Intelligences Report By: Fox Cutter 12/06/98: Relaxing against the door frame, I looked into Moriya's office, watch her as she went about her work. There seemed to be a calculated grace to everything that she did, as well as in how she did it. For instance, as I was watched her, she was in the progress of skimming over two stacks of papers, one head focused on each stack. Another of her six heads were focused on her terminal, the fourth was starting at a pile of notes, occasionally making a new one, the fifth was busy talking on the phone, and the last one was resting in her free hand, and reading a book. Somehow she keep all of this up, all the time, without ever having a problem; at least that I had seen. She was absolutely amazing, balancing all six of her heads with both hands. I was quite happy that Oria had hired her as the office manager. Finishing her phone call, she replaced the handset and looked up at me. "Fox, this is a surprise," she said with a slight smile. "I know, I need to come in more often," I answered, returning her smile as I steeped inside the office. "I hope you don't mind my watching you, it's quite a show." She lifted her head a bit, "many people do that, I get used to being stared at." I blushed, "sorry." "No offence taken," she answered, flipping the pages she was reading. "So, how was your vacation?" I was happy to have had her change the subject. "It went well, though was quite interesting," I smiled, looking down at the pendent, resting against my chest. I had got it back a couple days ago, and was eager for the next cycle. Ken was also going to make a copy of Thrysten's gem for Rhea. Which has made her happy, she was also very eager for the next time. Oria was also happy, she had gone in for a checkup and the news about the twins were very good. Both were very healthy and should be born about March. "The new set of specs for the Nautilus Class ship is on your desk." he told me, ignoring my pause for thought, "and we had a dozen more orders move to different shipyards that offer the power system. I shrugged, "Not a great loss, we still have about ninety contracts left." "Ninety two," she corrected. "Anything else of interest?" "Nothing that calls for your immediate attention. I'll be brining in some documents for you to sign in a couple of hours," she answered. "Ok, well then," I searched to see if there was anything I should bring up with her. I came up blank. "I've taken enough of your time," I concluded, stepping back out of her office. "Not at all," she said with a wave of her hands. I smiled as I left her office, looking around the lobby. It was pretty much an empty room, there was no receptionist, so it was just a pair of tables and a dozen chairs. There were three office doors, one on each wall, with the last wall possessing the door out. On the left side was Oria's office, but since she never came in, it was used mostly for storage. The right side was my office, which was used about as much. The center door was Moriya's office, which she normally left open so she could see who came in. Opening my office door, I went in, closing it behind me. The office wasn't very large, room enough for a desk and it's chair, a visitors chair, and a bookshelf along one wall. Walking around the desk, I sat in my chair, looking over the piles of stuff stacked up on top of it. Picking up a cup that was left from the last time I had been, I glanced inside. Signing, I set it on the floor next to me, and pulled of the top PADD from the stack. Pulling up the data on it, I scanned it over, it was the specs for the new ship class we were working on. Most of the major bugs had been worked out with docking the two Red October Class ships to it, but other problems remained. Taking out a notepad, I started to make some notes on what had to be changed. I didn't get more then a few words down before a knock came at my door. "Yes," I called out, sure that it wasn't anyone I knew, they usual just walk inside instead of knocking. There was a short pause, before the door cracked open slightly. "Uh, are you Fox Cutter?" Setting my pen down on my desk, I stood up and walked over to the door. "That would be me," I answered, pulling the door open. I was surprised to find a dragon waiting for me on the other side. It wasn't a dragon like Ken though, it was on four legs, though with a foreleg raised up to about the level of the door handle. What shocked me though was that I recognized the breed. It was from Elena's world. "Good," it responded, seeming not to notice how startled I was. "My employer wishes to speak with you today." I nodded slowly as I parsed that. It had to me Elena, sie did say in her letter that sie and some people from hir world would be moving to Prid. "I can do that," I told him, rubbing the back of my neck. "Do you have a telepad? It's quite a long journey to our office." I shook my head. "No, in fact I've never actually heard of that technology. We can take a fold though." It sighed, shaking it's head slightly. "We do not like to use folds. We'll have to use public transit. You may call me Anthony by the way." "Ok." "Will you be needing anything for this journey?" He asked, shuffling back a bit from the door. "A lunch bag perhaps?" "Nah," I answered, shaking my head, "at least nothing for right now." "Very well then, let's proceed to the tube station then." "Just a second," I told him as I stepped out of my office, closing the door behind me. Steeping around him I ducked my head into Moriya's office. "Sorry, looks like I'm not going to be in today after all." She nodded all six of her heads at once, and continued doing all that she was dong. Stepping back out of the door I motioned to Anthony to lead the way. We left the offices and walked to the tube station in silence. It wasn't that long of the trip, no more then ten minutes at a brisk pace, and Anthony rolling lop took a little work to keep up with. Once inside the station Anthony led me over to the ticket counter. "A round-trip ticket to Praxis please," he requested to the young vulpine that was sitting behind the glass. Passing him a debit card from a satchel that was slung around his neck. It blended into his skin color so well it was very hard to really see. We waited for a few minutes as the vulpine made up the ticket. Finally he passed it back to us with Anthony's card and informed us that the transit would be leaving in about seven minutes. Plucking his card from the counter, Anthony gave me the tickets, and we went off to the loading area. He fished out a second ticket from his satchel, and handed it to the attendant as we boarded. As I settled down into a seat, Anthony sprawled himself out onto the floor. "I suggest you try and occupy yourself," he told me, "it's a long trip." After that he quickly drifted off into a light sleep as we lurched into motion. Leaning back in my seat I let out a sigh, rubbing at a pair of sore spots on the top of my head. They had been bothering me for almost a week now, and I hadn't been able to do anything about them. At least the pain seemed to have started to go away. It had began a few days before Ken got the pendant back to me, so I was relatively sure that it didn't have anything to do with the spells on it. Still, it it keep up I was going to have to see a doctor about them before to much longer. As the trip progressed, I took the opportunity to look over my guide. He wasn't that impressive as dragons go. Mostly green, with a lighter shade covering his underbelly. The wings were of a darker color, but that appeared to be caused by how they where folded up close to his body. What really attracted my attention a tattoo on his left hind leg, right above the hock, where it 'reverse' knees was. It was a mix of colors, woven in such a way that looking at caused my eyes to hurt. I was able to tell that it had at least two main colors. Two primary strands in the weave, one black and the other white. They twisted and snaked around each other in a series of complex and mind-numbing patterns and swirls that seemed to suggest other colors. Highlighting there presence, even though they where not there. I rubbed my eyes, which were starting to ache from staring at the pattern. For a second I could swear I saw some kind of letters floating at the center of my vision. I couldn't read the language, but the letters themselves seemed to shimmer softly from a pure white to an empty black. With the suddenness of a cold wind, I was now looking at a different scene. A beautiful landscape, made from a series of tall mountain peaks, backed by a startling clear blue sky. Dragons filled the image, dragons of every conceivable size, color and form where flying though the air or sunning themselves on the bare rocks. There was more, much, much, more, but I twisted my head away, severing eye contact with the tattoo, and breaking it's hold over me. Leaning back in my seat, I rubbed my eyes, then the back of my neck. "What kind of magic was that," I asked myself as I felt the transport slowing down. A friendly, female, voice chirped over the P.A. that we were arriving at Praxis. Checking the time, I was shocked to find that three hours had passed while I was enraptured with the tattoo! Next to me, Anthony jumped a bit, his head looking up as he awoke. "We're almost there," he observed, turning to look at me. "Yes," I muttered, rubbing my eyes again. He smiled as the transport came to a stop, the doors outside opening with a hydraulic hiss. I think he understood that I had been caught in the magic that was part of his tattoo for the whole trip. I followed him again as he led me out of the station, and into the small city. We walked along for a few blocks before he turned towards an office building. It was quite large, sprawling out along the street, though only raising up three stories into the air. The front was almost all windows, each one polished and set in such a way to reflect the afternoon sun directly into my eyes. A small stone sign sat in the center of the building's lawn, proclaiming it to be the offices of 'Data and Troubleshooting Services of Kenterra'. Stepping though a pair of automatic doors, we entered into the lobby of the building. It was vast, rising up all three floors to a glass ceiling above. Filling the room with natural light to such an extent that it was the only light needed. It reflected back up from the marble floor, adding to the light, and showing every vein in the marble in start contrast to the rest of the floor. We walked though the lobby, towards a reception desk, which was staffed by a falcon of some kind, about the size of a young child. The desk was framed on either side by a part of marble statues. One was of a two-headed dragon, the other a raccoon Theriamorph, holding a spear in hir left hand. I assumed it was Khur, Elena's god. "Nice place," I commented as we stopped in front of the desk. Anthony turned his head to look at me, "Thank you." He then faced back to the receptionist, "Mr. Cutter is here to meet with the Director, Jo-Ann." The falcon, Jo-Ann, spread out her left wing and pointed down a hallway. "Good, sie has been waiting for him. Mr. Cutter, hir office is at the end of the hallway, please follow it there." I nodded, then started down the hallway. It appeared to stretch the length of the building, with rooms of cubicles and offices seemly grown out of each wall. There was a sense of organized chaos with people of different species running past and around me, holding stacks of papers, disk and data crystals. I did my best to avoid the chaos as I worked my way down the hall, but still had the occasional collision with someone. There were some quick apologizes exchanged, and we each went on our way. Finally, after what seemed like an hour working my way though the tide of people, I made it to the end of the hallway. There I was greeted by a simple wooden door with something written on it in what appeared to be Elena's language. Which would make sense considering. I opened the door a few inches and peeked into the room. It was mostly dark, little by the flickering of a double bank of monitors that covered the two back walls. They were tuned to half a dozen news cast, and maybe three times that from what looked like surveillance cameras. Stepping inside the room, closing the door behind myself, I looked around for a chair. Finding one sitting near the far wall I settled down into it. The center of the room was dominated by a semicircular desk, held in darkness, a light from a monitor sitting on the desktop giving the surface an dim glow, just enough to show Elena sitting behind it. Just sitting there, looking at me with a half-smile on hir face. Waiting for me to see hir first. "So glad you could make it Mr. Cutter." I shrugged. "Well, I had to see what you wanted now didn't I?" "True enough, there's something I think you should have, and we also have business to discuss." I nodded, folding my hands in my lap as I relaxed into the chair. "I am offering to provide the services of my organization to the Consortium, and your IMF." Sie paused, then gave me a full smile. "All for the proper fees, of course." "Of course," I said with a slight chuckle. "Though the fact that you know about the IMF is interesting enough to warrant consideration. What exactly are your services?" Sie waved one arm towards the video wall at hir back. "There is very little that escapes our notice. So I am offering you just that, our data-gathering talents." I nodded, rubbing my chin slightly. It was an interesting proposal. Smiling at me, sie stepped around the desk. I was shocked to find that hir form had changed. Sie was still a vixen, but not bipedal, a kind of fox-taur, but both the upper and lower body being clearly vulpine. "Nice change," I commented, taking off my glasses and cleaning them on my shirt. "That you," Sie responded, bowing hir head slightly. "It's the future for my people." "Really?" I asked, sounding some what skeptical as I replaced my glasses on my nose. Sie nodded, taking a few steps around in a circle, showing off hir new form, which I had to admit was quite nice. "We've had some problems with arthritis and the like as bipeds. When we contacted tauriform species, we immediately saw the benefits inherent in the form." I nodded. "Sounds quite interesting." "Times are changing," sie explained to me. "Planets that have been comfortable in there near-isolation are turning outwards." "Speaking of which," I said, leaning forward in my chair. "I assume you can prove that you and any staff that is native to your world came here by approved channels." "You mean, will a search of the companies history turn up anything that would invalidate the agreements the Council had with me people?" "Yes." "This company has been around for a long time." Sie said, walking over to stand in front of me, hir new form giving hir an imposing height. "First on Mydisia, now here. The company moved because the board and I agreed that Prid would actually be a better place for the home office." "Good," I said, leaning back in my chair and looking up at hir. "That's all I would like to know." Sie handed me a small paper wrapped package. "I would like you to read this," sie said, giving me no more explanation. Taking it from hir I looked it over. "Yes, I can do that." Crossing hir arms over hir chest, sie settled down onto the floor. "Did the former Council head get my message?" I chuckled softly. "Yes, he did." "Good, the wheels have been set in motion." I nodded. "Well, I'll get back to you on your offer in a couple of weeks, and look at this when I have some time." I motioned to the package as I said the last part. Sie shook hir head. "I have more to tell you Mr. Cutter." I raised an eyebrow. "About?" "The assassination attempt on you at the zoo." If I had ears that could move, they would have shot up at the statement. As it was I nearly jumped out of my chair. "What do you know?" I said, almost demanding to know, "the assassin hasn't spoken a word, and even the Guild doesn't know about her." Sie nodded. "That is because she is not with the Guild, but I gather you already knew that. She can not talk because her mind dose not allow to, it has been changed to keep her mute." I whistled softly. "By who?" "Cain," was hir answer. I thought for a few seconds, trying to think if I've heard the name before. I came up blank. "Who is Cain?" "I do not precisely know," Sir answered, an annoyed look crossing hir muzzle. "I'm having a hard time tracking him down, or finding anything at all about him. It's like he exist and doesn't exist at the same time. A ghost of a shadow." "Sounds nasty," I muttered. "He is, I've been able to track him some. Primarily from the trail of bodies he leaves in his wake." I frowned, scratching at the back of my neck. "Would it be to much to hope that you know why he wants to kill me?" Sie nodded, hir ears twitching in annoyance. "I know nothing about his relation to you." I sighed, this wasn't good news. "And why are you investigating this in the first place?" Sie laughed, a deep hearty laugh that seemed to echo though out the room. "Because Mr. Cutter, I do not wish to have my associates kill before I am finished with them." I shook my head, though smiling softly. "How about the curse? Any idea who planted that?" No reaction was forth coming form hir, sir seemed to be thinking about it though. "No," sie finally answered. "Fine then," I said, standing up. "Bill me for it." Once more sie laughed, not as deep this time, but more joyously. "Of course, I shall do that. For now though you may go home. I hope to receive an answer within a short time." As sie said this sie stood back up, padding slowly back to hir desk, hir large feet quite on the stone floor. Rubbing my head, I picked up the package, and started back for the tube station. I was not sure how yet to react to this news, but I felt that it wasn't at all good. ----- This story is (c) 1999 by Fox Cutter, hardcopy reprints limited to one a person, all other rights reserved. This story may not be distributed for a fee except by permission of the author, and this copyright notice may not be removed. Elena is (c) 1999 by Chris Bradford.