More Questions Then Answers By: Fox Cutter 06/02/97: "Find out anything new?" Oria asked as I stomped up the left set of stairs. She was sitting in the kitchen, drinking a cup of tea and rubbing her shoulder. I plunked down in the chair. "Nada... this is very frustrating. Page can't even find anything about Burke, his DNA matches nothing at all knows. She's not even sure of his species." She raised an eyebrow. "Really. I would think the hair would be distinctive to one species or another, or at least the basic animal." "Yes, normally so, and it's fur. Page says that it looks like a human, lion mix." Oria laughed. "That's not possible! Species don't cross breed like that." I smiled. "Don't be so sure. Magic can do something like that. Especially by some of the more advanced Techno-mages. Even the unbreakable laws physics can be bent from time to time by a little skill with magic." She smirked a bit, and shook her head. "Oh well... she'll get it figured out, she always does." "Ya... I'm starting to wonder if Rachel and I keep giving her to much for her to do. Either that, or if she feels over worked by us." She nodded, rubbing her shoulder more. "You ok?" I asked, watching as she squeezed herself. "That looks like it hurts." "It does. I spent most of the day with Kalie. She had me training on riffles and a few other things. The recoil is hell on my shoulder." I nodded, Kalie had once given me a quick training on armaments. Though not like the one she was giving Oria. I expected that by the time Kalie was done with her, my little lioness would be able to use most any type of projectile weaponry, and use it well. She continued. "I'm thinking of getting the same type of gun Marn has. A Needler. Compact, almost zero recoil, and can hold an array of ammunition." I chuckled. "You may take this the wrong way, but you're sounding like a bit of a professional at this." Oria stopped rubbing her shoulder, then slowly lowered her paw until it was resting with the other on the table top. She stared at them, a frown crossing her face. "Don't worry Oria. You have the review in a couple weeks. You'll fail good enough to end any suspicion, and then you can forget all about it. Forget Marn, forget the guns, and just let it be." She nodded. "I hope so." "Oh dear," a voice said from accost the room, by the slider out to the deck, both Oria and I turned to look at who was addressing us. Burke was standing next to the door. He was dressed in a business suit, all in pure black though. Black pants, shirt, tie, shoes and jacket. Pinned on to each of his lapels was a blue star, with a gold border. He continued, walking towards us. "Hope is such a fragile thing, I do hope it doesn't break." He laughed at his own joke. Then looking at Oriana, he frowned. "My dear lady, this is hardly necessary. Would you please put it away." Looking out of the corner of my eye, I found that Oria was now holding a gun. She held it on the table, resting softly, but pointed at Burke. I didn't even know where it came from and I didn't notice her getting it out. She was trying to be casual, but the look on her face wasn't, nore were her ears, which were laying flat against her head. She looked like she wasn't very happy about pulling the gun in the first place, not to mention doing it so quickly. "I really don't think so. I'd rather keep this pointed at you if you don't mind." Pulling out a chair, he sat down at the table. "Frankly I do mind, but I don't have of a choice. I was warned about you, and frankly, I refused to believe it." She gave him a smile that was all teeth. "Oh, why's that. Didn't think a whore would be armed? Or was it that I had it out before you noticed I moved?" She twitched her ears in obvious distaste as she said the last part. The human smiled at her. "No, that you would be so blatant. I always assumed you would have been a bit more subtle." She frowned a bit, then slowly relaxed, her ears slowly rising a bit. Still though, she keep her paw on the gun. While this had been going on, I had used the time to dig through my pockets and pull out the EMD I had been keeping just for this type of situation. Turning it on, I set it on the table and pointed it at Burke. He noticed this, and smiled at me. "Yes, very cute toy that. It should come in handy in the future." I sighed. "What the hell do you want?" He raised his hands. "Picky picky. I came because you figured out my message from last time. I assume you found the letter I sent to the Brothers?" "Yes, very cute. Why did you do that?" Burke gave me a smile. "Because, if I didn't you would have done some idiot hack into the networks back on your world and would have been found by now. Not to mention starting a very long chain of events that would have ended up making the whole system into one very large cloud of atoms." I sighed. "But it's not going to happen because of you." "Wrong," he said poking his finger in my general direction. "It's not going to happen because of you! Not to mention my boss who told me what I needed to do. She's very knowing in these type of things." That gave me a shock. "She? Last time you said your boss was a he." He shrugged, smiling. "Well... you can't have everything can you. Now I think I had rather go." He started to push his chair back so he could stand. I was faster, shooting my foot out I caught one leg of the chair and pulled it back in, him along with it. "First, who are you?" He chuckled. "You know I can't very well tell you who I really am." "Some how I suspect you can." He smiled, and leaned back in his chair. "All right then. I'll give you a clue. Think math." Then suddenly he was gone. Not even a pop, or a rush in of air to fill the void, he was just gone. "Your right," Oria said, her gun gone as fast as it had shown up. "He is annoying." I nodded picking up the EMD. It had recorded the whole thing every way it could be made to. I closed it and put it back into my coat pocket. "Yes, very. Though what does math have to do with this?" "What does it have to do with anything?" She asked, once again starting at her paws. I smiled. "You wouldn't be here with out it." She nodded glumly. I stood, and walked over behind her, resting my hands on her shoulders. "When was the last time you talked to you sister?" "A month and a half." I rubbed her shoulders a bit. "Well, it's clear to me you need to talk to someone and that's not going to be me. Maybe you should go back to your world for a few days, relax, and pour your heart out to your sister." She nodded a bit, taking one of my hands into her paw. "I think I will." She stood up and turned to look at me. Then with a smile she hugged me close to her. "I still love you Fox." she whispered into my ear. I felt a slight pang inside myself, guilt I suspected. "I know." I whispered back. Kissing me on the side of my face, she broke away. Then giving me a soft smile headed down the stairs and out the door. I shook my head. The end of her training with Marn wouldn't come soon enough. Learning to be an assassin was slowly killing her, I didn't like watching it. It hurt to much. ----- This story is (c) 1997 by Fox Cutter, hardcopy reprints limited to one a person, all other rights reserved. This story may not be distributed for a fee except by permission of the author, and this copyright notice may not be removed.