Reconstruction By: Fox Cutter 08/11/98: So far it had been a long morning, at least though it was long in a good way. I had to wake up early to take a meeting with the man who we were building the new _Red October_ class ship for. Most of the major parts of the ship where done, now it was a matter of wiring in the systems and the computer core. It would be ready for the first shake down flight in about five weeks. He was quite happy with the progress of the ship, and said he couldn't wait to get it defending his cargo lines in his part of space. He also told me that if it worked as well as he hoped he would commission five more. So it looks like I might be in the ship building business come next year. I'm not sure if it was a good or bad thing. I would need a new bay, the one I had wasn't large enough to be a full scale ship-yard. Right now I was renting the bay I had from Rachel for a dollar a year, a full construction sight would cost measurably more. That was worries for later though, right now I had other things on my mind. Mostly not trying to fall on my head. At the time I was being quite foolish, I had climbed up on top of the roof and was now trying to walk along the ridge without falling. So I was talking short and slow steps, my arms out in the air as I waved from side to side. Oria was sure I had enough balance to do this, I just had to learn how to use it. I did have far more then I did before being curse, but it was still an effort to not slide down the fifty-five degree slope of the roof. Which is why I was very angry when someone called out my name. I twisted my head around, looking for who ever it was and lost my footing. Falling to my knees I started to slide down the shingles. I scrambling for something to hang onto, eventually getting my claws stuck under a few shingles before I went too far. Unsheathing the claws in my toes (I had been bare foot for this adventure) I used them to pull myself back to the peak of the roof. Once there I sat down, straddling the ridge. "Sorry!" The voice called again, from my right side. Turing my head to look I found Rachel waving at me from the ground. I shook my head, rolling my fingers a bit, using my claws like that had hurt. "Are you ok?" she called again, I could see her tail twitching a bit in worry. "Yes," I called back. "Just pulled my claws a bit." She winched. "Sorry," she said again, this time a little more sheepishly. I started moving down the roof line, mostly crawling forward. "Just don't do it again, ok?" I called down to her. "All right... but what in the world do you think you're doing up there?" I laughed. "I'll tell you when I fingered it out myself." I answerers as I came to one of the half dozen roof access. I kicked it open with my foot and started to slide towards it. "I'll see you down stairs," I called down to her as I closed the access. Climbing down the ladder into the attic I looked around for where I had left my shoes. Grabbing them I put them on and went down the stairs to the first floor. Rachel was already waiting for me at the bottom. She looked annoyed in her own part, her paws on her hips and her ears cocked to the side. "Something wrong?" I asked. "Sometimes Fox, you are just an idiot." She answered back. I shrugged, "thanks." She rolled her eyes. "There's a reason why I'm here, I'm going to a meeting soon and thought you might like to come along." That was strange, why would she ever take me to one of her meetings. "Who's it with?" "Dwight and Jadith," she answered. I blew through my teeth, this is could only mean one thing. Jadith was about to be appointed as the leader of the group that is meant to replace the HammerHeads. Ever seance Jenner tried to take over the Council there has been a gap in the power of the Council. The HammerHeads were created to be the covert and special ops of the Council. Kind of like CIA and FBI all in one. I had been taking on some of the stuff that they normally did, mostly as a Council representative on difficult things. This time though, the new group (with a different name) would not be part of the Council. They would be accountable to it but no longer a part. This way they hopped to prevent a reoccurrence of what had happened. Either way, the reconstruction of such a group would not be taken very well inside the Council. That was why Jadith was decided on a long time ago to become the new leader. She didn't know all of the history of the HammerHeads, she was smart, understood how to use power and, more then likely the most important qualification, she was a friend of mine. "So, how much of the new group has been put together?" I asked. "Not very much. Dwight and I have been working on it for the past month." Ah, so that's where she's been all the time. "We feel that there needs to be a leader now, to help with the rest of the process and recruiting." I nodded, it would look bad to say it wasn't a part of the Council yet to have Dwight or Rachel recruiting people for the organization. "So, Jadith is now a Huntress?" I asked. The hunters and Huntress were the people responsible for scouting out new folds. Laina, one the first level council members, was a Huntress. A few, like Jadith, were naturals, but not many. Everyone of them also carried a console. A much larger version of the portal control that did a lot more then just use the folds. Rachel nodded. "As of yesterday she is." "Ok then, I go along, I need to talk to her anyway." I said in response to her original question. She lead me out of the house and into the drive way, where a small car was waiting for us. Which was strange, I had never actually used a car on Prid, I just used the folds. I asked Rachel about this as the car took off. "We already have a set of offices for the new group, there is access to only one fold, and it's not open for use. So we're talking the long way around." I didn't like that answer, why would a fold not be usable? That just didn't make sense, but I knew better to press the issue. By the end of the trip I had decided it was probably a security measure, and I didn't have the clearance to take the trip. The building itself was on the edge of a small complex of buildings (a few quite large though) maybe two hundred feet from one of the entrances to the Marble Hall. It felt strange to have an origination that was to be so critical to the Council to be outside of the Hall. Rachel led me inside, past a guard at the door, and deeper into the building. We finally arrived outside of an unmarked office, Jadith was waiting by the door. She looked from me then to Rachel. "What's going on Fox? Why are we here?" "Everything will be explained when Dwight arrives. We'll wait inside until then," Rachel answered as she reached for the door. As her paw touched the handle the lock made a dull thunk, unlocking the door I presume. I had never seen a door handle that unlocked like that, it was interesting to say the least. Inside was pretty bare, it was just a table with a half dozen chairs around it. We all took positions, each one a few feet away from the other, Jadith looked nervous, but I couldn't blame her, most people never get to meet the Council Head. Finally she leaned over the chair between us. "Fox, what's going on? Why are we waiting for Dwight here?" "He wants to talk to you," I answered. She looked absolutely shocked. "Me? Why? Has something happened?" I shook my head. "Nothing that I know of, don't worry, this isn't a bad thing, but it's not my place to explain it." She frowned and started to move back to her seat. "Can I ask you something first?" I said. She nodded, leaning back over to me. "What?" "Has Page told you what happened to Naomi?" I asked. She nodded. "I heard yes, how she's taking it?" "Better now then before, she's not used to being an adult, or a mother to be, but she's getting better." I took in a breath. "Listen, the doctors want someone staying at the house who has medical experience. Naomi asked for you." Jadith started to blush in her cheeks. "Why me?" "She knows you." She paused for a few seconds, then started to shake her head. "No Fox, I don't think I can." "The house is big, you can take a room near hers and avoid me pretty easily. We don't even half to talk." She frowned, but shook her head again, slower this time though. "I know you still fell pretty bad about what happened with Rhea, but this is not about that. I'm asking you for something my daughter wants." I emphasized the fact that it was something Naomi wanted. She stopped, chewing on her lip softly. "I'll think about it then," she finally answered. I thanked her and we both sank back into are seats. We continued to wait for Dwight, Rachel was reading something and Jadith was playing with her console. I just sat and worked on sheathing and unsheathing my claws. I had good independent control now, I could work most of them separately. It was funny, a couple days ago Oria had spent an hour wrapped around me, trimming and cleaning each one, something I never had though about doing before. Dwight arrived after about ten minutes, sliding into the room quietly and taking a free chair at the table. We all started to pay attention then, each of us sitting up. He smiled at Jadith. "I'm glad you could make it here today," he told her. "I'm not sure so I am." She answered, "why am I here?" He chucked softly and leaned forward. "What do you know of the HammerHeads," he asked her. She frowned. "That they tried to take over the Council and Fox and Rachel here helped to stop them." He nodded. "Yes, but do you know what they where created for?" She shook her head. He slid a folder down the table to Jadith. She opened it up and looked down at the first page. "What is this?" she asked. "The charter for a new organization with the same basic mission statement as the HammerHeads," Dwight answered. "The basic points are the new organization will run covert operations for us as well as assorted special missions, the same as the HammerHeads. This time though they will be a civilian organization, not part of the Council per-see." She closed the folder. "Why am I here then? What part do you want me to play in this new Origination?" He smiled, "Jadith, you excelled in your training as a Huntress, you have some of the best rankings in critical thinking from the past five years. Your handling of a crises situation is done with total clam, you lead people well and create quick and lasting loyalties." "Sins!" she swore. "You want me to lead this little group don't you?" He nodded. She turned to me. "did you know about this?" I nodded, "I recommended you to start with." She rolled her head back to glare to Dwight. "You trained me to be a Huntress only to shove me behind the desk when I graduate second in my class? What was the point?" "This is hardly a desk job," Rachel said, finally speaking up. "For the first few years you will be doing as much if not more field work then desk work. You will have to keep a low profile as well, you can't become will know or your effectiveness will be lost. Frankly we feel that your training as a Huntress hasn't prepared you enough for the job." She sighed. "So in the end my training was just bunk?" I took my glass off, rubbing my eyes. "No," I answered, "your training has made sure you can lead." She snorted, "I was trained to Hunt not to spy!" "Your training as a Huntress will still be used," Dwight said. "You have already formed yourself a team with Ren and Stew, you even have Sora as an extra brain trust and technical help. This team will not be broken up, you will still be used to hunt, but in places with that are considered to have high levels of danger. You three are the top of your class, that can not be let go to waste." "So you want me to Hunt the worse places, run your spy network and not become know to people?" He nodded. She shook her head a bit. "How much desk work would I be looking at?" "Not much," Rachel answered. "We will be setting you up with a staff to handle most of it. In fact you won't even officially be appointed to the job till next year. Until that time you and your team will operation as normal hunters. Though you will still be in charge of recruiting people." She paused for a few seconds, then smiled just a bit. "I'll have a few conditions then," she said. "Name them," Dwight responded. She shook her head. "Not yet, no, I need to workout what they are first. I will do it though, it sounds like the kind of challenge I could use." Dwight smiled and stood up. "Thank you then. You can come see me at any time when I'm in my office. Rachel will fill you in on the rest of the details." He nodded to Rachel as he said this, then left the room. Rachel smiled and started to speak, then stopped. "Fox?" she asked. I nodded, "Yes?" She looked puzzled for a few seconds. "How do you feel?" I shrugged, looking between her and Jadith, who looked just as baffled. "I'm fine, why do you ask?" Jadith and Rachel exchanged a look then Jadith bent towards me, her arm slipping behind my chair. Then she yanked on my tail! I let out a slight yelp and jumped in the chair. It was then that I noticed my eye sight had improved to almost normal and I had some where along the line gained a muzzle. "I'm a fox again aren't I?" I asked, looking down at the red fur that covered my paws. The question sounded silly even to me. Rachel nodded. "Yes, it just now happened. It was like you shrunk in on yourself and this was left." I did notice that my clothing had become looser on my frame. Just like last time where I had a sudden switch to a fox I had lost some height. Rachel looked at Jadith. "I'll go over this with you tomorrow. Can you be back here at noon?" She nodded. "Yes." Rachel nodded and walked over to me. "All right, we'll delay everything till then. You can go now, I'll get Fox back home." She smiled as she stood up. "Thank you, I'll see you tomorrow," she said as she left. I tried to stand up as well, but as I took a step I fell forward, landing on my face. Rolling over I quickly found the problem. My legs had changed, instead of walking plantagrade like normal I was digigrade, like Rhea was, walking on my toes. Rachel was right there, helping me up. "You ok?" she asked. I nodded, standing carefully, felling how much my balance had changed. "Ya, this is just strange." She smiled, putting an arm under my shoulder. "Here, I'll help you back to your place." She helped me out of the building and back into the same car that had brought us here. It brought us back to my place, and we went inside. I was able to go most of the way without her help, my tail providing most of the balance. I had to roll up my pant legs almost to my knees though to keep them from falling down around my feet. I had lost a little more then half a foot of high, making me five feet tall. Most of it was in how my legs now bent, but the rest was from being small on the whole then I used to be. Once inside we spilt ways, she want on to her room to take care of some stuff and I just crashed onto the couch, but not before getting a look at myself in the mirror. Other then the legs there wasn't much of a different from what I had looked like last time I changed. Mostly red with white down the sides of my face, though each eye had a red patch around it. It was quite interesting. It was while I was sitting on the couch, getting my barring over all of this that Oria came home. "Fox?" she ask in amazement as she saw me. I smiled. "It just happened," I answered. She walked over and sat on the couch next to me. "You look good as a fox." "Thanks," Reaching over she touched the side of my muzzles, moving her fingers over my fur. "Is this what you looked like when I changed you?" I shook my head. "No, it was more of a color mix, and I wasn't walking on my toes," I said, raising a foot and wiggling them at her. She laughed and kisses my nose. "So I see. How long will this last?" I shrugged, "don't know, last time it was only a few minutes." She nodded. "I don't think I would mind having you with fur for a few days." I smiled. "First though, I was wondering if you would like to spend a few days on my world?" She asked with a slight smile on both her mouth and her ears. I raised an eyebrow. "Oh really, why?" "Rose and I need to wrap up the last million things needed to make her the Lady. It will take about a week, I thought you might want to come along." "Sounds like I would be board out of my mind." I commented. She nodded touching the pendant around my neck. "So, be Rhea for the first part. It will be the right time anyway." "And for the rest of it?" I asked. "I wasn't planing to let you out of bed," she whispered into my ear. I laughed softly. "I see..." right before she kissed me, I kissed her right back. ---- This story is (c) 1998 by Fox Cutter, hardcopy reprints limited to one a person, all other rights reserved. This story may not be distributed for a fee except by permission of the author, and this copyright notice may not be removed.