What's Left to Believe in? By: Fox Cutter 08/05/98: In the end the grand experiment was a success. Oria and I seem to work well sleeping together, sharing a room, and I guess officially being a couple. We were now in the process of moving our things into the master bedroom. I was the only person in the house currently. Oriana was off at the Guild, they had apparently found something about by dark mirror and though she should know right away. Sora had left to track down Malia for some more technical help. Rachel was off some place again, as always, sense she moved in she seemed to only sleep here. The rest of her time was being taken up by other things. Naomi was off to see the doctors again, just as she had done almost every other day. They were concerned about how much of her body was still accelerated, even the pregnancy. Her species have nearly a year long gestation period. She was already starting to show. I sighed, grabbing some of my stuff and walked over to the dresser. With two moves so soon after each other I found a lot of things I though I had lost. A few earrings I never even know I had, and even my collar. Which I had last worn the day I had found Naomi... after that I just never bother to put it back on. I put most of it in the dresser, getting my stuff in the drawer organized. I felt a slight chill flow over my spine, causing me to look up into the mirror. There was nothing there, but some how though, something felt familiar. Turning around I looked towards the same spot I had while starting at the mirror. I had this sudden feeling of being inside a dream, where you know your in a dream but just can't understand it. With a sudden snap I remember why this was so familiar. This was the other side of my flash forward from back when I was in Oria's body. Damn, I couldn't remember what the hell I said to myself. Actually I guess it didn't matter, whatever I say here would be what I remembered later. "Fox," I said, "I know you're here, I remember this." That shiver down my spine came again, stronger this time. I paused for a few seconds, giving my past self time to react. Licking my now suddenly dry lips I continued. "Listen, you are flashing forward a few months in time. We still don't know why. It's important though, you need to know this." I stopped again, I remember exactly what I said next. It's one of the few things anyone could say to me and immediately get my total and undivided attention. "There's a hole in your mind." My memories of the original flash forward were become stronger. This was the point where I was wondering what I was talking about. "Ken will know about it." I explained, hell, he caused in the first place. "You have to ask his help. He may not be willing, but he'll give it." What was the next question I tried to ask... oh yes, why couldn't I just tell myself, I still wish I could have, but I didn't, so I couldn't. I sighed, "Because when I was on your side I didn't. It will make some kind of sense soon. Just think over you're past adventures, before you where exiled. Look for a place were your memories don't match with what you remember remembering." Ok, there's enough double talk for one memory. I felt the tingle over my spin fade as the flash forward ended. Talk about working without a net, anything I did I would remember and anything I remembered I did. I could just feel a paradox coming on. I just hoped this was the only time I talked to myself like this. I flopped down onto the bed, stretching out over the sheets. The strange part was I that when I first flashed forward I was in my room at the old house, but with some differences. It might have had something to do with how memories are dealt with. How ever I had flashed forward to this memory I must have remembered I was in my room. At the time my room was the one at the old house, so I saw that, along with any other changes that I took note of directly. I blew through my teeth, it sounded like a subject for a doctorate paper. The kind that have titles almost as long as the paper itself. Something like 'Stored memory and the phenomenon of flashbacks in Naturals with the effects of temporal inversion'. No... that's just to short to do the job. While trying to come up with a title that would need a second page just to hold I was interrupted by a soft knock on the door. "Yes," I asked, looking up. I was expecting anyone. It was Naomi, she was standing in the door, looking pretty shaken. I sat up as she came over to the bed, sitting down next to me. "What's wrong?" I asked her, resting one of my hands on her shoulder. She turned around and hugged me close to her, crying softly as she did. I hugged her back, holding her just as close and patting her softly as her crying grew stronger. Eventually she pulled away from me, whipping her muzzle clean. "Dad," she whispered. I nodded. "Why?" She asked. I shook my head. "I don't know." She took in a ragged breath, shaking her head. "Look at me, I'm a women, I'm going to be a mother." I remained quiet. "I'm still a child... I shouldn't be this, not now." She said, "I just wake up one day to find out that I'm twenty-four and pregnant, when just days before I was a child." She looked to me. "What am I suppose to do. I'm not ready for this!" "I know." She sighed, sniffling softly. "They talk to me like I'm an adult, telling me all about what's going on. It hurts, I don't understand any of it." She fell back into a hug with me. "What am I suppose to do Dad?" I ran my hand over the back of her head. "I don't know, learn I guess. You're not alone, you have me and Oriana and everyone else. We'll always be here to help." "It wasn't suppose to happen like this was it?" She asked, nuzzling the side of my neck gently. "No," I answered, "you were suppose to age fast, but it was to be at least a few more years before you we're to have a child." "And why a child?" She whispered, "why did it have to be my child? Was I not good enough for there plans?" I shook my head. "I don't know Naomi, your child is meant to be the first of your new race. Maybe they wanted someone new, or maybe they just didn't want you to face your dead world." "What world?" She demanded, pulling away from me, her paws balled into fists. "Prid is the only world I've ever know. I was just a year old only a year ago, how would I ever know any world but this one?" I had no answer for her. She sighed, "The doctors say that I should have doctor or a nurse with me at all times, just in case something goes wrong," As she seed this she rested one paw on the slight bulge of her belly. "It's going so fast they're getting worried." "I take it you have someone in mind?" I asked. "Jadith," she answered, "I know her, even if just a little bit. I trust her though, I don't with any of the other doctors." "I'll talk to her," I answered, "but she's in the middle of some things. Some training as well as other plans revolving around her. I will talk to her though, I'll see if she will move in at least." She paused for a few seconds, then reached out and touched my cheek. "Why was this allowed to happen to my people, my world?" she asked. "No one allowed it," I answered. "It just happened." She shook her head. "I can't believe that," she whispered, "this kind of death, the death of a whole world, that can't be an accident." She closed her eyes. I touched her cheek in return. "Who then?" "I don't know," she answered. "I've been looking through what history of my world there is. There was so many beliefs, so many gods, I can't believe they are all one. What ever one is real though let this happen." I didn't say a word. I personally don't follow any god, or believe that my world even has one, and of the few I meant (with the exception or Oria's god Thryn) have tried to kill me. None of them are all knowing, all powerful, or have anything close to control of the world around them. Frankly, most of them believe there own publicity to much. "Why could they let it happen though?" she asked, shaking her head slowly. "For what reason would someone allow a world to die?" I shrugged. "A thousand and one reasons, and that's just on that world. Ever religion has there stories of the end of time. The final call to the afterlife, the end of the great war between good and evil. Others it's the cleansing of the soil for the new species to come after. It may just be the great punishment, the flood to kill the sinful, to leave only the good to repopulate the world." She looked a bit puzzled. "The last one, the flood, that might be why... to wipe away the sinful, to leave only the pure to rebuilt the world." I tapped her nose. "Then, if that's true, you are the only person to be sinless in that whole world." She laughed. "Not true dad, the unborn are sinless, and that seed ship is full of the unborn." "They will be born parrentless." I commented. She shook her head. "They all have parents, just none will be there to raise them. None by my child that is." I smirked. "Naomi, we'll have to be careful when raising your child, more so once she takes on this job she will act with the regard and forethought that will make her a leader, not a perceived god." She thought about that for a few seconds, tapping her nose as she did. "I think I understand... he will be the new leader of my race. He will have to lead them into the world, not be followed by them." I smiled. "The good news is, we don't need to worry about this for a few more years." She smiled and hugged me tightly. "What should I do then?" I hummed softly. "Learn about your history and world, maybe find the god you believe in and follow him. It doesn't have to be any god from your original world. There are thousands in the multi-verse, you could even talk to Oria about her god. I'm sure she would love to teach you about it all." Pulling out of the hug she smiled a bit. "What about your god?" I coughed a bit, here was the question I was dreading sense she started into this vain of conversation. "I don't." She squinched up her eyebrows in a puzzled look. "Don't what? Don't follow your god?" "Believe in one..." I answered, trailing off as I saw the look of shock form on my daughters face. "How can that be?" She asked. I shrugged. "I don't know, maybe some worlds have a god. Hell a few do, I've meet them. Usual leading up to them trying to kill me. But my world doesn't have one, and I've never found a reason to believe in any else's god." The expression on her face moved from shock to surprise, then to puzzlement. "I feel sorry for you. I can believe that you could look at a miracle and see it as nothing past the normal." I smiled, remembering something I had read just a few days ago. "I ask you this, if I reach up and touch the suns, that is a miracle, yes." She nodded. "But," I continued, reaching out to touch her on the top of her nose. "If I reach out and touch you, that's a miracle as well. It's just a matter of degree." She laughed softly. "You might be right." I hugged her this time, fluffing her large tail as I did. "Thanks." I felt like I had done the right thing for her right then, and in some way proved I could be a parent. It felt good. ----- This story is (c) 1998 by Fox Cutter, hardcopy reprints limited to one a person, all other rights reserved. This story may not be distributed for a fee except by permission of the author, and this copyright notice may not be removed.