreamste.txt : 04/22/98, Dream Stepped How things are going with my altered self Isreflec.txt : 04/25/98, ...Is Reflect on What's Been Done... Oriana talks to Elena... Thisiswh.txt : 05/02/98, ...This is Where Sadness Breaths... Elena visits the Mouse, some history of Orian's god and a few other interesting thighs. Fallsend.txt : 05/08/98, Falls End Rhea wins. Reawaken.txt : 05/15/98, Re-Awakening Well... some things get solved... Aftersho.txt : 05/22/98, After Shocks. What exactly has changed with me now... Furtherd.txt : 05/28/98, Further Developments A run in with Burke and we finish moving Oneafter.txt : 06/05/98, One After Another People just keep showing up. :) Runaroun.txt : 06/10/98, Run Around We go after one of the things Grasion left behind, get stuck for ten days. I spend time as Rhea during it and something very important changes between Oriana and I. Thedayaf.txt : 06/21/98, The Day After Oria and I discuss what has changed between us. Meetingt.txt : 06/31/98, Meeting the Guild We meet the Guild Elders, Oria get's mostly out of her contracts and she and I get closer... Discove2.txt : 07/05/98, Discovery and Disaster Finding out who Burke is as Newt is injured. Causalit.txt : 07/12/98, Causality Well, we find out more about why Naomi is aging and we decided to go camping the next time I'm Rhea. Lostandf.txt : 07/15/98, Lost And Found Sora and I go searching for her old ship Midnight.txt : 07/18/98, Midnight on the Plain Rhea and I come to an agreement, and I talk with a unicorn. Attheend.txt : 07/28/98, At The End of the Day Talking with Sora, Oria works with her sister and we get a bed. Whatslef.txt : 08/05/98, What's Left to Believe in? Talking with Naomi. Reconstr.txt : 08/11/98, Reconstruction Jadith gets a new job and I change to a Fox again. Agodstou.txt : 08/18/98, A God's Touch Thryn gives Oria and I a gift that changes everything. Sadness.txt : 08/23/98, ...Sadness for Everyone Ren and I go to Elena's world (with hir help), run into a nasty goddiss, find out things about Dwight and I end up in prison for a month... Theendof.txt : 09/07/98, The End of the Innocence A short trip so I could be Rhea for a bit, which ends up with people shooting and Oriana injured (story #100) Medicall.txt : 09/13/98, Medical Leave Oriana is recovering in the hospital, and Rachel outlines what's being planed. The Realization of Understanding.txt: 09/22/98, The Realization of Understanding Back to myself, and having an interesting conversation with Grason. Long Live the King.txt: 10/01/98, Long Live the King The end of the Council Periodicity.txt: 10/09/98, Periodicity Page goes home. To Fill the Sky with Tears.txt: 10/17/98, To Fill the Sky with Tears No comment Bottom of the Well.txt: 10/27/98, Bottom of the Well Talking with Jadith and some other strange things Almost Unreal.txt: 11/04/98, Almost Unreal Oria and I officially become engaged, twice over. :) Refracted Light.txt: 11/15/98, Refracted Light An interesting solution to the problems with Rhea. Personal Adaptations.txt: 11/23/98, Personal Adaptations A late night, and getting used to my fem-form. Intelligences Report.txt: 12/06/98, Intelligences Report Talking with Elena Out Shopping.txt: 12/16/98, Out Shopping Oria and I are out shopping for some assorted items, which leads to a few interesting encounters. The Gathering of Friends.txt: 12/25/98, The Gathering of Friends My frinds and I get together for a dinner, and I tell them about the unicorn. 40 65 ------------------------------------------------------ Year-4.zip : Year Four, Mirror Cycle ------------------------------------------------------ Family Decisions.txt: 01/02/99, Family Decisions Finaly getting a chance to talk to Rachel Idle Talk.txt: 01/10/99, Idle Talk Talking with Oria about Religion and the kids. Unexpected Answers.txt: 01/15/99, Unexpected Answers Helping Sora with some of her own problems. Solitude.txt: 01/21/99, Solitude Remebering old friends, and discovering something wonderess. More Good News.txt: 01/31/99, More Good News News on Cain, and other things A Simple Answer.txt: 02/14/99, A Simple Answer Rhea comes to the rescuse with the solution to the family arrangments. A Complex Answer.txt: 02/20/99, A Complex Answer Rachel and her problems, past and present. Around the House.txt: 02/28/99, Around the House Morning at home. Past Tense.txt: 03/05/99, Past Tense Working on some research, and discovering some thigns about Becky A Good Day.txt: 03/12/99, A Good Day Some plans, old friends, and a birth-day Practicing Patience.txt: 04/08/99, Practicing Patience Friends, old new, waiting and other things. Family Dinner.txt: 04/20/99, Family Dinner I meet my new in-laws. Mirror Cycle.txt: 05/15/99, Mirror Cycle Rhea's Birthday Cain attacks, we strike back, and the fight that follows takes a few interesting twists and turns. Things don't go as planed, and a new friend. Repercussions.txt: 05/26/1999, Repercussions: Stepping down from the IMF, and talking to Jadith. White Bread and Brown.txt: 5/31/1999, White Bread and Brown "The Lion and the Unicorn..." Counterpoint.txt: 06/09/1999, Counterpoint Oriana has an interesting day out. T-Minus.txt: 06/14/1999, T-Minus Arranging to meet an old friend. The Means.txt: 06/25/1999, The Means Setting things up for seeing Little Fox again, and a rather disturbing discovery. The Ends.txt: 07/06/1999, The Ends Little Fox arrives, and we explore things. The Rapid Change of States.txt: 07/14/1999, The Rapid Change of States Dinner with Little Fox, and showing of my forms, before things go quickly out of hand. A Change Would do you Good.txt: 07/21/1999, A Change Would do you Good Talking to Ken and others about what happened to me. Small Changes.txt: 07/25/1999, Small Changes Picking up another of Grasion's items. Wake Up Call.txt: 08/10/1999, Wake Up Call The return of new friends... and old. Homegoing.txt: 08/26/1999, Homegoing Taking Samantha home. Work Permit.txt: 09/14/1999, Work Permit Learning more about The Neverending. Day Trip.txt: 09/23/1999, Day Trip Going to Rose's house leads to an unexpected encounter. Visitation.txt: 10/05/1999, Visitation Samantha and Oriana team up to visit an old "friend" The First Rites.txt: 10/20/99, The First Rites Blessing the Children, among other things. Outclassed.txt: 10/31/1999, Outclassed The more things change, the more thing change. Familiar Vows.txt: 11/07/1999, Familiar Vows Oriana is on the job, in more ways then one. Changes of Responsibility.txt: 11/25/1999 Changes of Responsibility News at the shipyard, and news at home changes some things around. Event Horizon.txt: 12/13/99 Event Horizon Planning for the future, in more ways then one. Weaving the Web.txt: 12/25/99 Weaving the Web Featuring all the colors of the rainbow! 33 53 ------------------------------------------------------ Year-5.zip : Year Five, The Neverending ------------------------------------------------------ 145 235 index.dex : The index and order to read in...