...This is Where Sadness Breaths... By: Fox Cutter 05/02/98: "You're late," Elena pronounced as sie stood over me. I looked up at her from when I was crouched, trying to talk to Rhea. "I'm sorry, I didn't know we had a time to meet." Sie smiled. "We didn't." I rolled my eyes and stood up looking over hir. Sie seemed to be nervous, shaking slightly. Even hir clothing was rumpled, hir vest was shifting off hir shoulder and hanging unevenly across hir chest. "Where is sie being held?" Sie asked, placing hir paws on hir hips and glaring at me. I sighed. "In the Maximum Security Prison on Prid. I'll take you there." Sie nodded. "Very well." Bending back down I settled a pair of temp implants over Rhea's ears. Malia had tweaked them a bit to hold tight over the lionesses' ears. I gave her a finale scratch on the back of her neck and stood back up. Nodding towards Elena I started out of the bar, Rhea at my side. The vixen followed a few feet behind me. As sie walked sie seemed to be sniffing at the air, hir nose twitching every time sie inhaled. I wondered if sie could tell how worried I was, and it wasn't because of hir. We came the dead-end in the hallway, the only way past this point was through a fold. "Whenever you're ready little cat." Elena said from my side. Reaching into the inside pocket of my trench coat I took out my portal control. Keying in the unlock code I opened the fold. As soon as it was open Rhea jumped past me and into it. I followed right after her and was relived to find her waiting for me on the other side. Turning I watched Elena come through the fold behind me. Hir nose had just started to bleed. Reaching into a pocket sie pulled out a handkerchief and held it to ageist hir nosepad. "Guh! Daht wahs a fold, wahn'd id?" I nodded, closing the fold and returning the control to my pocket. "Yes, unless you're blind it would have been obvious." Sie gave me a sharp look then blew hir nose. "I *hate* folds," sie told me, tucking the cloth back into hir vest. "I can't use protective devices, and as you can see, they give me a nose bleed." Sie shrugged a bit and smiled at me. "Ah well, if I was 'normal', I'd be quite dead right now, so a simple nose-bleed is a small price to pay." "Yes, come on." I replied and started walking down the hallway. "Why the fold anyway?" Sie asked, walking beside me. "The last time I checked, we're still in the same reality." I shook my head. "Be that as it may it's a long trip to Prid through normal space. The whole system is over two-hundred light years from anyplace else." Sie gave me a slow smile. "I see..." We keep walking along in quiet until we came to the prison's main door. The guard took a look at me, then a look at Elena and called his superior. I was expected, it was just that my company unnerved the guard. Nothing more then I would expect considering that sie smiled at him with all of hir teeth. Once inside I was stopped at the guard station. You see, I had come armed, my needler tucked into my coat. The assorted monitoring devices around the door had picked it up and the guard wanted me to leave it with him. Another guard walked up behind him and taped him on the shoulder. After a few seconds of hushes conversation I was waved through and into the prison. It helped to have some friends in charge. Re-teaming with Rhea and Elena, I could see that the vixen was almost shaking. Sie had hir tail low, almost hanging. The fur on hir ears was starting to stand up and hir muzzle was slipping into a sneer that was quickly become a growl. "You're safe here." I told her, "you can leave any time you want." Sie broke into a forced and haggard laugh. "Yes, I suppose I can trust you on this." Hir laughter faded away as a guard came to us and motioned for us to follow him. As we followed him Elena seemed to relax, but not enough to let the hair on hir ears to smooth out. We were lead into a small closed off room. There was no furniture and only two doors. The walls had been left bare the steel it was made from shining in the overhead light. There was a guard inside, waiting for us. I slumped down against the wall, with Rhea moving over to lay down next to me. "Sie's through the other door," I said waving towards the second guard. "He'll take you but this is as far as I go." Elena took in a deep breath and let it show slowly, calming hirself. "And try not to kill the guard." "I won't." I smiled. "Or hurt them either." Sie laughed. "I'll try." Then walked over to the second guard, who led hir into the cells. I pulled Rhea closer to me, slowly petting her along the back of her neck. "Come on Fox," I whispered. "I know you're in there." No response came. Taking in a deep breath I let it out through my teeth. In the past few days Fox had faded drastically. Rhea now didn't even seem to understand his language anymore. She would recognize her name, no more. Some times she wouldn't even remember those around her. She would, at times, snarl at anyone who got to close to her. Even Naomi was afraid to get near her. Every now and then though I could see a flicker of Fox behind the lionesses' eyes, but it was just a flicker. Oh this was a bitter stab in the heart. I find that he does love me when he's on the verge of being destroyed. I didn't want to lose him! Not now, not ever, and surly not like this! "Oh Rhea," I said, bending down and wrapping my around around her neck. "Please, just let Fox win. I want him back." I was starting to cry, a tear running down my muzzle and dropping off my nose. A scream filled the room, causing me to snap my head back up. Elena was storming in yelling a stream of what sounded like obscenities in hir own language. The guard was behind hir, just trying to keep out of hir way. As sie entered into the room sie saw me. Sie started to walk towards me, yelling even louder. Hir face seemed to reflect pure murder in every possible way. Whipping the tears from my face I stood up. "It would help if you explained to me what's wrong before you go into a fit!" Sie stopped in hir tracks, almost like I had slapped hir. "Where. Is. Hir. Name?" Sie growled towards me. I shook my head. "I don't understand." "Where is it!" Sie screamed now! "If you would explained what you're looking for!" I yelled back at hir with twice the volume. Sie stopped, taking a series of quick breaths. "It was bad enough that you imprisoned one of us. Now you take our most precious possessions. You removed hir Name from hir ear, where is it?!" I was starting to understand. "You mean the ear-clip?" "Yes!" Sie spat out. I turned to the face the guard who had escorted us inside. He was standing by the outside door his paw resting on the handle of his gun. "Where would the clip be at?" He looked towards me, then darted his eyes over to Elena. "All personal possessions are removed before a person is placed in a cell." "Give it back!" Elena yelled, this time hir looks of death and pain were directed at the guard. "or I swear to Khur you'll be my next meal!" "No." I said, taking a few steps towards hir. Sie twisted on hir feet, glaring at me. "Give. It. Back. Now." I sneered. "You have no right to demand that." Sie made as if to lunge at me, hir paws out and hir fangs bared. Sie was suddenly meant by both of the guards, and myself, drawing weapons. Sie hesitated then, I could see that sie was weighing the odds. "We can make a deal though." I smiled. "A fair trade." Sie gave me a look of disgust. I slipped my needler back into my coat. "If you can guarantee that sie will help us in any way that we ask sie will be allowed to have the ear-clip back." "Fine," sie snapped through hir teeth. "Just give it back! It holds deep personal and religious meaning to us." I nodded, turing to the guard who escorted us in. "You, go get the ear-clip, now." I turned to the other one. "Put the gun away, if sie wanted to kill us we would be dead." The first guard nodding and was out the door in an instantly. The second guard seemed more reluctant to put his weapon away, but eventually he did. Though he left the holster open. "It should be a few minutes." I said, crossing my arms as I stood in the middle of the room. Elena turned around and ran towards one of the steel walls, pounding on it with both fists. I sighed. "All that will do is make people mad. Sit down and relax. I really don't think anyone knew what it meant when they took it away." Sie turned and leaned up against the wall. "What did sie do when sie understood that you where going to take hir Name from hir?" I shrugged. "I wouldn't know." "I'll tell you what sie did. Sie fought tooth and claw to keep it where it belongs." I nodded to hir. Sie shook hir head. "How did you know I wouldn't kill you? I had more than enough time." I smiled. "And what, be trapped in here, most likely full of bullets. The walls are ten feet thick, the doors can be even thicker in a matter of minutes. What would happen to you if you could not feed?" Sie nodded her head. "I see..." "Also, I passed your message onto the Guild." Sie smirked. "What was the response this time." I snickered. "Your file was closed, has been for years." Leaning forward sie perked hir ears up. "Oh? Did they inform you why it was closed?" Sliding down the wall I sat back down next to Rhea. "You never actually got in there way or attacked them. You showed them a measure of respected, and frankly improved there reputation. Also the one guy who wanted you so desperately never came back from his last target." Sie smiled at that. Sie understood as well as I did that was just a polite way of saying that the Guild had him killed. You don't go against the Guild Elders, it's not good for your short term health. "Though they were surprised you where still alive. They didn't know that you were a vampire." I smiled to hir. Sie frowned towards me. "Don't worry, I didn't tell them." Sie looked relieved at the news. "Though the is now a renewed interest in you. Though only to do some jobs freelace. Which, from what I've been told is a very rare thing indeed." "It is kitty, it is." Sie now seemed to be beaming, this must have been some good news for hir. Though I could image having the Guild decided to leave you alone would be good news for anyone. The conversation lapsed into silence then. Elena was staring at the one light in the ceiling while I petting Rhea. Elena coughed, cause me to look up at hir. "Give him, uh her, time." Sie said, "Curses that hit the wrong target tend to unravel after a while." "Soon I hope. There's not much left of him in there." Sie sank down the length of the wall to sit on the floor as well. "I'm not a white mage, but I can tell you that he's all there, just repressed." I let my hand fall from her back. "I hope so. It's getting harder to get anything more then you would expect from a lioness." I let out a soft sight. "I'm losing him." Sie hummed a bit, taping a finger against hir nosepad. "Do you have access to a white mage? All of my skills are in red, blue, and black." I shook my head. "Color has never been apart of magic as I've know it. There is though a once friend of Fox's who's training has be in understanding and using unknown magic." Sie smiled. "Oh, no. It's not colors per se. White Mages are those who have learned spells of the mind. Red is the magic of living things, black is Necromancy, and blue has to do with travel and time." That would make me a Red Mage from what little magic I have done. As the conversation started to fade again the first guard came back into the room. His fur was disheveled and he was panting hard, but in his right paw was a small baggie with an ear-clip in it. Elena jumped to hir feet and whipped the baggie out of his paw. Tearing through the plastic sie pulled out the ear-clip. Looking it over sie smiled. Then walking over to the second guard sie waited patiently for him to open the door. Once that was done sie stepped through and back into the cells. I could hear hir call something in hir language just before the door shut. This time her absence was longer, almost ten minutes. I didn't do much thinking during this time, I just waited. The only thing I could think about was getting Fox back and wasn't in the mood to work over it again right now. Elena walked back in through the door, this time looking puzzled. "Someone in the next cell had an... interesting message for you." Sie said. I rolled my eyes. In the cell next to the Mouse was Grasion. Who was the reason why I didn't go into the cells with Elena. "What did he have to say?" "He said, 'Autumn has fallen on the planet Jurai, and you disbelief of prophecy shall fall just as surely as the leaves fall from the Royal Trees.'" I sighed. "That's nice to know. So, do I have your guarantee that sie will cooperate?" "Oh yes, sie is willing." Sie answered. I laughed standing back up. "That's not what I wanted. I want _your_ guarantee." Sie smiled. "You have it. Though I think you should talk to hir yourself." I shook my head. "No, I don't really feel that need." Elena shook hir head. "There is something sie feels the you must know." "What?" "The reason why we're doing what we're doing." Sie answered. I nodded. "Yes, a war, Fox mentioned it before." Sie sighed in frustration. "You do not understand at all! So *I'll* tell you what's going on." I shook my head. "I will talk to hir soon enough, when Fox is recovered. It can weight till then." "No!" Sie said, hir voice almost a yell. "This is too important. Many lives are at stake here. We are fighting a civil war to the bitter end. It will not be finished until one or both sides are utterly erased from existence." I nodded to hir. "This war isn't about simple territory, or resources." Sie continued, "It is about our beliefs, our goals, our twin goddesses." "Oh no," I sighed, a religious war, just what the Council needed to be involved in. "Once, we had only one goddess, but in an act of genocidal hatred, Sie doomed our former masters, and tore Hirself in twain. Where there was only Khur, there is now Khur, and Ruhk, hir dark twin." Thryn's eyes! Did sie just say what I think sie just said! "Ruhk?" I asked, my voice starting to shake. Sie nodded. "Here, let me show you." Sie started to move hir paws. "Sie's A raccoon." I told hir. This shocked hir more anything I said before. "How did you know they were raccoons?" Sie asked. I gulped, "Ruhk is in the book of my god." I answered. "Oh?" I nodded. "They... Played for a while." "Played?" Sie asked, taking a step forward. "Yes, Played." I told hir, "quite literally a living game of Draknon." Sie tilted hir head. "What game is Draknon And what were the stakes?" The way sie asked it, it was like sie understood this type of play. "It's a game of skill and chance. Normally it's a board game." As well as in the end causing the death of the almost two thousand people sie decided to play with. Elena just nodded, I could sie truly understood. "There's more, but I think you already understand the cost of hir attentions. I will leave you for know. If you need me you know how to find me." The guard at the door out was almost glade to escort hir out of the room. ----- This story is (c) 1998 by Fox Cutter, hardcopy reprints limited to one a person, all other rights reserved. This story may not be distributed for a fee except by permission of the author, and this copyright notice may not be removed. Elena is (c) 1998 by Chris Bradford.