Re-Awakening By: Fox Cutter 05/15/98: And then I woke up... well, waking up being a relative term, and in no way is able to describe just how important that one event in my life was. Hum... maybe I should start this over somewhat more coherently. In a flash of anguish and pain I was suddenly back in control of my body. After almost a month of slowly being torn apart piece by piece, and gods know how long of being from all intensive peruses dead, I was suddenly once again whole and alive. My first reaction was just plain shock. Then came the realization that Ken had done it, he had found a way to break this curse! It was then I found I was still a lioness. Rhea was gone for now, I wasn't sure were, but I was now in charge of myself again. I was going to make the most of it and wasn't going to let her destroy me again. Then the pain finally started to pound its way into my skull. I ached all over, I was cramped up, bruised, and from the feel of it, my right back leg was bent in a way not meant by nature. I started to look around, drawing in my surroundings. At first glance I appeared to be hanging over a branch in huge tree. Maybe a dozen feet away rose a wall of stone up farther then I could see. I could also not see the ground through the foliage underneath me. Digging back I tried to remember what had happened. Most of my time as Rhea and becoming Rhea was somewhat vague, if there at all. The recent past though was crystal clear. She was chasing some pray, it looked to be something like a dear. The animal had made a suddenly side jump and Rhea just ran past it, and off the side of what I thought was a cliff. She fell into the tree, breaking through the branches on her way down. Once large branch breaking her leg when she hit it. She had gone into shock... leaving it open for me to awaken once more. As I felt through my mind I could feel her, shaking in a back corner. She was alive but pretty scared pretty badly. I but a mental cage around her. She wasn't going to be coming back any time soon. I was going to have enough trouble as it was without having to fight her once more. Twisting a bit I tried to look at my leg. It could see enough to tell that it was badly broken. The bone hadn't broken then skin, so at least that was a blessing. The next problem was trying to get down from the tree. The answer was start to present it self as the branch I was draped over let out a pained creak and bounced. I had just enough time to think quick swear before the branch snapped and sent me once again falling. Trying to curl myself into a ball I slammed into a dozen more branched, some hard enough I wondered how I wasn't breaking my back. Then, just as I felt myself finally leave the tree and enter the open air I came to a sudden stop. I had not hit the ground, or landing in anything at all. Untucking my head from under one fore-leg I looked out. I was hanging in the air maybe twenty feet above the ground, and was slowly lowering. Standing below me was lioness morph. She was holding a staff between her paws and chanting in a language I didn't understand. My first hope was that it was Oriana, but as I was lowered to the ground I saw that it wasn't. This lady was taller then Oriana was, her hair was cut short and she had both of her ears pierced a few times. Her clothing was unusual for a magic user of her caliber. It was just a some pants and a t-shirt that clung to her chest in ways that would have be far more interesting if she wasn't busy saving me. As my feet touch the ground the pain in my back leg flared. I rolled onto my side and pulled it close to my body. The lady smile, setting her staff down and pushing her bangs from out of her eyes. She crouched down onto her knees and place her paw against my head, right between my ears. "Hello Fox." She said, though not with words, her voice seemed to echo in my skull. 'Hello yourself,' I thought back to her, 'thanks for the save.' She chuckled, taking her paw away. "No need to thank me, I was sent here to do just that." My ears perked up at this. 'By who?' I thought, already starting to guess the answer. "Burke is a friend of mine." she said, standing up and cleaning the dirt from her knees. "He asked me to help when Rhea ran off. It was luck through that I found you here at all." I nodded my head a bit, I seem to vaguely remember Burke helping me at the start of this. She picked up her staff and bowed, holding it in front of her. "My name is Romana." My attention had left her by then. Standing behind her, right in a ray of sunlight that was filtering to the ground, was a unicorn! I wanted to rub my eyes, but, just like before, the unicorn was gone in a blink of an eye. Romona noticed my lack of attention to her. She twisting around to look behind her, then with a swift move past her staff through the sunlight. Turning back around she shook her head. "What were you looking at?" 'A unicorn,' I thought to her. She smiled. "Do you see them often?" I shook my head. 'Third time.' She bent down and patted me on top of my head. "That's pretty damn often Fox." I gave her as much of a shrug as I could in this body. Letting out a laugh she shook her head. "Come on, we need to get you home." * * * I was curled up on the couch, slowing drinking a cup of lukewarm tea. It had be a week sense Rhea had run away I was losing hope of ever being with Fox again. I wasn't alone in this house right then. Ken was there was well, propped up in the chair and looking just about dead. He had found some sort of way around the spell and now was just waiting for someone to find Fox. Personally, I suspected he would really be dead before anyone found Rhea. By then though nothing we could do would help him. With every passing day there was less and less of a chance of ever recovering Fox from Rhea's mind. I had let the mind-shredder go home yesterday, he was still on call though, just in case. Inside the room came a muffled 'thewmp' type noise. Twisting my head around I searched for what had caused it. I found my answer in the form of a lioness. She was standing just inside the front door, dressed in tight clothing and holding onto a carved staff. I started to stand, but she just smiled. "Is this your animal?" She asked and stepped to one side. Huddled behind her and watching me with pained eyes was Rhea! I jumped forward, pushing past the lady and landing at my knees in front of the lioness. She tilted her head, looking at me, her ears flicking back and fourth. Finally she just leaned forward and licking me right accost the side of my face. I just broke out in a sharp burst of laughter. Stiffening I was started to see that the lioness was slowly shaking her head. This was such a strange gesture to see an animal to do I grabbed onto once sharp piece of hope. "Fox?" I whispered. She nodded to me! Without thinking I was suddenly hugging her around her neck with my face buried into her fur, crying my eyes out. "I thought I had lost you." Fox nuzzled me along my shoulder and my neck, licking the fur a bit at times. Finally I pulled away, grinning like a fool. Then turned sharply. "Ken!" I called out. He was already standing behind me. "He found a way back." He said. I nodded. Some of the color of his skin seemed to flood back as he knelt next to Fox. She leaned forward and licked him accost the face as well. He smiled, holding up his forepaw for Fox to see. Held in his grasp was a small necklace. It was a silver and gold chain, the main piece of the necklace was silver pendant of a long dragon. Perched between it's wings was a milky white stone that seemed to glow when looked at for too long. Fox looked it over, flicking her ears. Ken took the chain in both of his paw, spreading it open wide enough to fit around Fox's neck. She leaned forward, her eyes closed, almost looking like she was offering herself to Ken. The half-dragon pulled the chain over her next and let it rest against her shoulders, then stepped away. The stone on the pendant seemed to glow stronger, as Fox's body almost seemed to be rippling around the edges. Then, without so much as a pop of air Fox was back as a human. His face pulled into a winch and he pulled his legs forward. I saw that one was bent at an odd angle, clearly it had been broken at some point. Shaking a bit he looked up at me and smiles softly. His eyes hadn't changed back, they were still the same super light blue color as before. Though with him as a human it look erie. "Welcome back," I said, bending down. He nodded. "Thanks." He whispered, then his eyes rolled up and he passed out. * * * Three hours passed before Fox finally woke up. Ken and I had hurried him the hospital as soon as he passed out, the lady that had brought him had left with out anyone noticing. Once inside the doctors took over, getting Fox into a bed, hooking him up to an IV as well as bracing his leg. Ken on the other hand they took right into one of the ICU wards and put him right into sedation. It would be a few days before he would wake up. Fox was a mess as he sat up in the bed, rubbing his eyes with his fingers. The doctors had put him into a gown but it had taken threats of body harm from me for them to leave the pendant around his neck. Reaching over the bed I handed Fox his glasses. He smiles, taking them from me and placing back into the normal position on his face. He smiled at me but still didn't say a word. "How are you feeling?" I eventually asked. He shrugged. "Like hell. My leg is sore, I hurt everywhere and I really could use some cooked food." I smiled. "Everything should be taken care of over the next few days." He nodded. "Good... good..." I took one of his hands in my paws. "How long was I dead?" He asked. "A week," I answered. He let out a small sigh, then frowned. "Shit, Elena!" "I took care of it." He gave me a quick look. "But I never told you about it." I shook my head. "You did, you where able to talk to me in a dream. You expect you wouldn't remember it." He also must have forget what he told me. He would realize it again though, and I would wait for him, as I always have. "Will she help us?" I nodded. "From what I've been told the Mouse has started talking." He smiled. "Good." I freed my paw from his hands and bent over to flick the pendant. "You see this?" I asked. He looked down. "Yes. Ken used it to break the curse." "No, he didn't break the curse." Fox shot his head up. "What?" I nodded. "He wasn't to clear when he tried to explain it to me, but from what I understand he found a short cut around it, to make you human again. But only when the pendant is with in a few feet of you." He blew some air through his teeth. "Hell." "Ken did say that you would be in control though. You may have to deal with Rhea, but you will be in control." He chuckled. "I don't think it's something I'll need to worry about." I slowly shook my head, Fox started to frown. Sitting down on the side of his bed I explained. "If I understand Ken right you just can't push a curse like this back. There will be resistance to it. Every thirty days you have to spent some to as a lioness or the spells on the pendant will break and you'll really be stuck." He nodded. "Also, when get the pendant far enough away to become a lioness, it needs to recharge or something close to it. You'll be a lioness for three days, no matter how long it's been sense the last time." He sighed. "Not the best end, but far from the worst. I can deal with it I guess." I nodded, standing up again. "I think you had better sleep right now. I'll be back in the morning." "Ok, but first, what's bothering you?" I shrugged. "Nothing important." He chuckled. "Oriana..." I smiled. "Don't worry about it. It will take care of itself." Then with a quick wave of my tail I left his room so he could sleep. ----- This story is (c) 1998 by Fox Cutter, hardcopy reprints limited to one a person, all other rights reserved. This story may not be distributed for a fee except by permission of the author, and this copyright notice may not be removed. Elena is (c) 1998 by Chris Bradford.