Mirror Cycle By: Fox Cutter 05/15/99: Chapter 1 This was it, the big day. Everything I had been working on over the past couple of months was all going to come together today. Only a short time remained before things were to begin, and I still had to get everything ready. I had my backpack out, and was going through my female clothes, picking something appropriate for me. Even if this didn't work, I was still going to need them, so it was best to keep them close at hand. Joining them were other small items: the copy of Thrysten's gem, Rhea's collar and the extra wedding band. All would be needed today. Stuffing the last of the clothing into the bag, I zipped it closed, and slung it over my shoulder. Taking a quick glance around the room, I made sure I hadn't forgotten anything. Of course I had! I picked up my glasses case. I didn't normally need them, but this was a special occasion. I still wasn't quite sure if this was going to work, and I was nervous as hell. Stepping out of the bedroom, I picked up Ravindar at the door. We both headed into the kitchen, where Oria was, feeding Beca her breakfast. The twins were already happily feed, and both seemed to be asleep in their carriers. "Think you can spare some of your free time today?" I asked my wife, not sitting down, instead standing across the table, leaning forward to be close to eye-level with her. She gave me a sidelong glance, "I might," she said, spooning some more food into Beca's mouth. "Does this have anything to do with the message you got last week?" I chuckled, "Nothing gets past you, does it?" She smirked at me and I smiled back to her. That was my wife. The training she had gotten in the Guild might not have made her happy, but it sure made her observant. In fact, she had been talking to me about resuming the training, once the kids were old enough. She said that with Cain gunning for me (along with who knows else) that it would be a good idea for both of us to be in better shape. "Yes it does," I answered her original question, "and all the other messages as well." She nodded, "You're not going to tell me what this is about, are you?" "Of course not," I responded. This time I was smirking. "How else can I keep my air of mystery and intrigue about me?" She smiled, "If I didn't love you, I would hurt you for that." "Thanks, I think." I said as I walked around the table to stand behind her as she helped Beca with more food. The young lady had been fussy lately, mostly because she had started to teeth last week. I wasn't sure if that was on schedule or not, and would have to see if anyone knew. I draped my arms over Oria's shoulders. "I will tell you this... it's a birthday party, of sorts." Her response was made up of a very puzzled look on both her face and her ears. "A birthday party? For whom?" I chuckled. "A party of sorts. It's not actually celebrating the anniversary of a birth. You'll see. As for whom, well, that's the surprise now isn't it?" She sighed. "You can be so infuriating," she commented. I kissed the side of her neck, both of her ears, then the other side of her neck. "And you love me for it." Oria laughed. "Thryn help me, I do." She craned her head back, and we kissed, breaking away after a short time when Beca protested that she was still hungry. When we didn't respond right away, she leaned forward in her highchair and grabbed the spoon. Holding it carefully in her chubby paw, she managed to pull it from the bowl, to make contact with her mouth, losing only a little along the way. "Looks like she's not going to wait for us," I commented to Oria, resting my chin on her shoulder. She pushed the bowl closer to Beca, who proceeded to try and continue feeding herself, with varied success from spoonful to spoonful. "She's going to be a smart girl," I said, nuzzling Oria's cheek. She purred, nuzzling back. "She already is." I kissed her on the cheek, pulling back a bit. "Ready to go, or would you like to wait a few more minutes." Her eyes went wide, her ears laying back. "Now? I thought this thing of yours wasn't until later." "In about twenty minutes," I answered. "I can delay it slightly, but not for long. It was the only time I could get everyone scheduled for today. Trust me, though, this will be worth it." She gave me a slightly exasperated look, brushing some of her hair from her eyes. "Can I go as I am, or do I need to change?" I gave a longer look at how she was dressed. A shirt and jeans, same as I always wore. There were a few stains here and there, but nothing that would be a distraction. "What you've got on will be fine." She nodded, standing up. "Then I'll go tell Kalie she needs to watch the kids. I hope this doesn't take too long." "No more than an hour," I told her, sitting down in her vacated chair as she went off to find Kalie. I sat watching Beca as she continued to eat. She was getting a bit better at matching the food to her mouth. Still, more seemed to end up on herself than she managed to eat. A few minutes later Oria returned, with our baby-sitter in tow. Kalie looked a bit ruffled, in her shirt and shorts; her dark fur was a mess, and she looked a bit tired. A book was clamped in her paws and she held it in front of herself like it was some sort of shield. "Sorry if we woke you," I told her as I stood up. She shook her head. "No, it's all right," she explained in a slightly strained voice. "I just didn't sleep very well last night, that's all." "Thanks for pitching in on such short notice," I said, readjusting the backpack on my shoulders. "Oria won't be gone that long, so don't worry." Kalie nodded, sitting down in front of Beca. The large open back of the chair allowed her tail to easily fit through, unlike most chairs which weren't designed with a thick tail in mind. I took Oria's wrist, pulling her gently along as we walked to where the fold was. Ravindar followed right behind, as always. Oria didn't say much as we slipped through the fold and stepped into The Marble Hall. My first thought was of how antiseptic everything looked. It was a strange thought. True, the hallways were mostly white, but that was the normal color of the Hall. In fact it's where the name itself came from. It was just that the place had started to seem a bit foreign to me now. We continued along the hallway, my arm wrapped around Oria's shoulder as we made small talk. We said nothing very important, and nothing I can remember now. We just chatted to fill the time. Our destination was an unmarked door along the middle of an unmarked hallway, both the same shade of white. The door wasn't prominent against the wall, and in fact was something that you would miss if you didn't know it was there. Taking a deep breath, I found that I was suddenly a lot more nervous than I was before. I tried not to show it as I gave the door a trio of quick raps. There was a few seconds pause before it opened, revealing the golden-eyed face of N'Taki. He smiled when he saw me, opening the door the rest of the way. "Come in, please, your almost late." We did, stepping into a slightly bare room, almost a lobby, but there were only three chairs, and no receptionist, just a bare desk. It was just set up in such a way that everything that was actually going on in the lab was hidden behind the two closed doors. One door I knew led to N'Taki's office, the other was a hallway to the actual labs. "And you must be Oriana," he said with a pleasant smile, offering her a paw. "I've heard a lot about you. Fox may not have mentioned it, but I'm a fan of the stories about his exploits. I find them fascinating, as well as you. I hear that you are married now, congratulations." She blushed, a smile wrapped around her muzzle. "Thank you, I'm glad you like our stories," she took his paw shaking it swiftly. "I'm happy to meet you, for whatever's going on here." He smiled as he took his paw back, his focus returning to me. "She doesn't know what you're planning? My, my, the secrets that we keep," he chuckled, turning away from us. "Come on, everyone is waiting." "Where exactly are we?" Oria asked as we followed N'Taki through the door, and down the long, white hallway. We passed a few large, locked doors as we went. "This is one of the Consortium R&D labs," I explained. "They've been working on a project for me. I think you'll like the surprise, so trust me about what's going on." She turned her head back to look at Ravindar. "You knew about this?" she asked. "Yes, ma'am," he responded. "I've been with him almost the whole time he's been working on this." Oria shot him a 'why didn't you tell me' look, before turning back to face forward. N'Taki turned into an open door, and we found ourselves in an almost empty room. The only thing in it were four people, one was H'Naala, N'Taki's wife, two were older Varii, that I didn't know, and the last one was Ken. The other thing in the room was a long table, with a body laid out on it. The white sheet covering it was rising and falling slowly as the body under the sheet breathed. "What's going on?" Ken asked as he saw me, walking over swiftly. "No one has told me anything! And what's with the body? It's kind of creepy. It reminds me of Nata'razi'anra" He shook his wings in a slight shiver at that. Couldn't say I could blame him, that still gave me chills. No time for reminiscing. I shrugged my backpack off, setting it on the floor, and walked over to H'Naala. "Everything ready?" I asked. She nodded, her long white hair flipping about, a contrast against her rust red fur. Her eyes were a dark emerald green. They always took me by surprise every time I saw them. "Everything has been prepared," she replied. "Good," I responded, starting to relax slightly. "Who are the other two, and why are they here?" "They're senior healers from my Clan," she explained, leaning slightly forward. "They wish to observe the procedure. Nothing like this has even been attempted on a Natural before, and they want to see how it proceeds." I snapped my head in a nod. "Ok, that's fine by me, but you're the only one allowed in my mind." She nodded in return, and I stepped away from her. Looking at both Ken and Oria, I smiled. "All right, time to explain what's going on before we start." "That would be nice," Oria remarked, looking a bit puzzled, and just the slightest bit annoyed. I walked over to her, kissing her on the cheek. "You'll like this, trust me." I took my glasses off, handing them to her. She blinked in slight surprise, but took them from me. Next, I reached under my shirt and grasped my pendent. Pulling it up, and over my head, I handed it to Oria as well. I shifted into my lioness morph form as I stepped away from her. I adjusted my clothing slightly, my body being smaller in this form than when I was human. I slipped my tail out over the top of my pants, and checked to see if my earring had transferred right. I had gotten my ear pierced in this form, but some times it would fall free during the change. "This is interesting," Ken commented, focusing on me, then peering back at the body on the table. "The lady you were just talking to, he said, a grin spreading over his muzzle, "she's telepathic with Naturals, isn't she?" I smiled, "Correct. I think you already know where this is going," I said as I bent down to fish out the gem from my backpack. He nodded, "You said this was a birthday of sorts when you called me. It's for Rhea, isn't it?" "Rhea?" Oria said with a soft gasp of shock. "You mean, that's a body for Rhea on the table?" "Correct again," I answered, dropping the gem over my neck, the stone sea-blue in color as it fell between my breasts. "We have an interesting plan as well. With H'Naala's help, it shouldn't take very long." "Are you sure that it's safe? What if something goes wrong?" She looked worried, and rightly so. H'Naala stepped forward to answer that before I could. "I'm not going to be doing anything that can cause damage to either of them. I'm going to imprint an exact copy of Fox's mind into the body's brain. Which, for a moment mean there will be two versions of both Fox and Rhea. Then I'll just block out the parts that make Rhea in Fox's mind, and the parts that make Fox in Rhea's mind. Both are completely reversible." Ken wrapped an arm around Oria's shoulder, and a wing around her back. "I've seen it done before, but not precisely like this. The swapping out of Rhea's mind should not pose a problem." I took in a deep breath. "See, if anything goes wrong, the worst that will happen is that we both end up having the exact same mind. Which is also easily fixable. I would just be twained for a while." Oria stepped away from Ken, grabbing me for a short kiss. "I trust you. If you believe this can be done, I'll allow you to do it." I returned the kiss. "Thank you," I finally said, taking a step back, and grasping the gem in my paws. I started 'talking' to it, telling it to activate. With my eyes closed I felt no changes to my body. I knew it was done, though, when I drop the gem, and my paw settled onto the floor. I was back into my full lioness form, my clothing gone, shifted away for now by a spell Ken had provided a year ago. The only thing I now wore was the gem, which had become fire-red. Taking in a long breath, I felt Rhea starting to peek over my shoulder. She didn't know what was going on here either. I gave her a quick explanation. This was her surprise as well, and as I walked over to the table, she was ecstatic at the news. The idea of having her own body thrilled her, though she did say she would miss being in my head with me. I reassured her that this wouldn't be the end of our friendship, since she was part of the family. It might give her a few added responsibilities that she might not expect, though. She didn't seem to mind. Not even when I mentioned she would have to go morphic at times. To her it was just all part of being part of the family. I looked up at H'Naala, nodding my head slightly. She understood this motion, placing one of her paws on my forehead. The other slipped under the sheet, to be placed on the other side of this mental transfusion. Her mental fingers slipped gently into my mind. I was ready for this, and didn't jump back. In this form, any reaction to her probing would hurt her a lot more than it did last time. So I tried to relax, and closed my eyes. Time seemed to slow down after a while. My thoughts echoed around in my head. I could still feel her fingers, but they were moving all over my mind. There was a slight pulling sensation that was growing stronger, and once I swear I had a flash of seeing the sheet over my eyes. I don't know now long the process lasted, it felt like forever. I watched in my mental landscape, waves and ripples in strange patterns passed over Rhea and me. Sometimes they were small, sometimes large. Other times there were strange spikes of light in the sky. Then one moment, Rhea was standing by my side, the next, she was gone. I was shocked at how sudden it was, actually searching my mind for her for a few seconds before I understood what had happened. After that, H'Naala's fingers were gone from my mind. I opened my eyes, to find her sitting in front of me, panting hard. She looked a bit dizzy, and N'Taki was already at her side. I turned my head, looking up at the table. Only to find myself looking back down at me. 'Rhea?' I asked in the strange, semi-telepathic language that I seemed to have in this form. 'Fox?' came the response in the same form. She twitcher her ears, tongue licking at her nose. I raised up higher, nuzzling at her cheek. 'Good morning sister, welcome to the real world.' She purred. One of the other Vari came over, pulling the sheet away from her. She flicked her tail, and pulled herself up to her feet. She looked a bit shaky, but that was to be expected, her body was not as fit as mine was yet. I padded back to Oria, taking the gem once again in my paws, and talking it into returning me to my morphic form. I stood back up from the floor, stretching out slightly. "It worked," I declared with a smile. She returned it, hugging me tightly. "I see that. I'm just glad you're still in one piece." I purred softly, kissing her nose. "I still have a lot to do. I need to take Rhea to see Doctor Videa, have her checked out, and get a tracker put in her." She nodded. "I understand. I guess I have to go back home now." "Almost," I told her, picking up my pack again, and fishing through it. "There's still one thing left to do." She gave me a quizzical look as I pulled my paw out of the pack. When she saw what I was holding, she smiled. "A wedding band for Rhea," she said, taking it from me. "I didn't know you had it made in this size, I thought there was just the normal one." I grinned, taking her hand, and pulling her towards Rhea. "I felt it was proper, after all, she is married to us." She laughed, "Of course." Everyone else had moved out of our way. All four Varii had moved together, talking about how things had gone, and Ken was standing back, minding his own business. Ravindar was standing just inside the door, watching with a smile. Rhea was still in the process of looking over her new body when she noticed our arrival. Her ears pricked up as we came close to her, her muzzle showing something close to a smile. There was no doubt that she was far more than just an animal. "How are you feeling?" I asked her, reaching out to pet her scruff. 'Good,' she answered back. I didn't know that we could still talk in that fashion once I was in a morphic form. It was a surprise, but a pleasant one. "Oria, would you care to do the honors?" I suggested. She smiled, holding up the wedding band. "Rhea, a year ago, when Fox had just returned to me, it was hard to imagine that you would be anything good for our family. Now here we are, married, which would never have happened without you. We are bound together in a strange family that has no precedent. So I hope that you will wear this with the same pride and honor that I do, to show yourself as part of this family." Rhea nodded her large head, placing her right paw forward. Oria smiled, and very carefully placed the band over the large wrist. Closing it, there was the soft click of a magical lock to keep it on. Rhea looked down at the band, then pulled it to her cheek and nuzzled it. She then leaned forward and nuzzled Oria's cheek, licking her across the face. "I think that means yes," I explained with a smile. Oria laughed and slapped me with her arm as she bent forward, and nuzzled Rhea's cheek. We were most assuredly a family. Chapter 2 It took a bit of time, but I had managed to get changed into something that fit slightly better on my current form. Still, I looked like I always did, T-shirt and jeans. What can I say, I have no imagination. By now both Oria and Ken had left. Ken took my pendent, as he wanted to give it a once over before I put it back on. Oria, on the other hand, was a bit more insistent on staying with me. It took a while to get her going; I had other things to do, and so did she. I left her with a promise that I would be home in a few hours. Rhea had wanted to stretch her new legs, so we had all moved into the lobby of the labs. The two older Varii had left, satisfied with the way things had gone. H'Naala was checking Rhea once more, to insure that everything she had done worked. She had already done the same with me, and things in my mind we're as normal as they ever were. N'Taki was standing to the side, looking very relieved that things had turned out so well. If something had gone wrong, it would have been on his head. Something no one wanted to see happen. I smiled as I stepped out of N'Taki's office, noticing that Ravindar had been guarding the door for me. Typical, not that I minded. I was starting to find that, I would feel uncomfortable without him around. Strange feeling. "Everything intact?" I asked, walking over to Rhea, bending down as I did so to fluff her ears. "She's fine," H'Naala explained, "Even better than I expected. Better than you, but your mixed bodies might have something to do with that." I grinned. "Makes sense to me. I'm surprised you were even able to find my mind in that mess. It's hard enough for me to deal with. I can't imagine what it would be like for an outsider." She chuckled as she rose to her feet. "There were no great surprises in your mind. True it's a bit twisted around itself, but I suspect for a Natural, that's normal." My response was a smirk, which was echoed in both my ears and tail. "Thanks, I'll take that as a compliment." I petted Rhea's fur as I said this, and she was purring in return. H'Naala smiled, then yawned loudly, her mouth opening wider than I thought was possible. "I think I'm going to go home and sleep for a month. This has really worn me out." I nodded, pulling my backpack off my shoulders. "I understand, we'll get out of your hair in a moment." I dug into the pack, quickly I found and remove Rhea's collar. It was the same one that was used on me the day the curse first struck. She knew the procedure for this, lifting her head, and letting me strap it around her neck. I didn't bother with a leash, she wouldn't be wandering off without me. It was more of a formality than anything else, there was no law requiring her to be leashed, or restrained, but she did have to wear a collar. "Come on, guys," I said, pulling my backpack on as I opened the door. "Let's get going, we have other things to do. And thanks, you two, if you need anything, anything at all, give me a call, I'll see what I can do." H'Naala gave me a tired smile, as she leaned against N'Taki, who had his arm wrapped around her waist. "I'll keep that in mind," he said, smiling as well. I smiled back, stepping out into the hallway, Rhea at one side, and Ravindar right behind me. Closing the door, I felt Ravindar's paw fall onto my shoulder. "How are you feeling?" he asked in a concerned tone of voice. "You might be surprised," I told him, "I feel really good. Everything seems right, but, I also feel kind of alone." I reached down to pet Rhea as we started to walk along the hall. "After all this time, it feels strange to be alone in my mind again. I'm going to miss having her with me all the time. Not that there's anything wrong with being separate, it's just that..." I was at a loss for words, I couldn't really say how I was feeling right now. "I understand" he said, walking next to me for once, and not behind. "She is something like a sister to you, isn't she?" I chuckled. "More than something. If she was to use the gem, we would be identical, except for the eyes." Her eyes were gray, just like in my mind, and when she was in control of my body. No one had planned that, it just happened on it's own. Ravindar gave a sage like nod as we continued to walk. The three of us side by side. My hand was still in the back of Rhea's neck, petting her scruff gently. She was watching everything closely, taking it all in. There was nothing that she hadn't seen before, but she was herself now, and even the same things were new again. I was going to take a fold to our next destination, but Rhea wanted to walk instead. This struck me as a good idea, once I had time to think about it. We didn't know if she was a Natural or not, and I had forgotten to bring any temps for her. So walking was the best choice. Anyway, our first stop was only a few miles from the Hall. We walked up the ramp, out of the Hall, and into the streets of Corbin, the city that surrounded the Marble Hall. Turning north we headed towards the Zoo. No, I wasn't going to put Rhea there, Doctor Videa, my vet, worked there. She was going to implant a tracker in Rhea, so we would be able to keep tabs on her in the event that something happened to her. I, myself, have one, a strange thing for a person to have implanted. It was done as a precaution to make sure that if Rhea ever took control of the body again, Oria would always be able to find me. Now it was no longer necessary, so I could have it removed, once I had time to not be able to sit down for a few days. The sunlight felt good on my fur, which prompted me to start purring. I had to admit it, I liked this body, even if it was so off from who and what I really am, or what I used to want to be. To some, the change of both species and gender would be hard to overcome. For me it was simply something else for me to learn to enjoy. "So, what are your plans for the rest of the day?" Ravindar asked. I smiled, twitching an ear. "Well, first to see Doctor Videa, then after that to get Rhea tested to see if my ability as a Natural copied over." He looked slightly surprised. "I thought it was impossible to 'make' a Natural. You could only be born that way." "Right," I answered, scratching the back of my neck. "But the process that was used to make Rhea's body isn't a simple cloning, or genetic manipulation. That, and with how strange my luck is at times, it's just the kind of thing that would happen." I shrugged, "That's the way my family is." He nodded his head, his eyes almost focusing on me as we continued to walk. "Then after that, do you have any more places you wish to go?" 'Someplace where I can run!' Rhea chipped in from my side. I laughed, scratching the back of her ears, my claws out slightly. "Well, Rhea wants to go running, and I think I'll join her. I know this nice little place out where we used to live. Hell, you could use the gem and join us. I would love to see what you would look like as a full tiger." "Remember, you're married," he cautioned, but with a pleasant smile. "But I will consider it, I still need to keep an eye on you. One question first, how did she tell you what she wanted?" "Telepathically," I answered. He coughed, "You're a Natural, how precisely is that possible?" I shrugged, flicking my ears as I did so. "I'm not sure. We could always talk before. And the Unicorn and I could talk in the same fashion." He gave me a slightly strange look. "Never mind about all that. I guess it's something us smart animals can do." Rhea nodded her head in agreement, skipping a few paces forward of us as we turned a corner. "You're not exactly an animal Fox," Ravindar told me, a bit of a worried look on his face as we followed Rhea around the corner. "I'm not so sure anymore." I answered him, putting my paws in my pockets. "I mean, on one hand, I spend most of my time as a human, on the other, that's not the form I need to be in. Since the curse, my human form has been something forced onto the lioness form. That's why I have claws. The gem just changes that to morphic. The thing is, for the past year, to the day, I've been a lioness that can become a human, but not really human." He placed a paw on my shoulder. "Don't be too hard on yourself. Once Ken does break your curse, you'll be back to normal." I laughed. "This is normal to me now! And if he does, what do I lose? I'll be back to a standard human, and you know I'm not like that anymore, and I like being Rhea, or rather a lioness, that is. Both morphic and full. It feels good to have more than one body, in a strange kind of way." "Well..." he paused, grabbing my shoulder a bit harder, pulling us both to a standstill. We were just in front of an alley, and he was glancing into it out of the corner of his eye. Rhea had stopped a few feet away. The fur on the back of her neck was brisling. Something was wrong here, and I was the only one who couldn't see it. Then in one move, Ravindar shoved me back into the alley, following right behind, blocking my body with his. Behind us I heard the familiar sound of bullets striking the wall behind where we stood. He shoved me back against the wall, arm over my chest, holding tightly. He himself already had a gun out, holding it at the ready. He was bleeding from a shallow wound along his arm. I couldn't see Rhea, she must still have been out in the street. I hoped she was O.K. I followed suit, pulling my own gun out, and loading a round into the chamber. "What are we looking at?" I asked him in a hushed voice. He glanced back at me, looking slightly surprised to find that I was armed. I guess he forgot that I carried a pair of guns almost all the time, or maybe he just assumed that, as a female, I was unarmed. Not that it mattered right now. "One gunman," he answered, pulling out some sort of reflective stick from his pocket. He held it loosely in his paw, leaning forward slightly. Reaching out of the alley, he spun it around in a circle twice, then pulled it back. The sound of two more bullets striking the wall followed, sending a fine mist of dust into the air. "Sniper position, three buildings over, fourth floor, two windows from the left," he explained, putting his device away. "There's a second man at the end of the street, not armed, but holding something gun-like, but it is not a weapon. I was unable to get a good enough look to see exactly what it is." He sounded almost apologetic. I was amazed that he could see all that in that short of a time. Then again, this is what he was trained for, and as a Crystal Master, he had to excel at his job. "Rhea?" I prompted, shucking my pack. "She's fine," he answered, "holding herself to the ground, and being ignored." I sighed, "Good, nice to know they're trying to keep from killing anyone but me." He glanced over his shoulder to me. "That is what's confusing; the first shot was aimed to kill me, not you." "Well, that's odd, don't you think?" He shook his head. "The other man, if he has a tranquilizer gun, then they're more likely trying to capture you alive." I sighed, shaking my head slightly. "Ok, so they want you dead and me in their possession. This is not a good position to be in." I glanced down the alley way. "And this is a dead end, perfect, not even a door we can open." "They must have been following us to find the proper location," he commented, leaning forward quickly to take a shot, pulling back right away. More shots smacked into the wall, one hit the far side of the alley. "Damn, this is a terrible angle to shoot at. I need more than a fraction of a second to hit him." I nodded, trying to relax, and to take in my situation. The alley was one I would expect to see anywhere, just wide enough for a car, with a few doors along its length, none with handles. It ended up against a brick wall after twenty feet. No place to go, not even a fold. There was something else, though. There were a set of stairs leading down to a basement entrance of one of the buildings. It looked like it had seen better days, but it gave me an idea. "What do you think of those steps over there? Would they be good cover?" He hummed, looking at me, then at where I was pointing. "Yes," he answered after a second's thought. "The angle is wrong to shoot into it. If you were down at the bottom, you should be fine." "Good, I'm going to give you a distraction," I told him with a smile, right before I burst into a hard run. Falling to the ground at full speed, I rolled under the handrail, and into the stairwell. The landing hurt, smacking both my arms and my shins on the stone steps. There was pain, but not enough to pay attention to right then. "Damn it, Fox," Ravindar said. I waved my paw at him over the lip of the stairwell, keeping myself as low as I could. No shots came in my direction, that was good. Moving back farther, I rose up slightly out of the stairwell. I could just see the sniper resting where Ravindar said he would be. He wasn't shooting, just seemed to be holding back for the next chance. Resting my wrists on the lip of the stairwell, I took careful aim. There was no way I could hit him at this distance, I wasn't that good a shot. Instead, I just wanted his attention. I fired three rounds, ducking back down just in time to hear a few shots hit the stone above my head. I wasn't sure how many there were, but it ended when I heard Ravindar fire. "You can come out now," he called a few seconds later. I peeked over the edge of the stairwell. Ravindar was standing just outside of the alley, gun still in hand, but smiling. Climbing out, I walked over to where he stood, to see why he was smiling. It didn't take long for me to see what exactly it was. The other would-be kidnapper, the one with the tranquilizer gun, was currently pinned down under Rhea, who had her jaws wrapped around his neck. I smiled. "Nice to see we still have someone we can talk to," I commented as I started to walk towards them. Ravindar followed just behind me, gun out, and held prone. As I got closer, I could see that this capture hadn't been peaceful. Whoever our attacker was, he had been slashed down the side of his face by Rhea, and was bleeding from his shoulder, where there was an evident bite mark. Some of his shirt, and a bit of flesh, was missing. I grinned, leaning down once I was next to them, my left arm over Rhea's back, my right still holding my gun. "Hello," I said with a wicked smile. He started to struggle more, looking panicked. "I wouldn't do that, unless you want to find out how easy it is to breath when your own blood is flooding down into your lungs, hum?" He froze, his eyes pleading with me. He really didn't want to try and learn how to do that. "Let up a bit, Rhea," I said, glancing up to Ravindar, his gun was aimed right at our little friend's head. Good. "Now, you're going to answer some questions, or she's going to eat you, and she knows how to do it, and keep you alive while she does it. Understand." "Yes," he managed to choke out, his eyes locked on Rhea's head. "Good," I drew the word out so it took a few seconds to say. "Who do you work for?" He gulped, a look of panic crossing his face. I could imagine that he wasn't supposed to tell me this if I did capture him. I tapped Rhea's shoulder, and she started to apply a bit more pressure. "Cain!" he yelled out, eyes wide in panic. He seemed to be waiting for something to happen in response to this admission. I was worried as well, I knew I was going to face off with Cain at some point in time, but I had hoped to have longer to prepare for it. "What does he want you to do?" I asked, leaning a bit closer to him. "To kidnap you," he gasped out, eyes unfocused slightly. I placed my paw on his shoulder, still holding the gun as I did so. "Why?" I demanded. He gave me a dazed look. "To get your husband to come to him..." the last word trailed off, his eyes rolling back into his head. "What the hell just happened?" I asked Ravindar, looking up to him, slightly panicked. "Cain may have done something to keep him from talking. A mental command or an implant. It shut down his mind instead of allowing him to talk. It might have been fear of Rhea that kept him with us as long as it did." "Shit!" I said, rising to my feet. "Cain thought I was Oriana. Shit, he's after her, not me." "It would give him a strategic advantage over you," Ravindar commented. "How do we get anything else out of him?" I asked, returning my gun back to its holster. He shook his head. "I can think of a few ways, but if Cain could knock him out like this, anything we can do would be useless." I shook my head. "Unacceptable," I told him, glancing around the street. It was still empty, no police at all. They should have been here by now. I worried about that as well. "Do you know any other way?" he asked, sounding snide. "Yes," I said, the answer coming to me. "I know of another way we can get the information out of him." He gave me a worried looked. "How, he's dying as we speak, he won't last more than a few minutes." I grinned. "That's all we need. Grab the body, we have to go see a vampire!" Chapter 3 As luck would have it, the nearest fold was only a hundred feet down the next turn. So, as Ravindar heaved the body of our attacker over his shoulder, I went back to the allay to grab my backpack. Dashing past him and Rhea, I ran to the fold and yanked it open. Jumping through, I came out into the fold room at the house. I dropped my pack and grabbed a pair of temps, then jumped back through to the other side, closing it in the process. As soon I was back on the street, I went right down to my knees. Rhea was already there, head bowed slightly. I shoved the temps over her ears. They would stay on long enough to get us all to the other side. Getting back to my feet, I spun around, opening the fold to Praxis. We stepped over the threshold, and half way across Prid. Right into the middle of a busy street corner. Rhea jumped through after me. Ravindar followed a bit more carefully, the body slung over his shoulder. Closing the fold, I paused for a few seconds to get my bearings. "This way," I said, starting off in the proper direction. I was moving at breakneck speed, or at least trying to. The people on the street were blocking the way. We were in the business section of town, after all. We had to hurry. I didn't know if Elena could do anything with a completely dead body. I was hoping that as long as he was only mostly dead, something could be done. "Can you clear a path?" I asked Ravindar, shoving past a small crowd of people. The fact that my oversized companion had an almost dead body over his shoulders didn't seem to phase anyone. He came to a sharp stop, taking in a deep breath. "Everybody get the hell out of my way!" he bellowed out. That got most peoples' attention, but they just stopped in their tracks and stared at us. A few open mouthed, but no one was moving out of our way. Rhea then chipped in, pulling herself back and letting out an ear splitting roar. Now, a lion's roar is jarring enough, but there was nothing like a lion on Prid, or in the zoos. This added to the effect. People scattered off the sidewalk for us. With the way clearer than before, we once more were moving at a dead run. My feet we're starting to get sore from the pounding they were taking on the pavement. I didn't have shoes on; Oria's species just didn't use them, and I followed suit in this form. I just didn't have the calluses built up yet to do this type of thing. We continued at that heavy pace, pushing past the few people who managed to keep in our way. Of the three of us, I was the farthest back. Rhea and Ravindar we're moving at a good pace, but I was starting to fall behind. Our destination was in sight! The front lawn of the 'Data and Troubleshooting Services of Kenterra' offices was just around the corner. We cut across the grass, ignoring the path, and burst through the front door into the lobby. Inside we were meet by a dozen very well armed dragons, the particular kind from Elena's world. Their uniforms were bulky, thick, and well armored. Each had the distinct look of just waiting for us to do something wrong so they could do their jobs. Motioning for the others to stop, I took a few steps forward, my tail lashing back and forth behind me. "I need to see Elena right now. It's an emergency!" I called out to whoever would listen. I glanced back at Ravindar; my attacker was still breathing, but it was slowing down. "Come on, people, we don't have time to waste!" There was a slight commotion from the back of the room, one of the guards was talking to the receptionist, in less than hushed tones. Then the guard, looking a bit, annoyed snapped an order to the others in a language I didn't understand. In response the guards fanned away from the door that led into the rest of the offices. "The director's in hir office, at the end of the hall," the guard said in thickly accented Prid Standard. Obviously learnt, and not spoken with a translator. I snapped my head towards him, running right past. For a second I got a look at myself in the large sheet of glass behind the receptionist's desk. I was a sight, dirty from my trip into the stairwell, my hair was a mess, the ponytail it was in (I had longer hair in this form, and my pigtail had transferred into a ponytail) was coming loose. My ears were flat down on my head, and there was no doubt I was pissed. That lasted only a moment, though. Then we were through the door, and moving down the long hallway that ran the length of the office building. Of the people that usually worked in the office, I didn't see a one, everyone was staying out of our way. We came to the large door at the end of the hallway. It, too was guarded by a dragon who was holding a gun half his own size. The other guard was an otter Theriamorph, but not in armor. Sie was dressed in some kind of kilt getup, and was holding a staff in hir paw. I suspected sie was just as deadly as the guard, if not more so. I started to tell them to open the door, but the otter was already doing it for us. Sie said nothing, but just stood aside to let us through. On the other side of the door was Elena's office. It was a large room, and dark. Once the door behind us closed, the only light came from the bank of video monitors that lined the wall behind the desk. The outline of a 'taur form was visible behind it. "Elena, I need your help," I said, taking a step forward. There was a pause. "Step closer so I can get a look at your companion," sie asked. Hir voice sounded bad, rough and raspy, like it hurt for hir to talk. We all shifted forward, the tension in the room was growing. We didn't have much time to deal with this kind of play. "I recognize Fox and Ravindar, but who is the lady lion?" sie asked with a slightly worried tone, hir silhouette shifting slightly. "Sie doesn't appear to be Oriana." I shook my head. "I'm Fox. That's Rhea now." I told hir, taking another step forward. "Ah! I see, you've twained yourself. I suspected you were planning something of this type, but nothing quite like this." There was a pause, and the light over the desk snapped on. Elena looked like hell, or something worse for that matter. Hir throat looked raw; the fur was stripped off and the skin seemed to have been ripped open at one point. Hir right eye was gone, leaving an empty socket that was disconcerting to look at. Hir muzzle had been rent open, then healed badly, leaving it deformed. There was a strange gap of skin over hir muzzle. Sie coughed, "So, why do you need me?" sie coughed again, harder this time, hacking a bit. Although sie was in no condition to be seeing anyone, sie must have known this was going to be important. I snapped a look to Ravindar, and he stepped forward, dropping the body hard onto the desk. Our captive's face was pale, and his skin was clammy. His breathing was shallow and slow, and it rattled, loudly enough to make me think there were only a few more breaths left. "This man tried to kidnap me thinking I was Oria. His compatriot tried to kill Ravindar in the process," I hastily explained. "We were able to get some information out of him, the fact that he was working for Cain for one. He doesn't seem to know I have more than one body." Sie smiled, a decidedly unpleasant thing to view. "And you wish for me to see if he has any more information, yes?" I nodded. "Everything he knows about Cain, his operation, and most of all, where he is located. I will not take an assault on my family lightly." Sie looked down at the body, setting hir paw over his chest, licking her lips slightly. "I can provide that for you if you wish, and more. When I interrogate a prisoner, I can get far more information than you would think." "I understand. Right now I'm just focusing on Cain," I paused for a second, glancing at my attacker, then back to Elena. I gave her a slight smile, "But you can keep him when you're done." "Really now?" sie asked, a look of hunger showing in her good eye. Sie walked around the desk, looking over the body, then back to me. The damage wasn't limited to just her face. Sie had a series of bite and claw marks all down hir body. A few places were clearly missing large chunks of flesh. Everything was somewhat healed, but didn't look healthy. "I shall accept that as your payment," sie quipped. "I need the opportunity a good meal would provide." The last part was said more to hirself than for us. I understood this for what is was, our cue to leave. "So I see. Have fun. We'll be back at the house. Stop by once you have the information we need. I'm sure you already know where the fold is." Sie gave a slight nod of hir head, most of hir attention focused on hir meal. "Come on, let's get back home and clean up," I said it more as an order than anything else. Quickly we filed out of the room, leaving Elena to hir 'interrogation' as we headed back towards the exit. "I never expected you to have that in you," Ravindar commented as we stepped out of the doors of the office. Much to the relief of most of the staff that we saw, Rhea was right by my side, panting a bit, and looking like she could use a good lay down. "What, to give my would-be kidnapper to Elena?" I questioned, feeling a bit queasy about it myself. He gave me a sharp nod. "That, and the fact that he won't survive hir questioning." "I knew that going in," I told him as we stepped back onto the sidewalk, trying to look casual. "Hell, I never doubted how sie would get the information. I was half doing that as a gesture to hir, and half to make it clear that I understood the implications of what I was doing." He snorted softly, "Sie may not be around much longer hirself. I do not quite understand what you hope to achieve by this action." I chuckled, "I know hir, I've seen hir in action before and know exactly what sie is. When I called hir a vampire, I meant that literally. You'll see when sie comes by the house. Until then, we have other things to plan. Like what to do next?" "Next we call the Guild," he told me matter-of-factly, "and put armed guards around the house, and your family. If Cain wants Oriana we have to insure that he won't get her." I nodded. "Do you think he knows what happened to his men?" "I did not see any communication devices on our attacker. They may be simply one of many teams hunting Oriana." I nodded again, wrapping my paws behind my back. "Cain wants Oria to get me to come to him. Get me mad, so I play by his rules in this battle." "Yes," Ravindar said, quickly sliding back to step behind me, once more in a defensive position. I said nothing more as we walked back to the fold. After the events of the past-- I did a mental calculation-- maybe ten minutes, I was starting to feel a let down as the adrenaline wore off. I was thinking, though, Cain wanted Oria to get to me. I understood the plan, it made sense in its way. Basically, he and I were the same person. Not exactly a good side, bad side type thing. He just wanted different things. Like getting his hands on my wife! What struck me as odd was that he apparently didn't know about the curse. This almost made sense, we had kept it low profile since it started. He just might not be aware that I had two forms. Or rather, he knew that I did, but not about the split in forms. To him, Rhea and Ravindar together was me and Ravindar together. So the morphic lioness had to be Oriana. That made more sense. So what to do? The fact that I was now split was an advantage for now. How to use it, though? Well, he wanted Oria, and as far as his men knew, I was her. Perhaps I should let them capture me, thinking that I was Oria. That would be something they would never expect. The thing is, it would only work if they could believe that we didn't know what had happened. A bad assumption to go on. My best hope was that my attacker knew where Cain was, and we could move on him before he found out what happened. That was iffy at best, though. Shaking my head, I opened the fold back into the house. We all stepped through, and I closed it behind us. "Call the Guild," I told Ravindar, "And do what you said. Right now I don't care if we know there around." He smiled, "Yes, sir," then stepped out of the room. I sank down to my knees, all my strength draining from me, the fold snapping closed as I lost my concentration. Holding myself up on my arms, I tried to keep myself calm without getting ill. Rhea was right there next to me, nuzzling my shoulder with her nose. I glanced at her, noticing that she had some blood on the side of her mouth, party dried and flaking off her fur. I sighed, wrapping my arm around her neck and burying my face into her scruff. "You did a good job getting that guy," I told her, my other paw stroking her sides. 'Thank you,' she thought to me, lowering herself into a laying position. 'I didn't want him to get away.' I nodded, eyes closed, smelling her fur. There was still touch of a medical smell from the lab, and a kind of a chemical smell that reminded me of a factory. It took me a few moments to think of where it had come from. I finally settling on that it must have been remnants of the mixture of chemicals used in the birthtanks. To think, if it wasn't for Ravindar's quick reflexes, he would have been dead, and I would have been captured. I never saw it coming, but he and Rhea had known something was wrong. I never saw it. I sighed again, pulling myself up from Rhea. "This has really shaken me up," I told her, as if she couldn't tell. It's not every day something like this happens. It made me glad I had Ravindar as a bodyguard. "I'm going to need ships," I said. Noticing that there was a mask of grime where my face had touch Rhea's fur, I added "And I definitely need a bath." I pulled myself to my feet, "But first, Oria." I stepped out of the room, leaving the door open for Rhea, and walked to the living room. I was expecting to find Oria there; instead I found Kalie. She was playing with Beca, rolling a ball around between them. Kalie was all smiles and Beca was laughing up a storm. The twins were asleep, curled up against each other just beside Kalie. "Hey, there," I said, getting her attention. "Where's Oria?" She turned to look at me, letting out a gasp. "Fox! What happened to you? You're a sight!" she paused, tilting her head, "and," she paused again, "am I seeing things, or are there two of you?" Rhea was by my side, having just come into the room. She walked around Beca and came to the twins, sniffing at them gently. She then flopped on the ground and curled up next to them. I would have laughed if I had the strength to. "Yes, there are two of me now. That's what was going on this morning. Rhea has her own body now. As for what happened to me. Some of Cain's men tried to kidnap me, thinking I was Oria." A frown crossed over her muzzle, along with a worried expression. "I see. That's not good at all. Oria went in to take a bath about twenty minutes ago-- you might want to go join her, your fur is a mess." "Right," I answered, giving her a smile. "You keep watch over the kids, and talk to Ravindar if you see him. He's arranging some stuff." She nodded an affirmation, and I left her there, heading to the bedroom and undoing my pony tail on the way. Oria liked to take three or four hour long baths, just to sit and soak, read, or anything else that crossed her mind. Now, with the huge tub that was part of the master bathroom, she could float in as much water as she could use. The idea of joining her was a good one. I didn't even bother to look at myself once I got into the room. I just closed the door and started to shed clothing as I went towards the bathroom door. I paused outside the door to finishing stripping down to my fur, before I opened it and stepped inside. The room was humid, but Oria loved the steam, and it was made to take it. Every surface was tile, and it had fabulous ventilation, and a shower big enough for Rhea to fit in easily, along with others. "Fox?" Oria gasped when she saw me, standing up in the tub, sending a sheet of water cascading off her body. "What happened to you?" I shook my head, walking over to the tub. "Mind if I join you?" I asked, waving a paw over the water. She nodded, and I stepped down into the water. The tub was just slightly raised over the floor, and the hot water felt good as I sank into it. It slipped up over my legs, then waist, then chest, and up over my head before I finally rose up. "Fox," Oria said, back down in the water, her paws on my shoulders. Her hair spread out over the water as we both sat in it. "What happened." I told her everything that had happened, from the attack to seeing Elena. She took this all in as I spoke, a look of shock on her face. Shock and worry, she liked this as much as I did. Which was not at all. She just shook her head once it was all done. "You made the right choice taking him to Elena," she commented, a grim look on her face. "Sie'll be able to get the information from him, and from the sound of it, sie could use the meal." The way she said it left no doubt she understood what that meant, and seemed to think it was a good idea. "Now the question is... what to do next?" I said, pulling myself to her, wrapping my arms around her and holding her close. "You have a plan, don't you?" she said, whispering it into my ear in a conspiratorial tone of voice. I nodded. "Yes, I have a plan," I said with a smile. "I'm going to let him catch you." Chapter 4 Two hours later, I was clean, mostly dry, and dressed in some fresh clothing. My hair was loose, hanging in a wet mess down my back, but I didn't mind. Right now there were other things to focus my attention on. Oria was right behind me, almost dressed and looking a bit flummoxed. She had managed to get her hair drier than I had, although hers is longer than mine; it fell down almost to the base of her tail, where my hair is only half way down my back. "You need to call Moriya as soon as you can," I told her, brushing a damp strand of hair from in front of my eyes. The strangest thing about being in this form was not the change in gender, being shorter, or even having the tail, it was not having my glasses. "What am I calling about?" she asked, pulling on a pair of pants as she did so. They were not very tight, but were snug enough to show off her curves, some of my favorite viewing. "Ships," I answered, tying my hair back, so it would stay out of the way. "I need to know how many _Red October_ ships we have ready to fly. I'm going to need some of them." She nodded, standing up from the bed, tucking in the front of her shirt as she did so. "What are you going to be doing?" "For this plan to work, I'm going to need more clearance than I currently have." I left it at that, not wanting to take up any more time. I had very little of it left if I wanted to catch Rachel in her office. Oria didn't say anything in return, so I gave her a quick kiss on the nose, then rushed out of the room. To my great surprise, Ravindar wasn't waiting for me outside the door. It was a shock, but I suspected he was busy with the Guild, which was, for now, more important. To my office I went, which was only a few doors down the way. Leaving the door ajar, I dropped down into my chair and pulled up the video phone. I punched in the number of Rachel's 'red' phone. It wasn't actually red in color, it was the same plain black as her other phones. This one was just for emergencies. Her face appeared on the screen in only a few seconds. "What's wrong?" she asked, a very concerned look over her muzzle. "Has the Security Council been approved by the Consortium yet?" I asked, as I leaned slightly forward, resting my arms on the edge of the desk. I tried to look a lot calmer than I felt right then. She blinked in surprise, a look of shock replacing the worry on her face. "Fox, you shouldn't call me on this line to ask me a question like that," she scolded, keeping her tone level, but still there was a touch of anger. "I know," I told her, "but this is an emergency. You told me I was wanted as a special agent for the CSC, and that I would have dominion over anything pertaining to any Earth. Well, I need that authority in," I paused, checking the clock on my desk, "three or four hours." She frowned, causing a nest of lines to show around the corners of her eyes. Her ears twitched back and forth as she thought. "What's going on?" she asked, back to being worried again. I gave her the short version of the events of the morning. I left out the part about Elena, that was something she didn't need to know about. Rachel sighed, shaking her head slowly. "The bill to create the CSC was passed three months ago, but there's been no official budgeting for it. It's official, on paper, but we haven't pushed through all the other parts." I nodded. "Good, the thing is, according to my schedule over here, there is a meeting of the Consortium Council of Member Worlds in ten minutes. Think you can force something through to get me appointed as a Special Agent, as you described it to me?" She pulled a PADD from someplace out of range of the phone's camera, and read over it quickly. Her eyes flashed as she read, and her ears perked up slightly. "Yes, I can run it though, but you will be the sole member of the Consortium Security Council." "I'll worry about the ID, just get me the authority, and make sure it's in the system within two hours," I said, relaxing back in the chair slightly. She twitched one ear, and nodded. "I'll call you when things are done. That should be in an hour and a half. Good-bye till then." I replied in kind, and with a flash, the screen shut off as she disconnected it from her side. Letting out a long, pent-up, sigh, I relaxed back into my chair. One part down, one more to go. This part of my plan would work as long as we had a clue as to where Cain was. The rest of the plan would rely on my thinking about the way he thought. Having to out-think yourself isn't as easy as it sounds. If we both came up with the same ideas, we would both come up with the same ways around them, and how to prevent them from working. I was banking on the further confusion about me being Oria. If that went deep enough, I could get in right close to him without anyone noticing. Back onto my feet, I stepped out of the office. This time Ravindar was waiting for me. He had gotten the wound on his arm patched up, but was still favoring his other arm slightly. That was understandable. "How are things going?" I asked him, walking towards the living room. I figured Oria was using the phone in the kitchen, if not, I could wait for her there. He snorted, tail thrashing back and forth behind him. "The Guild has doubled its watch around the house, and apologized for the lapse that allowed this attack to occur." "Nothing for them to apologize about," I said with a wave of my paw. "Right now, though, we have other things to worry about. First I need to talk to Oria, see what she found out from Moriya, after that, we're waiting for Elena and Rachel. I have a plan, my friend, but it depends on what we learn." He nodded, but said nothing. This was his first time dealing with some of my insane plans, and I didn't know what he would think of it. I guessed I would find out as soon as he told me. Oria was already waiting for me in the living room, she and Kalie were talking quietly. Both were seated on the couch, with Beca in between them. Kalie had Adric on her knee, and Oria was in the process of feeding Romana. Ravindar, like a true gentleman, glanced away at the sight of her bare chest. I didn't, I just walked over, grabbed one of the chairs, and pulled it to the couch. "Would you like some help with that?" I asked Oria, conscious of one of the side effects of my female form. When one female Lidr'ra was lactating, all the other females the house did too. It was a shared responsibility, and it affected me in this form. But to be honest, I didn't really mind it that much. "Adric didn't want to eat," she answered, adjusting her grip on Romana, "so I'm going to wait an hour and try again with him." I nodded, "All right then. Now, what did you find out about the ships? She smiled just a bit. "There are three on the ground at the yards, all in full working order. I already ordered Moriya to put a hold on them for us. They'll be held back a few days pending minor maintenance on the electrical systems." "Good, good, that's perfect. That will keep them officially grounded for as long as I need them." Kalie looked up at me, "What are you planing to do, Fox?" "An assault on Cain's base," I answered. "Either my attacker will know where it is, or he will put us in a position to start looking. Either way I'm going to need the ships-- four, counting _The Falcon_." She looked a bit worried, a frown creasing over her face, but she didn't say anything, and for now I didn't ask. "Which reminds me," I said, standing up, "I need to make a call." I walked across the hallway to the kitchen, grabbing the phone there and dialing up someone I hadn't spoken to in quite a while. There were a few rings before it was picked up, no video. "Hello?" an unfamiliar voice asked. "Hi," I answered, leaning forward slightly, the camera on my side on. "I'm calling for Milgrove." There was a short pause, and a rustling sound over the phone. Then with a snap the screen turned on. Milgrove's face was outlined on the screen, hir small horns glittering slightly in the light. "Sorry about that," sie apologized, "My throat's been bothering me a bit," sie looked sheepish as sie said that. "Who are you?" I grinned, giving hir a short rundown on the whys and hows of my current form. Sie smiled as I did so, understanding right off the bat. Page had told hir about me when they were dating, so sie wasn't surprised at the forms. "So, what do you need me to do?" sie asked, stepping back a bit from the phone, and stretching out hir arms. Mil was a flying squirrel, and had these long flaps of skin between hir arms and legs. Sie even had special clothing sie wear. Sie could fly though, which is why sie is my pilot. "I need you to go to the hanger, grab _The Falcon_ and fly it to the shipyards," I paused for a second of thought, "Do you know where they are?" Sie nodded, "I've been there before I won't have any trouble getting the ship there. Then what do I do?" "Wait for me," I told hir, "I'll be there as soon as I can. We have some business to take care of. While you're there, I need you to call in the best three pilot and gunner pairs we have. I'm going to need them as well." "I see, there's something big going on," sie answered, a smile creeping over hir face. "I'll get right on it." "Good!" I said, smiling widely. We traded parting pleasantries before ending the conversation. That was one more thing taken care of. That left one more problem. If we did have to track down the base, I wouldn't be able to run gunner with Milgrove, and run the fleet, as small as it was. Who else to ask, though? The answer was in front of my face, almost literally. Kalie! She was military, and special forces. I suspected she had retired again, since she had been on Prid for so long, but damn, who else could I ask! She was perfect for the job. I walked back into the living room. Oria had finished with Romana, and was now holding her in her arms. The cub was wide eyed, watching the world, and looked like she was purring ever so slightly. Walking over to Kalie, I placed my paw on her shoulder. She looked up to me, wide eyed, and looking very worried. I didn't have time to ask her anything, because Ravindar let out a sharp yell. I spun around to find him, gun out, aiming it down the hallway. I started for my gun, but stopped when he lowered his. "Our guest is here," he commented dryly, holstering the gun. Stepping away from Kalie, I glanced down the hall. Just as I suspected, Elena was here. Sie was still limping slightly, but looked a lot better. As she walked in to the room, I saw that hir side was healed completely, but hir leg was still a bit banged up. Hir missing eye was now covered by an eye-patch, so I couldn't gauge how it had healed, but hir throat and muzzle were healed totally. "Welcome to my home," I said, waving my paw out. "That's Oriana and Kalie, but I'm sure you know that already." Sie gave me an annoyed glare. "Yes, I already do know that, but there's no need to advertise it to anyone who might be listening." Sie turned her attention to the ladies, "I am Elena Khatika, Fox has asked me to retrieve some information, and I am here to pass it onto you." "Good," I answered, taking a chair and sitting down in it, wincing a bit as I pinched my tail. I was still not used to having one for any length of time. "Sit down and tell us all about it." Sie nodded, folding hir legs under hir, and lowering hirself to the floor. Sie grunted as sie changed the weight on hir damaged leg, but looked generally relaxed. None of us said a word, we were all waiting for Elena to speak first. Sie had to know this, and judging from the twitch of hir ears, sie was playing it up appropriately. "Let me start," sie said, breaking the silence with a smile, "by saying that Cain has gotten sloppy." Sie said 'sloppy' with a thick measure of contempt. "Sloppy how?" I asked. Sie snorted. "Trying to kidnap you with a sniper, instead of a drive-up snatch operation. It would have been smoother to do, and would haven't needed so many teams." This perked my ears up. "Teams? How many teams?" Sie smiled, showing a bit of hir teeth, "I'll get to that, in my own time. For now, just listen." Sie paused again, locking hir good eye on me. "To start, my meal thought of Cain as a terrorist, not a kidnapper. And his plan seems to show that. He also seems to be worried about Ravindar. Cain's aware of his connection to the Guild, and is leery about dealing with him." "But he tried to kill me, none the less," Ravindar commented from behind hir, his arms crossed and a bitter look on his face. Elena chuckled. "Yes, my meal didn't know why he decided to kill you, but just that you were supposed to be killed. Now, as for the target, it is Oriana, no question as to that. They knew about Rhea as well, but not in any detail. Any lioness morph with Ravindar was to be considered Oriana, and if you were to be a problem Fox, you were to be tranquilized, and left on the street." "Oh, hell," I swore, shaking my head slightly. Oria sat stone faced, no emotion showing at all, even her ears we're held half up and half down. This was as bad a shock to her as it was to me. Sie nodded, "It is unpleasant to think about it." Sie paused, twitching hir left ear, causing the dangling parts of hir ear clip that held hir name to jingle against each other. "That is not all. You have been lucky, there was no coordination at all between groups. They were put in the city to capture you, but they don't talk to each other." "Badly run operation," Kalie muttered, the look of worry on her face seeming to have deepened into dark lines of her fur. "I said he was sloppy," sie answered, slapping hir tail on the floor. "All teams are suppose to check in when Prid's first sun sets, at no time before then. It will be hours before Cain knows what has happened to his men. There are ten teams, these are their general locations," sie held out a map. When no one moved to take it, sie set it on the table just next to hir. I nodded, crossing my paws in my lap. "What were they to do once they had Oria?" "Take her through the fold to their meeting place; the number is on there as well." sie said, a slight frown crossing over hir face. "She was to be taken from there to Cain's base. My meal did not know where it was located, but had been there. It's built inside of an asteroid, location and layout, unknown." Sie said the last part with a touch of frustration. Not knowing was foreign to hir, since sie was in the business of knowing things. Ravindar took a step forward, frowning deeply. "So how do we find Cain's base? Go to this meeting point, and hope to pry it out of the people there?" "No," Oria said, standing up. Romana had be shifted to Kalie's lap for the moment. Oria walked over to me, placing a paw on my shoulder. "We simply let them catch me." "What?" Ravindar asked in shock. I had never seen the tiger look so stunned, his mouth was almost hanging open. I chuckled, reaching up and placing my own paw over my wife's. "Or rather, we let them think they've caught her." He suddenly burst into laughter, "Of course! That makes perfect sense! Let them capture you! That's a perfect idea, damn, and I didn't think to get the tranquilizer gun." "It's standard ephito-cylo-ematilizen," Elena told him with a long smile. "I've brought an antidote with me. The dose they had planned for Oriana is suppose to last fifteen hours." Sie reached into the pockets of hir shirt, pulling out a small vial of clear liquid. "This will prevent you from being anything more than groggy." I smiled. "Good thinking, Elena. Now, we have to plan. Oria, show your wrists, please." She gave me a slightly puzzled look, but pushed up her sleeves. "Ravindar, you see those bands?" I was referring to the bands she had around each wrist. He nodded. "Yes, there's a note about them in her file. She is supposed to never take them off." "I don't," she commented, setting her paws back down on my shoulders. "Correct, she doesn't," I said with a smile, "and I need a pair. One with a chip control built in, and the other with one of your portal controls." Oria chipped in as well. "It also needs something to hold a few pills." I gave her a questioning look, and she just smiled back in return. Ravindar gave me his own look, glancing down at his own wrist. Wrapping around it was a portal control, almost the same size as Oria's bands. It was one of the most compact I had ever seen; it was also illegal, opening a fold so it was totally cold, and preventing any fold it opened from being traced. "I assume it has some way to shoot a short message back through a fold, like a full fold number, something you could trace back to me?" I asked, leaning forward. Looking down at it again, he tapped the cover slightly. "Not this version, but there might be something like that in the Guild, I will have to check. Regardless, I will provide you with an identical set to Oriana's in two hours." "Good, you do that," I said as I stood back up, and turning towards Kalie. Elena slipped between us; sie was quite agile for having four feet. "Fox may I have a word with you before I go, in private?" I shrugged. "I can't see why not," I told hir. We stepped out of the room and into the hallway. Ravindar was already off to talk to the Guild, so it was just hir and me for now. Sie had a strange look on hir face, reaching out to take my left paw into hir own. "Your blood..." sie said in a lower tone of voice. I nodded, remembering the last time sie had drawn some. It had made hir quite sick. I was hoping sie was not asking to try again. Sie licked hir lips, but not in hunger, in nervousness. "I think I know why it tastes dead," sie said, dropping my paw. "I felt it in another just before I lost to my previous meal," sie stopped, looking deeply into my eyes with hir one good one. "Go on," I prompted. Sie shook hir head. "The one I encountered had no shape," sie spoke the words quietly, as if they were dangerous to say. That was all sie said as well, turning around in the hallway, and starting to walk away from me. "That makes no sense!" I protested to hir retreating rump. No answer was forthcoming, instead sie just turned into the fold room, and left. "Hell," I muttered, walking back into the living room. Oria was back on the couch, the twins in her lap, with Beca sleeping next to her. Rhea had shown up as well, relaxing in front of the empty fireplace. Well, if I was going to be captured, I was definitely going to need someone to command the fleet. "Kalie," I said, taking a step forward. She looked up at me, the worry on her face was gone for a second, but was starting to return. "Yes?" she asked, sounding timid. "I'm going to need your help," I told her. Her face seemed to fall as she stood up. "Fox," she said, "I, I just..." she was stuttering, a look of pain crossing her muzzle. "I... ah..." she tried once more. Then, in a move that shocked me to the core, she burst into tears and ran right past me and down the hall! Chapter 5 To say that I was stunned would be an understatement of the largest order. In all the time I had known Kalie, I had never seen her cry before, or even show signs of being sad. So to see her rush away in tears was such a shock I had to stand there for a moment to actually believe that it had happened. Oria had the same look on her face, her mouth hanging slightly open, and her ears twisted sideways in surprise. She seemed to recover first, turning to look back at me. "What happened?" she asked in a hushed tone. "Whatever could cause Kalie to react like that?" she asked again. I shook my head. "I don't know," I answered her as honestly as I could. "I knew there was something going on, but nothing like this. Kalie... she's alsways been a rock; I've... I was counting on that." "I saw the same things," she answered, wrapping her arms around the twins, holding them a bit closer, nuzzling their cheeks as she did so. I sighed, looking back down the hall where she had gone. "I was waiting for her to tell me about it. I didn't want to pry into her personal life." "It's time to start prying," she said, her voice becoming stronger, much more commanding. "You need to go talk to her now. Find out what's wrong, and if we can do anything to help her." "Are you sure?" I asked, biting at my lip. "It was my request that she reacted so strongly to. My going to talk to her might cause more harm than good." She nodded, "I understand that. Now go!" This time it was an order, which was accompanied by a wave of her paw. "If it's going to get worse, it will no matter if you're involved or not. Just go and talk to her. Remember, you're her friend, she knows you better than anyone else here, and the opposite holds true as well." I smiled slightly, nodding my head. "Yes ma'am, I'll get right to it." I was tempted to respond with a salute, but decided not to. Then I turned away, and started walking down the hallway after Kalie. I wasn't sure where she had gone, but her room was in that general direction. It seemed to be the logical place to check first. Come to think of it, the fact that she insisted on staying in the back corner of the house, so far away from everyone else, might have been an indication that there was a problem. Then again, she had always liked to be isolated from other people. I knew that, that's why it hadn't seemed suspicious when she took it. I wondered for a short time if I should call Ken as well. He, Kalie and I had been a team for a while. She only stayed with us about three months, but in that time we had some great fun. We were all close to each other, but I was the only one here. If I needed to, I would call Ken, but for now, I just had to press on. Walking slowly, I gave myself time to think as I approached her room. I didn't have a clue how to handle this properly. What to say, what to do, how to approach her. It was all a mystery to me. Assuming in the first place that she would even talk to me, I couldn't just go in, pat her on the back, and say everything is fine. That wouldn't do anything except patronize her, and her problems. Not to mention make her madder at me as well. I chewed at my lip again, pondering this as I finally came to her closed door. Even taking my time I couldn't come up with an idea of what to do, I didn't have any options other than to fake it. I didn't even know if she was inside or not, and if she wasn't, where else she could be. After a few moments I decided to just go in and talk to her. I'd let her lead the conversation, and tell me what was going on. So, taking a deep breath, I grasped the door handle, and pushed it open. When there was a foot of free space, I looked into the room. Right away my ears perked up, Kalie was there all right, standing on the far side of her bed, her arms on the window sill, and her head on them. She was still sobbing, each one hard enough that her body shook. The room itself was nearly empty, the walls stark white. The single window was on the wall opposit the door. There was a dressed on the far wall, and the bed, with its head against one wall, reached out into the room stretchnig between us like a low wall, or a fence. Rapping my knuckles lightly on the door frame, I spoke up. "May I come in?" No answer, she just seemed to slump down over herself slightly. Opening the door the rest of the way, I stepped inside the room. Slowly I walked around the bed, moving so as not to worry her. Without saying a word, I settled myself down on the bed just behind her so that her back was to me. The springs of the bed creaked softly as they took my weight. Still not a word was spoken. We both stayed in the same position. Some times she shifted her tail back and forth, but I couldn't tell what, if any, expression it was conveying. Sometimes that's hard to do with a thick tail, like on otters, skunks, or kangaroos. They don't have the same flexibility as thin tails do. "I'm sorry," she finally said, lifting her face from her arms. The smooth fur on her head caught the light for just a second, creating a halo effect. It lasted for only a moment, then was gone. Her voice sounded wrong, like she was trying to put more strength in it than was really there, and was failing. There was also a soft quality to it as well, almost childlike. It worried me a great deal. "You have nothing to be sorry about," I answered in a soft tone of voice. "Oh, Fox," she said, her voice breaking as she did so. "I've let you down." She gasped softly, starting to sob again. She was trying to hold herself back, but didn't seem to quite be able to manage it. "You ask me to help you, and I fall to pieces in your lap. I'm sorry, you shouldn't have to see me like this. I just shouldn't have come here." I shook my head, even though I knew she couldn't see it. "Kalie, you don't need to apologize to me. It is not necessary. We're friends. I am your friend, and I care about you." She raised her head a bit higher, tail sweeping in a long slow arc, from one side to the other, along the floor. She reached up with one paw, wiping at her face with the back of it. There was a part of me that wanted to reach out to her, to wrap myself about her, and hold her to me. I resisted it for the moment; she was preparing herself to do something, and I thought stopping her would cause more problems than before. "How long have we know each other?" ahe asked, her voice a bit more steady, stronger as well. I blew air through my teeth as I thought about it. "Five years, maybe six. Most of it seemed to make some kind of sense at the time." "In all that time I've never allowed you to get to close to me," she explained, with perhaps a touch of regret creeping into her voice. "All you know about me is what I've shown you, and I haven't shown you very much at all." Flicking my tail, I let that statement filter down through my mind. She had always been protective of herself, it just never had occurred to me that her protection had gone so far as to keep people from getting close to her. "I never told you why I joined the army," she continued, not paying attention to my lack of response. "I've never told anyone before. I didn't have a happy childhood, I came from a broken home. My mother ran off when I was five, and my father spent most of the time drunk. The day I turned fifteen, the day I was old enough, I ran away. The army promised to remake you into a better person, a different person." She shook her head slightly, "I didn't want to be me anymore; being made into someone else was an attractive idea. So after a few months on the street I got enough money to enlist. "Once I was in, once I was away from my life as it was before, I dedicated everything to the army, but I couldn't walk away from the anger at my family. So I focused it, honing it into a razor's edge. That's how I got into the special forces. I had the right kind of drive, and the right kind of," she stopped, taking in a deep breath and wiping her face again. "The right kind of disregard for my own life that made me perfect for 'rapid recon'. "There was nothing that I wouldn't do. Darkest desert, deepest jungle, edge of the fucking world, there was no place that I wouldn't go into it. I had started to worry my commanding officer. Yes, I was getting in and out with everything they needed, but they couldn't send anyone with me. No one else would take the same risks I would, nor woukld they so needlessly risk their life in the process. I would, it was only by shesr luck I always survived, and I enjoyed being in the inch of space between my life and death. "Then I met you," a whimsical tone crept into her voice, and she straightened up slightly. "I met you and Ken, and then nothing was the same for me anymore. The three of us would tear around the multi-verse, righting wrongs, doing good, and trying to be heroes. I didn't care that I was AWOL for three months, I felt good. "Something inside me changed in that time, it wasn't a big change, but it grew as time when on. When I went back home, my commanders nearly skinned me for being gone. I was knocked down three ranks, and it took me a long time to gain them back. I was still doing recon though, but differently; I started being careful, avoiding the edge of my teeth escapes and the death defying stuff I used to do. "Then the war toned down, we signed a few treaties, and the fighting stopped in a lot of places. It wasn't peace, it wasn't the end of the war, but it was an open time. It also meant that I wasn't necessarily needed anymore." She dropped her paws to her side, standing up a bit taller, but her voice was weaker then just a moment ago. "So, it was suggested to me that it would be a good time for me to take some leave time. As long as I wanted. I was discarded, almost retired, and away from the army. "That was when, out of the blue, Ken showed up at my front door. He gave a strange story about how you had sent him to me. I didn't even know you were keeping track anymore. He told me he was on the run, and soon enough, that Mason fellow, the lion, showed up as well, to keep an eye on Ken. "Then, once that little adventure was over, I stuck with you for a while longer. We had a few adventures, it was great fun. You weren't a kid anymore, Ken had mastered his magic, and, however changed, the three of us were back together again. "One day, back home, a General showed up at my door and told me I was off leave. The war was getting heavy again, and they needed my 'skills' at recon. I went gladly; as much as I loved being with you, the army was my life." She had started to sob again, more softly this tim. She was trying to hide it from me, but I could see it. She tried to compose herself, resting her paws back on the window sill as she did so. "I wasn't the same anymore," she continued after a few more moments. "I cared about my life now. I wasn't willing to take the same risks, and didn't do my job as well as my commander thought I should. Then on one mission, things went badly wrong." I finally stood up, walking over to her, and placing a paw on her shoulder. She turned to look at me, her eyes red, her cheeks matted down with tears. Reaching up with one paw, she set it on mine. "What happened?" I asked, finding that my mouth was dry. "Something stupid," her tone slipped into a bit of anger, aimed right at herself. "I was being too cautious and nearly got myself killed. I managed to escape with only a busted up leg, and some how made it back into our land, but that was all I could do." She locked her eyes with mine, they were emotionless. "I was brought to the hospital, and they fixed my leg up, good as new. Just hurt like hell all the time. It was healing, and would be fine in a month, but the pain was almost overwhelming. "The doctors gave me some pain pills, they were quite powerful, and I was only suppose to take one a day. They only worked a little bit on me. So like a fool, instead of telling the doctors about this, I just started to take two pills. When that didn't work any longer, I took three, then four." I nodded, biting at my lip again. This sounded bad. "I continued taking them after my bones healed, but ran out. The pain was still there, but not in my bones, it went so much deeper than that. So, just like a good daughter, I started to follow in my father's footsteps. I started to drink." There was something missing there. Something that she wasn't saying. There was more to this than a blown mission and broken bones. I squeezed her shoulder gently with my paw, letting her know I was still there. "I wasn't a bad drunk," she said with a sigh. "You remember how I used to drink. A little here, a little there, not a lot, not all at once, but I loved to drink. I just started there, but a little here and there became a little each night, then a little more each night. One glass became two, two became three, three became ten. Soon I was drinking a lot each night, and morning, and any other time I could drink." "Soon, I got to the point where I was eithr drunk, or I was getting drunk. The few times I was sober, I was miserable, all the pain came back. The problem was, the pain was always coming back, so I had to drink more. "I lived like this for months, and during it all, I was still doing my job. For a while I had deluded myself into, believing that my drinking was making me better at my job. I was back to living on the edge, risking my life to get all I could. I just wasn't as good as it at I was before, and the thrill of it was feeding the pain, making me drink even more." She pulled her paw off mine, and wrapped her arm around my back. I put mine around her shoulder, and she started to slump down in my arms. "Then things went too far," she continued, sobbing more, and not trying to stop it. "I got so drunk, I passed out while I was on a mission. I was found the next day, still drunk and only a mile from camp. I hadn't even crossed the enemy line yet. It was too late though, when I hadn't reported in, they decided to try the mission without my recon. A full squad was lost. "It was my fault," she whimpered, shaking her head back and forth. "My fault, if I hadn't been so shit-faced drunk it would never have happened. Those men would still be alive." I didn't say a word. There was nothing I could say. Or rather, anything I could say would be trite, and insulting to her pain. I also suspected there was nothing else I could say that she hadn't already heard, either from herself, or from others. "Command saw it that way as well. My drunkenness, so far, had only gotten me a few reprimands, it hadn't gotten in the way before, and I was damn good at my job. Now, it was too late to do anything about it. I was court-marshaled and dishonorably dischared a few weeks later. I was lucky enough not to get jail time, but I had lost everything I used to define myself. I was ungrounded, set adrift. "I landed right back into the bottle. Back home, I was right back to drinking, no longer hiding it from even myself. I just drank, trying to drive away the pain, the anger, the hurt. I drank through my savings, I drank through my friends, I drank through everything I owned. Then, one day, I came home to find that I had lost that as well. "I only had a little bit of money with me, and I was ready to spend that on a last few drinks. I'm not sure what happened then; for maybe a second, I was thinking clearly. I remembered what it was like to live on the street, how cold and miserable it was. I decided that I had to get out of there, get away from everything. I broke into my apartment, got my portal controller. Then I," she paused here, dropping her head to her chest. "I robbed a few places. Got enough cash to get a cheap hotel so I could take a shower, get clean. Then, still hung over, I came here. "I threw the controller away, then went right to you. I was going to tell you everything, all of it, not leaving anything out. When I found you had moved, I just lost the will to do so. Upon finding you again, I saw how much things had changed with you. The curse, and being with Oriana, and..." she broke down into tears again; she had been trying to fight them back, but no longer could. Turning, she fell into my arms. I held her close, in a tight hug as she buried her face into my chest. There was nothing else I could thing of to do. Holding her felt like the right thing; at this moment, she needed more than kind words. So I held her, letting her cry. Nothing more was said for a long time. We did move to the bed at some point, but that just let me hold her closer to me. Kalie eventually stopped crying, but didn't pull away from me. I continued to hold her, some times petting the fur on the back of her neck, other times just keeping her close. I didn't know what do do next, but I also needed her help. It felt so selfish to be asking her to help me in a time like this. She was in no condition to be do anything, let alone something I was forcing her into. This was an impasse, she was in no condition to do what I needed of her, and I couldn't think of anyone else with the capability to do what I needed done. Now was not the time to bring it up, that I understood, and I would have to find someone else to do the job, that was clear. After perhaps an hour had passed, Kalie pulled herself away from me. Her eyes were bloodshot and swollen. The fur on her cheeks matted down by the constant flow of tears. The look about her had changed just slightly. It was as if some weight had been lifted from her by her confession. "Perhaps we should talk to Oria," I suggested, still keeping one paw on her back. "Her religion has some things that could help you." I couldn't believe I had just said that! Recommending religion to help a friend. I guess we all do change in time, and maybe it would help her. She nodded her head. "I'll talk to her," she told me, her voice hoarse from crying. She tried to clear it, but didn't seem to succeed. I ran my paw over the back of her neck, as we both sat there, neither of us saying a word. I was going to wait for her to speak before I said anything at all. "What did you need my help for?" she suddenly asked, her voice sounding a bit clearer. I shook my head. "Don't worry about it. Now's not the time." "When will be the time?" she asked, brushing at her matted fur. "I've been dreading your asking me for help since I found out what happened this morning. I've been dreading it since I came here in the first place. I'm dreading it now, but I've poured my heart out into your lap; I hope you can understand that I need to do this." "No." I flatly said, "If you're doing this to try and prove yourself to me," I shook my head, "I won't ask you to do something like that." "I don't know what I'm doing," she responded, crossing her chest with one arm, resting the paw on her shoulder. The other paw sat in her lap. "But I do need to do this. To help you right now when you need me." I took my paw from the back of her neck, setting it down on her leg. "You don't need to do anything. If you're sure you can handle this, I will let you do so. You did come here for a reason." She sighed, "I came here because I needed to grab onto something before my life slipped between my fingers. I was barely able to manage to do that. For the last few months I've been holding on for dear life." Placing her free paw on her chest, she glanced at me. "The pain is still there. It runs deep, almost into my soul, and it's not going to just go away. Not without my doing something about it. I haven't felt whole for so long, first descending into pity, then wallowing in it. I've been holding myself from sinking deeper into it, now it's time to start to pull myself out." I reached up, taking the paw against her chest, and pulling it into my paws. "I can understand what's going on. I've found myself shattered before, but nothing like this. I need you in top form, the best you can be. Are you sure you're up to doing this?" She laughed, sounding just a bit like her normal self once more. "If I wasn't sure, I wouldn't be trying so hard to fight off tears. I will do my best, and do it as well as I can. So please, tell me what you want me to do." I gave her a quick summary of what I was going to need her to do. With me on Cain's base, she would be responsible for leading the attack. She would also be manning the gunner chair on _The Falcon_ and would have to work with Milgrove, whom she had never even meet before. We slowly hashed out the plans for the mission; what she would do, and how she would command the three other ships. It was a small fleet, but when that's all you have, it's all you have. She seemed confident, strong, almost her old self again. But there was still a hint of strain in her eyes. She was going to try her hardest on this mission, but I suspected she wasn't sure of her own judgment. I was, and for now that was enough. Chapter 6 Kalie and I walked back into the living room. She had cleaned herself up a bit, drying her face and her eyes. She didn't look completely calm yet, but some of her strength had returned. I hoped that she would hold up thought all of this. Our friendship was important, but there was so much going on! I couldn't lose my focus on Cain. I had to stop him before he did something else, something worse than trying to kidnap my wife. Oria was currently sitting on the couch, balancing Beca on her legs, and reading to her. The twins were in the carrier at her feet, both sleeping soundly, with Rhea curled up next to them, guarding them from all harm. Oria flashed us both a smile, mixed with a slight look of relief. I would have to talk to her about what had happened, and some of what Kalie told me. She might be acting better right away, but Oria and I both knew that it was just that-- and act. "Rachel called," she said after a moment, setting the book down on her lap. "I didn't want to disturb you, so I took a message. She told me that she has done what you wanted her to do." I smiled, brushing my hair back from the side of my head. "Good, that will simplify things a lot. Right then, I need to talk to Ravindar, then Kalie and I need to get to the shipyards." She smiled back. "That's good news then... but what exactly has she done for you?" "The Security Council, you might have heard about it on the news. It's kind of the Consortium's investigative and enforcement branch. Not sure I can go into it right now. When it was about to be formed, Rachel told me that I was wanted as a Special Agent. I said I would think about it." She twisted her ears slightly, her paws, claws out, brushing out Beca's hair. "I see," she said, sounding curious, as well as annoyed, at the same time. I nodded, relaxing my stance slightly, tail flicking behind me. "The point is, I now have jurisdiction over all Earth. Which means, I have direct jurisdiction over Cain. This means I can pull rank to deal with him, and have the clout of the Consortium behind me for now." "Ah," she said with a smile, "so you accepted this job so you could deal with Cain. That makes sense, but how will this affect us after we've finished dealing with Cain?" I shrugged, "I don't really know. There is no one else in the CSC as of yet. It's just me, so I guess I might end up setting some of the power base by accident. That's for later, right now I need to get some ID made up, and have it set into the system for authorization." "Do you have anything in mind?" she asked. "I can make it myself while you're at the shipyards." For a second I was tempted to do something along the lines of the classic 'FBI' id, but decided against it. "Keep it simple, have the CSC big, and put everything you can on it. If Rachel didn't give you the authorization information when she called, it's probably sitting in the mail system." "She sent it to me, don't worry. I have a few ideas, I'll show you what I have once you and Ravindar get back from the shipyards," she said the last part with a knowing smile. Suspecting what she was smiling at, I glanced over the back of my shoulder. The tiger was standing behind me, smirking just slightly. I chuckled. "Good, nice to see you can keep sneaking up on me." I said, turning around so I was face to face with him, or rather face to chest. "Do you have what I asked for?" He nodded, holding up the pair of wrist bands. "If you will hold up your arms, I will put them on for you," he said, his voice softening just a touch. "You're just a good old romantic," I told him with a smile, pushing my sleeves up, and holding my arms out to him. He snapped both bands onto my wrists, locking them tightly. "The left band has the chip controller and the pill container, the right is the portal control. To open either one, you, and only you, must tap on it. Twice fast, twice slow, and twice more fast." I smiled. "Good, how about being able to track me through the fold?" "The Guilt is currently working on that as we speak," he answered, looking slightly sheepish. "It will be ready soon enough; I was promised no more than an hour. That's not all, though. If you cross your wrists and tap the bands together," he showed me as he spoke, tapping the insides of his wrists together twice. "You'll find a small blade in the right band. It's not much, but no one wants to see you defenseless." I smiled, glad to have him thinking of things like that for me. "Good, now I have one more thing for you to do before we head off to the ship yards. I'm going to need a bio-drone for you. Nothing fancy, but if they're supposed to kill you, I'd rather it be a fake you instead of the real one." "That was already suggested," he commented with a sly smile, his tail flicking back and forth as he spoke, "That will also be here in no more than an hour." I laughed, "Nothing left to chance. Very good! Well, then I guess we had better go." "Not so fast," Oria said. I turned back around to face her. She was standing up from the couch, Beca already out of her lap. "I need to talk to you for a moment before you go. Kalie, would you watch Beca for me?" Kalie nodded, a slight smile flickering over her muzzle as she walked into the room. As soon as Oria was near me, she grabbed my arm, showing a sudden urgency that wasn't there a moment before. "Come with me. Ravindar, you stay put for now. This is private." She keep on walking, pulling me along with her. I keep up, staying just a step behind her. "What's going on?" I asked. She sighed, flicking her ears in annoyance. "You're so hyper about going after Cain, you're forgetting what body you're in." I shrugged. "Well, the body is an integral part of the plan," I answered, sounding kind of sheepish myself. She pulled me around a corner, then dropped my arm, stepping around me so that she could look me in the face. "You're leaking," she said, hissing slightly. I blinked in surprise, glancing down at myself. A pair of wet spots were spreading out along the front of my shirt, one over each beast. "Oh," I said, dumbfounded, "I guess that escaped my attention." She sighed again, but smiled just slightly. "I thought you liked that?" the sarcasm was dripping from her voice. "On you!" I protested. She took my arm again, pulling me along the hallway, flicking her tail at me as I tried to keep up. "I like it on you, too. Don't worry about it that much, it happens to everyone at some time." I suspect that wasn't true, but didn't want to contradict her at the moment. "You've got your attention divided up in so many different directions that you're not paying attention to your body. It's just like when you forget to eat." "Ah, yes. I see what you mean," I rubbed my forehead with my free paw. "I'm most likely going to be in this form for a few days. This could get in the way if I'm captured," I was starting to be a bit worried, this could be more than just an inconvenience. Stopping in front of our bedroom, she opened the door with one paw, pulling me into the room with the other. "I've already thought about that. Change into a clean shirt and bra, and double the pads, you don't need to have this happen again before we can get you drained." Not one to be told what to do twice, at least not when my wife was telling me what to do, I shed my shirt and bra and dried off my fur with the shirt. Putting on a new bra, I did notice that things were starting to get tight. "I'm going to have to do something about this soon," I commented as I pulled my shirt on. "Take this," Oria said, holding out a pill. I nodded, as I took it from her and swallowed it dry. "And what was 'this'?" I asked once it was down. She held out a pill bottle for me. "It's a hormone blocker. It will prevent you from producing milk. It lasts about twelve hours, so keep an eye on the clock." I took the bottle from her, guessing what she was going to tell me to do next. Tapping open the left band, I put a dozen of the small pink pills into the little gap there. While I was at it, I moved my Matrix chip from my watch into the band as well, abandoning my watch on the bed. "If you take them long enough, will they stop production of the hormones?" She nodded, taking the bottle back as I snapped the band closed. "The less you nurse, the less milk you produce," she explained by way of an answer, "and before you ask, I didn't take them after I was done nursing Beca because there's a slight chance they may cause birth defects. I didn't want to risk it." "Good plan," I told her, pausing for a second to tuck my shirt back in. Then we both walked to the door. "Just remember to take them," she told me, opening the door and ushering me out into the hallway. "When you get back from the shipyard you'll have to feed Adric, that will drain you enough that it won't cause problems." I was suddenly struck by the absurdity of the whole scene. The whole idea just made me laugh. "Do you know how silly this all is?" Oria gave me a long smile, her tail twitching back to twist around mine. "I know, love. But you are silly, so it all seems to make some kind of sense doesn't it?" I laughed harder, wrapping my arm around her shoulder, then pulling her into a kiss. "I love you," I told her, kissing her again. "I love you, too," she answered between kisses. We both had to hold ourselves back, this was the type of situation between us that could degenerate into baser actions. So, we managed to pull away after a few moments. Both of us were a bit disappointed, but it was something to look forward to later. We reentered the living room, and Oria drifted back to the couch. Kalie was reading to Beca now, who was starting to drift off into sleep. They shuffled around a bit so Beca was in Oria's lap, and Kalie came over to me. "Are we ready?" Kalie asked, glancing over my new shirt, a slight smile on her face. I nodded. "We're ready. Come on Ravindar, lead onto the shipyards." He smiled a bit, and motioned for me to lead instead. I shrugged, happy to oblige him. He followed right behind, and Kalie was by my side, hanging back just a bit as we walked down the hall to the fold room. Once inside, I reached out, and with a twist of my mind, opened the fold, connecting it to the one that was just inside the shipyard hanger. Stepping over the threshold, I came out into a back corner of the massive room. The open hanger stretched into the distance, about half a mile, and a third of that wide. Every hundred feet or so, sat a _Red October_ class starship. Each one was in a different phase of construction. This was the factory floor; all the main parts were assembled here. Clustered around this end of the hanger were four of the ships, one was _The Falcon_. The other three had yet to be named, the only things on their white hulls were their registration numbers, and the shipyard's logo. Lounging around along the side wall was a motley crew of pilots and gunners. There were seven of them, each of a different species, and all very good at their jobs. They were talking among themselves, except for Milgrove, who was watching us enter. Sie walked right over to me as I closed the fold, Kalie and Ravindar standing next to me. "I assume one of these two is my gunner?" sie asked, placing hir paws on hir side, causing the skin of hir wings to bunch out. "Milgrove, this is Kalie," I waved the paw from one to the other, "and Kalie, this is Milgrove. Kalie is going to be the gunner, and in charge of this mission." They shook hands, each looking over the other. Milgrove seemed pleased at the arrangement, but Kalie looked a bit wary. She was a land fighter, being in space wasn't part of her training. But I had seen her work a gunnery system before, and knew she would be able to handle it. "Please to meet you," Milgrove said, offering hir paw out in a motion to shake. Kalie responded in kind, but without much enthusiasm, her species wasn't big on that type of contact. "Now," Milgrove said, stepping away from us. "Would you care to explain what's going on here?" "Sure. Why don't you call the others over?" I told her with a bit of a smile. Sie did just that, bringing the other six over to stand in front of me. Kalie stepped over with them, placing herself next to Milgrove. I gave them all a quick summation of what they were going to do. That I was commandeering the ships on official business for the CSC, then quickly explained what the CSC was. I gave Milgrove and Kalie the authority to lead the group as well. Hopefully that would prevent any major problems. Once that was out of the way, I outlined what the mission was going to be. That they were going to be needed to track down a base, and prevent anyone from escaping it. Or, if the situation called for it, they might have to attack the base outright. I would have Ravindar handle the actual location of the base once I had been kidnapped. He would tell Kalie the closest fold to the base, and he would also insure I didn't get shot by my own ships if I was trying to escape. There was a general look of worry shared between everyone. Milgrove appeared slightly unsure, and Kalie's face was stone, nothing was showing on it anymore. I would have liked to be able to reassure everyone about the success of this mission. At that time, I didn't have any real idea what it would entail. I just hoped to use them to shut down Cain's base, and to help me escape when the time came. Trying hard not to show the worry that I felt, I answered all of their questions as best I could. A few people questioned Ravindar, and he answered them, using what seemed to be as few words as possible. Finally there was nothing left to answer, and everyone was satisfied about what was going on, although there was some nervousness still floating around. No one backed out, and I had given everyone the option three times during my explanation of the mission. They had reacted better than I would have, I suspected. Leaving some final instructions, including that Kalie should spend some time in the simulator, Ravindar and I left the hanger. Once we were back in the house, I let out a long sigh. I was feeling a lot more nervous now than I had an hour before. "May I speak with you," Ravindar said. I glanced back over my shoulder at him, his ears were bent slightly in a look of concern. I shrugged both my shoulders and tail. "I don't see why not." He nodded, motioning me to step out of the door and into the hallway. I followed behind him as he started down the hall, away from the living room. It struck me as an interesting reversal of our roles. Once around the corner, he opened up the door to one of the unused rooms. I stepped inside and was surprised to find that it wasn't unused. "So this is where you sleep," I commented, flicking my tail as I looked around. There was a cot along one wall, with a chest at the foot of it. Nothing more. He grunted, closing the door, and walking around to face me. The only light in the room was from the window, filtering from the center enclosure of the house. "You have no real plan do you?" he said, crossing his arms over his chest. It wasn't spoken as an insult to me, more that he was expressing his own worry about the situation. I spread my paws out, "Oh, I wouldn't go as far as that," I laughed nervously. "I just have so little information on what's going on. Once I get to his base, you guys come swooping in." "That is not much of a plan. It occurs to me that this could be a trap," he twitched his tail as he spoke, I suddenly got the feeling that he was controlling himself, perhaps to keep from showing his anger to me I nodded, rubbing my chin and swishing my tail behind me. "Yes, it is a possibility," I admitted with a sigh, "but I'm sure they're not aware that I've twained myself, and if he knows of my being Rhea, he wouldn't know of my morphic form." He nodded his head slowly, making the motion look deliberate. "I concur. He has attacked you once before, which Rhea stopped." Not true, I had stopped that, in Rhea's body. "But to know of your morphic body would require him or his agents getting closer to you than we know they have." "So it might be a trap, but they're going to think they captured Oriana?" I asked, crossing my arms. "Correct," he answered, twisting his ears around, "Tour presence would take them by surprise. Though if it is a trap, expect to be hit by a second tranquilizer. They would assume you would already have taken a serum to prevent the first." "So, find out what other tranquilizers are safe to use in conjunction with the first. Perhaps we can work out what the second one would be and provide an antidote for that as well." "Fox," he frowned as he spoke, "You're stalling." I sighed, slouching slightly. "Perhaps, but I want to be prepared as best as I can be." "Which is what you should be," he answered, walking over to me and placing his paws on my shoulder. "But the more we think about how things are arranged, how they could be done, the more we will attempt to prepare for. We can prepare for eternity, but we must move soon." I shook my head feeling my hair flip behind me. It was finally dry, and still hanging loose down my back. "I understand, but is there anything we can do, in case I'm drugged for a second time." He shook his head. "Hope it doesn't last too long. We must go soon, before it is too late, and we need to start from scratch once more." I sighed again, "I suppose so. Come on, let's hope the stuff from the Guild has arrived, so you can track me down." He nodded, walking around me to open the door. "After you," he said, motioning once more for me to walk ahead of him. "You know," I told him as I stepped out into the hallway, "Sometimes I wonder if you always walk behind me just to look me up?" He chuckled, placing a paw on my back, "You're married, Fox; why would I want to watch as you strut around?" I swished my tail at him, "Because of the view." He laughed, patting my back softly. "You're a tease." "Of course," I said, turning my head back to look at him, and smirking as I did so. He shook his head, closing the door to his room. "Go on, Oriana will be expecting us in the living room." "Right, right," I answered, starting to wall, grinning a bit. Sometimes, having a female body could prove to be quite fun. It also served to break the tension that sometimes could creep into these situations. He did have a point, the fact that it could be a trap had never crossed my mind until he mentioned it. It had me very worried. Chapter 7 Nervous would not be the best way to describe how I felt right then. I was ten minutes away from being kidnapped, and if all things were successful.I would then be able to deal with Cain. Once I was on his base, we could close in and take my double out. Things were ready to go. Ravindar's bio-drone had arrived, along with the promised tracker. I had fed Adric, and I felt more comfortable now, my bra feeling a bit loose. I had a gun as well. I probably wouldn't be keeping it longer than a few minutes after my capture, but it helped to keep things in character. Oria would not be caught without a gun, no pun intended. I took a deep breath, holding it in for a few seconds before letting it back out. I brushed a few strands of hair from in front of my face, and I looked up at Oria and Ravindar. We were standing in the fold room, and almost ready to start. "I'm beginning to get scared," I admitted, tucking my paws under my arms. My ears twitched slightly as I spoke, betraying my feelings. Oria chuckled, placing a paw on my shoulder. "I have been scared for a while. I'm just better at hiding it than you." She pulled me to her, wrapping her arms around me tightly. "Come back to me, safe and sound. Please?" I let out a rough chuckle, kissing her on the cheek. "I promise you I'll be back, alive and well. I'm just not sure how long it will take." She pulled away, a few lines of worry showing around her eyes. She held herself a few feet away, paws on my shoulder. There was a light in her eyes, a mixture of worry, dread, and assurance. I smiled at her as we finally parted, neither of us relaxing. Taking another deep breath, I turned my head slightly to look at Ravindar. "All right, let me see this tracker of yours." I told him, holding out my paw. He gave me a wary smile, holding out a flat black box-like device. It was small; a foot tall and half that wide. Taking it from him, I flipped it over in my paws. There were four black buttons, smooth to the touch, that looked like controls on one side They were almost invisible, there was just a slight indentation around each one that even showed they were there. "How do I use it?" I asked, a little baffled. It could have been a remote control for all I knew. It wouldn't be kept with me once I was captured, it seemed too... obvious. He shook his head, taking it back from me, flipping it so the controls were placed under his thumb. "You don't use it, I do. Turn around." I tilted my head slightly, a bit surprised, but followed his order, turning my back to him. Then he grabbed my tail, right down near the base. I jumped, letting out a slight 'eep' and looking over my shoulder to glare at him. He smiled, holding the device up, then lowering it back down, pressed it up against my rear, right next to the base of my tail. He then placed his paw onto my shoulder, pressing down strongly. "Just relax," he said. I felt the device pressing harder against my rear, then heard a soft click, followed by a jolt of pain running through my skin. I tried to jump away, but Ravindar held me as the electrical shock from the device continued to flow through me. Thirty very long seconds later it stopped. He relaxed the paw on my shoulder slightly, then pulled the device away. I pulled out of his grasp, and turned around to look at him a bit unstable on my feet. "What the hell did you do?" I asked, panting softly, one paw rubbing my ass, the other over my heart. "Reprogrammed your tracker implant," he answered with a slight smile. "It will now monitor and send out location information on a Guild frequency and encryption. It can't be found, and it can not be removed. In theory, it can not be jammed either." I rubbed around the base of my tail, nodding slightly, and dropped my other paw to my side. "Warn me next time, ok?" He chuckled, "Maybe next time, but I felt it was better this way. Don't you think, Oriana?" he glanced over at her. She just shook her head. One arm was crossed over her chest, the other was in front of her, her paw bent slightly and resting under her chin. She had a half-smile, and a glint of laughter in her eyes, but she remained silent. I smiled, shaking my head slightly and flicking my tail as I crossed my arms over my chest. "Thank you for your support," I humphed, I then turned to where the fold was, reaching out to it with my mind. "Is the bio-drone ready?" I asked. "Yes," Ravindar answered, shuffling around a bit behind me. "Good," I answered with a slight sigh, I opened the fold to a location just shy of where one of the teams of kidnapers was located. All according to plan. I held my breath as I stepped through onto the street, brushing some more hair out of my face. Turning around, I watched as the bio-drone stepped through as well. It looked like Ravindar, but it was just wrong, the stance, the shape of his face, the way the tail swished. It just wasn't him, but only someone who knew him would be able to tell. Snapping the fold closed, I drew in a long breath, and shoved my paws in my pockets. I felt my pocket knife, and my wallet, carrying the CSC ID that Oria had made. I hadn't even gotten a chance to look at it yet. "Are you ready?" I asked the 'drone. He nodded stiffly, flicking his tail. I hated bio-drones, hated to use them. The damn things just gave me the creeps. They never actually seem 'right' there is always something off. It felt stronger now than it did before, perhaps because this one was going to be destroyed in a few moments. I started down the street, undoing my hair in the process, allowing it to fall down my back with a few stands hanging over my shoulder. Looking back over my shoulder, I saw the 'drone walking along behind me, a slightly stupid look on its face. I chuckled as I walked around the corner, and moved towards the kidnapers. I was breathing slowly, trying hard not to show how I was feeling. I suspect that I failed, I didn't have the same control over my ears and tail that someone who had them all their life would. We were halfway down the block when the attack finally came. First I heard a loud shot behind me. Spinning around I saw the 'drone falling to the ground, most of its throat gone. I knew it was fake, I knew it was a type of biological robot, but it made me ill anyway. Spinning around on the ball of my foot I tried to keep myself from throwing up. Then I felt a sharp jab into my shoulder, heavier then a pin prick, and painful. My paw went to my shoulder as I looked down to see what had happened. There was a tranquilizer dart sticking out between my fingers. I was now drugged. I had taken the serum Elena had given me, but I was starting to feel dizzy. I let out a long gasp, falling to my knees. This was normal, it would pass in a few minutes, but for now it was helpful, making my act all the more convincing. There was a weight on my shoulder as someone wrapped a paw around my arm. I closed my eyes, this was where I was supposed to be passed out, so I played along with that idea. I felt myself lifted over someone's shoulder, and carried along. I could hear a few voices behind and around me, but no one seemed to be stopping my captor-- that was good I guessed. If someone saved me now, this would all be for nought! Then came the familiar feeling as I went through a fold. I twitched my tail without thinking about it much. Things were going well at the moment; I just hoped they would continue to go well as this adventure went on. There was a burst of conversation around me; a few people were arguing in a language I didn't understand at the moment. Given time my translator would pick it up, but I wasn't sure how much time I had at the moment. The arguing continued, getting stronger around me. I felt something run over my body, and my gun was removed, just as I had known would happen. A few more comments were passed around, then I was moved through another fold. I hoped that Ravindar's tracker was working, telling everyone where I was going, because if it didn't... I just didn't want to think about it. Once I was on the other side, I felt myself set down on my stomach on a metal surface of some kind. I kept my eyes closed, flicking my tail as my face pressed against the metal. I was feeling a bit better; the serum was working off the final effects of the tranquilizer as I lay there. I felt two sets of paws frisking over my body, down over my sides and under me as well. One set paused a moment to cop a feel, but I let it pass for now. I heard more conversation in the background, the language the same as before. Then they started to strip me, pulling off all my clothing down to my panties and bra. They left me in those, for now, and seemed to leave. I continued to lie there, trying hard not to move. My left paw was pinned under my waist, and was starting to go numb. My leg had been left slightly hanging off the table and was starting to hurt as the edge of the table cut into it. I had to work very hard to keep from moving, and not shift to a more comfortable position. After what felt like hours, I heard footsteps approaching me. Paws wrapped around my stomach, and I was hefted over another set of shoulders. Feeling rushed back into my paw, and pins and needles prickled all over my arms, it felt good, but like I needed to rub it. I prevented myself from doing so. I was carried along for another few minutes, then was set back down again. This time I was on a soft surface that felt warm, and almost wrapped itself around me. Stinking down into it, I had to work hard to keep from purring. There was some whispered conversation in the back ground, then I heard what sounded like a door being closed. I still didn't move, holding as still as I could. Another few minutes passed before I finally felt someone else sit down next to me. Whatever I was laying down on shifted as the weight changed on it. "You can stop the charade," a deathly familiar voice spoke. My voice, but deeper, rougher. It sounded like he had once damaged his vocal cords. It was no other than Cain. I didn't move. He sighed, placing his hand on my shoulder. "Ms. Cutter, you have done exactly as I knew you would. We know you're quite awake, so please stop acting as if you're not." I sighed... he knew! How the fuck did he know? He wasn't supposed to know, he shouldn't have known, but he did! Damn! I lifted my head, cracking open my eyes. "How did you know?" I asked softly, finding myself looking across a large room. Heavy tapestries covered the cut rock walls, and the stone was thickly carpeted. "That you would try something so foolish? I know you, I know you both, I knew how you would act and respond. You didn't think I really am this sloppy do you? I'm sure your bodyguard easily dealt with the first team you came into contact with." I nodded, raising myself into a sitting position, my back still towards Cain. I was on a massive bed, large enough that five or six people could comfortably sleep on it. There was a desk on the far side of the room. Plain and made of wood, it look slightly used, but not often. A single bookshelf, cut into the wall behind it, was half full with books. "I don't leave anything to chance. I put the proper information into my men's minds. So that when you took one to your vampire friend, she found out exactly what she was supposed to. Now you are here, and things are going according to plan." I snorted, shaking my head slightly. "And what plan would that be?" He laughed, "Not for you to know, you're just bait. I'm sure the cavalry is coming, and once your husband is here, then things will proceed to plan." Oh shit YES! He didn't know, he still thought I was Oriana! Yes! This situation could still be saved. It was going to take a lot more, and damn quick, planning on my part. Time to start thinking on my feet. "So it was a trap," I said, turning around to face my captor. It was still a shock; he had my face, but it wasn't my face. His hair was cut short, he was clean shaven, and he didn't wear glasses. The most prominent part of his face was a scar that ran down from his left ear down to the corner of his mouth, giving him a slight sneer. It wasn't as large as it has been the last time I had encountered him, but still drew the eye. He gave me an over-exaggerated nod. "Yes, a trap. I knew once the first attack failed you would allow yourself to be kidnapped, to lead your husband to me." I sighed, shaking my head. "What are you going to do to me?" I asked, a hint of anger in my voice. "I'm almost nude as it is. Are you going to strip me the rest of the way, then rape me?" An involuntary shiver slipped down my back as I said it. He chuckled. "Hardly my dear, I have no interest in you for such a release. I stripped you to insure you didn't have any concealed weapons that you could pull out at the worst possible time. No, no, your clothing is right there," he motioned back with his hand. I was surprised, he had both right now. Last time we had meet, his right hand was just a stump. He must have gotten a prosthetic, like the one I used to have. I looked where he was pointing. There was a table set up at the side of the room, right next to a wooden slat door that had a large lock on the front of it. My clothing was folded neatly on top. "Thanks," I told him with a snarl in my voice. He smiled. "As lovely as ever. Now, hand over the Matrix chip. I don't need you wandering away on me." I made a show of hesitating for him, acting like I didn't want to hand it over. As it was, I really did not want to, but the plans I had made before, which needed the chip, were worthless now. So after enough show, I eventually opened the wristband up, and handed him the chip. He smiled, slipping it into his pocket. "Very good. I thank you, my lady. Now I'll let you get dressed. This is my room, so don't make too much of a mess, I assure you there are no weapons in here." He stood up as he spoke, walking over to the door out of the room, a large, re-enforced metal door, made to handle any loss of air pressure. Flashing me one last smile, he pressed the button on an intercom that was set by the door. He spoke into it in the language everyone else was speaking. There was a short conversation, then he nodded his head, letting go the button. He pressed another button that was slightly lower, causing the door to slide open. Stepping through, he gave me a little wave. I gave him the finger. The door closed with a thump, and a few seconds later I heard a series of snaps and thumps around the door. It was locked quite well, I was sure. I sighed, running my paw through my hair. I still had an advantage, and I suspected that even if he had found the tracker, he would have left it going. I also suspected he hadn't actually found it, otherwise he would have mentioned the implant. Sliding off the bed, I walked over to where my clothing was. First I tried the wooden door, but found that it was still locked. Peeking through the slats, I saw what looked like a steel door. I wasn't getting out this way. Sighing, I pulled my shirt and pants back on. Everything had been removed from my pockets, and set in a neat pile. I took my belt and put it back on, then returned my wallet and pocket knife to their rightful places. "Now," I said to myself, turning to look back at the room. "How do I get out of here?" Cain was me, a bit darker perhaps, but me. And one I've always been, is paranoid, I was sure that carried over, to Cain, and to a much larger extent than I ever had it. That good dose of paranoia had saved my life before, and I'm sure Cain would be using it for the same thing. If his room could be locked, I was sure there was still a way out. He would not allow himself to be trapped in here. If someone decided to turn him in, or take over the base, it would not do to be locked in his own room. Walking along the walls, I checked behind each tapestry, to see if there were any changes in the rock face. When that came up empty, I tried the bookshelf in the room, fiddling and pulling out all the books... still nothing. I went back to the door out of the room. The control panel next to it had a few devices, including a thermostat control. I adjusted it higher, setting it to blow hot air into the room. The system activated almost immediately, heating the room, and showing me where the air vents were. Both turned out to be too small for me to have any hope of getting into. I pried both covers off, feeling around for any kind of switch, but found nothing. Sighing, I sat down at his desk, resting my paws on the surface. Pulling each drawer out, I found nothing hidden inside the desk, or under the lip, no buttons, no panels. I did find a box of matches, which gave me an idea. With a few in hand, I turned the blower back down, and started to walk around the room. At any crack or distortion in the rock wall, I lit a match, hoping to find a leak of air. Each time, no luck. Twice I went back to the desk for more matches, before I noticed the thermometer. It wasn't out of place, sitting on the corner of the desk, diligently showing the temperature. It actually was attached to the desk, by it's base, so it couldn't be knocked off. What struck me was that it was reporting the temperature at the equivalent of sixty degrees Fahrenheit, which I knew was wrong. I double checked with the thermostat at the door, it was showing seventy five. I walked back to the desk, sitting down in the chair and smiling a bit. It could just be broken, a fluke, but I was starting to doubt it. I notice that the cover of the dial stood out half an inch from the face of the thermometer. I ran my finger under it; it came back with a fine layer of soot. Pulling a match out of the desk, I lit it, and held the flame under the thermometer. The needle finally shifted, rising up to what would be eighty degrees before I heard a snap behind me. Turning around, I saw that the bookshelf had slid back into the wall just an inch. It was clear I had found my way out. Putting the matches away, I dashed to the bed for a second, stuffing pillows around to make it look like I was sleeping. Then through the secret door I went, to who knows where, but once more with the upper hand. Chapter 8 I walked carefully down the tunnel, paw against one wall, with the majority of my attention focused on watching where I was placing my feet. The tunnel was carved out of rock and unfinished, which left the walls jagged, and meant the floor wasn't quite level and littered with debris. The only light came from the occasional lamp in the ceiling, placed every dozen feet. It was meager, hardly lighting more than three feet of the floor under lamps. Needless to say, it was slow going. The loose stones dug into the pads of my feet. It made me wish Oria's species wore shoes, but they do not. So to play Oria I had to be barefoot, which was hindering me more than helping me much at the moment. I was also left with the problem of where I was going. If I had made this tunnel, it would be geared more towards escape than for anything else. Things would also be arranged so I could cause some problems on my way out. For Cain, I suspected things were arranged in the other order, so that he could cause a lot of problems, up to, but not limited to, destroying the base. Escape would be more of an afterthought than a plan. Assuming, of course, my take on my double was correct. To be honest, I wasn't sure that I was correct. I hadn't seen right through his trap, much to my great embarrassment, but I had gotten out of his room. There was the possibility that he had expected that, so I would have to keep him off balance. Walking around a sharp corner, I found myself in a darker stretch of hallway, the only light was coming from a lone source halfway down the tunnel. I shivered slightly, feeling cold, but I mostly ignored it. What was beginning to eat at me was the question of what did Cain want? Why was he doing this in the first place? What was he trying to accomplish from all of it? I knew that he had attacked my other double, and nearly killed him, but he had also had the chance to kill me, and did not take it. I could just ask him, but he didn't seemed to be one to gloat to his captives. He would keep me alive as long as it suited him, or as long as he still believed me to be Oriana, but he would not tell me his plan. So I had a small advantage at the moment, I was out of my prison, and was not who Cain thought I was. So what to do next then? Well, the answer was to see where the tunnel led me to, then cause some trouble if I could. As I walked past the light source in the hall, I stumbled a bit before coming to a stop, nearly falling in the process. Thrashing my tail, I twisted my head back around, and looked out... Far, far, out. I was standing in front of an airlock, the top half of the door was glass of some kind. Well, not glass, but something transparent. On the far side was an awe-inspiring sight. In the distance, but still taking up most of my view, was a massive gas giant world. Split between day and night, it still shone in dark reds with yellows, blacks, white, and a few strains of blue. I had once seen Jupiter up close, and what I was seeing now was almost as magnificent. I reached out to touch the glass, finding it was so cold that I pulled my paw away when I was a few inches from the surface. The airlock was a single door, not the usual double, and was just sucking out all of the heat from the tunnel. "There's the escape," I muttered to myself as I stepped away. Then turning back around, I continued down the tunnel. I had to give my double credit; it was one hell of a view. I just hoped this rock was sitting outside of the radiation belt, or else I just got a nice dose. I kept walking, my paw still placed on the wall. Eventually I rounded another corner, and found myself back on the lighted path. It felt like the temperature was starting to rise once more but I wasn't too sure yet. After a few more minutes, I came to the end of the tunnel, relatively speaking of course. There was a rock wall in front of me, but it was cut smooth, as was the last ten feet of the tunnel. Also, carved into the wall was a handle. Wrapping my paw around it, I felt a latch just under my fingers. I squeezed the latch shut, and was rewarded with a soft snap and thump, as the wall slipped a few inches back. I pulled it open a few more inches, peeking into whatever room was on the other side. It was mostly dark, with the occasional light coming from different things on the wall. I could not make out anything else except that there was no one in the room. I opened the door the rest of the way, stepping back to give it space to open. The light from the hallway flooded into what I now saw was a small room. Stepping inside I looked around, and was surprised by what I found. Along three of the walls were large racks of computer equipment. A thousand different lines ran in through the top of the wall into a rack of equipment. After a few seconds I recognized them as network cables. "Well, well, well," I said to myself with a slight smile. "The computer room." Or rather cupboard-- damn thing was small as hell, but there were at least three terminals I could see. Now, if this was Cain's way of wreaking havoc, I was pretty sure there wasn't an alarm on the room. Stepping over to the terminal, I glanced over the keys. To my surprise, they were labeled in Prid Standard. Not whatever language everyone was speaking. This was a great benefit to me. Kicking the screen on, I found myself at a login prompt.. I thought for a few seconds, then tried a few logon names as passwords. Nothing came of it. Stepping back from the keyboard, I shook my head. "I'm not going to get in that way," I scolded myself, then turned to look at the network rack. The cables were divided into three colors: yellow, blue and green. Each was also a different thickness, which made sense. One was pure data, the second I suspected was to a security system, and the third a video system. About what I would expect; my base had a room just like this one. Which meant there was something else here I could use. Glancing around the room, I found it stuck in the back corner, a diagnostics tool for the video system. Pulling it out of the case, I opened the cover and pulled up the screen. It was about the size of a laptop, but not as complex. It was just used to listen in and test lines. But at the moment that would be to my advantage. Removing the connector cord from the base, I picked one of the video cables at random, and plugged it in. With a pop and a flutter, the screen turned on. There was some static before the image started to clear. I was surprised to see a corner of a hallway, with people walking along it. There was a number displayed as well, which didn't match what I was expecting, but this was much better. The video cabling was for the security cameras. With a quick yank, I detached the tester, this time I took a closer look at the lines. At each connection point was some writing, once again in Prid standard. It took a little work to get enough light to read the script by, but soon I was able to find the camera for the operations center of the base. It was busy, a dozen people were moving around inside, half were raccoons, the other a mix of different species. Cain was there as well, talking with one person then another, all speaking their language. I didn't pay much attention to it, for now I was just listening. I wanted to get the translator chip speaking that language before I had to deal with Cain. If I wanted to know what was going on. I had to keep feeding it the language for the next couple of hours. While that played on in the background, I continued to look though the rest of the room. Everything was pretty much as expected; the door out into the base, a few more terminals, and lots more equipment. But I wasn't satisfied with that. There had to be something else in here, something Cain had left for use when he needed it, which meant I would need it as well. Taking another survey of the room, I looked for things that were out of place, or at least looked wrong. I checked all the walls and behind the terminals, moving everything that I could-- with no luck. Finally I started to look over all the labels that covered everything in the room. Some were hard to read from the lack of light, others written so badly they hardly qualified as writing. So once more I checked everything again, looking over everything I could, pulling, pushing, and once kicking one of the racks, again with no luck. I stepped back with a sigh, shaking my head. "I feel like I'm in a Zork game," I said, brushing my hair out of my face. "Trying everything I can think of, and nothing at all works." I shook my head again, this time with a smile on my face. Funny what one remembers at times like these. I could never win any of the text adventures, I would get stuck somewhere, trying to do everything I could think of, and nothing would work. It would always turn out to be something obvious, something right in front of my face that I could just never see. All right then, what was I looking 'through' instead of 'at'? I mentally stepped back, looking at everything in the room, from the flicking of the monitor screen, to the flashing of the lights on the network rack. Something started to tickle at the back of my mind. I was on to something with the network rack, but I wasn't sure what yet. I looked once more over it, going slowly this time. Each block of network adapters was on and working. The lights of all the readouts were flashing in time to show how busy the network currently was. There was something about the lights. Something was wrong somewhere, I just wasn't sure where it was. I knew I was onto something with the lights... but what? Stepping back again, I tried to see what else felt wrong. My eyes were still being drawn back to the lights, but I tried to ignore them. Instead I looked up at the cabling. Most of the cables went up the wall, slipping in bunches into the ceiling. A few bundles went down the wall and into the floor. I went along each bundle, tugging on each cable gently, testing to see if they went anywhere. I was disappointed to find they all did. So that wasn't it. Stepping back once more, I looked over how the bundles we're arranged: ever few inches one went up into the ceiling, or down the corners of the rooms for what went into the floor. Bending down, I looked into the two inch gap under the rack to see if I could see anything at all. If there was something there, it was too far back for me to see it. Rolling back on my heels, I looked at the lights once more. Crouching down, paws on the bottom self of the rack, I went from one block of adapters to another, following the cables up and out of the room. That's when I finally saw the pattern. It had been there all along, and some part of my mind had seen it, but now I was seeing it with my eyes. On one block of adapters the lights were not flashing randomly, like the others. True, there were a few seconds before the flashes repeated, but they were not random. Each cable was labeled as controlling part of the environmental systems. That didn't seem strange, but I did follow the cables back up to where they vanished in the ceiling. Tugging each one gently, they felt like any other. So I took one cable, and gave it a hard yank. There was a moment of resistance, then a dozen feet of cable came sliding out of the ceiling. I keep pulling it out until I came to the end. It was left open, like it might have been connected to something, but glancing down at the adapter it was plugged into, it was still showing there was traffic on the cable. "Very good, Cain," I said with a smirk, as I started to undo the thumb screws that held the block onto the rack. "I'm impressed! I almost missed it," I grinned, slipping the block out and disconnecting it from the power supply. After a few more seconds I had found the latch that held the top on, and I had opened the small box. Inside was a gun, (good), a few control cards for the computers, some explosives, and a detonator. I chuckled. "Very good, Cain, excellent, in fact. This is better than I expected." Removing everything from the box, I sorted through the contents. The explosive looked like leftovers from the creation of the base. Hard pack high gain stuff, the detonator was wireless and had a range of a several thousand feet. It also had five different detonation circuits. Taking a single bar of the explosive, I packed the rest back into the box, attaching it to one of the detonator circuits, then I returned it to the network rack, shoving the cord back up into the ceiling so it looked like nothing was disturbed. Next I took the control cards, plugging them into the diagnostic ports of one of the terminals. Turning them on, the terminal hummed, and I found myself looking at a cluttered screen that had a representation of a dozen instruments on it. Running through the list, I noticed there was a communication system, a map of everything in the local area, environmental controls, and the security system. I decided it would be best not to play around just yet. I adjusted some settings, cooling the base down a few degrees, and turned off some of the security system, so that no one could be tracked inside the base, myself included. I thought about doing something more, but I decided not to. I wasn't sure how much I could get away with before my tampering was noticed. With that much done so far, I sat back and relaxed, focusing a bit on the video tester, watching everyone move around in the control center. Cain was still there, looking a bit worried, and barking out the occasional order. As I waited, I took one of my pills; it was a bit soon by my watch, but better to be safe. Then I reached into my pocket and removed my wallet. I decided it was time to take a look at this ID that Oria had created for me. Flipping it open, I was surprised to have something fall out into my lap. Picking it up, I held it to the light, the ID forgotten for the moment. It was my gem, the norm-shift stone. Hot damn, Oria must have stuck it in there. This was fantastic, it would give me even more of an advantage! Grabbing a loose strand of cable, I worked it though the gem's mounting, making a quick necklace. Dropping it around my neck, I tucked it under my shirt. My attention was then turned to the screen on the tester. The command center was suddenly busy, and to go with it, I was able to understand what everyone was saying. I smiled as I found out what was going on. My ships had finally arrived. Turning to the terminal, I confirmed it with the local area map. The four ships had just slipped into range. Back in the command center, Cain was standing up, arguing with a few of his underlings about what to do. He said he was going to come and fetch me. Swearing softly, I ran back into the tunnel. As I dashed down it's length, I checked to see if the gun was loaded as. Once I was sure it would work, I shoved it in my pocket. Running past the airlock, I left the other explosives there, so I could blow it open if I needed to, covering them slightly to keep them from being noticed. I was glad the detonator had enough control to allow me to do something like this; I might be needing it. Once back at the far end of the tunnel, I opened the door into Cain's room. Closing it behind me, I went around his desk, and slid into the bed, curling up under the covers, moving the pillows I had left there a few hours before. Forcing myself to breathe slowly, I waited for Cain to return. He had this game all planned out... he thought there was nothing I could do to win. It was time to start changing the rules so I would win. It was time to start cheating. Chapter 9 I tried to feign sleep, but was only mildly successful at it. I was nervous, my paw was fiddling with the gun in my pocket, and my feet were starting to itch. Curling up in a ball, I scratched at them, digging out rocks from between the folds in my pads. I grimaced, working with one claw to get a particularly deep piece out. I was surprised that I hadn't cut my feet open on my run back. There was also a layer of dirt in my fur. I would have to try and not let Cain see it, lest he guess what I had just been up to. Stretching back out, I curled my toes up, slipping my claws out as I did so. Pulling the sheets tighter to me, I let out a soft sigh. It was then that I finally heard the door to the room slide open. I tried to force myself to relax, but my tail flicked gently against my legs, flipping the covers. I needed to work on my control of that-- it gave too much away in this form. The door cycled open, then closed, and soon after I felt a weight settle onto the bed next to me. Nothing was said for a moment, then Cain let out a long sigh, as he placed his hand gently on my hip. "So sweet," he said in a soft voice, shifting his weight against me. "Sometimes I hate this job." He patted my hip lightly, before sliding back from me. There was a shift of the sheets, and I felt a hand reach in to tug on my tail tip. "Time to wake up Ms. Cutter. Your husband has arrived to rescue you." He pulled on my tail gently. I shifted slightly, tugging my tail away from him as I pulled the covers back a bit. I didn't give any more signs that I was awake yet. He tugged at my tail again, a hand rocking my hip at the same time. "Come now, Oriana, it's time to greet your husband." I let out a soft 'mew' as I pulled the covers back far enough so I could peek over the edge. "It's you," I said with a weak sigh, faking a yawn. For just a moments, there was a look of worry on his face, mixed with a look of great despair. It was almost enough to stir pity in me. A few seconds later it was gone, as was any emotion for him other than anger. "I apologize for waking you," he said, slipping back away from me. "Your rescue has arrived. It is imperative for you to be there when we start negotiations. I feel it will get your husband's attention." I pulled the covers down over my head, and gave him a sharp look. "And if I don't cooperate with you?" I asked. He shook his head. "I would not like to force your paw, my dear. I do hope you're clothed under those sheets, because I have no intention of turning my back on you as you dress. Your modesty is not worth my safety." With a yank, I pulled the covers down over my legs. Pushing myself into a sitting position, I brushed some hair from my eyes. "You've forced my hand as it is. I can't believe that you wouldn't continue to do so." He laughed, standing up and walking a few paces away from me. "I don't much care, right now. I have other things to deal with, such as bringing your husband here so I can deal with him." I swung my legs off of the bed, letting the sheets hang over them and pool at my feet, hiding them for the moment. "Why?" He laughed, "Always with the questions. Why do you feel that you deserve an explanation? I'm quite content to keep things to myself." "Because I know Fox," I countered, "and therefore I know you. We have time; I'm sure you want to tell me what you think is going on." He laughed again, harder this time. "I am not Fox! Once you understand that, things will go along much better than they already are. Do you understand?" I pulled myself to my feet, adjusting my top slightly. "I do understand. I just don't like you." He shrugged, "That's no concern of mine. Come with me to the Command Center, I'd rather keep you under security than worry about you making a dumb move." "No dumb moves until we get to the Command Center, got it!" I snapped. He shook his head. Motioning me to walk ahead of him. "So flippant, I had expected more of you than cheap jokes." I chuckled as I walked to the door, coming to a stop once I was there, my back to him. He came up behind me, placing one hand on my shoulder as he punched in the code to the door. "Don't bother memorizing it," he said with a slight smirk in his voice, "It will only work for me." "I wouldn't dream of it," I answered as the door slid open. "How is that done anyway? Fingerprint comparison on the control pad, or is it a DNA sample?" He chuckled, pressing me forward. "Imaging of the subject's body heat and blood flow. Not as accurate as a DNA scan, but much faster." I smiled as we walked, his hand was not going to leave my shoulder. "See, I told you that you could boast." He snorted, but I could tell that he did appreciate the comment. His grip on my shoulder relaxed slightly as we turned a corner, passing a few more raccoon morphs, and one human. Only the human seemed to notice me, the rest kept their eyes forward. "You said that you put the proper information into your men's mind' Also, the lady assassin that you sent after me had her ability to talk removed from her mind. Do you remake your people?" He chuckled, pressing my to walk a bit faster. "I do not wish my agents to talk, or to ever know or tell more than they should. I have a mind ripper on staff, as well as an expert in mind reconstruction. I don't hire my field agents, I create them." I huffed, "Out of your enemies I suppose? Or those that betray you?" "Hardly anything so retaliatory," he told me, once more guiding me around a corner. "They are already dead, or seconds from it. I just... borrow the bodies." The way he said 'borrow' made me think there was a bit of distaste there as well. "You're not exactly what I expected for my husband's double," I told him as we came to a stop in front of a steel door. He reached past me and punched a button on the control panel. The door hissed open, splitting into six sections that slid back into the wall. "I am hardly his double," he told me, pushing me into the room. It was busier than it had been on camera. Two dozen people were running around, huddled over computer terminals and display screens. "As you can see," Cain said as he led me into the center of the room, turning me to face a large screen carved into the rock wall, "We are well prepared for your husband's arrival." "So I see," I answered as dryly as I could. A small raccoon stepped forward. "Sir," she said, slipping into the language everyone had been using, "We have a matched carrier signal with the lead ship. We're ready to talk to them any time you are." Cain turned to face me. "It's time to make your presentation," he said to me, speaking in Prid Standard. Flicking his head back around he addressed the lady in front of him. "Open the channel, video on Oriana only." The command was relayed, down to three others, who went to work. In a few seconds, there was a hum, and the screen went live. I saw my face staring back at me. It was Ravindar in the Matrix unit, of course. This part of my plan was working perfectly. "We have your wife, and have foiled your attempt to trap me." Cain spoke, giving my false self no time to react. "If you wish to retrieve her you shall do exactly as I say." Ravindar feigned a good look of shock, but didn't say anything. "Perhaps you should say something, Oriana," Cain told me, squeezing my shoulder tightly. "Convince them that we know about this little trap you tried to arrange." I turned my head back to look at him, smiling slightly, then turned back to the screen. There was no way I was going to tell them to attack or stay still... at least not like that. We had come up with a quick arrangement of words to keep things between us. I knew Ravindar, even if wearing my face, was not in my place. He was most likely sitting in the mess hall of _The Falcon_, and I also suspected that, against my wishes, Oriana was sitting just out of view. Turning back to the screen, I smiled wider and slipped into English. "Set course," I said my ears twitching in a laugh, "Red route one." The screen went blank, and the control room erupted with conversation. It was moving fast enough that my translator couldn't make it out, until one human came up to us. "They've armed their weapons, and have moved into a wider formation. They show no signs of immediate attack." Cain gripped my shoulder hard enough that it made me yelp. Twisting me back around he glared at me. "What the hell did you say to them?" he barked out. I was surprised, he should have not only understood what I had said, but the reference as well. I was feeling slightly disappointed here. He pulled me closer, glaring at me. "Well?" he ordered. "To arm weapons and hold position," I answered, omitting the 'and wait for a sign to attack' part. I felt he didn't need to know that, since the signal was already set up. "I think that was obvious?" He shook his head and grabbedme even harder, pulling me along as he went to another door. He jabbed the open button hard, and shoved me through. I found myself in a small office, a desk, two chairs, a bookshelf and a computer. I smashed against the desk, and slid to the floor. He followed me in, shutting the door behind himself. "I wanted you to be nice about this! I don't wish to hurt you." I snorted. "You underestimate me," I told him as I stood up. He walked forward, grabbing my shoulder and punching me as in the side as hard as he could. I felt a snap and a jolt of pain. A cracked rib for sure. "That is just a start," he told me, stepping back, his hand still in a fist. "You will get back on the line, and tell your husband that if he doesn't surrender himself to me, I will kill you." I let out a short laugh as I slipped my paw inside my shirt. Wrapping my fingers around the gem, I pulled it back out, resting my paw against my chest. "Then you will kill him?" He chuckled. "Killing him is not the intent of my plans. Now will you tell him this, or do I have to hurt you more, Ms. Cutter?" I smiled at him, widening my eyes a bit. "There's just one problem." He looked surprised, blinking slightly and tilting his head. "What's that?" I leaned forward, looking him right in his eye as best that I could. "You're talking to the wrong Cutter." He tilted his head the other direction, his eyes getting wider as he looked into mine, perhaps the color of my eyes finally registering with him. "Fox!" he hissed, in both surprise and anger. I gave him a wide smile, then jumped at him, at the same time sending my command to the gem. I crashed into him as a full lioness, forcing him to the floor under me. He retaliated instantly, hitting me in the windpipe with the side of his hand, then kicking his feet up under my belly, plowing them into my lungs. As I tried to recover, he hit my neck again, snapping my jaw shut. Throwing his other arm back he yanked my paw away and was suddenly all over me, rolling me over so he was on top of me. I roared at him, and he smacked me in the face. Somehow he had me pinned down in such a way that I couldn't do more than thrash my tail at his back. He laughed, grabbed the gem from around my neck, and yanking it away. "I knew about this body of yours, Fox," he snapped. "Do you think I wasn't prepared for it?" He laughed, smacking my face again. "This jewel must be the key to your shifting. Now that I have it you're in my possession, so I suggest you do exactly as I say." I snapped at him with my jaws, roaring again, shifting around under him. I tried to work a paw loose, or to do something other than be pinned there. Cain smirked, leaning down close to my face. "This makes my plan much easier, I can now deal with you just as I please, without worrying about having to fetch you. Now, you need to shift back, and order your ships to stand down. I don't need them getting in my way when I leave. Are we clear on that?" I snarled at him, snapping my jaws at his face. He shook his head. "Wrong answer!" Pulling his fist back, he smashed it down against my face. Following that everything went black. * * * When I came to, I found myself on a very hard, and very cold floor. Slitting open one eye, I looked to see what I could see. Grey stone made up all of the floor and the wall that I could see. Opening both eyes fully, I raised my head. I was facing a blank stone wall. There was a soft tapping, coming from my left. It grew stronger with each passing moment. Lifting myself up onto all fours, I turned to look for the source of the tapping. I found it on the next wall. A large white door was carved into it, with a small window in the center, a set of brightly light controls were placed just to one side of the doorway. Craning my head, I looked towards the far wall, to find an identical door, with blackness outside the window. I was in an airlock. Returning my attention back to the tapping, I saw a hand in the window. Tilting my head, and flicking my ears, I took a few steps forward. "Your stone is on the ground in front of the door," Cain said, his voice muffled as it came through the intercom system. "Return to your morphic form." I did as ordered, walking forward I scooped the gem up in my paws, then shifted myself back to morphic. Adjusting my clothing, I stood up and returned the gem to my pocket. Stepping forward, I looked through the window in the door. Cain was staring back at me, an ugly look on his face. "Well you have me now, so what the hell do you want?" I demanded. He laughed, "What I've always wanted," he answered. I was glad to see that the intercom was still active. I didn't want to be talking to inch thick glass. "I suppose you wanted me awake before you killed me, right?" I asked him, my arms folded over my chest as I glared back through the glass. He chuckled, tapping his fingers against the glass. "Not yet, there are other things to do before your death. I have my plans. No, no, no-- you see, you have four ships out there, waiting to attack, which puts a crimp in my plans. I want you to order them to stand down, or I will kill you." I shook my head. "What would killing me gain you, if you wish to do that already? I can just refuse to help. If you have other things for me, I would have called your bluff. You can't kill me." "You're correct," he said with a nod of his head. "But try to call this bluff-- fourteen dash one twenty seven, g." I took in a long breath-- that was Oria's world! That fold was right next to Rose's House! Damn it to all hell! This was not good, not at all good. He smiled. "So you see, your death may be inevitable, but you can save the others you care about. Will you call off your ships?" I turned my back to him, walking to the other door. I stood, looking out the glass and into space. We were facing away from the planet, and the only things I could see were unfamiliar stars. Shaking my head, I placed my paw on the door, looking at the controls closely. This was not an emergency airlock, it was the standard system. Well, it was time to pull out my secret weapon. Reaching into my pocket, I pulled out the remote detonator. I quickly armed each of the circuits. Even if only two were used, I wasn't sure which ones they were. Then I adjusted it in my paw, hiding it from plain sight. I spun back around on my heel, smiling to Cain as I took a step closer to the door. "Just one question," I asked, holding my paw out to one side. He tilted his head again, the smile on his face fading just a bit. I decided to go for cliche; it felt appropriate. "Is it cold in here?" I asked, opening the kill switch on the detonator, in the process showing it to Cain. His jaw dropped, his eyes opening up wide. "Or is it just me?" As I finished the line, I hit the switch. The explosion echoed throughout the whole base, throwing me to the side as everything shifted. For a moment the gravity system twisted around, and the wall became the floor before the gravity gave out entirely. It left about a third of normal gravity pulling me back towards the floor. The lights flashed out for a few moments, being replaced by softer, blue lights. I threw the detonator away, and walked towards the door, though it felt more like I was swimming rather than walking. Cain was gone, and I could see smoke drifting along the hallway, billowing and twisting along the ceiling in strange, almost supernatural ways. The controls for the door were dark. With the power and computer down, only the emergency airlocks would be working. Which saved me for the moment, but left me trapped. "There's your sign," I muttered to myself, falling to my knees, wincing as I twisted my hurt ribs in the process. I removed my pocket knife, opening it and using the edge to dig into a panel near the floor. All airlocks have a manual control; no one ever builds any without them. The standard place is down low, under the automatic controls. I was hoping the access panel that was there would be covering them. If I was wrong, there were a few other panels I could try. It had to be under one of them. With a snap, the panel came free, floating down to the floor in the low gravity. I was right. inside were the manual controls including a hand crank, and some pressure sensors. What struck me as strange was a thick round housing placed near the crank point. There was a single switch on the side, in a bright yellow color, that stood out against the gray of the rest of the controls. There were no instructions on the inside of the panel, so I had to take a guess as to how things worked. The round housing looked like it was connected to the crank point, Perhaps it was something to give you more power as you opened the door. The yellow switch had two positions. I assumed one was for opening the door, and one for closing it. Taking a guess (these thing were always made so they couldn't be accidentally broken, so I had no fear about what I was doing), I flipped the switch into the other position. With a whoosh and a spinning sound, the door slammed into the wall, opening hard enough to cause it to bounce as it came to a stop. I laughed-- a spring release, so you could open it fast. An interesting design. I stepped into the hallway, pulling the gun from my pocket, and insuring it was ready for use. I didn't want to be surprised just yet. Pushing through the smoke, I headed up the hallway, moving as carefully as I could. That only lasted a minute before the base started shaking again, accompanied by the tell-tale signs of weapons fire outside. My ships were attacking. I continued around a corner, running into a small group of men hunkered down over an access in the hallway. I didn't have much of a choice in going around them, so I slipped behind them, moving as quietly as possible them, while they focused on their work. None of them noticed me as I moved past and turned down the next corridor I found. It wasn't a corridor, though-- it was a set of steps. They looked like they went up and down the length of the base. I only got down one flight before my passage was stopped by a massive door that blocked my way. Blowing the airlock had put a large part of the base in a vacuum. I moved back up the steps, going up one flight, then a second, then a third, which was four times as long as the others, before I finally could go no higher. Up here I could hear the sounds of weapons being fired. The gunnery deck, I presumed. I quickly glanced into the hallway, finding it empty. I stepped inside of the hall, walking down its short length. There were a dozen guns, all automated, each one shooting like crazy. It appeared that all the controls ran to a single box at the end of the hallway. Prying it open, I found myself faced with a dozen circuit boards, and a mound of wiring that went down into the floor. Quickly I cut everything I could, shutting down one gun at a time, until the only sound I heard was the impact of my ship's weapons on the base. I went back down the flight of steps, to the level below. This time I found myself in a longer hall that stretched in a curve. One side was lined with doors every fifty feet, the other was blank. Checking from one to another, I found escape pods behind each. All had been disabled. "There goes an easy escape," I muttered to myself. I went back to the stairs, going down one more flight, to the level above the one where I started. This had a short hallway, with a few doors in it. All were open, with the exception of one at the end of the hall. It was closed and sealed. I walked down the hallway, checking each room. I found a medical bay, recently used, a weapons locker, empty, a meeting room, and a single large room with a large chamber, locked behind a set of air lock style double steel doors, there was nothing I could see inside. I suspected it might be the fold, but I couldn't feel anything inside it. Then I was at the closed door. Tapping the control panel a bit, I tried to get it to open, but with no luck. I had no idea what was behind it, but I was starting to worry. It was then I heard someone coming back up the steps. I dashed into the conference room as fast as I could in the low gravity, ducking behind the door just as I heard voices behind me. "We should have the guns back in ten minutes," a voice said as they moved down the hallway. "We'll be boarded in seven," Cain answered, his voice moving closer. "Order an evacuation; everyone who survived should get out while they can. If you see the lioness, shoot to kill. I'm tired of playing with her." There was a pause as they passed the doorway. "What will you be doing, sir?" a second voice asked. "I plan to blow the base up in five minutes. Activate the escape pods, keep a double armed guard on all accesses, we don't need her going out that way." "Understood sir, good luck," there was a moment as the door hissed opened, then closed again. I shook my head, holding the gun tighter in my paws, my finger resting on the trigger, and pulling it back slightly. I waited there for a few moments, listening as a warning sounded throughout the base to report to the evacuation level. After a minute had passed, I stepped back out into the hallway, unsure of what to do. I had to get out of this base before I got blown up with it, and there was not a lot of time to do it in. "So what are you going to do?" I heard Cain ask from behind me. I spun around, gun aimed at him, the trigger half down. If I flinched the wrong way I was going to fire at him. He just smiled at me, leaning against the large steel door. "In a few more moments the base will be evacuated. Only and I will be left." "So you're going to die with me?" I asked with a snort. He laughed, "I have no intention of dying today." As he spoke the words, he walked forward, keeping his hands up, and moving along the wall. "I can kill you right now," I told him. He smirked. "What, and risk blowing yourself up? I don't think so." He kept moving and I kept tracking him, but did not fire. Finally he slipped into the room with the set of double doors. "What do you think you're doing?" I asked, following close behind him. He glanced over his shoulder at me, smirking. There was a ding, and the lights grew brighter. "There we go, all pods launched. Now it's now just the two of us in here." He started to type at the console in front of him. I stepped around to the side, my gun still at his head. "What are you doing?" He shook his head. "I'm not going to tell you. You're just going to have to shoot me!" He said the last part with a smirk So I shot him. Chapter 10 That is to say, I pulled the trigger with the full intention of shooting him right between the eyes. Instead I was rewarded with the all too familiar thump of the gun misfiring. "Fuck," I swore, glancing down at the gun in my paws, then quickly back up at Cain. He had cocked his head to the side, and a smile had spread across the width of his face. "Do you think I would leave any weapon on this station that could be used to kill me?" His sentence was punctuated by the door slamming shut, sealing us together in the room. "Just the self-destruct," I growled, shoving the gun back into my pants pocket, holding myself back from carrying through my first impulse of throwing it in his face. He chuckled darkly, hitting the control panel with the flat of his hand. A deep hum quickly filled the room, starting low, but building up louder every second; soon it was rattling in my bones. Looking satisfied with himself, he continued to work on the controls. "Why? I haven't activated it yet. With you here, everything is back according to plan." I let out a low growl, unsheathing my claws as I lowered my body into a crouching position. He gave me a short glance out of the corner of his eye, and almost looked stunned when I leaped at him. My paws out wide, mouth open and aiming for his neck. He spun around, trying to hit a button on the controls before I crashed into him. He failed. We both sprawled out onto the floor, with myself on top of him. He pulled his arm up to smack it against my face, twisting my head to the side. His other hand came up and slammed against the side of my head, causing my ears to start ringing. I forced myself to ignore it, instead focusing on tearing at his neck with my claws. I only managed to gouge a row of cuts into his skin before he grabbed my paws, holding them at bay. There was a burst of noise in the room. The low humming jumped an octave in a second as the outer of the two doors slid open. The smell of ozone spilled out into the room, hanging in the air around us. Cain saw this, a smile playing over his face. In a sharp move he yanked my paws to the sides, and smashed his head into my face. He stunned me for a few seconds. Dropping my paws, he grabbed my ears and dug his thumbs inside. I let out a long yowl at the sudden burst of pain. In spite of the pain, I returned my paws to his neck, as well as digging at his legs with my feet. He let out a low scream of pain. Blood flowed up from his legs, covering my feet, and the floor. It also provided a catalyst for him, a focus; he twisted in a strange way under me, and suddenly I found myself in the air. Tumbling in the low gravity I crashed back-first into the controls, then slumped to the floor. With am annoyed grunt, he pulled himself to his feet. The sides of his pants were stained red with his blood. It was seeping at a rate that made me hope I had slashed open an artery, something that would be terminal for the bastard. He glared at me, almost snarling, it pulled at the scar on his face, making him look even fiercer than he had the moment before. I pulled myself back to my feet, half standing, half crouching, baring my teeth at him. He smiled back at me, tensed his back, and dropped both hands to the ground. In a single move, he pushed off the floor, throwing himself at me. But I moved faster than he did. My body was more agile than his ever could be, and I had been trained in low gravity situations before. Once he left the ground, every advantage was mine. I dropped my head down, sliding back to my knees as he flew over me. He thrashed his hands out in surprise as I out maneuvered him, but I was not about to let him sail over my head. Shooting my arms up I grabbed his pants, my claws sinking into the blood soaked fabric. I pulled him forward, twisting as I did so. Then using all the strength in my arms and legs, I threw him back over me, sending him tumbling through the air to crash into the steel and glass wall of the chamber that dominated the room. He slammed against the lip of the door, the frame driving into the side of his body, causing him to spin one more time before coming to rest on the floor between the inner and outer doors of the chamber. With a snap of his head, his eyes cleared as he took in what had just happened to him. A slow smile spread across his face as he did so. As I paused for a second to catch my breath, my ribs screamed in pain. The move had aggravated the already injured bones. I shifted my weight slightly, ready to take him again. Cain let out a bitter laugh, and grabbed the frame of the door he was against to pull himself slowly up to his feet. "I concede this round to you. But _only_ this round. I'll be back for you," he said the last part with venom dripping from the words. The hum in the room rose another notch, growing loud enough that I could feel it shaking the floor below me. My adversary just smiled again, as the outer door slammed shut, locking him away from me. I stood there, stunned, as the inner door opened, and Cain limped into the center of the chamber. The inside door had closed behind him once he was over the threshold. Taking a few steps to the side, I watched him though the window. He looked back at me, smiling as he hit a short series of buttons that were inside a small control box, mounted next to the door. With this done, he turned back to face me, flipping me off through the glass. When the hum stepped up one more notch, the whole room started to shake. Cain moved back, pressing his back against the wall. I jumped away, turning to the controls where he had been working. Scanning over the buttons, I found they were all labeled in a language I had not encountered before. I raised my head to once more look at my double. I was greeted with a blast of mental static burning behind my eyes as an ugly, glaring fold ripped itself open in the center of the enclosure. The edges were ragged, like a torn cloth, and twisted around themselves in wrong ways. With one last look Cain dived through the strange fold, before it snapped closed almost too soon. At the last moment I attempted to catch onto it, to find out where it had opened to. But there was nothing to hold onto; the fold just wasn't there, even though it was. The shock when it closed was enough to cause me to stumble, lose my footing, and fall on my tail. I let out a yelp and jumped back to my feet, but Cain was gone. I tried the fold one last time, but there was nothing I knew there. Just a strangeness I couldn't place, a burning feeling in the back of my mind, an oddness in spacetime. But no way to follow Cain. A frustrated sigh escaped my lips, as I returned to the floor, and pulled my knees up under my chin. I tried to relax a bit, drawing in a few long breaths and thinking about what to do now. Cain was gone, that was true, but just for the moment. He would be back, maybe in a day, maybe in a week, but he would be back. It was time I started acting against him, instead of reacting to him. I was going to have to go after him... before he came back for me. I was still in that position when Ravindar discovered me half an hour later. Oria was right on his tail, and was by my side as soon as she got into the room. Bending down next to me, she placed a paw on my shoulder. The weight of her fingers caused me to wince, with the adrenalin gone from my system, I was feeling the pain in my shoulder and ribs again. "I lost him," I said before she could ask the question. "He went that way," I waved to where the strange fold had been. "It's ok," she said with a sigh. "Let's get you back to the ship." "Not yet," I told her, standing up, wincing as my ribs ground against each other. I stepped to the control panel holding my paw over the buttons, but not touching them. "This thing made a fold," I explained, looking up at my wife and my bodyguard. A look of surprise washed over Oria's face, Ravindar just twitched his ears. "I'm not sure how, but it created a fold in that chamber," I pointed to the room Cain had escaped from. "I think it somehow pulled ripples together, or perhaps something weaker, and forced them to open." I yanked my paws apart as I spoke, then winced in pain, grabbing at my side. Oria was right next to me, arm around my side and a paw over mine. "You're hurt. We need to get you back to the ship, and get you taken care of." It was phrased as an order, instead of a request. I nodded, "I agree, but we do have to figure out how this thing works, and where the hell he ran to." "Think you can?" she asked, gently pushing on my back, leading me towards the exit. "No, I answered frankly, "But I know someone who does." * * * "Absolutely not!" The squirrel morph Captain protested, looking as angry as such a being could. "I am not going to divert this ship from a three year research project for you or anyone else." I shook my head slowly, my shoulder numb from the painkiller that had been applied there a few minutes before. Once back on board the ship, Oria had proceeded to bandage me up, wrapping my ribs as best she could, and applying a pain killer for the ugly bruise on my shoulder. Right now I was relaxed in a soft chair inside the galley of _The Falcon_. I was wearing just a bra, panties, and an annoyed look on my face, whole my feet soaked in warm water to clean the blood out of my fur. "I'm not requesting this Captain Banes, I'm issuing this as an order. I'm transmitting you my authorization codes now." Reaching forward, I dropped the ID card Oria had made into a slot in the console, and hit a quick series of buttons. The Captain turned his attention to his left, leaning forward slightly. He looked puzzled for a few seconds, then turned to the other side of the camera's view, working quickly at what I assumed was a computer there. A look of surprise was growing on his face. After a few moments he turned back to me. "I have never heard of the Consortium Security Council before," he stated flatly, glaring at me through the screen. "Check the code," I told him, sounding as annoyed as I could, "It is valid." "Already did," he snapped back, "It's perfectly valid, and has a ranking higher than my Commander's. We'll be coming to you. Would you please be good enough to transmit the location?" I nodded, hitting a few other buttons. "On sub-carrier three," I told him, relaxing back in the chair, resting my paws on my lap. He nodded, turning away from the camera again. "This is well out of any explored space," he said, turning back to me. "What is out there important enough to pull us away from our current mission?" I smiled at him, looking as pleasant as I could. "I have a machine here that can make a fold." He blinked in slight shock. "You mean a machine that can capture and open a ripple?" he asked. My response was to laugh. "I'm not that given over to hyperbole. No, when I say make a fold, I mean _make_ a fold. I'm not sure how, but it ripped open the ugliest, nastiest fold I've ever seen." On the other end of the line, the Captain's face was slightly slack-jawed. "If that's true..." he trailed off, leaving the statement to finish itself. "I see you understand," I told him, adjusting my position slightly to lessen the pain in my side. "When can I expect you to arrive?" He paused, leaning forward, hitting at something below my view. "If we leave our temporal observation equipment here, and set it to continue monitoring the event, the ship and my crew can be there in seventeen hours." "I will have one of my ships waiting. I won't be here, but I will be returning as soon as I can. I have other things to attend to." I shifted again, unintentionally wincing as I did so, but it had the proper effect. "Understood, ma'am. We'll be on our way within the hour. _Benthic Explorer_ out." There was a few seconds pause before the link broke, leaving me staring at a blank screen. "What was all that about?" Oria asked from the doorway into the galley. She was looking relaxed, her hair tied up in a pony-tail, and dressed pretty casually. I turned the chair around so I could face her. "The _Benthic Explorer_ is a Council Research Ship, one of the three that are out right now. It's currently been out of port for almost two years doing research on a temporal event." She came down the three squat steps from the hallway to the galley. "This doesn't involve time, though," she stated, looking puzzled. I smiled. "One of the researchers is Re'ka Benathia. I meet him soon after I came to Prid. He's the one who told me exactly what I was, and what I could do. He is an expert in folds, and how they work against and with each other. He belives that a way to make anyone a natural will be developed in as short as five hundred years." "Five Hundred Years? I wouldn't describe that as short," she said, walking over to the single table, pulling out a chair, but not sitting down. I responded with a laugh, "Nor anyone else. The man is an elf, so he's long-lived to start with. To add to that, he's supposed to be immortal, or as close to it as one can get." She gave me a sharp look, and shrugged the statement off, just as I had when I was first told about the immortality bit. "He's the best person to have on this, which is why I called them here. I need to know where Cain went to, the how is not important right now." "I've never seen you this spooked before," she observed. I nodded, shifting again, and groaned as my ribs shifted slightly. Twisting the chair, I hit the bridge intercom. "Kalie, Milgrove. Tell the rest of the ships to keep in orbit around the base. Have them wait till the _Benthic Explorer_ arrives, and have someone call me then. For us, set course back to Prid, best speed." "Laying in the course right now," Milgrove's response came. Kalie followed hir, "Passing your orders on now, Fox." I nodded, letting go of the intercom, and turning back to face Oria. "Not to disparage your medical work, but I really need to see a doctor about my ribs." She smiled, finally sitting down at the table. "I'll make an appointment." With another wince, I pulled myself to my feet. "That sounds like a good idea, but for now I think I need to sleep. It's been a long day, far too long. Care to join me?" She stood back up, smiling. "Are you sure you want me to? I could smack your ribs in my sleep." I walked over to her, wrapped my arms over her shoulders, and kissed one cheek, then the other. "I'll take that risk." She returned the kiss, this time on my lips, as we both headed to our little bedroom on the ship. * * * 05/16/99: A few hours, and a trip to the hospital later, I was back home. My ribs had been patched up, but we'=re still a little tender. Things were worse with my shoulder, even my fur hurt, and I winced every time I moved my arm. The doctor had said it was pretty badly bruised, almost to the bone, and he just couldn't fix it. The shot they use for bruising was the same chemical used in a regen tank, and I had an allergy to it that was bad enough to kill me. So, as soon as I got through the fold, I went right to the kitchen, stripping out of my shirt on the way. Once there, I removed one of the ice packs from the freezer and plopped it right down on my shoulder, letting out a little whimper as the cold sank into my skin. Shutting my eyes, I let my whole body relax as I leaned back in my chair. I was tired, not having slept but for the two hours that was the trip back to Prid. Every muscle in my body was telling me that I had overstressed them on Cain's base; even my bones hurt all over. The only thing free of some kind of pain was my tail. "You look like hell," Sora commented. Sliding open one eye, I looked at her as she stood in the doorway of the kitchen's far wall. She had her arms crossed, her wings wrapped around her body, and a smug look on her muzzle. "Astute observation," I muttered, closing my eye again. She chuckled softly as the sound of a chair being pulled from the table filled my ears. "Hard to miss. Oriana gave me a once over of what was going on when I came back. I find it hard to belive that Cain would try something like this on you." I shook my head slightly. "What I can't belive is that I fell for his trap... and it was a trap, don't doubt that. Oria and I both fell for it, hook, line, and sinker." I let out a low sigh. "The only saving grace was that he didn't know about my fem-form. Otherwise, this would have ended a lot worse." "I see," she said, sliding her chair against the floor. "Did you kill him, or manage to capture him at least?" "No," Oria's voice said, entering the fray. "He used some kind of device to create a fold, and escaped through it. There's a team on their way to his base as we speak, to try to find out where he went, and how he did it." "I see," she answered with just a hint of worry in her voice. I opened my eyes again, sitting a bit straighter in my chair. "I'm just mad at myself for not seeing it sooner, or even suspecting it for a moment. In fact the only person who even thought of the possibility was Ravindar." "Don't berate yourself," Sora said, fanning her wings out slightly as she finally sat down in the chair. "You couldn't have known, and you should not have expected to." I snorted through my nose. "I should have questioned it; the whole plan as we saw it was so damn contrived. The idea of a trap should have been the first thought to cross my mind, not the last." With a slow shake of my head, I stood back up, wincing again as I swung my arm in the process. "I've had the whole trip back to think about this. I seem to be blinded by the fact that he's me. I think it's causing me to over look the obvious." Oria walked over to me, placing her paw on my good shoulder. "Under the circumstances you did as well as anyone could have. Now that you know you're doing this, you can handle him better the next time you face off." "Next time we face off," I said, turning my head to look her in the eyes, "I plan to be going after him. We can't allow him to run free over the multi-verse. The damage he could do..." I left the statement there, unfinished. It didn't seem worth continuing. Which reminded me. "Where's Ravindar gotten to," I asked, not finding him at his usual place in the room. "I need to talk to him." "The Guild left a message for him while you were gone," Sora offered. "He took it as soon as you got back, then left through the fold. I frowned slightly, it was an inconvenience for the moment, but would have to be accepted for now. "I don't suppose you know what the message said?" I asked, leaning forward slightly. She shook her head, "I couldn't read the language." A smile played over my face and ears. "It's all right, must have been something important if he left right away." I paused for a second, brushing some of my hair out of my eyes. "I need to make a call anyway." "Who are you calling?" Oria asked as I turned away from the table and started walking towards my office. "Ken," I answered her. "He made a comment a few months ago that I want to follow up on." "About what?" she asked, following me into the office. I smiled at her over my shoulder before sitting down at my desk. "It involves the pendant," I explained as I dialed his number. She nodded, settling down in a chair next to me. She rested one paw on my leg, the other was on my good shoulder, squeezing me gently. I place my paw over the one on my leg, and squeezed back, my tail brushing up against hers as the phone started to ring. It only lasted for a moment though, as the screen snapped on to show a profile of Ken's face, his jaw gapping open in surprise at something that was in front of him. "Ken?" I asked, leaning forward slightly. He seemed to jump, twisting his head around to look at the screen. Trying to cover up the look of shock, he quickly started talking. "Fox, I was just about to call you! Ah... to tell you that you could come get the pendant." He was speaking faster than he usually did. I chuckled gently. "That's what I wanted to talk to you about. A few months ago you mentioned something about my being able to shift back to human earlier than normal." He nodded his head quickly, "Yes, yes, I remember that," he said, turning away from the phone, and fiddling with something in front of him. "A short gap between changes might allow a faster relax time for the spell." He froze for a second, then snapped his head back to the screen. "Are you asking if you can do it?" "Yes," I answered. With a sharp nod of his head, he was out of his chair, and out of frame. There was the sound of rustling and falling paper in the background before he dropped back into the camera's view. He had a bundle of papers held in his fore claw. "Let's see," he muttered to himself, paging through them like one might with a book. After a quick scan of each page he muttered something to himself in his own language. After a few seconds had passed, he yanked out a sheet of paper, letting the others drop to the floor. "Here it is," he said, holding it close to his face. I could see his eyes scanning over the writing. "Yes, it can work," he said as he continued to read. "I need to make one small change to the pendant. It shouldn't take more than an hour." "And if it doesn't work?" I prompted. I didn't want the spells on the pendant to break, leaving me stuck in this form. "It will be a short exposure," he answered, dropping the paper onto the table in front of him. "The spells will not be affected. I'll be there to insure that. If you'll give me the opportunity to add the spell to the pendant, I can be there with it in..." he paused, snapping his head around to look at something on the wall that was out of camera range. "An hour and fifteen minutes." "Sure," I answered, starting a sentence, but before I could get a second word out he had hung up the phone. "I've never actually seen him work before," Oria observed, "At last not under normal circumstances. Is that the way he usually is?" I smiled, "Oh yes, that's exactly how he is!" I crossed my arms, letting out a low groan from the pain again. "Though I wonder what he was doing before I called." "You mean what had him so surprised?" she asked. I nodded. "I don't know, but if it's important, he'll tell us as soon as he can." I took in a long breath, nodding my head. "Of course he will." Chapter 11 I lay on the couch in the living room, my good shoulder on the cushions, and my injured one in the air, the ice pack perched precariously on my injury. The condensation had started to drip down my fur and onto my neck, but I didn't want to bother to wipe it off my fur. Rhea lay in front of the couch, her head resting under my dangling paw, my fingers just brushing the top of her head. Every time I touched her, I felt a little chill, and would once more feel the strangeness of being alone in my mind. It was a good strangeness. I enjoyed being alone for the first time in a year, even if there was a touch of sadness now that Rhea and I were separated. She and I shared something of the same bond Oria and I shared, that of having joined souls. With short, brushing strokes, I petted her between her ears. She would twitch them in response, a low purr filling the room. It was a shared voice between she and I, mine higher pitched than hers. It was a joyous sound. It was broken by the sound of a familiar voice. "Fox, I need to speak to you." I opened one eye, looking up to Ravindar as he towered above me. His white fur looked slightly ruffled, his ears bent to the side, and a severely annoyed look graced his muzzle. "Is there a problem?" I asked him, holding down the ice pack with my good paw as I sat up. "Not a problem," he answered with a slight snap of his ears and tail. "More of an inconvenience for me. Come with me; I need to speak with you in the kitchen." Then with that said, he walked away from us, his tail tip flicking in irritation as he moved. 'Do I really want to know what pissed him off?' Rhea asked tilting her head back as she looked up at me. 'Or should I just run away as fast as I can?' I chuckled, swiping at her ears with my tail as I stood up. "Find out first, then run away. That way you know what to avoid when he catches up with you." She gave me a mental laugh before resting her chin on her paws, closing her eyes, a contented look quickly falling over her face as she fell into a light slumber. Stepping over her, I walked into the kitchen. I found Ravindar standing at the table, paws down on it, fingers spread out. His tail was moving even faster than before, if that was possible. Oria was sitting on the far side of the table from him with an annoyed look on her face. Adric was propped in her arms, sleeping after his just finished meal. "Is there going to be a problem here?" I asked, taking a seat for myself. The tension between the two of them had waxed and waned since his arrival, but this was the most palpable it had ever been. Ravindar shook his head, standing straight up. "I need to quickly explain some things to you," he said, turning back to focus on me. "Which I have found your other bodyguard has neglected to mention to you before." With that he shot Oria a dark look. "Can the attitude," I snapped, "or I'll personally tie you down until you do. This is not the time, nor the place for it. Understood?" For a second he looked stunned, every motion in his body stopping for just a moment. A strong reaction for what I thought was a simple ultimatum. It was obviously more to him, but I wasn't in the mood right now to go deeper into it. "I believe you have been made aware that there are normally just three Crystal Masters at any given time. From which you may have gathered that my being assigned to you made room for a fourth Master to protect my former charge." I nodded slowly, adjusting the ice pack on my damaged shoulder. "That I know already." He gave me a sharp look. "To the point, Crystal Masters are very rarely reassigned, and only under the worst of times. It is not an assignment for life, but it is as close as it can come. As long as your survival is in the Guild's best interests, I shall stay assigned to you." "How long does an assignment normally last?" He gave me a wary smile. "This is the fourth time in the Guild's history that there has been a person important enough to rank a fourth Master. It is also the fourth time a Master has been reassigned." I relaxed back into the chair, letting my tail tip brush against the ground. "I see." He nodded his head, then turned back to glare at Oria. "The Elders have decided that a greater break with tradition is now needed. You are important to the Guild, and therefore so is Oriana." I blinked, I was almost sure that was the first time he had called her by her name. "So for the first time in the Guild's thousand-years history, there will be a fifth Crystal Master." "What," Oria snapped, "none for the kids?" He said nothing, swinging his head back around to look at me. "So I have been told to select a Copper Master, to raise to the level of Crystal Master. I have done this, her name is Santhara. She is a master of many arts, and will provide a good defense for your wife." I looked at Oria. "Would you be willing to accept this?" I asked her. She snorted, glaring back at the tiger. "I am still a member of the Guild. If the Elders decree that I need a bodyguard, so be it. I have no say in the matter." Oh, she was bitter. "That's the first time I've heard you admit you were even in the Guild," Ravindar snapped back, uncharacteristically showing his stronger emotions. Oria let out a deep, rolling growl, starting to rise from her chair. She stopped only inches from her seat, looking surprised as she fell back down. 'That is enough!' Rhea said, her voice strong in my mind, as she keep her forepaw placed tightly over the end of Oria's tail. 'You have our son in your arms, and I will not have you hurting him because of some silly fit! Do you understand me?' For her part, Oria looked quite stunned, her eyes wide as she looked back over her shoulder. "She just didn't say what I think she did... did she?" Ravindar had a surprised, bemused look on his face. He obviously hadn't been privy to Rhea's comments. I nodded my head to her. 'Well?' Rhea said impatiently as Oria let out a yelp. "I understand," she said with a shake of her head, "and you didn't have to use your claws." 'Call it incentive,' she said with a smug look on her face as she let go of Oria's tail. Turning in a tight circle, she padded her way out of the kitchen. 'By the way,' she said, looking back over her shoulder look at us. 'Ken is here.' She flashed us all a smile before leaving the room. Oria looked up to me, very surprised. "Do I want to ask how she was able to do that?" I smiled, setting the ice pack on the table as I stood up. "Don't bother, it will be better that way. Why don't you go put Adric to bed? I'll meet Ken in the living room, and you can join us." The stunned look was still covering her face as she rose to her feet, holding Adric tighter to herself in the process. Shaking her head slowly, she walked away, towards the bedroom, her tail flashing slowly behind her. I then turned my attention to Ravindar. The look on his face turned to worry as he saw the anger in my eyes. "Listen," I said, a slight hiss creeping into my voice. "You seem to have a problem with Oria wanting out of the Guild. That's just fine with me, but you had better keep it under wraps from now on." I started walking closer to him, and he actually took a hesitant step back. "I do not need to deal with this right now. This is *your* problem, but do not go try to goad Oria into a fight. Especially when she is holding one of my children in her arms." By now I was standing inches from him, looking up at his face, ears back and teeth showing; the only place my anger was not showing was in my voice. "Because if any of my family get's hurt because of your damn problems, you're going to see exactly, how evil, I can be." He stared down at me, silent, the look on his face a mix of dread and fear. Neither which looked proper there, but at the moment seemed correct. His ears were held to the side and his tail was down on the floor. By Thryn, he was actually afraid of me! Spinning on the ball of my foot, I stalked out of the room, tail waving behind me in agitation. Once I was outside of the kitchen, I paused to take in a couple of deep breaths before I went into the living room to meet Ken. Passing the threshold, I found Ken settled down on the edge of the couch, his large tail lying beside him, my pendant in his fore claw, which he was looking at with some attention. I settled down next to my dragon friend. "Thanks for coming," I said, placing my paw on his shoulder. He turned his head, a smile spreading over his face. "You're welcome, my friend." "I talked to Elena yesterday," I said, making conversation. "Sie mentioned something quite interesting. About why my blood tasted 'dead' to hir." He nodded, half his attention returning to the pendent. I wondered what had gotten into him about the thing. "Sie told me sie had encountered the taste again. In something sie said had no shape." He snapped his head around so fast that I wondered how he managed not to break his neck. His eyes widened in surprise. "Had no shape?" He asked, speaking fast once more. "Did she elaborate on that point?" "No, in fact those were hir very words... 'had no shape'. Sie wouldn't tell me any more," I answered, shaking my head slightly. He nodded his head, jumping from the couch to his feet. "It's interesting, and presents a certain amount of leads, but nothing hard and fast." He let out a little sigh which seemed forced. "I'll look into it, see what I can find." "Good!" I answered with a clap of my paws as I joined him on my feet. "That's very good. It's a minor mystery I wish to have solved some day. Now, are we ready with the pendant?" He looked at me for a second, like he hadn't understood what I had said. Then with a short moment of realization, he looked down to where the item in question rested in his claw. "Yes, of course," he said, taking the length of chain that was holding it, and raising it up in his paws. We shall have to do this quickly, so close your eyes." I nodded my head, closed my eyes, and pulled my ears down to the side, keeping them out of the way of the necklace part of the pendant. I felt Ken as he moved closer to me, his breath puffing lightly on my face. A moment later I felt the necklace fall over my head, as the pendent landed on my chest with a thump. Ken chuckled. "Your male form looks quite peculiar in a bra," he said, suppressing laughter. I smiled at him as I opened my eyes. The blurryness of my vision proved that I was once more, my normal, human male self. With a quick move I undid the bra and pulled it off, dropping it to the floor. wincing in the process from the pain in my shoulder. "Maker!" Ken hissed, his attention drawn right to my injury. I looked as well, surprised to find a dark yellow and purple bruise covering the skin. I made a slight hissing sound when I saw it. "I thought that wouldn't carry over?" I asked in slight wonder. He shook his head, rubbing the top of his muzzle with one hand. "The original spells weren't suppose to, but I've been working with them so much that side effects are bound to happen." I grimaced at the mention of side effects. There were already enough of those to satisfy me for a lifetime. "Should I remove it?" I asked, taking the pendent in my hand. He shook his head. "No, not at all! Nothing I changed here would have caused it. It more than likely dates back from when I adjusted the spell for your morphic form." I dropped it back onto my chest. "That's good. If you don't mind, I'm going to get some proper clothing on, and put something on this bruise now that it's on the skin." He smiled, and waved his foreclaw out in front of himself, "Be my guest." With a smile, I turned and left the room. Oria was waiting for me at the door, and followed along with me as I went to the bedroom. "Ken's right, your human form does look silly in a bra," she said with a slight touch of mirth in her voice. I stuck my tongue out at her as we walked along the hallway. "You didn't think that last week." She gave my arm a playful slap, a laugh escaping from her lips. "Think you can handle having your own bodyguard?" I asked, changing the subject. "I know you have problems with Ravindar, but how would you work with one of your own?" She shook head , her eyes focusing down for a moment. "It depends on how this Santhara acts towards me. If she's like Ravindar, there will be friction." I gave her a grim nod. "I understand," I told her, opening the bedroom door, and motioning for her to enter before me. She walked in, her tail swishing slowly behind her. Walking right behind her, I grabbed it, pulling it up, and nuzzling her tail tuft with my cheek. She started to purr, slowing her pace down, and twitching her tail tuft in my face. I keep holding it, purring myself as she walked to the bed, leading me along like I was on a leash. "You're cute when you do that." she commented once I had finally let her tail free. I laughed, quickly stripping out of the rest of my clothing, and grabbing my glasses. "Thanks!" I said once the process was done, and I was on the way to the bathroom. "That really is a nasty bruise," she commented as she walked along behind me. "Yes it is," I muttered, pulling out some topical cream, and started working it into my skin, wincing hard as I did so. The pressure of my fingers was enough to send shooting pains down my arm and throughout my shoulder. Oria watched with slight interest, her eyes more on the reflection of my face in the mirror. "Perhaps we should ask Jadith to heal it," she commented, placing her paw on my good shoulder. I chuckled, looking back at her though the mirror. "That's a fantastic idea. It hadn't even occurred to me." "She saved your live twice, and you forget she's a healer?" she said in mock shock. "Is that any way to repay her?" I chuckled again, while I continued to rub my shoulder. The pain slowly ebbed away as I did so. I knew that with an injury this bad, the cream wouldn't relieve all the pain, just the worst of it. She smiled, which changed into a slightly thoughtful look. "How are you feeling? I imagine that an encounter with an evil version of yourself can't help but shake one up a bit." "Try a lot," I said, turning back around to face her. "A whole lot to be honest. I haven't quite dealt with it yet. Other than perhaps wondering why he's turned into what he did. I mean, when were we diverged into different people?" "It's not easy to think evil thoughts about yourself is it?" she asked, a sight hint of concern showing in her eyes. I snorted, turning back to walk in to the bedroom. "It's actually quite easy to think of myself as evil," I explained. "In fact, many times I have felt that things would have been easier for me if I was evil." "What!" she said with some measure of shock as she walked right behind me. "You've thought about being like this bastard?" I nodded as I started to pull on some proper clothing. "Not like him, but many times in my life I've thought of remaking myself into such a being." "When?" she asked, her ears drooping slightly in shock. I smiled. "Many times in my life. More so after I had discovered my powers, back in school, almost every time I was hurt." I sighed as I fastened my pants. "The last time I really gave it thought was when I found that Becky had been killed. Right then and there I was more than willing to embrace that dark side." I let out a forced laugh. "That was the last time though." "Perhaps that's where the two of you split?" she suggested, her face registering more shock than just the moment before. This was a side of myself that I had never even hinted at before. "More than likely," I admitted, walking over to her, looking into her eyes. "I wonder if he knows that she is still alive some where?" She shook her head, but provided no comment. I bent forward, kissing her nose. "Those things are over now," I explained to her. "Such a course of action would now destroy things I don't wish to see destroyed. Like our family." She nodded, a touch of relief showing in her eyes. "Don't worry. I'm not going to become evil," I said to her with a wide smile. Then everything went to black. Chapter 12 I had experienced this enough times in my life so far to know that what was happening was simply a flashback. More than likely it was prompted by something in the conversation. But instead of remembering the event, I was about to relive it. The darkness around me slowly became infinite. A vast emptiness, inside a vaster emptiness. Having already experienced a dozen flashbacks, I was used to it. Keeping myself in a standing position, arms held behind my back, I just relaxed and waited for my memories to replay themselves before my eyes. So it came as a great surprise when I heard a soft voice whisper into my ear, "You're not that pure. Fox." I jumped in place, twisting around to see who was there, but in the darkness I could not tell that I had even moved, let alone who had just spoken to me. Then the darkness rippled, and changed into shapes and color. I found myself standing behind a large wooden desk, five feet long, and half that wide. It was covered in papers and books, with a small computer propped on top of one of the piles. I lifted my eyes from the desk, and looked around the room. It was large, with wood paneling all over. Book shelves lined the back wall, pictures hung on every surface, and a large fireplace dominated the shortest wall in the room. It was a place of prickling familiarity, but nothing I could place yet. I cast my eyes around the room, finally finding myself standing just a few feet away. A much younger version of myself, six years my junior, and looking every year of it. I... He... The younger me looked pissed, and panted like he had just finished yelling at someone whom I had yet to see. His cheeks were bright red under the few hairs of thin beard, glasses askew, and his fists were shoved into the pockets of the old green army jacket that I used to wear. "You are a bitch," he spat out, "and you have no idea what you are dealing with." With that said, almost like it should end the conversation, he turned on his heal, and stormed out of the office. I walked around the desk as he stormed out. I quickly followed him to the door before I came to a sharp stop. I understood what, and when, this memory was. Turning around, I focused my attention to the back of the room, my eyes coming to rest on the person that was the other side of the conversation. A well endowed raccoon female, who was looking quite pleased with herself. It was the same look as she had on her face when I explained my plight to her years before, somehow under the assumption that she would care. Her name was Dra, and she was a woman who was very willing to kill many others for her own interests. By war or plague, she had killed anyone she thought was standing in her way. I also knew that her mind was not her own. Behind those bright eyes lay something dark and evil. Ruhk lurked there, waiting to destroy the multi-verse. "I'm flattered that you remember me," she said, folding her paws on the top of the desk. "But then, I'm unforgettable, aren't I?" she asked with an evil smile, looking directly at where I was standing. Naturally I jumped back in shock; this was not something I ever remembered happening! I sidestepped across the room, and her eyes followed right along with me. She knew I was there-- some-how she was in my mind! Standing up, she walked around her desk towards me. With each step she took, the room behind her started to dissolve, melting away into an empty grayness. Her smile was wide, and growing wider by the moment as she approached me. "Is this any way to treat your goddiss?" she asked, just inches away from me now. I growled, and swung my fist at her, connecting with the side of her face, sending her head snapping back. She held it there for a moment, before turning back to face me, her face, her body, reforming into that of one I knew too well. It was Ruhk hirself. Slowly sie shook hir head, hir hair falling loosely down over hir back. Long and black, it seemed to shine poisonously in the grayness that now surrounded us. Hir clothing shifted, becoming a simple set of black pants and a shirt, with a long cloak falling from hir shoulders, to the ground behind hir, and trailing back as far as the eye could see. This was quite unlike the previous time we had met, then sie had been nude, and covered in filth. "Get the hell out of my mind, you bitch!" I ordered with a sharp growl. Sie shook hir head slowly, reaching out with a paw towards my face. I tried to jerk away, but found I could no longer move. "Silly boy," sie said, placing hir gloved paw against my cheek. "I'm here because I wish to look in on my newest child." I managed to force out a low growl between my closed lips, finding that I was also unable to talk to hir. Sie would not get hir filthy paws on my children. "No, no, no," sie said, a smile creeping across hir muzzle. "I mean you. You will be mine soon, I will see to that. You are too powerful to simply abandon. You are not that pure, Fox, and you are not free of Evil. You are mine, whether you know it or not!" The last words were said as a sneer played over hir lips. Sie ran hir paw up the side of my face to my forehead, hir fingers stroking gently through my hair. "I see your powers are developing nicely." As she spoke there was a shot of pain through my skin. It focused on two familiar spots on my head, an inch behind my hairline, almost where my ears would have been if I had been in my lioness morph body. This was a place that had bothered me before, but never as badly as this. It felt like my skin was being ripped open. Ruhk pulled hir paw back. A few drops of blood clung to the tips of three of hir fingers, which sie proceeded to gently lick off the glove. I finally was able to move. I jumped back from hir, my hands moving to the top of my head. There were two... somethings, pushing up from under the skin. Not totally breaking it, but already ripping through in a few places. "What the hell did you do to me?!" I demanded. She took a few steps forward, hir cape fanning out as she walked. "I did nothing, nothing at all. This predates my interest in you by some months." Sie smiled at me, a long, toothy smile that sent shivers down my spine. "You don't even know about it, or understand it. My, my, it will be quite fun showing it to you once you are worshiping at my feet." "Something I will never do, and you know that." I snarled back to hir. My attention was more focused on what was on my head. Pressing the skin tight around the growths, I ran my fingers around them. It was slightly distorted, but it felt like whatever they were, their outsides were shaped something like a spiral. "You know I want you, and I will have you. Someday, you will be my slave," sie laughed softly, smiling a bit wider. "You don't have to come willingly. In fact I would prefer you fight every inch of the way. It will be so much fun to break you." I snorted, dropping my hands to my side. "You can try. I will win." Suddenly sie was right up on me, hir paws resting on my shoulders, hir fingers digging tightly into my skin. "Try I will, and you shall fail. But you will be worshiped with me once you are at my side. I will elevate you to my level, I will even spare your world, and your wife's world, from my wrath." "Oh, you're just all heart." I snapped back. "I weep at your generosity, and beg your mercy for those whom I would die before leaving. I do not wish to stand at your side, because it's not where I belong." Sie lifted hir paws from my shoulder, holding them before hir, a slight look of annoyance on hir face. "Then I will put you where you belong, lower than any other servant I have. That's where you will belong." I smiled, "I'll still be higher than you could ever hope to be." "Don't get cocky," sie said, pointing one gloved finger at me, a smile on hir face. I said nothing in return. "Tell my way-ward child that once you are in my control, I will send you hunting hir. Sie and I both know that sie can not stop you." I shook my head slowly. "Sorry she-bitch, you can deliver your own messages." Sie reached forward, snapping hir fingers closed tight around my neck. I responded by shoving my hand under hir chin, the palm tight aginst hir neck, my claws out at hir Adam's apple, and dug deep into hir skin. In one swift move I could kill hir, if I really thought such a thing was possible. Hir eyes darted down to my hand, then back to look in my eyes. I looked back at hirs, and found a look of surprise in them; this was not something that sie had ever expected. I was happy about that. The pressure on my neck increased, cutting off my flow of air entirely. In return I pushed my claws in deeper, pulling up along hir neck a half inch. Leaving four gashes behind, bleeding thick, dark red blood down onto hir chest. We held each other like that for a few moments. I didn't know if sie could kill me in the midst of my own mind, but I wasn't in the mood to risk it. I knew that sie had to know that I could not really kill hir, but it seemed to make hir hesitate. Finally sie released hir grip, dropping hir paw to the side. I let go of hir neck, pulling my hand away at the same time sie did. The cuts I left in hir skin healed up in just moments, the only sign of their presence was the blood left on hir fur. "I'll have you soon," sie growled at me, taking a step back in the darkness. "Perhaps sooner than even you think." I started to protest, but sie just glared, pulling hir cloak around hirself in one fast move. Then sie was gone, and I was alone in the darkness. I let out a long breath looking around the infinity I was in. Once I was sure sie was gone, I reached up to feel my head again. Pressing hard against the skin, I winced from the pain. I felt over whatever was under there, so close to the surface. It felt like... it felt like some kind of horns. Why would I be growing a pair of horns? "Fox?" Oria asked from my side. I jolted, sitting up, once more back in the real world. I was sitting on the edge of my bed. Oria was next to me, looking a bit worried. "Was it a flashback?" she asked, placing her paw on my shoulder. "Yes," I answered, before correcting myself. "No. It seemed to start like one, but it turned into a message from the Uber-Bitch," I explained, reaching up to feel my head. It might have been my imagination, but I felt some kind of distortion under the skin in the same spots as the strange horns had been moments before. Was it just possible that they were real? A frown creased Oria's lip. "Ruhk?" she asked with some distance. Not that I blamed her; Ruhk and Thryn had once had an encounter that cost many lives. I nodded, standing up from the bed. "That's the one. How long was I out for?" "No more than five minutes," she answered quickly, walking with me to the doorway out of the bedroom. "What did sie have to say to you?" "Mostly that sie still wants me under hir control," I explained as I opened the door, letting Oria lead the way out into the hall. I smiled to myself as I watched her tail swish just behind her feet. "I told hir to fuck hirself." She chuckled softly at that. "Not that hard from what you've told me." I smiled, moving to her side, and draping my arm over her shoulder. "I'd rather not get into that, if you don't mind." She laughed. "I suppose not." We walked like that back into the living room. Ken was relaxing on the couch, with Rhea at his feet. He was bent over and carefully petting her between the ears. She had her eyes closed, and tail swishing, and looked to be in heaven. I smiled to myself as I saw this. "Enjoying yourself?" They both nodded, Ken with a slight smile. "Ken," Oria said, setting down in the couch next to him. "Something strange happened a few minutes ago. We were in the kitchen, and Rhea was able to talk to us telepathically. She wasn't able to do that in Fox's body, why now?" He paused, turning his head slightly. "More than likely, Rhea herself is not a natural, so that communication is no longer blocked." "Yes, but I heard her," I pointed out, "I have since she woke up yesterday." He paused, sitting up to his full height, his wings adjusting over his shoulders as he did so. "Then I can not say without some study on the matter." "I see," Oria answered, looking a bit dejected. I crossed my arms over my chest, and decided to ask Ken about what had just happened to me. "Ken, can I speak with you for a moment." He nodded. "In private, please." Oria looked slightly surprised, but Ken just nodded again, and stood up. Stepping over Rhea he walked to my side. We then left the room, moving into my office down the hall. Once inside, with the door closed, I addressed him. "Can you check here and here," I said, pointing to the two spots on my head in turn. He nodded, walking over to me, and laying his foreclaws into my hair. "What am I looking for?" he asked. "Anything at all," I suggested, "perhaps a distortion in the bone maybe." He muttered a few short words under his breath, and leaned forward slightly. "Well, now that you mention it, there does seem to be some slight growth on your skull here," he commented, pushing some of my hair aside. "Perhaps another side effect." I shook my head, "No, I've been getting some pain there off and on for months. The first time I really noticed it was a few days before you returned my pendant to me, after I had used Thrysten's gem." "Right, it could be a side effect of that." "How about horns?" I suggested. He took a step away from me, crossing his arms over his chest. "Horns? Are you serious, Fox? More than likely it's a hold-over from your full lioness form. The connection points for the muscles of your ear." I shook my head. "My ears are more to the side of my head, the muscles connect here," Using both hands, I touched two points, one on each side of my head. "The problem is here," I touched the two points, now feeling the distortion under them. He shook his head. "Be that as it may, I don't think they are horns." "Then what are they?" I asked. "They could be anything," he answered with a shrug. "There's so much magic wrapped around you, this could be a side effect of any one of them." I nodded. "Yes, but is it possible that they _could_ be horns?" "I doubt it," he answered slowly, narrowing his eyes slightly. "I can't think of any reason why you could be growing horns." I balled my hands into fists, slightly exasperated. I wanted some sort of confirmation of what I had seen in the flashback. There was something about them, and the feeling was starting to build that Ruhk hadn't lied to me about them being there. "But is there any way?" I asked, a slight growl of frustration creeping into my voice. Ken suddenly looked angrily at me. I quickly realized that I hadn't sounded like I was asking him for information. In his eyes I was telling him that he didn't know what he was talking about. I was challenging his ability to do his job. "Yes, there is a way," he snapped. "There are a thousand ways and more. You have a damn vortex of magic around you, added to that, you seem to have an ability to absorb transformation spells, among others. First you have that damn fox-morph spell Oriana did for you," he ticked it off on his finger, "which is still sticking around even though it seems to have been absorbed." "Ken," I said, trying to explain myself. He gave me a sharp look, but continued on, "Then we have that mind switch spell between you and Oriana," he ticked that off on his finger as well. "In fact we have it twice! Both of which are still clinging to you." "Ken,,," I tried again, a little more force in my voice. "Then there is some kind of underlying extra magic that I have no idea how it got into you, but that seems to have infected first your blood, and now most of the rest of your body." "Ken..." I tried once more, this time my voice almost demanding. He raised his voice as he spoke. "An infection which doesn't seem to be even possible. Then of course we have your curse, which is affecting every other spell on you, and doesn't seem to sit still long enough for me to do anything about it, then--" "Keieniska!" I finally said, with some measure of frustration in my voice. The word wasn't even the one I was trying to use. It just slipped out on its own. He flinched like he had been slapped in the face, his jaw slightly slack, his foreclaws caught in mid-protest. "You haven't called me that in years," he whispered. "Since the day you left me," I commented. taking his paws into my hands, holding them gently. He looked down at my hands, looking slightly amazed before pulling his paws away. He looked almost hurt. I grabbed them again, holding them tighter. "Listen, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to challenge your work," I explained. He shook his head, but didn't pull his paws away this time. There was a look of sadness in his eyes. "Why did you call me that?" he asked, his voice still a whisper. I had no answer, The name had just slipped out in the moment; before I could even bite it off, it was in the air. The name itself was what I used to call Ken when he and I were lovers. Before he had left me, over the guilt of what he had done to my mind. I had never spoken the name again, once that bond had been separated, and I suspected I shouldn't have spoken it now. "Ken, I haven't said this to you in a long time," I said in a quiet voice. "I should have said this much sooner." I looked up into his eyes, looking as deep as I could into them. "I trust you. I trust you as I always have. I trust you to solve this problem. I trust you because you're my oldest friend in the multi-verse." He looked shocked. "Even after what I did?" "Your intentions were good," I answered, "even if what you did was wrong. I have forgiven you for it, remember that. You have done so much for me as it is. If it wasn't for you, I would still be stuck on all fours. You found a way to bring me back. No once else could have done that. You have atoned for what you've done, in more ways than even you know." He took in a long, slow breath, before letting it back out. "Thank you for your trust," he spoke the words quietly, with a slight wavering in his voice. "Let's go back to the others, we have more things to deal with now," I said after a few more moments had past. This time he held my hands in his paws, not letting me slip away. "Fox, I was wrong. You are not a child." I smiled back at my old friend. "Thank you." Chapter 13 Ken and I walked almost casually back to the living room. He was a few paces in front of me, and seemed to be walking more lightly than he had in a very long time. His wings were fanned out slightly, and even his tail seemed to be moving more than usual. I smiled to myself, happy to see him like this. It was now so clear just how much what had happened between us had been weighing on him. Not just mentally, but physically as well. It felt good to see him that way once more, like an old friend who had returned from a trip that had lasted far too long. While we had been gone, Ravindar had rejoined the group in the living room, and was waiting for me by the door. Standing next to him, looking slightly nervous, was a younger tigress. Her fur was the more traditional orange and black colors, which made her stand out even more next to him. Physically well built, she somehow seemed small next to my bodyguard. Her frame was defined by the muscles that lay just below her fur. Relaxed, they gave her a pleasing shape that seemed to emphasize that she was female. She was dressed in a pair of long pants that hung loosely around her legs, and a sports top that covered her chest, leaving most of her midriff exposed. Her hair was black, and tied back behind her, so it spilling down her neck to just under her shoulder blades. She occasionally glanced down to the small badge on her chest which bore the symbol of the Guild that both Ravindar and Oria wore. It was the simple image of a heart, with a dagger laid over it. The color of her dagger matched the one that Ravindar had on the side of his belt. It was clear as crystal. "You must be Santhara," I commented, offering her my hand. Instantly she stopped fidgeting and was instantly standing straight as an arrow, a small smile playing over her muzzle as she took my hand. "And, of course, you're Fox. I've heard much about you." I nodded. She had a very strong grip. I could even feel the tips of her claws pressing against my skin. That meant she wasn't of Ravindar's species. I let my own claws slide out slightly in return as she shook, pressing them gently against the pads of her palm. If she was surprised she didn't show it. She just let her paw drop from my hand. "I assume you've met Oriana," I asked. She paused, glancing up at Ravindar, he just twitched his ears, and turned his head slightly. "I have not," she answered, focusing her yellow eyes on my wife. Oria snorted slightly. Santhara moved from her standing position, walking past me, and gently stepping around Rhea, who almost seemed to notice her as her tailed twitched in her sleep. She stopped before Oria, offering her paw out. "Is it true what they say about you?" she asked my wife. Ravindar tensed slightly as soon as the question was in the air. Oria responded by taking her paw in an obviously hard handshake. "Yes, I am technically out of the Guild." She looked surprised at this revelation, stopped her paw in mid-shake. "What?" she shook her head slightly. "I meant about Dr. Grafrin... did you really kill him?" Oria visibly stiffened, the fur on the back of her neck actually lifted up for a moment. The man had been Oria's first, and only, Work she had done for the Guild. He had been the man who released The Plague onto the Third planet to see how it progressed. He had willing and knowingly committed Genocide. The Guild had sent Oria to find out if that was true, and if so, to kill him. She had done both, far too well for both our tastes. "Yes," she hissed out slightly, dropping Santhara's paw. "That was me." "That was what I studied to become a Copper Master," she explained. Sitting herself down on the far end of the couch from Oria, she stayed just on the edge of the cushion, her tail tip flicking slowly. "It was a clean kill. You did a very good job, especially for an Apprentice." For less than an eye blink, a smile seemed to flash across my wife's face, before it was forced back into a deep frown. Her ears held for just a moment longer, there was a hint of pride there, and she was pissed at feeling it. "I would rather not talk about it," she whispered, turning her face away from the tigeress. Santhara looked slightly surprised, her ears twitching as she glanced first to Ravindar then to me. I shook my head gently, as her eyes found mine, mouthing the word 'no' to her. She returned her attention to Oriana, lifting her paw slightly before hesitating. Curling her outstretched fingers against her palm, she let her paw fall to the side. She lifted herself from the couch, standing rigidly at attention. "Ms. Cutter, I present myself to you as a bodyguard, assigned by the Guild Elders to protect you and your children from all harm that I am able." A look of surprise rolled over Oria's face as she turned around to look back at Santhara. The comment about the children had been unexpected. Even Ravindar looked slightly shocked by it. My wife stood, facing her new bodyguard. "I accept the offer of protection," she said, her voice emotionless, but I could see her fighting them behind her eyes. "For both myself and for the children. Just let me explain a few things to you. One, as I said before, since I am technically out of the Guild, it's in your best interest not to ask about it. Two, you may call me what you wish, but keep it honorable. I would prefer you to call me Oriana. Lastly, you will respect Fox's and my privacy when ever he or I ask for it. If you can not abide by these rules, you are to keep your mouth shut, and do it anyway. Is that understood?" She gave a sharp nod of her head in reply. "Perfectly understood. I belive I shall be able to follow your rules without causing you problems." "Good," she responded with a smile, relaxing slightly. "I'll make sure you know it if you get out of line." She sat back down on the couch as she spoke, folding her paws in her lap. I clapped my hands together. "Well, now that's settled, perhaps I should give you the rest of the introductions," I said, taking a step forward. "The dragon behind me is Ken; he's a good friend, and our resident Mage. His main job is keeping my curse and the other spells on me in something resembling order." I heard Ken chuckle as he fanned his wings. "He makes it sound easy, it's much harder than it looks." Santhara smiled, quickly walking over to him, and shaking his hand. He shook it in return, as a smile played over her muzzle. "It's a pleasure to meet you," she told him. "You'll meet the kids later, about the time they're ready for lunch." I commented, crossing my arms behind my back. "Sora is around here some place; she a kind of bat, and generally pretty nice. As for the rest of the group, the lioness asleep on the floor is Rhea, she's my identical twin sister." At the mention of her name, Rhea lifted her head, smiling a bit on both her muzzle and her ears. The newest member of our group looked at her, then back to me. "That's quite amazing, as you don't look anything alike, nor are you the same species, or for that matter the same gender." Ravindar chuckled, resting a paw on her shoulder. "I can assure you that it's also true. You'll understand soon enough," he glanced at me, "We do have to leave some surprises for later." I laughed to myself, even Oria snickered. "Oh yes," I said with great glee. "We must leave some, mustn't we?" Santhara looked a bit shocked, turning from me to Oria then to Ravindar. "Now I really don't want to be left alone with any of you people," she muttered, her own smile crossing along her lips. Good-- now that the tension had been broken, things felt a little bit closer to normal. It wasn't going to be long before she understood that while we had been joking with her a bit, we were also very serious. She would see in time. Switching my attention to other matters, I turned to face Ravindar. "Has the Guild responded to my request?" I asked him, changing to a more serious posture and voice. This brought Oria to attention as well. On the return trip I had asked Ravindar to have the Guild place guards around Oria's old House. I didn't want Rose or anyone else getting hurt because of my mess with Cain. "I have," he responded, standing up a bit taller. "A team has been dispatched to your sister's house. If she is willing, they will blend in, both as clients and employees. The fold will also be constantly guarded, as will your sister-in-law herself until such time as this has been resolved." A look of relief spread over Oria's face, much of the tension of the last few hours falling away now that she knew her family would be protected. "Thank you. I'm glad the Guild is still willing to help me like this." He paused, almost debating behind his eyes whether or not to say something in return. I gave him a slight warning glance, which he caught. Whatever it was he was thinking of saying fell back into his mind, no longer on his lips. "This had gotten me thinking," Oria said, rising to her feet once more. "If Cain knows where my fold is, could it have been he who left the curse there for me?" Ken let out a slight 'hum' sound, "That might be possible... I would have to get a sample of his own magic to know for sure," he answered. "I don't think so," I said, looking between the pair of them. "When I was in jail, Grasion pretty much confessed that it was his doing, or at least that it was some thing that his people would do to get revenge on both of us." "Oh," she said, sounding slightly dejected, and started to sit back down. Then with a start, she jumped back up to her feet. "Wait a second! Grasion? What did he say that prophecy of his was?" I frowned, "No, that's not an option." She walked over to me, looking me deep in the eyes. "Wasn't it something about you asking for his help against your own greatest enemy?" "Something like that," I said with a snort, looking away from her. "It's bullshit either way." "You said he mentioned the Neverending to you," she continued, "That it was part of this prophecy of his. Perhaps he's right, perhaps he can help you against Cain. If he is, maybe Grasion can give you some help, some angle you can't see?" I looked back into her eyes, looking deeper than she ever had, and much harder as well. "How can you even suggest that?" I hissed. "He tried to kill both of us, after his involvement with the HammerHeads! The man is insane; he may know of Cain, he may not, but he's bullshiting us. There is nothing!" I said the last part with quite a bit of force, and anger. She frowned, lifting her paws, setting one down on my good shoulder, the other on my arm. "Can't you even consider it?" I shook my head. She nodded, "Then at least just talk to the bastard? If he knows about Cain, perhaps he could offer some advantage, if he doesn't, then let him rot." "Perhaps she is right," Ken suggested, talking a step around me, "Talking to him could not hurt." I shot Ken a dirty look. He of all people had the best understanding of what that bastard had done to me. To have him suggest such a thing felt like an insult. Both Santhara and Ravindar looked slightly confused by this conversation, the lady more so than the gentleman, although only because he was better at hiding it. "I can't--" I started, but Oria cut me off. "Fox, we need every advantage we can get! You need every advantage you can get. Cain has threatened both you, me, our family and my family." A slight growl hung under her voice as she spoke. "You might have to compromise. If you have to make a deal with one to stop the other, that maybe the only way." "I refuse to believe that," I told her, my voice quavering slightly. "I can't believe that anything I could do would need that monster's help." I was literally shaking as I said this, old emotions rising to the surface faster than I could force them back down. She frowned, looking deep into my eyes. I held her vision for a few moments before turning my back to her, trying to hold myself still. I was inches away from saying something I didn't want to say, and I was not going to let it find it's own way past my lips. I felt her paw return to my shoulder a moment after, her second resting on the back of my neck. "Fox, what exactly did he do to you?" "You don't want to know," I whispered, biting back the truth. We stayed like that for only a few moments, but they felt like hours. I could feel the warmth of my wife's paw pads against my skin, but I said nothing more. Eventually she took them from me. "We must be leaving soon, if we're to meet the ship at the base," she commented in a somewhat monotone voice. "I assume you're coming with me," I stated, composing myself for the moment, turning around to face her again. She smiled, "Of course, at least for now." There was something else she wanted to say, but she didn't speak it. It was just under the skin, I could see it plucking at her face as she started to say something, but stopped before a sound was made. I nodded slowly, talking a few steps towards the hallway. "I need to get a few things. Once that's done, we can leave." I remarked, glancing over my shoulder back at Oria, before I exited the room without further comment. As I walked down the hallway, I made sure to keep my ears open. I was fully expecting Oria to follow me out of the room. In fact I would have been disappointed if she hadn't, it would be against her nature to just ignore this, especially after that performance I had just put on. Slipping into the bedroom, I walked straight to my dresser. Dropping to one knee, I opened the bottom drawer. Resting inside was a lock box, holding my guns. Lifting it from the corner of the drawer, I set it on the top of the dresser. Glancing into the mirror as I unlocked and opened the case, I found Oria's reflection standing behind my own. "I'm not going to tell you," I told her, returning my eyes to the guns, checking each of the three to insure they were in working order. Not that I expected anything less; I had only put them away the day before. Once I was sure they were safe, I loaded each of them, leaving the chambers empty for the moment. "I can see how this is hurting you," she said with a soft sigh. "You don't like Grasion, and I suspect with good reason." I snorted, double checking the coils on the plasma gun, "You're a little off-base. 'Don't like' is quite an understatement. The man is a monster, a cold blooded, emotionless monster." "Much like you fear yourself becoming?" She suggested, her voice sounding distant. To that I gave no response, instead I opened the top drawer, removing the holsters for the guns, as well as a pouch for the extra rounds and clips. I quickly loaded the pouch, including a few caps for my plasma gun and snapped it onto my belt. I attached the two holsters, moving them into their familiar position before putting the guns inside. Oria put her paw on my shoulder. "Please, Fox, what did he do to you?" I bit my lip, continuing with my work as I considered giving her something of a response. Instead I took the ankle holster sliding the plasma gun inside of it, then bent over, strapping to into position, finishing by pulling my pant leg down over it. When I was once more upright, I turned around, walking past Oria to pick up my jacket from where it had been left yesterday morning. She huffed, not appreciating my refusal to answer. She was worried, and I could understand why. She wanted to know what had happened, she wanted to be able to comfort me, but I wasn't going to let her. "What the hell did he do to you," she asked with an exasperating sigh, "Rape you?" It was in jest, she was trying to joke it out of me, a tactic that had worked before. I shrugged my jacket on as I opened the bedroom door. "Among other things," I answered her, as honestly as I could in the situation. She gasped, and I instantly felt her paw on my shoulder. My bad shoulder I might add, but at the moment I don't think she was thinking about that. "You're not serious?" she said, her voice shaking. In her career as a prostitute, being raped was one of her greatest fears, and I had just tapped into it. My response was simply a slow nod of my head. "Oriana, what he did to me is the reason why _I_ sometimes wake up at night screaming. Maybe someday I'll tell you, when we're both old and tired, and he is long dead. But not today, and not for many days to come." She walked around to stand in front of me, putting her paws on both of my shoulders, her fingers rubbing my neck. "How... How can I... do anything, if you won't tell me?" she said in a quiet voice. The words hard for her to say. "If he raped you, I... I... I..." she stumbled for the words, her ears twisting in a kind of panic. "I'm sorry I even suggested it," she finally finished. I gave a short shake of my head, lifting one hand to cup her muzzle. "You have nothing to be sorry about, my love," I purred to her, "You knew nothing of it, as you were meant to. He and I are the only ones who know what he did to me. But yes, he did rape me, in more ways than you can know. Now is not the time to talk about such things." With a soft breath, she fell onto my arms, wrapping herself around me and holding me softly. "Have you ever dealt with it?" she asked, leaning her muzzle next to my ear. "No," I answered honestly. "I prefer not to remember what he did to me. I've been trying to hide it from myself for a long time now, and have succeeded better than even I could imagine. Still, it comes back to me, in the darkest hours of the night." She nuzzled my neck, letting out a soft purr. "Fox, you won't tell me, but I think you need to tell someone about this someday. You need to talk to someone; this is hurting you so badly, you have to do something about it." I gave her ear a soft kiss. "What do you suggest?" Lifting her head, she looked me in the eyes. "Go to my Temple, talk to the people there. I know you're against it, but... in many ways this is what they're there for." I bit my lip for a moment. She was right about that-- this was what the people at the Temple were trained to do. I had already suggested Kalie go there for the exact same thing. Perhaps if she could, so could I. "All right," I whispered, "Kalie and I will go together." She looked at me in amazement, her eyes wide for the moment before she pulled me back into a tight hug. I hugged her in return, nuzzling her cheek, and holding her as tightly as I could. Hoping that it wouldn't be the last time. Chapter 14 I winced slightly as Oria's brush caught at a knot in my hair. She tisked softly as she worked at it, using her claws to pry it loose. "Fox, you need to keep your hair in better shape. Now that you're letting it grow long, it's going to become prone to being a mess." "Yes, ma'am," I commented, keeping my eyes closed, but purring happily. She worked at the knot for a few more moments before getting it loose, then returned to the brush, working it back down through my black hair. There was no easy way I could hide how much I was enjoying this. I was purring contently as I rested in my chair, Oria in a second one behind me. She had been working over my hair for the last half an hour, and it felt wonderful. This was something she had not done for me before, not slow and loving like this. She continued with the brushing, tickling my ear gently as she neared it. My purr deepened in response. It felt quite nice to purr; it was kind of a rumbling deep inside my throat, almost soothing in it's own way. I quite enjoyed it. This was all going on in the Mess on board _The Falcon_. We ere two hours into our trip, and almost to Cain's base. It had all started with a simple comment, and had flowed from there. I was going to have to look into this; if she could make me feel this good with what hair I have, I could just imagine what I could do with her body of lovely fur. The ship was filled compared to what it was before. Milgrove was flying once again, but Kalie had elected to stay home for the moment, and to watch over the kids. Ravindar and Santhara were both on board, and of course Oriana. Rhea had joined us as well, and she was laying by my feet, asleep for the moment. "I love you, Oriana," I purred as she stroked my hair. As always, the words were known, but it felt good to speak them aloud. She kissed my ear, "I love you, too, Fox," she purred in return, then hugged me around my neck. I returned it as best I could for the moment. Breaking away after a few seconds, she began braiding my hair into the usual pig-tail. She was very careful about it, feathering it down the back of my head, pulling in more hair with each passing row. When finished, she tied it off, then gave it a flick. "There, perfect," she said, walking around to the front of me. I smiled at her, pulling her into my lap, and nuzzling her neck. She broke into a fit of laughter, pawing at my sides gently. "Hey, watch it," she giggled. Pulling back just for a moment, I stuck my tongue out at her, then gave her a kiss. She returned it happily, wrapping her arms around me as we embraced, kissing deeply for the moment. Her body pressed closer to mine as we continued the kiss. I wrapped my arms around her back, my fingers tickling at the base of her tail. She broke away, laughing. "Hey, that's not fair! You don't have a tail!" "Yep," I answered, giving her nosepad a quick lick. "At least for the time being. You'll have all the chanced you want to get my tail next time I'm female." Santhara shoot us a strange look from the table where she and Ravindar had set themselves. He had the majority of his attention focused on the gun I had brought from Cain's base. Ignoring this, she started to ask him something. He stopped her with the flick of an ear, never diverting his attention from the gun. "You know, we're really going to hurt her head when she finds out about me," I commented to Oria, my fingers playing with the tuft of fur on her tail. She flicked it out of my touch, twitching her ears in a suppressed giggle. "It hurts my head when I try to work it all out," she purred, giving me a second light kiss on the lips. I returned it for a moment, then hugged her close again. "Well that's why I have Ken around. He can work all of this out for us, and we don't have to worry about it!" "We don't," she said with a smile, "but you do," she told me, running the side of her paw down my face, flicking gently at my ear. I purred happily at her touch, my own fingers working up to tickle her ears. Then tracing the around her hairline, I moved one hand to the back of her head, the other I pulled back away, leaving just a single finger placed at the top of her muzzle, between her eyes. She returned the gesture on myself for a few moments before we both pulled away, and into a hug. "I'm glad I have you," she whispered into my ear. "I'll never leave again after this," I whispered in return, nuzzling her gently. "Not if I can help it," I added a moment later, somehow suspecting my life wouldn't allow me to stay away from such adventures for long, or allow such adventures to stay away from me. Holding me tighter was her only response. We stayed like that for a few, short moments, before I noticed Ravindar was standing a few feet away. He was looking relaxed, his tail swaying gently, a slight smile, almost hidden, on his muzzle as he watched us. Once he noticed my attention, it quickly slipped into a more serious look. "It's time for work, love," I told Oria. She nodded, giving me a little pout as she slid out of my lap. I took the opportunity to run my fingers over her rear, I got her tail in my face for my troubles. With a laugh, I brushed it away, relaxing slightly in my chair as I turned my full attention to my bodyguard. "So, what's up?" "The gun you brought with you from Cain's base," he said, his posture changing slightly. "You said that it would not fire at him?" "That's correct," I answered. "I have been looking over the weapon, and I believe I understand how it does this," he explained, taking a step over to his table, where the gun lay. A piece from the handle had been removed, and set to the side. It revealed some small bits of circuitry. Picking up the gun, he held it pointed to the ground. I rose to my feet, and walked over to him. "Care to fill me in on the secret?" He nodded, turning the weapon to show me the exposed electronics. "The barrel of the gun seems to have some kind of sensor net woven into the metal. It works in conjunction with this to provide a biometric reading of the subject in the gun's sight. If it matches one in the system's memory, it puts a small shield over the primer of the gun when the trigger is pulled, preventing it from firing." "Clever," I commented, rubbing my chin, "but seems a bit academic, unless you know how to reprogramming his weapons." "Not easily, I fear," he answered, adjusting the position of the gun. "But I can change this weapon's systems so that it will prevent a shot at you instead of Cain. It might be useful if you can switch this with whatever gun he may have. It will give you an advantage that he will not be expecting." I laughed, "That is a very good piece of thinking," I told him, placing my hand on his shoulder. "It might be worth the extra effort to try," I paused, turning back around to look at my wife. "What do you think, Oria?" "I'm not sure it's practical," she commented, twitching her ears as she thought. "It would be hard to switch his gun for that one, and even then you couldn't be sure it hadn't been switched back." "I would agree with Oriana," Santhara added, taking a small step forward. "This seems more like a plan of convince than assuredness. There is also the problem of the ammunition being slightly larger than standard size. I suspect you have nothing that would fire safely. That would limit you to the few rounds you brought with you, once they are expended, the gun will become dead weight." I looked between the two ladies, then back to Ravindar. "I think you have been overruled. They both have some very good points. If this was something where I had more of an advantage, and we could guarantee the weapon would be used by him, then it would be useful. It is a good idea, I will give you that, just not for this situation." He nodded his head, his tail standing still behind him. In his position I would have been quite discouraged to have my idea so casually shot down. I suspected he was feeling much the same way, but excelled at hiding it far better than I ever could. "May I continue my investigation of the weapon?" he asked, in a much more formal tone. "I might fine a way to use our knowledge of it's design to disable them from a short distance." I couldn't tell if he was pissed, embarrassed, or just what, but it was clear he wasn't very happy. Such a formal request was not normal from him, and it felt strange having him ask me such a simple question in that manner. "You don't need my permission for that," I told him. "You are free to do what you feel is necessary to protect my safety. Some ideas don't work, it's nothing you should worry about." He nodded his head, though it was more of a snap than a nod really. Then settling back down at the table, he returned to his work. To be honest, I wasn't quite sure how to respond to this situation. The idea did have some merit to it, and in another situation I would be more than happy to use it as he described. In this situation, on the other hand, it would not be practical. Not to mention I would have to set aside one of my normal guns to carry the extra, which would have inconvenienced me more. The situation was broken by the intercom flaring to life for a moment. "Fox, can you come to the cockpit," Milgrove asked, hir voice calm. "There's a ship identifying itself as the _Benthic Explorer_ holding position behind us. It's very large, and doesn't appear to be armed.." I moved over to the intercom as she spoke. "Thanks," I responded, "I'll be right there." "I'll be right back," I told everyone, before climbing the steps into the hallway. It was a short distance to the cockpits, only seventy feet at most. I took my time though, or at least tried to. I was feeling kind of nervous. All of our plans revolved around getting the fold opened again in short order. Once there, I hit the open button for the door. It split down the middle, the seam made up of overlapping sections of the doors. It was strong enough to withstand hard vacuum on either side, along with any attack someone could put up against it. With the doors opened, I stepped inside the small room. It was dominated by one large chair, set in front of the controls for the ship, and the view screen, Milgrove sat alertly in the chair, her paws resting on the flight controls. The rest of the cockpit was made up of some side consoles along one wall, to be used by people in my current position of standing behind the pilot. The other wall had the access hatch to the gunner's cockpit bellow, my usual location, when it was needed. "Have they hailed us?" I asked, glancing over Mil's shoulder. Sie shook hir head, touching the communication controls. "Not a word from them, they've just matched course and speed with us, following us in." "Right," I said, stepping back to the console, and calling up the communication system. It took only a moment to have it request a channel to the larger ship. Once it was opened, I started speaking. "_Benthic Explorer_ this is The _Falcon_; I'm glad to see you have joined us. I would like for you to head to the base that's about," I did a quick check of the distance, "20 light minutes ahead, and take up a docking position. We'll be right behind you." Their response came a few moments later, "Acknowledged _Falcon_, course has been approved, executing now. _Benthic Explorer_, over and out." "Good," I said, shutting down the system, and turning back to Milgrove. "Tell the rest of the fleet out there that we're expecting this ship. Then pull back a bit, I want to see this." Sie craned hir head back to me, hir fingers dancing over the controls with practiced ease. "What are you hoping to see?" I smiled, placing a hand on the chair, my other hand reaching over to the view screen controls, turning on more of the systems. In the blink of an eye, the plain white ceiling and walls of the cockpit flashed away, leaving us with a wide view of the space around us. "That's not an answer," sie scolded, adjusting her headset slightly. "And I wish you wouldn't play with the controls like that." Hir short spiraled horns caught the starlight as she spoke, causing them to glitter for a moment. With a short chuckle, I turned to the console, pulling up the local area map. The other ship stood out clear as day, huge next to us, and starting to overtake us. Only five miles away, it should be something of a view. "I've never actually seen one of the R&D ships," I explained, "This is my chance to take it all in. Once we get to the base, everything will be to busy too just stop and admire it. Could you up the zoom on the view screen?" Sie nodded, dialing it up a few notches, then lifted hir paw to motion me to stay silent as sie relayed the orders to the other ships, still hanging in orbit around the base. They were broadcasting a navigation beacon so we could find the base easily enough from this distance, as it wasn't even a speck of light yet. Taking a step back from the console, I waited, it was only another minute before the ship started to pass us. It was going to be a fantastic sight. I didn't even bother to look as Rhea joined my side, sitting on her haunches, looking up at the twinkling stars. Oria, on the other hand, got my attention as she slipped her arm around my back. I wrapped my own arm around her, pulling her close. I could feel the tension in her body, just under her fur. She didn't like being in the cockpit, it was the main reason why she wasn't flying the ship, as had been the original plan a lifetime ago. It brought back memories of a tragic accident she, and a few others, had lived through, that many others had not. As I stroked my fingers through her soft hair, we waited in silence, as slowly, silently, above us the ship slide into view. It was hard to describe in words; it wasn't a magnificent ship by any measure. There was no art to its shape, simply ease. The front was made of a large cone, covering the whole width of the ship. The once white surfaces were pelted with small craters from years of travel in space. Behind the cone was the majority of the ship. Dark and light metal, crisscrossed within a maze of pipes and conduits, all wrapped in a thick scaffolding. In a few places, there was some hull plating covering the frame of the ship-- only what was needed to show the ships name and registration. The ship continued to sail by. The lights from scattered windows illuminated it's bare structure. After a short time the layout changed. A large open section in the hull showed itself. Docked inside were a dozen smaller craft, each hanging open in space, their windows dark, with the exception of one. The last ship had its running lights on, and I could see people moving inside, prepping it for use. After the docking bay, the ship thinned down to the basic scaffolding, with a few pipes and other needed devices wrapped around them. Halfway through this section came a large ring, circling around the whole ship, attached to the framework. A massive explosive bolt, designed to separate the ship in two, if ever needed. Why such things would be needed was clear a few moments later as the hull was once again filled. This time with a massive tank, painted a bright red with writing down the side in white. In over a dozen languages it reported itself as liquid fuel, and to be handled with the utmost care. The tank was specially made of layer upon layer of some of the hardest metals and alloys known wrapped inside a shield that had its own power system. It was the weakest point of the ship, and had to be protected at all cost. As the tank passed, there came the return of hull plating to the ship's structure. Not a smooth transition, but more of a ragged edge that slowly picked up into a constant layer of metal. Under it pounded the heart of the ship, a massive set of four power systems, some of the largest ever constructed. Behind which sat fifteen of the most powerful engines in use today. The bell of each was over a hundred feet tall, and half that wide. Even at the low level of power they were now using, it was to bright too look at. The display automatically blocked it out. "How can anyone afford a ship like that?" Oria asked as it passed us by. "It's huge, it must be over a mile long," her voice was a mix of shock and awe. "This is one ship of three," I explained. "Meant for ten year missions without ever resupplying. I have to admit that I've no idea how such things could be paid for, but once they are launched, they are totally self-sufficient. You do lose some things, though; at that size you could never get the ship into hypospace." "Too big for my tastes," Oria commented, pulling herself against me. "I much prefer _The Golden Phoenix_ large enough to find quiet spots in, without getting lost." I smiled, kissing her nose. "I'll second that." I turned my attention to Milgrove. "Well, the show's over," I said with a smile. "Follow them in to the base." Sie nodded. "Yes sir, we should be there in just over an hour and ten minutes." Oria laughed, wrapping her tail against my wrist, "Good," she purred, pulling me out of the cockpit. "We'll be back by then." I let out a soft laugh as she pulled me through the door, taking her tail in my hands, and following her like a lost cub, the pair of us purring all the way. * * * Two hours later, I was once more in the room from whence Cain had escaped. Some of his blood was still on the floor, dried into a set of black smears along the ground. That had all happened less than a day ago, but it felt like years. Rubbing my wounded shoulder, I waited against one of the walls as a few of the _Explorer's_ techs were running around, working on the control panel for the portal machine. They thought it could be reactivated to the same location, but were not completely sure. Oriana was next to me, her eyes darting around the activity in the room. She was nervous, and understandably so. She knew, just as well as I did, that if we could get the fold open to Cain's destination, I was going to follow him right then and there. Rhea was also in the room, but not with us. She was at the center of the fold chamber, sniffing at the air, her tail flicking in slight agitation. This was the first big thing to happen to me that she wasn't a part of, and she was trying to get a feel for it. "Fox," Ravindar said, stepping in through the doorway. "Your friend has arrived." I nodded, turning my attention to the door as Re'ka stepped through. He was short for most of the elves I knew, standing a hair under five feet tall. Dark skinned with bright green eyes, his face was framed by his long white hair, which parted around his long ears. He broke into a smile as he saw me, walking over quickly and taking my hand. "It's a pleasure for me to see you again, Fox," he said. "As I you. I wish it could be under better circumstances than this," I told him as I released his four-fingered hand. He looked me up and down for a moment, and chucked softly. "Got quite a tangle of magic about yourself. It seems to suit you, as do your eyes," he looked past me, towards Rhea. "And you seem to have a connection to the feline lady in the back room there," he closed his eyes for a moment, humming softly before looking at her again. "Well, well, well, she's you, and you're her, almost. You're also no longer human. Which also suits you." "You're quite observant," Oria commented, taking a step around me. He smiled to her. "I've been around for quite a long time. You have to learn to keep your eyes, ears, and magics open, or else you end up dead. I can not easily observe who you are, other than someone important to Fox." "Oriana, I'm his wife," she responded, offering her paw to him. Re'ka took it, but instead of shaking it, he brought it to his lips and kissed the back of it. "A better husband you could not find." "Nor could I find a better wife," I told him, pulling her to my side. He smiled, taking a step back. "It's good to know that you're both so happy with each other. Now, might I see this machine that you called me for?" I nodded, stepping away from Oria, and escorting him first to the control panel, then to a large opening in the rock wall, which we had discovered an hour before. Inside of it was a massive wall of equipment, most of it doing things I couldn't understand. Re'ka clicked his tongue as we looked over everything, some times humming a bit. "It's about what I would expect," he commented as we looked at the fold room. "A few things are done differently than I would have done them." "You've been planning a machine like this?" I asked, then paused for a moment. "Not that I'm surprised that you have." He chuckled, as he looked behind one wall panel, "Of course, I suspected it would take a few more centuries to perfect. I'm surprised to find a working machine so soon." I smiled, bending down to pet Rhea's neck. "Your being surprised is something quite unexpected." As he removed himself from the wall, he ran his fingers through his hair. "Oh, I'm always surprised, this universe is too wondrous not to be. I also think, with what I learned at the Temporal Event. I might just be able to make a working time machine." "How long do you think that would take?" I asked, my curiosity piqued. I knew I was going to need access to such a machine when the children were grown up. He shrugged, bending down next to me, petting Rhea's ears softly as she placed her head in his lap. "I can't say until I get down to it, but maybe fifteen years, twenty at the worst perhaps. If I can get the funding... the cost will be astronomical." I grinned, tickling my sister's whiskers. "You'll have full funding for as long as it takes." "Really?" His face showed deep lines of surprise, his eyes glowing softly. "I wish to finish my research on the Event first, once that's done, I suspect it will go faster." I nodded. "Don't take too long, we do have a timeline to keep in sync." With a long laugh, he shook his head slightly. "I suspected something along those lines. Don't worry too much, time has a way of keeping itself in check." I nodded again, lifting myself to my feet. "Back to the matter at hand. Any chance you could get this thing running? I need to track where it went last time." He hummed, petting Rhea one last time. "Perhaps. This does seem to be locked into one location, so you won't have to retrieve the coordinates for the destination. That also leaves it open to be a trap." "I really don't think so," I commented, walking to the control panel. "This seems more like a back door to escape through. I don't think the base was ever meant to survive any situation where it could be used." "That could be," he answered, looking over the control panel. Most of the buttons had been labeled in Prid standard once it had been worked out what they were connected to, but that didn't tell us what they did. With my arms resting against the top of the panel, I watched the elf as he skimmed over the controls. "Does it make any sense?" I asked. "In theory," he responded. "We know what most of the controls do, and I know what type of order they need it to be done in. I should be able to activate this now." "Care to risk it?" I asked Oria as she drifted behind my shoulder. She placed her paw over my hand. "The sooner you go after Cain the better. If we can open this now, then you should do it whenever you're ready." 'Go and kick his ass,' Rhea added, moving to stand next to us, her tail brushing against my other hand.. I let out a soft sigh. "I wish it was that easy," I muttered. With a quick turn, I gave the rest of the room my attention. "Everyone who doesn't need to be here now, please step outside. I don't want anyone getting hurt." With some muttering and groaning, most of the techs filed out of the room. Ravindar and Santhara helped them out, and closed the door behind them. The only people left in the room besides Rhea, Oria and I, and Re'ka, we're a pair of techs that the elf had brought with him, and he insisted on having them stay. Once that had all been settled, he started to work at the control panel. With a slow, deliberate grace, he started working the controls. Like music conducted under his knowing fingers, a familiar hum started to fill the room. At the same time both the inner and outer doors of the fold chamber slid closed. I took Oria's paw in my hand as the hum continued to grow. Rhea was at my other side, her head against my free hand. I held onto them both as the noise grew in intensity. "The system is automatic from here," Re'ka said, coming up behind us. "In a few moments the door should open, and you can step inside the chambers." As if on cue for his comment, the noise of the machine kicked up another notch as the outer door opened. The smell of ozone filled the room once more. Everything was unfolding just has it had before, but there was an eerie quality about it all. "Take this," he said, handing me a piece of paper. "When you are inside the inner chamber, activate these systems in this order. That should open the fold. Good luck." I nodded to him, holding the paper tightly in my fingers as I pulled Oriana to me, and gave her a kiss. "I'll be back as soon as I can." "Don't take too long my love," she responded, before letting me slip out of her grasp. Pulling in a deep breath, I took a few quick steps to the chamber, stepping past the outer doors. I stood there, my back to my love and my sister, waiting for the inner door to open. It seemed like hours, but finally the machine grew another notch in volume, and the outer door closed behind me, trapping me between the two walls of metal. A few moments later the inner door opened as the smell of the ozone grew heavier. Stepping inside the chamber, the inner door closed as well, locking me inside. There was an energy in the small room, a kind of static that filled the air. I could almost hear it, twisting its way around the walls tighter and tighter as it went. Through the window I could see Oria and Rhea watching me, both had looks of worry on their faces and ears. I gave them a short nod, to let them know I was all right, then turned to the small control box by the door. Labeled as well as the control panel outside, I used the quickly written directions to press the buttons in what I hoped was the correct order. The shaking of the machine started to run it's way up my legs, making my knees feel watery. I quickly pressed myself against the wall of the chamber, the static in the air gaining cohesion in the center of the room. The noise inside growing into the range of my hearing, and then louder. Then, as if I was suddenly thrown into the eye of the storm, it all stopped. The noise, the shaking, it had all ceased, leaving only a blanket of stillness in the chamber. I found that I had closed my eyes at some point in time. Upon opening them, I saw what I had been hoping for. In the center of the chamber was the large jagged fold. It's edges were like tears against the empty space, twisting and writhering as if the air itself was in pain. It felt different from this side of the glass, but I didn't have much time to study it. I could already feel it starting to lose cohesion. With a quick glance back to my loved ones, I mustered up all my courage, and stepped through. The transition was rough, like back when I had first used the folds, only more so. Twisting and turning, in ways I had never felt before, it was like I had been shot through a meat grinder, then put back together again on the other side. Only it took a few tries to get everything in the correct order. As I reached the other side I was disoriented, and almost ill. Crouching down over my knees I took a few gasps of air, panting hard. My mind was still spinning and only slowly were the bits coming back into place. On the other hand, I was coherent enough to recognize the feeling of the barrel of a gun pressing gently against the side of my head. And a woman's voice speaking the words. "So Cain, we meet again." Chapter 15 It's really reassuring to know that no matter wherever I go, and whatever I do, when I'm troubleshooting, trouble would ALWAYS being shooting back. This was a good example of just that. "I'm not Cain," I told the mystery lady, sure that she wouldn't believe it. "Right," she responded, the one word dripping with enough sarcasm to fill a novel. "I'll believe that when you are dead." I glanced at her from the corner of my eye. "Just take a look at my face. I'm not Cain-- the bastard is my double." Footsteps walked around to the front of me, the gun moved as well, but never lost contact against my skin. I was able to get a look at her, once I was able to look past the weapon. She was human, standing just slightly taller than me. The term buff seemed to be what came to mind first about her build. She clearly had been working out, her body moved easily, with a controlled grace. Her hair was dirty-blond, and fell down her back, and I couldn't see her eyes. She dressed all in black, from her shoes, to her pants, to the shirt she wore, and the vest she wore over that, from under which I could see another gun peeking. From the look of the two other guns she wore around her waist, not to mention the one over my left eye, she would have no problems killing me in a second. "My ID is in my front right pocket," I offered, not knowing if she could read Prid Standard or not. Hopefully she could gather enough to know that I wasn't Cain, as looking at my face didn't seem to convince her. "Pull it out slowly," she said, moving the gun back from my head a few inches, "then toss it to me. Don't try anything stupid." I nodded, the gun was communicating that very clearly. It was kind of strange. I had been around guns all my life. I grew up with them in the house, and always knew how to treat them with respect. But as I was digging out my wallet, and tossing it at her feet, I couldn't help but notice how big the end of the barrel was. Conceptually I knew the opening was only a short width, not even half an inch, but here and now, it looked more like a foot. She bent down, picking up my wallet, never taking the gun off me. Flipping it open she looked over the IDs I kept inside. "I can't read this," she grumbled, flipping past my Prid IDs, among others. A second later she seemed to freeze, flipping back to one ID, and looking at it with some intensity. The gun vanished in a second, as she was suddenly down to my level and in my face. "Where the hell did you get this?" she growled, shoving my wallet under my nose. She had my driver's license out. The Washington State one I had gotten a few trips home ago. She also was clearly in shock, her hand shaking slightly. That was also when I realized she had asked me the question in English. "Back home," I answered in kind, "back on Earth." "Well that means you're not Cain," she said, her composure snapping back like a mask over her face. She stood, throwing back my wallet. "So Cain is your double, Mr. Fox Cutter." I nodded, picking it up and returning it to my pocket, as I lifted myself to my feet in the process. "Yes, another me from another Earth." She snorted, "Hardly from Earth. He doesn't know English, Spanish or even French." I nodded again, looking around where I had landed. It was some kind of back alley, not dirty like I normally saw. The pavement was laid bricks, the buildings had been keep free of graffiti. The only light was coming from a fixture a few feet behind the mystery lady; the sky behind her was dark and overcast. It seemed more like the back alleys of The Market on Prid than any street I knew. "He has to be from Earth," I told her, "if he's my double, he can't be from anywhere else." She tilted her head. "Perhaps he's not your double?" she suggested, walking over to me. "But he does have your face, although with a few changes. The eyes are a dead giveaway that you're not him." "Well thanks for noticing that after you put the gun away," I muttered, scratching a slight itch on my arm. "I haven't caught your name just yet." "Why would you need it?" she snapped, crossing her arms over her chest, putting another layer of defense between us. I shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe because you obviously are after Cain, and seem to have a much better start than I do. How long have you been waiting for him at this fold?" "Not long," she answered. "I just arrived in town today. I knew Cain has some kind of base here, and this fold seems to be the key to it." I chuckled, "Some kind of base, yes. I captured it about half a day ago. In fact I'm following Cain. He came this way to escape, about half a day ago." Her eyes went wide, a look of shock rolling over her face. "You have to be kidding me." if anything her voice was calmer then before. "I got here only an hour after he came through? Shit! No wonder the fold was still warm." She shook her head a bit, dropping her arms to her sides once more. "Now you really have my attention. I know Cain has some kind of safe house in this city, he'll be there, but not for long. He'll be leaving as soon as he can." "He's not expecting me to follow," I said, lifting my hand slightly. "He used some kind of machine to rip open a fold without even a ripple. Fortunately, I had the right people who could reactivate it in a short time, which is why I'm here now. Cain isn't expecting anyone to have followed him through." She smiled slightly. "Really. Now that is useful information. If you're correct, we have a window of a few days to track him down." As she spoke, I noticed what looked like a tail sweeping behind her feet. It was black, but didn't look like fur, the light was shining off it wrong. "I have a friend who specializes in knowing such things," I explained, digging my hand into my other pocket, pulling out my portal controller. "So, where is that safe house of his?" "I'll find out," she said, placing her hands on her hips. "I'm Samantha St. Claire, since you asked so nicely." I smiled, opening the controller. "I'm Fox Cutter, nice to meet you, I hope," I said, turning back to face the fold, and setting the controller to pull out the full number for it. "So, other than your ruining his good name, why are you after Cain?" Samantha asked, stepping over to stand next to me. "Lets see. He tried to kidnap my wife, kill me, I think," I answered, locking the fold number into the controller. Closing it I pulled out a pad and pen from my jacket pocket. "Threatened my life, the lives of my family, and my wife's family, and one of his agents shot my wife." She laughed. "I see. All the bastard did to me was try to blow me up in one of his bombings." I smirked, jotting down a quick note for Oriana, telling her to follow me after a week. "Does he blow things up a lot?" "He's a terrorist for hire," she commented. "Blowing things up is part of his job." "Lovely man," I mused, tearing the note off, folding it twice, and closing it in my controller. Reaching out, I opened the fold back to the house on Prid. With a quick flip I threw my controller through before closing it again. She looked at me, smiling again. "So you're a Natural as well?" "Cain's a Natural?" I asked, I had suspected as much from the first time I understood he and I were the same person. "No! Don't be silly. I'm a Natural." She demonstrated this by opening the fold herself, to a different location. After a moment she snapped it closed, leaving it cold. I smiled, partly in relief, partly from the demonstration. "You know a lot about Cain?" She nodded. "I've spent time with the man, I know more about him than probably even his God, and come to think of it, I do belive he may have mentioned you before. But not as a human, as a fox." "There's a third me in the Multi-Verse," I explained, thinking how it was because of Little Fox that I first learned of my evil self. "He's a fox-morph now, no longer a human. All three of us are from Earth, at least some version of it. It still strikes me as odd that you say he doesn't know English." "With your eyes, I would say you're not the same person," she commented, digging into her vest for something. I smiled. "Actually, my eyes are like this because of some magical problems. Normally they are the same color as Cain's." "Right, I can see a bit of that now," she commented, pulling out what I realized after a moment was a pack of cigarettes. She pulled one out, putting it to her lips. With a snap of her fingers, she summoned up a small flame on her fingertip, which she used to light it. "So you're a Natural, and a Mage," I said, tapping my chin. "A Natural, a Mage, a Teak," she said her tail flipping around to her front. With a good view I could easily see that it was made of cloth of some sort. "And a Bitch, but not in that order," she finished by exhaling a puff of smoke, which twisted into a triangle shape. At the same time she dropped her tail back behind herself; it moved as if it was real, not fabric. I chuckled, "I'm glad you're on my side." She gave me a look. "Who said I'm on your side? I'm just after Cain, same as you. 'Sides' are irrelevant at the moment." She looked me over for a few seconds. "Do you even know where you are?" I shook my head. "Just got here, don't even know what universe I'm in." "Not mine," she snapped, taking in a long breath of her cigarette. "Now, how do you expect to find Cain without even knowing where you are?" "I'm still working on that part of the plan." She rolled her eyes, flicking some ash away. "Well I've already taken care of that part of the plan. We need to find his safe house. For that we need to ask the right people the right questions. That's part of what I do, and I do it well. I don't like working with others, but in this case, I think there are enough reasons to warrant it." "Well thanks," I commented, crossing my arms. She laughed. "Come along, I have a hotel a few blocks away. We can't do anything until the morning, so we might as well rest." She turned as she said this, and started walking, her cloth tail swishing behind her as she moved. I could see from here that it was attached to her pants in the right location to be a tail, but was clearly not a limb. Even the shape was wrong. I was slightly annoyed at her presumption, but she was correct. She clearly knew what she was doing better than I did for the moment, but there were other matters. "Why should I trust you?" I asked her retreating back. "If you remember, you had a gun in my face less than five minutes ago!" She glanced over her shoulder at me. "Because I want Cain, although no where near as much as you seem to. I also have my own reasons for helping you in this situation. For now, I'm sorry for putting a gun to your head. Is that acceptable?" "For the moment, but that still doesn't allow me to trust you. As far as I know, this could be some elaborate trap on Cain's part. You could just be working for him. With a startlingly fast move, she had her face right up against mine. "I will never work for the bastard again, and if it was a trap, I would have just killed you." I shook my head. "Sorry, he wants me alive, most of the time. Anyway, look at it from my point of view. Here you are, with all the cards I need. I have nothing to offer you, and I clearly need your help. So you simply offer it to me. No offence, but why exactly are you that willing to help me? You have nothing to gain from it." She smiled, moving back from me slightly as she took a drag from her cigarette. "I have my motives, and quite a bit to gain. I will need your help after this is over. For now, my interest is in dealing with Cain, and aiding you is the best way I can think of at the moment." "That's not very convincing," I told her, smiling back to her in return. I found myself starting to like this lady, even if I didn't trust her. A bad combination on my part. "Look, if I was working for Cain, I could have killed or captured you right now, and you couldn't do a thing to stop me." She smiled as she said it, and took another long draw. Confident she had made her point. It was a challenge, one I was willing to accept, as I wanted to give her an idea what I was able to do. In one swift move I grabbed both her wrists, one was at her hip, the other more to her side, holding her cigarette. She tried to react, but by the time she knew what I was doing, I had both hands held together in front of her, my claws pushing gently into her skin. "I'm faster than that," I told her with a smile, happy to see the surprised look in her eyes. The surprise lasted a few seconds, before melting into a smile of her own. Leaning forward, she blew the smoke into my face. To which I didn't react at all--- that seemed to annoy her. "I see, very fast. Is that magical, or natural on your part?" "Natural, same with the claws." I let her hands go, taking a step back. "And I can be just as mean as you if I want to be." She smiled wider, rubbing her wrists gently. "Now I'm impressed. People can't usually move through my defenses that easily. If you can shoot that fast, we might just be on even ground, from a distance." "So, why do you wish to help me?" I asked her, folding my hands behind my back. I was pretty sure that this wasn't some kind of trap, it would have been sprung already if it was. She nodded, taking a final puff from her cigarette before flicking it away into the darkness, the butt glowing for a few seconds before fading out. "I'm from Earth, as you already know. However I have a problem that can be summed up simply; I don't know how to get back. You suddenly seemed to be my best chance to make it home." "Very well, then give me a reason to trust you." I took a step closer to her as I spoke, dropping my arms to my side. She paused for a moment of thought, her tail flicking behind her much the way I would expect Oriana's to in the same situation. "Perhaps, because I know the local language, and I suspect you do not. I know how to find Cain, also which you do not. I need your help, which I can not get if you're dead, and then, there is also this." She fished into her pocket, pulling out a small card. She started to hand it to me, then paused, pulling her hand back for a moment, before extending it once more. Taking it from her hand, I looked it over. It was a student ID card for a high school in California. It gave her name, her ID number, the fact that she was a senior in the '94, '95 school year, the school's name, and part of its address. From what I saw, the girl in the picture was no where near as hard as the lady who stood before me. The card itself was battered pretty badly; it had been bent, folded in a few places, the plastic creased over the center enough that it was almost in two pieces. One corner was seared and melted slightly, and another had a piece ripped away. "I got that three weeks before I found out about the multi- verse," she explained. "I had no idea of what I could do at the time, I couldn't dream of it. Ironic that what I am now were some of the things that gave her nightmares." I nodded, handing the ID back to her. She took it gently from my fingers, returning it to her pocket. It was the last shred of a life she lost so long ago, and something that she would die before ever truly giving up. It was her hope of returning home, returning back to who she once was. I suspected that I was one of the very few people to whom she had ever shown it. "So, how do we start looking for Cain?" I asked, smiling slightly to her. She smiled in return. "It's become too late to do such things. We'll return to my hotel room. Compare our notes on Cain, then get some rest. We'll need it in the morning." I nodded to her, motioning her to lead the way. I decided to hold my tongue that it was still mid afternoon by my internal clock. We moved out of the alley, and towards a black convertible that was parked in front of what looked like a closed restaurant. The car was pretty much what I expected from any land car. Four wheels, side mirrors, doors. There was a serial number stenciled along the side of the front end. Samantha walked to the driver's side, jumping in without bothering to open the door. I entered the passenger's side the more conventional way. A few moments were spent fumbling around to find the seatbelt. As I strapped myself in, my new friend was working under the dashboard, the result of which was the engine firing up with a soft hum. "All this, and you can hot wire a car to boot," I muttered, relaxing into the seat. It seemed to soften now that the car was powered." She laughed, strapping herself in. "You have no idea of all my talents," she shot me a slight smile, as she turned on a few well placed switches in the center console of the car. A soft hum filled the air around my head as she moved the car onto the road. I shifted a bit, placing my hand outside of the car. I felt significantly less wind than I would have expected at our apparent speed. "Environmental shields on the car?" I asked her. She nodded. "And other systems. Relax, this is perfectly safe." I nodded, folding my hands in my lap, watching the direction we took from the fold. "So, tell me about Cain." Frowning, she glanced at me out of the corner of her eye, keeping the majority of her focus on the road ahead. "He's a terrorist for hire. If you need something blown to bits, people killed indiscriminately, or a target taken out, along with everything around them, he's the man you call." That agreed with the information Elena had gotten from the man we had captured. "How do you know him?" "I've worked with him before," she commented, passing another car who was moving at a much slower rate than ours. "He's an interesting man, smart, single minded, and treats his killing as a religion. He makes each one an offering to his God. Nasty business, it came as no surprise to me when he attempted to take my life." I gave her a sidelong glance. "Are you one of the good guys, or one of the bad guys?" The question was honest, and to the point. The fact that she had worked with Cain threw me a bit, now I wanted to know exactly where she stood with me. I didn't want to give her too much trust. She laughed, taking another turn into a parking lot, pulling the car into a slot. "Neither. I don't think of myself in either term. I do what I need to survive, and I work for those who pay me. As I said before, sides are irrelevant." I hummed, lifting myself out of my seat. "I suggest that if you want my help getting back home, you stay good. Deal?" "Deal," she answered, slipping out of the car herself. Resuming her position in the lead, she led me into the complex we had parked next to. It was a long, low cluster of buildings, pretty much what I've seen in most Hotels. Her tail swayed behind her as she walked, moving in a long, slow arc along her legs. I didn't think the control of the tail was conscious on her part; it was too fluid, too natural to be directly controlled. "What's with the tail?" I asked her as we continued down the hallway, rooms passing around us. She flicked it back in my direction in a sort of a wave. "It was part of my training to use my Telekinesis. After a while it became such a part of me, it's as if it's a real limb." I hummed, watching it closely as we walked. The now bright light in the hallway showed it to be some sort of silk fabric, reflecting the light as it moved. It was clearly part of her clothing, and upon closer observation there seemed to actually be a normal tail hole in the pants, with the tail attached though it. For the moment that was interesting, but what got me was simply how well she moved it. It moved as a normal tail would to keep her balance as she walked. I thought back to the time I had spent in Oriana's body. The tail movement was always clumsy with me; I didn't have the instinct. That was no longer true in my female form. She had the instinct to move the tail, it wasn't simply learned. "How about your claws?" she asked in return as she fished a card key out of her pocket, "How did you end up with them?" I shrugged. "The honest truth is that I'm not human." That felt strange to say, but it was the truth. I really wasn't human anymore. "I mean, I was once, but I'm not anymore. It's hard to explain to be honest." She laughed, fumbling with the door lock for a moment, before succeeding in getting it open. "I see! You'll have to tell me more!" "Sometime," I answered, following her as she led me into the room. Flipping the lights on, I was unsurprised at what I saw. A pair of beds, a small deck, some dresses, a television, and a bathroom off to the side. I closed the door as Samantha walked across the floor, pulling off her vest and throwing it onto the far bed. In a practiced motion she removed the guns from her shoulder holsters. Setting them on the desk, she followed them with the two from her belt. Lastly she removed another one from an ankle holster. "My, you're well armed," I commented, turning on the TV. I flipping through what channels it could receive, and finally settled on what looked like a news program. "It's necessary in my line of work," she commented, removing the various holsters from her body, along with a small pouch from her belt, and setting them all by the weapons ."And what are you doing? It's after local midnight, it's a bit late for television." I smiled, taking a seat on the bed she wasn't using. "I need to get the local language in my translator. Watching a few hours of TV will do the trick." "It takes a few days for my translator to learn a language, a few hours is a marked improvement," she mentioned, pulling off her belt, and hanging it over the back of the chair, then kicking her shoes off, then her socks. I chuckled. "They've been working on the type I have for a few centuries, there's been time to perfect it." "Impressive," she commented, pulling her shirt off and dropping it to the floor. "I'll have to look into getting one." She shot me a smile for a second, removing her pants as well, leaving her in just her underwear. Of course I looked away, giving her some measure of privacy as she threw back her sheets. I did catch, out of the corner of my eye, when she picked up one of the guns, and put it under her pillow. "Don't try anything funny. I want a good night's sleep, and if you even breath the wrong way, I'll be awake. So don't try to sneak out, and don't try to hurt me. Got it?" I gave her a quick glance once she was settled down, she had kicked off most of the heavy covers, leaving her with just a light top sheet that she pulled closer to her body. If I didn't have Oriana I would have been very tempted to hit on her, that is, if I trusted her. "Scout's Honor," I responded, turning back to watch the images play out on the television screen. "It only counts if you were a Scout," she answered. "Tomorrow, we'll track down Cain. I know just where to start looking." She then closed her eyes, and almost immediately fell into a light sleep. I shook my head slowly. "Famous last words," I muttered to myself. Chapter 16 05/21/99: Five days had passed since Fox had gone after Cain, and I was worried sick. literally. I had spent the night before retching up what little in the way of food I had managed to swallow down at dinner. If I did what he told me to do in his note, I still had to wait three more days before I could follow him. But it seemed so long and I had become so worried about him that I was almost ready to jump the gun. Ravindar was starting to agree with me on that fact. Even if he didn't say it, I could see it in his eyes. Since protecting Fox was his job, he liked this even less then I did, and seemed almost willing to join me if I left early. It was starting to get late for me, and was nearly time to go back to bed for another night of fleeting sleep. Instead I just sat on the couch, staring at the empty fireplace, my fingers playing over the trigger stud on my needler. Occasionally I would slip it open, and re-arrange the cartridges. Santhara had taken her own seat on the far side of the room, slightly curled up slightly with a book. She was giving half her attention to it, the other half was watching me as I stared into space. I could catch her frequent glances, even though I wasn't looking towards her. It was part of my training from the Guild that hadn't left me just yet. For the moment I was thankful for that. Flipping the needler around in my paw, I shoved it into my front pocket as I rose to my feet. Santhara did the same, tucking her book in the side of the chair. Her tail flicked a bit as she waited for me to do something. I had opened my mouth to speak to her when my ears caught a sound in the distance. Twisting them hard to see if I heard anything else, I slowly turned my head around. "Is something wrong?" My guard asked, taking a step closer, one of her paws gravitating to the holster at her hip. She glanced quickly to the baby monitor on the table, then back at the hallway. Slowly I turned the rest of my body, followed by a few short steps into the hallway. "I swear I heard the door to the fold room open," I said in explanation. "I see," she responded from a few feet behind me. "I didn't hear a thing." "You don't know what it sounds like," I said, taking a short step forward, removing my needler, and setting it to stun. At the moment the firing stud felt very familiar under my thumb. I was absolutely sure that Santhara had her gun out behind me. There was movement down at the end of the hallway. I could see it in the twilight falling out from one of the rooms at the end of its length. Taking a careful step to the side I used my free paw to turn on the lights. As the lights came up, I almost jumped. Hunched over at the end of the hall, was Fox. Rhea was already at his side, and he was almost hanging over her. I was at his side before I quite realized it. His jacket was gone, and his left arm was covered in blood. I could easily see why-- he had been shot. "Fox," I said, reaching out to touch him. He nodded, and grabbed my shoulder with his right hand, as he lifted himself to his feet. "I have a friend who's hurt; she needs to be taken to the hospital now." He was panting as he said this, his eyes slightly wild. I nodded, helping him to his feet. I was not surprised when Ravindar came to his aid, holding his far side. Looking into the fold room, I found no one else. "Where is she?" I asked him. He rolled his head around to look at me. I noticed a crack across the left lens of his glasses, the frame had been bent as well. "On the other side of the fold," he answered, and then went limp in my arms. At the same moment the fold sprang to life before us. "Santhara, Ravindar, go find her now." I ordered, taking most of Fox's weight onto my shoulders. Neither of them questioned my orders, they both simply rushed through the fold. A few moments later they returned with a female human draped over Ravindar's shoulder. I physically winced when I saw her, the whole of her right arm from above her elbow had been blown off. The fold fell to the ground behind them, all of Fox's weight falling onto me as I held on to him. Santhara quickly came over, taking some of the weight from me. I adjusted myself a bit, and removed my controller from my pocket. Punching in a few familiar numbers I opened a new fold. "Come on," I said, taking more of Fox's weight as we walked through the fold. The light cleared as, we arrived in a simple white room, just off the Emergency room of our hospital. A gurney arrived just seconds later, with two nurses helping the human female from Ravindar's shoulder. I saw that what was left of her arm had been cinched tight with Fox's belt, but was still seeping blood. Another pair of nurses arrived a few moments later, taking Fox from my arms, and helping him onto his own gurney. Both of them were whisked off into the Emergency Room. I let out a long breath. It felt like I had been holding it forever. Both Santhara and Ravindar had looks of concern on their faces, and blood on their clothing. "It's going to be a while. Maybe we should go back and get some clean clothing," I suggested in a weak voice. Santhara walked over to me, placing a paw on my shoulder. "You don't have a drop of blood on you, Oriana. Go, be with Fox. We'll get cleaned up, and get things back together at the house. We'll be back soon." I nodded. "Very well then. Go wake Kalie, and tell her to keep an eye on the children. Come back as soon as you can." They both nodded, Ravindar tapping at his portal controller before they both vanished back to the house. Slowly I walked into the waiting room of the ER. There were only a few people about at this time of night. I approached the wolf morph at the front desk. He glanced up at me, and held out a folder. "Mrs. Cutter?" I nodded, taking it from him, "When can I see my husband?" I asked in a quite voice. "He's currently in the examination room," he answered. "Once that's finished we'll have an idea how long it will be." He held out a pen for me as well. Taking it from him, I gave him a short nod. "I want to be with him the moment I can be, understand?" "Yes Ma'am. I'll call you as soon as you can join him." I nodded, turning away to fill out the paper work I knew was waiting for me inside the folder. "Ma'am?" the wolf asked. I paused, turning back around to look at him. "Yes?" "Do you know anything about the human female that was brought in with your husband?" he asked, leaning forward over his computer terminal. "Not a thing. She's a friend of his, apparently," I answered, as honestly as I could. He nodded, touching a button on his screen. "Very well then. She's already being treated for her injuries. If you wouldn't mind filling out what you do know about her?" He asked the question as he handed me another folder. I took it from him without saying much of anything, and walked away. This time I wasn't called back for anything else. Trying to find a comfortable position in the hard plastic chair, I opened Fox's folder. Luckily most of his information was already in the Hospitals' system, and was printed out on the forms. I just had to fill in a few items, and confirm everything was still correct. I spent all of five minutes filling it out before signing it. Nothing there left to add. In the meantime, Santhara and Ravindar had returned, each taking a seat flanking my own. The next folder belonged to the mystery lady. It had all the Hospital knew about her printed up on the form; which amounted to her body type being human. There wasn't much I could add to that, so I jotted down a note that we would handle her bills until we knew more, and signed it as well. After taking both folders to the front desk, I returned to my seat to wait. Ten minutes passed before a nurse came for me... ten minutes that seemed to take a lifetime. I was escorted to an examination room, but they didn't allow they others to come along. Fox was sitting on the examination table, looking a bit pale. He had his glasses off and resting in his lap. His shirt had been removed, and his arm was tightly bandaged and resting in a sling tied around his shoulder. "Are you O.K.?" I asked him, lifting myself to sit next to him. He nodded. "Ya, I'm all right, the bullet went straight through my arm. No major damage, thankfully." "That's good to know," I said, moving my paw to rest against the center of his back. He let out a long sigh, bending over slightly, his eyes half closed. He wasn't relaxing. If anything, he was becoming even more tense. I started to stroke my paw down the length of his spine, the same way I did when the children started to get a bit huffy. It seemed to work on him as well, his back at least started to relax a bit. "Care to tell me who your new friend is, seeing as we're paying for her stay?" A small smile played over his face as he lifted his head to look at me. His clear eyes caught the light in just the right way that for a moment they seemed to glow. "Her name is Samantha. Without her help, I suspect I never would have got to Cain." I nodded, stroking down his spine once more, slower this time. He managed to let out a soft purr, almost it seemed in spite of himself. "She's currently being treated from what I've been told." He sighed softly, turning his head to look back down at his hands again. "Hope they can get her in a re-gen tank before it's too late." "I'm sure they will," I answered, working my paw against the back of his neck, rubbing the muscles there gently. I could feel them loosening under my fingers. "Cain's dead," he said after a few moments. I nodded, motioning for him to turn around on the table so I could work his back with both paws. He didn't turn, instead he just shook his head slightly. "I didn't kill him." He spoke the words almost like a confession, as if he was asking my forgiveness. "Would you like to tell me about it?" I asked him, running a finger along his neck where the band from the sling dug into his skin. He paused for a moment, and then turned his head to look at me. Our eyes connected for a few seconds, my green eyes focusing into his crystal clear eyes. My pupils slitted, his round-- my eyes feline, his human. There was a moment there when it seemed we connected as I reached out to touch the side of his cheek. That lasted for a few short seconds before we both heard footsteps approaching. With his good hand, Fox pulled my paw away. Lacing his fingers about mine, he resting them together in his lap. A moment later a doctor pulled aside the curtain and stepped into the room. He was a deer morph, and was dressed in the familiar blue clothing I always associated with the medical profession on Prid. He introduced himself as Doctor Baker, then he and Fox spoke for a few moments, mostly about how to deal with his arm in the couple of weeks it would take to heal. After a few questions, Fox asked something that caught my attention. "How's Samantha?" "Is that the lady who came in with you?" The doctor asked, flicking an ear. "Yes, her name is Samantha St. Claire. How is she doing?" The doctor pulled out a PADD from one of his pockets, and punched a few buttons. "She is stable," he answered, "but still at risk. She lost a significant amount of blood, if you had gotten her to us any later, we wouldn't have been able to do anything at all. She's currently having proto blood cycled though her system until her body produces enough of her own to keep her alive. A re-gen tank is being prepped for her. She'll be put inside in a couple days. It will take ten weeks for her arm to be regrown." Fox gave a slow nod as he took all of this in, a small frown playing over his face. "All right, give her the best care you can. We'll be paying for it. I would also like a sample of her hair if I can, enough to track her home Universe and Verse." Dr. Baker nodded, pressing a few more buttons. "The billing is now on your account, but I'm afraid we can't give you the hair sample. Privacy issues." "Right, right," Fox answered, shaking his head slightly. "Is she going to wake up before going in the tank, or is she going to stay out cold till she has her new arm?" "We don't expect her to regain consciousness that soon. She'll be fully recovered once she leaves the re-gen tank, but will need physical therapy for her new arm." Fox nodded, "That's understandable. Thanks, Doctor. Unless there's anything else, I think I want to go home." "Just the pills you need to speed up your healing. I've already sent the prescription in, they should be delivered to your home in two to three hours." "Right," he responded, sliding off the table and onto the floor. He held his good hand out to me. "Come on, we should go." "You might want to think about a new shirt," I commented, taking his hand in my paw. Dr. Baker walked over to one of the cabinets in the room, and pulled out a shirt in plastic wrap. "Here you are," he said, handing it to me. I smiled, snagging my claw on one corner of the plastic, and ripping it open. Removing the white shirt from the bag, I helped Fox get it on, getting his good arm though a sleeve, and buttoning it down the front for him. Once that was finished, we walked out of the examination room, and into the waiting room, picking up the pair of tigers on the way through. They both fell in a few steps behind us, once to each side, covering their respective charges. On returning to the house, I left Fox in the bedroom, and made a quick check on the kids to make sure they were al right. Adric was a little fussy, but he settled down with a few minutes of being held. Once they were all asleep, I took the baby monitor for Kalie, and joined Fox in the bedroom. He wasn't there, but there was a trail of clothing leading into the bathroom. I followed quickly, glancing into the room. He had the bathtub half filled, and was looked like he was trying very hard to relax, but with his arm in the sling, and dried blood speckled all over as he fiddled with his glasses, it was clear he was failing. "May I join you?" I asked, stepping inside of the room. Not looking up, he smiled just a bit. "Please, my love, I would enjoy you close to me at the moment." A smile rolled over my face, my ears perking up as I pulled my own clothing off, throwing it into a pile on the floor before shutting the door with my foot. I took a quick glance at his arm as I slipped down into the still filling tub. "Is it safe to get that wet?" "I'm suppose to soak it for at least an hour, to allow the dura-skin to bond tightly to my own." he answered, setting his glasses to the side as I moved to sit next to him, leaning on his good arm. The bruise on his shoulder had nearly faded. The only colors left were soft blues, and a few purples under the skin. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close. In returned, I threaded my arm behind his back and pulled him just as close to myself, and started to nuzzle his cheek. Fox nuzzled back, a soft purr escaping from his lips as the water level rose around us until it came up to our shoulders. Reaching back I undid his pigtail, letting the hair fall back into the water. I took his earring off as well, as he had forgotten to remove it. He sighed, and leaned up against me as I shut off the water. "I suppose you want to know what happened?" he asked. I smiled. "It had crossed my mind love, but I didn't want to press you into telling me about it." A short smile played over his lips, and he leaned over me. "Thanks love, but I do want to get this off my chest," he murmured and then gave me a quick kiss. I returned the kiss for as long as I could before he pulled away. "Then start with who Samantha is?" I suggested. He smiled and nodded. Then he proceeded to tell me how he had met her on the other side of the Fold, and learned that she was after Cain as well, and was also from another Earth. I raised an eyebrow when he told me that he had spent the night in her hotel room. I knew he didn't sleep with her or anything, he was too honest for that, and I trusted him enough not to suspect it. Still I gave him a kiss when he told me he hadn't done anything that night but stay up all night watching TV and learning the local language. He kissed me back for a few a seconds, pulling away far sooner than I wished. "That afternoon," he continued, "we started hitting the bars, trying to find out about Cain. Mostly I let Samantha lead, with her (at times brutal) form of questioning." "It took several days, but we learned a few things. The base I shut down was Cain's main base, and home. I gather he was rather pissed that I took it from him. Second, the local base was some sort of safe house. The scuttlebutt was that he had started some major construction there, building a new home." He smiled a bit. "And of course, we found out where the base was. It was under an old warehouse in a business district a few miles from where the fold was. We managed to get in the day before." He smiled wider, "Don't ask how we managed it. Just leave it that it involved three guards, a piece of gum, a laundry cart and five sticks of dynamite." I let out a soft laugh, quickly smothering it with my paws. Fox chuckled in return. "Don't worry, it was far sillier than it sounds, and the dynamite was actually only... you know, just in case." "Needless to say, we did manage to get inside, and that's where things started to get interesting again." Chapter 17 The drop from the air vent was longer than I would have liked, but in the current situation my choices were significantly limited. Samantha was in the process of removing the vent cover to give us access into one of the hallways of Cain's base. I adjusted myself around in the air duct, glad this one vent shaft hadn't been locked off like the others we had found. It worried me a bit that just this one vent was set up for this type of access. It had occurred to me that such a thing could be a trap, and I had voiced that before Samantha and I had entered into this area. She just brushed it off, insisting it was more important to get inside. "Got it," she muttered, as she finally levered the cover off. She worked it to the side and slid it down behind her. I leaned over the hole, and looked down at the floor below. "Think it's safe?" I asked, pulling my head back and shuffling around so my feet were over the vent. She gave me a one-sided smile. "It never is." "Right," I answered, pulling one of my guns from its holster, and thumbing off the safety. I replaced it, but left the strap off as I dropped my legs down through the hole. Leaning forward I grasped the other lip with my hands, then in one swift motion slipping down though the vent. For a moment I was in free fall before my arms took my weight. I moved my momentum into a swing outwards, letting my hands go a second later to drop to the floor. The landing sent a shock up my legs, but it was nothing my body couldn't take. As I dropped to a crouch my hand was already on my gun. I spun on one heel, coming up with my back to the wall. Looking in both directions I found that the coast was clear, with no one in sight at the moment. The hallway was short, dead-ending to my left, but there were signs of recent construction work on the rock. A dozen feet to my right the hall intersected another in a T-junction. "It's clear," I said, rising to my feet, keeping one hand near my gun. I cast a short glance up to Samantha. She had a smile on her face that was reflected in her eyes. Then in one smooth motion she kicked her legs out of the ceiling and dropped to the floor. She landed hard, taking most of the impact with her legs, but still ended up sitting on her ass. She let out a soft gasp as she landed, and looked dazed for a moment. I went to her side, offering a hand up, which she took silently. "Are you all right, nothing hurt?" "I'm fine," she said as she came to her feet. "Just wasn't expecting a shock like that landing. This world's gravity is stronger than Earth normal." She looked at me for a second, a befuddled look on her face, "How did you handle it so well?" I shrugged, "I have a different bone structure then a human, I can take more force to my body then you." I paused, furrowing my eyebrows for a second. "Or something along those lines. So, now where do we find Cain?" "We look," she answered, slipping a gun into her hand. "He's taken this as his home for now, he's got to have a room. Once we find that, we'll find him." "Do you have a suggestion how? It's not as if there will be signposts on the walls pointing us to the different locations in the base." She shook her head. "Nothing like that, no. On the other hand I don't think it will be to hard to find someone that we can ask for directions." "Sounds good to me," I said with a nod, and then took a quick look down each side of the junction. I only saw a single human about a hundred feet away, working on something in the wall. "I think I found a volunteer for you," I said when I ducked back, in a voice close to a whisper as I motioned down the hallway. Samantha slipped past me and took her own glance, and holstered her gun for the moment. "Looks good to me," she said, then stepped into the hallway, and started walking towards him. I quickly followed her, walking as casually as I could by her side. For the moment, no one expected us here, or even suspected we had found the place. That could change at any time though, once the guards we left up above came to. Luckily this world was mixed species, a human type and a raccoon type, so we weren't too terribly out of place. We walked up to the man, flanking him. I was on the left, Samantha on his right. I hooked my thumb into the pocket of my jeans, looking causal but also in a position to grab my gun fast if things went bad. "Excuse me?" she asked in a normal tone of voice. "I was wondering if you could help us?" He never looked up, but did stop his work for a moment. "It all depends on what you're asking," he answered, setting down the tool he had been using and picking up a new one. He never took his eyes off the equipment in the wall that he was working on. "You see, we're trying to find Cain's office, and we got a bit lost. If you can give us some directions, we would appreciate it." The man let out a long hum, "Down that way," he said, pointing to the right. "Second left turn, the first right, it's the second door on the right." "Thank you," Samantha said with a smile. Then in a quick move grabbed her gun with her left hand, spun it around and struck the man on the back of the head with the butt of it. He stopped his work, swaying for just a moment before dropping to the side, out cold. "Why the hell did you do that?" I asked, bending down to check his pulse. It was relatively normal. I checked the back of his head as well; no damage. "No need to risk him telling someone we asked anything," she explained, holstering her gun. She then began to adjust his work area, moving the cover from the equipment into a position that would look to the untrained eye like it had fallen loose and hit him. "Well it's a little late for me to protest now." I snorted as I stood back up. "He'll be out for a bit, but nothing damaged. Let's get out of here before we have to knock anyone else out." She gave me a short nod of her head, and we took off. Following the directions, we soon came to a simple door set into the rock face of the wall. It looked just the same as any other door at first glance, but on closer inspection I could see the locking controls on the side were more extensive than on any other door I had seen. "It's probably locked," Samantha mused, taking a step back. "Could be," I said, looking closer at the controls. I couldn't read the language on the flat buttons, but I could get a good idea from the layout what each did. "Let's try this first," I suggested, pointing at the larger button on the panel. She looked over my shoulder. "'Open'. Well, it's worth trying, you never know." "And if he's in there?" She smiled, her tail flicking behind her. "Then things end here and now!" With that she reaching past me and pressed the button. There was a hiss and the door slid into the wall. Samantha already had her gun out, and I followed suit, holding it tightly with both hands. "Hello," she called into the room, "Maid service." There was no answer. She looked at me, and I shrugged in return. She nodded, and put her right arm into a guard position, then turned the corner in to the room. After a moment she looked back out at me. "It's clear." "Pity," I mused, and followed her inside the room. She closed the door as soon as I was clear, pressing a few extra buttons in the process. The room was much less home-like what Cain had back on the base. There was a simple desk at one wall, with a computer terminal and papers scattered all over. A plain bed took up another wall, along with a wardrobe, the doors of which were hanging open. There was also a single wooden slatted door placed against the last wall of the room. More elegant than the rest of the quarters, it stood out more then anything else. "Now what's that?" I asked, pointing at the door with one hand. "There was a door like that in Cain's room on the base. It didn't seem out of place there, but here it really does." "The shrine to his God," she answered, only giving it a short glance as she looked around the room. "Give it a once over, make sure no one is inside." "Right," she answered, and opened the door. Glancing around for a few seconds she closed it again. "Nothing much, a few statues and candles. It's a closet." I laughed. "All right, so he's not in here. That's good to know," I said, still checking under the bed. She didn't say anything. Instead she moved over to his desk, flipping though the papers on top as I checked around the wardrobe, moving the clothing around a bit. No one was hiding there. "Well this is interesting," I heard Samantha comment. I looked over in her direction. "What did you find?" She looked up from the papers. "Layouts of some place. Looks like plans for some kind of assault." That did strike me as interesting, so I began to walk towards her when there came a soft beep from the direction of the door. I turned my head around to look in its direction, but Samantha already had her hand in an iron grip around my arm. "Shit, someone's about to come in," she hissed as she pulled me towards the only real cover in the room, Cain's shrine. "What, how do you know?" I asked, following behind her at a run. She opened the door and shoved me inside, pulling it tight behind us so fast I couldn't even get a good look at the small room. "I rigged the door when we came in. Now hush!" she whispered, pulling me down to the floor. The wooden slats of the door let some light into the room, and allowed both of us to look out. A moment later, no more than seconds after the door had beeped, it slid open. Cain walked stiffly into the room. He looked pretty bad, like he had only been getting short flits of sleep the last few days. His eyes were dark, and his hair had been cut short since our last encounter. He was followed into the room by a raccoon morph, who was shorter than Cain by a head. He was dressed in more of a business-style attire, and held himself in way that was completely opposite to the human. He appeared proud and strong where Cain was more sulking and tired. They were in the middle of an argument as the door closed behind them. "I do want a straight answer about why you are so obsessed with this man?" the raccoon asked, taking up a position standing a few feet away from where we hid. "I can't adequately explain it to you," Cain answered, taking a seat behind his desk. He paused to look at his paperwork before stacking it into a small pile in front of himself. "That's Leib," Samantha whispered into my ear. "Cain's oldest advisor, and financier." I nodded, leaning forward so I could hear more of the conversation. "That's the answer you've been giving me for the last month," Leib responded, his posture stiffening as his large tail swept in a short arc behind his feet. "I'm tired of how you're acting about this one man. It's blinded your judgment, and caused you to lose your home. I cannot understand why you continue to pursue this." "I have my reasons," Cain answered, keeping his voice slow and measured. "And I do not need to explain them to you." "The hell you do," he snapped in return, taking a slight step forward. "I've been working with you for years. The only thing you have ever hidden from me is how you got your new body, and this. I saw some of the pictures of this Cutter person, he has your face, or rather you have his. Now please, grant me some kind of explanation." Well, I had been starting to suspect it over the last few days, but now this was almost proof. Cain was not my double, not some twisted and bizarre version of myself. He was not me, and that felt like a load had been lifted from my chest. My double paused for a moment, and slowly leaned back in his chair, resting his hands on the edge of the desk. "Yes, I do have his face. It was given to me on the world of Triya, to save my life." I took in a short gasp of breath, which I bit off before anyone could hear. I knew the world Triya. Six years before that was where I had my first real adventure. Where I first decided to do some good with my ability as a Natural, to play at being The Doctor. It was also the world where I first met Ruhk in the guise of Dra. I suddenly had a heavy feeling in the pit of my stomach that hir appearing to me before was more than just a social visit. I suspected sie was somehow working with Cain. Leib had said something in return, but I missed what it was. Instead Cain continued on, "The body was a gift, with a price. The giver became my new God, on the condition that my attacks of terror we're to be blessings, sermons of destruction in hir name, feeding hir the power from havoc I caused." The use of the hermaphrodite pronouns clinched it for me. I twisted around and in the half-light grabbed one of the statutes that filled the shrine. Bringing it to the light I looked it over. It was made in the image of the bitch hirself. Samantha gave me a strange look, but I just shook my head, leaning back towards the door. Once again, I had missed the raccoon's response. It felt like I was listening to the better side of a phone conversation. "Oh yes," Cain said, responding to the unheard question. "There is a price. My God wants my body double for hir own uses. Sie has charged me to retrieve it for hir-- alive, and in one piece." "And why didn't you tell me about this? I'm your advisor the point of having me around is to give you advice." Cain nodded, rising to his feet. "And do you have any for me now?" "Don't run into this guns blazing again," he said, as Cain dropped an arm over his shoulder, and began guiding him out of the room. "That has never yet worked for you. Do what you do best; blow things up! I'm sure you can find a few creative things to destroy that will bring him to you." "Perhaps," he responded, opening the door. "I will consider that, but for now I have much to think about. So if you will give me some privacy for now?" Leib nodded, and walked out of the door, silently. Cain shut the door as his friend passed over the threshold, then pressed a few more buttons. A red light lit up on the control panel in response. "He's locked the door," Samantha hissed in my ear. I nodded to her, expecting Cain to return to his desk, or maybe his bed. Instead he started walking towards where we were hidden. I rose to my full height behind the door, pulling my gun out. I rested it in front of my body, about chest high, held tightly in both hands. Behind me I heard Samantha stand as well, as there was no room for us to be side by side. At the same time I pulled the hammer back with my thumb. Taking in a short breath, I watched through the slats as he reached forward to open to the door. Chapter 18 I was tempted, just for a moment to kick the door open as Cain reached for it, but there wasn't enough time even if I had wanted to do something as foolish. By the time I would have gotten into position, he would have opened the door. So instead I watched as he grabbed the outside handle, and swung the door wide. I responded by extending my arms out into firing position. I didn't have to aim. My target was so close I couldn't miss him. "Hello," I said casually. "Surprised to see me?" He cracked a smile, letting go of the door and slightly lifting his hands. "Quite a bit, I didn't expect you to find me at all. I have to say I am very impressed." "Thanks. Now, care to take a few steps back to the center of the room? I don't want you getting any stupid ideas." I didn't make the mistake of motioning with the gun. I just stared down the barrel at him. He took a few steps back, his eyes focusing behind me for a moment. "Hello there, Samantha, what a pleasant surprise." I stepped to the left, allowing her to stand by my side. "Which surprise do you mean?" she asked, taking a second step forward. "That I'm here, or that I'm alive?" A thoughtful look passed over his face for a brief moment. "Both actually. I was sure that I had killed you, and I have no idea how you found my base, but I suspect Fox had something to do with it." "I got lucky and caught a ripple," she replied, taking another step closer. "Got out just in the nick of time. As for finding you, I didn't need any help for that," her cloth tail flickered quickly behind her as she spoke. He sighed, closing his eyes for a moment, still holding his hands in the air. "You know, Sam, I'm really starting to regret having slept with you." "You're not the only one," she snapped in response, taking another step forward, coming almost within arm's reach of him. "I'm in favor of witty banter as much as the next person," I commented, taking a short step to the side. "But I don't think this is the time or the place for this type of conversation. Samantha, please take a step back. If you get any closer he's going to be able to attack you." She muttered something under her breath, and took a couple steps away from Cain. For the moment he looked disappointed, rolling his fingers down into his palm a couple times before snapping them back up into the air as he smiled at me. "I take it you heard most of my conversation with Leib?" "Quite a bit of it," I answered, making eye contact with him for a moment. "Funny, I actually think I remember who you used to be back on Triya. Pity you survived that mess. Though if it's any reassurance, if it wasn't for your timely explosion I would never have made it out of the base with the vaccine for the plague." "What was that you were saying about witty banter?" he asked with a touch of a smirk on his scarred face. "I just had a thought," Samantha said, her tail sweeping in a low arc. "Why are we sitting talking to him right now, when we should be killing him instead?" Cain's face lost all expression, his eyes catching the light from the fixtures in the ceiling for just a moment. "Because it would bring every guard in here down on you in a minute." "That's a good point," I said. "We need something a little quieter if we wish to kill him." Samantha snorted, "He's a bastard. I say just kill him now. We can fight out way out after words if we have too." "No," he snapped in return, a surprising lack of emotion on his face. "I'm not a bastard, I'm a killer, a terrorist and a mass murderer. Get your terms right." I frowned, looking him over as she again took a step forward, motioning outwards with her gun. "You forget terrible in bed." There was obviously quite a bit of hatred for him in her. The argument was just a fraction of it. Far more was being shown in her body language. She edged forward again, holding the gun tighter, her tail twitching at full speed behind her ankles. Cain simply just stood there as she pushed her gun out. His expression never changed. "I grow tired of you, Sam," Cain said, "And you Fox-- I have plans for you, as does my God." I quickly moved over to Samantha, pulling her a few steps back from Cain before moving to her other side, my own gun still pointed at my double. "You can tell the Bitch, I have no interest in working for hir, ever." "You don't have much of an option," he responded, his eyes never changing position. In fact he wasn't even focusing on me anymore, or Samantha for that matter. He was looking off into space, beyond the wall, not really focusing on anything. I suddenly had a very bad feeling. Something was going on. People don't act like that. They don't hold perfectly still and expressionless, especially with a pair of guns pointed at them. This wasn't Cain. At least it wasn't anymore. It had been before, but not now. I suspected some how he had switched himself with something else. I glanced around the room looking for anything that seemed different. The door was still locked, his desk wasn't disturbed in any way, and the wardrobe was still hanging open. As I looked closer thought what clothing I could see seemed to be moving, like a breeze was blowing past them. "Shit," I said as I snapped my head back to look at him. "You're not even here!" The copy of Cain laughed, deep and long, but again without moving. Then it simply broke apart into beads of light and collapsed into itself, the particles drifting down to the floor as it vanished into the air from whence it came. "What the hell!" Samantha yelled, running to where the image had vanished. "He was an illusion! When the hell did that happen?" "I don't know," I answered, moving swiftly to the open wardrobe and grabbing a handful of clothes, throwing them out onto the floor. The back wall was gone, swung away, revealing a passage through the rock. Light from a few feet down its length fell onto the floor at my feet. "Another secrete passage," I muttered. "I should have known. Come on, we have to follow him." "It's a trap," she said from over my shoulder. "Everything in here is a trap," I responded, stepping through the wardrobe, and into the passage. It went a few feet before making a sharp turn to the right. I followed around the corner very carefully, my gun held back and my arm in a blocking position in case someone tried to attack me. Nothing. It was just a tunnel in the rock. We both dashed down the tunnel, unsure of how much of a head start Cain had on us. After another sharp turn the tunnel came to a sudden end, opening out into a small workroom. There were a few tools and various parts laying about on a workbench, but no one was waiting there for us. Nor was anyone waiting in the hallway on the other side of the door. I looked down both directions of the hallway. "Two guesses; care to make one?" She turned her eyes to the floor for the moment, scanning down both directions. "That way," she said, pointing to the left. I started down that direction, "Why do you say that?" "Rock dust from the tunnel; you can see his footprints," she explained as we moved carefully down the hallway. I glanced at the floor. She was right, I could see faint gray footprints heading in the direction we were going. Each print was light and short; Cain had been running this way. Just as the prints were finally fading away, they turned and went through a doorway. The light on the side said it was locked. Samantha was immediately at the door, working the controls. I took up a cover position to her left, making sure no one surprised us in the hallway. I glanced back down at the footprints again. Cain had paused in front of the door for a few moments. I could even see a small pile of the rock dust in the doorway. I could easily follow the prints back down the hallway the way we came. What struck me as odd was that there was only his set of footprints. Neither Samantha or I had left any. I reached out with my foot, and pulled it across one of the prints. The dust smeared easily. They were fresh, that much was for sure, and I had got some on my own shoe just by smearing it. That meant Cain had led us exactly where he wanted us to be. "Got it!" Samantha said, standing up and hitting the controls for the door. I grabbed her by the arm and pulled her back with all my strength. I was too late, as the door exploded outward in a ball of fire, blowing the door frame away and sending bits of metal out around us as the force thrust us onto the floor. The landing was hard, knocking the wind out of me as Samantha landed half on my chest and half on the ground. "You ok?" I asked. She didn't say anything. Pushing her to the side, I sat up, holding her head in my hands. I was all right, nothing more than a sore back from the landing, and my glasses had been thrown somewhere. Samantha, on the other hand, was much worse. Her right arm had been caught in the explosion and was simply gone from her elbow down. She was bleeding pretty badly. I reacted quickly, almost ripping my belt off. I wrapped it around her arm, above the wound and pulled it as tight as possible, then tighter. It was cutting into her skin, pulling in deep, but the flow of blood had slowed from spurting to seeping. I buckled the belt tightly, glad I wore a mesh one, so I didn't have to worry about making holes. I pulled her to the side, and took my jacket off, putting it under her head. Then I picked up my second gun from where it had fallen when I took my belt off. Sliding it out of the holster, I flipped the safety off. My other gun had been dropped during the explosion, and I expected it was in the debris that was left of the door. After a moment of searching, I found my glasses a few feet away, and worse for the wear. The frame had been bent down the middle, and a crack was running down the left lens. Forcing them back into something close their to proper shape, I put them back on my nose. "I'll be back for you," I told Samantha as I stepped away from her, and through what was left of the door. It led into a short hallway, which I followed to another door. Inside it was a small garage, with a few cars parked on the side, and a large door at the top of a small ramp, presumably leading to the surface. Cain was standing next to one of the vehicles, a smile on his scarred face. "There you are!" he said, leaning back against the car; "I was hoping the blast hadn't killed you. Though as you're alone, I hope I have finally managed to kill Sam." Saying nothing, I just pointing my gun at him. He was too far away for me to be assured of hitting him. I wasn't that good a shot, but I wasn't simply going to let him get away for a third time. I started walking towards him. Cain suddenly moved, and I heard a series of thuds from the floor and the ceiling, as well as the sound of the door shutting behind me. A short look around told me all I needed to know. A thick yellow gas had started to fill the room. "Time to go to sleep, Fox. When you wake up you'll be at your Mistress's feet." Cain said, smiling at me as he brought a mask up to his nose and mouth. The gas already waist high and was still flooding into the room. I fired off a shot at him, which I could hear as it hit the car, missing him. A moment later the gas enveloped me, closing over my head. Holding my breath, I tried to see through the gas, but it was like being in a heavy fog, and it was starting to sting at my eyes. It must have been some sort of knock-out gas from what he had said. Which didn't give me much time to work out something to do. As it was, the lung full of air I had was already running out. It was a fight to keep my body from breathing in the gas. My lungs and throat were starting to burn as I feel to my knees, trying to use my shirt as some sort of makeshift filter for the gas when I remembered that I already had one! At the beginning of the year, all the people in charge of the Consortium, myself included, had been implanted with a kind of gill to filter out any gases and poisons in the air. This was the exact situation it had been made for. Sitting up, I very slowly let out the stale air in my lungs, first out my nose, then transitioning it to my mouth. I adjusted it back and forth until I was exhaling out of both. There came a sudden, and strong, snapping feeling at the base of my throat. I let out a cough, and involuntary brought in a large breath of air. I held it for a moment, then let it back out again, then took in another longer breath. There was a peculiar feeling just under my Adam's apple, an electric tingling. After a few more moments, when I felt no effects from the gas, I knew for sure that it was working. I stood up, but didn't say a word. Just stood there in the thick gas, starting at where I thought Cain was waiting. I didn't want to give away that the gas wasn't affecting me; I wanted him to think he had knocked me out. Minutes passed before I heard a heavy whine start up, and felt the gas start to move again, this time to the sides of the room, letting the center clear. As the visibility returned I could see that Cain had moved. He was now against the wall working a set of controls as fans on each wall pulled the gas out of the room. He wasn't looking at me, or even for me, he just continued to work at the controls. I slowly walked towards him, my gun held outwards as the last of the gas drifted from the room. "That was a bit of overkill, wasn't it?" I asked, now only just a few feet away. He spun around, fire in his eyes as his face pulled into a snarl. He said nothing, just dropped his mask and leapt at me. I fired the gun, but he rolled under my line of fire, coming up right in front of me and punching me in the chest. I staggered back, as he grabbed my hands and kicked my chest again, twisting at the gun. I fell to the floor, and the gun was left in his hands. Cain flipped it around so it was pointing at me. "Get up," he snarled at me. "Now." I pulled myself back to my feet, coughing a bit as the implant deactivated now that the air was clean. I glared at Cain, keenly aware that if I had gone with Ravindar's plan, it would have worked perfectly. "You should have killed me when my back was turned," he snapped. "You're too keen on talking to me to kill me." "It won't happen again," I replied in a dry voice. He smiled. "Oh I know it won't. I'm just going to kill you." "I though you were working for Ruhk," I commented. "You're suppose to deliver me to hir aren't you? Killing me would piss hir off." "I don't fucking care," he replied. "I am tired of dealing with you, and I'm sick of hir constant fucking demands. So if I can't use you to kill hir, I'm just going to kill you now." He let out a short laugh. "You know, I've killed you once already, before sie even told me to capture you." I nodded, "Yes, Little Fox, my real double. He actually survived that. He was found and brought back to the Keep. They have good healers there." He smirked. "Well, this time I have the right one. I won't simply leave you for dead. I'll make sure of it," and with that he fired the gun. I tried to dodge; I could see where the gun was pointed, I could work out its trajectory, and as his finger squeezed the trigger, I dodged the other way, but I wasn't fast enough. The all to familiar pain ripped though my left arm as it hit me. I twisted around, and lost my footing, falling to the floor. Cain took a step towards me, pointing the gun at me once more. I could see a look of pain on his face, as well as blood. Streaks of it were also running down the side of his hand. He tried to fire again, but this time nothing happened. The cause was not the gun. His hand had locked as he tried to fire. He was just holding it there, looking down at his hands, as blood started to drip from them. More started to run down his face and from his wrists and neck. As the blood fell from his skin it darkened, and became a black color as it landed on the floor. The scar on his face almost ripped open, wider and longer than the scar itself, a gash leading from his mouth all the way back into his hair. His hands released the gun, dropping it to the floor as they shook in the air. His eyes rolled back into his head as he tried to say something, but more blood came out of his mouth. More gashes were opening on his face and neck, like something was chewing at him from the inside out. I picked the gun up, rising to my feet, My arm was in a great deal of pain, but it hadn't lost too much strength. Taking a step back, I raised the gun up to point at Cain. He let out a gasp, and fell to his knees in a puddle of the black blood. More of the gashes opened around his neck. His body started to convulse as he tried to let out a scream, and collapsed on the floor. His body twitched for a few moments, his blood turning black all over his body, still seeping out, but in a slow, thick mess. I stood over him, gun pointed at his head for a few moments, before stepping forward and nudging his head with my foot. His head rolled to the side, and I could see that most of his face was gone. He was dead. * * * "I managed to get one of the cars running with a few minutes of work, though only because Samantha had shown me how the day before. After that, I went back and got her from where she was laying. She was barely alive, and what was left was just slipping away." Fox sighed as he sat down on the bed. "I took a little time to get the doors leading to the outside open. I actually had to shoot the lock off. What surprised me the most was that no one ever came to see what had happened. Neither the shots nor the explosion brought any attention." "That is strange," I said with a frown. "It doesn't make any sense." He shook his head, adjusting the sling around a bit. "None of it does; Cain's death, or that we were left alone. I can only think that either the base was evacuated when Cain ran, or we were in some isolated section of the base and the only way to it was through the passage." "I don't think it matters," I said, sitting down next to my husband. "He's dead, and we still have to take care of the rest of his people. We just can't leave them there." "I've already handled it," he answered, wrapping his good arm around my shoulder. "I had Ravindar go to the Guild with the fold number, and directions to the base. They will deal with it; I'm sure of that." I nodded, remembering some of my training. Cain had crossed the Guild enough that they would retaliate to insure that his people were stopped. To what level, I couldn't hazard a guess. Most of them would not be hurt, but some would, they would have to be. "I also asked him to go back to the car," he continued, his fingers running through the fur on my shoulder. "To picked up my jacket, I left it there, and some blood samples from the back seat." "Why?" "It's Samantha's blood," he answered, "I hope to have a way home for her when she comes out of the re-gen tank. I can use the blood samples to track down her native universe. If we're lucky, it's one of the three Earth's in the Database." "And if you can't find it?" I asked, wrapping my arm around his waist, and pulling him closer to me. He shook his head. "I don't know. I'll find something out. We'll at least have a good idea of what her universe is. We know she's from an Earth. Not mine, her home doesn't jive with the local folds, and not the version that Elena is from, which isn't even considered an Earth. So there are two possible ones left in the database. We'll work from there if we have no luck." I nodded, flicking my tail against the bed sheets. "And what about Cain?" "He is dead," Fox answered, his head dropping a bit. "I wish that was the end of it. Something, or someone, killed him. More than likely it was done to save my life. I do not like that idea at all. I like less the only answer to the question of "who?" The only person I can think of who might be in any position to do that is Ruhk." "That's what I was thinking," I responded, taking his good hand in my own. He shook his head a bit. "It's hard to believe. Last I heard, sie was in a small box, covered in more spells than most magic talismans have, and guarded by a legion. Hir capture happened after she gave Cain my body, and he admitted to feeding hir power with his destruction. There might have been some kind of connection, some kind of hole in hir prison. One that sie must have destroyed to kill him." "Sie probably has other agents out there," I said, feeling a slight chill run over my spine and tail. "And sie will send them after you now that Cain has failed." He nodded. "I know, I'm worried about that too. I've called Elena, but sie is out off-world right now. I've told hir people that I need to talk to hir as soon at it can be arranged. I gave them a good idea what's going on, but they said sie won't be back for at least a week. First thing in the morning I'm going to send a message through formal channels to hir world as well. Not in full detail, but enough to get the Senate looking into it." "So what do we do next?" I asked, hugging him gently. He laughed, returning the hug with his good arm. "I'm going to bed. I'm going hold you close, and sleep with you in my arms, because I love you, and I want to hold you forever." Fox then pulled me closer, and kissed me. Sometime later we curled up around each other in bed, and slept in each others' arms. ----- This story is copyright 2001 by Fox Cutter, hardcopy reprints limited to one per person, all other rights reserved. This story may not be distributed for a fee except by permission of the author, and this copyright notice may not be removed. Ruhk and Elena is copyright 2001 by Chris Bradford, and used with permission. Milgrove is copyright 2001 by J. 'Packrat' McCoy, and is used with permission.