It didn't take long for her to realize that she was in over her head. She'd been traveling for days with no sign of life in this snowy wasteland. Why had she even left home in the first place? Then the memories made themselves anew. The stinging pain of the words and actions came back. Gingerly she lifted a paw and felt her left shoulder, the long gash was still there, the two parallel marks hadn't disappeared with the memory, though they were now mere indents in the orange stripe on her shoulder the mark would be there forever. It wasn't that Mawateazalklinta was a seer, her tribe had accepted her unusual gift and even gave her a name that described it "One that sees ahead". No, no, they'd accepted that peculiarity with open arms. It was another thing, a darker thing. Guenithian society as a whole didn't accept fighters in their culture. The entire species was peaceful and had no trouble getting along with those of the other species that roamed their planet. Though, as with every culture and people, there are those rebels that try to break the mold. The fighters were outcast. It wasn't hard to root them out. Just look for the ones that displayed the aggressive behavior and started the most trouble. The Guenitha were not totally opposed to the thought of fighting. It was necessary at times for survival, but excess amounts weren't accepted. There are other ways to solve problems rather than through claw and tooth. So here she was. Outcast from where she'd lived her full life, just near 18 years now.

So now she was roaming in the northern wastelands, looking for a particularly infamous group of outcasts. It was heard that they'd been spotted here just a few weeks ago. She hoped it was true. It'd be a sore waste of time if they'd moved on since then. With a snort she moved on. No use dwelling on the past now when she had already come so far. The wind picked up and tousled her mane across her neck and face. For a moment she cast her eyes skyward, it'd be snowing before long, just what she needed to wipe away the prints that she hadn't even found yet of the band that she was seeking. She pushed forward; picking up an easy jog that sent her forward at a fast, steady pace.

Wings unfolded and the wind picked her body off the ground. She flew low across the ground, sharp eyes scanning for any signs of life. After a full three months and ten days of being on her own she caught her first sign of the group she'd been seeking out for so long. Folding her wings she dropped from the sky, landing heavily next to the single set of prints and spraying a flurry of snow upward as a result. She bent close to examine the set of prints, muzzle hovering not even an inch above the unmistakable Guenithian paw print. The weak sent provided little information, but she didn't need much. There were three or four of them, she couldn't tell. One was fairly large and apparently traveled in the rear to cover the other's prints and keep their numbers unknown . . . at least to those that didn't have a sixth sense. They had passed through here, at the most, a week ago. With a few more sniffs of evaluation she set off again. Following the prints she headed away from the oncoming storm. After traveling for well over an hour covering near 30 miles the blizzard hit with the suddenness of the first rain after a drought.

Zalklinta cursed as she was forced to stop. She lay down, curling up, tail lying over her nose and wings sheltering her sides. As the blizzard raged on Zalklinta rested comfortably. One hundred some-odd miles to the west Trephi's small band was called to a halt. Trephi's head tilted upwards towards the sky and his ears swiveled forward as he watched the approaching storm. Balentrigirehn came up besides him.

"Do you think anyone's following us?" Balentrigirehn questioned, looking down at his smaller leader.

"If there were any," Trephi began, "they won't be following us now." Trephi returned to the other two members of the group. Leaving his second-in-command to his own thoughts.

The large red watched the storm as it approached. Storms always seemed so strange to him. All of the powers of nature combined into one large force capable of both destruction and creation. He shook his head and rejoined the group. Now was not a time to be wondering about such things. Now was a time to be on the alert. They were nearing the territory of one of the larger Guenithian bands. As they approached the territory they'd need to be more wary and cautious than usual.


The storm had blown over and Zalklinta found herself covered in two feet of heavy snow. She clawed her way out and stretched her wings. She took special care to rid the membrane sails of any snow that might cling to them and weigh her down during flight. Raising her head she scanned the surrounding area for paw-prints. There were none, she didn't expect any to be there anyway, after that blizzard there wasn't likely to be any trace of them found until they headed out again. She sat upon the powdery snow and closed her eyes. It wasn't often that she needed to call upon her gift, for the most part it came naturally, but sometimes it didn't. In order to find what she wanted she would need full concentration.

Slowly she cleared her mind and began to focus upon her goal. A foggy image came into her mind. Four forms, one blue, another gray in color, the third a large red, the last was green and black. They were preparing to head out. Heading towards the Kanculigrott territory. Bad intentions. Hate. She shook her head. That was enough information. Clearing her nostrils she stood up and launched into the air. Her guide now was the uncanny sixth sense she had since birth. Now she was traveling faster than she had even before she'd set out.

Two hours past, she wasn't even looking where she was going. Her mind was zeroed in on some distant place ahead. Suddenly something rammed into her side; it knocked her off balance and sent her tumbling downward. Leathery wings flapped franticly to regain their claim upon the air. She righted herself and looked upward. A streak of blue was diving upon her. Her first thought was escape, but no. This wasn't a usual Guenitha. No Guenitha from any clan would attack another without reason. This was it. She was in the thick of it now. She'd be fighting for her life, by the end of the day she'd either be dead, severely injured, or within the company of Trephi and his band.

A roar of challenge escaped Zalklinta's throat; large canines gleamed in the bright light of the sun as it hovered above the land. Just before contact Zalklinta flipped so that her body was faced to meet the attack. They locked, each one trying to tear at the other. Blood now stained Zalklinta's white fur from multiple scratches from the other's sharp claws. But her adversary as well was stained with bright red streaks across her chest and shoulders. The ground neared, both would die if they didn't break from this grapple soon. She tore away and soared upward, the blue followed, screaming in rage.

The white Guenitha turned and dove down towards the blue-and-red pursuer. The two collided shoulder-to-shoulder. The blue crashed into the snow, Zalklinta a second afterwards. An irruption of snow rocketed more than 20 feet in the air from their collision. Zalklinta heard a low growl of anger beneath her.

"Get off or I'll kill you right now." The words were muffled under a growl and the snow, but she got the message.

After climbing out she found herself in the midst of three stern-looking Guenitha. She crouched low to the ground, spine arched slightly and the hair along her spine standing on end in a threatening gesture that was completed by barred teeth. The movement of the blue could be heard behind her. She cast a swift glance at her attacker, but the three before her were more of a threat. The blue limped stiffly to the side of the gray-colored male.

All eyes were upon her. They could attack any second, though it was safer to stay than run and be suspected a scout or spy.

The green and black male stepped forward. His manner was casual, as if he knew that he could indefinitely take her down before she had a chance to blink.

"Trephi." She said through clenched teeth. She knew it was he, he had to be, for the name itself meant "Green Death".

"And how are you so sure of that? I could be the leader of a patrol for the Kanculigrott." He questioned in a smooth, almost greasy tone.

"Then why send her," she nodded her head to the blue, who in return cast her a hard glare and warning growl, "to attack me?"

"We have heard from other clans of Trephi's band. Wouldn't it make sense to attack first . . . just in case?" He asked. He was circling her now, as a predator around a weak, dying prey.

"No. The Kanculigrott, as their name suggests, are strict and cut-off. They refuse to even train for fighting, let alone order their scouts to." Zalklinta replied, keeping him in front of her, ignoring the other three, she knew they would not attack unless told or given the slightest reason.

"What is your name?" He questioned again, avoiding her statement.

"If I don't answer you'll kill me. If I do I'll either be beaten near death, killed, or taken in." She stated. Trephi acted as if he didn't hear; though he did watch as he flexed the claws on his right paw.

"I am Mawateazalklinta." She said. "Though if you want what my clan called me just before I was thrown out it is Nüclakepent."

The three that sat off to the side chuckled a bit, and even smiled. Trephi, at first, gave her a questioning look, though that soon turned to a smile. "Well, well. Yet another seeking to join us are we?" Inquired the leader, his ears listened as intently as his copper eyes watched her.

"Yes, I am such a one." Zalklinta replied, finally sitting down as he had stopped circling and was now standing before her.

For a moment the green Guenitha cast a searching glance as his second. The red flicked his right ear. Trephi nodded and turned his full attention back to her. "You know the end result if you don't make the cut." It was said in a flat, dead tone devoid of emotion or feeling.

"Yes, sir." She nodded as she said it for emphasis. For a moment she wondered what exactly the events before the cut would entail. Since no one who had ever come in contact with Trephi's band, if ever, escaped with throats intact.

Zalklinta was in the middle of cleaning her wounds when she caught sight of a deadly stare from the blue she'd fought earlier. She still had bright stains on her fur, apparently not minding how she would appear if scouts spotted them.

"We're moving out." She said gruffly.

"Are you going to hold it against me forever that I beat you?" She had no time to react as she now faced a full set of gleaming white teeth.

"Care for a rematch?" The blue inquired through tightly clenched teeth.

"Vleaguenat! Let's move!" The large, red Guenitha commanded with a sharp tone. "Clean up as well, can't have them spotting us or catching us because of that blood in your fur."

Grudgingly Vlea left Zalklinta lying in the snow. "Get up." Balentrigirehn snapped with a growl.

She did, looking up at the much larger male. "You have no rank, therefore you have no rights. If you don't listen to orders you better have the ability to back up your decision or opinion with more than mere words." He turned and left. As he walked off she couldn't help but notice the many ridges in his thick, blood red fur. Each marked where Guenitha claws had raked his body in many fights.

She followed him to where the other three were waiting. Then all five set out. Trephi was in the lead, followed closely by the gray that hadn't spoken a word since she came, Vleaguenat fell third in line, and Zalklinta found her spot between the ill-tempered blue and Balentrigirehn.

Once or twice in their traveling that day Balentrigirehn snapped at her for stepping out of line. Our numbers must not be revealed, even to a wanderer. The fact that they were traveling for near seven hours didn't bother her, but she was tired because she had to think about every step she made.

"Halt!" Trephi called. What was the sudden stop for? She noted the others going to gather around Trephi so she joined them. There were paw prints everywhere.

"Do you know how many there are, Kancuri?" He asked the gray.

The sturdy-looking gray took a deep breath of the air around him. "One moment, I might be able to find out, I'm not certain." He began to move off, picking up the scents of the different paw prints.

Suddenly Zalklinta spoke. "There are seven, a small boarder guard, this is far as they go, they come out here once every seven days. They camped here yesterday. They're about ten miles south of us." All four shot her rather startled looks; she shook her head and blinked notably several times, unknowing of what she'd just said. But it was apparent from the looks that it might not have been something good.

Trephi stepped up to her, glaring down upon her, copper eyes flashing. Her ears pulled distinctively back against her head as she lowered it in a slightly submissive manner, though she definitely didn't want to be permanently at the lowest rank she didn't want to challenge Trephi nor bring on his wrath. "How . . . " The word hung for a moment. "Did you know all of that?" It was almost an accusing tone, though it did hold a slight curiosity.

"Know what? What'd I say?" She questioned truthfully, one ear daring to flicker forward in a curiosity.

"You mean you don't know what you just said?" He asked, it was obvious he didn't believe that statement, she had to know.

"I don't."

"So you mean to tell me you don't have any memory of at all of what you just told us?" His tone was almost accusing as he stepped closer, eyes narrowing and ears laying back in warning.

"Not a word. It happens sometimes. I say things and don't know what. Usually from impressions I get at times. Some say I am a seer of sorts, and a fairly powerful one. I tend to agree with that." She relaxed slightly, no longer looking the part of the submissive cub as she sat down, though his accusing gaze did not lessen.

The other three were looking at her more curiously than before. Trephi stepped back for a moment. "So you can see both the future and past?"

"And everything in-between if I concentrate." He seemed more intrigued not than aggravated, as he was a moment before.

"Do you know where they're camped?" He motioned to the footprints with a nod of his head.

"Why? Who made them?" Zalklinta questioned.

"Apparently, from what you said, a seven-member boarder guard." Trephi stated.

"Hold on a moment. I need to concentrate." She inhaled deeply and let out the breath, closing her eyes and clearing her mind yet again. She received a blurry image, she guessed about six or seven forms; three were standing guard while the others dozed lightly. The image cut of as she shook her head. "They're not far. There are three guards, the others are sleeping, and they probably take shifts.

"Let's go." Trephi launched into the air, long wings taking large down sweep that took the green-furred Guenitha higher into the open sky.