...Sadness For Everyone By: Fox Cutter 08/23/98: Chapter 1 The summons that Dwight had promised to me a month plus a week ago had finally come to past. I had received it as a small message waiting for me as I got up that morning. He wanted to see me immediately, before I did anything else. So I had rushed to his office, even skipping breakfast with Oria to meet him. In the end I don't think I should have rushed, if I had taken a few minutes to think about it I would have know what he wanted to see me for. "Fox," He said, looking a bit haggered as I entered his office. Most of his fur was rumpled down, sacks showing under his eyes and he sat down at his desk. "You wanted to see me?" I responded. He nodded, leaning back a bit, folding his paws together in front of his chest. "Yes, I have an assignment for you." I raised an eyebrow. "Really? What exactly do you want me to do." He smiled a bit. "I want you to go to the Mouse's world. Your job is to verify that the unleashing of the plague wasn't an accident. That it was a deliberate attack against the people of the Multi-verse." I blew through my teeth, rumors that such a mission was being planed had been circulating thorough the Hall for the past few weeks. Though none of them mention that the mission was for me. "Did sie tell you if it was an attack?" I asked, using the accepted pronoun for a hermaphrodite, such as the Mouse was. He nodded, "We eventually got hir to admit that it was an intentional act. Sie didn't tell us who ordered or approved it though." "That most not have been easy," I commented, remembering what I had been told about hir world. Cooperating with a captor was considered one of hir peoples greatest sins. It went against the basic tenets of there society. Dwight gave me a smile that sent a chill down my spine, "It wasn't. For now though we must send someone to confirm this, if it was an attack steps must be taken." I nodded slowly, I didn't like how he said that first part. The implication was that they tortured hir, and that Dwight enjoyed that fact. My once dismissed worries about him suddenly came back to the surface. He passed over a thin folder. "This has the language patch for what sie was speaking to use with, as much information as we could pry from hir, and the closest approximation of the full verse number for the fold sie used." I raised an eyebrow. "Closest? You don't have the actual one?" He shook his head. "No, sie used a complex magical spell to open the fold. We had are best xenomages ripping it apart for the last half a year. If it's not the fold itself it should be on the same continent as the one sie used." I rolled my eyes. "So i'm either surrounded by guards when I arrive or have to walk and meet them half way." He smiled again. "Yes." "All right, I'll do this, but it will be at double my normal hazard pay." He nodded, then bent under his desk for a few seconds, coming back with a small box, about a six inches square. "I want you to take this as well," He said, setting it on the desk in front of me. I picked it up, fiddling with the top. "What is it?" I asked. "I want you to leave that if you can confirm that this was an attack," he answered, "don't open it till then though." I frowned. "Why, what exactly is in here?" "It will ensure that they could not leave the world again," He answered with that same smile he used when talking about the Mouse. "Not unless the Council lets them out." I looked the box over, rolling it through my hands. The implication was that it was some way to feedback all the folds on the planet, keeping them from being opened. But a device like that, be it magical or technological, is far larger then just this box. "All right," I answered him. "I'll see if I can stick it some place out of the way then." He nodded, "good, I would appreciate that. That is all, you may go now." He turned around in his chair as he said then, flipping through one of his file cabinets. I took both the file and the box and went back home. I would be a fool to try and tackle something like this alone. * * * Oria shook her head as I finished telling her what had transpired. "This sounds ugly," she finally commented as she sipped her tea. I nodded, looking over the contents of the folder. I had already loaded up the language patch, and had it set out for her to use. She hadn't touched it though. "You know that I can't come along," she finally said. I frowned, this was unexpected. "Actually, no I didn't know that." She smiled. "Fox, there are not very many crossbred pregnancies, even inside the Council worlds. The doctors don't want me out running around trying to take care of the problems in the multi-verse. Frankly I had to fight not to be put in the hospital until I give birth." I nodded, sighing softly, this was the first time I had heard about that. It made perfect sense really, in the end I agreed with them. It takes a lot of work to crossbred two species, and I still thought it a long shot that she would not miscarry. It was not something I wanted to think about think about though. "I agree then, I hate to say it but I don't want you to get hurt or the children." Damn that sounded strange for me to say, even stranger then having a daughter, I was going to be real father. "Maybe you should take Jadith along," she commented as she finished her tea and set the cup aside. "I think she would like an adventure." I nodded. "I'll have to think about it... I never even thought about not having you along." She smiled. "I know Fox, but this is how it has to be." I think I was about to say something truly world shattering and romantic, but was brought short as the phone system let out a shrill beep signaling there was a new message waiting. Sadly, what ever it was that I was going to say was lost. Grumbling to myself I walked over to the phone and punched up the message. To my surprise it was just simple text. It just read 'Someone wants to meet you at the bar in an hour. Braden'. "Braden," Oria said, looking over my shoulder. "Why does that name sound familiar." "He's the bar keep on Mydisia base." I answered. She frowned, a lot of things had changed for her when she's been on that rock. "Who would want to meet you there?" She asked. I thought that over myself. I don't know many people who frequent the base, its not exactly a friendly place to visit. Why someone would want to see me there was a mystery to me. Unless they wanted to talk to me about my just assigned mission. The rumors about it would have reached Mydisia by now. Even without knowing I had just been given it, I was the perfect person to ask about it. I could see from the look in Oria's eyes that she had figured it out as well. "Elena," we said, almost in unison. * * * The bar on Mydisia is just like any sleazy bar you find in any sleazy part of space. No matter what world, what universe, if there was a dark underbelly to it there was a bar like Mydisia there. The large room was mostly dark, light provided here and there by candles and other assorted things. None of the clientele who frequented the bar wanted to be seen, or seen with each other. This was the realm of the smugglers, assassins and black markets. It offered total anonymity to anyone who entered into the bar. This is where I bought the weapon systems for _The Golden Phoenix_, this was even where the Mouse was selling hir plague infested artifacts. And where, in one dark back corner, a vampire sat, watching me as I moved towards hir. Even without being bale to see hir clearly I still knew who it was. Sie didn't move at all, sie was perfectly still, not even the twitching of an ear to prove that sie was more then just a mannequin. I moved accost the room, sliding into the empty side of the booth sie was occupying. Sie moved then, lighting the candle at the table with one quick move. "Hello," she said, looking me over slowly. "I see that you have recovered from your curse," hir eyes moved down to lock on my fingers. "Mostly." I nodded, flexing my claws out a bit. "It's still there, just it's livable right now." Sie nodded, "Clear eyes, interesting." I chuckled. "Disconcerting." That seemed to break the stillness about hir as sie smiled. "Yes, I can see they would be. Almost like they could look into a persons soul. Tell me Mr. Cutter, what do you see in my soul?" I titled my head a bit, looking at hir closely. Looking at the scars on hir face, at the lump of flesh that was all that remained of hir left ear. I could only think of once answer. "Life." Sie seemed to be socked by this statement. I think sie was expecting some kind of witty response, not something so counter to hir basic nature. "Your welcome," I said, as sie started to recover. Sie gave me a hard look with hir eyes, the light from the candle reflecting off of them. "I've heard talk," sie said, "Talk of sending an envoy to my world." I nodded, "Yes, that would be me." That brought a simile to hir lips. "This is far more fortunate that I had planed. You see, I am going with you." Oh, that didn't sound good. "What makes you think I would allow it," I responded. Sie laughed. "Because you want to live long enough to find out anything. You will need a guide if you want to survive this trip. I feel it's time that I returned to my home, both can be accomplished in one move." "Do you think a guide is needed?" I asked, already believing that it was myself. "Yes," sie answered, "if you were to appear to any Theriamorphs that saw you as you are would kill you on the spot for the crime of being human. You would have to be made to look like an Elf, and to hide your eyes as well." I smiled. "Pointy ears we can do. I'll keep my eyes as they are thank you so very much." Sie sighed, "if you insist on such folly I can't do anything to stop it. Be warned though that how people will react will be unpredictable at best." I nodded. "Also, we will need to create an ear piece for Oriana. It won't stand up to a close inspecting but it will suffice for most things." "Oria isn't coming on this trip." "Oh?" sie asked, leaning forward. Sie twitched hir nose a bit as sie took in a long smell of the air around me. "I see, she is with a child." Ah, the joys of an enhanced seance of smell. "Twins actually." Sie nodded. "Congratulations, but I do agree with not having her along. I would prefer to have more people then just you and I." "Agreed," I answered, "I already have someone in mind to ask, and she already has the pointed ears." "There is one more thing," sie said, shifting a bit in the seat. "What?" I asked. Sie reached up to touch the base of hir missing ear. "My ear must be replaced." I frowned. "Why?" "Because our names are displayed on the left ear. To not display a name is to not have a name, and to not have a name is to be killed." Sie spoke the words softly, as if explaining something extremely obvious to a small child. "Your in luck then," I answered. "Jadith is a healer, she should be able to repair it. If not there are other ways." Sie smiled slowly. "Jadith is who you planed to ask for help?" I nodded. "Then let us go and meet your healer." Sie said with a large smile. Chapter 2 Elena wiped some blood from hir nose as we walked down the hallway towards the room where Jadith was going to be meting with us. Apparently the fold didn't abide by hir well, I guess it's better then being dead, which is what would have happened to a normal person. But I guess being a vampire didn't qualify you as normal. I had spent a few hours setting up a meting with Jadith before we had returned to Prid. It was still light outside and I didn't expect it would do Elena well to be exposed to it. When I had told hir this sie assured me that a little sunlight was fine for hir. I just didn't want to take the risk, the light of Prid's binary stars was a lot more then sie was used to. We entered a small room that was tucked into the corner where two hallways meet. Maybe ten feet square it was just made use of what would be empty space. The Marble Hall was so large that a lot of small rooms like theses were needed. From meetings with people or just a nap. Jadith joined us a few minutes later, smiling a bit as she saw me. "Fox, what brings you calling?" She asked. I smiled back. "Dwight has given me a mission and I was wondering if you would like to come along." She shook her head with a slight sigh. "I would love to, but I have meetings almost all day, every day, for the next week. It was only luck that I could meet with you at all today." I frowned, running my hand over my chin. "I understand how that can be, I've been there myself. Could you do a quick favor for me then?" I waved a hand to Elena, "could you heal hir ear?" Jadith looked over the vixen as she took a step towards hir. "I should be able to." She answered, then raised her hands up to cup Elena's ears. As soon as she touched she jumped back with a gasp, shaking her hands like they've been burnt. "Is there a problem?" Elena asked. Jadith nodded. "You should be able to heal that yourself," she answered, flexing her hands slowly. "Yes, I should." Elena explained, "but I can't. I am prevented from healing it myself. My former master made sure of that." She nodded, moving back next to Elena. "I'm sorry for my reaction. The touch of a living dead hurts a healer." The vixen gave the elf a smile. "None needed. I have that effect on people." She nodded, reaching forward to take the stub of Elena's ear again. I could see her winch as she made contact, but she didn't show it in any other way. Slowly her fingers started to glow, at the same time though it seemed like it was fading out right were it should have been brightest. I could see from the look on her face that this wasn't an easy healing. She had a small trickle of blood slowing rolling from the side of her eye, a second one following from her nose. This was normal for her, the blood on her face always came when she healed someone. The fact that it seemed to be so slow worried me though. A minute had already past and Jadith was starting to show some strain on her face. Finally she yanked her hands away, leaving Elena with a new ear. Jadith wasn't so lucky, the palms of her hands were bright red, a few blisters showing around the edges. "Are you ok?" I asked as I steeped over to her. She nodded, sitting down in a chair. "Magical friction. There was a lot of resistance to have your ear healed." Elena twitched hir new ear a couple times, then reached up to feel it. "Thank you, it's been far to long sense I could show my name." Jadith nodded to hir, trying to act like she knew what sie was talking about. "So," She asked, looking to me. "What's this assignment that Dwight is sending you on?" "To confirm that the Plague was intentional." I answered. She ahhed. "Why is she coming along?" She asked, motion to Elena. "Sie is coming because it's hir world. Sie's going to act as a guide." "I see," she said with a nod. "Then I think you should take Ren along with you." "Really?" I asked, "do you think he's up to it?" She smiled. "Yes, he was first in our class. He also looks up to you, so should haven't much trouble following your orders." I chuckled softly. "All right. Get him a Matrix chip as well, we need to look like elves." "What's a Matrix chip?" Elena asked, sitting down hirself. Sie now had an ornate ear clip attached midway up hir left ear. It had a couple hanging bits that swished though the air as sie moved. "A way to hide what someone looks like." I answered. "An illusion?" Sie asked. I nodded, "basically." Sie shook hir head, crossing hir arms over hir chest. "It won't do. People will see right though it. You have to have something physical." I turned to look at Jadith, "can we do that?" She paused for a second before nodding. "Yes, there are ear pieces that can be attached to a normal ear. It will hold for a while and won't be able to be pulled off." "Good, do you have enough time to set up an appointment for me and Ren to get these done?" I asked. "I could spare the time," she answered with a slight smile I nodded. "Great, you go do that, then tell me where to go and when." "It won't be until at least tomorrow." She answered, "Though I can try and set something up early in the morning." "That will just fine. I'll meet Ren there then will team back up with Elena." I turned to look at hir, "Does that sound good." Sie smiled. "It sounds very good. Shall we meet at the bar on Mydisia?" "Sure, I'll take you back," I answered. Sie shook hir head, standing up and walking towards the door. "I can find my own way back." Sie said with a smile before slipping out into the hallway. Jadith looked at me. "Sie's going to be a handful," she commented with a smile. I nodded. "Sie volunteered hirself once sie heard the rumors." "Is sie necessary?" She asked. I shrugged. "I don't know. If sie is though, I'll be glad to have hir along." "Then I'll trust your judgment on this," she said. "Glad to know someone does," I said with a slight chuckle. "Oh," Jadith said as she stood up, "before I forget, I talk to Naomi yesterday." "What about?" I asked. "The conversation had a tendency to swing around, but she did mention that she's going to be having a brother and a sister. Congratulations." I blushed a bit, "thanks." She patted me on the shoulder. "On both counts. She also mention you got a second contract." I smiled, still blushing "Yep, the buyer of the new ship decided not to wait. As soon as we finish his first one we have five more to construct for him." "Five," She answered, "That's great." There was something in her voice. "What's wrong?" She sighed. "That accepting the contract is actually a violation of Prid law." I frowned. "What?" I said in a much stiffer tone of voice. Jadith frowned as she heard it. "I only found out about it yesterday, when I mentioned it to Stew." She said, sounding almost like it was meant in her own defense, "I double checked what he told me and he was right. There are laws regarding ship building on Prid." I shook my head. "I didn't know, what exactly are they?" She sighed, "You can only build ships for you, or at most two for other people at any one time. If you want to build five more you can't do it as an individual. You have to be a licensed ship yard." "Oh shit." I muttered. She patted my shoulder "It's not as bad as all that. The law has provision for just this type of situation. We can get you all the proper permits and licenses in a couple weeks. You just have to delay beginning any more construction until then." "How much will it cost?" I asked, slipping my fingers under my glasses to rub accost my eyes and the bridge of my nose. She smiled. "Not as much as you think. There is a lot of work to do to get it set up, but once it's done, it's done. I've already gotten most of the forms prepared for you. I bring them over tonight." I raised an eyebrow. "You?" She nodded. "I decided to accept Naomi's request to move in. I may not be there as much as I wanted, but I'll be there nights. That's when the doctors are most worried about her anyway." I gave her a quick hug. "Thanks!" I said with a smile. She laughed, pushing back. "Your welcome." She said, then check her watch. "If you'll excuse me though I have to get to a meeting. I'll see you tonight," and with that she was out the door. I smiled, leaving the room as well, trying to think of a name for my soon to be ship yards. * * * 08/24/98: "Your a bit late," Elena commented as Ren and I sat down at hir both. Sir had just finished a drink, setting it on the table to look at us. A pack was sitting on the table next to her. "Sorry, I didn't know how long it would take to make the ears." I said, setting my own backpack down and pushing my hair back so sie could see. Ren had showed up at my door early in the morning, the whole appointment to get the ears made took almost a dozen hours. First with the casting, molding and other things. They had actually been glued to are skin in such a way that it would be a month before they could come off. Sie reached over the table and squeezed the tip with a bit of force, then frowned slightly. "As long as no one actually feels them you'll do fine." She looked back at me. "Though I would still prefer that you change the color of your eyes." I shrugged. "I'm sorry, I don't have anything to actually do that." Sie nodded, then looked to Ren. "So you must be who Jadith sent to help Fox." He nodded, smiling a bit. "Yes." Sie looked him up and down. "You'll do." Sie said, sliding out of the booth. "Come along. I think we should leave now." We both left the booth after hir, walking accost the bar. I slid my backpack over my shoulder as we did so. Ren only had came with the clothing on his back, refusing to take anything else along. "Are the pair of you armed?" Elena asked as we left the room. I nodded, "A bit more the necessary myself, but Oriana insisted I take more then a single gun." Sie looked me up and down. "Two still seems minimal." I grinned. "Three actually, I have some extra rounds in my backpack." I said, "also a few other toys." Sie frowned, deep enough this time that it pulled at the scar that ran down her muzzle. "I see, how about you?" Sie directed the question to Ren. He nodded. "I have weapons." Sie let out a snort. "I can't see where," sie came to a stop at the end of the hallway. "Here is the fold." I smiled. "So I feel," I said, taking a step forward. Pulling out my controller I punched in the number Dwight had given me, hoping that it would land us close to where we needed to go. As I hit the open button the fold exploding around us, sending a blast wave of hot air into our faces before pulling back, starting to suck the air in. "Did you open a fold into space?" Ren asked, blocking his face with an arm, he had to raise his voice from the low howling that the suction was causing. I shook my head. Reaching out to fell it. "No," I said as the fold start to swell outwards in small surges, almost as if it was trying to reach us. "There world has a deep fold on it." I said, looking down at the portal controller. "It must be on Crete," Elena said, hir eyes focused on the red center of the portal as it twisted and boiled, the winds whipping at hir fur and the dangling parts of her ear clip. There was a sudden blast of thunder and wind that threw us all to the ground. The portal doubled in size, lightning trailing around it's edges now, skittering along the floor and walls, almost like it was seeking us out. "Hell's hungry!" Elena cried, moving away from the portal. A look of fear showing over hir face. The damn thing did look like some sort of giant mouth. I jabbed the close button on the controller, but to no avail. The deep fold was putting to much force into it for the control to be of use. Reaching out with my mind I tried to get a feel for it. As a natural I wasn't very strong, but I've always been told I had amazing control. I was hoping I could control this mess. Reaching out with my hand I closed me eyes. I could feel the source of the fold, I could almost see how the power was being feed into it. Reaching out with my mind I tried to synch that close. The portal suddenly vanished, snapping back as a massive headache in the front of my skull. It felt like I had been hit just above the eyes, I fell back onto my hands, shaking my head. "That was ugly," Ren observed. "That would be why the spell was so complex," I muttered, trying to sort out the feelings I had gotten from the fold. "It's a festering wound on our world," Elena said, standing up and looking to were the portal had been. I stood up myself, my headache starting to just side away as fast as it had come. "I think I can get around it." I said. "Not to the fold Dwight had given us, but it won't be the deep fold either." Elena nodded. "Good, I would not like to go where the fold leads." I frowned a bit, reaching forward carefully and open the fold myself. I directed it more then normal as it opened, working it around the problem fold. "Ok," I said. "You two go first. I can't let this go by itself without it drifting back." "Are you sure?" Ren asked. "Yes." I answered, "Just go, I'll be right behind." Ren nodded as Elena stepped through. He followed hir a few seconds later. Then I moved closer to the portal, crouching down a bit and leaping through just as I let go of my control for it. It snapped closed almost on my feet as I came out of it. I was prevent from smacking my face on a large rock wall that had appeared in front of my by the grace of someone grabbing my pack and pulling me to the ground. Shaking my head, I stood up, looking at my companions. There faces were only partially light in the twilight around us. "That was easy," I commented, rubbing my shoulder where I had jarred it when landing. Elena frowned, adjusting hir pack a bit. "Not as easy as I would have hoped. There are guards coming." Before I could say anything more the guards had arrived. Chapter 3 "How dare they," Elena growled, pacing along the length of the small cell where we now at. It was the same thing sie had been doing for the past hour, sense the guards put us there. "Relax," Ren said, laying back on the one bed in room. "We'll get out of here soon enough." Sie snorted. "Being out is not the problem, the fact that they would imprison one of my race at all." I shook my head, returning my attention to what I was doing, feeling over the lock on the cell door. The door was made of up simple iron bars and I could easily reach thorough it to the lock on the other side. Our capture had gone pretty quickly. We had been escorted to the local castle, which wasn't that large of a place, searched, then throw into the cell. They even took my guns away, knowing exactly what they were. As much as it seemed to look like it, this was not a medieval world, as the single light bulb that tried to light the cell attested to. In the morning we were to be taken to see the Captain of the Guards, or something close to that. He was to decide what exactly to do with us. "So," Ren said, sitting up on the cot. "What's the plan?" The question was directed at me, which was great except that I didn't have one. Shaking my head I took two steps back from the door and give the lock my best kick. It shook for a second but nothing else. "I have no idea." I said, shaking my head again. "Though I really need to learn how to pick a lock." "You don't know?" Ren asked, sounding astonished. I shrugged. "Just didn't get around to it. I never was actually trained in anything, I just sort of did it." He rolled his eyes, brushing some of his white-blond hair from his face. "It was part of my training, maybe I can get the door." "With what?" Elena asked, stopping in hir tracks and turning to face him. "You didn't even have a weapon on you." Sie glared at him, hir arms crossed against hir chest. He gave hir a long slow smile. "Oh really? I'm always armed." "Then show me," Sie challenged. He laughed, "Very well, I will." Then lifted his right hand, he held it in front of himself, almost even with his left shoulder, his palm facing on. Then he pulled his arm accost his body in once fast move, keeping his hand perfectly level in front of him. At the end of this move he was holding a grayish-white sword, the blade was glimmering slightly in the harsh white from the light above us. "Whow," I commented, pushing my glasses back up on my nose. "You like it?" He asked, handing the sword over to me. It was amazing lightly, maybe only a dozen pounds. The balance on it was exactly perfect and the hilt was made to fit a human hand. From the shape of it, I gathered it would fit Ren so well he wouldn't know he was holding it. Elena reached out for the sword. "May I see that?" sie asked. I shrugged, handing it to hir. Taking it from me sie moved it slowly through the air, whisking it around in front of hirself. Finally sie brought the hilt up to hir nose and smelled it. "It's made of your bone." Sie commented, offering it back to him. He happily took it back, smiling widely. "Exactly, I have a perverted healing power. I can control my own bones, to an extent." As he spoke the sword seemed to melt back into his hand. "I can extrude bone structures from my palms, swords, daggers and other such things." He said, dusting his hands off once the sword had vanished. "It does drain me a bit, and I do lose bone mass doing it. Though I do have a reserve, it's why my lower arms are so bulky." As he said this he rolled up his shirt sleeve, showing us that his arm did look larger then normal. "Once I'm out of the reserves I start lose strength in my bones. If I lose a large amount I can break something just by tapping it wrong." "Interesting," was my comment. He smiled. "Useful, it means I can carry a number of tools with me. I just have to know them completely so I can copy them, for example." He spread his fingers, four small little pieces of bone were held in his palm. "A lock pick set." I laughed. "Well then, get us out of here," I said, motioning to the door. "Yes sir," he said. Still smiling, he walked over to the door, sticking his arms out through the bars. Closing his eyes he stayed there a minute, every now and then moving his hand one way or another. After another minute he gave a slight chuckle and for a few seconds both hands were moving. Then, with a soft snap, the door swung out a few inches. Ren leaned back, stretching his arms. "Sorry it took so long, had to get a feel for the lock first." "It's perfectly fine," I said, "you've learned the skills quite well." He smiled, standing up and dusting off his pants. "It's a required skill for being a Hunter, maybe you should take the class." "I just might," I said, swinging the door open the rest of the way and stepping out into the hall. It was lined with cells down it's length, but ours was the only one with a light on inside. The only other light was at the guards station at the end of the hallway. Elena walked up behind Ren as he stood in the door way. "I'm impressed," sie commented, "I've never seen a blind lock picked that fast." He smiled. "Yes, some times I amaze myself, but not often." "He's modest," I mumbled to myself as I started down the hallway. Elena let out a snicker as sie followed me, hir stronger hearing easily picking it up when Ren never even knew I had spoken. As I reached the end of the hallway I slowed down, stopping just before the corner. Moving slowly I took a quick look at the guard station. "How many do you see?" Elena asked. "One," I answered. He was sitting with his back to use, working on something at the table he was sitting at. I wasn't quite sure what, I didn't have that good of a view. In the corner I could see mine and Elena's packs, as well as our assorted weapons. On the far side of the room was another locked door. "Just the one," Ren asked, moving up next to me. I nodded, pulling my head back. "He's all alone." "Good," Ren said, then stepped past me and into the light. I swore, trying to grab him, but he was already standing behind the guard. In a quick move his hands were around the guards neck. "Hi," Ren said with a smile. "Listen, we were wondering if you would be so kind to escort us out of the city?" As he spoke I walked over to my pack. I could see that Ren had a small dagger in his hand and was pressing it against the guards throat. "If not," he continued, "it's not that big of a problem. We'll just leave you here." He pressed the dagger a bit tighter against his neck. "I'm sure you can guess the rest." The guard said a swear that didn't translate into anything in english. "I'll lead you out of the city you heartless swine," he finally said, twisting his head to spit on Ren's shoe. Ren laughed, "Come now, if you help us you'll be just fine. We did force you after all. No tricks though," He pressed harder again. "I would not like that." "Trying to put fear of god in him?" I asked, as I re-holster my two guns. I had already put my pack back on. He smiled. "Oh no, the fear of me is far more powerful right now." I sighed, stepped aside as Elena re-equipped hirself as well. "Fine then, just don't kill him, please. We're not here for that." He shrugged, pulling the guard to his feet. "Currently, that's not my decision, now is it?" the last part was directed to the guard. The guard snorted. Ren walked him over to the door leading outside. "Open it please." The guard compiled, quickly unlocking the door for us. Ren pushed him forward again. "Now take us to the closest unguarded exit to this city if you could." He nodded and started to walk down the hallway. Elena and I followed a few feet back. "Was it the best idea to bring him?" Elena whispered, "he seems to be a bit over zealous." I returned hir whisper. "Would you rather be back in the cell," Sie frowned at that. "Ok, don't answer that. The point is we're out, and as long as he doesn't kill the man I'll be happy." "Not much of a fan of death?" Sie asked with a slight upturn of hir lips. I wasn't sure if it was a twitch or a smile. "No," I responded, turning a corner. "Frankly I don't like killing anyone. It's almost always unnecessary." Sie laughed softly, "for you. For me though..." sie didn't answer, sie just smiled at me wide enough that I could see hir elongated canines. We turned a second corner and was suddenly outside in a small courtyard. There were a few other exits and one door in the far wall. The whole place was illuminated by a series of lights around the buildings that made of the edges of it. "That door leads to the castle orchard." The guard said, "On the far side you will find a second door that leads out of the city, both will be unlocked, but once you leave the door will not open for you again." Ren smiled, and then shoved him back towards one of the other entrances into the small courtyard. "Thank you, your help has been greatly appreciated." He spat on the ground as he rubbed his neck. "You are a coward, the only weapon you know how to wield is fear." My companion turned around to face him. "Is that so?" "If you had any honor you would have fought me in battle, not attack me from behind." A look of hanger crossed his face, his clenched his fist slightly. "Very well then." He snapped his head around. "Elena, could you let this man borrow your sword?" Sie frowned, but did draw hir sword, handing it over to the guard. "So, you finally wish to fight me?" He said, holding the sword by his side. "With what, your hands?" Ren laughed, and did a quick series of complex hand gestures the resulted with him holding a large sword, bigger then the one he had shown us in the cell. All in all the display of his was more distracting to him then to the Guard. The elf laughed. "A magiced sword? Is that suppose to impress me?" Ren fell back into a fighting stance. "Fight," He snapped out. "Willingly!" The guard said, his sword up and slashing towards Ren's head. Ren had already moved, ducking to one side and blocking the blade. Spinning around he broke away from the guard and brought his sword down for an attack on the lower body. The guard easily countered, swinging his sword down and back up, sending Ren's blade up and over his shoulder. Stepping back Ren narrowly avoided a quick cut at his arm, once again attacking with his sword, this time higher up, aiming for the shoulder. The guard's sword meet his in the air, but Ren twisted this time, sending his sword across the guards, slicing through the air towards his head. The guard's reflexes saved him, causing him to drop and roll back over the stone work that covered the ground. He returned to his feet in a second though, his sword moving to block Ren's newest attack. This time the guard returned it with his foot, pulling Ren's legs out from under him with one foot while he spun around with the other. Ren hit the ground with his free hand, using it to push him to the side, avoiding the guards attack, then sprung to his feet. Moving sideways slowly the pair sized each other up, each one taking a few quick breaths. Ren moved first, moving his arms one way then just a quickly spinning around, trying to take the guard by surprise. The guard saw what he was doing and had his blade at the ready, easily blocking Ren's advance. Backing off with his sword Ren slashed down one way then spun the sword around, slashing upwards. The guard hadn't expected this and received a small slice along his upper arm. It wasn't deep, but it was first blood. "Give up," Ren asked, backing up a pace. The guard smirked, moving sideways on the balls of his feet. "No," he said leaping to the side and slashing with his sword. Ren blocked, forcing his sword up and causing the pair to spin before breaking away from each other. Ren increased his attack, slashing five times quickly, barely leaving enough time for the guard to block. Each blow forcing the man to take a step back, closer and closer to where Elena and I stood.. I saw an opening to end this without more blood shed. Pulling one of my guns out I spun it in my hand and stepped behind the guard. Before he even knew I was there I slammed the butt of the gun right into the base of his skull. The elf froze for a few seconds before slowly toppling over to the side. Ren was august, holding his sword prone in the air and staring at me, his jaw agape. "What the hell did you do?" I shrugged, putting the guy away. "I knocked him out." "I had him finished, in two more moves I would have had him pinned and he would have had to admit defeat." He was started to bellow, pulling his sword back into his body. Elena growled as sie picked up hir sword. "Then what, honor, glory or would you prefer death? Do you think nobody heard your fight, people will be coming to investigate soon. We must leave if we have any hope of living." Ren started to say something but I was right there between them. "Listen, we don't have time for you two to fight. Right now we have to get the hell out of here before we're captured again. Can we at least do that first?" He nodded. "Yes," he answered, his voice carrying his anger with one word as well as it did with many. Elena snorted, but didn't say anything else. Neither one of them said anything else until we were well away from the city. Chapter 4 08/25/98: "We can stop here," Elena said after a few hours of walking. A false dawn was just starting to show over the horizon, brightening the sky. I nodded, sitting down in the clearing where we had stopped. Panting softly I slid my pack off my shoulders. "How long do you think it will be until we find more civilization?" Sie sighed, setting hir own pack down. "There's a small 'morph city about two days further walk from here." "Are you sure?" Ren asked, laying down in the grass. "Yes," sie answered, "my Master used to live close to here. I spent many years in this area, I know where everything is. Once we reach the city you can hitch a ride. It will take about three days before you can reach the Senate." I noticed that sie hadn't included hirself in the travel plans. "Not coming along?" Sie smiled. "I'll be along, just not where most people can see me. I find keeping a low profile is beneficial when I must feed." I nodded, adjusting my pack a bit so I could use it as a pillow. Elena had pulled out and well worn sleeping bag. The kind that completely envelops the person sleeping inside of it. The padding of it looked bulky and hard in places. Sie saw that I was looking as sie opened up all the way. "The bag is filled with my native soil." Sie explained. "It's the only way I can sleep." I shrugged. "Not a problem with me. I understand how things like that are." "So," Ren said, sitting up. "You say your Master used to be around here. Interesting choice of words, how exactly was he your master?" Sie glared at him. "It was Stefan who first Embraced me as a vampire. He destroyed my ear to insure my separation for my people and made me server him for over three fourths of a century. It was by giving myself to another that I gained the power to free myself from his control." "Sounds like the it was a nasty breakup," Ren commented, laying back down on the grass. Sie snorted, slipping into hir bag. "We have a longer distance to walk tomorrow night. At dusk I will hunt you both some food. Now we must sleep, so I suggest you don't speak to me until nightfall." The comment was aim directly for Ren. He just smiled and closed his eyes, falling asleep in seconds. Elena shook hir head. "Arrogant child," sie muttered, closing hir bag up and over hir head. I blew air through my teeth, looking up at the starts above us. It wasn't that full of a sky, though nothing like Prid's half void of a view, but still relatively empty. Even with that it was still a pretty sky to fall asleep under. As I began to drift off I started to track some of the stars, finding a few familiar constellations. First the big dipper, then up to the little dipper and the north star. Finally exactly what I was seeing registered. Sitting up with a snap I pulled myself to my feet, looking closer at the stars above me. If I was right, if I wasn't seeing things, this meant I was on another Earth. The thought just blew my mind away, this was just so bizarre. I sat back down, looking over to where Elena was sleeping soundly. Tomorrow I would ask hir, I had to know if I was right or just seeing things. * * * It was night again, and we were once more back to our feet, walking through the forest in the direction Elena had told us to go. Above us, still familiar stars shown, brighter now then they were in the morning. "See something?" Elena asked, drifting back to talk to me, leaving Ren in the lead. I nodded. "Yes, I know the stars." Sie twitched hir ears forward a bit. "In what way?" "They appear to be the same as back home." I answered, "what is the name of this world?" "This is Earth." I shook my head. "A Earth, this is a different one from mine. All we have are humans there." "This world used to have many humans," Elena responded, "they made us, then Ruhk remade them." I raised an eyebrow. "Remade in what way?" Sie smiled. "As dragons, it was Ruhk's punishment to them for having enslaved us." I ahhed. "I am one of the few of my race of have ever seen a real human. Most of my people think of them as self centered uncaring louts." I smirked. "Like Ren?" I asked Sie let out a short laugh, "Yes, your protege does has a real humility problem." "He is *not* my protege, thank you so very much." Elena smiled and shook hir head. Ren started to drift back towards us. Elena and I had apparent separated a bit from him while we had talked. "Elena," He said as he came up next to us. "You said this was your ex-boyfriends territory, what did he look like?" Sie snarled at Ren, stopping in hir tracks and jabbing at his chest with one finger. I could see sie had the claw on hir fingertip unsheathed. "Get this straight idiot," sie yelled at him, "he was *never* my 'boyfriend'. If you talk like that again I'll show you the true nature of our relationship, the hard way. Do. You. Understand?" Sie punctuated each word by stabbing hir finger into his chest with growing strength. He nodded slowly. "Fine, whatever you say. But what exactly did he _look_ like?" "A pile of ash," sie answered him with a smirk, crossing hir arms over hir chest. He laughed. "Funny that, I thought he might be the satyr that has been shadowing us for the past ten minutes." Sie shook hir head. "Couldn't be. I gave him a lethal suntan over two-hundred years ago." "Well," He said with a smile, "he's about ten feet to the left and seven in front of us, and moves like you, almost noiselessly. Why don't you go and ask him yourself?" Elena let out an exasperated sigh. "Fine, whatever makes you happy!" Sie then pushed past him and started walking in the direction he had give hir. I started to follow hir, but I stopped in my tracks when I noticed that all the normal background animal noises that had been filling the forest had gone silent. The whole place was dead quite. I was reaching for one of my guns when I heard Elena yell. Taking two steps back sie spun around to face me. "I don't believe it..." sie whispered, hir face looking pail through hir fur. Pulling the gun out I thumbed the safety off and loading a round into the chamber. Finally Elena seemed to compose hirself enough to react. Sie bolted past me in a dead run, moving faster that I thought possible. "Run!" Sie yelled as sie went pasted us. I swore to myself, running after hir, gun still in hand. Looking back over my shoulder I saw that Ren didn't look very concerned, he was following us and a slower pace. There came a loud crash from the woods in front of me, followed by a long wailing scream by Elena. I caught up with hir quickly, skidding to a halt by hir side. Sie was curled up in a tight ball on the ground, hir paws clutching at hir head, hir claws digging into her fur. Sie had stopped hir wail, only because sie had started vomiting up a thick black mess that looked like clotted blood. I bent down, holstering my gun. "Can you keep going, or should I carry you?" Elena just ignored me, muttering, "must resist, I'm strong," over and over again, saying it as if it were a mantra. Sie was starting to shake as well, bad enough that it almost on the verge of being convulsions. "Ren!" I called, lifting my head to look for him. He was already there, standing just behind me. "Our guest hasn't moved yet." He said, "He's still exactly were we left him." He paused for a few second. "Though I think he might have started to move. He's so quiet I can't be sure." Elena let out another low wail, this time from deep within her body and filled with far more pain then before. I stood up, looking the way we had come. I took my gun back out, pulling the second one out as well, preparing it for use. I offered it Ren but he shook his head, quickly forming a sword from his hands. "I don't like this Ren," I commented, "so keep your head up, I think we're about to meet someone we won't like." Below me Elena let out one last gasp and fell still, just laying on the soft ground. I crouched down a bit, felling her shoulder. It was colder then it should have been, even for hir. "Elena?" I spoke. Sie didn't respond. I let a out a low growl. "Ren, I want you to take point, tell me if our guest get closer. I'm going to carry Elena." I put away the second gun, then heaved Elena up into a fireman's carry over my shoulder. Ren turned to watch behind us as I got Elena posited right on my shoulder. In the distance I could hear what sounded like hoof beats along the forest floor, and it was getting louder. I started running deeper into the forest, Ren was right with me, only a few paces behind. The sound of the hove beats was fading until it just cut off. That didn't sit well with me, so I pushed for more speed. "I think he's moving," Ren said, easily keeping up with me, "but not on the ground." Suddenly I felt a hand grasp my left arm, just above my elbow. It was almost as cold as ice, pulling me to a sharp stop and seeming to chill my arm right to the bone. "I believe that's my property you're carrying," the owner of the hand said as he came into focus. It was a satyr, but with the actual head of a goat. He wasn't very tall, well under five feet at least. He looked up at me with his goatish face, smiling just slightly. "Please be so kind to put hir on the ground." He let of my arm, allowing me to step back and slide Elena on to the forest floor. Even as I did so I keep the gun at ready, pointing towards him. I was silently praying that I wouldn't have to use it, and if I did, that my recent training with Kalie had stuck. "So," he said, still look at me, "would you be so kind as to tell me who you are?" As he spoke I could feel his eyes drilling into my, almost trying to pull me into them. I fought it, looking back at him with my own, clear eyes and smiling slightly. "Sie's helping us take care of some business here." "And who might you be?" Ren asked from my side. "Hir ex?" The satyr whipped his goat-like to stare at Ren. "That is not the world I'd choose. Sie ran away, and I'm here to re-claim what is mine." Ren smiled. "That's all well and good, though I think sie might have something to say about it." "And we may have to back up hir choice," I commented. He looked between the two of us, some anger started to build behind his eyes. "By the way," Ren said with a smirk, "Aren't you suppose to be dead?" He ignored Ren, turning to face me again. "Please, tell me your name again." I frowned, but did answer him. "My name is Fox, my companion here is Ren. What would your name be?" I asked in return. I know Elena had mentioned it the night before but I just couldn't remember it. The goat-man smiled. "You may call me Master." Oh dear, that carried implications I didn't like. Beside me Ren snorted. "Master? That's a laugh. Are you trying to scare us or something, because frankly it's just not working." The satyr walked over to Ren. "I do not like your attitude," he said, his voice losing all of it's emotion. "You must be severely punished!" He then smiled, showing many needle-sharp teeth. Ren smirked. "I see, is that suppose to impress me?" He lunged forward, grabbed Ren's shoulders and forcing him down to one knee. His mouth going to his neck, biting it hard, blood starting to flow from around the sides of his mouth. Ren and I both reacted instantly. I had my second gun out, one being aimed at the vampire's head, the other at his heart. Ren had a pair of short daggers crossed over and pressed against the satyr's neck. "Let him go before I do some damage," I said with more confidence then I felt. He ignored me, gulping and slurping at the blood flowing from Ren's neck. Brushing off the threat of the gun and blade both. I did what I felt I had to, I took three quick shots at his head. Two actually connected, throwing his head back with a splatter of blood. It didn't last long though, all the damage it caused seemed to start healing itself immediately. Ren took my shot as his own opportunity to attack him. Using the daggers to slice as the satyr's wrists, cutting deep enough to losing his grip his shoulder. Once lose enough Ren kicked him in the gut, sending him falling over onto his back. As he fell I ran over to Ren, returning the fired gun to it's holster. Once he was free I pulled him away from the fallen vampire. Stefan, his name coming back to me in a rush, didn't stay on the ground very long. In only a second he was back up on his hooves, no sign of any damage. "Nice try," He said, licking the blood from his face. Ren smiled, grabbing the wound on his neck. Though now his smile seemed to be forced. "It got Ren free, that was the point." I answered, keeping the gun still on my hand trained on him, with my other hand I started to slide off my pack. He laughed. "I'll come back for you two later," He said as he bent down, starting to pick up Elena's body. Sie suddenly snapped awake, lunging forward and ripping at Stefan's throat with hir teeth. He let out a gurgling scream, shoving her away. "I'll get you for that, you ungrateful bitch!" He yelled to hir. As he yelled I reached into my pack, trying to find something to use on him. All I could find was my canteen, suddenly an idea came to me. "Catch!" I yelled as I threw it towards him. Stefan reacted, catching it in midair and glaring at me. "Just what is this?" He asked with a sneer. I smiled. "Holy water," I answered, shooting it. The metal exploded in his hand, water blasting out in all directions, most of it though landing on his chest and face, soaking into his fur. He screamed at me, then his body suddenly imploded into a thick cloud of vile smelling smoke, which streamed away for us at a great speed. Ren laughed, watching all this. "That was easy," He said, before falling to the grass, finally showing some pain. I moved over to where Elena had landed. "Are you ok?" I asked hir. Sie sat up, moving slowly, hir strength drained. Sie wiped away some of the water that hand landed on hir face and laughed softly. "The priest who blessed this water lied to you." I smiled. "No priest at all, it's just tap water. How are you fealing?" Sie laughed again. "I'll be fine," sie said, answering my question, "as soon as I feed." I frowned, "How much do you need?" I asked, reaching for my sleeve. Sie shook hir head. "More then either of you could spare." I sighed. "All right, will Ren be ok? I mean did he do more then just drink from him?" As I asked this Ren moved over to sit next to us. Elena reached out to him, wiping some blood from his wound and licking it from hir fingers. "He'll be okay." Ren let out a sigh of relief. "Good," I said, pulling a first aid-kit from my pack. "I'll get him patched up. Do you think it would be safe to camp here or should we move on and let you catch up after you hunt?" Sie shook hir head. "We had best stay together." I nodded. "We will then." I looked at Ren, he had lost a little less then a pint of blood, so I gave him a pill that would help his body produce more, at a faster rate then normal. He took it happily, understand what it was for. "If you need any blood to tide you over I could provide you some." I said. "No!" Elena cried, "I've lost enough Life that I'm not sure I could stop myself." "I understand," I said, putting the first aid kit away. "We'll divert in any way you need so you can hunt, but we have to start moving." Sie nodded, standing up slowly. I then helped Ren to his feet. He winched a bit as he moved his neck, showing less pain then I imagined that he felt at the time. And slowly we all moved forward. Chapter 5 "Here," Elena said as we entered into a clearing. "This is perfect," sit continued, sliding hir pack off hir shoulders and onto the ground. Ren let out a short sign and leaned up against a tree, he was still wobbly from the loss of blood, and the three hours walk had drained him pretty badly. I nodded, dropping my own pack and sitting down on it. "We'll wait here then," I said, panting softly. We had all been pushing ourselves too get as far away from Stefan as we could. Elena shook hir head, lowering hirself so sie was sitting on her haunches. Rocking back and forth slowly, sie looked to me in some kind of meditation. A half a minute later a large elk stag walked into the clearing. It didn't seem to notice anyone but Elena, walking strait for hir and lowering it's head. "That's it, come closer," Elena said, hir voice soft, encouraging. A large smile was flickering accost hir lips. The elk moved up until he was right next to Elena, his neck almost pressing against hir muzzle. I chuckled softly at the level of control sie had over this animal. I could also see that the beast was starting to get aroused by this. Elena saw me looking, turned to me and gave me a smile. It was a wide, long smile, showing every single one of hir teeth. Turning around I heard a wet bellow from the Elk as he was attacked. What followed was a series of sounds that sounding almost like someone trying to eat jello with a straw, but only far worse. I tried blocking it out, covering my ears and humming to myself, but no matter what I did it still worked it's way inside my head. Eventually I gave in, stepping behind a tree and losing what little I had in my stomach. I decided to stay back there until sie was finished. After what seemed like hours the sounds finally came to an end. Spitting a couple times to clear the taste from my mouth I look around the tree. Elena was standing over the body of the gutted Elk, his blood and, other bodily fluids, covered it's fur and the ground it had died on. Elena was perfectly clean, the only blood that showed was on hir muzzle, and sie was rapidly licking that off. "There's nothing like the taste of the Season." Sie said once sie had seen me. This seemed like a strange comment, but I felt it best not to pry into it any deeper. "Felling better now?" I asked, noticing that Ren was still against his tree. He was awake, but had his eyes closed to what had happened in front of him. Sie nodded, stretching out hir arms. "Oh yeah! He was good!" I looked down at the mess in front of hir and smiled slightly. "So I noticed," I shook my head, looking back to hir. "We had better get moving, I still fell we're to close to your former Master." "Sure," sie said, slowly walking over to me, "but I should have some of your Life, just to make sure." I frowned at this. "I won't need much," sie continued, "five or six teaspoons will be enough." Looking hir over I could see that sie was serious. I gulped a bit, walking over to my pack. I did suspect that something like this might happen sometime on the trip. Even though I had offered hir some from me before, the thought still scared me. Sie was something of a friend though, and on this world I would be lost without hir. I guess a little of my own blood was the least that I could do. So, I pulled the first-aid kit out of my pack and walked back over to hir. Setting the kit down I rolled up my left sleeve, taking off my watch that covered my wrist. "I hope you don't mind that it's not from my neck." I said, my hand shaking. Sie took my hand in hir paws, the tips of hir claws tickling over the small hairs that covered my wrist. "It should be fine. Don't be scared though, this won't last long." Pressing one of hir claws down she drew it accost my wrist, cutting into the skin, not deep, but enough to draw a stead drip of blood. Lifting my wrist to hir muzzle sie started to lap at the blood. With a suddenly look of discus sie yanked hir head back. Dropping my arm sie turned and vomited up a small amount of blood, maybe a cups worth. I jumped back, grasping my wrist to try and stay the flow of blood. "Are you all right?" I asked, look at hir as sie wiped her muzzle clean. "You taste like the Dead!" Sie exclaimed looking back to me. I frowned, "How could that be?" I asked as I felt a hand on my wrist. Looking down I saw that Ren had come over, the first-aid kit all ready open at his feet, and was cleaning the cut. "Unless you're one of the Risen, or a Mummy, I have no clue!" Sie answered, hir ears twisting in a puzzled look. "No," sie continued, "not like a Mummy, they're more stale then anything else." "Which doesn't explain why this has happened," I said with a sign as Ren wrapped up my wrist. "Another mystery to talk to Ken about. Right now my life seams to be to damn full of them." I shook my head, looking back down to Ren as he finished up his bandaging of my wrist. "But you, you taste *dead*!" Elena said, trying to make me understand the implications in this that sie saw but I didn't. I smiled. "Sense I'm alive, how exactly can I be dead?" "I don't know," sie sighed, "You just taste Rotten, spoiled. You don't smell that way though, which is even stranger." I shrugged. "I don't know," I said, rubbing my wrist. "Maybe Oria and Ken make some kind of spell to protect me against you." Sie shook hir head. "No, this was not magical, it was not laid on your blood, it was in it, a part of it." I sighed, putting my watch back on. "How about we just get moving? I want to put in at least another five miles before dawn. We can talk on the way." Sie nodded, "Right, that will give me some more time to think." "Good," I said, returning my pack to it's norma place on my shoulders. "Point us in the right direction." * * * 08/27/98: It was approaching dawn of the next day. We had covered a lot of land as we walked, now only half a nights walk to the 'morph city. Ren had recovered from the attack, even the bandage on his neck was gone, replaced with a patch of fake skin. Still though, it had shaken him up a bit, he had barely said a word seance we all got up at night fall. Elena had been just as silent about the taste of my blood. Sie had only made a few comments about it not being normal, but nothing more. For the most part we had been walking in silence. Finally, just as the stars were fading we entered into a large clearing. Ren sighed, collapsing on the ground. "This looks like a good place to stay the night." Our guide looked around, twitching hir ears as sie did so. "Yes, this should be fine." Sie answered him, dropping hir back to the ground and sitting down next to it. I plunked to the ground as well, digging through my pack for some cooked rabbit from the night before (or that morning, depending on your point of view). I handing a piece to Ren, which he snatched from my hand without comment. "Once we are at the city I will arrange for you to be given a ride to the Senate. Once there you can ask them if they did this or not." Elena said, hir focused on something out in the woods, not us. "Do you still believe your Government ordered this?" I asked, wiping my face off with the back of one hand. Sie nodded. "Yes, I believe so. I do not know if all of the Senate ordered it or just a few members, but I am sure that they did." I sighed, felling Dwight's little package in my pack. "Do you think they will admit to it if I just ask them?" Sie shrugged. "I do not know. If it was the whole of the Senate then they may. If it was a few members they may tell you in private, or admit it in public. You will know once you confront them about it, no sooner." I nodded. "So the usual crap... frankly I'm starting to hate all these surprises. I don't get paid enough to trouble shoot like this." Elena ignored me, raising one paw to call for my silence. Hir ears were twitching a bit, searching out something in the forest. Sie motioned for me to come to hir as sie was moving silently to one side of the clearing. I followed, trying to be as quiet as I could. Once I was next to hir, sie pointed into the woods. I could just make out the form of a morph of some kind, walking closer to use. It wasn't very fast though, it looked like the person was limping with each step. Elena pulled me back away into the clearing. "Sie is coming directly for us." Sie said in a harsh whisper. "Sie's not moving very fast," I commented. "Yes, sie is old, and has been hurt. Sie posses no threat," Elena paused for a few seconds, "I suspect this might be a trap." I sat back, looking around the clearing. "I don't think it so," I whispered back, "anyway, if it was a trap the extra would have been squashed by now." Sie tilted hir head, hir ears twitching as sie processed that comment, then slowly sie smiled. In unison we both turned to look at Ren. He saw this and frowned. "What?" He asked. "Don't worry," A new voice said, "I don't 'squash' people." Turning around we all looked to the old feline morph that was standing on the other side of the clearing. Sie had the same, forced looking elegance that Elena and the Mouse had possessed. It still showed even with hir age. Sie smiled to us, taking a few more limping steps towards us. "I do not intent to attack you, and this is not a trap." Elena started to move a bit, hir muscles tensing as if sie was getting read to pounce. "No now," The feline said, smiling, "there is no need for the little vampire to attack me. Yes I heard everything you said as I was walking here. That is because I have been sent to pass to you a message from my goddiss, Ruhk." Elena drew in a sharp breath. I frowned, I was sure I knew that name from somewhere else! The feline shook hir head. "Sie is very anger that you left hir. Sie had plans for you, you and Stefan. The suntan you gave him was a problem, but we did return him to his unlife, as you saw." Sie smiled, "though not entirely as you might think." Elena moved forward, starting a leap for the feline's throat. Sie was stopped before sie could go more then a foot, falling like sie had run into a wall. The feline smiled, shaking hir head as well. "You shall stay put child." Sie then turned to look at Ren and I. "As for you humans, Ruhk wants you working with hir. Sie feels your help would benefit hir." Ren snorted. "Frankly no, I have enough employers as it is." Sie took two steps closer to him, smiling even wider. "Your choice has already been made for you." "Meaning?" He asked, crossing his arms. Sie laughed, ignoring him, shifting my attention to me. "How about you? Shall you come willingly or would more persuasion be required." I smiled. "I hate to tell you this, but I'm the good guy." "Only in your mind," sie answered. "Ruhk knows what sie can do to convince you. Sie's been to your mate's world, if sie so wishes sie can return again. This time to kill her, not just to play with her god." "Bull," Elena said, I didn't know that the magic that had frozen hir allowed hir to talk. "Sie is trapped on this world, prevent from leaving by the power of Hell itself!" The feline laughed again. "One day sie will be able to leave, when sie does your mate will be hir first victim." Sie told me with a smile. I smiled to hir. "Hell is a powerful place, even your perfected goddiss can't beat it back once it's hooks are in you." Sie shook hir head, stepping away from us. "You are all hir's, you just don't know it yet." Sie said, then with a boom sie was gone. Only leaving behind the smell of burning flesh. Elena growled, standing up, now free of the magic. Sie looked up to the sky and screamed. "*I will _never_ be yours again!*" Ren shook his head. "I don't like this." I sighed, "I don't think any of us do." Chapter 6 A hot blast of air in my face woke me with a start. Sitting up, I fumbled for my glasses, blinking at the light around me. It was the middle of the day, noon from the looks of the sun. Standing up I looked around the campsite, other then me it was empty of all life. Elena's sleeping bag was bunched up by the trees on one side, and in a pile a few feet from where I stood was what looked like the shredded remains of Ren's clothing. Mine and Elena's packs where gone as well. There was no sign of any blood, and the ground hadn't been kicked up anymore the it was last night. Never the less I was alone. Another blast of hot air rolled over me. It had a sweet smell to it, and was almost familiar. On a hunch I started walking in the direction it had come from, trying to keep in a strait line from the clearing. Every dozen steps another blast of air came, hotter then the last one, the sweet smell fading away. The light was starting to fade as well, becoming something like twilight, even though the sun was still blazing in the sky. I reached for my front holstered gun, only to find that it wasn't there. Nor was the other two. In my sleep I had been disarmed. Swearing to myself I unsheathed my claws, the only weapons I had left. After almost half an hour of walking, the darkness had closed in around me. The sun still shown above like a bizarre moon, but it cast no light onto the ground. I was surrounded by a gloom that was made of almost pure darkness. "Looking for someone?" A new voice asked from my left. I turned slowly, the source of the voice stood out in the darkness, simply for the sake of that sie was even darker. Sie was a raccoon of Elena's species. Nude, hir fur covered and matted in filth, the stench of which was so strong my nose actually shut down. Sie opened hir muzzled in a smile, showing me hir teeth, which were more like a series of razor sharp fangs up and down the length. This could only be one person. "Ruhk I presume?" I asked. Sie laughed. "You presume correctly, I am your goddiss." I snorted in response, "you are my nothing." Shaking hir head sie took a few steps closer to me. "I am your everything, you will be mine, either by your free will or by force." I slowly shook my head, not letting my eyes off of hir. "My free will doesn't lead me to be evil." "Evil is such a loaded word," Sie responded, touching the side of my head with hir paw. I stepped away from hir, but still the filth that covered hir was now in my hair. "I do what is best for me." Sie continued, "The rest of the multi-verse could go down in flames for all I care, as long as I get what I want." "I'm not much for enlightened self-interest either," I responded, crossing my arms over my chest, my claws still out. Sie laughed, if sie noticed my claws sie paid them no mind. "Oh, but there is so much potential behind those crystal eyes. It would be such a pity to let it go to waste." I shrugged. "To bad it will." Sie paused, looking me over, hir ears twitching. "Do you know we've meet before?" I blinked, "What?" I asked, my astonishment echoing in my voice. Sie laughed again, much louder then before. Hir figure started to change. Hir fur becoming clean and bright, hir body assume the sex of a pure female while her proportions shifted into something that would best be called a 'knock out'. Her face change as well, reshaping itself under the skin to become something I recognized. "Dra..." I whispered, as I did indeed know her. From my first adventure, the one I had flashed back to that day with Sora. Where I had decided that I should try and do some good with my ability as a Natural. At the time I had landed in the middle of a civil war, First being captured by once side, then the other. The first group who had captured me, Dra was there leader, she had started the war and had just let lose a plague to kill her enemies. It was after my dressing down by the leader of the good guys that I decided to try and do something. They had a counter agent to the antidote, but not the cure itself. I stole it, snuck back over to Dra's side, and used it to force her to eject the antidote into the air over the battle field. She had been arrested, and swore to me the vengeance of Ruhk. "Only in mind," she answered, "I took her body for my own use. That little virus you stopped was my fifth attempt to produce the Plague." I nodded. "So you were the mouse as well?" She laughed, slowly flowing back into hir normal self. "Oh no. My guardians found my way out and blocked it quite well. Eventually I will find a way around it, I always do." I sighed, "More reason for me not to join you." Sie snorted, suddenly right up against my face. "You don't seem to understand. I'm not asking you to join me, I'm giving you the chance to keep your self in the process." I spat in hir eye. It was about all I could think of doing. Sie stepped away from me, laughing even more. "You are such a fool. I offer you power, power over everything you want. Power the such that will let you go back to your world and stay." I gulped as sie said that, but shook my head. "You can't say that you are not tempted." Sie said, grabbing my collar of my shirt with one paw. "Think about all you can have, all you can take!" "No," trying to pull myself away. Sie pulled down on my collar, yanking me closer. "One last chance, join me as yourself, or as my slave." "Go fuck yourself," I answered back. Sie laughed, yanking back on my collar, ripping my shirt open down most of it's length. "Right answer," Sie said with a smile. Hir other paw was quickly on my chest, grabbing my pendant. Holding it up so I could see, sie then ripped it off the cord that it hung from. Sie stepped away from me as I felt the familiar burning of my skin as I changed from into a Rhea. I looked up at hir from all fours, crouching down to attack hir. Sie just smiled, crushing the pendant in one paw, destroying it, and trapping me forever as a normal lioness. With a roar I leaped on hir. Sie caught me in midair, hir arms wrapping tightly around me in a massive bear hug. Laughing in my face sie dug hir claws into my flesh. Seating heat ripped through my body, causing my to roar in pain. A roar which slowly faded into a scream as my body was reformed, with the force and pain of every bone in my body being broken. Finally sie dropped me to the ground. I landed on my hands and knees. They had changed though, no longer hands by paws, thick golden fur covering them and up my arms. A quick examination of myself proved what I had suddenly come to expect. I had been remade as a hermaphrodite lioness, one of Elena's species, a Theriamorph. Ruhk stood over my, laughing once more. "You see child your are now mine, and you shall serve me as a slave." With that sie faded away into the darkness, hir laughed remaining behind for a few seconds, echoing through the starless night. I gulped at the air for a few seconds, the unholy darkness fading away, leaving the midnight sky above me, the stars shining down to Earth. Unsteadily I rose to my knees, swearing to who ever would listen. I didn't know if I had my powers as a Natural still, but I had to get back to the fold. Though I had to fine Elena and Ren first, they were in more danger now then I was. "What do we have here?" A familiar voice asked from behind me. I snapped my head around, shifting my weight to face Stefan. The satyr smiled as he saw me, his body reacting with lust. "If it's not Elena's friend," he said with a sneer. "Ruhk did a good job remaking you." I snorted, trying to stand up. He was suddenly there though, pinning my arms to my side. Nose to nose with me, "No my dear, your not going anywhere, your mine." And in a flash he was on me, his teeth sinking into my throat as he drank of my blood. I screamed, trying to fight, but there was no hope, I couldn't get out of his grip. He was Ruhk's servant, and I was to become his slave. I let out one last wailing scream as everything faded into darkness. It seemed to last for an entirely as I waited for whatever was to come next. It was a lie to say that I wasn't frightened, but yet there was still a cold clam that had settled over me. "Fox?" I heard, almost faintly in the darkness. At the same time I felt my should being rocked. Slowly feeling started to come over my body, a prickling feeling not unlike you get when your leg goes to sleep. Finally I cracked open an eyelid to see who was talking to me. It was Ren, he was sitting above me, a concerned look on his face. I scrambled away, instead sitting up. One handing going into my shirt, searching for my pendant while the other went to my face. I still had the pendant and I was still very much human. "Are you all right? You were screaming in your sleep." I sighed, reaching for my glasses. "I had a nightmare of sorts." He nodded, walking over to me. Then reaching out he touched the side of my head. His had came away covered in a thin film of slime. "Was this part of it?" I reached up to touch my hair. There was a thick grease like spot, matting my hair down. It was right where Ruhk had touched me in the dream. "Make that a warning... and maybe a promise." I picked up a handful of dirt, working it into my hair, then pulling it out. Most of the filth came with it, the rest clung to my hair with the remaining dirt. "We should get off this world as fast as we can." I said, wiping my hand clean on the ground. "We're targets of a very evil goddiss who want us on hir side." Ren nodded. I stood up, looking around the camp. "Where's Elena?" I asked. "Sie left," Ren said with a slight curl of his lip. "Sie took all hir things as well. Sie has abandoned us." I nodded, putting my hands in my pockets. "Sie must have decided to let us go onto the city ourselves." He shook his head. "Fox, your to damn trusting. Get a clue, sie LEFT us here alone. We're in the middle of a forest on some other world days away from any fold. Do you think you could get us back home? I doubt it, this was exactly what sie meant to do from the start!" "I'm don't believe so." Ren glared at me, fuming a bit. "Excuse me," A new voice asked. I turned to look at the source, it was a wolf Theriamorph, a torch held high over hir head. "We heard screaming, is everything all right?" "Yes," I answered, looking behind hir. I could see a few other 'morph about ten feet away, each one holding a torch. "One of us just had a bad dream, that's all." I looked to Ren as I said this. The wolf nodded. "I didn't know Elf's could have dreams." The fake ears were doing there job, that's good. "Now you know." Sie nodded. "So I do..." Sie paused, then turned back to hir fellows. The conversed for a few seconds before sie turned back around. "We are on are way to the City for the Early Harvest Festival. You are invited if you would like to come along. It's only a few hours walk." I smiled, this was perfect. It was also explain why Elena had run off as well, so as not to be seen by these people. "It is are destination for tonight, and we would welcome the company on the way. We are not to familiar with this area of the world and feared we might become lost." Sie smiled. "You are far enough off the road to already be lost. Gather your things and come along, the Festival starts at midnight." I nodded, grabbing my things. Then Ren and I followed hir and hir group onto the city. Chapter 7 "What brings you to the City?" The wolf, hir name was Sarah, asked. Sie was the leader of this little group of farmers. There had been introductions all around, but I had forget the names of the others already. "We are traveling to see the Senate." I answered, shifting the position of my pack as we walked. This was the first real conversation we had gotten into for the past few hours. I think they were some what scared of Ren and I because we appeared to me elves. "It's quite a distance from here if you plan to walk." Sie commented, "it may be wiser to take the train, but I do not presume to tell you how to travel. Though would it be permissible to ask why you are seeing them? I shrugged, making a mental note about the train. "We have some business with them dealing with some trade they have been doing." Sie nodded, crossing hir arms behind hir back. The others behind us were carrying all the torches, so our hands were free. Silence descended once more as we started up a small hill. Farms lined each side of the road, each of the fields filled with long waving stocks of grain. Every now and then I would see a light in the distance, some times flame, other times electrical. Once I even saw a sort of tractor by the side of the field. From what I had seen I would say this world was on the same technological level as Earth was thirty years before. Just that it seemed to be isolated to different areas, some had more, others had less. Off hand I was say it was some kind of culture thing. Once we stepped over the crest of the hill, our destination was spread out below us. It wasn't a very large city, maybe three miles accost in sort of a circle. The center of which looked to be a wide open park, now filled with large tents. Most of the streets were dark. The main one's that lead from the edge of the city to the center were light though, mostly by touches. A few electrical lights glowed in places, but they could be counted on one hand. "Nice city," Ren commented as we had all stopped to look. Sarah nodded, "Yes, the lighting by touches is traditional for the Festival. Usually it's much brighter." "Of course," I said with a smile, "I think that would make sense." Sie waved a hand at all of us as sie started walking again, this time at a brisk pace. "Come now, that's been enough gawking. We're going to be late for the Start of the Festival if we wait much longer." We started walking again, matching hir pace. Ren keeping right by my side. "I hope they don't expect us to take part in this." He whispered to me, loud enough that I'm sure it was meant for Sarah to hear. I shrugged. "I don't mind if they ask us to do something," I answered, keep my voice to the same volume he had used. He rolled his eyes and keep walking, fixing his eyes forward. The man was really started to get on my nerves. His attitude seemed to be getting worse every time he opened his mouth. I think that if he didn't shape up it would someday cost him his life. Maybe Jadith could work it out of him over time. It really wasn't my concern after this little trip was over. During it though, if he got out of line any worse then he already have, I would make sure he knew it. As we started to enter the city, I noticed there were various peddlers along the street. This far from the center of the city they were pretty thin, but I could see more gathering farther down the road. Sarah drifter back, taking a torch from one of the others. "If you like, I will show you a place you can stay at until you can continue on. It will give you a place to go if you don't wish to be involved in the festival." Sie smiled at Ren as sie said this, making sure he knew sie had gotten his message. Ren just snorted, returning hir smiled with one of his own. "That would be a good idea," I said, "we could drop our stuff off there before we go into the Festival." I said this with a smirk directed to Ren. He just acted like he didn't notice. Sie smiled again, turning off down one of the dark side streets. "Follow me, I know a place you can stay without much difficulty." We both followed hir as sie lead us through the side streets. We moved generally towards the center of the town, but never really getting into the crowds of people. Finally we came to a large stone building, about three stories tall, one of the biggest in the city. "This is the Temple of Khur for the area. If it doesn't bother you to stay in hir place of worship that is." Sie said, pushing open the door. "Not at all," I answered, following hir inside. The building was dark, with the exception of one light glowing in the back, beside what looked like an alter in the dim light. Sarah put out hir touch, resting it just outside the door, then started walking towards the light area of the room. Half way there a Lynx Theriamorph came out from the back. Sie was dressed casually, but from Sarah's reaction to seeing hir I could guess sie was the local equivalent of a priest. "Welcome my guests," the Feline said, meeting us half way, hir arms spread open in a greeting. "What can I do for you on this night of merriment?" "My friend and I were hoping to have a place to sleep for the night," I said, stepping closer. Sie nodded, looking over Ren and myself. "We don't usual have Elves visit us in this part of the world, so I have no rooms that are fit for your tastes." I chuckled. "They are not as high as you have been told. We will be happy with any room you could provide us with as long as it has beds." Letting out a nervous sigh, sie smiled. "Very well, I have a room you can take then. Come with me and I'll lead you to it." "Thank you," I said, then turned to Sarah. "Thank you for bringing us hear as well, your kindness is appreciated." Sie blushed deeply in hir ears, bowing hir head a bit. "My pleasure." I returned hir bow before turing back to the priest. "Lead on my friend." We were taking up a pair of stairs onto the third floor, then lead into a large room that took up most of the forward part of the floor. It had half a dozen beds along the wall, the end of each one projecting into the room. The front facing wall was made up of almost one large window mounted in the stone work, with just a few brick pillars separating them into pains. "I think this is a little much for just the two of us." I commented. Sie shook hir head. "Oh no, this is the normal room where I put our guests, your more then welcome to use it for as long as you stay in the city." I nodded. "Thank you again, this is more then generous." Sie smiled, walking back towards the door. "My pleasure." Once the door was closed the only light in the room was coming from the windows. We had a good view of the festival from this far distance. Raised above the rest of the city like we were we could look down on most of the festivities. I dropped my pack onto the floor, walking over to the window and looking out onto the people below. Ren walked over to one of the beds in the room, laying down on it and looking up at the ceiling. "So, are you planing to go out and join the crowd?" He asked. I shrugged, turning away from the window. "You never know, I just might. It's either that or wait for morning." He propped his head up on one hand and looked at me. "Did you noticed they seem to be afraid of us?" He commented with a slight smile. I nodded, "And you love it don't you?" He chuckles. "Of course, though you seem to be annoyed by it." I shook my head. "Not really annoyed, but it does concern me. Freighted people some times attack, not as often as they cower, but it still happens." Ren shook his head in disappointment. "Don't get me wrong," I continued, "I know that being feared can be a boon. Here and now it makes it far less likely anyone will find we're not what we appear." He smiled. "What a nice recovery, it almost makes up for the first commented." He sat up on the edge of the bed, leaning forward, his arms resting on his legs. "So, tell me, what was your nightmare about?" I shook my head. "Do you really want to know?" "Of course," He said with some eagerness in his voice, which was reflected by the smile on his face. "There isn't much I can say... I had an encounter with Ruhk. Sie seems to have decided we are to be hir newest servants. Apparently sie can't get out into the multi-verse anymore." He rose his eyebrows at that, losing some of his smile. "Anymore? You mean sie's gotten out before?" I chuckled. "Didn't you pay attention? When the envoy said Ruhk had been to Oria's world, that was the literal truth. I remember Oria had mentioned it some time back, I just never really placed it until last night. I've also meet hir before, many years ago." Ren frowned. "Sie is trapped though, sie can't go back out into the multi-verse, right?" He sounded slightly worried as he ask the question. "I would hope so for right now, but in the end I wouldn't put any money on it." I answered as truthfully as I could. "Sie told me that sie was currently trapped, but that sie would get around it. I'm not sure if I believe that or not, I think it would be safe not to." Fireworks exploded outside of the window, showering the room in light, casting shadows into all four corners. I turned back around to look out into the city. Music was starting to grow from the crowed in the city center. "The festival's started," I commented dryly. "So it has," Ren said, suddenly right next to me. We both pulled back a bit as another burst of fireworks light the sky above us. He grimaced, rubbing the side of his neck where he had been attacked at. "How is that healing?" I asked, grateful that the conversation about Ruhk had ended. "I checked when I woke up. It's healing nicely, though it's going to leave an ugly scar." I smirked, knowing what to say to cheer him up. "You did get it in battle. So you can at least brag around it." He laughed softly. "There is that..." He said, trailed off a bit on the last syllable. "What's wrong?" I asked him. He sighed, looking out at the festival below us, leaning forward, once hand resting on the glass. "I think he did something strange when he drank from me. I'm not sure... but I think he let me feel how he felt as he was drinking. Amplifying what I was feeling at the same time." I frowned. "It's been burned into my mind. Every time I think about what happened I get those feelings again." He shivered slightly. I'm sure that if he had fur there would have been a viable ripple up the length of his spine. "Once we get back home, you might want to find some way to get them blocked out." I commented, "It's not a nice thing to do, it leaves a hole in your mind, but if it's the only way to deal with it you might just have to go for it." I sighed. "I can recommend someone if you feel you need it." He nodded, not saying anything else. Just staring out the window at the people below, his eyes though a bit unfocused. I guess he was contemplating what had happened so far. I left him there, walking to one of the beds and sitting down. So far this had been a long trip, and it felt like a running battle from the word go. It had only been less then a handful of days but we've keep running into opposition. I stretched out slowly, working up from my toes to my fingers. It was a technique that Oria had tough me a few days ago, and it worked well to relax all the mussels as you stretched. I hoped that sense we only had a few more days of travel before we reached the Senate, maybe less if we took the train, that we wouldn't be attacked any more. Another set of fireworks exploded outside, casting Ren's shadow out accost the floor. He still hadn't moved from where I left him. I wondered if he could fall asleep standing up, and if he had actually done it. Then, proving me wrong, he steeped back, tiling his head upwards to look at the sky. He looked back down at the festival then back up once more. "See anything interesting?" I asked. He waved a hand at me to tell me to be quite, moving to once side and looking up higher. With a sudden yell he dove against he stone floor, pressing himself below the windows. As he did a blur of motion moved in front of the building, and with a suddenly blast of fire and noise the glass of the windows exploded inwards. I jumped behind the bed, pressing myself low as the glass landed above and around me. So much for no more fights. Chapter 8 08/28/98: "What caused that?" I asked, looking up over the side of the bed once the blast had finished. Ren waved his hand at me. "Stay down!" He yelled, a blast of flame flooding into the room through the open windows. Two more followed it in quick succession before Ren finally yelled again. "Dragons," he said, pulling himself to his feet as I did the same, "Five, maybe six, I didn't seem then long enough to tell." "How large?" I asked, pulling off my shirt and shaking free any glass that had landed on it. "Size of a horse," he answered, leaning out the window. "A large horse, like a clydesdale." The door into the room was slammed open, the priest running inside, hir fur standing up on end. Sie looked from the window to us, then up at the scorch marks that covered the ceiling. "What happened?" sie asked, running towards Ren. He gave hir a quick run down as I went over to them, grabbing my pack on the way. "Did you see their colors?" Sie asked, looking up in the sky, searching for the attackers. He nodded, "One was red and black, that I'm sure of. I think the rest were green." The priest growled softly as I handed Ren a pair of binoculars. He snatched them from my fingers, searching the sky for any signs of more attacks. "There coming back, there are six, the one red dragon and five greens." Ren said, handing the binoculars back to me. The priest grabbed them instead, looking to the same spot that Ren had been. I chanced a look down, to where the festive was being held. There was a large swath of destruction right through the middle of the park. A few fires here and there, only a handful of people were trying to stop them though, the rest were too panicked. "Kra'tel," The priest said, shoving the binoculars back into my hands. Sie didn't say it like a swear, more like sie was spitting out a name that left a bitter taste in hir mouth. "That's who is attacking us?" Ren asked, taking the binoculars again and checking the dragons position. Sie nodded. "A dragon who gave himself to Ruhk, but I was told that 'Kharen had killed him half a century ago." "Obviously he didn't," Ren muttered, shoving the binoculars back into my hands. "Who are the others?" Sie sighed. "He has the power to kill dragon's minds, to set free there souls from the body without killing it. He controls them." I shoved the binoculars back into my pack, then grabbing both guns I made sure they were ready for use. I returned one the the rear holster, holding the other on in my hand. Beside me Ren already was already holding a sword. "So basically there mindless?" I asked, making sure I understood what I had been told. Sie nodded. "All right," Ren said, a touch of excitement in his voice as he stepped out onto the windowsill. "Lets bring them down!" "Keep the red one alive," I said, moving closer to him, "just keep it from flying." He nodded, and with a smile slipped out the window onto the small overhang below. He started to run along the two foot wide strip of roof, when he reached the edge he jumped into the air, coming down on the roof of the building next to the Temple that was a story lower to the ground. I shrugged, and with gun in hand followed him out the window. As I fell to the second roof I could see the dragons, each one growing larger as they moved down towards the festival. Ren moved onto another roof, heading off to one side where a pair of green dragons were diving towards a large crowd of people. The other three greens had split up, one was coming towards me, the other two had vanished behind buildings. The red was skimming over top of the crowd, moving in a lazy circle Coming up to the edge of the roof I looked around. There were a few others I could jump too easily, but I didn't want to stay in the air any longer then I had too. The dragon that was coming for me was moving fast, I didn't have much more time to delay. With a loud yell I jumped down onto the panicked crowed below me, just seconds before the dragon flew overhead. I landed on a dozen people, most of the falling under my weight. I scrambled off of them, looking around for the dragon. It was making a tight turn at the end of the street and heading back towards me. I started running into the crowd, pushing my way through them, trying to find a clear spot before the dragon flamed me and everyone else. At last I made it to a small clearing just outside one of the tents. Most of the people had cleared out of this area, with the rest suddenly scattering as they saw what was following me. As soon as I was clear of the 'morphs, I spun around, gun held tightly in both hands. The dragon was maybe twenty feet away, and moving faster then I could blink. Without thinking I fired off two shots before I ducked under it's body as it past through where I had just been. It crashed into the tent behind me, pulling it up from the mountings and sending it rolling through the grass. Pulling myself to my feet I could see that I had hit it once along its neck, and once just under the muzzle. The thing was dead. I spun around, searching the sky for any other dragons. One was coming down one of the streets, screaming in pain and blowing goats of flame at the crowd below. A few seconds later it crashed into the side of a building. Ren must have gotten it. A long animal like scream came from behind me. I twisted around, just in time to duck as a new green dragon flew past me, trying to grab me in it's well toothed jaw. I pulled myself back up just as soon as it had past over me. It had come to a landing a hundred feet away and was slowly turing around. It was looking at me as it turned, it's empty eyes almost glowing in the torchlight. Letting off a couple shots towards it I ducked behind the trunk of a large tree that one tent had been around. A blast of flame quickly followed, blowing around the trunk. It nearly cooked me just from the heat, but I was lucky enough not to get burt. Once the fire was down I spun around the tree, gun held at ready, and came face to muzzle with the dragon. It jumped back on instinct, never expecting it's pray to have survived a blast of it's fire. It would have been impossible to miss him at this range, I quickly put one shot between it's eyes, spinning back around to look for any more as I heard it thump to the ground. I saw Ren on the other side of the park area, looking around just as I had. I started running towards him my gun still held at the ready. Ren noticed me as I came up to him, his blood covered sword held at ready for any more attacks. "How many did you kill?" He asked, returning to his search of the sky. "Two," I answered. Doing the same, I could see no movement in the sky, even the Red seemed to be gone. "Same here," He commented. "Which leaves one green and the leader of this little attack." I lowered my eyes back to the buildings, searching down the streets, looking for any signs of the dragons. "Notice they seem to be getting smarter." he said, craning his head back to look upwards. "Nope, not really." Ren chuckled, "They are Fox... this Red is controlling them, the more we kill the more attention it can pay to the others. Right now it only has one extra set of eyes and ears. We have it's total and undivided attention." "Brilliant observation," I commented, squinting a bit at what looked like a moving shadow on top of a roof just a short distance away from us. "Thank you," He answered. I could hear the smirk in his voice. Still though, I was more interested in the moving shadows. I walked over to a burning display of some sort. Grabbing something large enough that was burning, I flung it at the shadow. The last green was there, edging closer to where we were. As the light came on it, the beast screamed, jumping off the building and flying towards us. Ren moved first, in a flash of his sword he was suddenly on it, chopping at it's neck. It fell to the ground with a crash, it's head almost completely severed from it's neck. "One left," He said, looking back up at the sky for any movement. The red was already above us, bearing down, flaming blasting from it's mouth towards us. We each dove to one side as it skimmed over our heads. Rolling back to my feet I fired three shots at it while it pulled into the air. It seemed to winch, twisting it wing and making a forced bank and one hit. Righting itself it turned back around, coming towards is once more. Holding my gun as steadily as I could I let loose the last three rounds in the clip at it. Once done I dropped it, reaching around for the second gun and jumping to the side as it came past again, but with no flame this time. Ren jumped towards it, his sword cutting into the muscle and flesh of the wing. The sword edge bounced off the bone of the wing, but came back down on the wing membrane, ripping a wide gash into it all the way down it's length. The wing collapsed, sending the dragon hurtling into the earth. It crashed head first, skidding and rolling before coming to a stop on it's back. We ran up to it, I was on one side, my gun pointed at it's head. Ren was on the other, his sword on his throat. The dragon looked between us and laughed. "Ruhk has always underestimated you humans," it said with a sneer. I heard a small gasp come from some of the crowd that had gathered around us. Ren smiled. "Thanks for the compliment." It snorted, glaring at Ren. "You will be hir servant, reaching out and causing destruction in the multi-verse." It looked to me, "sie want's you to serve in hir bed." I shook my head slowly. "Sorry, I'm already taken." It smiled to us, letting out a slow chuckle. Which faded away as his body fell into itself, crumbling into dust. Pulling my gun back I kicked one pile of the ash like dust. "Think it's dead?" I asked. A long scream in the distance answered the question for us. Lumbering down the street, maybe only twenty feet in the air, was another dragon, but this one was huge! The size of an elephant and grotesquely out of proportion with the others I had seen so far tonight. It seemed to be struggling to just keep in the air, but I doubted it's small legs could hold up it's weight. "No," Ren said, "and frankly I'm not sure that dragon should be able to live at all." I nodded, at the speed it was moving it would be on us in only a minute, and I doubted I could get in range to use my gun before I was toast. "Do you have a plan this time?" Ren asked. I paused, looking back behind us, the temple was on the other side of the park. Inside of it was my pack, right where I had left it in the room. "Yes," I said, and started running through the park. Shoving past the people that had come to watch the fight I worked my way to the temple. Some where along the line my gun was knocked from my hand. I swore when it happened, but I didn't have time to stop and look for it. Down into the street I went, slamming open the temple doors. The priest was inside, praying the alter that was in the end of the room. "Keep running!" I yelled to Ren as I dashed through the building, past the priest and up the stairs to the room we had been staying in. Skidding to my knees by my pack I dug through it, quickly I found was I was looking for. A syringe of sorts, about an inch thick and six long. Climbing up back into the broken windows I looked down the street. The massive dragon was almost past me already. I stepped onto the roof, running down the short ledge and jumping. I landing on the things back, right between the wings. It roared as I pulled myself to the base of it's neck, bucking, trying to get me off. Gripping the syringe hard I heard a crushing sound as the inside casing broke open, releasing the chemical that was healed inside of it to mix with the rest of the chemicals that filled the syringe. Stabbing it into the beasts neck I smashed the plunger down, forcing almost all of it into it's neck. Counting to myself I let myself slid back over it, falling of it's tail and crashing to the street below. Ren was suddenly right next to me helping me to my feet. "What did you do?" He asked. I looked over my shoulder, the dragon was some how making a tight turn off the buildings and was coming back towards us. Taking a few steps back I keep counted down to myself. Finally I grabbed Ren and started to run towards the dragon, moving under it's body before it could react. Once under it I threw Ren to the ground, following after him. The dragon pulled away, trying to turn around again. Closing my eyes I ducked my head as my countdown reached zero. There came a wet explosion from behind us, followed by a loud and thick crash of something massive falling to the ground. Ren and I both sat up, looking behind us. Most of the dragon's neck was gone, as well as some of it's shoulders. "What the hell did you do?" I shrugged, shaking my head to clear the ringing in my ears. "Gibbed him." "But how?" Ren asked, rising to his feet. I stood as well, surveying the damage. "Some G-137." "Which is?" He asked. "I'll tell you later." I responded, street lights suddenly coming to life down the length of the road. I could see maybe a hundred Theriamorphs moving towards us. One was leading them, with enough force in hir walk I knew we were in trouble. Sie stepped around the bits of the dragon, walking right to Ren and I. Stopping in front of us sie looked back and forth between us. In one quick move sie grabbed Ren's head and yanked him down. A dagger suddenly in hir paw sie yanked on the tip of his fake ear and sliced the end of it off. Looking at it in disgust sie threw it to the ground. "You are humans." Sie said, spitting at our feet. I nodded. "Yes, we are." "Restrain them!" Sie called, a pair of large bears were suddenly upon us, holding our hands behind our backs. "You will both be taken to the Senate, they will rule on how to deal with you." With that sie turned on hir heel and marched off into the crowed. I sighed softly, relaxing into the bear's grasp. At least we were going in to the right place. Chapter 9 08/30/98: Ren and I sat in isolation, inside of a small cell near the Senate building in the capital of Elena's country. It was a very modern cell, with lights, bunks, and a working bathroom off to one side. Frankly, it was pretty much like any other jail cell I've seen. The lights were off, to go with the rest of the lights in the building. It was early morning, dawn just breaking above the horizon, the light filling the cell from the small window in the wall. We had arrived in the city only a few hours ago, having been put on the first train. Once we had been put in the cell we were informed that the Senate would be seeing us first thing in the morning. About two more hours away. So we waited in silence. They had taken my last gun from me, the one I had on my ankle. A cliche, I know, but Oria was very clear that I would wear it at all times while on this trip. Ren had a pair of steal bands around his hands, covering his palms. His suggested it when they asked him for his weapons. It took a day or so to get them made up. Shackles aren't something Theriamorphs have in there culture, so they had to be made from scratch. For a rush job they did pretty good, but I think Ren could get out of them in a few seconds if he wanted too. "So," Ren asked, finally breaking the silence, "what is G-137 anyway?" I chuckled, I had been waiting for him to ask the question for a while. "I chemically separated binary explosive compound." He nodded. "You demonstrated the last part nicely, but what exactly does 'chemically separated' mean?" "One of the chemicals is held in sate inside another," I explained, "separating the two and keeping them from exploding. The proper electrical charge cause the holding chemical to break down and, well, boom." He chuckled. "Nice toy." I nodded. "It's my key. I've used it to open some large doors before. It can also be used like a grenade." Leaning forward he smiled. "Which would be what you did to the dragon, how exactly is that done?" "Well, it's held in a syringe, or something close to it, it really makes no difference. The thing is, there are two tubes inside of it. In the gap between them is another chemical. When it's mixed with the others it causes a timed breakdown of the holding chemical. You apply enough pressure to the casing and the inside tube will break before the outside, releasing the chemical in the mix." He laughed. "Which explains why you where counting to yourself... that's slick, that's just really impressive all over. I can see why you use it as a key." I nodded. "Yep, and for other things, there's actually a shaping compound to go over it to control the direction of the blast." "What amazing toys you have Fox." Ren said, leaning back against the wall, his hands behind his head. "Agreed," Elena commented. I twisting my head around, looking for hir. Sie wasn't even hiding, standing right out in the open on the other side of the cell door. "Aren't you afraid you'll get caught?" I asked, walking over to hir. Sie snorted. "In this abomination! I can't even believe that my people would ever make something like this place!" I shrugged. "It makes sense, they do at times have to detainee members of other species. They would need a prison for that." Sie nodded. "I understand the logic, I just can _not_ understand how my people could allow this!" I shrugged again. "To that I can't offer comment." Sie sighed. "Very well, do you want out?" I paused, looking to Ren. He shook his head. "Nope," I said, turning back to Elena. "We're going to be taken before the Senate as soon as they start there day. It will give me a chance to address them without trying to request an audience." Sie let out a rolling laugh. "Do you always look on the bright side of your problems?" I smiled back to hir. "I have to, it's the only thing that keeps me from going insane and killing everyone around me." Sie smirked. "I see, well then I think I had better give you this." Sie said, one of my pistols suddenly in hir paw. I took it, removing the clip, it had a few rounds in it still. I paused, thinking it over, finally I shook my head, handing it back. "No, I don't think being armed will help my case any." Sie frowned, taking it from me. "Is there anything I can get you?" "Do you happen to have my pack?" Sie presented it to me on the other side of the cell door. I grinned, digging inside of it. I came back up with the box Dwight had given me. "What's that?" Elena asked, my pack vanishing just as quick as it had came. "Something to keep your people from using the folds." I answered, running my fingers over the smooth sides. "Seems a bit small to block folds," Ren commented from behind my shoulder. I nodded. "I noticed that right off myself. It might run the feedback to the deep fold in some fashion. Taping into that might be easier then forcing them to feedback on themselves." Elena smiled, "I will not pretend to understand how it works. Use it if you must though, I have to leave now, a guard is approaching, I don't wish to be here when sie arrives." "Very well," I said, but before I had even finished sie was gone. "Sie moves quickly," Ren commented as I walked over to the window, the rising sun giving me adequate light to look over the box. "And silently, that's why sie's so popular as a free-lance assassin." I commented, running my fingers over the gray plastic, trying to find some a control of some sort. He chuckled. "Good for hir. I'm always happy when people find there niche in life." I rolled my eyes, finding a catch on one side of the box. There was a slight hum and one side sprung open. Looking inside I trying to make out what I was seeing, but most of it was blocked by packing. Working my fingers around the edge I slowly lifted it from the box, looking at it in the growing light. "There's a note," Ren said, picking a small piece of paper out from the bottom of the box. "It says, 'it's coded to work only for you'." I nodded, there was a control panel on one side with a few buttons on it. I was starting to get worried, this looked more like a bomb then any kind of a block for a fold. Flipping it over I checked the base. Writing on it, in very tiny print was the words 'level 27'. "Oh shit," I whispered, setting the device back into the box, replacing the packing as I did so. "What is it?" Ren asked. I shook my head, closing the box, feeling it latch again. "Elena," I whispered, walking towards the cell door. "Yes?" Sie asked, suddenly right in front of me. I shoved hir the box, "Take this and guard it. Do not let it leave your person." Sie took it from me, a confused look on hir face. "Are you all right Fox. You're as pail as the dead." I shook my head. "No, now go, get away from here, and stay out of trouble." Sie frowned, looking down at the box, but was quickly gone. "What the hell was that?" Ren asked. I walked over to the bunk, sitting down on it. "A level twenty-seven bomb." He looked confused, "I know the level numbers, but nothing over 25." "Right," I answered, "that's because the higher one's get more and more deadlier. Twenty-seven is a genetically engineered virus specific to one base DNA profile. It's a genocide bomb, it seeks out a species and kills every member." "By the dozen gods," he whispered, "how the hell did you even get that thing?" "Dwight gave it to me," I answered him. He jumped back like he had been slapped in the face. "Dwight! You have got to be wrong." I shook my head, "He gave it to me. Made it clear that it was meant to keep them out of the multi-verse, unless the Council let them." He shook his head in disbelief. "No, he couldn't know about something like this." I frowned, "Haven't you listened to him lately? Listened to what he's been talking about. The plague has always been his focus, he's very cold about, there's anger under the surface that he's hiding." "Why you then?" He asked, moving forward. "Why would he ever ask you to do this if he did know about it." "My daughter is the soul survivor of one of the the worlds, also it's future salvation. I think he believed I would be willing to take revenge like this." He shook his head again. "No, there is no way he can't know about this." I snorted, "Of course he can. First off the Council is the only place in the multi-verse that uses that level system. The Mouse was held in the Hall's prison, no one outside of it would have access. As well as the fact that the technology to make such a virus is controlled by the Council, and the creating of such can only be ordered by one of the three first level members." He stared at me in disbelief. "I still don't believe it's Dwight." I shook my head. "By that as it may, I was once accused of committing genocide, there's no way in hell I'll do it now. Right now I need to come up with a better way to deal with this people, some kind of deal. You have a worse of a problem then I do though." He raised his eyebrows, "that would be?" "Dwight ordered me to do this. I maybe free-lance but the new Organization isn't. You might find yourself up for trial if you don't force me to activate that." He shook his head. "You have to be joking. There's no way I can do that!" "They could. The orders were given to me, and there for apply to you. Your basically declaring it an illegal order, I don't know what the repercussions of that will be, but it might not be pretty." "No no no no no," he said, waving his hands in front of me. "This is just some bad dream. Dwight did not order you to kill a species, he's the Council Head, he couldn't get in if he was already planing on using it." I nodded, stopping his hands. "Exactly, which means either he's being played for a fool, and I think he's far to smart then that, or he some how got around the screenings." "No Fox," he said, stepping away from me. "This is insane. The Council Head is not corrupt, nor is the system by which he was appointed. Someone has to be setting him up, and they know you'll go along with it!" "I don't know what it really is," I answered, "but I've dealt with Dwight before, he has an anger about him involving the Plague. Maybe this is some kind of setup, I don't know, but I will find out. For right now though we have an hour and a half before we make a case to the Senate for there responsibility for what has happened. What is in the box will not be a part of it, and I will not never use it or anything like it. What I need is a better way to convince them that we are taking there actions very seriously." Ren nodded, leaning back against a wall. Slowly a small smile crept over his lips. "How about a bigger bomb?" Chapter 10 The Senate chambers were silent as Ren and I were lead inside. It was a large room, almost pit like in it's construction. The members of the Senate lined a two tear row of seats all the way around the room. A large podium was at very center, behind which sat an elder looking otter, who had an annoyed grimace on hir muzzle. Once at the center of the room, the two bears who had been holding our hands let go, stepping back to block the doorway out. "We have an interesting situation on our paws." The otter said, standing up, hir eyes drifting over the other members in the room. "The discovery of two humans in this world. Disguised as elves, they were moving deeper into our lands, until they were revealed by an attacking dragon two days ago." Ren spoke up, "Which we happened to have stopped, along with a few others, as they where attacking the population of the city." He said it more like a boast then a statement of fact. The otter nodded. "True, but the attack was aimed directly against you. Sent by Ruhk no the less." There came a collective gasp from around the room. I shrugged. "I'm sorry about that, but sie has taken an unhealthy interest in the pair of us." "Unhealthy for who?!" A voice called from one side of the room. "Me, Ren here, you, and everyone who gets in hir way while sie tries to recruit us." I answered. A smiles as creeping accost the otters face. "So your running from hir, not serving hir. Is that what your saying?" "Yes!" Ren said. "Not that I would expect any of you to believe it." I answered for myself. "Sie is, if your pardon the language, a utter bitch. Sie made a point of showing me exactly what sie was planing to do to me, to scare me I think." The otter shook hir head. "What should we do with them?" Sie asked the Senate. I stepped forward, "Excuse me," I searched for the correct version of the world, "I'm not sure of your proper title, but I believe we are entitled to say something in our defense." "Lady Chairman will do," sie answered, "or Speaker and you may say your piece." I sighed softly, looking around the room at all present. "To be blunt, Ren and I were sent here." There was a pause, no one in the room was saying a word, all were looking at the otter. "Who sent you, and why?" Sie asked me. "I was sent by the Head of the Council of the multi-verse." A few people in the room jumped, "As for the why, that's simple. Ruhk has wormed hir way inside of it through assorted means." This finally brought an outburst from some of the crowd, mostly some hushed conversation, though a few people stood up and started yelling to each other. The otter looked around the Senate, and with a slice of hir paw, brought them all to silence. "I know of the multi-verse, we have been able to step through the binds of these worlds for many years. I have heard of your Council before through are trades, but nothing of Ruhk." I smiled. "When was the last time you sent anyone out into the multi-verse?" "About nine months," a lynx said, standing up and presenting hirself to us. "Our trader never returned, and hir guards came back dead. We have stopped all trading until we can find a new location to conduct our business." "Right, I know about the dead part, I was there. I was trying to capture them." This brought a loud outburst of yells through out the room. The Speaker stood strait and let out a shrill whistle with hir fingers. "Sit back down, all of you. They would not know our feelings on capturing our people." Everyone sat down, but many a hushed conversation continued. "Why," sie asked, "did you feel it necessary to capture hir?" "Tell me," I said, ignoring the question for now, instead turning in a slow circe to look at everyone. "Who hear selected and provided the artifacts for trade?" A large boar stood up, crossing hir arms over hir chest. "I made those selections." "Do your remember a sealed artifact, set to trade about a month before we captured the Mouse?" Sie snorted. "Yes, that was only thing that was sealed." I smiled. "And why in the world would you ever send a sealed artifact for trade? Shouldn't you always open it up first." Sie slowly smiled. "It was my call." I shook my head. "I doubt it," I turned back to the otter. "you see, inside that artifact was a virus. Created by Ruhk, and made to kill everyone it infected, no matter the species. The death tool was almost eleven-billion people before it had run it's course." The was a stunned silence in the room. Quick it was broken by the otter glaring at the boar. "Did you know about this before you sent that artifact?" Sie smiled even wider. "Yes, of course. Ruhk wishes to have the multi-verse, and I will do all that I can to aid my mistress." "Would someone please get hir the hell out of the room?" Ren asked, glaring up at hir. The otter nodded, an angry look on hir face, but sie was holding back more. A pair of bears had already arrived next to the boar. They quickly restrained hir paws and escorted hir out of the room. Just outside of the door sie was meet by another bear, this one bigger in the others. I could see a glint of steal in hir paw before the door closed. 'That's right,' I though to myself, 'they don't imprison there own kind.' Expecting that sie wouldn't live out the day, or if sie did it would be without hir ear, and there for, hir name. "Is this mass murder the extent of Ruhk's influence?" The otter asked, drawing my attention back to the matter at hand. I sighed. "In the dream where sie attacked me, sie implied that it was. In the past sie has been able to posses the bodies of willing victims inside the multi-verse, but sie also implied that that rout has been closed off to hir." "I do not trust anything about hir that can not be proven," The otter said. I nodded, "a very good choice." "We will reinforce hir prison, to prevent hir from extending hir corruption any more then it already has." I nodded again. "Very good, but there is more." Sie raised hir ears. "More in what way?" I sighed, licking my lips. "You must understand Lady Chairman, this is not an action that can be taken lightly. Whoever was directly responsible for the Plague, the fact remains that it came from this world, and the people of this world must be held accountable." "How?" Sie asked with a slight growl. I shrugged. "There are two ways. The first being is that we block your folds, force them to feedback on themselves, they could never be opened, you would never be able to leave your world again." Sie thought about this for a few seconds, a frown spreading accost hir muzzle, it faded away right before sie answered. "That would not be a large loss, but we are not the only one's in the world. They may also understand how to open the folds." I nodded. "I know, there is a second option though. We invert all the know folds, forcing them all to one location. In this matter you would be allowed to trade, but with the Council as mediator, following it's rules and guide lines on what things you can trade and with who." "And if we refuse either of theses options?" Someone from the back asked. I sighed. "The same as if you find a way into the multi-verse through either type of the blocks. You would be subjected to what is referred to as a level fifty bomb." "What does that mean?" The otter asked, a new frown playing accost hir muzzle. "Simply put, it's a super-nova bomb. We drop it in your sun and three days later your picking your solar system up quark by quark. Quite a nasty end as you might imagine." Sie looked down at me, then back up and over the rest of the room. "Are these terms negotiable?" Sie finally asked. I nodded. "All of them are. You will have to send a representative to Prid though. Sie will handle all of the negotiations directly with the Council." Sie nodded, sitting down in hir chair. "We will need to discuss this. You will be escorted to a room, where you will await our answer." "Thank you," I said as I felt a large paw decent on my shoulder. Ren and I were escorted into a small windowless room. I dropped down into a chair as the door outside locked. "A type fifty bomb," Ren said with a laugh. "Great bluff!" I gave him a weary smile. "Never said I was bluffing." He smiled, sitting down himself, playing a bit at the bands. "If you say so, though frankly I can't see how a bomb like that could work." I shrugged. "I can't either, but you never know." He nodded, leaning back in the chair. "So, how long do you think we'll have to wait." "I don't know," I answered. "A few minutes, a few hours, even a few days. It depends on how things go." He snorted. "I hate being out of the loop. It makes me feel like I've lost control of things." "Were you ever in control?" I questioned. He smiled. "Do you think they'll go for it then?" Ren asked. I nodded. "In some fashion, at least they will come up with a decent agreement. I just wanted to get the floor open and try to settle this in some decent way." "Better then the alternative." He commented, rubbing the side of his neck. The wounds had healed, leaving a pair of nasty scars. I figured he would have the removed once we got home, or not, knowing Ren he might just flaunt then. I shrugged. "Life is always better then death." He chuckled. "If you say so Fox, myself, I'm going to try and get some sleep. It's been a long trip and I'm really getting exhausted." I smiled, waving my hand at him. "Go right ahead, I'll wake you when something interesting happens." He nodded, leaning to his side in the chair and drifting right into sleep. It was five hours before anything interesting happened. Ren was already awake, and we were playing chess. I had made some quick pieces from the things in the room, and had been playing steadily for the last hour. I was still winning, but Ren was picking up the game quickly and I'm sure would start beating me in a game or two more. That was interrupted though when the door into the room opened and the otter stepped inside. "Greetings," sie said as the door closed behind hir. I nodded to hir, making a quick move that but Ren into check. "Have you come to some sort of an agreement with the Senate as to what action to take?" Sie nodded slowly. "Yes, it's not a unanimous decision, but we do have a plan as to what to do." "What would that be?" Ren asked, moving his king in the only direction he could. "You are to be taken to the science building accost town, the fold we use for trading is there. You are to leave as soon as you are ready." Sie answered. "Right," I said, moving my queen. "Check mate," I told Ren, then turned my full attention to the otter. "Are you sending someone with us?" Sie nodded. "I will be coming along to represent my people. Neither of the options you gave us were optimal, and we decided that it would be beneficial to us if I was there to negotiate directly." I grinned. "A very good decision. I guess we can leave at anytime, though I do want my gun back that you confiscated." Sie nodded again. "It will be waiting for us at the destination, as will be your pack." Sie said, turning to open the door. I chuckled. "Where did you find that at?" I asked. "I was just told we had it." I shook my head, still grinning. "Right then, lead on then." We followed hir out of the building, into a car, and accost the town. We then were escorted into a large lab type room under the building. I was given my pack and gun back, and Ren had the bands taken off his palms. The trip through the fold went without incident, I had Ren take the otter to the Council Chambers while I made a quick trip home before I went there myself. Chapter 11 I took the Fold directly to my house. Then walking quickly I went to the kitchen, hoping to grab a bite to eat before I went to address the Council about what had happened on the Theriamorph's world. As well as Dwight actions regarding it. I really wasn't sure if Dwight knew what he was giving me or not, but I could not believe that he would play the fool so easily. He was a intelligent man, he had to be in dealing with the Council. With a sigh, I slipped into the kitchen. "Fox!" Oria said, her arms immediately wrapped around me. I laughed, pulling her closer and kissing her soundly. "How long have you been back?" She asked as we broke the kiss. "Minutes," I answered. "I want to get cleaned up and maybe something to eat before I go see the Council." She nodded, "I think I have something left over from last night I can make into a sandwich for you." I smiled, dropping my pack on a free chair. "That will be great thanks. Anything interesting happen while I was gone?" "Not really," she commented, pulling some food from the refrigerator. "Naomi is doing well, the doctors thing she will give birth in two months, give or take a week. It's going to be a girl." I chuckled, rubbing the base of my ear. "Good for her." She nodded in agreement, setting the food out with some bread. "She's starting to get excited by the prospect, she's going to adjust well to being a mother." I grinned. "So will you." She swished her tail around her legs in a kind of a laugh. "I hope I am. Also, Sora has gotten most of that data put together for you, she's setup to show you at a moments notice." I smiled, looking around the room for the gunk that would unglue my ears. I found it in a corner by the phones. "Good to know, I'll get right on that once I get back from seeing the Council." "I also went after one of the items that Grasion left behind," she continued, "a small power converter, it couldn't have take more then two hours to get. I put it in the book with the super conductor." I chuckled. "That's good, I'm glad you didn't have much trouble with it." I made a note to ask Rachel why we were keeping the stuff we were going after. It would have made more sense to give it to the Council so they could do what ever they though was proper with it. "I'll be right back," I said, picking up the small bottle. "I need to take off these ears." She smiled to me. "I should have your lunch made by then." I smiled back, heading out of the kitchen to one of the bathrooms. Putting some the gunk in the bottle on my ears, I worked it in with my fingers, after a few seconds the fake ears just fell off into the skin. With a content sigh for having the silly things off finally I washed the left over gunk off my ears and out of my hair. Once I got a look at myself in the mirror though I decide at least some cleaning was in order. Bending over the skin I worked the water over my face, removing the dirt and grime that had built up on the past week. After drying off, I put my glasses back on, and started back for the kitchen. Only to find myself nose to nose with a familiar face. We both jumped back away from other, Romana yelped sightly and dropped her staff. "What are you doing here?" I asked. She chuckled. "Running into you, I though that was obvious," was the answer she gave as she bent down to retrieve the staff. I nodded, "Right then, what brings you here? Visits from you or Burke have never been social." She nodded with a sigh. "I'm afraid this one isn't either. You need to give the bomb to Oriana, tell her to hide it on her world." I frowned, "why?" "I'm sorry," she said, her tail drooping a bit, "I don't have the time to explain. Please, just have her do it, and do it now." I sighed, that didn't sound good. "Ok," I said, turing to go to the kitchen, but spun back around as I though of something, "Why are you telling me this and not Burke?" Romana slowly shook her head, her ears falling as well. "My brother will have nothing to do with you, or the rest of the family. In fact, he has run off someplace, I think father is the only one who knows where. I was sent to deal with you until he either he comes back or we finish." I shook my head, this was something to think about later. "I would love to question you, but if this is as important as you want me to believe I had better go tell Oria." She seemed to suddenly notice that I was still there. "It is, now go, tell her, you don't have much time." she said with a wave of her paw, before vanishing. I sighed, walking back into the kitchen. Oria meet me at the door, handing me a plate with a thick sandwich made mostly of meat on it. I smiled, taking the plate and kissing her on the nose. She sat down at the table, offering me a seat. I shook my head, setting the plate down. "Oria, I need you to do something, right now." She gave me an lopsided smile. "Right now?" "It's not like that," I said with a sigh as I dug into my pack. Pulling out the box that held the bomb I set it in front of her. "I need you take this to your world and hide it. Hide it good, and keep it away from the Fold." She frowned sharply, her ears dipping down low. "Why, what is it?" "You don't want to know," I said as I took a bite from my sandwich. "Please just do it," I said, swallowing the food, "I need to leave to see the Council as soon as I finish eating." She nodded, picking the box up as she stood. "Ok Fox, I know exactly where I can put it, but I have to leave right now." I smiled. "That will be perfect, I'll see you tonight." Oria nodded, walking over and giving me a second deep kiss, which I happily returned. I smiled as I watched her go, her tail swishing slowly behind her. Damn, it felt good to be in love! Finishing up my meal I took the fold to the Marble Hall. As I walked inside the entrance to the Council chambers I was meet by the secretary. "Hello sir," she said, standing just inside the door. "Hello," I answered back. "The Council is more then likely expecting me, could you please tell them that I'm here." "Your name then Sir?" she asked. "Cutter," I answered. The young pantheress nodded, walking back behind the desk and talking into her phone. I took a seat in the small waiting room and flipped through the assorted literature. I had no problem waiting for the Council to call me, I didn't think it would take very long. So I waited, and waited, and waited. Two hours later, once I had been through every magazine and paper in the room, twice, I finally approached the secretary again. "Excuse me," I said. She looked up, a slight frown showing on her muzzle for just a second. "Yes sir, is there something I can help you with?" "I was wondering if the Council wanted to see me, and about how much longer I would have to wait." She frowned, "Well sir," she started, but couldn't seem to find any words to come after. "Something wrong?" I asked. "Sir, I've been instructed not to let you see the Council," she answered. "What?" I asked, glaring at her. She jumped back a bit, shivering slightly. "Who instructed you?" She gulped. "The Council Head sir, he told me himself, right before you got here sir." I closed my eyes, feeling a growl building in the back of my throat. "Is the Council in session right now?" "Yes sir," she said. I nodded, looking back down at her. "Thank you," I said, and pushed through the door into the Council members Offices. I started down the main hall towards the door of the Council chambers. A pair of guards we're waiting at the door, the seemed to take an interest in me. Stopping there own conversation and stepping in front of the door. "I'm sorry sir, we can not let you inside." The bigger of the two said. "On who's orders?" I snarled. "The Council Head sir," the second guard answered. I glared at the pair of them. "I am going inside to see them, you understand that don't you?" The second guard nodded. "Yes sir, but we still can not allow you to enter." I shook my head, then punched the second guard in the muzzle. While he was reeling I shoved him into his partner, sending them both sprawling to the floor. Stepping over them I shoved open the door and walked onto the Council floor. The Council was in one of there 'conversations' one person yelling to another, with someone else trying to yell louder. All the while everyone else is trying to have a conversation with the person sitting next to them, and trying to be heard over the rest of the yelling, making it even louder. I had the floor to myself, no one seemed to have even noticed my entrance. Well, almost no one. "What is the meaning of this!" Dwight bellowed down to me, the suddenness of his comment hushing everyone else in the room. I glared back up at him. "Of this? I should ask you the same question. Why was the secretary told to refuse me admittance to the Council!" Dwight stood, glaring back down at me. "I felt your presence was unwarranted after the situation you put us in regarding the Theriamorph's. The Council has never bargained on the weight of threats. I do not see why you should be allowed that right!" "I did what I felt was necessary." I said, my voice almost a yell. "I didn't think they would compile with me in any other fashion." He snorted, "You were sent on a fact finding mission," He said, his own voice growing louder as he spoke, "with the sole purpose of discovering if the release of the Plague was intentional on there part. Instead I find that you have ignored all I told you to do, and have forced them into a trade agreement that we now must honor." "Bull shit!" I yelled back, my temper flaring to it's fullest, "I did what I had to I had to so this could end in some kind of peaceful agreement!" "Mister Cutter," one of the second level members said in a calm voice, I just barely registered that he said anything at all. Dwight snorted, "I gave your a direct order which you failed to carry out!" I growled, "You Son of a Bitch!" I said, spitting the words out at the top of my voice. "If I had what you ordered they would all be *DEAD*!" "Mister Cutter," The second level member again said, this time yelling it just as loud as I was as he rose to his feet. "Yes?" I yelled back to him. "You force your way in here," he said, his voice falling back into a level tone, "assaulting our guards, during a session that was closed to you. Then yelling incoherently at the top of your lungs at the Council Head and you expect us to listen to anything you have to say? You have nor the right or the privilege. I have no recourse but to put a vote in front of this Council to find you in contempt!" "Oh shit," I whispered to myself, my anger felling away as I realized what I had just done. This was not what I wanted to happen here or now. I was support to present the Council with what Dwight had done, not make a fool of myself. There was silence in the room as every head turned to look up at Dwight and Theo, the other seat for the first level member was currently vacant. Theo frowned, looking down at me. "I am forced to agree. Fox your actions are uncalled for and unwarranted, no matter what the argument is. I second the motion on the floor. A show of hands for the vote for everyone for finding Mister Cutter in contempt." Every hand in the room shot up. I sighed, shaking my head. I had really done it this time. I felt a paw fall in each shoulder. Looking behind me I saw the two guards who had been guarding the door. "So recorded," Theo said, looking back down at me. "The minimal penitently for a contempt charge is a fine of a thousand credits. Adding to this is the charge of assault on the guards to enter into the Council chambers. To this charge you may entry a plea of your own." I sighed, shaking my head. "I did attack them." He nodded, "Do you wish for this Council to pass sentence on this crime, or should this go to court?" "Lets just get this over with," I said with a sigh, looking down at the floor. "Very well, sense you did no physical damage to either of the guards you will be given the shortest sentence," he bent forward to refer to something in front of him. "That is one month in prison. Do you accept the verdict that I have given you?" "Yes, I do." I answered, putting my hands behind my back for the guards to handcuff me, which they did almost instantly Dwight stood, "then let the sentence commence immediately. You will be placed in the security section of the prison for you own safety." He was speaking very calmly, but I could see anger behind his eyes. I nodded. "Thank you for show of kindness." I said as the guards turned me around and marched me off the floor and into the Offices. They escorted me to one of the back entrances to the Council chambers. There we were meet with a pair of guards from the prison. They escorted me into a bank of elevators and deeper into the Hall. We took a long winding path to the prison, going up a down a few times until we came to a side entrance. My guess would be to avoid the certain media attention something like this would almost instantly bring. Still though, there was one photographer waiting by the door. I smiled while she took my picture. I'm sure she was going to get paid a fortune for it in the next few minutes. Once inside I was finger printed, had my DNA sampled and my retinas scanned. Then was given a full physical by the prison doctors. Which caused a bit of a problem as I refused to take off my pendant. It took a bit of time but someone finally got my medical records and found that it required me to wear it at all times. After that I was given a new change of the usual grayish white prison clothing and was escorted to a small room where I was left. Sitting in the one chair in the room I waited for something to happen. Eventually the warden herself came in to talk to me. As per Dwight's orders I was going to be put in the security section, which gave me a few luxuries. Mostly I was just going to be stuck inside the cell, only being let out once a day for a shower, which would be private as well. After that I was left alone again in the room. I sighed to myself, rubbing the back of my neck as I waited for something else to happen. I was now very glad I had Oria hide the bomb. I would definitely need it later to prove what Dwight had done. Now though I was starting to wonder what other implications that might have. Mostly I was thinking that if people found out the new Council Head was corrupt, the result would be a panic, I didn't think the Council could survive such a revelation this short after the Hammerheads. I needed to talk to Rachel, she would have a better feeling about how this would go. But there was feeling in the pit of my stomach that said it was going to be just as bad as I thought, if not worse. A few minutes later the door opened again, and Oria came into the room. She frowned when she saw me. "They say on the news that your going to be in jail for a month." I nodded. "Yep, I put my foot in it this time." She sighed, crossing her arms. "Have you even though about what's going to happen?" I shook my head. "No, not really." "I'm glad I did then," she said, smiling slightly. "Think about this, how well do you think Rhea will do inside a jail cell." I closed my eyes and swore to myself. She was right, I did have to be Rhea in only a couple of weeks. I was quite sure she would not like to be confined up in small cell. Oria chuckled softly, "I've already talk to some people about it, we might be able to arrange something. But you more then likely going to have to stay Rhea longer then normally." I nodded, looking at her again "I can deal with that." She smiled, then hugged me quickly. "I don't know why you seem to be so calm about this. I saw the footage of you in the Council chambers, you where screaming. What happened on that trip, and why are you so calm about it now?" I sighed, shaking my head. "I can't say, not right away at least. Though I think this might serve me nicely." She frowned. "How?" I chuckled, petting her cheek with one finger. "Because patients can be a weapon." She rolled her eyes. "Assume I understood that. Right now though I have to leave, you be careful ok. I don't know how bad this place is, but I know Grasion is here, so watch out for him." I kissed her softly. "I will, and call Rachel, I need to talk to her as soon as I can. Call Page as well, tell her I want everything she can find on Dwight. Have her give it to Rachel when she's done." She nodded, kissing me back deeply before breaking away. She was escorted out of the room a few seconds later. A minute after that a guard entered the room. "Come on, we have a cell for you in security wing." He said. I nodded, standing up and following him as he escorted me down the hallway. "Have you been informed of the rules here?" He asked as we were buzzed through a locked door. "Yes," I answered. "Good, I dislike having to rehash them." He looked down at me, his seven foot high imposing. "We've been told that you won't be much trouble for us." I shrugged. "I hope not." I commented as we started down a corridor lined with cells. Each one was a small room that had a door looking out into the hallway. The door was the only part of the cell made up of bars, the rest was just metal and stone. "I'm sorry about putting you in here," The guard said as he ushered me inside one of the rooms. "There was a note on your personal file, but it's the only cell we have free in this section." "What's wrong with it?" I asked as he closed and locked the door. The guard shook his head and walked away. I sighed, sitting down on the single bunk in the room. On the whole this had been a pretty nasty day. I didn't think they was anyway it could get worse. "Well now," a familiar voice said from outside, "fancy meeting you in here." I frowned, looking out the door of my cell, on the far side of the hallway, leaning up against the bars of his door, with a massive grin on his face. was Grasion. With a groan I fell back onto the bunk and burying my head under a pillow, it had just gotten worse. ----- This story is (c) 1998 by Fox Cutter, hardcopy reprints limited to one a person, all other rights reserved. This story may not be distributed for a fee except by permission of the author, and this copyright notice may not be removed. Elena and hir world is (c) 1998 by Chris Bradford.