Repercussions By: Fox Cutter 05/26/1999 "Good afternoon, Fox," Rachel said, pulling out a chair from the table. "Good afternoon, and to you as well, Jadith. I hope I didn't pull you two away from anything important," I responded, relaxing in my chair, wincing a bit. My left arm was still in the sling, and a bit tender. Jadith took her own chair out, sitting down across the conference table from me, next to the Vixen. "Nothing too important on my part. Just a few issues that need to be attended to some time today." "I have a few things that need my immediate attention. But you said it was important, so I worked a little time free to come here." Rachel paused for a moment, "What happened to your arm?" I smiled, setting down a folder I had been holding in my good hand. "I got shot when dealing with Cain. You should stay around the house more often, you'll find these things out sooner." Jadith frowned slightly. "I just wish you would allow me to heal that for you. I feel frustrated that I can't use my powers to help my friends." "I did ask the doctor about it," I responded. "He said that magical healing would interfere with the natural healing. So I'm going to have to take the long way around this time. But thank you again for offering." "Why did you call us here?" Rachel asked, setting down her own folder on the table. "This is obviously not a social visit, otherwise you would have met us at home." I let out a soft chuckle. "That is kind of hard with you Rachel. Your work keeps you so busy that you practically live in the office, and just happen to sleep at home. But you are correct, this isn't a social visit." "Then what is it about?" the elf asked. "Well it's about the IMF," I answered. "I've been reading your reports," Rachel said as she tapped the folder in front of her. "So this is convenient for us, as we do need to talk in an official capacity." I smiled. "This is also in an official capacity," I waved my hand across the table, "but I'm in a gracious mood, so I'll let you go first." She nodded, taking the folder and sliding it in my direction on the tabletop. I snapped my fingers down on it as it came near. "And what might this be?" I asked her with a smile. "Your first assignment for the IMF. We want your best- counter surveillance team on it." I hummed, tapping my fingers on top of the folder. "I see, very interesting." "Aren't you going to look at it?" Jadith asked. I shook my head, pulling my hand back and sliding the folder back over the table towards them. "Nope." "And why not?" Rachel asked in reply. "It is your job." I chuckled. "Well you see, that's kind of a problem at this point," I answered, leaning back slightly in my chair. She frowned, folding her paws onto of the table, the ring of her finger flicking in the soft light of the room. "What kind of problem?" "A very large problem," I replied. "After what happened the last few weeks between Cain and myself; I've been able to think about a lot of things. My family for one, my business for another. The problem is, I simple can't run the IMF anymore, not if I want to spend any real time at home with my family. The reason I called you both here is to tell you I'm stepping down as the Director of the IMF, effective as of this morning at 7 am." Both Rachel and Jadith had looks of shock on there faces. The vixen more so then the Elf. "You can't be serious!" Rachel asked, rising to her feet. I nodded. "Completely serious," I replied, motioning with my good arm for her to sit back down. "I handed in my resignation this morning when I came into the office. And these," I said, tapping the folder on the table in front of me, "These are the official documents, all signed and dated." She still stood, leaning over the table to look at me. There was surprise, and a bit of anger in her eyes. I could see her tail flicking behind her skirt. "You can't just leave like that." "Yes, I can," I answered. "It's in the IMF charter, which the Consortium approved of, and as this is not an official government body, you can't exactly order me to not leave." "No," Jadith answered, "But I can. The IMF is under my direct control as Managing Director of the OZG, that same charter gives me the power to assign and remove directors of the IMF." She paused for a moment, lacing her fingers together, and resting her hands on the table top. "But I have no intention of forcing you to stay in the position. I think I understand why you are doing this, I've noticed you've been dissatisfied with the position for a few months now." I smiled. "Funny, I only worked it out three days ago. I just finally realized that it was a mistake on my part. After Naomi died, I put all my energy into it. Now with the shipyards and my family, I feel like I'm starting to let important things slip." She nodded, "Sit down Rachel. If you feel this way, Fox, then I have to allow you to step down. Do you have any suggestions as to who should take over as Director?" "Well, my only suggestion is my second-in-command, who currently has control. Wraith Flint, he's very competent, knows his job very well, and also knows each of the teams better than I do. He can tell you, more accurately then I can, which of the four teams is better for which job. Also he is well aware what each team member's strength and weaknesses are. In short, he knows what I should know, and always has. There's full documentation on him in the folder, and a memo outlining these reasons and more for why he should officially replace me." Rachel picked up the folder, opening it, and flipping through the documents it contained inside, still standing across the table from me. Her tail had settled down a bit, and less anger showed in her eyes. "So I see. And what about the CSC? Are you going to leave that as well?" I shook my head. "No, I'm going to stay with the CSC. Being able to deal with things involving any Earth is a great benefit for me. I don't want to lose that advantage." She nodded, flicking her ears. "You also understand, you are a Special Agent for the CSC, and not just in matters involving Earth. You can, and will be called on to take assignments that falls under your skills and expertise. That's part of the deal." "Fine, I can accept that," I replied. She nodded again, finally returning to her seat. "Also, this isn't going to go over well with the Council of Member Worlds. Most of them want you to have some sort of official position in the government; even if it's not something we can admit to. They're still going to want you in some high level position." I sighed, leaning forward, resting my good arm on the table. "I had expected as much. My suggestion is this; create a cabinet of official advisors, who can wield executive power, if you give said orders. They are appointed by you, and confirmed by the Member Worlds. They will be the highest non elected offices in the Consortium." "We haven't even decided if we're doing elections just yet," she replied, a slight smile crossing her muzzle. "You of course will be the first person appointed to this Cabinet?" I smiled, spreading my arms out, and winced as I pulled my injured one. "Of course, who else?" Rachel tapped her fingers on the table top, "Of course. I'll get the basic documents drawn up and put to a vote, but if it passes, I doubt there will be any objection to your appointment." "Good, good. At least that responsibility I can handle as time dictates," I paused, taking my glasses off and rubbing my eyes. The glasses were an older pair I had, temporarily replacing the broken set, until I could get a new prescription made up. I returned the glasses to their perch on my nose. "That covers what I had to say, anything you two have left?" "I have nothing further," Jadith said, standing from her chair. "Nothing for now," Rachel said, also rising to her feet. "Though we should go visit Mr. Flint, as we have an assignment for him," she was looking at the elf as she said this. She nodded in response. "Very well." "Actually, if I could waylay Jadith for a few minutes?" I asked, "I would like to talk to her in private." They looked at each other for a moment, and Jadith nodded. "All right," Rachel answered, gathering the folders from the table. "We'll meet at my office in an hour." "I'll see you in an hour then," she replied. Rachel nodded, then quickly walked out of the room, her tail swishing behind her slowly as she closed the door. "Fox," Jadith said, walking around the table to me, "I really wish you had consulted with us before doing this, or with myself at the least. It would have given us some time to prepare." I shrugged, "Sorry, it really couldn't be helped. I wanted to get out before anything started to happen. I kind of felt there was a mission coming soon." She nodded, sitting down on the table next to me, "You were right about that. We've been arguing about giving you this mission for the last five days. Your calling us here kind of decided it." Letting out a slight chuckle, I leaning back in my chair, looking up at my friend. "I should have known." "So, what exactly do you want to talk to me about?" I sighed a bit, "Not to put too fine a point on it, you actually." She blinked in surprise, pushing back a strand of hair that had fallen against her face. "Me? What about me?" "Well," I started, then paused for a moment, resting my chin in my hand. "The thing is, my position with the IMF got me thinking about you, and your position with the OZG. Rachel, Dwight and I kind of forced it down on you. So I was wondering... are you happy with it?" She froze for a moment, a neutral look on her face, but she was still looking at me though half open eyes, before she closed them. "I enjoy what I do," She eventually answered. "It's not exactly what I would call 'perfect'. I would still rather be a Huntress full time, and in all honesty, the office building I'm doing wears on me. I don't get home enough either, or to the house, and to see my family. I have to fight to keep from ending up like Rachel, living in my office." "Anything I can do to make it better?" I asked, leaning a bit closer to her. She opened her eyes, and smiled down at me. "Nothing really. All the conditions I gave were filled pretty quickly. I have a good staff set up, just lots of day-to-day work I have to deal with. We're prepping to become an official part of the government in a few months, so there's lots to do." She paused, and brushing the same stray hair back, "After that I'm planning to take a month's sabbatical to see my family." I nodded, pulling myself out of the chair. It was a bit difficult with the injured arm, but I managed. "I'm glad you have things working out then, but if you do need anything, just give me a call. You are a friend." Jadith smiled, slipping down from the table. "Thanks." I smiled back, then took my glasses of, rubbing my eyes again. "Are you all right?" I nodded, "I'm fine, it's just an old prescription. They hurt my eyes a bit. I'm planning to get a new pair soon, once I check out a few things first." "You know, I should be able to fix your eyes," she said, offering out a hand. "Thanks," I replied as I put them back on, "but I rather like them, and I really don't want to explain about not needing them when I go back to Earth." She nodded, "I understand. So what things are you checking out first? I didn't think it was that hard to get a simple prescription." "I'm seeing if I can get them made out of a bicarbonate polymer. Both frames and lenses. They will be pretty much indestructible that way." "Do you break them often?" she asked, a playful smile on her face. I shook my head. "Not very much anymore, but back before my exile I seemed to break them almost on a weekly basis. The running joke was they broke whenever the scrip called for it. Ken actually learned his matter manipulation magic by fixing them over and over," I laughed softly as I said the last part. It brought back some good memories. She nodded, smiling wide. "Sounds like you had some good adventures." "Maybe I'll starting writing them down someday," I mused, checking my watch. "I hate to cut and run, but I have to do just that. I have an appointment I need to get to." She nodded again, checking her own watch. "I should go as well, I want to pull the file up on your replacement before I go talk to him. I want to know what I can expect." I nodded, walking over to the door, opening it, and holding it for her. "I'll catch you at home later on then?" I asked as she walked past. "Sure, I'll try and be back in time for dinner." "Thanks, see you then." I answered, and watched her as she walked down the hallway. Smiling to myself, I got my bearings, and headed off to my appointment. * * * "Welcome, Fox," Dr. Holdermand said, waving his hand out towards me as he sat behind his desk. "Please take a seat. I have a few things I wish to discuss with you." I nodded, relaxing myself down into one of the soft chairs he keep around his office. He fidgeted a bit, pulling up his terminal. I watched with minor interest, hoping that he had the nutritional information I had requested a few months ago. Apparently satisfied with what was on his screen, he turned his full attention to me. "First off, Samantha. Her arm is regenerating quite well, and is growing back at the expected rate. The new arm will regain all its functionality, though it will need physical therapy before she can use it fully." "That's good," I commented. "I was worried she might have the same reaction I do." He nodded. "Yes, and how is your arm doing?" "The pain is fading," I answered. "I'm suppose to come in to have the dura-skin removed in three days." "That's good, sounds like it's healing as expected," he responded, turning his attention back to the terminal for a few more moments. He looked back at me, then resting his hands on the desk, he spoke. "Fox, there is no simple way to say this, but I feel that I can no longer treat you anymore." "What?" I asked after a few moments of surprise. "But you've been doctor since I first got to Prid. What has changed?" "To be honest," he answered, "You have-- extensively. My specialty is the human body type. I've studied it, in its various forms, for my whole medical life. When you first came to me, I could treat you easily. You are a Natural, and your physiology wasn't too different from my own. Now, you are no longer human, you're more like a hybrid, and the more exotic you get, the harder it becomes for me to treat you safely." He paused, looking down at this hands. "You have changed quite a deal; your basic physiology is very different. Then you come to me with your second form, a lion type. A type I have a mixed understanding of at best. If I continue to be your doctor, there is a risk, a growing risk, that I will harm you while I'm trying to help you." "I understand," I answered, resting my good hand on my lap, flexing my fingers a bit, I could feel my claws as they slipped in and out of the tips. "It's something I've been slowly starting to deal with on my own. You are correct, I am not human, not anymore." He nodded, then picked up a business card from his desk and handed it to me. "I'm not going to throw you out into the cold. This is the card of another doctor. His offices are in Corban, and he specializes in hybrids, crossbreeds and the like. He has... other patients with multiple forms, so he should be able to treat you immediately." I took that card, looking at it for a moment. It was for a Doctor Kevin Stall. I blinked, finding it slightly strange finding an Earth type name here. "Thank you," I said, putting the card away. "I'll call him as soon as I get home." "If you agree, I would like your permission to send him your files, along with the nutritional information you requested. He should be able to complete it where I was unable to." "Sure," I answered, "I don't think that will be a problem." He nodded. "Good. Then, if you don't have anything else you think we should discuss, you are free to go." I smiled, rising to my feet. "Just keep a good eye on Samantha, make sure she gets the best treatment that she can." He nodded. "Of course I will." "Thank you," I told him as I turned, and left his office, heading for home. ----- This story is copyright 2001 by Fox Cutter, hardcopy reprints limited to one per person, all other rights reserved. This story may not be distributed for a fee except by permission of the author, and this copyright notice may not be removed.