Once More, Unto the Breach By: Fox Cutter 07/10/97: Chapter 1 I looked down from the deck, and over Fox's small party. There wasn't much of a crowd, but he hadn't invited to many people. Fox was sitting at the end of the dock chatting with Rachel, and Oriana and Kalie where off to the side playing a game of chess, though Oriana didn't seem to be able to keep her interest in it. Ken was at the barbecue cooking up some stakes, at the same time talking to Page who was setting up the rest of the food. I was on run to get some drinks for everyone, but I just couldn't resists standing there, watching the second sun set. It was amazing, as well as beautiful, and even after seeing it for so many times, it still felt as new as the first time. Pulling my wings close to my body, I smiled a bit, and stepped back inside, getting the drinks everyone asked for. I was happy, almost enough to forget what awaited me if I ever returned home, but that was for later. Right now there was a get together to get to. Heading down the steps, holding my tray steady so I wouldn't spill anything, I noticed that there the message light was blinking on the computer. I made a note of it has I went outside, intending to mention it to Fox. I quickly passed around the drinks to everyone else, then headed down the dock to Fox and Rachel. I handed Rachel her drink, and handed Fox his tea. "You got a message waiting." I told him. He glanced at Rachel. "Do you mind?" She shook her head. "No, not at all. It may be something important." He smiled. "Right now very few things are more important then this." Then standing up he headed back down the dock. I was about to follow him when Rachel spoke up. "Why don't you sit down, I haven't gotten a chance to talk to you at all." I shrugged with my wings, then sat down in the folding chair that was set up on the dock. "I'm Sora by the way." She nodded. "Thank you, I wasn't to sure. Is any more introduction in order then that?" I shook my head. "No, Fox as told me a lot about you, especially after I came here." She nodded again. "He did mention he had gotten a new friend on his trip, I never did press it. So, what do you think of Prid?" I laughed. "You know something, no one has asked me that yet! I actually like it here, the two suns are nice, and all the different species here. I though we were diverse back home!" She smiled. "It is something isn't it. It's not that easy to keep peace as much as I would like." "So I've been told." She motioned with her drink. "So, do you have any family?" I shook my head. "My parents both died nearly two years ago, and my sister has been dead for nearly twenty-two." She frowned. "I'm sorry to here that." I frowned. "Don't be. It's lucky for them right now. My clan is not in the best position currently. That's partly why I'm here." She nodded a bit. "I won't press it then." I was going to reply, when I heard Page ask, "Fox, are you all right?" Both Rachel and I turned in unison. Fox was standing just outside the doorway, his face very pail, almost white. He looked over us for a second then slowly spoke. "Ken, Kalie." The dragon and otter gave him a curious look. "It's started." Both of them looked at each other, then Ken asked. "Are you sure?" Fox nodded. "Yes, totally." Kalie started walking towards Fox, as she did so I watched him pull out a the portal controller from his pocked. He held it up and a bit to the side. Kalie grabbed it as she walked past, not missing a beat. Oriana walked over to Fox. "What's started? What's going on?" He glanced at Ken. "Something all three of us have feared for over three and a half years." Ken slowly nodded. "We had hopped that it would never happen, and all of us where suspecting that it wouldn't as it's been so long." Next to me, Rachel stood and started down the dock. "Explain you two. What's going on that's gotten you so shaken up?" Ken and Fox shared a glance, then said, in perfect unison. "The Krege is invading." "Which is?" Fox cleared his throat. "Krege is a kingdom, and a man. He's started his invasion against a small part of his world that wrestled there life and lands back from him." "In fact," Ken said, "It was where he started his empire from before. We helped to force him out, and put someone new on his throne. It didn't lessen his control on the rest of the lands he has taken, but it did free his once capital." Fox frowned. "It wasn't exactly a legal thing to do. Krege wasn't much of a tyrant, or evil exactly. He just neglected his own people spending most of his time expanding his empire. We didn't understand that until we were up to are necks in it." Ken continued, "none of us are proud of what we did there, and we all feel if we had know the truth at the time, we would have never helped." Fox nodded. "I suppose it's some kind of luck, that in the final battle, the real tyrant that we were fighting for was killed." Ken smiled some. "Actually, for a bit there Fox here was King." Fox chuckled. "Oh gods yes, though I wasn't to fond of it. I actually told Draz that he was in charge as he left, the look on his face was amazing. I guess I've been away long enough that I've forfeited my claim, and made him King." "And now the real King is returning." I said as I walked down the dock. Both of there faces fell. "Yes," Fox said, and we are going to go defend it. At least this time we'll know what we're fighting for." About half a minute past in silence. Both Ken and Fox spent the time staring at the ground while Oriana, Rachel and I spent it staring at them. Finally it was broken as Kalie walked back out of the house, a bundle slung over her shoulder. Throwing it onto the ground she pasted the controller back to Fox. He took it, then bent down and opened the bundle. Inside laid three strange looking types of rifles, as well as half a dozen swords, each in a simple leather scabbard. Fox looked up at her. "A little extra on the blades don't you think?" She shook her head, picking up a shorter length sword, and wrapping it around her middle. "I was expect some aid actually. I assume you told them the story." Fox nodded. "Most of it." He said, picking up a sword of his own belting it on his waist. He then stood up, and looked over the rest of us. "Ken, Kalie and I are honor bound to do this, the rest are not. I do not ask any of you to follow us on this, but I'll take volunteers." Oriana walked over to him, her tail twitching slightly. "You think I'm letting you out of my sight again? I'm coming with you whether you like it or not!" Then picked up one of the shorter swords and put it on. Page put up her paws. "Hate to say this, but my Grandfather told me never to get involved in anything midevil. Anyway, what use would you have for a computer geek when your short the computers?" Fox nodded a bit. Rachel shook her head. "You know my answer." Fox nodded again. "Yes, the Council wouldn't be to happy if there head goes gallivanting accost the universe." Finally all eyes turned to me. I shrugged. "After hearing so much about your adventures, I might as well take part in one." Then walking over I picked up one of the swords, and put it on. Fox smiled at me. "I'll have to give you a crash course in how to use that." He said. Ken nodded, and picked up the largest sword in the pile, which made sense as he was over seven feet tall. "I suggest you all get anything else you're going to need. I'll kill the barbecue out here." Fox nodded back, and headed inside. Both Oriana and I followed. Oriana herself headed upstairs to her room, and Fox went strait to the computer. I followed Oriana upstairs, and into Fox's, mostly now my, bedroom. Stripping down just to my panties and bra, I changed into something a bit more practical then a skirt and blouse, namely some jeans, one of Fox's t-shirt (back modified for my wings) and lastly my cloak. Putting the sword back on, I adjusted it a bit so the hit was right under my right paw, and made sure it was covered under my cloak. Then I headed back down to the main room. Oriana was already there, now wearing that trench coat she so loves, with that little patch over her left breast. Fox nodded as I came down, finishing up what he was doing with the computer. He picked up two small circles of something, and handed one to Oriana and one to me as I finished down the stairs. "This is the language download." He explained. Then walked over to the couch picking up his army jacket, and pulled it on. I looked at the disk for a second, then suddenly remembered what to do. Pressing it against the back of my head, I did my best to tell the translator there to download it. I must have gotten it right, as a low buzzing filled my ears for a few seconds. When I stopped, I pulled away the disk and dropped it on the table. Fox glanced at Kalie and Ken as they walked in, Page and Rachel following them. "You two ready?" He asked. They both nodded. "All right then." He said, catching one of the strange looking rifles as Kalie threw it to him. The other two each had one slung over there backs already. Fox followed suit by swinging his over his shoulder. He looked at Rachel. "I'm sorry about this." He said. She nodded. "I understand, just come back alive ok?" He nodded, then clapping his hands together, he said, "lets get this show on the road." Then turning, headed out the already open front door. I was about to follow, when someone grabbed my on the shoulder. Looking back, I saw Page looking at me, a concerned look on her muzzle. "Do me a favor please," She said, "stick with him as much as you can. He'll need you before this is over." I tilted my head. "How do you know?" She frowned. "I don't have time to explain, but when you get back I'll let you know everything, ok?" I nodded. "All right but--" "No time," she cut me off, "get going." Nodding again, I went through the front door, as well as the t-port curtain. The others were already a bit down the hallway, and ran a bit to catch up. I didn't have far to go as Fox quickly stop in front of what I assume was a fold. Looking back at me and Oriana he said, "You should note, the native species of this world is wolf. So be careful." Then he turned, and looked hard at the air in front of us. It quickly rippled, and opened into a portal. Slowly we all step through Fox going first, and I was in the rear. Stepping through the fold, I found myself on top of a stone walkway of some kind, and with company. Surrounding the five of us was ten guards, five on each side. Most of them had swords drawn and held ready, though two were pointing the the same type of rifle Fox had at us. Kalie shook her head. "Nice welcome." She muttered. Chapter 2 It wasn't the welcome I was expecting to get if I ever had to come back to this world. I had no intentions of ever returning without the invitation we had received, but I had at least hoped not to have weaponry pointed at as as soon as we arrived. "Begone fowl demons!" One of the guards yelled, jabbing his sword a bit in our general direction. I saw Sora grin a bit next to me, apparently finding some amusement in that statement. "I resent that." Fox said. "I am _not_ fowl!" The guard who had spoke was taken aback by this, it not being then answer he had expected. He finally seemed to recover a bit. "You admit to being a demon then?" He asked softly. He smiled. "Now I wouldn't go as far as saying that." Now the guard really was confused, the others edging forward a bit. "I would," A familiar voice said from behind us. Turning my head around, I watched as Draz passed down the battlements towards us. The guards behind us separated as there King walked through there mists. He stopped in front of Fox, sizing him up a bit. "You've changed." He said, his voice soft in the chilled air of what looked like evening. "You haven't changed yourself." "I suppose... I am glad you came back. Things have gotten out of paw, badly." He then turned towards me, his cloak billowing a bit in the wind. "Ken, thank you for being here as well." I nodded. "We happened to be together when you broke Fox's 'Coin' so we came as fast as we could." He smiled, then looked towards over at Kalie. "I fear we will need your mind for what is to come." Kalie frowned a bit. "If it comes to that, yes." Draz then looked behind us. "I see there are two more in your misted." Fox nodded, and stepped aside. "This is Oriana and Sora." He said, pointed to each in turn. Sora bowed her head, fanning her wings out from under he cloak slightly. "It is a pleaser to meet you your lord." He smiled. "I wish it could be during better times. All of you welcome, and thank you for coming to our aid. The light is starting to fade though, so I would like you to come in, I can inform you of what has been happening." Fox gave him a sharp glance. "No formalities please, what has happened?" Draz frowned a bit, then waved his paws at the guards who were still surrounding us. All ten of them snapped to attention, and seemed to vanish back into the castle in just a few seconds time. He then sighed. "Look that way." He said, pointing behind us. Fox turned, pushing past us and walked down the castle, until he was at the wall that looking in the identical direction. Fox let out a low whistle. "Guess who's coming to dinner. Guys come here and take a look at this." We walked over to where Fox was and looked out over the battlements. In the distance, maybe twenty miles away, was a low hill one side cut by a large canyon, the crest was dark, a brown and black ripple. First I though I was looking at the ends of a fire, then it finally came into focus. It was a line of troops, close to a mile long. They where all camped out for the night, with small camp fires dotting the hill. They where only a day away by a still march, and then, after a day of rest, they would attack. The castle would only stand for a clawfull of hours. * * * "I knew Krege would eventually want this place back, but I didn't expect him to bring in half his army to do it." I said, walking down the steps behind Draz. The wolf shook his head. "Which is what I don't understand. Up until five months ago we had full negotiations with him. Nether of us wanted a war, not over this valley. It came as a shock when are last messenger returned with a message amounting to give it back or else." I frowned. "Before that everything was going well?" He nodded, turning around a corning and walking though a small door into the dinning hall. He walked over to the head of the table and sat down in the larger of the pair of chairs that dominated over the table. He then motioned for the rest of us to sit with him. I sat next to him, the others following down the table. Finally he answered my question. "Yes, it was. He understood why we did what we did and was willing to allow it to say out of his kingdom, to just left us to live on are own." I steepled my fingers. "From what I have been told about Krege, this doesn't sound like something he would do. If he was willing, he would stay willing. Something must have changed..." "Clearly Fox... but what? No messenger I have sent after has returned." I nodded, leaning back a bit as one of the castle's servants placed a plate of food in front of me. The same type of plate was put in front of the rest of us, with the exception of Ken who got a larger plate of very lightly cook meat. Oriana, who was sitting accost from me, frowned. "So what exactly are we suppose to do? We are slightly out numbered by a few thousand to one. We just can't charge at them, it would make a massacre look like small picnic." Kalie, who was sitting next to her, nodded. "I suggest you send a message out to them at dawn. Find out exactly what Krege want's, we maybe able to save this situation before there is any blood." Draz nodded. "Yes, though I sent out the messenger just before you arrived. He should return in the morning with any news." "How about recon?" I asked, causing Draz to give me a perplexed look. I tried to explain, "what exactly are we going to be facing if we do have to go head to head?" Draz nodded. "The recon is in progress," he said with a small frown, taking a sip of his wine. Sora shifted a bit in her seat next to mine. "What about the Captain of the Guard? Should he be here as well?" He coughed. "She is doing the recon," he said with a deeper frown. I nearly gagged on the wine the I had been sipping. I forced it down in a painful gulp. "Thrysten is out there?" I gasped out. The wolf nodded slightly, his ears twisting a bit. "She is safer then you might expect. She is doing an aerial scout as she calls it." I pushed my plate away. "She doesn't have the wingspan or the power to fly more then twenty feet of the ground. This is not her world, she can't safely fly here!" Oriana and Sora were now starting at me, Sora looking more interested then anyone else. Ken and Kalie where just nodded to themselves. They agreed with me. Draz took another sip of his wine. "She has a toy the castle wizard made for her, she will be safe enough." I grumbled to myself, pulling my plate back and eating slowly. "Speaking of your wizard, I would like to speak with him. We maybe able to create some kind of defense for the castle if we come to blows." "That will be a problem." A very familiar voice announced from the main doors of the dinning hall. We all twisted around to look down the length of the table. Walking through the doors was the subject of the last bit of conversation. It was Thrysten, she was a gryponess morph standing about six feet tall. She was dressed in the clothing of this world. A pair of lose cloth pants, in dusky brown colour, and a green silk blouse which she was lacing up along her chest. She gave it a final pull with her thin talons. Steeping around us she sat down next to Draz, spreading her feathered wings around her, her tail sliding easily though the back of the chair. I felt myself start to smile, this gryphoness was a great friend, even if she had only been with me, Kalie, Ken for only a couple of weeks before she decide to stay on this world with Draz. I had missed her a great deal in the four years sense I last saw her. "What would that problem be?" Ken asked, leaning forward a bit over his empty plate. She reaching inside of her blouse and pulled out a small sea-blue gem on a string that she let fall to her breast. "The problem is that are castle wizerd was killing in his bed four months ago. We have not found a replacement yet." Ken frowned. "Then I will do what I can do alone." Oriana sat forward a bit. "As there been any other assassinations sense you last talked to Krege?" She shook her head. "None that I have been aware of." "Strange deaths in general?" "Only the old Captain of the Guard. He was thrown from his horse about a year ago." She then turned to me. "Fox, who is this person and why is she so interested in this?" "My name is Oriana Shripon, and have some experiences in this field." She said, glaring at Thrysten. I shook my head, not liking where this conversation was leading to. Fortunately I didn't have to find out. The large doors of the dinning hall opened and in rushed a guard dressed in riding leathers. He was clutching a scroll in his paw and panting hard. It was the messenger Draz had sent only an hour before. Chapter 3 Draz shot out of his chair as the messenger approached him. "Why have you returned so soon?" The messenger stopped a few feet from him. "I encountered a messenger from Krege, he gave me this and said to bring it to you." He healed the scroll in front of him, as if it could shield him from his Kings anger. Draz took the scroll. "You may leave." The messenger relaxed slightly then scurried out of the room. "A final ultimatum?" Fox asked as Draz broke the seal the scroll. Draz quickly read over it, his eyes bouncing over the parchment. He then gave a short nod. "Yes, it orders me to send a Royal Envoy tomorrow at dawn to discuss terms of our surrender. It also says that if I do not, he will starts his march to battle." Fox frowned, "so what should we do?" Thrysten clicked her beak lightly. "I would suggest exactly what they ask." I shot a stare at her. "Right, good idea, and who ever goes is also a convenient hostage. Sounds like an idiot plan to me." She twisted her wings a bit. "No, it is not. I've seen exactly what kind of enhancements he has. We won't stand a day when he finally does decide to attack. A reprieve of a few hours will greatly aid us in planning some kind of defense. Maybe even avoid the battle intently with out losing the castle." "But who ever you send probably won't get back alive, and if it's a Royal Envoy that will be the King losing his life. Not to mention--" Fox cut me off by clearing his throat, I looked over at him. He frowned at me, and said, almost to calmly, "Oriana, do shut up." I felt like a slap accost my muzzle. He had never told me to shut up before, he always said he disliked using the phrase. Felt it was to crude. The fact the he had said it meant that I had gotten him mad at me. It hurt. Looking down at my paws, I started to stand up, only to feel Kalie's paw on my shoulder. "Stay here for now." She whispered, pushing me back down. I sat back down and took a drink of my wine glass, which had been refilled outside of my notice. Fox shook his head a bit, then looked at Thrysten. "What are his enhancements? What should we expect to be hit with?" She frowned, her flexible beak twisting a bit. "To many, you can see how much man power he has just by looking in that direction. It's over the hill that is what we need to worry about. He has a dozen battalions of dragons poised and ready to attack, half of them big enough to drop boulders on top of us, while the other have is burning us." Draz looked surprised. "He would destroy the castle to get this land back. That is not something he would normally do. If he is willing, it maybe much harder to try and end this peacefully then we had though." Thrysten smiled at him, and took his paw. "I expect that I can do a good job of it." Draz shook his head. "No, I can not allow you to go into this." "We've had this discussion before. I am not like the other women in this world--" He cut her argument short. "No, of course not, but you are my Queen," I jumped at this announcement, I suppose it was obvious, but I didn't see it. Neither did anyone else from the way they all jumped as well. Draz continued. "The Queen can not be the Envoy, and neither can the King. Someone has to be selected to carry the Royal seal with them to be the Envoy." She sighed a bit. "Who then?" There was a pause, that grew longer. Slowly everyone's eyes, even mine, turned to Fox. He must have been thinking the same thing because he started to shake his head. "I don't think that would be a good idea." He said, raising his hands in his defense. "Ken or Kalie would be better, of even one of your guards, not me." "I can't go," Ken said, "I need to be here, to go though there old wizard's lab. To try and find something that may help us now. Kalie needs to stay here and plan for the defenses of the castle. You though are perfectly suited for this type of negotiations." "I'll go with him," I said, "seeing the two of us together may shock him enough to try and settle things a bit closer to how we want." Draz nodded. "Agreed," he then turned to look at Thrysten. "Would you keep an eye on them from above and report back the if anything untold happens to them?" She reached up and clenched her Gem in her talons, and though for a moment. "Yes, I believe that should not be a problem." "Actually it should," Fox said, "Your not unnoticeable in thr air." He stopped, and shook his head. "What am I doing, I haven't even agreed to this yet. We all looked at him again. He let out a pained groan and ran his hands over his head. "I guess I have then." The King smiled. "Very well then, the servants will escort you to your rooms. It is night now and we need to rest, things will be getting hectic in the morning." Fox sighed a bit, but pushed away from the table, we all followed him. One of the castle servers appeared out of nowhere and took my arm, starting to lead me to one of the side doors in the Hall. "Wait," Thrysten said, suddenly beside me. "I wish it speak to her for a second." The servant nodded, and was instantly gone again. "You said your name was Oriana?" She asked. I nodded, suddenly getting nervous as my eyes darted around the dinning hall, which was empty of all but a servant by the door, me and the gryphoness. "Well then Oriana," She said, hooking one of her talons on the collar of my shirt. "I am the Captain of the Guard for a reason, and it's not because I'm the Queen. I had to fight long and hard to achieve this position. So if I have a plan, by all means make suggestions on how to improve it, but do not say it's a fool's idea. Do I make myself clear?" She said pulling me closer to her. I felt a growl starting at the bottom of my throat, I healed it back though the best that I could. This was not the best of times to be getting her mad at me, that could wait till later. "Yes." I finally said with distaste. She let go of my shirt. "Good." She said, smiling a bit, then turned around and walked out of the room, her lion's tail bobbing as she went. I felt myself deflate, shaking my head a bit. Instantly the servant was back at my arm, leading my out of the hall. I let him, suddenly finding myself very tired. He led up a flight of stone steps, down a couple of touch lit halls, and into a small room. He left me there, closing the thick wooden door as he left. I sat down on the bed with a thump, and rubbed my wrist arm, which was starting to hurt. I was about to strip as much as I dared (the bedding looking rather bug infested) and go to sleep when there was a knock on my door. I sighed, walking over to the door and pulling the massive thing open. Fox was standing outside, his jacket off and looking disappointed. As he saw me, he strained up a bit. "What the hell was that?" I turned away. "Why did you try and make Thrysten look like a fool? You have never done anything like that before. This is not like you. So what exactly was that?" I though about it for a few seconds. "I don't know." It may have been a flat answer, but it was the truth. "Think about it then," He snapped, "because this is not a time to be at each others throats. Wait until this is all over then jab as much as you want, then I won't care as much as I do now." I started to blush, I was actually embarrassed that Fox had to tell me this. I hopped he couldn't see it in the flickering light from the torches on the wall. "If this is over, I don't exactly think it's safe to sleep in there tonight." I said, motioned back into my room. He smiled a bit. "Don't worry Oria, we are not going to be attacked during then night." He answered, not understanding that I meant the bedding in the room. I didn't have to time explain myself because, almost as if cued by his statement a shadow separated it self from the rest of the wall. It formed it self into one of the local people dressed all in black. He sweep his arms down in a flash, and was suddenly tightly holding something thin and black against Fox's throat, choking him. Chapter 4 People trying to kill me is something that seams to happen a bit to often for my tastes. All right, so after my exile it has mostly stopped, but that's because I'm not gallivanting off through out the universe trying to be the Doctor. Actually... I'm not sure why I've stopped doing that, it was fun. Except at times like this, when someone is actively trying to kill me. Though being choked from behind by some kind of wire is a new one on me. Though it wasn't as bad as it seemed. My attacker had the bad luck of snagged my collar under his line, which gave me a bit of slack to breath, though not very damn much. I acted instantly, reaching back and grabbed my attackers paws, trying to get more slack on the line. It didn't work very well, as all it did was make him pull harder on the line. I changed my tactic to something that would work a bit better. Digging my fingers into his flesh I kicked backwards with my foot, catching his knee. I didn't hit him very hard, but he still changed his balance to lessen the blow. Which was what I wanted him to do. As he reacted, I let my own knees give way, starting me falling, leaning forward as I did so, I pulled him with me. My attacker was off balance and didn't seem to have a clue as to what I was doing. He tried to pull back from me, then to twist, neither one work. I pulled forward with my arms and upper-body just as I landed, knees first, on the stone floor, and rolled forward until my head was touching the stones. Looking up, I found that my plan had worked. My attacker was now laying on the floor in front of me, looking rather startled. He hadn't expect me to throw him the way I had, or even throw him at all! I scrambled to my feet before he could react, and just as he started to stand up on his own, I jumped. It wasn't a jump very far, and only about a foot high. It was where I came down that counted. The heel of my foot landed on his left knee cap. There was sharp crack as his knee shattered under my weight. The wolf went deathly pail through his fur and started to yammer softly, then his rolled back as he passed out. I took step back a few feet so I was next to Oria, the whole attack had taken about thirty seconds, though it seamed like longer. I looked back down at my attacker and shook my head. "Pesky ninjas." Oriana for her part had her Needler gun out and in her paw. She gave me a pained look. "You where in the way, I couldn't find anyplace exposed on his body to shoot." I nodded. "I understand, though shooting the hostage is acceptable at times." She frowned, puzzling this over. "I suppose," she said with a sigh, slipping the high tech gun back inside her trench coat. I draped my arm over her shoulder. "Are you OK?" She gave me a strange looked, then laughed softly. "Me? Shouldn't I be asking you that?" I rubbed my neck. "Other then a small bruise, I'm fine." Kalie stuck her head out the door to her room, she started to say something then noticed the downed wolf. "Oh... that answerers my question. Anything left for me?" "Nope," I said, looking around the hallway. "I think it was just the one." She stepped into the hallway with us, pulling on her clothing (what little there was of it) as she came out. "I see, pity." Ken joined the rest of us by poking his own head out of his door. "I though I heard a fight out here." He said, before noticed my still unconscious attacker. "I see." He continued, walking over next to Kalie, pulling his foreclaw out of his satchel. I frowned. "Someone doesn't like that I'm here." Kalie bent down to look at the wolf. "You did this Fox?" "Yes." I said with a frown. She stood up, whipping her paws of on her fur. "I don't think this boy is ever going to walk again. Good job." I shook my head a bit, then looked away. She didn't mean it as an insult or sarcasm, she meant it as that I had done a good job. It kind of hurt actually. "I suppose we should warn Sora that people are trying to kill us," Oriana said. "I'm surprised she didn't hear the scuffle," I said, walking over to the door I had seen her go through when I was shown my room. "She isn't a heavy sleeper, so she would have to be awake." I gave a quick rap on her door with my hand. After waiting a few seconds I did it again. The door didn't move, and I didn't hear any sounds on the other side. Suddenly I was worried. Leaning against the thick wood of the door, I forced it open. As it swung inwards, I got a whiff of the air from flowing from inside. It was cold air, very cold, and damp. It smelled strongly of dirt and mud, as well as a bit of mold. Wiggling my way inside, my worries became fears. There had been a struggle in the room, her bedding was spread over the room, and her sword was throw against the wall by the door. The wall on the far side of the room was open, blowing the cold air at us, along with the occasional cobweb. I swore, then pushed past the others and back into my room to grab my sword and jacket. I ran back only stopping to grab a torch from the wall. "Oria, you find Draz or Thrysten and tell them about what happened. Ken I want you to check our rooms for any more hidden doors and shut them up. Kalie you and I are going after her." Kalie smiled, and unsheathed her sword, holding it in one paw easily, bouncing a bit. I shook my head, and drew my own sword. Then holding the torch in front of me I entered into he passage way. Nothing attacked us as we went in, which was a good thing, and who ever had taken Sora had left some very clear foot prints, which made it easy to follow in the maze of twisting little passages, all alike. We also traversed a few sets of stairs, all going downwards, at times either Kalie or I would catch something that sounded like foot steps, but neither one of us was ever sure. After maybe ten minutes, we finally found the first that went up. Following it, nearly running, we burst out into the back of a stable. Sticking the torch in a free wall mount, I ran outside, Kalie next to me. We were accost the moat from the castle, and I found that going from the semi-light to the black of night made it almost impossible to see. "Damn!" I swore under my breath. "Can you see anything Kalie?" "A few trees, that's it. I don't see anyone else though." "Fuck!" I muttered, forcing my sword back into it's sheath. * * * "I didn't even know the castle had passages like those." Draz said with a frown. I sighed, looking back into Sora's room. "Sad way to find out." "I can't think of why they Krege would want your friend Fox." I frowned. "I can. He wanted you, and told his kidnapers that you were the one with wings. They just found the wrong one." She nodded, then kicked the side of my attacker, who was still laying in the hallway. "At least this bastard can telling us something when he wakes up." Ken walked over to us. "I found two other doors, both have been closed. I suggest though you find out where they all go so you don't have any more surprises like this." Draz nodded. "I'll have guards on it as soon as this is over. I also have a pair of guards on the entrance in the stables." "And hope that's the only entrance." Oriana said, taking my left hand in her paw. I sighed. "I'm not sure what Sora will say or do here. She may tell them our plans, or she may not, I don't really know her well enough to say. Though I think we need to change them now." "Right," Kalie said, "First is that you should have an armed escort if you are going out there tomorrow." "No," Draz said, his voice suddenly carrying much more authority. "This is to be a Royal Envoy, and that is part trust, there can be no guards." Kalie stood up straighter. "Then I'll go instead of Oriana." I felt Oria squeeze my hand tightly. "No again." Draz continued. "If Sora knows anything about you, or if Krege does, he will know that you are in ensconce the same thing." I sighed. "My only suggestion is not to have Thrysten above us. If he knows about that it will lose any advantage we can gain from it." Both Thrysten and Draz smiled at this. "Your friend does not know how I will do this," Thrysten said, "nor how to find me. I will not be seen." I frowned, but finally nodded. "So there is not much we can change. Though Ken, I think you should check the late wizard's lab now, in case something has been done to it." He nodded. "Good idea." Kalie suddenly twisted around. "Where's Oriana?" I looked around, then back into Sora's room. "Maybe she's in her own room." "She would have had to gone past me." Kalie said, walking into Sora's room, her short whiskers twitching a bit. "Is this there tactic, kidnape us one by one?" Draz asked from behind me. "No," Kalie said, walking back over to us. "Oriana left a note, though I don't understand what it means. You have any idea Fox?" She asked shoving it into my hands. I frowned, reading it out loud. "Dear Fox, I've gone to do some work, I'll try to be back soon. Please say a prayer to Thryn for me. Love Oriana." I then looked at it again, the meaning sinking in. I remembered that she had been clutching my left hand. Looking down I gulped when I saw that my watch was open. Oriana has stolen my Matrix chip. And she was going to use it to help her try and assassinate Krege. Chapter 5 "What the hell do you mean by she's gone to kill him?!" Kalie demanded by smashing her fist against the small table she was standing behind. Fox sighed. "Exactly what I said. Oria stole my Matrix chip and went to assassinate Krege." She sighed, sinking down into a chair, sitting sideways to allow her tail some access. "What is this Matrix chip anyway?" "A very fancy disguise using small force shields to produce an effect shape of the local population." Kalie perked up. "I think I've seen one before, Page had it when we first met. Sort of an explosion of light." Fox smiled. "Yep, and with the shielding a lot more accurate then Ken's magiced images that we used before." I scoffed. "My current one's are by far less obvious then they used to be." Kalie shook her head. "That's is all nice, but we're drifting from the point of this discussion. That being what we are actually going to *do* about this?" "We can't tell Draz," Fox stated, stepping away from the wall where he had been leaning. "He would want her hunted down and killed. I think Thrysten might understand, but I don't want to push our luck there." "And if she does kill him it will make sure there is the war we all want to avoid." I stated. "We have to find her before she tries to do anything." "Finding her will be easy." Fox said with a frown, rubbing his forehead with one hand. "What part makes it easy?" Kalie asked. "That fact that she doesn't stick out at all, or that she could be there all ready killing him as we speak." Fox walked over to stand in front of the room's fireplace, still rubbing his head. "Because she can't get there very fast. Her world has nothing like a horse, or even the concept of riding an animal. So unless you taught her Kalie, she's going to be walking, meaning she won't be there till morning. Second, this is the first time she has chooses to assassinate someone, she's going to take a lot of working trying to convince herself to do it. Finally, even with the Matrix she will be easy to stop. She's going to want to stay close to Krege, and I'm going to be talking to the man tomorrow. She'll be the guard or soldier or whatever that isn't shocked when they see me." Kalie hissed a bit. "Ken, what do you think of this mess." I shook my head, pulling my wings around myself. "I think this is the best we're going to be able to do. With whatever Thrysten has planed I suspect we will have a better chance at it. Still though Fox's way of finding Oriana is tenuous at best." Fox turned to look at me. "I don't suppose you have a better idea." He snapped. I nodded. "Do you have any of Oriana's fur?" He started to protest, then paused. Slowly he started digging though his jacket pockets, he then reached up and felt around the collar of his jacket. He let out a small 'ah-ha' and pulled lose a small clump of golden-tan fur. I walked over and plucked it from his fingers and started to dig into my satchel. "I can make a small spell to show you the direction she's in. A floating arrow that only you can see." He nodded. "Good idea." I pulled the second table over in front of me, then pulling out a few ingredients started to work them in a wood bowl. A little of the fur, and a few added spices. Along with some spell base (a thin white paste I keep pre-made) and some energies on my part it was done. Actually, it wasn't done, it was a small white, furry lump, the size of a pebble. I plucked it out of the bowl and gave it to Fox. He took it from me and looked at it in distaste. "I swallow it, right?" "Just say tre'talon." He raised an eyebrow. "Tre'talon?" He asked, invoking the spell. The pellet puffed into smoke and Fox stumbled back. Waving his hand in front of his face he smiled a bit. "Interesting spell, this should make it a lot easier to find her." "It will get darker the closer you get to her. When it's black she'll be just a tail lengths away." Fox nodded, and rubbed his neck. "Ok... now that we have that taken care of," He turned to Kalie. "I would like one of your guns." She blushed, looking down a bit. "Oh Fox, you don't think I would have brought any do you?" She asked, trying to sound innocent. He crossed his arms. "At least three." She nodded, reaching behind herself and removing a gun that was hidden under the cloth and in the fur at the top of her tail. She reluctantly handed it over to Fox. He took it, and gave it a once over before secreting it some place in his jacket. "Clips?" She handed him two spares, which he stuffed into the pocket of his jacket. "Right now, what else can we do here?" "Sleep," was my suggestion. Fox sighed, "You guys can do that." "Still not sleeping?" He shook his head, then winched. "No." He said then started to rub his forehead. "What's wrong?" Kalie asked, interrupting me as I was about to say something else. "You've been rubbing your head sense Oriana vanished." He frowned. "I've been fighting an headache sense we got here, it's gotten worse all night." I frowned myself, tapping one clawfinger against my side. Fox got headaches a lot, it was part of who he was, but if he had a one that started when we arrived back here, that could mean the spell I had put on him before was starting to break down. I stepped over to him. "I think I can help on both counts tonight." He looked up at me. "Oh? How exactly can you?" I closed my eyes halfway and concentrated. It was a very familiar spell I was doing. I had done it on myself so many times I didn't need the simple adds to help me control it, I was able to shape the magic purely in my mind. As I shaped it I let it flow into Fox, wrapping him in it's power. He could feel it, the look on the face told me that. He opened his mouth to protest, and yawned. Slowly then, taking only a few seconds, he fell into my arms, sound asleep. "Will that last till morning?" Kalie asked. I nodded, lowering him to one of the pads on the floor. "It will last until I break it. He needs a full sleep, very badly." She nodded, walking over to her own pad, which was on the other side of the room. "Then I suggest we follow him for the night." I smiled. "Yes, we should," I said, dropping my satchel on the floor and laying myself down beside Fox. We had all moved to one of the smaller common room's in the castle, having decided to try and stay together as much as we can, not wanting to lose anyone else. Kalie dropped of to sleep quickly, her light sores drifting though the room. I still had work to do before I could rest. I pulled Fox up against myself, and wrapped my arms around him. I could fell the three spells of my own resonating with my touch. Closing my eyes, I felt them with my magic, easily finding the oldest one. It was crude and badly formed, and was starting to break down. I was surprised that it had lasted as long as it did. I was also a bit amazed at how crude my own magic was. Either way though I had to do this. Delving into the spell, I started to rebuild and reinforce it, so that what it was hiding would stay hidden from Fox for the rest of his life. * * * I was unceremoniously dumped onto a dirt floor. A pair of paws dug into my arms and pulled me up onto my knees. There was a few mumbled words and the sack that had been pull over my upper body was yanked off. Blinking I tried to clear my eyes a bit. I was in what looked like a tent, the floor was trammeled grass, not dirt, but felt about the same when I landed on it. On one side of the room was two men. One was sitting in thickly padded chair. The other was slumped down in a small chair to the side. He looked like he might have been tied into it. The one in the larger chair, I assumed it was the Krege that we where going to be dealing with. He looked over me, and frowned. "Guards, please leave." The pair of solders who were standing next to me snapped to attention, then left the tent. Krege stood and walked over to stand in front of me. He bent down to look me in the eyes. "You are not Draz's pet bird, are you?" I crossed my arms over my chest. "Perceptive aren't you?" He shook his head. "Well, I did tell them to bring me the winged one, how was I suppose to know there would be demons?" He sighed a bit, "what other atrocities will Draz commit to keep this valley?" He said turning back to walk to his chair, sitting down in it with flourish. I laughed. "Demon? Hardly, you're the one with out the wings." I fluttered mine a bit to demonstrate. "That makes you the demon." He raised his eyes a bit. "Really now, that is a strange view of us. Where did you come from." I stood up, stretching my wings out more, working on a few small cramps that had formed while I was dragged around. "I can with Fox, Kalie and Ken." Krege face seamed to freeze, his ears laying flat. "Fox is here again?" I nodded, folding my wings down and folding the tips down onto my chest. "I believe I just said that." He smiled, sitting back in his chair. "That is an unexpected pleasure. I get to remove Draz and kill Fox, this will be a good year." "From Fox's history I don't think he's going to be to easy to kill." He grinned. "He will die though." "Why?" I snapped at him, "Because he helped take your own capital away from you?" Krege raised an eyebrow, sitting forward a bit. "It was not my capital, it was Krege's here." He reached over and smacked the wolf in the chair next to him. "I on the other paw have a more personal grudge." I looked at the real Krege, he was now leaning forward in the chair, drooling a bit. The only real active part of his body was his eyes, which were so blood shot they looked at red as mine. He was staring at the wolf I had been talking to with the most pure look of hate that I've seen in my life. "Then who are you?" He smiled and raised his paws in front of his face. "I am the Prime Minister of the Krege empire. But you may call me Salden." "And why are you on that travel throne?" I snapped at him. He grinned, standing from this throne. "Krege is ill, as you can see. Until he recovers I am King." He reached down and pulled out a small bag from behind the throne. Reaching inside he pulled out a small paper packet. "It is also time for his medicine." He put the bag back behind the chair, then clapped his paws. Krege had watched him do this, and was now struggling as much he could, which wasn't more then a few twitches. A few seconds later a guard walked in carrying a goblet of wine. Salden took it from him, then opening the packet he dumped the fine powered inside into the goblet, he mixed it with his finger while walking over to Krege, dropping the packet on the travel throne. He pushes Krege's head back and started to pour the wine into his mouth, doing something to force him to swallow it. While he was distracted doing that, I jumped over and picked up the packet, shoving it into one of the pockets of jeans. I decided that if Krege was so afraid of this he problem knew what it was, and I was sure it wasn't medicine. Salden suddenly turned around, standing less then two feet away from me. He's face contorted, "How dare you approach me!" He bellowed into my face, then grabbing my shirt threw me a few feet accost the room. "Guards! Take this... _thing_ some place and dispose of it!" He yelled, sinking back down into the travel throne, dropping the goblet to his side. A pair of solders ran into the tent, one grabbed by left arm and the other grabbed my right arm, he also wrapped an arm around my neck. They pulled me backwards out of the tent. "What exactly are we support to do with her?" One asked the other. There was a pause. "I suppose we should kill her." The other replied. "Do you want to kill a demon? Do you think it can actually be done? And if we did, what would happen to us?" The second guard growled. "If we don't kill her _we_ will be killed!" There was a another pause as they dragged me along. The first guard spoke up again. "What about the pit at the edge of camp, the one where we dump the camp waste. The wizard said it was bottemless." There was a laugh. "Yes, she does count as waste doesn't she!" Then turned sharply, pulling me in a new direction, past more tents. After a few minutes they thinned out until there was no more left. Finally they stopped, each one changing there grip on my body. Then one said something I missed and I thrown forward. I was over a deep pit, sliding down at about a thirty degree angle and was completely smooth. The was the last I saw of it as I landed face first, my head smacking against the stone as I slid down, forcing me into unconsciousness. Chapter 6 I was jarred awake by the feeling of a hand descending on my shoulder, and a voice whispering my name into my ear. I turned over a bit and yawned, rubbing my eyes a bit and finding that I had sleep with my glasses on. Adjusting them slightly I sat up and looked around the room. It was much lighter now, the tapestries that had been covering the window at night had been pulled aside to let the sun light stream into the room. "How's your head?" Ken asked from beside me. "Much better actually." I said, stretching my arms out. "My headache is totally gone." He smiled. "That is good." He said, pulling his satchel over his shoulder. I stood myself, dusting my shirt off a bit, Kalie had all ready left, to breakfast I assumed. "What did you do to me last night?" I asked, remembering the feeling of magic that had washed over my from Ken. "I made you sleep." That was an answer I didn't expect. "I though you said you couldn't make me sleep again?" He nodded a bit, his head dropping some. "I can't, not normally. Last night I forced you into a magic sleep, and you would have stayed asleep until I woke you up again. I use it on myself some times when I need to sleep, it's not exactly safe but it works well." I frowned as I processed all this. "Oh... that is something a bit unpleasant to know... I... please don't do it again?" I said, looking into his eyes. The fact that he could for me to sleep like that scared me a bit. A small look of pain fluttered over his face, then he slowly nodded. "I won't then." I sighed, I had hurt him with that. "Come on then, we need to eat, and we have a long day before us." I told him as I walked towards the door out of the room. He followed, though didn't seem very happy. More so then what my actions had done. Halfway to the dinning hall I finally decided to ask. "What's bothering you Ken? Something I did?" He shook his head. "Nothing from what you did Fox. I'm just re-thinking something I did years ago." That didn't sound good. "Here?" He nodded his head again, lowering it a bit more. "Yes, I don't want to talk about it though." I frowned, that sounded really bad. "When you want to then, I'll be here to listen." He gave me a pained look, then nodded. "Thank you." I smiled back at him as we both walked into the dinning hall. It was a bit brighter in the morning, lit by the sun though the windows and not by the torches, or the always going fire. Kalie was there all ready, as well as Thrysten and Draz. All three where talking to each other about something. I assumed the possible defense of the castle. Thrysten was the one who noticed our arrival. She smiled and waved a foreclaw at us. "Good morning, come, break your fast." Never one to disregard an invitation for food, I sat down accost from Kalie. A servant instantly was next to me, putting a plate of eggs and ham down in front of me, as well as a goblet of wine. He was almost instantly gone. Looking around the room I noticed there where actually three of the castle's servers waiting by the door to the kitchen. In fact as I though about it I realized that they where most everywhere in the castle, they just vanished from my attention. I shook my head a bit and started into my food. Ken sat next to me, receiving the same fair, though slightly rawer. "Are you still planing to do this alone?" Draz asked, the questing was clearly aimed at me. I nodded, swallowing a mouthful of food. "Unless you have someone you want to take with me." He shook his head. "No-one that would not make this situation worse then it is." I frowned, with Oriana out there, it quite possibly was all ready worse. I could still see which direction she was in too, thanks to a ghost like arrow that was floating in front of my vision. Thankfully it seemed to vanish when I wasn't looking at it. Kalie strained up a bit. "I think some short term defense of the castle can be done. It will take some work, but we should be able to stand for at least a day. Which, if you're late wizard had prepared, should be enough time for Ken to preform a spell to attack them." Ken sat up at the mention of his name. "I rather believe that there would only be defensive spells, as offensive spells take much more power." She nodded. "It would be enough." "For now," I said taking a sip of the wine. I really didn't like it, but the water here was undrinkable. To many illness having worked there way into it. "If there is a siege on the castle we will eventually need all the attack power we can get." Ken nodded softly, going back to his food. Thrysten stood. "Very well then, Fox I suggest we get on our way. Ken, you will want to see this." Ken and I exchanged glances, but both of us stood, and followed her out of the dinning hall. She went though the kitchen and out there exit, over the small bridge over the moat, and out into a garden, until there was a grove a tree's between us and the castle. "I believe you all ready know where the stable is," she said, "you'll have to get there yourself. Ken you will need to return to the castle immediately after this is done." I nodded. "Should not be a problem... now I assume you'll finally tell us how you plan to fly with out being seen?" There was a trace of sarcasm in my words. Thrysten had come from a world with a lower gravity, which allowed her to fly there. Anyplace else it took a lot of work just to get off the ground. "I will show you." She said, and started to unlace the top of her blouse, though I think bodice is the proper word for it. As she started to open it I turned on my heal, so my back was to her. She laughed. "When did you become a prude Fox?" "Just trying to preserver your modesty." I responded. She laughed again as her shirt flew over my head. "In this place there really is no such thing. Being Queen means I have no real privacy. Ever time I take my cloths off a servant is there to help." This time her pants went though the air above my head. "Why are you doing this anyway?" "Because it's a pain in the tail to get new clothing." She said, her panties following the rest of her clothing. "Now, please turn around, I want you to see this." I gulped a bit, and turned. She was totally nude now, except for her gem, which she was holding in one of her foreclaws, her finger like talons wrapped around it gently. She was in profile to me, so I wasn't seeing anything to unmentionable, but it was still embarrassing. Ken thou had moved to take in a better view, which was normal for him to do. Thrysten let a smile play accost her flexible beak. "Watch." She said and spread her wings, and spread them and then spread them further. They where growing larger, expanding in side, her feathers thickening as well. The growth sending ripples though the fur and feathers of her chest. I noticed then that the gem was glowing in her talons. This was clearing the source of her change. The change didn't stop with the growth of her wings though. It seemed to expand outward from them. The growing mussels under her skin started to pulling out, pushing her chest out farther then it was pleasant to look at. At the same time her breasts where getting smaller, until there had vanished into her body entirely. With a loud snap she fell to the ground, landing with one foreclaw propping her up, the other still holding the gem. Her legs where perched on her toes as her feet started to lengthen, while the rest of her legs shorted, as well as thickened. Her upper body was changing as well, spreading out as it thickened, her arms getting longer, her foreclaws becoming talons proper and digging into the ground. With a second snap her head swung upright, as her neck thickened. The shape changed, becoming larger, her beak growing longer, and hardening. Her eyes spreading out as her shape finally settled into place. She let go of the stone, which fell to her chest, and sat back onto her haunches, a very proper looking none-morphic gryphoness. "Master," Ken whispered, "A norm-shift stone." Thrysten nodded her head. Then squawked and nodded towards the castle. "I think you're being dismissed Ken. Though you can talk to her about it later I would assume." Ken nodded a bit, his eyes glazed over slightly. Though he didn't move. Finally Thrysten squawked at him again. He jumped a bit then nodded, this time going back to the castle. I smiled as he vanished though the trees, then looked at Thrysten. "So that's how you can fly. Impressive." She flared her wings slightly, and bent her head back to preen some of her feathers. I chuckled, she was clearly proud of it. "Right then, the stables are this way?" I asked, pointed in the direction I though they were. She nodded a bit, then crouched down, fanning her wings out slightly. With a heave of her hind legs she jumped strait up, maybe ten feet into the air. As she rose she spread her wings, forcing them down at the high of her jump. Her wingspan must have been thirty-five feet. Three times Sora's wingspan and ten feet larger then Kens. She rose into the air, beating her wings again, easily carrying herself over the trees and into the sky. I smiled to myself, and started to the stables, suddenly feeling a lot safer going to see Krege. * * * "What the hell do you think your doing?" I scolded myself for the thousand time. I had been doing it sense I left the castle the night before. I was being an idiot and an ass, as well as a fool. I had no idea what possessed me to actually start out to try and assassinate Krege. It was ludicrous, the whole idea of it made me ill. Yet here I was, disguised as one of his solders, wondering around his base camp. I felt, sort of numb, not like before when I had been forced to kill, this was different. I had chosen to do on my own, and it frightened me. I tried to justify it to myself by saying I was going to rescue Sora, as much as she annoyed me, but it didn't wash. It always came back to the same thing. I was planing on killing someone. Willing walking in to do it. It frightened me on some level, but I couldn't feel it. It was like 'I was going on autopilot' as Fox would say. I had actually tried to find Sora when I first got to the camp, only to be told that she had been killed the night before. That... shocked me, badly, and made me angrier then ever. Sure Sora was a pain in the rump, they way she always help me in contempt for being a Madam, and how she treated me when I became an assassin... I am an assassin... funny, no one has said that phrase since I acutely passed the review. Maybe it was out of a sense decency, or just disbelief, but I was never called an assassin. I never even though of myself as one. I looked down at my paws. I could still see the blood of the ferret I had killed. I still don't know what his name ways, just that I had killed him. Every time I looked at my paws they blood was there, soaking into my fur, my pads and my claws. I think it will always be there. Finding a boulder to sit on, I keep looking at my paws. I had considered killing myself a thousand times since I became this. I probably would have if Fox hadn't taking me back to Prid. Then again that wasn't all his doing, I did see Thryn's Gems on his hand. If I hadn't, I probably would have refused to go. All that was a moot point though. I was on a different would, trying to help clean up a mess Fox left behind himself, and I was doing by planing on killing there leader of the bad guys. Talk about being stupid. If I did manage to assassinate him it would make things even worse. Whoever his second was would go berserk, and destroy the castle, Fox, and everyone else without a second though. "Unless," I whispered, my training suddenly kicking in, "it looked like his second and killed him. Then it would seem that he did it to insure a battle." It was a good plan too, if his seconded went into a rampage while it looked like he had killed Krege, who ever was under the second would assume he did it because Krege was going to workout a deal. They would take over and would workout a friendly surrender because they would believe that Krege wanted that. I stood, smiling. It would actually work, the problem would be making his second look guilty. Though a little well placed blood and an unbelievable story, curtsy of Fox's Matrix chip, would make him... 'WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING!!!' I though to myself. I was actually planing this out, simply, easily, I was actually working out how to do it and to make sure it worked. I looked at the sword belted around my waste. I didn't know how to use it, but it wouldn't be too hard to fall on it, point first. I just would need a secluded spot where I my body wouldn't be found, except eventually by Fox. I was sure the Matrix chip could be traced back to where I was in some fashion. Reaching for the hilt of my sword, I undid the leather strap holding it in, and slid it out just a thumbs length. All I needed was a place to do it at, then it would be just a few quick moves, and I would be dead. Dead... that had an unpleasant ring to it, but there was nothing else to do. I had just proven to myself, I really was an assassin. I was trained for it, well trained... I had achieved highest score in seven years in my review with the Guild. I found what looked like a good spot in the distance, maybe an hours walk away. Pushing my sword back into it's sheath, I started towards it. I only got a few feet before someone barked. "Boy!" Right into my ear, then grabbed my shoulder, twisting me around. I found myself nose to nose with one of the higher ranked solders in the camp. I started to panic, this could turn very bad, very quick. "We've been ordered to escort in a guest to see Salden." I frowned, they only guest they could mean is Fox, and anyone they sent with him. Though had no idea who Salden was, I had heard his name around the camp before, but I had not found out anything about him. I suspected he was Krege's second, and from the sound of how people talk about him, rather a good scapegoat for my plan. "Come about it boy!" The guard said, yanking my shoulder. I had no choice, so I gave him a quick nod, and started towards the front of the camp. Chapter 7 I took a glance into the sky, lifting my hand to block out the glare from the sun. I could just make out the dark speck in the air that was Thrysten. If I didn't know any better she would look just like any other bird to me. Come to think of it, I wasn't to sure it wasn't a bird, there was a lot of specks like that in the sky. The sun made it worse, as I was riding into it. To add to the that, I never did learn to ride a horse, and this one wasn't in a very good mood with me trying to navigate him. Either way though, I was getting to where I was wanting to go. I pulled the horse to a stop. It looked like I might have an escort though, in the way of about two dozen armed solders who were currently blocking my path. "Expecting me?" I asked with a slight smile. Most of them jumped back a bit. I really was something new to them. "You are to come with us," one guard, some kind of senior I assumed as his uniform had gold hexagons embroidered onto his shoulders. I shrugged. "Fine by me." He stepped forward. "Get off the beast, you will be walking the rest of the way." I shrugged again, and swung my leg around, sliding off the horse. "Anything else?" He held out his paw. "You're sword." With a sigh, I reached around and undid my sword belt, handing it over to him. I had expected this, which was why I had taken one of Kalie's ever present guns. The leader of this group nodded at two others. "Search him for any other weapons." The two solders were on me quickly, each one covering one side of my body, going though my pockets and felling over my legs and arms. They both went past my actual weapon, looking for daggers or the like, I found that a bit surprising actually. They should of taken that just because of how foreign it was, that and it could have been used to cold-cock somebody. Eventually they stepped back into the group. "Nothing more on him sir." One announced. There leader nodded his head again. "Tight formation around him, I don't want him slipping away." The solders broke there line, falling into a tight square around me, giving me about half an arms length from any one else. The leader looked them over, correcting a couple of the men. Then with a shout they all started to march, and me along with them. Every time I got to close to one of the solders, I was growled at. I quickly got the idea that they would rather be killing me then escorting me. Something else was strange though, the one next to me keep shifting a bit, missing the march time just by a little. The leader noticed this and had made a point of making sure the solder knew it, still though he only improved by the smallest margins. I put it off as just bad training. Krege had a huge army, and from what I understood from my last visit, a lot of draftees on demand. So it was perfectly logical that a few of the solders were still quite green. That was when I noticed that the arrow still floating in my eye sight had become black as night. I was stunned, it had changed and I had never even noticed it! More then that, Oriana was standing right next to me, right here and right now, she was also one of the pair who had searched me before, which explained why the gun had been left behind. I had found her, now I just had to talk to her. I though for a second, sending a few pre-set mental commands to the translator to shut it off. There was no visible sign of that change, nothing would show it unless I tried to talk to someone. Slowly I reactivated the chip, but only to translate my hearing, I followed that by setting it so that my spoken language was translated into Oria's native tongue. "Hello Oriana," I whispered low enough that she should be able to hear. She jumped, a startled looking playing accost her disguised face. She gave me a glance out of the corner of her eye. She finally whispered back. "I'm sorry." I slumped a bit. "Don't kill him, it would be bad." I hissed out, suddenly feeling anger starting to rise. "I know, I can see that. I won't kill him." I nodded a bit. "Good." I whispered back, then shut up as we were starting to attract some attention. We keep the march up for twenty minutes, as I was escorted up out of the valley, and into the camp. I was led past a forest of tents that the senior officers used. Finally reaching a the largest one at the center of camp. "Go in," I was ordered, the solders splitting in front of me. I gave a quick look back to Oria, then reset my translator. "Of course." I snipped at him, and taking three steps forward threw open the fabric of the tent and steeped inside. It was partly lavish, a few designer items here and there, as well as some maps on the walls. Sitting in a large chair on the far side of the room was who I was here to see. Walking right to him, I smiled. "And you must be Krege." I said. He gave me a tooth filled grin. "No... Krege is ill." He motioned to the side of the tent where a pale looking wolf was slumped in a chair. "I am Salden. Prime Minister of his lands." I took three steps back. This was an unexpected turn of events. I was a bit shaken up. "For how long?" He waved his paws a bit. "Long enough. Now, am I to assume you are Fox?" He said my name with a slight roll of his tongue, making it sound like 'fux'. I pushed my hands into my pant's pockets. "That I am." He smiled again. "What they say of you is true, you are a very horrid creature. You demon was much more pleasant to look at." "Yes, some thing that. What did you do with her?" He shrugged, leaning back a bit. "She has been disposed of." I frowned... this bastard had killed Sora... The anger I had felt before started to grow even worse. I tried not to show it though. I gave him a smile and shrugged. "Well, she isn't important to me now." He chuckled, leaning forward a bit. "Yes... now we are hear to talk about the terms of Draz's surrender." I did not like the glint in his eyes. I was betting this man was the reason why Draz's negotiation had been broken off. I also got the idea that he might have caused this 'illness' as well. I didn't expect him to want anything less then Draz, and probably every one else in the castle dead. "No, you are. I am here to try to end this in some peaceful manner." This caused Salden to frown. "I see... well then, would you like a glass of wine?" I shook my head. "No, I prefer to refrain from drinking." He twisted his paws a bit, folding them lightly and resting his muzzle on them. "Well then, sense we appear not to be able to have a discussion, I would wonder if you would answer a question for me?" I pulled my hands out of my pockets and crossed them around my waist, letting my right hand brush against the handle of my gun. Focusing a bit I took a look at the arrow. It was pointing behind me, and only a shade lighter. I hoped that meant Oriana was just outside. I had the feeling that I might have to make a run for it, and didn't want to have her in the way if I started shooting. "You may ask." "Do you remember who helped you put Draz on the throne?" His voice was suddenly dripping with venom. I nodded. "An upstart pain in the ass little brat with delusions of grander." His eyes flickered over me. "Do you remember what happened to him?" This was definitely becoming a sour turn of events. I gently pulled my gun out, holding it in front of myself, though not trying to hide it. "Yes, one of his guards killed him in the final attack. I personally think he deserved it." Salden looked past me for a second, then back at my face. "What is that thing?" He asked, pointed at the gun. I raised it up, holding it to the side so anyone behind me (like Oriana) could see what it was. "Oh, just a good luck charm." I said with smile, as I thumbed the safety off and pulled back the bolt of the gun, loading a round into the chamber. He smiled. "You will need one." That confirmed things for me. I twisted around, taking a step in Salden's direction as I did. Standing about five feet away, and holding his sword ready to lunge was a one of his solders. We made eye contact for a fleeting second, then he ran at me, I shot at him. I won. He lost his footing and fell to the floor, his paws pressed against the wound in his belly. Quickly as I could, I ran past him, and forced my way out of the tent. I startled a pair of solders who had been standing at attention at the entrance as I forced my way past. Focusing on the arrow, I found a solder who was already running towards me, as he got closer the arrow got blacker. It could only have been Oria. As we ran past each other I grabbed her arm and turned her around. "Which was is out." I asked, pushing past some more solders, and going around a corner. I could hear yelling starting behind us. "Behind us." She said. Her voice not fitting in at all with what she looked like. "Then which was is back into the hills?" She gave me a look. "To the right, why?" I turned right, plowing through a pair of solders. "Good then. I think we can get into the hills and double back thought the canyon. We should be able to get back to the castle by late tonight." "Won't it be a bit late?" She demanded. "By the time we get there the attack might have already begun. We need a way to warn them." "It's on it's way already. Thrysten is above us remember. As soon as I started to run she would have turned back to warn the others." There was a yell, and suddenly from three sides of us came charging troops. I dogged and ran into a tent, pulling Oriana with me. She saw what I was doing and pulled out her sword, running in front a few paces, she sliced an arc in the tent's fabric. She forced her way through it, and I followed. Outside I found she had cut her way though two tents. One right next to each other. There was no room to go between them, I could only go into the next tent, which Oria's tail was vanishing into. Diving after her, I found that it might not have been the best of choice for an escape. We had apparently run into a barracks of some sort. There was fifteen solders inside with us, and they were all reaching for there swords. Oria had stopped, not sure what to do. "Keep running and turn of the damn Matrix chip." I said, pushing her forward. She understood, starting to run again, speaking into the chip-control that was built into the metal bands on her wrists. There was the explosion of light as the Matrix deactivated. I had expected it, though was still shocked. All the solders though frozen for a few seconds. Long enough to get past them and out of the tent. We were back between them again, this time though they where starting to thin out. I could actually see the hills at the end of the lane of tents, aiming for it, I started to run. It took thirty seconds to get to the end of the lane, I find things were not what I had expected it. Yes it was the start of some of the hills, but it was also at something like an seventy-five degree angle. I could climb it in about half an hour, but that wasn't an option, and I could see no other way up into them for about two-hundred feet. We wouldn't be able to make it, I had seen archers in the back of the crowed that had ambushed us. They would shoot us down before we got even half way there. The only other real option was a slanting pit to the side of us, that smelled like it had been used for the camps refuse. It was a way out, I was sure no one would follow us there, but I didn't think we would be able to find our way out either. I looked at Oriana, she was pulling up the sleeve of her trench coat, reliving some kind of device strapped to her right arm. "What is that?" I hissed. She frowned, looking down at it herself. "It's a climber, Marn gave it to me. I can use it to get up the hill, but it can't lift more then my own weight." She started undo some of the bits of it. "I looked around, we had maybe ten seconds before the solders where on us. "What are you doing?" "Giving it to you so you can survive." I growled a softly under my breath. "No time for that right now! You go, I'll take care of myself." She looked at me for a second, making her mind up. Then suddenly grabbed and kissed me on the lips. It lasted for a second before she broke it off. Aiming her arm up she fired and was quickly gone. Gone was what I was about to be if I didn't do something damn quick. Looking up to make sure Oriana was safe, I turned the gun's safety back on, stuffed it into my pants, and jumped into the pit. Chapter 8 I hated myself for having left Fox behind, just the though made me start to feel ill. Even if he had ordered me to go, it just didn't feel right. Fox was the leader of us, he was the one in charge... there not suppose to be left behind while the less important one's run for there lives. I was now lost, badly lost. I had been running though the woods for about fifteen minutes and didn't have a clue as to where I was going, the forest's canopy was so dense I couldn't even see the sun. Though I wasn't sure it would have been to much of a help. Sinking down next to a tree, I wrapping my arms around my legs, resting my chin on my knees. I hoped we could eventually find him once this was all over, but I didn't think so. If it wasn't a terminal drop, he would still be lost inside of the caves. He would be almost impossible to find. At least there was little chance of Krege's solders finding me. If they found where I had come up the hill at, they would still have to try and follow me. Even if I didn't hide my trail very well, or at all for that matter. It was sloppy, but I wasn't thinking clearly... I shook my head, they I went, thinking like an assassin again. What would Thryn think? Not much I suppose, murder is still murder no mater what name you label it by. Sometime's though, it isn't as wrong as it could be. I stood up, pulling on my coat. Fox was lost, Sora dead and I'm trying to moralize my second job. I really think I was starting to lose it. Picking a direction I started off in it, hoping maybe I would find something I recognized, or maybe the canyon that Fox had mentioned. That was what I actually found too, after a minute the trees started to thin out. After another two minutes at a brisk run I found myself on the edge of what looked like a four-hundred foot descent straight down. I whistled a bit through my teeth, letting my eyes follow down the length of the canyon in each direction. One way looked to be towards a valley, the other I couldn't tell. With a quick prayer that I picked the right direction, I turned around and found myself nose to nose with some of the local wildlife. Letting out a yelp, I jumped about two feet, some of my fur starting to bristle. At the same time, the animal, I could see now it was a gryphon, took a few paces back. As I landed, I fell into a crouch, reaching into my coat for my needler. The gryphon on the other paw just sat back on it's haunches, staring at me. Raising myself up just a bit, I started to edge my way to the side. "Good gryphon," I whispered as I went, "I just want to get out of here. No need to attack, I'm not a threat." The beast seamed to understand me, tilting it's head to one side, flexing it's wings slightly, almost as if it was laughing. It puffed it's chest out a slightly, it's feathers catching the sun, the glint of the gem around it's neck only adding to the effect. 'Wait a tail flick... a gem?' I though looking closer. The gryphon did have a gem around it's neck. A fire-red stone that looked like it had a life of it's own, it's shape though, and it's setting, seamed familiar to me. Finally it sunk in. "Thryn's eyes, Thrysten?" The gryphon snapped it's beak and me, and clucked lightly. She was laughing at me! With a grimace I slipped my needler back into my jacket, and stood fully erect. "How under Leo-Star did you do that?" She reached up with one of her foreclaws and grasped the gem. Her form started to change, shrinking in on itself. It wasn't to pleasant to look at, so I didn't. Instead I found great interest at the ground between my toes. "It's done," She said. I looked up to find her on her claws and knees, nude, and panting hard. She had let go of the gem, which had turned back into the sea-blue color it had been the first time I saw her. "Are you all right?" I asked, ignoring the surge of anger that had just started to form inside the pit of my stomach. She nodded, taking a deep breath. "It will pass," she her panting almost stopped. "Fox said you were watching us, I just didn't expect this." She gave me a sharp look, which sent a chill down my spine. "What happened back there? And where did you come from, Fox and a guard went into one tent, and you and Fox came out another." I rubbed the bands on my wrists. "I don't know what happened. I heard a gun shot and ran for Krege's tent, Fox meet me outside of it and we took off running. Your second question has a rather self-evident answer." A frown crossed her beak as she stood up, picking some dust from her feathers. "You are very arrogant, I wonder how Fox can stand you?" Now I was mad. Crossing my arms I glared at her. "You're the one who threatened me, remember?" She snarled a bit, a snarl which turned into a growl as a dark shadow passed over us. She whipped her head around and started into the sky, her eyes narrowing. I looked myself, only to see a half-dozen dark shapes flying above us. "Dragons," she hissed. "There attacking the castle." I looked at her. "You did warn them that something had gone wrong?" She stared back at me. "I was to busy trying to find you so I could know what to warn them about!" I frowned. "They're going to find out on there own in a few minutes." "And we'll be right behind them," she said, taking her gem once again into her foreclaw. "We will?" She gave me a look of distaste, as he shape started to flow. "You ride me." She said, her beak changing around the words as she spoke them. I frowned, but when she had finished changing I climbed into her back. Even before I could get much of a grip she leap into the air out over the canyon, and we were on our way. * * * Light, I saw light filtering though the cave. I rubbed my eyes a bit, not wanting it to be another trick of the dark. I had been wondering around for hours now, trying to find some way out, or some kind of help. I found though that the light was real, or at least vanished when I closed my eyes. Stumbling my way towards it, I found it grew brighter. It was still dim, but after so much pure darkness it was hurting my eyes. Holding my paw in front of my eyes I let then slowly adjust. After a minute, when my eyes stopped hurting, I dropped by paw. I was standing in a bend in the tunnel, along with the source of light. I had been hoping for some kind of exit, but this was unexpected. It was a women, almost a girl. She was curled up in the corner, sleeping softly. She wasn't a wolf like the rest of this world, she looked like Fox's species, furless with out muzzle or claw. Though though the long hair on her head I could see one of her ears... which was pointed. She was also the source of the light, her body seemed to glow with it in the darkness of the caves. Wrapping my wings around myself, I eased down against the cave wall. Finding this girl was not a good thing. She wasn't something that looked native to this world, or at least in my opinion, and if she wasn't that didn't bode well for her. The classes Fox had made me take covered something like this. This girl had gone though a fold some how. The chances were good that her portal control had been broken badly, or she had got dumped out of a ripple some how, or maybe tried to use one of the 'deep' folds and she got thrust here, or a thousand other things. She was here though, and that meant I was given certain responsibility. One of which was helping her some how. Moving forward, I reached out, gently touching her shoulder. She awoke with a violent start, her eyes opening instantly and focused on me. She panicked, forcing herself back against the wall and screaming loudly. I jumped back myself, pulling my wings tighter against my body. The girl keep yelling the same string of syllables over and over again. My translator didn't do anything to it, I just heard it as she said it. Which meant she didn't have one, or if she did it (or possibly mine) was broken, that and the language wasn't stored in mine. Which made things even worse. If she didn't have a translator it meant that she might be a misplaced exile from the Council, or some kind of convict. The history of the Multi-Verse, as far as I learned, had many cultures who used the folds to remove criminals, some even know how to let them live through the transit and used it as a relocation, and not a device to kill. They where all eventually stopped, and when they found out about the Multi-Verse as a whole, duly embarrassed. Still though, it left criminals floating around worlds totally different from there own. Like this girl that was screaming before me. There was one other possibility. She could have been used as some kind of test subject. Used to test a device like the implants. She ended up down in these caves and lost the fold, and quite possibly her life. The only way I would know for sure was to ask her, and the only way to do that was for my translator to learn her language. Which, from as I understood it, it could not do if she keep yelling the same word over and over again. Finally I sighed. "I'm not a demon." I told her, taking a the usually acuret guess as to what she was calling me. Still funny though, people thinking that _I'm_ the demon. The girl instantly shut-up, looking at me with her pail-blue colored eyes. Slowly and very clearly she began to speak. None of it made sense to me, but from the look on the face I think she expected me to. As she finished she gave me a hopeful look. I didn't know what to do, she expect something from me, but I had the clue as to what. I sighed a bit. "I don't understand." He face fell and she started talking again. This wasn't screaming though, she was holding her voice calm, talking to herself. She looked at me again and said three more words. "No," I said again. She said something that clearly was a swear word of some kind, and started talking again. It occurred to me that she was trying to analyze the situation. She had though I was two different things, and she was trying to go though more. She might have been going through her native mythology, trying to find out what I was. She quipped a few more words at me. I shook my head. "I don't understand." She paused for a second, then sighed, slumping a bit against the wall. There we stayed for a few minutes before she finally looked up at me. She said a word, pressing her hand against her chest. It took me a few seconds to realize she was telling me that her name was Jadin. I smiled a bit and touched my own chest, saying my name at the same time. She smiled and reached out touching one of my wings. "Sora." She said, rolling my name slightly. I nodded, touching her shoulder, "Jadin." I responded. She broke away from my touch and laughed, saying a string of her language. At the same time I felt myself smirk, when I had been taught this basic type of interaction in class I though it was nonsense. I didn't think it would work so well in actual practice. Jadin finally settled down pushing her head back from her eyes. She reached into behind her back, and returned holding some fruits of some kind. She offered me one as she took a bight of the other. I took it from her, not sure if it was safe for me to eat or not, but I was hungry. I hadn't eaten sense dinner at the castle, how ever long ago that was, and just the sight of the fruit made me start to salivate. I happily dug into it. Chapter 9 It was not a pleasant fall. The pit smelled worse on the inside then standing above it. The sides were slimy with what I didn't want to know about, and it had a few strait down falls that jarred the top of my spine into the base of my skull. Eventually though I finally landed on solid ground, after dropping about five feet down from the end of the pit.. It was dusty, dirty and smelled slightly musty. I was just glad that the camp's refuses had petered out after the first drop, I really didn't want to land in the stuff. Rolling over onto my back I rubbed my shoulder where It had meet the wall with some force on my way down, and was already starting to throb. Winching as I touched it I also was informed that the back of my head was also in pain. Reaching back with my other hand I lightly touched my head, I was rewarded with an even strong shot of pain and a light sticky feeling on my fingers. Pressing a bit lighter I felt the stickiness in my hair. I gave it a quick taste, it was blood. I swore softly, just what I needed now, I concussion or a cracked skull. Neither one a good thing to happen. With a groan I stood up, quickly getting a rush of vertigo. Leaning up against the wall I held the back of my head. I was going to need to see a doctor some time soon. As the vertigo past I dug into my pockets. I had a small first-aid kit in my jacket, but that would have to come later. I pulled out a small band out of one of my upper pockets, and pressed the only none smooth place on it. There was a soft buzz from the band as it light up. I smiled a bit, pulling it over my fingers and tightening the strap around the palm of my hand. The light-band was a cute little toy I had keep around for years, it wasn't as breakable as a flashlight and looked like a inch thick wrist band, just far more useful. Going back into my jacket I found the first-aid kit. Swallowing a set of pain killers I pulled out a small towelett of anti-biotic. I rubbed it against the wound on the back of my head. It stung badly, which made me stomp a bit from the pain, but it faded fast. Stuffing the rest of the kit into my pocket I finally looked around the cave I had landed in. It was large, water-worn cave, it was bone dry, with no stalactites or 'mites. The floor was covered in a thick layer or some kind fo dust. Not actually dust, it wasn't that fine, but there was still a good layer of it. There were two exits, other then they way I had come in. One exit though had a set of footprints leading though it! I looked close at the prints, they where fresh, the floor was clear under them, with the dust piled up to the side. They where not feet though, or sandals, but looked like a pair of shoes. Shoes with a tread... which don't exist in this world. It _had_ to be Sora!! She was still alive! I felt a surge of relive, where I didn't even know I felt guilt. She was still alive down here, which was a boon to me, we had a better chance of getting out alive, and if I kind find her, and get lucky enough to find a ripple, I can get both of us out of here. Holding my hand up, casting the light in front of me. I yelled Sora's name, hearing my voice echo though out the caverns, vanishing and coming back to me a few seconds later. No response came, though caves can swallow sound in some corners, and my voice my not have reached where ever she was, or she could have been asleep or something of the like. With a smile I started after her, keeping my pace up a bit more then she had walked. She had been down her for who knew how long, at most though it was half a day, which was the length of time sense she had been kidnapped. I only got about ten feet into the new tunnel before the light-band snapped out. I swore again, taking a step back. The light-band flickered back on. Reaching my hand forward again the light shut down once more. I pulled my hand back. "Fuck," I whispered. This was very very high on the bad thing scale. This had to be magic, things like this didn't happen by any know type of technology. But why make a spell to stop this type of electricity... or was it just for light. Digging out my portal controller I turned it on. Holding it out I moved it past the point where the light had shut off. It shut off as well. I put it away and sighed. This was a spell to stop all none-biological electrical energy. It wasn't a very easy spell to do, a bit of in any direction and things short out, or you kill anyone walking though the field. Either way someone went to a lot of trouble to set up this spell, in the middle of a cave. The type of electricity it was stopping hadn't been discovered on this world yet! I could only think of one reason why anyone would have this spell here and now. Someone was expecting me. Switching the light-band to my left hand and pulled out my gun, holding it in my right, pulling the hammer back but keeping the safety on. Holding it prone I headed into the darkness. * * * "DRAGONFIRE!" A voice yelled from the outside of the castle. I lifted my head from the stack of papers I had been buried in. Looking out the turret's window I saw a trio of dragons flowing low over the castle, burning the ground under them. They where past the castle though, why were they attacking? Walking over to the window I cast a small spell to improve my vision I looked out at the damage. The dragons had each cut a swath of destruction though thick crop land. A second trio of dragons flew over the castle, burning more farm land and pre-cooking a couple cows. Finally I shook off the quick shock I was feeling. Sweeping of the spell on my eyes, I grabbed a handful of papers I had been stacking and dashed out of the room I was in and exploded down the stairs into the castle. Jumping over the last few stairs I burst past some startled servants and though the corridor. I keep running until I burst though the one of the side doors and into the dinning hall. Draz and Kalie were already there, looking over a set of maps. As I made my entrance they both looked up. "Ken," Kalie said with a bit of a frown, "You saw happened?" I nodded, twisting a chair sideways and sitting down in it. "How could I not?" Draz nodded as one of the servants whispered into his ear. He frowned. "The dragons have banked back to there camp. A next flight could be on there way already." "I hope not," I whispered, dropping the papers onto the table, spreading them out a bit. "You found something?" Kalie asked, leaning forward towards me. "I... I'm not sure." I said pulling around some of the papers. "I think I found something that looks like some kind of dragon repellent spell, I'm not sure though, I can barely just read the written language." Kalie winches. "The translators, I forgot about that." She turned to Draz. "You can read, yes?" He coughed a bit. "I'm not royal by birth... I've learned a few things, but not enough to understand something like this." Kalie frowned. "Then get someone here who can read, right now we need to protect this castle!" Draz shook his head. "It's not the castle there attacking right now, it's the farms and crops in this valley. If they destroy all of them we're not going to survive this coming winter." I pulled out a paper from the stack. "From what I can read, I think I can get this spell expand to cover the whole valley, but I'm going to need someone who _can_ read." Draz snapped his fingers and one of the servants came running to his side. He spoke to him for a second then the servant ran off. Another servant ran up to Draz as the first left. He whispered something into his hear then back away. He stood instantly upright. "Thrysten is heading back this way." "I think it's safe to assume that Fox's meting with Krege didn't go well," Kalie quipped as she stood. "Brilliant observation," I said, standing on my own. All three of us ran out of the hall, up the same stairs we had first come down, and onto the battlements of the castle. Draz ran to the east side of the castle, facing Krege's army. The dragons were no longer in the sky, but something else was. Putting the same improvement of vision on my eyes I traced the sky. Thrysten was coming, flying in her none-morphic form (a rather amazing feet, I really want to get my claws on that stone of hers). I also saw that she had Oriana perched on her back. She was struggling to stay in the air, betting the air instead of trying to glide. There was no beauty in her form, just force. I snapped my vision back. "She has Oriana on her back and is going to be landing hard." Draz paled a bit. "Spread back a bit, she's never been good at tight landings." Kalie looked puzzled. "How can she fly?" She demanded. I moved back a bit. "Stand back and watch." Thrysten was now viable as more then a strangely shaped bird. He form was growing quickly as she tried to slow down. Stepping forward I moved to just to the side of where she would skim past the battlements. I opened my arms and yelled. "Jump!" Oriana must of heard as when they flew past she leaped from Thrysten's back and against me. She missed my arms but smashed into my chest, forcing me onto my back. I rolled, taking Oriana's momentum from her leap. I flipped about three times before finally hitting neck first into the stone wall. Suddenly Kalie was by my side. "What the hell was that about?" She asked, prying my arms from around Oriana, rolling her onto the battlements. "Basic physics," I muttered, blackness creeping around my vision. "If she had been on Thrysten's back when they crashed she would have flow off and break her neck, not to mention Thrysten's." She nodded, patting my head. "Smart idea then." I chuckled a bit. "Thanks," I whispered as the blackness took over my vision and I passed out. Chapter 10 I was still going damn fast as I plowed into Ken's chest, forcing him back into a roll along the battlements. I was dazed from the crash landing and really didn't come back to reality until Kalie started slapping my face lightly with her paw. Shaking my head I found I was propped up along the side of the battlements, Ken was sprawled out a few feet away from me, his neck already starting to show dark brown bruises on his green scales. Kalie was still slapping me gently. I waved her off. "I'm ok," I said, starting to stand. My head gave me a hard throb. "I think," I amended. She nodded, helping me stand up. "What happened back there?" I rubbed my head. "One of the dragons dive-bombed Thrysten, clipped her wing." "I can see that," Draz hissed, hunching over the gryphoness. "Retrieve a healer!" I called out to one of the ever present servants. I looked down at Ken. "We'll he be OK?" Kalie shook her head slowly. "I don't know, I think he broke his neck when he landed." I stumbled a bit. "Oh shit." "Good understatement, unless you can do magic we may not get out of this." "I've done one spell," I said, leaning up against her side. "it was complex, but most of it was pre-prepared. I just had to go through the motions." Kalie frowned at me. "You just don't 'go though the motions' with any kind of magic. It doesn't work that way." Thrysten groaned before I could respond. Both Kalie and I turned to look at her. She was slowly melting back to her normal form, but whimpering in pain. As she reformed, she looked worse them when I was on her, part of her left wing was bent back, broken badly, part from the dragon, but mostly from the landing. She had bruises down her side and her shoulder blade was bleeding slowly. Draz slowly rolled her over and held her head in his lap, slowly stroking the feathers around her eyes. She was moaning still, her eyes unfocused. He looked at Kalie. "Can you do anything for her?" He asked, waving the healer away. Kalie seamed to lose a few inches in height. "I... not here..." her eyes flickered over to where the fold was, "I could take her back with us, but Fox has the temps, and if she's critical the shock might kill her." He bent down and kissed Thrysten's head. "Can you do it?" He whispered at her. She moaned, her eyes slowly closing. Draz looked back at us. "Anything you can, anything, please." Kalie slowly nodded. "Ok then, we need to get her inside, laid out an a bed, a clean bed, not the molded straw we had last night." He nodded, "She approved our bed in the Solarium, she had it made for us. Will that do?" Kalie nodded. "It will have to, get ten servants, carry her gently down into the room and get her into bed. I'll be down to look at her in a few minutes." He nodded again, talking to one of the servants. I looked over at Ken, his neck was swollen badly and bleeding slowly in spots. "What can we do about him?" I asked. She frowned, still holding me. "We can't move him. It will make him worse, maybe even sever his spinal cord, if it isn't to late." I pushed away from her, standing up on my own, my head spinning still. Draz was slowly helping the servants move Thrysten down the stairs. "What did he find?" "A spell to repulse dragons, he figured he could extend it to cover the whole valley. He couldn't read more then a few words of it though, so it's just a guess." I rubbed my head. "We'll need a scribe." Kalie took my arm, leading me towards the stairs. "We were about to send for one before you landed." "Good, right. That will help. But even then, how can we do the spell?" She started down the steps, with me in tow. "You did magic, what kind?" I rubbed my head again. "I did a spell for Fox using Bliss as a base." She looked started. "Bliss? You gave Fox Bliss?" I nodded, regretting it instantly. "I used it like it was made to be." She sighed. "Fine, you can tell me all the details later. Right now then I need to see what I can do for Thrysten, you get it translated into Prid standard. Got that?" "Yes." I said as we walked into the dinning hall. I could see a dozen papers scattered accost the table. Though only one was set in front of any of the places. Kalie turned to one of servants, "You, get the castle scribe for Oriana," she turned to a second one. "You, take me to the Solarium." Both scribes ran off, one taking Kalie with him. I sat down at the chair with the papers. Picking up the one in front of me, I scanned over it. The written language looked nothing like mine, and all languages I have in my translator looked like mine to me. I wasn't sure if I could do anything with it without help." "Lady?" A voice asked from the other side of the room. I looked over to find the scribe. He was just a teenager, maybe fifteen at the most. I waved him over so we could start. * * * Jadin was a chatty girl, even if nether one of us could understand the other. She had been talking for what seemed like hours. I knew it was less then four, that was how long the translator was suppose to take to pick up a language, but still. She paused for a second and handed me another fruit. She seemed to have an infinite supply of them. She just reached behind her back and pulled one out. No bag or anything, they where just there. I supposed it was magic, just one of the things I've had to accept as real now that I've been with Fox for half of one of his years. The same thing that was causing the glow around her body. I munched on the fruit, watching as she talked just to talk. I was starting to think that she had been down in these caves for so long she just needed someone to talk to other then herself, even if I couldn't talk back. Suddenly she stopped, gaping a bit, looking over my shoulder. Turning my head, I gasped a bit. Standing about three feet away, looking very badly dazed, was Fox. His eyes were clouded over, and he had blood on his hands. "Fox?" I whispered. He fell down next to me. "Sora, th-th-that is you, r-right?" He stuttered out. I nodded, "Yes." He smiled a bit. "Good," he whispered, and fell forward into my lap. I yelped, catching his head, gasping when I saw the back of his head. He had blood over the back of his head, some hair was missing and his scalp was scrapped off. His skull was actually showing, and cracked slightly. "Oh lord." I whispered. Jadin nodded, suddenly sitting right next to me. Brushing her hair away from her eyes. She touched his head lightly, away from the crack in his skull. She whispered something under her breath press her fingers down a bit. She continued to whisper softly. I gave her a glance. "What do you think?" She turned to look at me. "I think he needs help." She said in a very soft voice. I jumped a bit, through tried not to jar Fox's head to badly. There was no sign that the translator had started working, it just did. I shook it off. "Can we do anything though?" She nodded. "I think," she said, brushing her hair away from her eyes. "I'm not sure though, he looks like me, but is so different." She then gave me a sharp glance. "How can you talk now and not when I first gave you _the words_." "I didn't understand them." She gently lifted Fox's head from my lap and slowly moved it into her own. "You can now, I am amazed, we will have to discuses this later." She started to stroke the side of Fox's head where his hair was ripped out at. "What are you doing?" I asked, sliding over a bit closer to her. "My job," she whispered, "now get back." It was differently an order, I slide back over to the side of the tunnel wall. She was holding the tips of her fingers against his skull. She started to chant a bit under her breath. The words she spoke seemed to carry a weight of there own, heavy in the air and echoing a bit in an area what wasn't echoing before. Her fingers started to glow a bit, soon growing to be brighter then the light her body was giving off. Her face was a mask of pain and concentrating, blood was starting to run from the corner of her eyes and her mouth. Finally she let out a gasp and pulled her hands away from Fox's head. Fox for his own part moaning softly and rolled over, reaching up to rubbed the back of his skull. "What happened?" he whispered, his eyes slowly focusing on Jadin. He paled slightly, "oh shit." He muttered before fainting again. Chapter 11 I drifted back awake, pain fluttering around the back of my head. I whimpered, reaching back to touch my skull. I received a stronger flair of pain, but not as bad as it was before. Looking up my eyes focused on the pair of people in front of me. One of them was Sora, who was actually there, and not one of the delusions I was having before. The second one was what shocked me. She was an elf, one of the few I had ever seen. She looked like a young girl, so I guessed she was maybe in her thirties or more. Long brown hair that draped down her shoulders, the tips of her ears pushing though. She also seemed to be the source of what light was in the cave. I slowly raised myself up into a sitting position. The elf looked at me, whipping some blood from her face. She then turned to Sora and said something in a slightly chirping bird-like language. Sora responded back in the same tongue. That must of meant that she didn't have a translator, at least that was the leap of half formed logic I made at the time. Her world wasn't part of the council, at least as a full-verse, if she was she would have had some sort of translator working in one of the basic universal languages. Suddenly something suck into my mind. "Sora!" I said and jumped over to hug her. She gasped, not having expected that. She was shocked but finally hugged me back. "Miss me?" She asked with a slight smile. I shook my head, winching a bit as I did so. "They said you had been killed." She gave me a smug look. "The solders were to scared to kill me, so they threw me down a bottomless pit. Then sounds like they lied about it." I rubbed the back of my head. "Yes, I went down that pit myself. Though it's not as bottomless as they would like to think." She paused for a second as the elf said something. "Oh yes, Fox this is Jadin." She said. I nodded to the elf. "Welcome, though I think you find that you've landed yourself in a huge mess." Jadin looked at Sora, and she gave her a short translation, the elf gave a quick response. "She said that she guess as much." Jadin then said something else. "She also said she doesn't even know how she got here." I let out a low whistle. "Oh shit... that's might be even worse." Jadin continued to speak, and Sora continued translating, "she was hiking when some kind of vortex of light opened in front of her and sucked her in. She woke up here." I groaned. "She's a natural..." Jadin gave Sora a puzzled look as my comment was translated, though after a second she smiled, quipping something out. "She also said that you should thank her for healing you, it saved your life." I frowned. "How?" I asked, feeling the back of my head, the pain was slowly fading. I suddenly felt dumb for having asked that. Here this lady is, glowing magically, and I wanted to know how she healed me. "The back of your skull was cracked." I winched a bit. "I though it was just a concussion, and I thank for it them. I'm also glad she was here, it was... convenient." I actually didn't like it at all myself. It was _too_ convenient for my taste, with that and the anti-power spell. Sora passed it on, then looked back at me. "Why did you ask if it was me?" I rubbed the back of my head again. "I was getting delusional. Seeing and hearing things that where not real." She leaned forward. "Such as?" I shook my head, and frowned, "that's it really." It actually wasn't it, I just didn't want to tell her what I had been seeing as I found that I unnerved me a bit. She sighed, pulling her wings around her body. "Very well then, how long have you been down here?" I glanced at my watch. "About an hour I think." I said, realizing that it was actually working (it hadn't been before). With a quick press I turned like light-band on, it activated, sending a flash of light down the tunnel. I turned it back off after a few seconds. "What was that about?" I stood up, shaking my head as I was suddenly dizzy. "Just checking something. I think we should get going, we have to get back to the castle as fast as we can. We don't have much time anymore." Sora stood as well saying something to Jadin. She stood as well, saying a long string of her language to Sora. Sora brightened up instantly. "She can find us a way out!" I looked at both of them. "Why hasn't she already?" The response was quick. "She said she has, but meet some of the local population and freaked, she came back here." There was another pause. "That was about a week ago." I smiled. "Smart lady, if she can get us into the valley this will be a lot easier then wondering around hoping we can find the way ourself." "She thinks she can." I clapped my hands lightly, and turned the light-band on. "Just have her point the way then." * * * "How is the translation going?" Kalie asked as she entered the dinning hall. I whipped some ink from the fur of my paws. "Slowly. Ken was right, this is some kind of dragon repellent spell. I'm just not sure how to expand it, or how we can to do it with-out him." She sighed, "We may have no choice, he's getting worse. I'm considering going back to get a special forces team from Prid, or at least a doctor." "That's illegal." I said in a semi-monotone as I wrote down more of the scribe's dictation from the actual notes on the spell. "I know," Kalie said with a sigh, sitting down next to me. "But unless we can get this spell done, I would be willing to forfeit my life." I frowned. "Even assuming Ken does recover enough to do the spell what then? We still have a few thousand solders that will arrive in a day or less." "Get as many as we can out of here and surrender. Unless we can come up with something better before then." I set the pen down and waves to the scribe to stop, wiping my paws off again. "So, how is Thrysten?" I asked, trying to change the topic. She shook her head. "She isn't doing very well. I think she ripped off some of the muscles around her shoulders." The conversation faltered at that point. Finally after a minute had pasted I spoke again. "How can we do this spell with out Ken?" She leaned forward a bit, "I think there might be someone else who can do cast it." That suddenly cheered me up, I smiled a bit. "Who?" Kalie gave me a hard look, the kind people always get before they deliver some bad news. "I think you can do it." I jumped back a few inches. "What?! You've got to be kidding, I can't do magic! What I did for Fox was all pre-done and pre-made. I just had to go though the motions of the spell." Kalie shook her head. "You do not 'just go though the motions' with any kind of magic. You either have the talent, and it works, or it just doesn't work." I growled, not wanting something more to fuck up my life. "Fine, if you say so! But even if I can do magic, I can _not_ do something like this!" I waved down at the paper in front of me. She nodded. "No, you can't, not directly. You don't have enough skill, control or power. But Ken does. If you can find some way to connect to his mind, telepathicly or though other means, he can do the spell, but though your body." I leaned back slightly in my chair. "This is not what I need." "There's not much of a choice, if you can do this you must do this." I sighed, leaning forward and resting my head in my arms. "Fine, fine if I can do any kind of magic I'll try it." Kalie patted me on the back. "You can Oriana, remember that." I nodded, raising my head. "Get me Ken's satchel then." She stood, and started out, then stopped, looking back over her shoulder. "You haven't said what happened to Fox, and Sora." I sighed. "I last saw Fox diving into a pit, and Sora is dead." "Then so be it," she whispered, and walked out of the hall. Chapter 12 "You didn't plan for anything like this did you?" I asked Fox as we walked though the caves. He gave me a sideways glance. "In which sense?" "In that you came expecting to play some politics, or go against in small army. Not any of this, having someone other the Krege in command, or being stuck in a cave while everyone else has to deal with it." He nodded. "Right on all counts. I assume you've meet Salden then?" I nodded. "Yes, not a very pleasant man." "I'll bet hard money that he ended the negotiations with Draz, the same time that Krege's 'illness' started." "Poison maybe?" I asked, starting to dig though my pockets. "Maybe, a small dose, at least to start. By now he would have to be getting enough to keep him ill. It would actually need to be feed to him at this stage, I think. How would you go about it though." I found what I was looking for. Pulling the packet I had snatched the night before I held it in front of Fox's face. "How about his 'medicine'?" He stopped, which made me stop, Jadin went on a few feet before she noticed we were not behind her anymore. Fox looked at the packet, then slowly took it out of my fingers and looked inside. He folded it up and laughed. "Son of a bitch! Sora this is perfect, if this actually _is_ poison we might be able to stop this after all." He hugged me tight and handed the packet back. I smiled a bit at all this attention. "It did appear to be important." He kissed my cheek. "Damn right. We need to double time it now! We have to get this back to Ken so he can take a look at." Jadin broke in. "I think this might be of interest to you." She said from the intersection she was standing in. He tone was such that we had better look weather it was interesting or not. I relayed the message to Fox, walking over to where she stood. She was pointing down one of the tunnels. I let my gaze follow her finger. In the distance was a pair of what looked like red gems hanging about four feet above the floor. They seamed to be getting closer to us as well, bouncing slightly. Fox saw this too, and took in a sharp breath. He pointing his light down the tunnel. In the distance, just shaded by the light was a large head. The red gems were it's eyes mounted above a massive grey muzzle, the rest of it's head was in the same proportion. "Do you know what that is?" Fox asked in slight awe. The creature was getting closer. "Let me guess, horrible. Am I wrong?" "It's a Wyrm." He whispered. "That thing looks hungry," Jadin said, backing away, "and I think we're dinner." I nodded. "Right, lets get out of here Fox." The Wyrm put on a burst of speed. I wasn't about to wait for Fox's answer, I turned and started to run. Jadin had the same idea. Suddenly I was snared by my shirt and pulled back, the color cutting into my neck. I was pulled back into one of the other tunnels by Fox, Jadin in his other hand. "Never run away from anything immortal," He hissed in my ear, "it only attracts there attention!" Before I could respond the beast shot out of the mouth of the tunnel, accost the one we were standing in, and into the other side. The thing was long, fifty-feet in length, maybe more. All in the same dark grey colour as it's face. It had only a pair of thick fore and hind legs to move, and seamed to do a damn good job of it. After it finally past us by Fox let go of both of us. "What was that?" Jadin asked me. I told her what Fox said to me. While she puzzled over that I looked at him. "You said that monster is immortal?" He nodded. "Yes, and one of the few forms of life that have ever evolved to use the folds. They've been around for longer then any know civilization, and most worlds have them in there history." He frowned for a second. "Even mine." "What do we do about it?" He dug into his pocket and pulled out his controller. "Not much, the clostest fold is back at the castle, so we're not taking that short-cut. I think we should just get back to the castle. Which way do we go from here?" I passed the question onto Jadin, and she gave me a dark look. "Behind that thing." Fox groaned. "I know that kind of look. We're following it aren't we?" I nodded. I blew air though his teeth. "Lets hope we don't run into it again." We all agreed with the sentiment as we started down the same tunnel the Wyrm had used. It lasted only a hundred yards as the tunnel curved into a large cavern. There was half a dozen exits in it, one of which the beasts with curled in front of. "Let me guess," Fox said, pointing at the blocked tunnel, "that's our way out?" I turned to Jadin. "The Wyrm's in the way?" She just nodded. "Is it the only way?" I related the question, and Jadin nodded again. Fox swore, his eyes drifting over the cavern. "She had eggs." He whispered, pointing out into the cavern. There were six eggs, lined up in two rows of three. They where sitting in the middle of the cave, about thirty feet away from us. He paused for a second, then started to look around. "I need a staff of some kind, about five feet long." I glanced around, passing it onto Jadin. She just smiled and pulled a wooden staff out from behind herself. Fox raised an eyebrow, but gently took the staff from her, examining it carefully. He nodded and pulled out a small block of plastic from one of his pockets. He opened it and pressed a few buttons inside. Then bending down he threw it along the floor. It skidded and bounced, finally ended up against one of the the eggs, stopping with a dull wack. "What is that?" I smiled. "An EMD, be carrying it around so I can spy on Burke," he gave a sideways glance to Jadin. He finally nodded a bit to himself. "All right, I have a plan to get us out of here. Right now, she has eggs, and if we entered the layer should would gladly have us to eat. So we need some way to convince her to let us out." "How would be planing on doing that?" I asked. "By getting to her eggs," he said with a smile, tucking the staff under his arm. "On my mark I want to you to run that way." He pointed accost the cavern, it was on the far side of the Wyrm, but still a bit to close for my taste. "I though you said running would attract her attention?" "It does, that's the point. While she goes after you I get to her eggs. The rest is just negotiation of the lowest order." I started to protest but Fox gave me a look sharp enough to cut me off. I finally sighed, and passed on the instructions to Jadin, who's reaction was about the same as mine. Fox watched the Wyrm for about ten seconds, counting slowly to himself. Finally he turned to me. "Now," he whispered. I pulled my wings tight and started to run, finding the floor turning into a soft sand a few feet in. Jadin was just a few inches away from me. Behind us came a deep bellowing roar, and the foot falls of the Wyrm as it started after us. Jadin speed up past me, and I tried to keep up. I could actually feel the Wyrm's breath on the back of my neck when a sharp crack rang though the cavern. The Wyrm stopped, it's head twisting around the draft catching the ends of my wings and throwing me to the ground. "That got your attention I see." Fox called out through the cave. Scrambling around I looked towards him. He was standing inside the eggs, and slowly standing, the end of the staff buried inside the shattered remains of one. Jadin nudged me, and I gave her a translation of what Fox said. The Wyrm bellowed towards Fox and started to charge at him. Fox reacted quickly pulling the staff out of one egg and crashing it into the side of the second. The Wyrm stopped, it's eyes focusing on the puddling yokes under her eggs. Fox smiled at her. "Two eggs, that's all that is ever alive out of any clutch, it's not these two. Give's you a one in two chance of me not hitting one of your actual children." The Wyrm back away a bit. "Sora, Jadin, work your way to the exit." I took Jadin's hand and started to edge my way to the tunnel out. The Wyrm saw us and flipped and started to dive forward. There came a sharper and deeper crack. This time the Wyrm screamed, turning back to face Fox. He tilted his head a bit, pulling the staff from the remains of what had once been a growing egg. "Oh, to bad about that. But then again, you always kill the second born, so I've just saved you some trouble." The Wyrm screamed again, edging towards Fox. He slammed the staff into one more egg, spattering it over the floor of the cave. "Well now, two left, and only one is still alive. So hear is the deal. My friends and I go, leave you alone, you don't attack us or follow us. Understand?" He let the staff hover over the pair of eggs. The Wyrm curled back a bit, then turned it's head away from Fox. He nodded a bit, and started to back away. Finally we all started down the tunnel we needed to be in. Fox stopped at the exit. "The one left is the biggest and the strongest of the pair. I would never kill the child you would keep." Looking over Fox's shoulder I watched as the Wyrm glared at Fox, then slowly bent to lick at the remains of the eggs. He nodded and started down the tunnel. "What did you think you where doing?!" Jadin said quietly yelling. "If you picked the wrongs eggs it would have killed us to spite you!" I translated for Fox. He nodded in agreement. "I didn't just pick the eggs, I knew which one's actually had the children in them. That's why I threw the EMD out there. That was all planed." He frowned. "Except for killing the one, that wasn't part of it." I passed this onto Jadin. She seamed accepted it as she gave Fox a quick nod as we continued down the tunnel. Chapter 13 I let out a pent-up sigh of relieve as we finally made are way out of the caves and into the light of the afternoon. I had been down in the caves for about three hours. It looked like a lot had happened in those three hours. There were long slashes of scorched ground covering the valley, a trio of dragons were just rising up from a dive, leaving a trail of smoldering crops in there wake. Sora swore to herself from where she stood next to me. "How can we stop this?" I rubbed the back of my head. "Quickly I hope. That packet of yours, if it is poison, may end this quicker then anything else can. But we need to get back to the castle first." She nodded. "We just have to make it." She said as the trio of dragons flew over our heads, "and there has to be a castle to get back to." I patted her on the back as she tucked her wings against her body. "We will, it's only going to be a couple hours walking." I squinted a bit, focusing on Ken's spell which had seemed to have vanished down in the caves. "Oriana looks to be already there, and I hope someone notices we're on the way. We might end up with a ride." "I hope so," She glanced at Jadin, and said something to her. There was a quick response. "She's ready." I smiled. "Right then, lets get going," and started to walked towards the castle, rubbing my head again. "You're thinking about something." Sora said, falling into step at my side. I nodded. "Yes... something wasn't right back there." She chuckled a bit. "Which part?" "The Wyrm, it shouldn't of been there." "By what definition?" I shook my head. "Any, a Wyrm lives with the folds, it uses it to hunt. It will keep it's lair on a fold, going though it to half a dozen well know worlds. It's still miles to the fold, there's no way she could be living off of that. She's still alive though, which means that's she's actually going out of the caves into this world to hunt." She shrugged. "Maybe the fold moved, or collapsed, and she was trapped." I shook my head. "The fold has been at the castle for at least four years. It's still exactly where it was last time I used it. She's also new to that cave, and Wyrms spend there adult live in one cave. She's to big for this to be her cave. This also was her second or third set of eggs, or else they would have all been empty of life." Sora bunched her wings a bit accost her back. "So it moved?" "A Wyrm would die before willing leaving it's cave." I shook my head. "No... I think someone moved that Wyrm here, but why? It had to have been something around a year ago. She came pregnant, and laid her eggs, which is probably the only reason why she took up a new cave." "Meaning what?" I sighed. "To much... she should not be here at all. I don't know why she is here, but she is... and I don't think she is the only one brought to the caves." Sora frowned. "Jadin?" I nodded. "Yes... I don't think she is a natural. Again, the only fold is at the castle, and a natural almost never come out a ripple when they first open a fold. Not even the most powerful natural can do that." "So how did she get here?" "Ask her to describe what happened. Everything she can remember about the portal." Sora nodded and fell back a bit to talk to Jadin. She came back a minute later. "She said that it was a orange colour, it opened in front of her, the color starting at blue then moving to orange. She remembered next waking up in the caves." I rubbed my eyes, then readjusted my glasses. "That locks it then. I think she was deposited." "But why, and by who?" I smiled, looking at her. "The why is simple, if she wasn't there I most likely would be dead now. Someone had to put here there so she could heal me when the time was right." She nodded. "Still though, who would have know to do that." I gave her a light stare, and raised an eyebrow. She looked at me for a few seconds, then said. "Burke?" She guessed. I nodded. "Burke." "How though? If he did put Jadin there how would he know to actually _do_ it? He would have to know that you would need her this happened. That would take some for of time travel." I nodded again. "Which he may actually have." "What?! I though that it was still theoretical." I gave her a sharp glance. "He's also from the future isn't he?" I shrugged. "Or maybe last week. It still may be an accident that Jadin is here. This is still just a theory the Brothers told me about a couple days ago. Apparently some of the air Burke was breathing out looked like it might have been older then it was suppose to be." She nodded a bit. "What do we do about it then?" "For right now, we make sure Jadin has some temps just in-case she isn't a natural, then get her validated when we get back to Prid. Until then we keep walking." Sora glanced up. "I don't think so, our ride is here." She pointed at the growing figures coming towards us. * * * I looked over my notes on the spell, trying to find some way to expand the it to cover the valley. I didn't have any idea what to do, or how to do it, or even where to guess to start at. "Any progress?" Kalie asked, as she walked into the dinning hall. I shook my head. "I think I have everything I need to do the spell, but just not sure I can actually do it, and I still have no clue how to expand it." Kalie nodded setting a pair of necklaces on the table. "Ken knew, and you might be able to ask him. I think these will link you together so you can do the spell." "I wouldn't not recommend it." Fox said from the doorway. I twisted around, jumping out of my chair at the same time. Fox was just walking in the doorway, looking a bit smug. I ran over and hugged him tightly, nearly picking him up. He laughed a bit and hugged me back. He pried me off after a few seconds. "What have I missed, other then dragon attacks?" He asked, walking over to the table. "It would be good to know." Sora asked, following him into the room. I felt myself smiling. "You're alive." I said, calling it out a bit. She nodded, patting my shoulder. "Had a couple of squeamish solders, they didn't like the idea of killing me." I nodded pulling her over to the table. "That's good..." I said, not sure of what else I could say. "Who's your friend Fox?" Kalie asked sounding a bit shocked. I looked around, finding someone new standing in the doorway, she looked like a human, but after a few seconds I saw that it was actually an elf. "How did she get here?" I asked. Fox shook his head. "That's a matter of some debate. Now what's this about linking with Ken?" Kalie sighed. "Ken is hurt, his neck is broken and he is unconscious." He gulped a bit glancing at the elf who was standing behind Sora. "What happened?" I gave him a quick version of what happened on top of the castle hours before. He face slowly fell as he heard what happened. "I think we need to not worry about the spell for right now." He turned, "Sora? How much healing can she do?" Sora turned to the elf and had a small exchange. She turned back to Fox, "She might be able to heal Thrysten, but not Ken, at least not all the way." Fox frowned a bit. "All right... Kalie, take Sora and Jadin up to Thrysten, we need her first, her and Draz, we need them as a pair." Kalie looked at Fox for a few seconds, then stood up, walking out silently. Sora and the elf (her name Jadin I assume) walked out after her. "If Ken's out, why are you still working on the spell?" I frowned, looking down at the table. "Kalie seems to think I have some capability in magic." He grimaced. "Just what you need, something else screwing up your life." I chuckled. "That's just about what I thought." He shook his head, smiling a bit. "Don't worry about it. If I'm right this might end in a few more hours with out an all out battle. "What's your plan of fearless leader?" I asked with a smile. He gave me a lopsided grin and told me. Chapter 14 I cough Jadin as she fell back off the bed, she had blood running from her eyes, mouth and nose. Thrysten on the other hand was slowly waking up. Draz was instantly at Thrysten's side, Kalie came over to me and Jadin whipping her face off with a wet cloth. "Are you all right?" I asked. She moaned and shook her head slowly. "This isn't as easy for me as it is for others." She whispered, her voice getting stronger as she spoke. Draz spoke to us. "Tell that child that I thank her." "Fox say's she's an Elf, and an adult." I said with a slight smile as she sat up on the edge of the bed. Thrysten coughed, rubbing her shoulder where her wing had been hurt. "What happened?" She asked, looking around the room, she focused on Jadin. "And who is she?" "Draz will explain," Kalie said, standing up. "We'll go for now. Though Fox want's to see you soon." She nodded a bit, winching slightly. Kalie tap my shoulder and I stood, helping Jadin up. Then we all headed out of the room. "I'm impressed. I've never seen healing like that, or that much pain caused by doing it." I nodded. "She bleed less when she healed Fox." Kalie have me a sharp look. "What happened to Fox." "To long of a story for right now," I sighed. She shook her head, working her fingers through the fur of her arms. "Why does Fox want Thrysten first? It would make more sense to heal Ken first." I shrugged. "I don't know. Though I think he has a plan of some sort." She chuckled. "In my experience Fox isn't the best at planing things. He always seems to miss some major point that I had to fix before it got us all killed. Except for last time, he actually did pretty good then." I shook my head a bit. "Well, I hope what ever he has this time works, and I'll bet it has something to do with this." I pulled the packet out of my pocket and showed it to Kalie. She took it from me. "What is this?" "Fox thinks it's a poison. I agree with him." She frowned, sniffing it a bit. "Who for?" "Krege." I said as we walked into the dinning hall. "Why is he taking poison?" She asked. Fox walked over, snatching the packet from Kalie's paw. "Because he's being feed it by his Prime Minister." Kalie sat down. "Oh... I see... He's taken over officially by making Krege sick." I nodded, sitting myself down along with Jadin. "It works well too." "So, he is the one who is doing this." Fox nodded. "Right, he seems to be taking our forcing Krege out kind of personally." "Who?" Draz asked, walking into the room, Thrysten followed behind adjusting her clothing as she went. "Salden," Fox said, "Krege's Prime Minister and current leader of the army's up there." Draz frowned, sitting in his chair at the head of the table. "Yes, he would have an interest. It was his son who you fought for." Fox groaned. "And he got killed at the end of it." A connection made itself in my head. "He also blames you for it Fox." He looked at me. "Really?" I nodded. "He almost drooled at the prospect of killing you." Fox rubbed his neck. "Nice man." He looked at Draz. "If Krege was killed, Salden would not have taken charge would he?" "I don't think so," He said, "though if he was appointed to rule while Krege was ill he would be king, unless Krege died." Fox blew a bit. "Right then," He threw the packet to Draz. "I expect that is poison." He frowned and passed to Thrysten. She sniffed it a bit then dropped it on the table. "Yes, it is." "Salden has been feeding that to Draz." I said. She nodded. "Yes, a growing dose would keep him ill." "Good then." Fox said with a smile. "I need an antidote that will get him back to his feet in minutes. He doesn't have to be strong, just awake, thinking and most of all talking." "What do you have planed Fox?" Draz asked. "You're going to surrender." Oriana said from where she had been leaning against the wall. "Fox and I will take care of the rest." "We need the antidote first." Fox said. "Do you have one for this?" Thrysten looked at Draz. "It is the same poison dear, and still a smaller dose." He nodded. "Yes, we have an antidote. It might be stronger then you need, but it will help." Fox raised an eyebrow. "All right then. You're going to need some kind of guard." Thrysten smiled. "I can arrange that." He nodded. "Jadin can help Ken right?" "I can try and heal him enough so he can be moved back with you guys." Jadin responded. Fox blinked and nodded. "Well then. Sora you remember where we came in, Ken's up there. Both of you get up there and do what you can. Don't over extend yourself either." I nodded and started up to the battlements with Jadin in tow. * * * "How exactly will surrendering save us?" Draz asked, leaning forward a bit. I grabbed an apple (or something like) from the table and bit into it. "It gets you to see Salden. The fact is you have a script you need to follow." Draz frowned. "What are you planning to do Fox?" I started to speak, but stopped before I said anything. "To be honest, I don't think I should say. We already know that there are spies in the castle. They took Sora and tried to kill me. Oriana knows and for what we need to do that's enough." "And what do we need to do?" Thrysten asked. "Just get there, and take about twenty solders with you. Kalie you go with them." Kalie nodded. "All right." "Draz, you insist on meeting Salden alone. When you do delay him, about five minutes should do. Also, I will need the antidote." Draz nodded and Thrysten snapped a servant over to her then sent him off. I checked my pockets for the gun, I still had it, along with the clips from before. "Kalie, right here and now, what is the strongest weapon you have." She reached over and grabbed what looked like Ken's satchel. Reaching inside she fished around for a few seconds. There was a muffled rip then she came up with something I hadn't expect at all. She tossed it my way and I looked it over. "A twelve-gage pump action shotgun. Kalie your a bitch, you know that?" She laughed and passed over four shells. "It holds all of them, and that's all I have. It was an emergency weapon. Ken didn't even know he had it." I shook my head, taking the strap from the satchel and attaching it to the shotgun, then loaded it and hung it under my jacket. The servant that Thrysten had sent off returned carrying a small vial half full of a off-white liquid. The servant handed it to me. "Give him half of that," Thrysten said, "That should do it." I nodded, putting it in another pocket. "Come on Oriana, lets get going." I stood. "We'll meet you at Salden's camp." Glancing down at the apple I still had in my hand, I took another bite of it and threw it over my shoulder as I walked out of the room. Chapter 15 "I understand what you plan to do," I said, walking next to Fox, "but do we _have_ to uses those ugly beasts?" He nodded, rubbing his wrist. "They're fast enough, and we need them to get there in time." I nodded. "All right." "Now, give me the Matrix chip." I pulled the chip out of my band and handed it over to Fox. He put it inside of his watch. "Right, now we need a hooded cloak." He dived into a room off the the side and came back with one tucked over his arm. "Here, put this on." I took it from him. "How did you know that would be there?" He shrugged. "A guess... come on." He started off down the hall at a faster step. I draped the cloak over my shoulders, closing the claps. "I can't exactly sneak around in this thing." Fox started down a set of steps. "We don't need to sneak around, we just have to get to where we need to be. Then Draz just has to do what he needs to do." I chuckled in spite of myself. "You certainly are being vague about all this." "With all that has happened I think I need to be." He shot me a smile and walked out of a side door into the court yard. Fox walked right over the drawbridge and into the stables. It took about five minutes for the person in charge of the place to bring around a pair of horses and to saddle the beasts. Fox easily swung up on to the saddle and took the some kind of leather straps, which he informed me were rains, in his hands. With some small aid of the wolf who brought the beasts around I perched myself on top of one as well. Fox nodded a bit and did something to set the animal to a run. I tried to do the same by had very little luck. Finally the wolf behind me laughed and slapped the beast on it's amble rear, sending it running after Fox. It didn't take much time for me to catch up with Fox. He brought his animal next to mine and took the rains from me. Holding his set in one hand any my set in the other. "This is a pain to ride." I said with a slight whimper. Fox shrugged, changing the horses direction a bit. "You get used to it." "I don't want to get used to it, I want to get off of it!" He laughed softly. "Just relax and don't try to fight it, this will all be over with soon enough." I tried to take his advice, though wasn't doing to good a job of it. Finally I just decided to try and keep talking to Fox so I would be distracted. "Why do you need me here?" I asked. Fox twisted his head to look at me. "What?" "I mean why are you bringing me along. From what you've told me I'm not exactly needed." He smiled. "It's always good to work in pairs. Not to mention you know a bit more of the camp then I do." "Oh..." I said, looking slightly away from him. The conversation didn't go very far from there. Eventually Fox stopped about ten minutes away from Salden's camp. Getting off the horses Fox tied them to some thick bushes and we started towards the camp. As we got closer Fox turned the Matrix chip on, giving him the appearance of a wolf, I pulled the hood of my cloak up and held it closed. He slowed down a bit as we neared the camp. He hunched over a bit and steeped past the first tent. On his way he picked up a pack that someone had left by a tent, slinging it over his shoulder. He drifted back a bit until he was walking next to me. "Which way is Salden's tent from here?" I though for a second. "Down that way," I pointed in the direction. He nodded and started through the tents, still hunching over. Amazingly it seemed to worked, no one noticed him as he trudged down the lane. On the other hand people seemed to be looking at me with something approaching suspicion. Finally I hunched over and fell in step behind Fox. That abated most of the looks. After a time we come to, then pasted, the tent. About three tents later Fox dived into one, then pulled me into it. I pulled out of his grip. "You didn't need to pull me, I was right behind you." He shrugged. "Sorry." I rubbed my wrist. "So now we just wait." He nodded, digging around through some of the stuff in the tent. He came up with a knife from a trunk and started to cut through the tent wall. * * * An uproar broke out just outside the tent. Sitting up I stuck my head out a hole in the side of the tent. There was a precession walking up to Salden's tent, with Draz and Thrysten in the lead. "Come on Oriana," I said. "It's starting." Walking to the side of the tent I turned off the Matrix chip. Then I cut a small hole into the side of the tent. Looking though I found that I was right where I needed to be. On the other side of the hole was a small room inside of Sladen's tent. It had been partitioned off with some wooden panels. Though the small door I could see the inside of the rest of the tent. I ducked back a bit as one of the solders dragged Krege, still tied in his chair, into the small room. As the solder walked out I slowly ripped open the cut between the tents until I could slip through. Krege tried to react, but could only whimper a bit and twist his head in my direction. I shook my head. "Relax, I'm here to help you." I whispered as I kneeled down next to him. He closed his eyes and whimpered again. Pulling the vile of the antidote from my jacket, I lifted Krege's head. Holding it in front of him I said. "This is the antidote, you need to drink this." He slowly opened his eyes and started hard into my own. Opening the vile I lifted it to his mouth, tilting it and his head backwards. When a bit more then half of it was pored in I pulled his head back down and took the vile away. Holding his mouth close I tilted his head back once more. Krege swallowed it quickly. Letting go of his muzzles, I took the knife and started to work off the ropes that was binding his paws to the chair. I moved onto the rope accost his chest and then to his feet. "Draz is pretty good at filling time." Oria whispered from the door. I smiled, "Good." I looked back at Krege. His eyes seemed a bit brighter, and was starting to sit up under his own power. Motioning Oriana over I sat her down next to Krege. "When he can get out there and talk you do that. Got it." She nodded, then I stood, adjusting my jacket a bit. Then I walked though the door and into the main area of the tent. Draz and Thrysten saw me, and there reaction must have been noticed by Salden because he spun around to stare at me. "It's you!" He growled. I spread my arms. "It usually is, it's gets confusing when it's not." He smiled a bit. "Very well then, I'll just kill you all." I shook my head, walking over to stand with Thrysten and Draz. "Not that easy, all three of us can over power you with out much trouble." He crossed his arms. "You forget the my troops standing outside." I waved my hand. "There Krege's men, not yours." He laughed. "As long as he is ill the *are* my men." I saw Oriana standing in the doorway. When we made eye contact she ducked back in. I looked back at Salden. "Except he isn't ill. You've been feeding him poison so you could take control and do what you though he should have done." He crossed his arms. "Now, who would believe a story like that?" "I would," Krege said with a slight slur to his voice. Orian had him propped up on her shoulder. Salden turned instantly, his facing going slack as he registering who had spoken. "Shocked?" I asked with a slight smile. He turned back around, growling. Thrysten steeped back to the proper exit for the tent, stepping outside. She came back in with three of Krege's solders behind her. As the three of them saw there proper King they all fell on to there knees. Krege smiled as much as he was able to. "Stand and retain Salden." Salden growled a bit deeper as the solders stood and drew there swords. He twisted his wrists, a knife appeared from inside his sleeve which he threw at Draz, he then turned and bolted. The solders where faster though, they were already running for Salden even before he moved. Two of the solders pulled him to the ground before he had gone more then three feet. The final guard pulled Draz down before he could reaction, the knife sailing through where his head was and hitting the ground a few feet away. I blew though my teeth. "Hell, that was anticlimactic. I came armed for a running fight and it doesn't go more then a few feet." "You sound disappointed," Kalie said pushing her way into the tent. "Sorry I missed it, the solders were quite happy to restrain me." "I don't think he's disappointed." Oria replied, walking over to the rest of us, Krege still hanging off her shoulder. Draz stood, walking over to Krege. He crossed his arms over his chest and bowed his upper body a few inches. "Welcome to my Kingdom your Majesty." Krege smiled, or at least tried to, only half his muzzle pulled up, the other side didn't really move at all. He looked like he had suffered a stroke, which might have been a side effect of the poison. "I thank you," Krege said, speaking very slowly. "Forgive me for not bowing... I am still hurting." Draz nodded, resting his paws on the others shoulders. "Now that we are finished with this war business, can we return to where we had been before this mess began?" Krege nodded slowly. "Yes... though first I would wish to rest." Draz smiled. "Rest then... we can allow this to wait for a few more days." Epilogue Ten days later: "Oriana," Fox said, sounding slightly relived when he saw me waiting for him outside the dinning hall. I smiled as he walked towards me. He wrapped his arm over my shoulder. "How are things back on Prid?" He asked, pulling me forward a bit as he keep walking. "Ken is recovering decently... the doctor says he will stay in bed for close to a month. He is awake though." Fox smiled, nodding and pulled me a bit closer. "Jadin?" "She is a natural, though no one is quite sure how she got to where she was found. It also turns out her name is actually Jadith. Sora misunderstood it." He nodded. "Right then. How about you? How are you feeling?" I frowned, down casting my eyes. "I am... better." Fox stopped walking, and moved to stand in front of me. "I haven't had a chance to ask you this yet, but... why?" Closing my eyes, I gulped, the air hurting my throat as it went down. Slowly, I tried to find the right words. "I... don't really know," I whispered, "not then... and still not now. It was as if my training took over, leaving me as a passive viewer. I did understand what the cost of my actions would be.. and I was able to make certain that I avoided them. He looked at me, his eyebrows twitching slightly. "What about you, not your training, but you?" I turned my head away from him, looking at the floor. "I knew exactly what I had to do to end this... no battle, no fight... I would just have had to murder him." Fox breathed deeply, placing his hand against my chin. "I'm here for you. You do know that." I nodded, taking his hand from my face and holding tightly it in my paws. "It's... hard... so many times I've want to die for what I've done... what I will have to do..." Fox hugged me, one hand on my shoulders, the other pressing lightly on the back of my head. He held me close against his body. "Don't Oria... I've..." His voice was wavering, "I don't want to lose you... you're the closest friend I have. You've been with me longer then anyone else. I'll be here to help you, and I'll be here to hold you... but don't kill yourself... it's not worth it." I found that I had started to cry against his shoulder. Slowly looking up, I looked into his blue eyes. I saw my own reflection in his glasses, and it hurt to see it. "I love you." I whispered. "I know," He whispered back. I fell back against his chest, he held me there, pressing against my head lightly, but still firmly. We stood that way for a few minutes until Fox's grip lessened. "Hello Thrysten," he said, his voice slightly horse. I jumped back, whimpering the fur of my face against my sleeve. The gryphoness stood a few feet away, dressed in the normal clothing of the world. She had her arm's crossed over her chest and her wings pulled tight to her shoulders. A slight smile bending over her beak. "I see the pair of you are becoming reacquainted." She said, tilting her head a bit. Fox nodded, his own smile forming on his lips. "As you say..." She chuckled softly. "I would like to thank you for your help with the treaty. You may not have been necessary, but it was still good to have you with us." He shrugged. "I've done it before, I expect I will do it again. Oh, by the way, I have something for you." Fox turned to me, "you brought it?" I nodded, pulling out a small box from my pocket. Fox had charged me with retrieving it when the rest of us had gone back to Prid. Taking it from me, he removed the lid. Pushing aside some sort of packing he removed a single gold coin. The side I could see had a silhouetted fox head (a real fox, not a morph) embossed into the metal. Taking Thrysten's fore-claw, he turned it up, and set the coin on her palm. She closed bent her fingers down and pull the coin up, holding it carefully. "A new coin." Fox nodded. "You may need me again." She smiled, putting the coin away in a pocket of her clothing, then crossing her arms. "You're going then?" "Yes, I have some things to take of." He frowned slightly. "If you want, I can still take you home." She smiled then broke out into a soft laughter. "Fox, this _is_ my home. I'm quite happy, happier then I would ever have been back on my world." "I know, I just couldn't let myself not ask," he smiled with half of his face, the other side staying fixed. "It's been great seeing you again." "Agreed... It's been as interesting time as ever." Fox smiled. "Maybe I'll see you later..." "Wait..." She said, digging some folded up papers from her pocket. "This is all the notes from the old wizard on my gem. Ken may find them to his interest." He took them from her, putting them into his jacket. "I'm sure he will have a hay-day with them." She reached up and dug her claw-fingers into the feathers of her neck. With a tug she gave a gasp of pain. Pulling a single feather away she handed it to Fox. "To remember me." He smiled, taking it from her fingers. Holding it gently he brushed his fingers down one edge. "I always will." Thrysten smiled, then turned and slowly walked away, her tail hanging low to the ground. Fox draped his arm over my shoulder. "Let's go home." I started walking again, Fox keeping pace with me. "You two used to have something didn't you?" He slowed his walking a bit. "Ah... not exactly... I thought I loved her... but as it went I realized it was more lust then anything else." I nodded, patting his hand with my paw. "I understand." He lifted his arm from my shoulder as we started up the stairs to the battlement. "What was with the coin anyway?" Fox smiled. "A calling card. If she breaks it in half I'll come running. Just like I did." I frowned. "How can that be done." He chuckled as we walked to where the fold was. "Easy... though with years of research... I'll explain it later." He grinned at me and opened the fold. Together, we went home.