You can take away my belongings

Take away my sight

Take away the comfort

Take away what I pride

But you can’t take away my thoughts

You can kill my family

Kill my friends

Kill my love

Yet you cannot kill my immortal soul.

Shove me down

Lock me up

Put me in solitude

I will still be there

Still be thinking

I will not just curl up and die

I am strong

I am proud

No mortal’s hand can take my thoughts

Not even the devil can make me his pawn.

I am who I am

I will be who I want

I will not be swayed by peers

I will not be enslaved by addiction

My life will not be controlled

My thoughts are my own

My actions are my choice

My life is mine

No word may harm me unless I let it

No act can harm me unless I let it

Foul words Foul deeds, they will not affect me unless I let them.

Change my surroundings

Change my standings

Change other’s feelings

You cannot will not change me.