One After Another By: Fox Cutter 06/05/98: My dreams were getting dangerous again. Not like before though. This time I wasn't reliving memories that I never knew I had. This time it was worse. I was dreaming of Rhea. She was still there, locked in the corner of my mind, away from the rest of me. Every now and then she would rattle the bars of her cage to get my attention. She had presented herself to my in my dreams a dozen times in the weeks sense I had woke up. Each time she changed a bit more, moving from a normal lioness to a morph. In the dream of this night she had finally become fully morphic, as was quite clear in telling me what she wanted. Control, she regarded my body as hers and is demanding that I give it back to her. Nothing I can say makes her understand that I was here first, or maybe she doesn't care. Either way she wants it back and I'm not going to give it to her. Though I do wonder if she's seen how much she has changed herself now that we are separated. When the dreams first started she could not make any noise that wasn't normal for a lioness, now see speaks english like a native. Expletives and all. Still though, I tried to push her out of my thoughts. Maybe someday I could strike up a deal with her. Though not until she understands that no matter the form it takes it is my body and she's the one who's tried to take it from me. This time though she had woke me up from my daily four hours of sleep. Once up I didn't want to bother with trying to get back to sleep. I was one of those people that when I got up, I stayed up. Going out of my room I started working my way though the new house. I was finding that I missed having my own room, and was now grateful to have one again. Not to mention a bed to sleep on. Wandering through the house I tried to see if anyone else was home. The only person who was home was Naomi and she had fallen asleep on her bed curled around a book. I stopped just inside her bedroom door, leaning against the jam to look at her. I was amazed to think that it had only been six months sense I first saw her on that plague world. She had grown sense then, she was now starting to look like a twelve year old girl, at least if she was human she would have been twelve. It's strange, I never thought of myself as a father before she came. Some how I never really liked the idea of having children, adopted or not. Still though, I think that having Newt around has helped me mature more then anything else in my life. I might be ready for my own children some day. As quietly as I could I shut her door, slipping away deeper into the house. My next stop as I wondered though the house was a small room deep in the back, well away from were anyone else would go. Stepping inside the windowless room I turned on the overhead lights. The small room was filled with stacks of boxes, a bed, a desk and other assorted furniture. Becky's stuff from the house. Some of it what I had packed away when I returned back to the mutli-verse, the rest from the small room in the cave under the old house. Looking over the array of boxes I let out a small sigh. Some day I needed to go through her things, sort out what I wanted to keep of her, and do something with the rest. Not today though, not yet, maybe not ever. I was turning around to go back out of the room my eye was draw to a spiral notebook that was balanced on top of one of the boxes. I'm still not sure why, but I picked it up and started to flip through the pages. It had been Becky's journal, the pages were filled with dates and notes and other things, all written in her small and tight handwriting that I always found so hard to read. About halfway through something fell from the pages, fluttering to the floor. Setting the journal aside, I wasn't really reading it anyway, I picked up what had fallen. It was a small piece of paper that had been torn from the journal then neatly folded end over end. Unfolding it I saw that was a word written on the page, still in Becky's handwriting. She had written it large, and it took up most of the room on the paper. 'Neverending'. I had a sudden chill go down my spine. I wasn't sure what the word meant, and I really didn't want to know. Somehow though I knew this meant something, something very important. Taking a few shallow breaths I refolded the paper and returned it to the journal, which I closed and returned to the box it had been sitting on. I felt like I was now treading someplace I wasn't suppose to be, and I made me scared. As I left the room I tried to put the feeling out of my mind. There was no reason why something as simple as a word on a piece of paper should spook me so badly. I didn't even know what the word meant by itself like that. Still though, it felt like I had just gotten a message from the grave. This seemed like something that was important to her, though I never knew about. Then quite suddenly I was standing face to face with a unicorn again. This time the animal was just inches away from me, it's body cast from the light coming thorough the window. We looked at each other for a minute, eye to eye. This time though it did not go away with an eye blink. Just like the first time, down in the caves, it appeared almost to be real. Though even then I held no thoughts about touching the beast. It's body was massive, almost filling the hallway, yet still sleek and graceful. It's back was almost head high to me, it had to lower it's head for us to be at eye level. The horn looked like ivory, if ivory had ever been a crystal, almost a foot long the light played over it as it glowed brighter then anything else. "Who are you?" I finally whispered to it. It blew a puff of air in my face, shaking it's head, sending it's mane though the sunlight. The fine white hair acting like a thousand prisms. I felt a word burn into my ears. In a voice that sounded almost like a thousand bells I heard "soon." The unicorn looked at me, twitching one of her ears. I wasn't quite sure how I knew she was a mare, I just suddenly did. She nodded her head a bit then was gone just as quick as she came. I slumped back down to sit on the floor. I was shaken, first Becky and now this. Ideally I wondered if they where somehow connected. I doubted though, it seemed like the unicorn only showed up when I needed it. First in the caves, then when I had the sudden form shift to a fox, then when Romana had saved my life. This was the first time she had shown up just to present herself to me. Unless she was keeping me from something, but that just didn't seem to ring true. I think that my first idea had been right. She was showing me herself for some reason. As to what the reason was I didn't have a clue. Standing back up I started walking against towards the main room. I was going to need to sit down and think before I did anything else. I didn't get much of a chance to though, I soon as I stepped past the front room of the house there came a knock on the front door. Turning mid stride I walked over to the door and peaked out. Ken was standing on the other side, looking around the front of the house. I opened the door. "Hey," I said. He snapped his head forward and smiled. "Hey yourself Fox. Looks like you have yourself a nice place here." I nodded, steeping away from the door. "Come on inside," I offered. He stepped past me. "Oh, and guess who I meet on the way here." He said. Looking outside I was pleasantly surprised to find Rachel standing a few feet back from the door. I smiled to her as well. "Come on in yourself!" She smiled back and came inside herself, the tip of her tail brushing against my legs as she entered. "Where have you been?" I asked as I closed the door. "Last time I saw you was a week before my curse." I frowned after I said that. It had become a natural point from which to measure time, but I didn't think she understood what I meant by it. She nodded. "I went back home for a while, to visit my family and some old friends. I just got back a few days ago." She wrinkled her nose a bit. "Ken told me what happened to you. I wish I could have been here to help." I shrugged, placing a arm over her shoulder and leading both her and Ken into the living room a few feet away. "I'm not sure if it would have helped, but thank you for saying that." Reaching down she lifting the pendant from where it hung against my chest. Looking at she closely she commented, "it's amazing that something this small can do so much for you." I nodded, sitting down on the couch, Rachel still at my side. "Amazing it maybe, but it's also inconvenient to keep it close enough so as not to turn it off." She nodded. Ken reached down carefully then, taking it from her fingers. "If it's all right Fox, I would like to add a spell to this." I raised an eyebrow. "What for?" "It will phase your clothing out when you turn back into a lioness." He explained, "The change will be sudden, you don't need to be ripping out of them." I nodded. "That's good then, thank you." He didn't commented, he just bent down close to the pendant and seemed to tap at it with one foreclaw. I looked over his head at Rachel. "So, any plans for the future?" She shook her head. "Nothing right away. I'm to well know to get a public job. The same goes for something small like a secretary." "You may just have to take a few years vacation and just go have some fun." I commented. She laughed. "I could do that someday, but not just yet. I was thinking that I could enroll in one of the universities here on Prid." "Won't that have the same problem?" I asked. She nodded. "Yes, but I don't think it will last very long. I'm no longer involved with the Council, and sense it's school I can't be used as a figure head for something else." I smiled, it sounded like it could work. "Oh, the reason why I came to see you," She said, reaching into one of her pockets and extracting a trio of PADDs. "I wanted to give you these." "What are on them?" She held up the first one. "This is a list of all the things from Grasion's book that the Council wants you to get for them. It has all the locations and information you need." Setting it down she raised up the second PADD. "This is my record of the events about the HammerHeads. Though I'm not sure why you want it." I smiled. "I'm putting together a history about it, and all of my little adventures sense I returned from Exile. It keeps people from bugging me about it. Which reminds me, Ken you still need to do yours." He grumbled a slight reply that sounded like "just wait a few days," or something close. "Having some trouble getting all the accounts?" She asked. I shrugged. "Some, Steven and Ken are the only one's left, everyone else has gotten them to me." She nodded, holding up the last PADD. "Guess what this is?" I shrugged again. "No idea." "The most complete information about Page on Prid." She answered with a smirk. "All three pages of it." I frowned. "That little?" "Yes," she said, handing the PADD over to me. "She's hidden herself well." I scanned over the data on the small screen. It mostly contained a series of information trails that led to different aliases, and a partial medical report from fours years back. The last note was that she had no records on file for access to use a portal control, yet was still cleared to do so. I frowned. "We still know nothing about her." I said. "No, we know something." Rachel answered, "we know that she appeared out of the blue four years ago. She did not come through any customs agent on Prid either. All of her records just begin, no history at all, and most with nothing else. She also seems to have ways around any new security system before it gets installed." I shook my head. "That still amounts to nothing." Ken sat back up, letting the pendant drop back against my chest. "That's done," he commented, "I'll get that narrative to you in a week or so, if you can wait that long." I nodded. "Ya, waiting isn't a very big deal." He smiled at me then bowed a bit with his wings. "I have an appointment to meet, so I had better take off. If that doesn't work tell me, I'll try to get it fixed as soon as I can." "Ok." He chuckled himself and left on his own. "So," Rachel commented, "how was your day?" "I just got up, but it's already been interesting." I answered her. She smiled to me, then leaned forward a bit and whispered a suggestion into my ear that amounted to going back to bed. I took her up on it. ----- This story is (c) 1998 by Fox Cutter, hardcopy reprints limited to one a person, all other rights reserved. This story may not be distributed for a fee except by permission of the author, and this copyright notice may not be removed.