Run Around By: Fox Cutter Chapter 3 I entered into the small room Oria and I had been given for the length or our stay. Inside she was waiting for me, sitting half in and half out of the window, looking out at the sky. "What took you so long?" She asked without turning around. I sighed, sitting on a chair that was in the corner. "We walked there and back, in the interim we talked a bit." She nodded, her tail twitching slightly. "How long then?" "Nine days, the fold won't be there again until the twentieth." She turned around in the window, frowning. Then slide off the thick the stone frame and padded accost the floor to me. He eyes locked onto the dragon shaped pendant that hung from my neck. "The fourteenth is the first day isn't it?" I smiled weakly. "Yes." She walked over to the single bed in the room, sitting down on it with a thump. "Would it be safe for you here at the Keep?" I nodded. "I don't think my being Rhea will be much of a problem here. I'm more worried about the curses on the Keep affecting us." She frowned again. "I see... we could leave the Keep for the three days your Rhea. We would stay here three days then another four days. It should be safe enough for us then." "Mostly, but a few times it has only taken three days for a curse to start affecting a person. So to be safe I don't want to spend more then three days here. And even six days so close together still might be enough to set it off." She twists her ears a bit as she thought this over. "So, this is more of a calculated risk then a good plan." I nodded again. "Yes, but I have a way to help it along. When we leave the Keep we must do it in the early morning, or late night. The twentieth we'll leave at dawn and head to the fold. When ever we go we'll leave at dawn then and come back as late in the day as possible. If we can do this right we'll spend no more then five full days here." Oriana stood up again, walking back over to me. "Which means we still have to spend at least four days away from the Keep. When do we have to leave?" "Ryan had an idea about that, he's gotten Little Fox helping him. From the short explanation I got we won't be alone either on our little trip. They'll tell us tomorrow if they can do it." "Little Fox?" She asked with a smile. I chuckled. "It just sort of happened. You saw the size difference between me and him." She nodded. "Well, he started calling me Big Fox, so I began calling him Little Fox, and it went from there." She placed her fingers against the side of her muzzle and shook her head. "You two have the same sense of humor." I smiled at her, looking back over her shoulder at the bed. "I see we're expected to share the room." I commented. She looked back behind herself at the wooden, cloth and feather bed. "I noticed that as well. You can take the bed if you want, I can sleep on the floor." I shook my head. "I always let you have the bed," I commented. She nodded. "I know, but I've had experience sleeping on a stone floor. Also, before you even bring it up, I asked about it and there are a dozen spells on all the bedding to keep them clean and to detract lice and tics." I chuckled. "I guess when a third of the population has fur it's a necessity." She smiled. "Of course we could just share the bed." I shook my head. "No Oria, I wouldn't..." I paused, what I wanted to say didn't seem to come to lips. "No." Oriana looked disappointed, but not very much. She knew me well enough to have know I would have refused. Just as I knew her well enough to understand that her intentions were pure. Still though, there was something else in her eyes, more then just disappointment, but I couldn't place it. I also knew her well enough that I didn't ask about it. * * * Noon on the next day. Oriana, Ryan, Little Fox and I were seated along one bench of a large outdoor table. On the other side was a large mule of a man. The master of arms for Metamor Keep, Jack DeMule. He was looking over both Oria and myself with a trained eye, taking in both are strengths and weakness that he could see. Eventually he spoke. "Ryan, am I to understand you want me to send these two," He waved one of his hands towards us, "on a five day patrol?" Ryan nodded. "Yes sir, they have to stay in the area for a few days and wish to avoid the curses." Jack shook his head. "That can not be allowed." "Why?" Fox asked. "First, we do not normally send patrols out that are not residents of the Keep. Second I would never send two people out alone." "Ryan and I can go with them," Fox said. Jack started at Fox for a few seconds. "Ryan has just returned and you have never been more then a days march away on a patrol." Fox crossed his arms. "Then I'll go and you can pick someone else you feel will help us." "Third," Jack continued, "I do not have armor nor weapons for the two of them." "We're armed." I replied, "My sword is in the room we were given for the night." He looked to Oria. "And her?" She gave him one of her more unnerving smiles. "I can handle myself." Jack leaned back a bit. "I will not be able to armor you." I nodded. "That's all right." He frowned slightly. "I will need to think about this. The idea of sending three unseasoned people on a long patrol, two of which who don't even know the land. It goes against my better judgement." He paused for a few seconds, "Still though, I do understand the fear you have of being cursed here, and the land around us isn't safe for lone travelers. More so with the lady already cursed." Standing up he looked us over once more. "I will consider it, if I feel it will be safe enough for you I may allow it. You will be sent a message before dark, you will know then as to my decision. Until then I bid you good-day." He then turned and left us, walking back towards one of the entrances into the Keep. Oria and I looked at each other, I could see a sense of worry accost her face. "You all right?" I asked in a whisper. She shook her head. "No," that was all the answer she would give. * * * Hours had now past and the four of us had once again gathered inside "The Deaf Mule". This time though it wasn't in shock and question, it was more of a steady worry you get when your hoping for something. To kill the time we had been sitting around and talking a bit. Both Ryan and Little Fox had been telling stories about the Keep and some of the more interesting events that had happened inside of it. During all of it I watched my double down almost a bottle of wine. Even if it wasn't very alcoholic he had drunk a lot. It was kind of a surprise for me as I never even did casual drinking. The only reason I was sipping on wine currently is I know better then to drink the native water of a medieval world. Ryan was drinking his beer again, Oria had taken a taste from it and instantly ordered herself a mug. I was just sticking to some wine, I hadn't even finished my first glass yet. As we fell into a lull in the conversation Little Fox spoke up. "So, how long have you and Oriana been together?" "About two and a half years now." I answered, "Since I got back from my exile." He shook his head. "No," He said with a smile. "I meant together as together." I saw Oriana instantly bush a deep red in her ears as I felt myself stiffen up. Fox laughed. "That long then?" He asked with a wider smile. "We're not lovers at all," Oria answered him. "Really," Ryan said, "you two act like it." She shook her head. "Well, I do love him," she commented, then blushed even deeper then before. Fox raised his eyebrows and perked up his ears. "Oh really then? What about you Big Fox?" I shook my head. "We're really close friends, but I don't love her." He smiled even wider then before, nodding his head. "Just casual sex then?" I snorted in laughter, nearly spilling my glass as I was just picking it up. Oriana looked like she was about to fall under the table and hide. Little Fox looked amazed. "You mean you're living with a beauty of a women and haven't been with her? Do you prefer men?" From the look of his face and how he spoke it, the last part was intended as jest. "It's my fault," Oriana said, stopping me from what I was about to snap back at him. "We've both tried at one time or another, I just can't get over that he's not a lion." I noticed that Ryan was gone by this point in the conversation. Couldn't blame him, I wanted to go after him for my own safety. Fox was a little perplexed by this. "How exactly did that come about?" "It's a type of xenophobia," I answered, "and honestly, a common one." He nodded. "So you're world isn't mixed species then?" "No, just lions," she answered. Leaning forward over the table he started to say something else, but was interrupted as Ryan returned to the table. "I just talked to a messenger." The rest of the conversation came to a dead stop. "What did Jack have to say?" Fox asked. "You three are suppose to meet with Jaffee at the western gate at dawn. He will lead you." Ryan answered as he sat down at the table. Both Orian and I let out a low breath, almost in time with each other. This was actually going to work for us. Little Fox stood up. "Well then, if we leave at dawn I must prepare my armor and leave the library in a manageable state for Chris. I shall see you all in the morning." We all said are mutual farewells as he left. Turning back around to face the table I was greeted with a flying fruit. I reacted without thinking, ducking to one side and putting my hand out to catch it. In the same fashion as back home on Prid I let the fruit roll over my palm and up my fingers. This time though it stopped there. There was a few seconds of time before I realized that I had actually managed to catch the fruit. After weeks of being pummeled with the soft stuff I had finally managed to catch one on my claws. Grinning I pulled the fruit, it was an apple, of my claws. Oriana was clapping softly and smiling wide. Ryan looked panicked. "You're already starting to change," He whispered. "What these?" I unsheathed my claws from my fingers by pulling them as far back as I could. "No, I've had these for a month now, it's related to my eyes." He nodded, still shaking. "Are you sure?" "Yep," I answered taking a bite from the apple. He shook his head in amazement. "I knew your eyes had to have been magic, but claws... what happened to you to cause this?" I frowned and didn't say anything. He was smart enough to take this as my answered. To Be Continued... ----- This story is (c) 1998 by Fox Cutter, hardcopy reprints limited to one a person, all other rights reserved. This story may not be distributed for a fee except by permission of the author, and this copyright notice may not be removed. "Metamor Keep" (C) 1998 by 'Copernicus' all rights reserved. Jack DeMule is (C) 1998 by Jack DeMule.