Target Assignment By: Fox Cutter 12/10/97: "Hey Oria," Fox said with a smile as I walked through the front door of the house. He was punching over a PADD on the table, one arm in his jacket and trying to work his other arm in with out having to stop reading the PADD. I smiled, setting my over night bag down on the couch. I was coming back from a three day run at the House. Taking care of a some of the business side of running the place, as well as a few choice clients. "Good book?" He chuckled, finally getting his other arm through the jacket. "No, it's an invite," he said, walking over to me. Pulling the PADD out of his hands, I scanned over it. It was a very formal invitation to an opening of some kind of research center in week. It was far enough out from the local Mega-fold that it was a three day trip each way. Most of the rest of it was a guess list, food list and who's going to be speaking for the night as well as the next day. I also notice that it was made out to Fox, and said he could bring a guest. As I looked up at him, he smiled back at me. "Want to go?" I gave him a stern look. "You're actually going to go to this?" He nodded. "Yep, I admit it looks boring, but Rachel is insisting that I go. It also gives me a chance to get the _Falcon_ out in actual space, give her a few test runs to check out the systems." I handed the PADD back to him. "It's going to be at least a week and a half. What about Naomi?" He shrugged, "Newt can come along, though she'll have to stay on the ship. I'm going to ask Ken to come along as well so he can keep tutoring her." Shaking my head, I smiled at his raw enthusiasm. "I'll think it over." Fox nodded and threw the PADD over his shoulder and on the couch. "Thanks. You're the only one here right now. Ken and Newt should be back in a few hours." "Where are you going?" He smiled again. "Milgrove finally decided to fly the _Falcon_ a couple days ago. So we've been doing simulator training. I'm going to ask her to come as well, so we can try some actual deep space combat with a few decoys on the way in." I nodded, trying to act like I understood all that he just said. His speaking was getting rapid fire again, the whole sentence meshing into one incomprehensible word. He smiled at me then slip out the front door and through the T-curtain. Shaking my head, I picked my bag up and started up the stairs to my room. Halfway up I was stopped by a knock on the door. With a sigh I went back down to the main room and set my bag back down next to the door. I opened it, expecting to see Rachel, or at least Page. I was quite surprised to a white tiger on the far side of the door. He gave me a quick once over with his eyes. "Oriana Shripon?" He asked. I nodded my head very slowly. He pulled a business card out of his jacket pocket and handed it to me. "You are to come with me." I almost objected before I could even look at the card. When I finally got a good look at it I nearly swallowed my tongue. There was no text on the card, just the image of two daggers crossed over a heart. It was the summons of the Guild Elders, my guild Elders. The first though that ran though my head was that they had looked closer at what happened with me and Marn, and found out what really happened. That didn't make sense though, if they did find out they would just kill me, not summon me to see them. This had to be something worse then that. I flipped the card over in my fingers then slipped it into my pants pocket. "I'll get my coat." The tiger nodded. * * * The Guild's headquarters is in the one place most people would never expect to look for it. It's in a small building complex situation about two hundred feet from one of the entrances to the Hall. It was a place so absurd that on one looking for the Guild ever actually though to look. Think of the logic, why would one of the most hunted criminal organizations in the Multi-verse be stupid enough to be set up with in sight of the organization who wants to stop them? Same reason my House is a block from a Police Station. People don't look in there own backyard. The last time I had been there was almost half a year before, when I had passed the review I was trying to fail. Now the leaders of the Guild wanted to see me. I was still listed as an Apprentice! It was unheard of for the Elders to summon an Apprentice. Suddenly I wasn't sure if I should be worried about being summon, or proud for the attention I would get. After thinking that though, I decided I should defiantly worry about being summoned, as well as being worried for myself for be so excited about it. As I though about it, I was starting to get an idea of why they wanted to see me. They had a contract on Fox and they wanted me to server it. It was the only reason I could think of for them to ever take an interest in me and if I was right, it meant things where going to get a lot worse for me then they were from just being in the Guild. There was no way I was going to kill Fox. Even if it meant my own death. If I was right and the Elders were assigning me to kill him, I could not turn the job down. I wouldn't be offered this job, I was being ordered to do it. I was starting to wish I had come armed, but silly me, I never bother to actually hide some weaponry in my clothing. I should have at least brought my needler, but I was a wasn't thinking clear enough at the time. The tiger finally leaded me to a simple unmarked door in the back of the building. It looked like it was a janitors closet, nothing special, not like anyone important was behind it. "You can enter now," the tiger said, stepping back a few feet. Taking a few sort deep breaths, I clenched my teeth, opened the door and stepped inside. I excepted something like a large dark room with a huge podium, torches flicking in the corner, oily smoke filling the room hiding the faces of the Elders. There bodies in darkness there shadows flicking on the back wall with dark booming voices. It was an office, well light with a row of windows along one wall. The walls painted plain white with a few pictures and other things hanging on it. Three desks were set in a U around the perimeter of the room. The Elders weren't exactly old, a women and two men, all looking like they were in there mid-forties. All three were human and each was dressed in a normal looking suit. I couldn't help it, I tried, I really did! I just burst out laughing. There was nothing mysterious, or special about them, they were just three people running what amounted to a business. The three of them looked at each other, and the one in the middle desk shook his head. "Not what you expected Ms. Shripon?" I shook my head, raining in my laughter, but still smiling. "I'm sorry," I gasped out. "It's all right," the women, she was on the left side of the room, said. "That is the point. Who would expect three business people as the leaders of this Guild?" I nodded, finally controlling myself. "No one I would presume." "Yes," The third Elder said, "please be seated." There was only one seat in the room. Just a few feet inside the door set so that I could see each of them with out moving to much, but in full view of all of them. "Do you know why you are hear?" The center one asked. "I would guess that you want me to kill Fox." The three of them shared a few glances. "Actually no," the center said, "we never force a contract if it's a relation." "Oh," was about all I could say, at a loss for why they would want me here. "We wish to offer you a contract in person," the lady to my left explained. I raised my ears slightly, this was something special. They Elders don't offer a contract, they give you one. They all saw my reaction. "Normally we would never offer something like this to Apprentice, let along one who hasn't taken a contract yet, but we've found that you will be in the best position for this quite soon." "What exactly do you want?" The second male Elder, the one on my right said, answered. "The contract is on Dr. Verden Grafrin, and it's only a possible kill." The women Elder continued his explanation. "We believe that Dr. Grafrin is responsible for infecting the third world to contract the Plague." "We want you to confirm his actions." The middle Elder, I was stating to think of him as there leader, continued. "If he did let this Plague loss you are to kill him." I gulped, my tail nearly tying itself in a knot from how much I was twisting it. I hated the idea of killing, it sickened me, I still had nightmares about the last time. Somehow though, somewhere in the back of my mind, I could fell anger growing. If he had done this and I could find proof that he did commit, at it's most basic level, an act of genocide, I would be more then willing to kill him for it. That scared me, more then a little bit. "Why me?" I whispered out. "We have been informed about your upcoming trip to the Krein moon base. This is where he is located and the base is heavily guarded. You will be allowed inside..." his voice trailed off as I waved for him to stop. The Krein base was where Fox had just been invited to. "Fox just asked me to go with him less then an hour ago. How can you know that already?" As I though about it, I remembered something else. "The date on the invitation was just a few hours ago. Fox probably got it just a few minutes before I got back home. How can you know that already?" The three looked at each other, suddenly worried. "Someone came and told us about it. Yesterday. He said that both of you were going there and to offer you this contract." I closed my eyes, I could see what was about to happen. "Who was it?" "A human, said his name was Burke." I hated to be right like that. "I see... I know Burke, he's a pest." The Elder to my right asked, "So you won't take the contract?" I slighted my eyes just slightly and glared at him. "I'll do it," I said, before quite realizing that I did. The Elder nodded, sliding back in his chair. I relaxed, hating myself again. I didn't know why I had just said that... then in a flash, I did. I may not liking being a killer, but I was an assassin. An ascension who was quite happy to do her job for some short of justice. ----- This story is (c) 1997 by Fox Cutter, hardcopy reprints limited to one a person, all other rights reserved. This story may not be distributed for a fee except by permission of the author, and this copyright notice may not be removed. 'Milgrove' is (C) 1997 by J. 'Packrat' McCoy, and is used with permission.