Once More, Unto the Breach By: Fox Cutter 07/10/97: Chapter 1 I looked down from the deck, and over Fox's small party. There wasn't much of a crowd, but he hadn't invited to many people. Fox was sitting at the end of the dock chatting with Rachel, and Oriana and Kalie where off to the side playing a game of chess, though Oriana didn't seem to be able to keep her interest in it. Ken was at the barbecue cooking up some stakes, at the same time talking to Page who was setting up the rest of the food. I was on run to get some drinks for everyone, but I just couldn't resists standing there, watching the second sun set. It was amazing, as well as beautiful, and even after seeing it for so many times, it still felt as new as the first time. Pulling my wings close to my body, I smiled a bit, and stepped back inside, getting the drinks everyone asked for. I was happy, almost enough to forget what awaited me if I ever returned home, but that was for later. Right now there was a get together to get to. Heading down the steps, holding my tray steady so I wouldn't spill anything, I noticed that there the message light was blinking on the computer. I made a note of it has I went outside, intending to mention it to Fox. I quickly passed around the drinks to everyone else, then headed down the dock to Fox and Rachel. I handed Rachel her drink, and handed Fox his tea. "You got a message waiting." I told him. He glanced at Rachel. "Do you mind?" She shook her head. "No, not at all. It may be something important." He smiled. "Right now very few things are more important then this." Then standing up he headed back down the dock. I was about to follow him when Rachel spoke up. "Why don't you sit down, I haven't gotten a chance to talk to you at all." I shrugged with my wings, then sat down in the folding chair that was set up on the dock. "I'm Sora by the way." She nodded. "Thank you, I wasn't to sure. Is any more introduction in order then that?" I shook my head. "No, Fox as told me a lot about you, especially after I came here." She nodded again. "He did mention he had gotten a new friend on his trip, I never did press it. So, what do you think of Prid?" I laughed. "You know something, no one has asked me that yet! I actually like it here, the two suns are nice, and all the different species here. I though we were diverse back home!" She smiled. "It is something isn't it. It's not that easy to keep peace as much as I would like." "So I've been told." She motioned with her drink. "So, do you have any family?" I shook my head. "My parents both died nearly two years ago, and my sister has been dead for nearly twenty-two." She frowned. "I'm sorry to here that." I frowned. "Don't be. It's lucky for them right now. My clan is not in the best position currently. That's partly why I'm here." She nodded a bit. "I won't press it then." I was going to reply, when I heard Page ask, "Fox, are you all right?" Both Rachel and I turned in unison. Fox was standing just outside the doorway, his face very pail, almost white. He looked over us for a second then slowly spoke. "Ken, Kalie." The dragon and otter gave him a curious look. "It's started." Both of them looked at each other, then Ken asked. "Are you sure?" Fox nodded. "Yes, totally." Kalie started walking towards Fox, as she did so I watched him pull out a the portal controller from his pocked. He held it up and a bit to the side. Kalie grabbed it as she walked past, not missing a beat. Oriana walked over to Fox. "What's started? What's going on?" He glanced at Ken. "Something all three of us have feared for over three and a half years." Ken slowly nodded. "We had hopped that it would never happen, and all of us where suspecting that it wouldn't as it's been so long." Next to me, Rachel stood and started down the dock. "Explain you two. What's going on that's gotten you so shaken up?" Ken and Fox shared a glance, then said, in perfect unison. "The Krege is invading." "Which is?" Fox cleared his throat. "Krege is a kingdom, and a man. He's started his invasion against a small part of his world that wrestled there life and lands back from him." "In fact," Ken said, "It was where he started his empire from before. We helped to force him out, and put someone new on his throne. It didn't lessen his control on the rest of the lands he has taken, but it did free his once capital." Fox frowned. "It wasn't exactly a legal thing to do. Krege wasn't much of a tyrant, or evil exactly. He just neglected his own people spending most of his time expanding his empire. We didn't understand that until we were up to are necks in it." Ken continued, "none of us are proud of what we did there, and we all feel if we had know the truth at the time, we would have never helped." Fox nodded. "I suppose it's some kind of luck, that in the final battle, the real tyrant that we were fighting for was killed." Ken smiled some. "Actually, for a bit there Fox here was King." Fox chuckled. "Oh gods yes, though I wasn't to fond of it. I actually told Draz that he was in charge as he left, the look on his face was amazing. I guess I've been away long enough that I've forfeited my claim, and made him King." "And now the real King is returning." I said as I walked down the dock. Both of there faces fell. "Yes," Fox said, and we are going to go defend it. At least this time we'll know what we're fighting for." About half a minute past in silence. Both Ken and Fox spent the time staring at the ground while Oriana, Rachel and I spent it staring at them. Finally it was broken as Kalie walked back out of the house, a bundle slung over her shoulder. Throwing it onto the ground she pasted the controller back to Fox. He took it, then bent down and opened the bundle. Inside laid three strange looking types of rifles, as well as half a dozen swords, each in a simple leather scabbard. Fox looked up at her. "A little extra on the blades don't you think?" She shook her head, picking up a shorter length sword, and wrapping it around her middle. "I was expect some aid actually. I assume you told them the story." Fox nodded. "Most of it." He said, picking up a sword of his own belting it on his waist. He then stood up, and looked over the rest of us. "Ken, Kalie and I are honor bound to do this, the rest are not. I do not ask any of you to follow us on this, but I'll take volunteers." Oriana walked over to him, her tail twitching slightly. "You think I'm letting you out of my sight again? I'm coming with you whether you like it or not!" Then picked up one of the shorter swords and put it on. Page put up her paws. "Hate to say this, but my Grandfather told me never to get involved in anything midevil. Anyway, what use would you have for a computer geek when your short the computers?" Fox nodded a bit. Rachel shook her head. "You know my answer." Fox nodded again. "Yes, the Council wouldn't be to happy if there head goes gallivanting accost the universe." Finally all eyes turned to me. I shrugged. "After hearing so much about your adventures, I might as well take part in one." Then walking over I picked up one of the swords, and put it on. Fox smiled at me. "I'll have to give you a crash course in how to use that." He said. Ken nodded, and picked up the largest sword in the pile, which made sense as he was over seven feet tall. "I suggest you all get anything else you're going to need. I'll kill the barbecue out here." Fox nodded back, and headed inside. Both Oriana and I followed. Oriana herself headed upstairs to her room, and Fox went strait to the computer. I followed Oriana upstairs, and into Fox's, mostly now my, bedroom. Stripping down just to my panties and bra, I changed into something a bit more practical then a skirt and blouse, namely some jeans, one of Fox's t-shirt (back modified for my wings) and lastly my cloak. Putting the sword back on, I adjusted it a bit so the hit was right under my right paw, and made sure it was covered under my cloak. Then I headed back down to the main room. Oriana was already there, now wearing that trench coat she so loves, with that little patch over her left breast. Fox nodded as I came down, finishing up what he was doing with the computer. He picked up two small circles of something, and handed one to Oriana and one to me as I finished down the stairs. "This is the language download." He explained. Then walked over to the couch picking up his army jacket, and pulled it on. I looked at the disk for a second, then suddenly remembered what to do. Pressing it against the back of my head, I did my best to tell the translator there to download it. I must have gotten it right, as a low buzzing filled my ears for a few seconds. When I stopped, I pulled away the disk and dropped it on the table. Fox glanced at Kalie and Ken as they walked in, Page and Rachel following them. "You two ready?" He asked. They both nodded. "All right then." He said, catching one of the strange looking rifles as Kalie threw it to him. The other two each had one slung over there backs already. Fox followed suit by swinging his over his shoulder. He looked at Rachel. "I'm sorry about this." He said. She nodded. "I understand, just come back alive ok?" He nodded, then clapping his hands together, he said, "lets get this show on the road." Then turning, headed out the already open front door. I was about to follow, when someone grabbed my on the shoulder. Looking back, I saw Page looking at me, a concerned look on her muzzle. "Do me a favor please," She said, "stick with him as much as you can. He'll need you before this is over." I tilted my head. "How do you know?" She frowned. "I don't have time to explain, but when you get back I'll let you know everything, ok?" I nodded. "All right but--" "No time," she cut me off, "get going." Nodding again, I went through the front door, as well as the t-port curtain. The others were already a bit down the hallway, and ran a bit to catch up. I didn't have far to go as Fox quickly stop in front of what I assume was a fold. Looking back at me and Oriana he said, "You should note, the native species of this world is wolf. So be careful." Then he turned, and looked hard at the air in front of us. It quickly rippled, and opened into a portal. Slowly we all step through Fox going first, and I was in the rear. Stepping through the fold, I found myself on top of a stone walkway of some kind, and with company. Surrounding the five of us was ten guards, five on each side. Most of them had swords drawn and held ready, though two were pointing the the same type of rifle Fox had at us. Kalie shook her head. "Nice welcome." She muttered. ----- This story is (c) 1997 by Fox Cutter, hardcopy reprints limited to one a person, all other rights reserved. This story may not be distributed for a fee except by permission of the author, and this copyright notice may not be removed.