Surviving By: Fox Cutter 10/04/97: The sound of wood striking wood echoed though the small room as I attacked one of my old friends. He defended with the bamboo training sword, the same as I was attacking, as he defended himself. "Damn it Fox!" He swore, "calm down!" I wasn't to much in the mood to listen to him, instead I just keep swinging away not really thinking about what I was doing, just doing it. Finally my friend gave up and lunged, falling against me with his shoulder. Pushing me off he caught my sword in his and flipped it out of my hands as I fell to the floor. As I came to rest against the mat he pressed the tip against my throat. "Elegance, it's always elegance!" He said, pushing softly on my neck, "brute force may win out against someone who's ever used a sword before, but if you can't control it you will lose." He finally stepped away and stared down at me. "Bad day?" I sighed, sitting up and rubbing the back of my head. "Week, it's been a bad week." Terminus nodded, picking up my practice sword and putting both of them away. "It shows in your fighting," he said as he came back. Even after our last hour of 'training' he still looked perfect, at least for him. He was a dog-morph of indeterminate breed, some kind of hound I think. We had know each other off and on for about three years, and he was also the first person I teamed up with after Ken decided to go off onto his own life, and was still with me when first meet Oriana. Left a couple weeks later as well, had his own business to take care of. He gave me his all-teeth smile as pulled out one of his cigars that he so desperately loved. I personally though they stunk, but I guess they where ok to him. Unless he did it just to annoy me, which he has hinted about. A mid-evil man who is quite happy with living in a modern world, and had addled better then some people born into it. I usually would see him once or twice a month as he was living on Prid, mostly to help me train with swords. Opening a silver Zippo lighter which I had brought from Earth as a present, he made motions to light the cigar. Half-way there, he stopped, something registering behind his eyes, gently he closed the top of lighter and tucked it back into his pocket, the cigar following. He sat down next to me, "I forgot." He said in a hushed voice. I shrugged. "It's ok, you found out second hand, and late, not as really as much of a shock value as it was to me." He nodded. "Miss her?" "Always," I sighed, hanging my head. Yes, it had been a hard week for me, wednesday was the first of October, my time... and two years sense Becky's death. Terminus had been a friend of her's as well (she joking called the pair of us 'The Fox and the Hound' usually when she was ribbing us). It's been hard of me more then anyone else who knew her off of Earth, she was the best friend I've ever had, and what nobody really knew was that I had loved her. The fact is, I never knew myself until I found out she was dead, the second was when I realized that I loved her. I had tried to spend the day doing something constructive, but all I could really do was mope. For most of the day I keep finding myself in the cave, under the house, starting at that little room of Becky's. The day that Oriana had showed me the that room, a year and a few months ago, was the last day anyone had been in it. As I left I locked the door and keep the only know key on my person at all times. I was tempted to finally go inside, to see if there was anything to actually see, or maybe just to pack it up. I wasn't able to though. The rest of the house was alone, Sora had gone off to take care of some things (she had been back for a few days) and Oriana was back on her world. It was hard for me, but somehow, I always spend days like this, the painful ones, alone. I didn't stay alone though, as it got later, Oriana came back. She consoled me, and then did something unexpected, she took me to her world and explained a small part of her religion to me. She explain that how, according to the 'Book of Thryn' a message could be sent the departed by tying it to a rose and throwing it into a river of dreams. Or, on the anniversary of there death, any river at all. Sending a message helped some. Terminus patting my knee with one of his large paws. "So... what are you going to do?" I sighed, standing up. "What I always do... survive," I said as I left. I always do survive, that was something I was good at... even if everyone else was killed, I survived... ----- This story is (c) 1997 by Fox Cutter, hardcopy reprints limited to one a person, all other rights reserved. This story may not be distributed for a fee except by permission of the author, and this copyright notice may not be removed.