The End of the Innocence By: Fox Cutter 09/07/98: My sleep was disturbed by the feeling of someone gently shaking my shoulder, and a voice speaking to me. I groaned, rolling over and cracking open an eyelid. Standing above me was the blurred shape of one of the guards, his canine features lit by the soft light that was coming through the bars of the door. "What time is it?" I asked with a yawn, as I reached for my glasses. "Two in the morning, your time," he answered back, standing up and a few feet back from me. Sitting up, I rubbed the back of my neck. "Why are you waking me up in the middle of the night then?" He smiled. "I was just told to rouse you, and to take you to meet somebody." "At this time of night?" I asked, pulling my shoes on. He chuckled softly, "That's what I asked, but the Warden herself gave me the orders. I think everything will be explained once we meet whomever it is." I nodded, stretching my arms out. I had fallen asleep in my clothing, not that it really mattered much to anyone. "Lead on, then." I was taken out of the main prison and into the conference room that I had grown accustomed to. I had been in it most every day the past week talking to Rachel. I didn't know whom to expect now, though. To my great surprise, it was Oria. "Good evening," I said to her as we hugged quickly. She gave me a soft kiss on the cheek before stepping away. "I've been talking to the Warden and a few other people; we've come up with a solution for what to do about Rhea." "Ah," I said with a smile. "Which starts now I presume." "You catch on quick," she said, flicking her ears. "The catch is that you have to be her for a day over two weeks." I raised an eyebrow. "I can deal with that, but why so long?" She grinned, "We're going to be putting you in the zoo." A stunned look crossed over my face. I think I just stared at her for about half a minute before I spoke. "You're going to put me, as Rhea, in the zoo?" It was more a statement of the obvious than a question. "Right," she answered, placing her paws on my shoulders. "Prid doesn't have anything close to a lion on it, and there fore not in any of the zoos. As far as the public knows you'll be a special exhibit to increase the crowds." I slowly nodded. "I think I see... they wanted Rhea to be in some kind of captivity, but didn't think the prison would be an appropriate place for her." She nodded. "Right, so I arranged it with the Zoo in the city around the Hall to put you on display. The shortest time they would allow it is two weeks. The extra day is just to make sure you're healthy after so much time as Rhea." "Ok, I can do that, I don't think it will be a problem with me or her." I smiled and kissed Oria's nose. "Though how did you swing this with the zoo? I didn't think we knew anyone who worked for them." She giggled softly. "Fox, where do you think your vet works?" I smiled, shaking my head. What a strange phrase, but I did have a vet to take care of me while I was Rhea. It was apparently someone Oria had hired to examine me after the curse. I guess it kind of made sense that she would work for a zoo. "Come on," she said, taking my hand in her paw. "We have to leave right away. They want to have it set up by morning, which means you have to be there tonight." "Sure," I said as she pulled me out of the door, a pair of guards flanking us immediately. They put me in handcuffs again, though in front of me this time. From there we went into a small room at the end of one hallway. Setup inside was a teleport curtain. One of the guards went through first, then Oria and I, and lastly the second guard followed us though. The other side was set up outside, the barren night sky hanging above us. I didn't have time to admire it, I was escorted to a van, and put in the back. The guards let Oria sit in the back with me as well, but left my handcuffs on. "The trip should take only about five minutes," Oria said as the guards locked the door. I nodded, "So, how are things going?" She smiled with a sigh. "Very well, all the paper-work for the Ship Yards has gone through. We're now licensed to construct ships." "We?" I asked, grinning slightly. She nodded, "Yes, they feel that since you're currently in prison, that you should co-own it with someone who was free to run it." "I can't argue with that," I commented, leaning back on the bench I was sitting on. "Any other problems?" She shook her head. "None at all, we've started on the contract for the five new ships, and the first one should be ready for a test flight in a week. I'm going to send it out with Milgrove flying it and a dozen technical people along for the ride." I smiled. "Very good, that should work well." "Yes," she said, cuddling up to me. "How about you, how are things going in jail?" I shrugged. "Not to bad, it's pretty boring to be honest." "Run into Grasion yet?" I rolled my eyes. "Yep, we're right across from each other." She groaned, "That must be pleasant." "Actually he's being quite civil to me. No verbal attacks, or even slams." I shook my head, "If I didn't know better I would say he was in awe of me." "Do you talk a lot?" She asked. "Some times, I usually respond just to get him to shut up." She smiled, hugging me close and nuzzling my neck. "Once you get out you won't have to worry about him any more." I nodded, kissing one of her ears. "Lets hope." A few seconds later the truck lurched as it came to a stop. "I guess we're hear," I commented as Oria pulled away. She nodded as the door outside opened. We were both escorted out of the truck by the guards, waiting for us was Doctor Videa, the vet. She's a doe morph, and was dressed lightly in some casual clothing. We were in a back corner of the zoo, a few feet away from a large unmarked door that seemed to lead behind a open area that was currently blocked off. The whole place was lit up like daytime with the overhead lights. Around me I could see a few other habitats for animals, each of them with a large screen over it to create a false night inside. "Fox," Videa said, taking one of my arms as I reached the ground. "Are you sure you're going to be up to this?" I nodded, "Yes, I'm going to be fine." "Good," she said, pulling a small device out of her pocket and placing it just to the side of my tailbone. There was a slight shock as the implanted equipment there came on-line. "Your tracker is turned on." "I noticed," I commented with a smile, I would have rubbed there if my hands were free. It was a necessary evil, the tracker was made to work on animals, and was only turned on when I was Rhea. The idea was that it would help track me down if Rhea decided to take over my mind once again. Pulling on my arm, she dragged me over to the railing. "Welcome to your new home," she said, and pointed down inside. There was a small part of the covering taken away in this section and I could see down inside. The top was already open, the lights above filling the large enclosure. Inside was a large plains area, with a few different types of grass, some long, some short, and a pair of large trees. A dried out waterfall to one side looked like it would feed a moat that separated the land from the ten foot wall that separated it from the on-looking crowd. "Oriana brought us as much as she could on Rhea's species," she said, then paused and looked at me with the corner of her eye. "I see you like it." I started to wonder what she was talking about when I realized that I was purring. Looking in the back of my mind for a few seconds I found that Rhea had been peeking over my shoulder. She did like the habitat; it was a lot like what she had been wanting. It was her purring that had leaked through and caused me to do the same. "Yes, it should do just fine," I answered, looking back up at her. She nodded, "Good, now remember, of the zoo staff, only three people know about you: me, the head keeper and the keeper who will be feeding you. There's a cave behind the waterfall; you will be given your food there. You can eat it how ever you want." "Ok, I guess I should get down there then, so you can finish setting everything up." She laughed slightly, taking my arm and walking me towards the door. "Not so fast, first I want to run a physical on you; I want to see what kind of foods you'll need so we can plan your diet." "Do you have any idea about how strange this all is?" I asked Oria, turning my head to look at her. She started to open her mouth to respond when all the lights in the zoo suddenly flashed off. Everything was suddenly in pure darkness, I could hear some shuffling of feet around me. Doctor Videa swore softly and stepped away from me. One of the guards snapped at me, "Don't move, we'll come to you." I wouldn't have dreamt of it, myself. "What's going on?" someone asked. Videa responded, "I'm not sure, maintenance says the circuits just went out on their own. They'll have backup lights on in half-a-minute." I took a couple of short breaths, looking around. My vision was slowly adjusting to the darkness, and I could just start to make out the silhouettes of the people around me. Without warning I was tackled, and sent flying to the ground on my back at the same time as a gun-shot echoed through the zoo. "Get those lights on!" someone yelled, as everyone went to the ground. I grunted softly, my hands pinned down by whoever had tackled me. "Are you all right?" Oria asked, moving around to place her face against mine. "Did you get hurt?" I shook my head. "No, it didn't hit me." She nodded, as a pair of rough paws grabbed my shoulders and pulled me over a few feet. Oria came with me, still laying on my chest. "How about you? Are you ok?" I asked. She paused for a few seconds. "I'm not sure... I have been shot though." "How bad?" I asked, as the lights around us brightened slightly, giving us some light. I could see one of the guards had dragged us behind the truck. One came over and yanked me farther into shelter, just as a second shot hit the pavement where me feet would had been. Oria rose to her knees, one paw clasped against her side. She risked a close look before leaning against the end of the truck. "Not not too badly, there are no organs there, and I think it's lodged up against the back rib," she panted softly. "Are you going to be ok?" I asked, edging closer to her. She shook her head. "If I don't see a doctor soon I might bleed to death. But I don't need to worry about that for maybe half an hour. Unless it gets worse." I nodded, looking around. Videa was gone, having ducked behind something else. One of the guards was with us behind the truck, the other was a few feet away behind a small outcropping. Both of them had their guns out, and were searching for the attacker. He was quite easy to spot, sitting on a slight hill inside one of the unused habitats in the zoo. He didn't even blend in. "How did you know?" I asked, looking down at Oria. She smiled. "Lucky guess... this would have been a perfect place to kill you at; once the lights went out I went into automatic." I nodded, turning to the guard who was with us. "Think you can do anything to stop him?" He snorted. "No, and I think our radio's being jammed. I've tried calling for backup, but I haven't gotten a response yet." Oria groaned softly, I twisting my head to look at her. She had her eyes closed, and was breathing deeply. Blood was spreading on her shirt. "I think she's worse than she knows," I whispered softly. The guard looked at her. "Probably, I don't know much about her anatomy, but that is a lot of blood." "Can you see any way to get to him?" He leaned back, and nodded. "Yes, that path there," he pointed to a hedge-lined path, it led right up to the area from where he was shooting. "But there's not enough cover, we wouldn't get ten feet along it before he shot us." I swore, looking back out at the path. "Do you think he knows why we're here?" The guard snorted, "I don't know why we're here. My orders said this was just a transfer." I nodded, glancing back down to Oria. Her eyes were open, but glazed slightly. Biting my lip I shoved my hands to the guard. "Unlock the handcuffs." He gave me a look of disbelief. "Please do it; I think I can stop him, but I need these off." He shook his head. "Damn it," I swore in a whisper. "I have a tracker on me, you can find me if you're worried about it. But I think I can get to him; why I'm here isn't public knowledge, or even recorded. I think I can use it to stop him." The guard looked at me, then down to Oria. "She's your mate isn't she?" I shook my head, "Not yet." He frowned, took the key from his pocket and opened the cuffs. "If you run we'll find you." I nodded, "I don't plan too go to far," I said, stepping away. Gently I grabbed the pendant and lifted it over my neck, then set it in Oria's paw. The familiar feeling of the transformation flowed over me, a few seconds later I was on all fours, my hackles up and growling softly. Pushing Rhea back I gathered myself; I wanted to do this on my own. With a burst of speed I ran out from behind the truck and moving all out I started down the path. One shot came, but it missed me completely. Not bothering with stealth I moved down the path till I was behind the sniper. He wasn't moving, still keeping focused on the truck. I guess he thought I was just a wild animal. Jumping over the guard fence I fell the short distance to the ground. Still moving at top speed I ran towards him; when just a few feet away I let out a roar. She saw me then, swinging her gun around, but it was too late; I had tackled her, sending her to the ground. My claws dug into her arms and my jaws locked around her neck. I clenched firmly, just enough to break the skin. Every time she struggled, I added a bit more pressure. Eventually she stopped moving, panting softly as blood dripped from my jaws and down the fur of her neck. The guards came a minute later, I was willing to let them take the sniper away. She was going to have some nasty scars on her neck, but right now I didn't care. Slowly I padded back down the hill and towards Oria, one of the guards following close behind me. I stopped just a few feet away from where she was laying, a medical team already there, taking care of her. Very carefully I moved over to the door that led behind my new home. Curling up there, I waited for someone to let me in as I watched them rush Oria away. She was going to be fine, I just hoped that nothing serious happened to her or the twins. Eventually someone came and opened the door, escorting me down into the habitat. I didn't care who it was. Once I was inside I just curled up and went to sleep, praying that Oria would be ok. ----- This story is (c) 1998 by Fox Cutter, hardcopy reprints limited to one a person, all other rights reserved. This story may not be distributed for a fee except by permission of the author, and this copyright notice may not be removed. 'Milgrove' is (C) 1998 by J. 'Packrat' McCoy, and is used with permission.