Meeting the Guild By: Fox Cutter 06/31/98: "Fox," Oria called as she stuck her head into the room. I looked up from where I had been sitting at my desk, sorting though some records involving the construction of the new _Red October_ class ship. The space frame of the new ship was just starting to come together, and I was working on the contractors for the different systems. Setting down my pen I turned in my chair to face her. "Yes?" I asked with a smile. "A messenger just showed up," she said, holding out a small card in her fingers as she walked over to me. When she was close enough I took it from her, looking it over. The only thing on the card was the symbol of a heart, with two crystal daggers crossed over it. I looked up. "This is the Guild's symbol?" I asked. Oriana had a patch almost like it on her trench coat. But her's was just a heart with a golden dagger over it. It showed her ranking as an Apprentice in the Guild. "No," She corrected. "It's the symbol of the Guild Elders. The meeting you wanted starts now." I nodded, standing from my chair. "Do you have to hid the Guild's location from me or do they trust me not to tell anyone." She smiled. "The messenger set up a Teleport Curtain one of the empty rooms. We'll be using that." "How nice, lead on then." I waved a hand at her. She smiled and walked out of the room, I followed right behind. We didn't have to go very far before she ducked into one of the empty studies that was in the house. Inside, standing upright and shimmering in the soft light the came in through the window was the t-curtain. It was the same size as a door, almost hanging in midair, it's surface was glittering softly as it seemed to slowly move. For all intensive purposes it looked exactly like a curtain that had been made out of strips of aluminum foil. Oria took a short breath and stepped through the curtain, vanishing as she passed over the threshold. Not knowing what to expected I just closed my eyes and stepped through. The other side was not what I had expected. It was a large office, the walls painted a shade of white. Along the back wall was a series of windows that let the light of Prid's binary suns fill the room. Three desks where around the wall in a U shape. At each sat a human, dressed in a business suit. One lady, who was on my left side, and the other two men. "Welcome," said the center man, waving at us over his desk. "Take a seat please." Now that he mentioned it I noticed there were three chairs set in the center of the room. One was already occupied by Marn. He looked annoyed to be there, his one ear twitching about, his other had been ripped off for as long as I had known him. He was a white fox, with some black on the tip of his remaining ear and the end of his muzzle. Oria took the chair that was the farthest from the man, which left me to sit next to him. He looked over to me and frowned, but didn't say a word. The elder that was in the center of the room spoke again. "Mr. Cutter, you have the unique privilege of being the only none member to call for a meting with us. We would like for you to explain why." I stood again, finding myself nervous as hell and questioning how smart I was for asking this meting. "It's about how Oriana came to be a member of your Guild." He sat back in his chair, folding his hands. "Please explain then." "I think Oriana would be better suited to explain." I answered, sitting back down in my chair. Oriana gave me a sharp glance but slowly stood up. "It would be best to start out with that truth that I never wanted to be a member of the Guild." Oriana said, shaking softly. The female elder leaded forward a bit. "Then why are you a member Ms. Shripon?" "Because, as it was explained to me, I had to at least play at wanting to be a member, so I would fail my evaluation." Orian answered, casting a glance at Marn, "I was also told if I did this wrong I would be killed." Marn jumped to his feet. "Please, I can explain!" He started. The second male elder looked at him. "Please sit down Mr. Ellis, you will have you chance to defend yourself once Ms. Shripon is finished." Marn slowly sat down, mumbling under his breath. "Please now," The center elder said, "tell us how you got into this position, and start at the beginning." Oria nodded, taking in a slow breath. "It started at the beginning of last year. I had left Fox for assorted reasons and was looking for something to do to keep my mind off of him. I decided to try and find out who Marn was. We had helped us during the HammerHeads, and we had run into each other again on Mydisia base a month and a half before. "I found him there three times, trying to identify him. On the second visit he showed me his Guild Patch, I think he hoped to scare me away. I didn't really figure it out what it meant until the next visit." Oriana stopped for a second, thinking over her next words. "That third meeting was where things went bad. I meet him just before a client did. He played it up and decided to take me along. At the time he told me I had no choice, but latter he admitted that he was trying to teach me a lesion, so I would keep my nose out of his business. "We did what we had to, though I wasn't very eager to go. As we went he explained some of the Guild to me. Once we found his target he and Marn got into a fight, during which Marn was in a position where he had a knife to his neck. He called for my help." She shook her, "I did the only thing I could think of at the time, I helped him. Marn's knife was on the ground, I picked it up and," she paused, taking in a deep breath. "I killed him, I stabbed him in the back of his neck." All three of the Elder's nodded almost in unison. "I don't really remember much after that. The next thing I really could put together as a series of events was waking up in the hospital. I apparently had gone to Fox after this, passing out in front of him. He took me to the hospital. "Marn came to see me soon after. He expanded how badly he had fowled up. I was just suppose to watch it, not be a part of it. He also told me that I was stuck in this even deeper then before. He apparently had pulled some kind of strings so it would look like I had been in the Guild for a while. "The plan was that I was to fail my evaluation, but I had to be good enough to have gone with him in the first place. So he trained me, he did it to well though. I passed and got stuck being here, with four more people I have to kill in now two years." She sighed, looking down at her paws. "Please sit down," the female Elder said. Oriana did as she was told. "Now, Mr. Ellis, how do you respond to these charges?" The second male Elder asked. Marn stood, taking a few steps forward. "He story is the truth." "Then why did you put her in the Guild?" The center Elder asked. "All you had to do was explain what had happened. You would have been knock down in rank but she would never had to have been forced into the Guild." He coughed, his one ear twitching. "Simple. When I was returning to the Guild to do just that, I ran into a man. He stopped me, knew exactly what I was doing, and offered me five-hundred-thousand credits to make sure Oriana was in the Guild." The silence that settled over the room was almost deafening. All eyes were on Marn, the Elders were angry, I was angry too. Oriana looked ready to reach over and break his neck with out another thought. I placed one hand on Oria's leg, pressing down gently. That seemed to clam her down a bit, but not much. "How much of the money is left?" The center Elder asked. "About two thirds of it." Marn answered, "I've never been one to spend money fast." He snorted. "The funds will be extracted from your accounts." He nodded slowly. "You are also now stripped of all rank with in the Guild. We no longer endorse you, or support you. If we find you operating as an assassin with in are spear of influence you will have an contract on your head within minutes." He nodded again, his head down, looking at his toes. "Also," the female Elder said, standing up. "The door is behind you, if you can leave this building alive you'll remain that way unless your cross us." Marn gulped slowly. "Run," She said softly. "Now!" He was off like a shoot, out the door and into the rest of the building. "I say he has a one in give chance of getting out alive." Oria said, sitting back in her chair. The Elder laughed. "He'll get out, it will take him a few of the worse days of his life. He doesn't know where in the build we are, how to get out, or even where out is. He'll make it eventually though, but he'll never move against the Guild again." Oria frowned. "Listen," I said, standing up, "Now that it's clear that she was here from the actions of someone else, can she get out?" "Fox!" Oriana said, pulling me back into my seat. The second male Elder shook his head. "No... do to that would set a deadly precedent. There are many Apprentices who, once they have done Work on there own, wish to be out. If we let one out we must let the others out as well." I shook my head, standing back up. "But this is killing her! She has to kill four more people in two years. You did not see what just one did to her, you can not make her do this!" The center Elder glared at me. "Mr. Cutter, are you aware of how many contracts are pending on you? That have been pending well before Ms. Shripon joined this Guild?" "A dozen? Two?" I asked. He shook his head. "Three, none of which have ever been acted on because we understand the implications. To kill you would be to kill the Guild. The reaction from the Council and it's members would ensure that." "Meaning what?" I responded, "what does it do telling me that? Are you threatening me?" "No, I'm telling you what kind of threat is standing over you. Some of those who have contracts on you are getting tired of waiting for the right political time. They will soon be moving towards freelance assassins." I nodded my head. The main cause for moving to the new house was that someone had left a bomb at the front door. It was only bad wiring that had keep it from going off. He leaned back in my chair. "If you are assassinated, by a freelace or a Guild member the Guild will be attacked. So, it is in our best interest to make sure you stay alive. In that regard we will give Ms. Shripon the job of guarding you." Oria seemed to tense slightly. "Now, this doesn't elevate your obligations for contracts." The Elder explained, "but it does give you the right to refuse all contracts but those that are opinionated to you by us directly." "Which," The second male Elder said, "will consist of no contract at all unless there is a pressing reason why you must take it." "Is that acceptable?" The female Elder asked. Oria stood up, taking my hand in her paw as she nodded her head. "Thank you." The center Elder smiled. "It is the best we can do for you. Now this meeting is over, you may return the way you came." I nodded to the man as Oria turned around and walked to the t-curtain, pulling me with her. Once we were though the curtain pop a few times and closed, the frame around it breaking apart and falling onto the floor. Oria sighed happily, just ignoring the mess as she left the room. I followed behind her. She seemed to walk higher then I had seen in years, almost bouncing along the hallway. "Happy about this?" I asked her as we came into the living room. "Are you crazy!" She said, falling down onto the couch. She then grabbed my hand and pulled my down on top of her. "I'm about ready to burst!" She then bent down and kissed me. I was happy to kiss her back now, nothing was rushed about it either. It was a long and slow kiss that quickly led to us being a lot more physical for the next few hours. ----- This story is (c) 1998 by Fox Cutter, hardcopy reprints limited to one a person, all other rights reserved. This story may not be distributed for a fee except by permission of the author, and this copyright notice may not be removed.