When All That's Left to Do... By: Fox Cutter 03/28/98: And so it was that the control of the Council passed from Rachel to Dwight. There was some fanfare as these events always bring, but the actual transfer of power consisted of a small swearing in and a hand shake. That was yesterday evening, today was the celebration. The Council had sprung for a large party for the pair of Heads. Mostly though it was a roasting for Rachel talking about what she's done and the like you usually see. I refrained from getting up on stage to talk about her, she knew what I though of her and I didn't need to tell her again in public. Dwight was the focus of about half the speakers. Some talking about how much like looked forward to working with a new head. Others talking about some of what he had already done in the Council. There was almost not a single bad word about this man. I was starting to wonder if what Rachel and I saw was just paranoia. It wouldn't have been the first time it had happened to either of us. I guess we've both developed a suspicion of anyone who wanted to be in charge. Then again, if someone is after you paranoia is just good thinking. Swirling my drink (water) I watched as Dwight took to the stage. He went down the line of major speakers and thanked each one of them for being there. He was all smiles and quite cheerful. Nothing of what I saw before was evident. I don't know, maybe I just have a thing against albino's. As he started to speak I felt a tap on my shoulder. Turning I found a cougar standing at my shoulder dressed as a waiter. He bent down close to me. "Mr. Cutter, you have a phone call." I nodded to him and stood up. He lead me through the banquet hall and into the back, stopping next to a phone that was sitting on the desk. Picking up the receiver I spoke into it. "Hello?" "Fox," Oriana said on the other side, "I just got a message here that's mark as urgent." I frowned, this could not be good news. "What does it say?" "'She's here, but not for long'," she quoted, "what does that mean." I smiled a bit. "Good news, I'll tell you in a bit, I need to handel this first. I'll be late getting back. Goodbye." Then I hung the phone up before she could even protest. Nodding to my escort I headed back to the banquet hall, walking over to where Rachel sat I bent down, tapping her on the shoulder. "Sorry, but I need to go." She frowned, "Why? What happened?" I smiled. "The lady I was looking for, the one who can help us with the Mouse. I know where she is but it sounds like I'll need to hurry to meet her." She nodded. "Be fast then, people are getting inpatient about hir. I nodded, patted her on the back and took off. Taking the shortest way out of the banquet hall and out into the Marble Hall. Not bothering to change (I was dressed up pretty formally) I found the closest fold and took of to Mydisia Base. Picking my pace up I headed for the bar. As I turned the corner I found my target just leaving the bar. "Hey!" I called, sprinting down the hallway after her. She paused, turning around to look at me. She was a vixen-morph, who seemed to have a predatory gleam in her eyes. I wondered if she recognized me from our last encounter. "Yes?" She asked, crossing her arms. I dashed down the hallway to reach where she was standing. "I need to talk to you." She sighed softly. "State your piece then leave me alone. I have work to do." Panting softly I tried to catch my breath. "It's about your people... the three traders." She started to get a dangerous look in her eyes, lowering her lids a bit and looking at me hard enough that it almost hurt. "Didn't I warn you to leave us alone?" She asked, nearly growling. I nodded, gulping in a last breath of air. "Yes, and I ignored that. It's important though that I talk to you about this." "Yes? I'm listening." I blinked, I didn't expect her to be this willing. "I need your help getting some information out of the hermaphroidte mouse--" She cut me off, "Information out of hir?" She asked, her ears starting to lay back. "What do you mean by that?" "We need to know some of what sie knows, about what trades sie did. How much sie know about what was a part of them. If it was even sanctioned by your government, and quite possibly how to get to your world." "Does this mean that you have hir in custody?" She demanded, narrowing her eyes even more, making them almost slits in her red fur. I nodded. She snarled at me, stepping forward a pace. "You. Dare. To. Imprison. One. Of. Us.?" She bit out each word as if trying to attack me with them. "Yes!" I snapped back, "Most everyone else would rather have hir killed!" She jumped towards me throwing me back against the wall her paws pressing on my neck. "How dare you?!" "The Plague was sealed inside one of the artifacts sie sold." Hir paws closed around my throat, starting to choke me, hir thumbs digging into my adams apple. I was starting to wonder if a bodyguard would be a good idea to have along with me at times. I gasped a bit, speaking what I could. "We think it wasn't there by accident, it looks to have been intentional." It was a lie, a pure lie, we had no idea if it was accident or not. I was hoping it would shock her enough to let me breath. She stopped increase the force of her strangling. "Intentional? what do you mean by that?" I was unable to respond, I image I was starting to turn a nice shade a bluish pink. Lessening the force on my neck she asked her questing again. Gasping in a breath of air I answered her. "I mean that someone put it there for the exact reason of doing what it did!" Her ears starting to perk up a bit as she relaxed her grasp on my neck. "Sounds like the War is turning desperate," she muttered. The way she said it I could here the capital letter in 'War'. This was serious. Steeping back away from her I rubbed my neck. "We need to send an envoy back to hir world to find out as much as we can. Sie's the only one who knows and sie's quite instant about not talking. Unless you care to tell us how to get there?" She laughed, a bitter low laugh. "I don't know how to get back myself, and even if I did I would not tell you. It would also be a great shock if sie talk to you either." I nodded. "Yes, right, but it's needed! If this is intentional or not we must know so it doesn't happen again!" She closed her eyes, rubbing her left ear, which had been torn apart at some past date, leaving a ragged half ear behind. She also seemed to be crying, but tears mixed with blood that almost vanished into her fur as they ran down her muzzle. She was talking to her self softly in the same language the Mouse had babbled in, but more structured. I sighed, running my hands through my hair. "Look, would you like to sit down and talk, I'll buy you a drink." Whipping her muzzle clean of tears she nodded. Still rubbing my neck I walked into the bar. Going accost the room I took a table in the very back. The vixen followed sitting on the other side of the table from me. As she sat she pulled out an object from the pocket of the vest she wore. As the waitress came by I ordered a small coffee, the vixen order her usual. The waitress returned in a minute later with my coffee and two glass for the vixen, one was empty one was filled with a clear liquid that looked a bit thicker then water. "I'm sorry, I don't know you're name." "Elena." I nodded, "Well then Elena, basically I want you to come in and talk to the Mouse, at least tell us what we need to do to get hir to talk." Taking a rune-covered crystal flask from her vest she filled the second glass from it. It was a think dark red liquid that seemed to cling to the glass. "It will be, difficult," she said, sipping her drinks. "I know, but we need it. If there are trading somewhere else we need to stop it. Or at least try to monitor it so this doesn't happen again." "We would be betraying one of the pillars of our society. You couldn't possibly understand what you're asking me to do." I sighed. "I agree, I know not what I ask, but I fear that this may happen again, and if it was intentional it will. This time it may not be so lucky to have it confined." She sipped her drinks again, looking at me. "Freedom." I blinked, that seemed to be an odd thing to say at this point in the conversation. "It's such a simple word. Most of you don't really think about it. Well, we Theriamorphs think about it every day of our lives." Theriamorphs, there name for themselves I would suspect, I made a mental note of it. She uncovered the object she had taken from her pocket. It was a simple enameled rectangle of metal with a word painted on it, the language looked familiar but not something I knew. On one side four gold pendants dangled from chains of silver. "Do you see this?" she asked. I nodded. "This, this simple piece of metal represents that thing we hold most dear, our Names." I ohed, "I think I see." She glared at me, "We were once slaves, nameless pieces of property." I nodded again. "When we gained our freedom, we swore a most holy oath that our people would remain forever free. Do you know that we don't even imprison our criminals?" I sighed, "I'll see what I can do then, but that won't be much unless I have your help." She laid her ears back slightly, "To cooperate with a Captor is to call our Freedom worthless, and is one of the greatest sins that can be committed." "Even more then the murder of three worlds? More then the death of billions of lives?" She nodded, "We are fighting a great War for the continued existence of us all. What is the death of three worlds to that? If they must be sacrificed to the good of the rest, then so be it." I felt my anger starting to raise, I didn't need to get involved in this. "I don't have time for a philosophical debate, will you help or won't you?" "I will, think about it. Come back to this place in four weeks and if I am here I will do this thing. Not for you, or your Council, but for my Sister." "Thank you." "But know this, if you try to trick me, or sie is harmed in any way, then by Ruhk's unholy name, you will wish for death." Ruhk? that named sounded familiar from some palace, Still though I nodded. "Acceptable." She seemed to be a bit startled by this, but took it in stride. "Before I leave you, I wish to show you something." "Yes?" She grinned widely, revealing a set of unnaturally long and sharp canines. "That promise I made? I'm quite capable of backing it up." I smiled back, "Of that I never had a doubt." She stood up. "Be seeing you Mr. Cutter." Then left, seeming melting into the crowd with out a trace. I stood, dropping some money on the table, more worried now then ever before about all of this. ----- This story is (c) 1998 by Fox Cutter, hardcopy reprints limited to one a person, all other rights reserved. This story may not be distributed for a fee except by permission of the author, and this copyright notice may not be removed. Elena is (c) 1998 by Chris Bradford.