Long Live the King By: Fox Cutter 10/01/98: I slowly drifted awake, the soft warmth of my own bed wrapping around me. Along with the firm warmth of Oriana, her chest pressed against me, the gently rise of her belly pushing gently on the small of my back. It felt good to be back home, out of the small prison cell, and away from Grasion. Back home, with the women I loved and my close friends. But not everyone though, Naomi was in the hospital for the new week or two. The doctors had decided that it would be best for her to rest there, now only days away from giving birth. When exactly they weren't sure, a few weeks ago they though it was two months away. Soon though, they knew that much. They also knew that it was going to have to be a birth by c-section. Her bones were not ready to birth a child, having grown at a slower rate then the rest of her. For now that, I didn't want to worry about such things. I was quite content to just lay there, listening to Oria breath gently against my ear, her tail wrapped around my leg. Reaching back with one hand I gently set it on her hip, petting the fur with my fingers. Things where changing so fast now, with everything coming to a quick head involving the Council, the birth of my Grand-Daughter, and my own children soon. Right then and there I made up my mind to not go off on any more silly adventures if I could help it. I didn't want to get myself killed now that I had so many people to take care of. Oria shifted against me, one paw slipping on my arm to hug me gently. "Good morning love," she whispered softly in my ear. I rolled around in her grasp, till we were face to face in the bed. Hugging her back and lick the end of her nose. "As to you my love," I responded, moving to nuzzle her cheek. Purring softly, she pulled me closer. "Ready for today?" She asked, running her fingers down the length of my spine. I nodded, "Yes, I'm ready." She pushed away from me a bit, looking me in my eyes. A smile slowly spread over her lips. "You know how cute you look like this? Just awake, your hair messed up and sticking all over, squinting to see, with little bits of fluff from the sheets stuck in your beard?" I laughed, reaching forward and tickling her belly for a few seconds. Bursting into a short fit of laughter she hugged me again, pinning my hands between us. "I see that you do." I snorted, pulling my hands out and wrapping them around her body as I gave her a long, slow, kiss. Which she happily returned. As we pulled away from each other, I found that I was purring, and didn't mind it one bit. "You know Oria," I asked, propping my head on on my hand, "I want to ask you something." Reaching out, she placed the tip of her finger right between my eyes. "And what would that be?" "How exactly--" I started, being cut off by someone pounding on the door to the room. I sighed, sitting further up in bed. "What is it?" I demanded of the person on the other side of the door. It opened a crack, and Sora stuck her head inside. "Everyone is here, they wanted to know if your awake yet." "We'll be out in a couple minutes," I responded. She chuckled softly, looking between me and Oria. "I'm not sure of that, but I'll tell them anyway." She said, retreating from the room and shutting the door behind her. I shook my head, slipping out from under the covers. "I guess we had better go join everyone else." Oria quickly slipped out of bed herself, grabbing my arm. "What did you want to ask me Fox?" Reaching up, I fluffed the fur on her ears. "It can wait till we have more time. For now though we need to deal with this." With a nod, she hugged me. "I'll hold you up to that." I chuckled. "I know," I answered, giving her a quick kiss before scrounging up some clothing to wear. I wanted to look my best on this day, but not to formal. I just pulled on a black shirt and the same colored jeans. Brushing my hair I pulled it back into a small ponytail in back. Not enough to braid it yet, but I could wait for that. Oriana dressed in close to the same, though more colorful then I had. Her shirt was a bring mix of a dozen colors, that some how managed to look just right together. Her pants were just a simple blue, though left lose at the top. All in all, her clothing just did much to accentuate her growing belly. Actually, I think she liked showing it off. Walking over to me, she adjusting my clothing, pulling at this, tugging at that. "I think it's missing something." I smiled. "What would that be?" Shooting me a large grin, she ran over to the closest, and fished something off the top shelf. Coming back over, she unfolding it, present it to me. It was a denim jacket, in a nice washed-out blue color. I smiled to her. "Oh really?" She nodded. "Since you got rid of the old ugly green one, I though you needed a new one to set out away from the rest. And take a look at the back." She flipped it around, embroidered on the back was a simple pattern showing a Fox vixen an her cub. I smiled. "It's lovely." Grabbing my shoulder, she gently pushed on it. I turned around, and put my arms back. She slipped it onto me, tugging at it a bit to adjust it over my shoulders. Then she turned me back around to face the mirror. I grinned wide, adjusting the sleeves a bit. "It's great!" She hugged me from behind, draping her arms over my shoulders. "I'm glad you like it." I nodded, tilting my head a bit. "I think it needs something," I said, stepping towards the dresser. "Oh?" She asked, sounding slightly disappointed. "There's nothing wrong with it," I said, pulling up the top draw, and searching around the back. "I can just thing of something that would be perfect to add it it." "What?" the disappointment was gone from her voice. "This!" I said, pulling out my EA pin that I've had gotten on my last trip home. I quickly attached it to the flap over the left pocket on the jacket. The blue and gold pin added just the right touch to make people take some notice. Oria nuzzled my ear softly. "It does seem to fit you better like that," she said with a soft laugh. I turned around and kissed her again. "Thank you for getting it for me." She blushed a bit in her ears. "You welcome." Taking her paw in my hand I stared for the door. "Come on, I guess we had better go join the others." "All right," she said with a fake sigh, following along. There others were waiting for us in the kitchen, and consisted of Rachel, Page, and an mare that I recognized as the lady who took my picture outside of the prison. I smiled, taking my seat, with Oria right next to me. "Hello," I said, reaching a hand out over the table to the newest addition to our little group. "I don't believe I know your name." "Eliza," she answered in a timid voice. "Make much money from that picture you snapped of me?" I asked. She blushed a bit. "I didn't give it to my editor. You just looked some calm in it, I didn't want to see it spread over the news." "Eliza here works for Prid's news agency," Rachel said. "She came to with the picture you she took, and has proven invaluable sense then." I raised an eyebrow. "Really, in what way?" Eliza picked up a PADD from the table and handed it accost to me. Taking it I glanced down at it's contents. It was a picture of a small group of people, being hustled from one ship to another one some space station some where. "That story was pulled three hours before it was meant to run," she explained. I nodded, scanning over the text. Apparently the photograph was of the refuges from the first plague world. "Well, if they asked for it to be pulled," I said, starting to had the PADD back. "Fox," Rachel broke in, "Look at the picture, look closely at it, in the back, on the far right." I shrugged, looking down at the picture, searching over the sad and angry faces in it. Finally I came to the face I was supposed to look at. And I looked, and looked some more. Finally understand what I was looking at. "Oh shit," I hissed, throwing it onto the table like it had burnt my hands. "That's Dwight!" Page nodded, "I've confirmed it as many ways as I can. Dwight's home was the first plague world." I shook my head. "The profile that you gave to me about him said nothing of this." She nodded again. "Because all of his history is a fake. A very good, very expensive fake. One that looks to have been put there after he was selected to become the new Council Head." "Do you have his real history?" Oria asked, retrieving the PADD and looking it over. "Yes, I do. He should never have been allowed to become Head." I grumbled a string of choice curses I had been saving for years, just for such a moment. Most of them weren't even in a language that anyone by I understood. "That was about my reaction." Rachel said, resting a paw on my shoulder. "The implications of this are tremendous." I nodded slowly. "Is there anything else to add before I go dance with the Council?" "This," Oria said, pulling a small folded piece of paper from the stack of stuff on the table. "It was in your bag, I think it was attached to the box." Taking it from her, I scanned over it. "What language is this?" "Smuggler's speak," Page said, handing me a new sheet of paper. "This is the translation." Taking it from her I read the words that were printed on the paper: Greetings, Mr. Cutter, I have returned the Council Chair's little toy to you. Please do not betray my trust in you on this matter. I don't have any use for the toy, and it would only serve as a dangerous distraction for me. You'll also be receiving another package from me, containing a manuscript that I think you'll find interesting. I'll be setting up shop in a small city here on Prid with some relatives, so I might stop by for a chat once and a while. May Your Line Be Free Forever, Elena Khatika PS: Please pass this message to the Council Chair, may Ruhk spit on his Name. "In the name of Ruhk, a disease was set loose upon your people, nearly destroying them. In your quest for answers and revenge, you tortured and killed an innocent, and sought to destroy MY people. I can not allow this to go unrewarded. In the names of Ruhk and Set, I place my curse upon you. Before your homeworld completes one revolution around its sun, all you were, all you are, all you will never be, will be as dust ground under my paws." I sighed softly, setting the paper down on the desk. "Sie knew why we were going to hir world. Sie knew all of his before we did." Even including how the Mouse had been tortured to test the different version of his bomb, something we had only just found out a few days ago. Page nodded, "I suspect sie still does." "We have half an hour before your to meet the Council," Rachel said, "everything is ready, and all the PADDs have been made up. We'll be waiting for you in conference room G." I nodded, standing up and retrieving one of the PADDs from the stack. "Is the note included in it?" "No," Page answered. I sighed, standing up and rolling my shoulders. "The bomb?" I asked. Oria stood, and walked over to one of the cupboards, opening it, and brining the box to me. "I went back for it right before they let you out yesterday." I nodded, grasping it in my hand. "Wish me luck." Everyone was silent. * * * It's hard to describe the events that followed the rest of that day. Every time I try I end up going no where fast, so I'll have to sum up most of it. The Council was quiet as I entered, a few knew what was coming, but many though that I was just there to give them my report on what happened while I was on Elena's world. I think they were all surprised when I opened the box and brought out Dwight's bomb. Not Dwight though, he just sat in stoney silence, glaring at me with the weight of his dead world. Slowly I started going over what we had collected in the past month, the trail that lead from the bomb right to Dwight. The use, and murder of the Mouse, simply to test to see if it was slow and painful enough. The money that changed hands, the orders behind the scenes that followed to a few choice people under him. Then I moved to the real bomb shell, the one that would do more to destroy the Council then anyone had ever though. I explained that Dwight was placed as Council head by someone, someone very powerfully, with many connections. Who, by anyone's accounting, put him into power to do more then get revenge. He was in there control. Dwight still said nothing. Nothing as I leveled the accusation against him. Nothing during the battery of questions throw at him from the other Council members. Finally the moment had come, the Council was angry, hunting for meat, and wanting Dwight. That's when the finale bomb was dropped. Not by me though, by a third level member, who didn't even know about this in advance. He stood up and flat out said that Dwight had destroyed the Council, that the basic ideas that it had been founded on where now destroyed. Slowly, one by one, the Council members were each convinced. Some left to talk to there governments, other just seemed to be in a state of shock. Eventually though, they all came back. In the end though, nearly everyone was agreed, and the Council of the Multi-verse closed it's last session, with a almost unanimous vote to disband. Dwight still said nothing, even has the local law enforcement (the Hall guards were now legally powerless) came and arrested him for the crimes he had committed. He put up no fight, and went quietly, with dragging steps. Finally I asked the now former Councilors to come with me. Many of the did, only a few staying behind. Once inside Rachel slowly outlined the new government. The Joint Consortium of the Multi-verse. It would take on where the Council had left, trying to keep the balance. More left though out her speech, leaving only half of the old members. Each one took a copy of the Deceleration of Principles, and the general laws we had already created. There followed many hours of arguing, deciding on who should head the Consortium. Many of the old members wanted me, but I refused. Politely at first, but with more and more force as the day wore on. Finally it was decided, Rachel would lead the new found government until the first general elections for the new leader. An office that was still yet unnamed. The last of the surprises that was given to the new members was one of how we would provide money for the Consortium. At least until such time as new taxes and dues could be leveled and collected. The answerer was the one that Grasion had help me think of. Technology. The Consortium would sell different parts of the old Council's technology to different people. The first such deal that had already been made was to allow people to buy ships with Council power system. Currently there was only one shipyard permitted to install the system though. If you guess mine, your right. The Pandora Shipyards had the right to include the system in all ships we manufactured, though no rights to allow refitting. At the end of the day, I was sore, tired, and hungry. I walked into the house and just curled up in bed, where Oriana was already waiting. I nuzzled up to her, kissing the back of her neck as I drifted of to sleep. Not knowing, or caring, what the next day would bring. ----- This story is (c) 1999 by Fox Cutter, hardcopy reprints limited to one a person, all other rights reserved. This story may not be distributed for a fee except by permission of the author, and this copyright notice may not be removed. Elena is (c) 1999 by Chris Bradford.