Magic By: Fox Cutter 12/04/97: "Mate." Fox said with a slight smile, moving one of his chess pieces to the far side of the board. Naomi, who was sitting on the far side of the board from him, looking over the board, and scruntched her muzzle up as she thought. "I know," she said with a slight smile and slowly started to move the pieces on the board back into there starting position. Fox smiled at her, leaning on the table, watching her. "Well," Rachel said beside me, "you have to admit, she is cute." I nodded, looking over the top of the railing from were we both stood, half way up the left stair case. "Fox seems to be a lot happier with her around." I replied, twisting my tail behind myself slightly. "How about you though? What do you think about her Oriana?" I chewed my lip slightly, thinking it over. Below us Fox and Naomi had started a playing there game again. "I think she's smart..." I trailed off, not sure how to continue. "And?" Rachel prompted. I gave her no response. She sighed lightly, "you're jealous of her." She wasn't accusing me of, or even asking. She was stating it as a fact. It was also true. I didn't respond though, holding stock still and watching the game being played below me. She touched my arm. "She's taking Fox away from you, is that what you think?" "I don't think that... I don't even believe that. But I feel that." "Oriana, he is treating her as a daughter. Nothing more. She is his child now, and he is going to make sure he does his best to raise her right. She's isn't going to take your place in his mind, or his heart." I starred down at Fox, frowning. "He holds no place for me in his heart." Rachel sighed, we had been over this ground may times before. "He may not love you, but he cares for you. He's told me before that you are his closest friend." "If that's all I can be..." I said, quoting a song from my world. From there the conversation stalled, neither one of us really sure what to say to the other. Not that it was easy for me to talk to her lately anyway. I was jealous of Rachel as well, and had been sense I found and she and Fox were having a 'tryst' as Fox described it. The funny part was, I could do something about it. I knew Fox would be more then willing to take me to bed... I still just... had problems with having sex outside me species. I've tried to get over it. Even once letting myself go into heat around him, back on our vacation. He never noticed it and I couldn't get past giving him subtle hints. Well, that and turning the temperature in the room down low, hoping we would get in bed with me to at least stay warm. I loved him, I just wish that I knew what to DO what that love. Below us Fox's game with Naomi continued. From what I could tell of the game he was losing. His first row of pieces where almost gone. Only two of them left on the board trapped half way accost. Most of the pieces that came in pairs were no longer on the board either. Naomi looked at the board as Fox made a move. Taking a piece in her slightly chubby paw, she moved it accost the board. Fox's piece vanishes from the board as she set her piece in the new vacant square. Fox looked down at the board, then at her. "Um... Newt," Newt was his nickname for her, "what happened to my bishop?" That caused exactly what happened to register with me. "Yes, where did it go?" I called down to the pair of them. Smiling, she reached into her tail and pulled out the piece. "Here," she said, setting it on the table. Fox chuckled. "So I see. I don't suppose you care to tell me how you did that without touching it?" She looked puzzled for a few seconds. "I don't know... I just did." Looking up at me Fox shrugged. I nodded back and went the rest of the way up the stairs and into the kitchen. I made a quick call as was back at Rachel side in under a minute. "Ken's on his way." I called down. He nodded. "You both can come down here you know." He said, making a move in the game. Rachel started down the steps and I followed her. I wasn't sure what to do, so I sat down on the couch. Rachel sat next to Naomi, watching the game, and the child. From what Fox had told me, the fact that she could use magic wasn't to much of a surprise. Ken said that she positively glowed with it from how many spells that had been set on her. It would have been amazing if she didn't have some magic to her after that. She apparently was ten years old Fox originally though she was seven, but had agreed that he had been wrong. Ken though she wouldn't be able to use magic for a few more years. This was proof that he was wrong and she would need immediate training to control it. The Book of Thryn is _very_ clear on what can happen when someone to young tries to use magic with out any experience. It can turn out much worse that most people would think. The game continued at a quick speed, Fox eventually losing every piece he had. Naomi was quite happy about finally beating him, nearly bouncing off the walls. She stayed that way though two more games, both times trouncing Fox. At the same time making a few more pieces vanish from the board and appear in different parts of the room. It was kind of a hide and seek game between her and Rachel. When a piece would vanish from the board Rachel would go and search it out. By the time she found it another piece had popped away and she would go off searching again. Ken arrived soon after that. "Sorry about the delay," he said, frowning a bit, "I was a bit busy in the my lab." Fox nodded, "I understand, it's not exactly an emergency." The dragon looked puzzled. "What's going on then? Oriana sounded a bit worried." Both Fox and I started to say something, but Naomi answered first by making one of the game pieces appear on end of Ken's snout. He crossed his eyes to look at it, then chuckled softly. "I think I see." Walking over to him, Fox took the piece off his snout. "She's getting better at aiming where they pop up at." Ken nodded slightly. "Naomi," he said with a smile, "was this hard to do?" She beamed. "At first, but it's gotten easier." Fox shrugged a bit. "I told you she was smart." Ken nodded, "She's going to need to be taught how to control it." She looked at him from accost the room. "Taught?" He smiled. "Well, so you can use it for more then play with chess pieces." Thinking about it for a few seconds, she smiled. "Okay!" Fox chuckled a bit, patting Ken on the back. "Thanks, I think." With a have-smile, Ken said, "I always love to help you Fox." Somehow, something felt wrong about that statement. ----- This story is (c) 1997 by Fox Cutter, hardcopy reprints limited to one a person, all other rights reserved. This story may not be distributed for a fee except by permission of the author, and this copyright notice may not be removed.