Once More, Unto the Breach By: Fox Cutter Chapter 9 It was not a pleasant fall. The pit smelled worse on the inside then standing above it. The sides were slimy with what I didn't want to know about, and it had a few strait down falls that jarred the top of my spine into the base of my skull. Eventually though I finally landed on solid ground, after dropping about five feet down from the end of the pit.. It was dusty, dirty and smelled slightly musty. I was just glad that the camp's refuses had petered out after the first drop, I really didn't want to land in the stuff. Rolling over onto my back I rubbed my shoulder where It had meet the wall with some force on my way down, and was already starting to throb. Winching as I touched it I also was informed that the back of my head was also in pain. Reaching back with my other hand I lightly touched my head, I was rewarded with an even strong shot of pain and a light sticky feeling on my fingers. Pressing a bit lighter I felt the stickiness in my hair. I gave it a quick taste, it was blood. I swore softly, just what I needed now, I concussion or a cracked skull. Neither one a good thing to happen. With a groan I stood up, quickly getting a rush of vertigo. Leaning up against the wall I held the back of my head. I was going to need to see a doctor some time soon. As the vertigo past I dug into my pockets. I had a small first-aid kit in my jacket, but that would have to come later. I pulled out a small band out of one of my upper pockets, and pressed the only none smooth place on it. There was a soft buzz from the band as it light up. I smiled a bit, pulling it over my fingers and tightening the strap around the palm of my hand. The light-band was a cute little toy I had keep around for years, it wasn't as breakable as a flashlight and looked like a inch thick wrist band, just far more useful. Going back into my jacket I found the first-aid kit. Swallowing a set of pain killers I pulled out a small towelett of anti-biotic. I rubbed it against the wound on the back of my head. It stung badly, which made me stomp a bit from the pain, but it faded fast. Stuffing the rest of the kit into my pocket I finally looked around the cave I had landed in. It was large, water-worn cave, it was bone dry, with no stalactites or 'mites. The floor was covered in a thick layer or some kind fo dust. Not actually dust, it wasn't that fine, but there was still a good layer of it. There were two exits, other then they way I had come in. One exit though had a set of footprints leading though it! I looked close at the prints, they where fresh, the floor was clear under them, with the dust piled up to the side. They where not feet though, or sandals, but looked like a pair of shoes. Shoes with a tread... which don't exist in this world. It _had_ to be Sora!! She was still alive! I felt a surge of relive, where I didn't even know I felt guilt. She was still alive down here, which was a boon to me, we had a better chance of getting out alive, and if I kind find her, and get lucky enough to find a ripple, I can get both of us out of here. Holding my hand up, casting the light in front of me. I yelled Sora's name, hearing my voice echo though out the caverns, vanishing and coming back to me a few seconds later. No response came, though caves can swallow sound in some corners, and my voice my not have reached where ever she was, or she could have been asleep or something of the like. With a smile I started after her, keeping my pace up a bit more then she had walked. She had been down her for who knew how long, at most though it was half a day, which was the length of time sense she had been kidnapped. I only got about ten feet into the new tunnel before the light-band snapped out. I swore again, taking a step back. The light-band flickered back on. Reaching my hand forward again the light shut down once more. I pulled my hand back. "Fuck," I whispered. This was very very high on the bad thing scale. This had to be magic, things like this didn't happen by any know type of technology. But why make a spell to stop this type of electricity... or was it just for light. Digging out my portal controller I turned it on. Holding it out I moved it past the point where the light had shut off. It shut off as well. I put it away and sighed. This was a spell to stop all none-biological electrical energy. It wasn't a very easy spell to do, a bit of in any direction and things short out, or you kill anyone walking though the field. Either way someone went to a lot of trouble to set up this spell, in the middle of a cave. The type of electricity it was stopping hadn't been discovered on this world yet! I could only think of one reason why anyone would have this spell here and now. Someone was expecting me. Switching the light-band to my left hand and pulled out my gun, holding it in my right, pulling the hammer back but keeping the safety on. Holding it prone I headed into the darkness. * * * "DRAGONFIRE!" A voice yelled from the outside of the castle. I lifted my head from the stack of papers I had been buried in. Looking out the turret's window I saw a trio of dragons flowing low over the castle, burning the ground under them. They where past the castle though, why were they attacking? Walking over to the window I cast a small spell to improve my vision I looked out at the damage. The dragons had each cut a swath of destruction though thick crop land. A second trio of dragons flew over the castle, burning more farm land and pre-cooking a couple cows. Finally I shook off the quick shock I was feeling. Sweeping of the spell on my eyes, I grabbed a handful of papers I had been stacking and dashed out of the room I was in and exploded down the stairs into the castle. Jumping over the last few stairs I burst past some startled servants and though the corridor. I keep running until I burst though the one of the side doors and into the dinning hall. Draz and Kalie were already there, looking over a set of maps. As I made my entrance they both looked up. "Ken," Kalie said with a bit of a frown, "You saw happened?" I nodded, twisting a chair sideways and sitting down in it. "How could I not?" Draz nodded as one of the servants whispered into his ear. He frowned. "The dragons have banked back to there camp. A next flight could be on there way already." "I hope not," I whispered, dropping the papers onto the table, spreading them out a bit. "You found something?" Kalie asked, leaning forward towards me. "I... I'm not sure." I said pulling around some of the papers. "I think I found something that looks like some kind of dragon repellent spell, I'm not sure though, I can barely just read the written language." Kalie winches. "The translators, I forgot about that." She turned to Draz. "You can read, yes?" He coughed a bit. "I'm not royal by birth... I've learned a few things, but not enough to understand something like this." Kalie frowned. "Then get someone here who can read, right now we need to protect this castle!" Draz shook his head. "It's not the castle there attacking right now, it's the farms and crops in this valley. If they destroy all of them we're not going to survive this coming winter." I pulled out a paper from the stack. "From what I can read, I think I can get this spell expand to cover the whole valley, but I'm going to need someone who _can_ read." Draz snapped his fingers and one of the servants came running to his side. He spoke to him for a second then the servant ran off. Another servant ran up to Draz as the first left. He whispered something into his hear then back away. He stood instantly upright. "Thrysten is heading back this way." "I think it's safe to assume that Fox's meting with Krege didn't go well," Kalie quipped as she stood. "Brilliant observation," I said, standing on my own. All three of us ran out of the hall, up the same stairs we had first come down, and onto the battlements of the castle. Draz ran to the east side of the castle, facing Krege's army. The dragons were no longer in the sky, but something else was. Putting the same improvement of vision on my eyes I traced the sky. Thrysten was coming, flying in her none-morphic form (a rather amazing feet, I really want to get my claws on that stone of hers). I also saw that she had Oriana perched on her back. She was struggling to stay in the air, betting the air instead of trying to glide. There was no beauty in her form, just force. I snapped my vision back. "She has Oriana on her back and is going to be landing hard." Draz paled a bit. "Spread back a bit, she's never been good at tight landings." Kalie looked puzzled. "How can she fly?" She demanded. I moved back a bit. "Stand back and watch." Thrysten was now viable as more then a strangely shaped bird. He form was growing quickly as she tried to slow down. Stepping forward I moved to just to the side of where she would skim past the battlements. I opened my arms and yelled. "Jump!" Oriana must of heard as when they flew past she leaped from Thrysten's back and against me. She missed my arms but smashed into my chest, forcing me onto my back. I rolled, taking Oriana's momentum from her leap. I flipped about three times before finally hitting neck first into the stone wall. Suddenly Kalie was by my side. "What the hell was that about?" She asked, prying my arms from around Oriana, rolling her onto the battlements. "Basic physics," I muttered, blackness creeping around my vision. "If she had been on Thrysten's back when they crashed she would have flow off and break her neck, not to mention Thrysten's." She nodded, patting my head. "Smart idea then." I chuckled a bit. "Thanks," I whispered as the blackness took over my vision and I passed out. ----- This story is (c) 1997 by Fox Cutter, hardcopy reprints limited to one a person, all other rights reserved. This story may not be distributed for a fee except by permission of the author, and this copyright notice may not be removed.